$10,000 TI CKE T S Ten tickets to all Season 67 Masterworks concerts Additional complimentary tickets for the concert of Sponsorship for additional guests can be given; please arrange with Director of Development YO UR E XC LU S I V E ACC E S S Private reception for ten guests with Maestro Scott and Symphony Board Leadership Sponsor and three guests will be welcome to watch a rehearsal of their sponsored concert from backstage and meet with Maestro Scott and select musicians of the HSO Post-concert backstage meet and greet with guest artist, musicians, and Maestro Scott along with private champagne toast with guests R E CO GN I T I O N + M A R K E T I N G Recognized as the “Title Sponsor” of their sponsored concert Mention in pre-concert marketing including Maestro Scott’s media appearances, season announcements, and Symphony newsletter Recognition from the stage at the concert Full-page ad in Helena Symphony Season 67 program Two social media posts and three stories on the Helena Symphony Instagram account and one dedicated post on the Helena Symphony Facebook page Logo on Helena Symphony website sponsor page, marketing graphics, concert donation page, and online program Recognition of Sponsorship at an upcoming Helena Symphony Fundraiser including logo on event marketing materials and a pair of complimentary tickets
TI CKE T S Six tickets to all Season 67 Masterworks concerts Additional complimentary tickets for the concert of Sponsorship for additional guests can be given; please arrange with Director of Development YO UR E XC LU S I V E ACC E S S Private lunch for Sponsor and six guests with Maestro Scott and the Director of Development Sponsor and one guest will be welcome to watch rehearsal of their sponsored concert from backstage and meet with Maestro Scott and select musicians of the HSO Post-concert backstage meet and greet with guest artist, musicians, and Maestro Scott R E CO GN I T I O N + M A R K E T I N G Mention in pre-concert marketing including Maestro Scott’s media appearances, season announcements, and Symphony newsletter Half-page ad in Helena Symphony Season 67 program Two social media posts and two stories on the Helena Symphony Instagram account and one dedicated post on the Helena Symphony Facebook page Logo on Helena Symphony website sponsor page, marketing graphics, concert donation page, and online program Recognition from the stage at the concert
TI CKE T S Four tickets to all Season 67 Masterworks concerts Additional complimentary tickets for the concert of Sponsorship for additional guests can be given; please arrange with Director of Development YO UR E XC LU S I V E ACC E S S Sponsor and one guest will be welcome to watch rehearsal of their sponsored concert from the box seats of their choice Post-concert backstage meet and greet with guest artist, musicians, and Maestro Scott R E CO GN I T I O N + M A R K E T I N G Mention in pre-concert marketing Recognition from the stage at the concert Quarter-page ad in Helena Symphony Season 67 program One social media post and two stories on the Helena Symphony Instagram account and one dedicated post on the Helena Symphony Facebook page Logo on Helena Symphony website sponsor page, marketing graphics, concert donation page, and online program
T O B E C O M E A S P O N S O R: CAMERON BETCHEY DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT C: 303.263.8002 O: 406.442.1860 21 N Last Chance Gulch, Ste 100 Helena, Montana 59601
TI CKETS Four tickets to concert of sponsored artist Additional complimentary tickets for the concert of Sponsorship for additional guests can be given; please arrange with Director of Development YO UR EXC LU S I V E ACC E S S Sponsor and two guests will be welcome to watch rehearsal of their sponsored artist and meet with the artist and Maestro Scott Post-concert backstage meet and greet with guest artist, musicians, and Maestro Scott R E CO G N I T I O N + M A R K E T I N G Mention in pre-concert marketing and on Helena Symphony website sponsor page Recognition from the stage at the concert as a Guest Artist Sponsor
TICKETS Four complimentary tickets to any Season 67 Masterworks concert; arrange ahead of time with Director of Development RECOGN I TI O N + M A R K E T I N G Recognition as a Symphony Kids Sponsor for the entirety of Season 67 on Educational Program (Symphony Kids & Youth Concert) promotional materials, Helena Symphony newsletter, online study guides, and Symphony Kids programs Public recognition from the stage at each Symphony Kids concert of the season Mention in pre-concert marketing Logo on the Helena Symphony website sponsor page as an Education Sponsor and in the Season 67 program One dedicated post on the Helena Symphony Facebook page in recognition of Sponsorship Recognition with other Education Sponsors in a Helena Symphony Instagram story and on Helena Symphony Facebook page
R E CO GN I T I ON + M AR KET IN G Recognition as a Symphony Kids Sponsor for the entirety of Season 67 on Educational Program (Symphony Kids & Youth Concert) promotional materials, Helena Symphony newsletter, online study guides, and Symphony Kids programs Public recognition from the stage at each Symphony Kids concert of the season Logo on the Helena Symphony website sponsor page as an Education Sponsor and in the Season 67 program Mention in pre-concert marketing Recognition with other Education Sponsors in a Helena Symphony Instagram story and on Helena Symphony Facebook page