I n A m e r i c a , p u m p k i n s p a i n t t h e f a l l s e a s o n o r a n g e a n d p e r f u m e t h e a u t u m n a i r w i t h s p i c e , t h o u g h a p u m p k i n o f a n y o t h e r c o l o r f r o m w h i t e t o b l u e w o u l d s m e l l a s s w e e t . I t ’ s h a r d n o t t o t h i n k o f t h e c l a s s i c r o u n d a n d r i b b e d f r u i t w h e n i t c o m e s t o f a l l f e s t i v i t i e s , f r o m c a r v i n g p u m p k i n s t o b a k i n g h o l i d a y p i e s . Y e t , e a r l y J a c k o ’ l a n t e r n s w e r e a c t u a l l y c a r v e d f r o m t u r n i p s a n d p o t a t o e s b y C e l t i c c u l t u r e s o n A l l H al l o w s ’ E v e a s a w a y t o w a r d o f f e v i l s p i r i t s e s p e c i a l l y S t i n g y J a c k . A c c o r d i n g t o I r i s h l e g e n d , S t i n g y J a c k w a s a d i s h o n e s t b l a c k s m i t h w h o t o o k p l e a s u r e i n p l a y i n g t r i c k s a n d m a n a g e d t o c o n t h e D e v i l h i m s e l f i n t o p r o m i s i n g n o t t o t a k e h i s s o u l u p o n h i s d e a t h . U n w e l c o m e i n b o t h h e a v e n a n d h e l l , S t i n g y J a c k w a s c u r s e d t o w a n d e r t h e e a r t h w i t h n o t h i n g b u t a b u r n i n g c o a l , w h i c h h e p l a c e d i n s i d e a c a r v e d o u t t u r ni p . H e b e c a m e k n o w n a s “ J a c k o f t h e l a n t e r n ” o r “ J a c k o ’ l a n t e r n ” f o r s h o r t W h e n I r i s h i m m i g r a n t s c a m e t o A m e r i c a , t h e y f o u n d t h a t t h e p u m p k i n , a n A m e r i c a n n a t i v e , m a d e f o r t h e p e r f e c t J a c k o ’ l a n t e r n w i t h i t s l a r g e s i z e a n d h o l l o w c a v i t y . A s p u m p k i n s a r e o n e o f A m e r i c a ’ s o l d e s t n a t i v e c r o p s , w e o f t e n i m a g i n e t h e P i l g r i m s p a s s i n g r o u n d p u m p k i n p i e s a t T h a n k s g i v i n g , e x c e p t t h e i r p r e d e c e s s o r t o o u r s w e e t e n e d pu m p k i n p a s t r y l o o k e d q u i t e d i f f e r e n t . T h e y w o u l d s l i c e o f f t h e p u m p k i n t o p , s c o o p o u t t h e s e e d s , f i l l t h e i n s i d e w i t h c r e a m , h o n e y , e g g s , a n d s p i c e s , t h e n r e p l a c e t h e t o p a n d b u r y i t i n h o t a s h e s t o b a k e . W h e n r e a d y , t h e c o n t e n t s , i n c l u d i n g t h e c o o k e d f l e s h a l o n g t h e s h e l l , w e r e s c o o p e d o u t a n d e a t e n m u c h l i k e c u s t a r d .
D o w n l o a d t h e S p e c i a l t y P r o d u c e
T h i s h o l i d a y s e a s o n , w h y n o t o p t f o r a r e t r o t w i s t o n y o u r m o d e r n t r a d i t i o n d i t c h t h e c a n n ed p u r e e a n d r e v i v e y o u r r e c i p e w i t h f r e s h p u m p k i n , f r o m t h e s w e e t a n d s m o o t h S u g a r P i e v a r i e t y t o t h e F r e n c h h e i r l o o m f a v o r i t e , t h e F a i r y T a l e p u m p k i n . T h i s o l d - s c h o o l a p p r o a c h w i l l b r i n g n e w f l a v o r t o t h e t a b l e t h a t y o u r t a s t e b u d s w i l l s u r e l y b e t h a n k f u l f o r ! C r a v i n g m o r e j u i c y d e t a i l s ?
