Florence Crittenton 2020 Annual Report

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TO HEALING 2020 Annual Report

Dear Florence Crittenton Supporters, As we finish up what has been an unusual and unprecedented year, we here at Florence Crittenton are even more grateful than ever for the generous support of our donors, partners, and community of supporters. Despite facing a global pandemic that brought so much of our world to a halt, Florence Crittenton has kept its doors open to the families and the children who needed us more than ever.

Thanks to the tireless dedication of our amazing staff, the mothers and their children served by our residential programs were able to remain together as a family. Instead of facing homelessness or separation, these families grew stronger and emerged from this pandemic with skills to thrive and flourish into the future. Clinical staff also demonstrated their ingenuity and creativity as services shifted, virtually overnight, to a teleheath model that extended their reach safely and will offer new opportunities for expanded services into the future. The number of home visits completed virtually, to support families in their home through these difficult times, also grew larger as Florence Crittenton stayed steadfast in its work to strengthen and serve families who needed support in parenting through uncharted territory. It is a testament to the passion of staff who work at Florence Crittenton that although there have been many unforeseen challenges, the commitment to serve has never wavered. As the world begins to emerge from isolation and looks for a path back to “normalcy,” Florence Crittenton is working to expand its programs. The needs of young families across the state of Montana have only increased, and Florence Crittenton is committed to growing its clinical, outpatient, residential, and early childhood programs to meet the demand. For more than one hundred years, Florence Crittenton has remained committed to its mission and vision. This is not the first pandemic that has challenged us, and it will likely not be last. As we model resiliency and strength for the families we serve by keeping our doors open and continuing to offer hope and healing, we will continue to make our communities stronger and our state a better place for future generations. We could not have made it through this past year without your generosity and partnership, and we hope that you will continue to give into the future, as Florence Crittenton continues to grow and support the life-changing work we do. Sincerely,



Sarah 2 Corbally, President • Ron Waterman, Vice President • Jim Carney, Treasurer Amy Deitchler • Collette Hanson • Creeana Rygg • Jamie Wood McCullough

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Lisa Nelson, Secretary Danielle Waddell

WHO WE ARE Florence Crittenton provides a wide array of services to strengthen families and build a stronger community through a comprehensive, family-centered approach to healing and growth. We believe all families deserve the chance to reach their potential, and we pride ourselves on a positive work environment with exceptional quality programs.

Youth Maternity Home Recovery Home Traditional Living Apartments

Infant Childcare Preschool Pre-Kindergarten Assessments

Assessments • Parenting Classes Individual and Group Therapy Addictions Counseling Play Therapy • Home Visitation Supported Visitation

Hope to Healing Family-Centered Treatment provides an opportunity for mothers and family members to heal together. While participating in our programs, families learn how their past experiences have affected them and their families, learn new skills, actively recover, address mental health challenges, and have the opportunity to embrace a new way of living without the pressure and anguish of being separated from their children. For children, preventing removal from parents can reinforce important attachment and ensure emotional stability at a crucial time during a child’s development. Why It’s Effective: Relationships with family and children play an important role in mental health and substance use disorder treatment and recovery, as well as the prevention of these challenges in future generations. The children of the parents in our programs are at high risk of abuse and neglect, developmental delays, and adolescent substance misuse. Therapeutic services for the entire family and enhanced parenting knowledge improve treatment, recovery, and well-being outcomes for these families. When whole families are treated, outcomes for each individual member improve.



families served


nights in a trauma-free bed


healthy meals served


received parenting education

Our programs aim to: Provide safe and stable housing


Decrease alcohol and drug use

received clinical services


discharged to safe homes


recovery home clients discharged sober


full-term pregnancies


clients are Native American 4

Florence Crittenton’s Residential Programs serve pregnant and parenting women aged 12-35 and their children. Women enter our program at any time from when they are first pregnant up to when their child reaches age 5. Reunification is also made possible if a child has been removed.

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Stabilize mental health challenges


Improve parenting skills and maternal/child relationships


Reduce reliance on social and health welfare systems


Improve access to education and increase academic ability, build life skills, and increase functioning in vocational areas


Provide high quality early education, intervention and prevention services for clients’ children in a safe and supportive environment


HANNAH’S STORY I came to Florence Crittenton when I was 13 years old. I had just had my daughter Abby and my Child Protective Services worker suggested that I come to Florence Crittenton to get the support I needed to learn how to be a good mother.