Pumpkin Season Sponsored
A p p t o e x p l o r e n e w r e c i p e s a n d i n d u l g e i n t h e r i c h h i s t o r y a n d c u l t u r e o f a l l y o u r f a l l f a v o ri t e s !
FALL 2022 | edible EarthDo.com Organic. Gluten-Free ● Allergen-Free. 2+ yrs. Made in the USA. Not intended to be eaten. &PlasticsRecyclablePaper ContainersUpcyclable Compostable Earth Dō
MATTEODILAUREN IN THIS DEPARTMENTSISSUE 4 Publisher’s Note EAT 6 Growing a Food Revolution 14 Julian’s True Treasure 18 Local Markets Guide DRINK 20 Taking Hard Cider Out for a California Spin SHARE 22 Is Plastic Waste the Cost of Eating? By Emily Payne and Danielle Nierenberg Brought to you by Edible Communities in partnership with Food Tank GROW 32 Living on a Mountain of Hope 34 EDIBLE FOR KIDS TAKEAWAY 38 Potter’s Paradise WHAT TO LOOK FOR ON EDIBLESANDIEGO.COM • The Fall Cover Salad Recipe • Liz Smothers’ Family Dinner • Cider Tasting + MORE LISTEN Living Local Podcast WATCH ON YOUTUBE • Barbecue-Spiced Roast Chicken • Farro Salad with Pickled Apples • Gluten-Free Tahini Swirl Brownies • Easy Pad Kee Mao (Drunken Noodles) ON THE COVER End-of-season plums from Sage Hill Ranch Gardens and tomatoes served with fresh herbs and chimichurri dressing from the garden. Find out how it came together on page 6. THIS IMAGE Petite tomatoes still green on the vine in The Plot’s Oceanside garden. Aren’t we lucky to live in a magical place where tomatoes grow almost year-round? Fall 2022 CONTENTS Issue 67
FALL 2022 | edible SAN DIEGO 3 Success Starts With Great Soil G&B Organics Soils & Fertilizers are made from quality ingredients that build life in the soil for gardening success. GB-Organics.com For Organic Use OMRI.org Available ONLY at Independent Garden Centers Dixieline Lumber & Home Center - La Mesa 8372 Center Drive La Mesa, CA. 91942 (619) 465-4242 Dixieline Lumber & Home Center - Rancho San Diego 3607 Avocado Blvd. La Mesa, CA 91941 (619) 670-5600 Dixieline Lumber & Home Center - Solana Beach 663 Lomas Santa Fe Dr. Solana Beach, CA 92075 (858) 755-0246 Kniffing’s Nursery 14940 Oak Creek Rd El Cajon, CA 92021 (619) 561-0611 Grangettos - Encinitas 189 S Rancho Santa Fe Encinitas, CA 92024 (760) 944-5777 Grangettos - Escondido 1105 West Mission Escondido, CA 92025 (760) 745-4671 Grangettos - Fallbrook 530 E Alvarado Street Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-6127 GrangettosValley Center 29219 Juba Road Valley Center, CA 92082 (760) 749-1828
So, next time you salivate over beauty shots as you scroll or farmers’ market booths as you stroll, let’s send up some thanks for these colorful, flavorful fruits and vegetables that keep inviting us to remember how very connected we are all the time. Katie PublisherStokesand Editor in Chief, Edible San Diego
Welcome to our fall issue for 2022. We selected this plum and tomato salad for the cover first because it stopped us in our tracks, and secondly, it tells a story. Several stories, actually. What tales do such a pretty plate tell? Local food is global, as we explored this spring. This summer we applied a regenerative lens to our local waterways. In this edition, we take a look at the people part of our food system. Next issue we’re going inward, but more about that later. This fall, we connect you with five local changemakers whose examples make a difference and offer paths toward a healthier food system. Indeed, each of us is much more than a mere consumer. What if we remember that we co-create the world we live in every day? These vivid salad ingredients reflect a precious mix of living soil, water (imported snowmelt, recycled, or pumped from the ground), sunshine, and the energy (partly petrochemical) to get them to our plates. Human passion, ingenuity, and oldfashioned hard work bring these elements together best as we find ways to work with the changing aspects of nature, rather than against them.
PS: Have you subscribed to Edible San Diego Weekly (our digital member blog), our free newsletters, or our quarterly magazine yet? No? Head over to the subscriptions page on our website and take your pick. Thanks!
Anatomy of a Salad
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An issue wouldn’t be complete without some practical garden advice, so this time we focus on container gardening, which makes it easier to get our fingers in the dirt and marvel at the miracle of life.
Just like farming, cooking and sharing a good meal all express community. We celebrate the harvest season around the world with a recipe, an activity and more for families with children (and the kid in all of us), brought to you by our sister magazine Edible Boston and Barefoot Books. Similarly, Edible Communities partners with Food Tank to explore the implications of what we put our food in.
This magazine is made possible thanks to Edible San Diego advertisers, members, and subscribers. Thank you for supporting San Diego’s local, independently owned food media company. Join today at ediblesandiego.com. EDITORIAL Katie Stokes Editor in Chief Maria Hesse Executive Editor Dawn Mobley Copy Editor DESIGN Maria Hesse Designer PUBLISHER Katie Stokes ADVERTISING Katie katie@ediblesandiego.comStokes COVER PHOTO BY LAUREN DI MATTEO For information about options, rates, and deadlines please contact info@ediblesandiego.com or call 601-526-1919. No part of this publication may be used without written permission from the publisher. © 2022 All rights reserved. Every effort is made to avoid errors, misspellings, and omissions. If an error comes to your attention, please let us know and accept our sincere apologies. Thank you for supporting your local food media company. CONTACT Edible San Diego 1501 San Elijo Rd. South #104-210 San Marcos, CA 92078 ediblesandiego.cominfo@ediblesandiego.com601-526-1919 Media Icons Updated @ediblesdmag Social Media Icons 2017 Updated @ediblesandiego Social Media Icons 2017 Updated @ediblesandiego edible SAN DIEGO
Growing a Fo od Revolution
An urban garden and a zero-waste ethos were part of The Plot all along
You may know Jessica Waite from her plant-based, zero-waste restaurant The Plot, or as president of the Berry Good Food Foundation, but this changemaker has had quite a journey.
6 ediblesandiego.com
In 2013, Waite and her now-husband (and chef) Davin Waite opened Wrench and Rodent Seabasstropub in Oceanside. Davin’s rich culinary inspiration and support for community-driven food combined with Jessica’s ambition to make an impact led them to create their punk-rock sushi restaurant, which has been consistently recognized as a top San Diego foodie destination.
Waite witnessed the positive effects an impact-driven small business can have on a community through collaboration and cites this experience as the seed that would eventually grow into The Plot.
Waite had aspirations for a career in the healthcare industry, but as an advocate for local food and climate health, she wanted to find a different way to inspire healthy living and incite change.
8 ediblesandiego.com
While attending business school at Pepperdine, Waite studied conscious capitalism. Combined with her passion for plantbased eating, community, and a sustainable food system, she began plotting steps to build her vision.
Creating a restaurant concept built on a zero-waste ethos requires the implementation of a lot of new practices. Waite says, “There’s always going to be a solution if you’re creative enough.” The Plot works with six local regenerative farms, including Agua Dulce, Community Roots, Sage Hill Ranch Gardens, and Sand n’ Straw. They also source as many local products as possible from businesses like Mindful Mushrooms and San Diego Soy Dairy. |
Buy Smart. Buy Small. Nourish your family with quality food.
Bianca Bonilla met the Waites with an armful of produce to sell from Community Roots Farm. Her one-acre nonprofit farm based in Oceanside offers a variety of fresh herbs, fruits, vegetables, and flowers.