Before I came to Florence Crittenton my life had been very difficult. My biological father beat me black and blue and sexually abused me. My grandma took me to see a therapist and they had me removed from my parents and placed in a foster home. My foster parents were nice but it also was not a healthy environment. I didn’t realize I was pregnant and one day my water broke in the middle of the night and I had my daughter in the bathtub all alone. It was very scary. I woke my foster parents up and they called 911 and I went to the hospital. I stayed there for a few days and then my CPS worker said I needed to go to Florence Crittenton. I have now been at Florence Crittenton for 15 months. It was very scary at first to come into a house full of moms and babies but now I am so grateful for the opportunity. Everyone has been so supportive of not just me but Abby too. I have also made a lot of good friends here. Through spending time with my therapist, I have been able to open up and heal from my past experiences. I am determined to not let my past define my future. I have learned to forgive and let go and keep moving forward and I know what I have experienced has made me stronger and it makes me, me.

I am the youngest person in the home, but I have been determined from the start to complete the program and get the most out of it. I am so committed to my daughter and she was my main motivation for trying so hard. I am determined that she will have a healthy happy childhood and that she knows I will always be there when she needs me, and even when she doesn’t. Through all the little and big times. I have completed parenting classes, the SafeCare home visiting program, engaged in therapy to heal from my past and I have stayed in school throughout my time at the home. The most important thing I learned while being here is that I can trust adults. Before I came here I didn’t have anyone I could trust to be there for me but here I know people care about me and my daughter and that I can rely on them. Even the childcare staff are so supportive and I know they truly care about me and Abby. I am leaving Florence Crittenton tomorrow and going to live with a foster family. I have had several visits with them and they seem really sweet and caring. I will be keeping in touch with my case manager at Florence Crittenton and will be continuing some groups remotely. I am going to continue to go to school and hope one day to go to college so I can support myself and my daughter. I will always be grateful to everyone at Florence Crittenton. They made me the person I am today and I am so proud of myself.


NICKY’S STORY I came to Florence Crittenton from Hamilton when I was 24 years old. I had a one-year-old daughter and had just found out I was pregnant with another baby. At that time my life was very difficult. I was using drugs all the time and had lost custody of my daughter. I had experienced a lot of trauma in my life. I had been in and out

of jail a few times and in a few different treatment centers. I was living in a trailer house with an illegal power hookup and no heat. My substance use helped numb the pain I felt and although I wanted to stop I didn’t have the strength to. My Child Protective Services worker suggested I look at Florence Crittenton so I did and I was accepted into their Recovery Home. After 3 weeks I was reunited with my daughter which was a big relief as I really missed her. I was excited to have a chance to get sober. During my time at Florence Crittenton I worked with my counselors on my mental health and addictions. I also attended parenting classes where I learned a lot about what my children need and how they are communicating to me in ways I might otherwise have missed. I learned how to redirect my toddler in healthy, undamaging ways. I know I am a good mom to my two children and I am determined that they will not go down the same path as I did. I want them to know they can come to me for help anytime they need it. Being in treatment was really hard. I know I could not have been successful without Florence Crittenton. I think the

reason this program works is because my kids were here with me. It is a lot easier to persevere when you see their faces every day and it helps it seem worth it. I am getting ready to leave Florence Crittenton after being here for a year now. I feel confident that I can parent two children by myself with the help of a support system that I have at home. I have a relapse prevention plan that includes knowing that it is ok to ask for help when I need it and keeping attending counseling. I’m hoping to get my CNA license and work in that field and I want to work towards getting a home for me and my children. To anyone considering coming to Florence Crittenton I would tell them that it is really hard, and to be totally honest, you have to put everything into it. But every day is a battle won and I am getting to walk out of here with my two children. It is so worth it and I am so grateful that I had the chance to be here. I’m thankful for everyone who helped me at Florence Crittenton, especially my case manager who was an amazing advocate for me. It’s not easy to have the strength to do that when you are in treatment so I will always be grateful for that. I also met my best friend who was my roommate. She is like family to me and I know we will be friends forever now. I’ve been a part of this program for a year now, my kids are doing so well, they are happy and healthy and although I feel sad to be leaving, I am confident that I am ready and can be a great mom to my children and have a bright future ahead of me.