Founding Principles
FALL 2022 | edible SAN DIEGO 9 Fish Market has proudly raised over $92K for local charities including: Seafood is our passion, freshness is our mission, and giving back is our commitment. Giving Sips DONATING $1 PER DRINK SOLD Shelter to Soldier, CORE: Children of Restaurant Employees, Helen Woodward Animal Center, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Surfrider Foundation, Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA & more! Visit us at thefishmarket.com
Left: Garden team members often have younger helpers like Bonilla’s daughter Maya tagging along who are naturally inclined to help.
Bonilla, who is also executive director of nonprofit Botanical Community Development Initiatives, compares tending a garden to nurturing relationships among plants and people. The Plot Garden is primarily a culinary endeavor, designed with promoting collaboration between the cooks and gardeners in mind. This Above: Sampling in the Plot Garden Project has become a pastime for gardeners, chefs, and restaurant owners.
FALL 2022 | edible SAN DIEGO 11 Open for Tasting and Sales Saturdays & Sundays 11-5 910 Gem Lane, Ramona, CA chuparosavineyards.com 100% Estate Grown, Produced and Bottled RAMONA VALLEY WINES Zinfandel | Sangiovese | Malbec Cabernet Franc | Dry Rosé 100% Estate Grown, Produced and Bottled SAN COUNTYDIEGOWINES Zinfandel | Sangiovese | Malbec Cabernet Franc | Albarino Open for tasting and sales Saturdays & Sundays 11–5 910 Gem Lane, Ramona, CA chuparosavineyards.com
After working with the City of Oceanside to find a location, the Waites landed on a site merely steps from Wrench and Rodent, and The Plot began to materialize. Growing ingredients onsite was always part of the plan, but it was pure kismet that the chosen location included a small residence with a yard. This space set the stage for the Plot Garden Project.
The greatest opportunities to reduce waste happen in the kitchen. The Plot kitchen diverts 100% of their waste from landfills, meaning nothing that goes into the kitchen ends up in the trash. Scraps created during the culinary process are creatively repurposed, and this practice can be seen throughout the menu: The popular takoyaki balls, for example, are prepared with celery root pulp, and they turn leftover rice into syrup for dressings.
Sourcing local ingredients is an important practice in supporting a regenerative food community, and by luck or destiny, Jessica and Davin met Bianca Bonilla of Community Roots Farm and Radicle Botanical when she showed up on their back patio at Wrench and Rodent with fresh produce to sell. The relationship started with sourcing and grew into composting the restaurant’s food waste at the farm. Now, combined efforts have led to the creation of the Plot Garden.
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Bottom left to right: Plant-based dishes showcase actual vegetables over lab-cultivated meat substitutes. Find the recipe for this salad created by chef Ryan Orlando featured this fall on ediblesandiego.com.
Top left to right: The garden inventory board in The Plot kitchen during a busy dinner shift shows signs of use; Bonilla and daughter Maya carrying chilacayote squash.
The chilacayote squash, a delicious and unique crop introduced by Bonilla, has become a part of many dishes. The beautifully vibrant garden beds are overflowing with herbs, greens, and edible flowers. You can see clover plants sprinkled throughout to help regenerate the soil. While enjoying the flavors of the garden you’ll find planters of herbs and Okinawan spinach around the restaurant’s patio space, and you might even catch chef Ryan Orlando harvesting in the middle of a dinner rush. “Through our relationship with plants we can strengthen ourselves and our relationships with each other, which in turn strengthens our broader environmental and social landscapes,” Bonilla says. And that’s exactly what this project is: a personal vision turned into an incredible community effort, inspiring a food revolution, and making change. s » theplotrestaurant.com
FALL 2022 | edible SAN DIEGO 13 helps to create the planting vision. Chefs have learned to begin their inventory process in the garden and pull menu inspiration from the plants, and then Bonilla and the garden team plant items requested by the kitchen team.
“A radicle is the root that comes out of a seed—the first part of the plant that comes out of the seed when it germinates,” Bonilla says about the play on words in her business name.