FCH FINANCIALS Total Income $2,649,769

Public Support $756,831 29%

Misc $137,894 5%

Agency Contracts $1,296,376 49%

Total Expenses $2,499,449

Program Services $1,685,592 67%

Management & Program Support $661,132 27%

Fees for Services $458,668 17% Fundraising $152,725 6%

Income Sources • Service Fees include monies received from contracts with MT DPHHS, Lewis & Clark County, Medicaid & private insurance, MT Mental Health Trust, CACFP, Childcare Partnerships, Tribal Agencies, Victims of Crime Act, Runaway & Homeless Youth grant, MT AMDD. • Misc Income consists of investment income and endowment distributions • Public Support consists of support from individuals, business entities, estates, churches, other supporting organizations and family foundations, as well as in-kind donations. The revenue, support, and expenses represent amounts for Florence Crittenton Home & Services and Florence Crittenton Foundation, obtained from financial statements audited by Wipfli for fiscal year ending June 30, 2020. A copy of the audited combined financial statement for the home and foundation is available on the Florence Crittenton website or upon request.



families served


reason for children being removed from the home is substance use


children are currently in the foster care system in Montana

Often the first step for families that are struggling is asking for help. Our Family Healing Center creates a welcoming, judgment-free environment that recognizes the impact past experiences have on a person as an individual and parent.

(DPHHS June 2020)


of Americans reported starting or increasing substance use as a way of coping with stress or emotions related to COVID-19 (CDC)


of mothers reported an increase in stress as a result of COVID-19 (COPE study NYU)


At the core of our values at Florence Crittenton is relationship. We celebrate the choice each parent has made to seek support along their journey. The staff at our center understand that a trusting, respectful relationship is key to treatment. Our services are individualized to our clients’ specific needs and goals. Treatment is guided by a diverse team of skilled professionals in a wide variety of mental health, substance use, and family support fields. Clients may use as few or as many services as they need to be successful in reaching their goals.

Addictions Counseling Individual and group therapy are available to parents, caregivers, and adolescents struggling with substance use challenges on an outpatient basis. These services are available in person or via telehealth. Clients discharging from our residential programs often take advantage of these services to support their transition to living independently in the community. Chemical Dependency Assessments Florence Crittenton’s Addiction Counselors provide comprehensive substance use assessments, which include a detailed inventory of the type, amount, frequency, and consequences of the patient’s substance use, as well as their perception of their use and readiness to change. It also includes medical history and environmental factors that factored into their substance use history. This information aids our clinicians in designing the appropriate treatment plans that support the individual’s recovery journey. Home Visiting Florence Crittenton is part of the Partnership for Home Visiting in the greater Lewis & Clark County and offers family support through home visiting programs free of charge. The mission is to provide information, support, skills, and encouragement to strengthen families during the crucial early years of life. Florence Crittenton offers two evidence-based home visiting models, Parents as Teachers® and SafeCare. Home visits serve pregnant women, mothers and fathers with children up to age 5. Families work with a home visitor around topics such as bonding and attachment, positive parenting skills, safety, child development and overall wellness. Parenting Classes Florence Crittenton’s Parent Educators provide a variety of parenting classes for parents in our residential programs, as well as parents in our community. Classes are open to parents of all ages, and all origins are welcome. These classes provide vital support to families and complement our residential, community, and early childhood programs.

CLASSES OFFERED CIRCLE OF SECURITY® Attachment-based nurturing approach to understanding children’s needs LOVE & LOGIC Relationship-based, natural consequences approach to parenting NURTURING PARENTING For parents who are in treatment and/or recovery for substance use problems STRIVE Explores healthy relationships as they relate to parenting and setting educational and career goals BIG LITTLE FEELINGS Real-life tips for real-life toddler challenges 9


RYAN’S STORY I joined Florence Crittenton’s Home Visiting program about six months ago. I am a single father of twins that are three years old and have had a very challenging time in a lot of ways. I had been incarcerated for charges that were later dismissed but had struggled with substance use and relapsed and was on probation. While I was incarcerated for

nine months my children were placed in foster care which was horrible. I was determined to work on getting my kids back and my Child & Family Services worker recommended I work with a home visitor as part of my treatment plan. My home visitor Jen has been great, she has taught me about my children’s health, development, play activities, safety in my home, bedtime routines, and mealtimes. The biggest help has been her advocating for me and helping me work my treatment plan in a more flexible way. I am a single dad, working full time, attending counseling and trying to be a good father so doing some of the sessions remotely was a lot easier for me. When I was feeling overwhelmed, she helped me work through things so it felt more manageable. She has been a huge advocate for me and helped with my foster review meeting which I am very grateful for. She gives me encouragement, constructive criticism, good ideas and nudges me to be a better father. I now have reunified with my children. I am so grateful that they are

with me and no matter how hard it is to be a single dad I wouldn’t trade it for the world. They are doing great in school and are happy and healthy and I appreciate every day with them. I feel more confident in my abilities to be a good dad. The most important thing that I learned through all of this is that you need to ask for help and you need to get support. With the help of my addictions counselor, my home visitor, and even the jail sergeants that have become great friends, I am proof that having a team of support helps families stay together. I am now working full time doing street outreach helping other people who are struggling. I love my job and I am proud to say that I am 18 months sober and the proud father to two awesome kids.

“Just last week someone wished me Happy Mother’s Day to recognize that I am a mom to my kids as well as a dad. I am willing to do everything I can to raise my kids but I thought that was really cool!” R YA N


M ajor Fun ders Over $5 ,000 July 1 , 2 0 1 9 – June 3 0 , 2 02 0

Anderson ZurMuehlen Technology Services Barry Damschen Consulting, LLC Beverly Morgan Bob and Rachael Heberly Brandon and Mari Kiesling Brent and Mary Rehm California Community Foundation Cuyler and Tracie Tonkovich Dennis & Phyllis Washington Foundation Dick and Margaret Anderson F. Thomas Shellenberg First Interstate Bank Gianforte Family Charitable Trust Gilhousen Family Foundation Headwaters Foundation Health Care Services Corporation Empson Trust Jeffrey Pollack Judith I. Bowen Matt and Merideth Randles Mike and Erin Weininger OP & WE Edwards Foundation Oro Y Plata Foundation Ron and Ann Waterman Tim and Mary Barnard Williams-Malone Foundation



families served


of children identified as having developmental delays connected to resources


hours of trainings our educators attended

Florence Crittenton’s early childhood programs understand the importance of high-quality care and education for children aged 0-5. Our team of early childhood experts provide infant childcare, preschool for ages 2-4 and, coming in FY22, a new pre-kindergarten classroom for children up to age 5.

Our investment in teachers’ continued professional development lends to new perspectives and implementation of current best practices for their daily interactions with children and families.


staff retention in our EC programs Low staff turnover creates a continuity of care and helps facilitate secure attachments for children, strengthens family–caregiver partnerships, and creates a family-like atmosphere.

$1=$4 TO $16

$1 invested in quality early childhood programs can yield returns between $4 and $16 This is according to research by Nobel Prize-winning 12 economist James Heckman.

Our team provides a developmentally appropriate, fun, and engaging environment to stimulate and nurture growth and development across all areas, particularly in the areas of social-emotional development. All our classrooms are fully licensed and have achieved a STARS Level 4 rating through the STARS to Quality program – a continuous quality improvement program for early childhood education in Montana. Enrollment into our programs is available to all families in the community, as well as the children of the mothers in our residential programs and offers Best Beginning scholarships, as well as a sliding fee scale to ensure access to all families in need of care.


There is some magic that happens in our Child Enrichment Center. When little ones are nurtured and challenged in all the right ways, it truly brings out the best in them and helps them develop their minds, bodies, and souls. Here’s what a few of our parents say about our programs:

“My daughter wakes up every morning and asks “It is a school day?” If you say no, she’s disappointed! She loves her teachers and her friends and tells us stories about what she is learning. Her independence is valued and her, ”I can do it myself” stage is nurtured. The education and experience level of the teachers, the intentional approach to educating and supporting the “whole-child” and the organized classroom setting sets this program apart from others.” Preschool parent of 18 months

“This program is special because the teachers invest in each child. They pour a lot of energy into their curriculum and their relationships with the children. I have found that the teachers go out of their way to help when there are changes at home. This program has helped my husband and me become better parents too. The teachers have given us helpful tools to communicate with our daughter and understand her developmentally.” Infant childcare/preschool parent of 2 years

“The infant program provides an excellent source of care for my child. It’s well rounded with a variety of activities that engage the children and fosters them hitting developmental milestones that work on fine and gross motor skills in conjunction with vocabulary. The staff are very caring and spend their time engrossed with the children and focused on quality care. I am so grateful for the assisted funding options our family could take advantage of. It gives me a sense of ease knowing my daughter is so well cared for.” Infant childcare parent for 10 months