The Plot is currently sourcing 20 to 30% of its produce from the garden, which positively impacts the bottom line while lowering the potential for negative impact on the environment.
As Julian’s gold rush waned, an enterprising widower brought a wagon of apples to Julian, finding the soil, elevation, and temperatures ideal for growing apples. By the 1890s, Julian was proclaimed the “greatest apple belt in the world.”
14 ediblesandiego.com J ulian’s True Treasure The Story of Julian Pie Company
“If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.” — Carl Sagan Gold may have put Julian on the map, but today, Julian’s treasure is apple pie.
Another entrepreneurial spirit came 80 years later: Liz Smothers.Applepies were the center of her universe. As a little girl in Kansas, she would stand on a box in her mother’s kitchen proudly making her own pies from the leftover dough as her mother baked. “If I had not had that experience, I would never be in the pie business,” Liz said. In the 1980s, Liz and her family relocated to Julian from Alabama. It didn’t take long to realize that despite Julian’s many apple orchards, no one was making pies like her mother’s. Working at local shops and bakeries further kindled Liz’s piemaking dreams. But she wanted to do it on her own using her family recipe. In September 1986, at age 53, Liz pioneered the Julian Pie Company. In 1989, she and her husband Keith purchased an apple farm and planted 17,000 trees. Julian Pie Company became a family venture—the epitome of the American dream. The demand
for Liz’s pies grew by leaps and bounds, but because Julian’s apple season lasts two months, the only way to meet growing demand was to begin sourcing quality apples from Oregon and Washington.Herfirstpie shop opened in downtown Julian. The original apple pie was soon joined by Dutch apple, boysenberry apple, and other fruity pies that all became an integral part of the menu. The pies became such a hot commodity the business grew into wholesale production and Liz had to open a second, more spacious location. Her Santa Ysabel store continues to be the center of operations for baking, transporting, and shipping. Liz once admitted, “I never thought about how much money I’d make. I just wanted to make a good apple pie that would capture
Top left to right: The Santa Ysabel storefront; production manager Yolanda Gonzalez presenting a pie before baking; a seasonal fruit crumble. Left: Transferring freshly baked pies. Above: Decadently frosted cinnamon rolls. Below: Strawberry rhubarb pies being prepped for baking.
16 ediblesandiego.com 90+ Booths with Local Organic Produce, Prepared Foods, & Handmade Crafts FARMERS MARKET OPEN SUNDAYS, 10AM-2PM PAUL ECKE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 185 UNION STREET LEUCADIA, CA Biking ,Walking & Skating is encouraged, as parking is limited. leucadiafarmersmarket.com | leucadia101.com M i s s i o n S t a t e m e n t E s t a b l i s h i n g a s e c u r e , s t a b l e l o c a l o r g a n i c f o o d e c o n o m y s o t h a t h o n e s t - t o - g o o d n e s s , f r e s h , l l i c p r o d u c e i s r e a d i l y a v a i l a b l e . G r o i S l O i P d u c e S i g n u p L! e a r n M o r e ! F a r m e r s M a r k e t s H o m e D e l i v e r y C S A D r o p S i t e s W h o l e s a l e J o i n o u r C S A t o d a y J! o i n o u r C S A t o d a y ! J R O r g a n i c s F a r m . c o m
More on this story coming to ESD Weekly this fall. Get ready for sweater weather with a tasting of Julian Pie Company’s best pies this fall. Plus, recipes from Liz for a Smothers’ family favorite dinner.
FALL 2022 | edible SAN DIEGO 17
The ways to enjoy San Diego wine are diverse, too. From stylish urban wineries, to awardwinning tasting rooms and picturesque vineyards, San Diego provide an array of ways to discover artisanal wines. Next time you’re looking for a relaxing adventure in San Diego County, pick a winery, pull up a chair and be prepared to sip some delicious wines made with
For more information on local wineries visit: SANDIEGOWINERIES.ORG
San Diego County (south of Temecula to the Mexico border) is home to over 140 wineries and vineyards. The region continues to gain acclaim from wine enthusiasts who say we are just beginning to unlock its full potential as an important wine region in California. The county’s complex terroirs with varied microclimates have been perfect for wine grape growing since the rst Spanish friars set foot in San Diego and began the tradition of viticulture in California.
Thirty-six years later, the original apple pie recipe Liz learned from her mother remains unchanged. Quality control is always on the company’s forefront, ensuring that each award-winning pie leaving the oven is exactly the same. Having devoted long-term employees has been a tremendous added benefit. Sadly, Liz passed away in May this year. Her son Tim, who worked at the counter as a teenager and has always been a part of the business, carries on his mother’s legacy. Tim describes her as “nurturing, loving, humble, and trusting—but one serious businesswoman.”Manybelievethe secret ingredient to Liz Smothers’ Julian Pie Company is her family’s original recipe, but we discovered the secret ingredient is love—for her family, her community, and her pies. s
ESD Weekly is a digital member blog with early access to local food stories and recipes sent straight to your inbox every week. Sign up at ediblesandiego.com and thank you for supporting local food media.
Tim Smothers (above) manages operations at the Santa Ysabel location while his brother Dave manages the shop in Julian. Julian Pie Company pies can be found at various food retailers throughout San Diego and Riverside counties. They sell direct to customers on julianpie.com and ship to destinations as far as Florida, New York, and Hawaii in a single day. the true essence of the small mountain town of Julian.”
julianpie.com | EAT
18 ediblesandiego.com Friday Borrego Springs √ 700 Palm Canyon Dr. Imperial Beach √*† 10 Evergreen Ave. La Mesa Village √* La Mesa Blvd. btwn Palm & 4th St. Rancho Bernardo √ 13330 Paseo del Verano Norte Tuesday Coronado √ 1st St. & B Ave., Ferry Landing Escondido √* 262 E. Grand Ave. The Farmstand NEW (formerly People’s Produce Night Market) 4261 Market St. Mira Mesa √* 10510 Reagan Rd. Otay Ranch—Chula Vista √ 2015 Birch Rd. and Eastlake Blvd. Pacific Beach Tuesday √† 901 Hornblend St. San Marcos √ 251 North City Dr. Temecula—Vail Headquarters √* 32115 Temecula Pkwy. UCSD Town Square √ UCSD Campus, Town Square GuideMarketsLocal Thursday Lemon Grove √* 2885 Lemon Grove Ave. Linda Vista √*† 6939 Linda Vista Rd. North Park Thursday √*† 2900 North Park Way at 30th Oceanside Morning √* 401 Pier View Way & Hwy. 101 Rancho Bernardo √ 16535 Via Esprillo Scripps Ranch √ 10045 Carroll Canyon Rd. Wednesday Little Italy Wednesday Mercato √*† 501 W. Date St. Ocean Beach √ 4900 block of Newport Ave. Santee *† Carlton Hills Blvd. & Mast Blvd. South Bay √ 4475 Bonita Rd. State Street in Carlsbad Village √ State St. & Carlsbad Village Dr. Temecula—Promenade √* 40820 Winchester Rd. by Macy’s Saturday City Heights √*†! Wightman St. btwn Fairmount & 43rd St. Del Mar √ 1050 Camino Del Mar Fallbrook Main Street √ Main Ave. btwn Hawthorne and Fig. Little Italy Mercato √† 600 W. Date St. Poway √* 14134 Midland Rd. Rancho Penasquitos 9400 Fairgrove Ln. Temecula—Old Town √* Sixth & Front St. Tuna Harbor Dockside Market 598 Harbor Ln. Vista √*† 325 S. Melrose Dr. Sunday Chula Vista √* 300 Park Way & Third Ave. Hillcrest √* 3960 Normal St. La Jolla Open Aire √ 7335 Girard Ave. & Genter Leucadia √* 185 Union St. & Vulcan St. Murrieta √* 24480 Village Walk Plaza Rancho Santa Fe—Del Rayo Village √ 16079 San Dieguito Rd. Santa Ysabel √ 21887 Washington St. Solana Beach √ 410 S. Cedros Ave. LEGEND * Market vendors accept WIC (Women, Infants, Children) Farmers’ Market checks. † Market vendors accept EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer). ! Market vendors accept WIC Fruit and Vegetable checks. √ Markets certified by the San Diego County Agricultural Commissioner, ensuring that the produce is grown by the seller or another certified farmer in California, and meets all state quality standards. Temecula markets and the Murrieta market are certified by the Riverside County Agricultural Commissioner. Farmers’ markets shown in gray are temporarily closed. All listings are subject to change. Please contact markets directly to confirm hours of operation and locations. Visit ediblesandiego.com for more complete information and links to market websites. EAT | Monday Escondido—Welk Resort √† 8860 Lawrence Welk Dr. edible san diego Get out in the open air and shop for fresh seasonal produce and San Diego’s finest seafood. This guide to regional farmers’ markets includes listings for San Diego and Temecula counties.