“I am totally amazed at the progress of two of the children in our residential programs who started at the Preschool in January. The growth I have seen in each child in two months has been exponential. Prior to joining the preschool the number one thing I saw from the children was their delay in their verbal speech. In just 2 short months the improvement is incredible. I sit with these children, talk to them, and read books with them, and their vocabulary has increased unbelievably. This is from a child who was placed in speech therapy because of delayed abilities. I am amazed and I am attributing this to the preschool. You are doing some amazing teaching and training and it shows. The clients and I speak often of their children’s growth lately. It is very noticeable. I am amazed at the quality of our Preschool and it is very evident in our client’s children. I want all of our clients’ children to go through this program.” Zandra Hart, Residential Program Manager – Florence Crittenton

July 1 , 2 0 1 9 – June 3 0 , 2 02 0

ACHIEVEMENTS RESIDENTIAL SERVICES 14 Families (5 Recovery Home, 9 Transitional Living Program) • 93% of clients discharged to stable housing that had minimal safety risk. Many clients continue to utilize FC outpatient services. • 100% of clients increased competency in self-regulations skills with parent/child interactions. CHILD ENRICHMENT CENTER 27 Families (8 Infant Care, 19 Community Preschool) CLINICAL SERVICES 17 Total (13 Residential families, 4 Outpatient) • 93% of clients showed increased management in depression and improvement in coping strategies. • 100% of clients with substance use diagnosis showed an increase in sobriety. • 100% of clients have an increased understanding of how trauma has impacted present levels of wellbeing. COMMUNITY SERVICES 66 Total (58 Home Visiting, 8 Community Families Parenting Classes) • Virtual classes and home visits were conducted this spring during the pandemic and opened the door to new outreach opportunities. COVID-19 RESPONSE (April–December 2020) # of families served: 103 # of staff retained: 42 # of frontline staff employed: 32

HOW DO YOU MEASURE: Ý The impact of a safe, stress-free pregnancy for an otherwise homeless teen mom? Ý The effect that a mom being in recovery and recognizing healthy relationships has on a child? Ý The difference a weekly home visit makes to a single dad caring for 3-year-old twins? Ý What knowing how to budget, make healthy family meals, and have a loving, comforting bedtime routine does for a child in preschool? Ý The impact high quality preschool has on a child with developmental delays?

GOALS • Launch Family Healing Center offering wide range of outpatient services for community families. • Increase number of Recovery Home units from 4 to 8. • Launch transitional living program for families discharging from Recovery Home. • Launch pre-k program. • Double the size of our infant childcare program. • Acquire campus complex to bring all services to one central location.

OUTCOMES • Of our 5 discharged clients in FY20, all have retained custody of their children. • 100% of the children in our early childhood programs have received developmental assessments. • 93% of our residential clients transitioned out of our programs into safe and stable housing. • 93% of clients showed increased management in depression and improvement in coping strategies.

Ý How making best friends with other young moms provides stability, connection, and support for a family? Ý What a trusting adult sitting with you and helping you navigate college applications can provide to a young mom without any other support? Ý The transformation a parenting class can make to a parent struggling with toddler tantrums? Ý The impact an inclusive childcare program will have on all children in that class as they prepare to enter their school years? Ý How a mom and her children’s lives are transformed by stabilizing debilitating bi-polar disorder symptoms with the right medication?



To provide innovative, comprehensive services and nurturing programs that empower children, young adults and young families to thrive and build productive lives.


To be the guide star organization for high quality, family-centered treatment.


RESPECT & COMPASSION We believe that all families matter and believe each individual to be worthy, valuable and important.

RESILIENCY We believe the future is not defined by the past and that families are able to heal and live healthy, successful lives.

COURAGEOUS INNOVATION Florence Crittenton was founded on innovation and the courage to support people in the most difficult circumstances. Our approach is based on our historical knowledge and an innovative approach to serving families.

STEWARDSHIP We believe in responsible and efficient delivery of services.

TRANSFORMATION When families thrive, communities experience infinite possibilities.

NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT – CHILD & ADULT CARE FOOD PROGRAM (CACFP) In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, and reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the responsible State or local Agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information is available in languages other than English. To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at: http://www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust. html, or at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632- 9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) Fax: (202)690-7442; or (3) Email: program.intake@usda.gov. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

901 N. Harris, Helena, MT 59601 TEL: 406 442 6950 FAX: 406 442 6571 inquiries@florencecrittenton.org

www.florencecrittenton.org 16

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