GET HOOKED ON QUALITY San Diego’s Premium Fish Market Fresh Local Seafood and Sushi Specialties Family Owned and Operated for Over 40 Years Open Tues.–Fri., 8am–5pm and Sat.–Sun., 8am–3pm. Curbside Pickup Available Tues.–Fri. 5202 Lovelock Street, San Diego • (619) 297-9797 • catalinaop.com
“Whilelovers. its alcohol percentage is closer to craft beer (ours are all around 6%), cider is more like wine in its fermentation process, and subtle tasting notes make it a better accompaniment to food,” says Lara Worm, Bivouac’s cofounder and sole operator.
In Europe, cider is alcoholic. American varieties add the word “hard” to distinguish adult versions from the kid-friendly spiced autumn drink. Apple cider here in the States is a sometimesheated, sweet, unfermented treat for kids and teetotaling adults. Overseas, that’s called apple juice. “Hard cider” only exists as a name in the US, and the naming convention is just the beginning of what differentiates American cider from its British origins.
The mature, fermented adult beverage is typically (but not always) low in alcohol volume and high in sugar. Various brands boost alcohol levels or employ different brewing ratios of added juice to tweak the alcohol content and appeal to beer and wine
British cider (though similar versions are also produced in France BY DEBRA BASS
California Spin
20 ediblesandiego.com
San Diego’s farm to table, chef driven, private dining restaurant, with local produce sourced from five San Diego farms. We offer a unique, 7 course dining experience, expertly paired with wine by our in-house sommelier. Reservations only. Visit us online to reserve. 619.431.5755 ROLANDO BLVD.,
Taking a
North Park’s Bivouac Ciderworks adds refreshing twists to European convention
Hard Cider Out for
Though the UK and the US are the biggest producers of cider in the world, closer comparison of the two yields stark differences.
• 4204
At Bivouac Ciderworks in North Park, “the focus is on making dry ciders using high-quality ingredients,” says Worm. The Bivouac style of cider-making might be unconventional, but so far it’s also been wildly successful, garnering them a few years’ worth of awards.
RISTORANTE ITALIANO BAR LOUNGE said, ‘What’s a wine cooler?’” Worm says. It didn’t deter her; Worm created the Bemini Twist Peach Spritz and it has been very popular. “Coming back home, ciders were a good alternative to beer, but all of the available options were so sweet and we didn’t have a great variety. And in Southern California, not too many people drank ciders.”
Become a digital member and read more about Pairing Food with Fruity Ciders on ESD Weekly this fall.
“When I first brought up the idea to my staff—mostly in their 20s—I was so excited about it and they just looked at me and Award-winning Italian Cuisine, Chef, Service, and Wine List Michelin Guide Bib Gourmand Restaurant Open 7 days a week in Liberty Station for Indoor & Heated Patio Dining and Take-Out/Delivery 2820 Roosevelt Rd, San Diego | 619-270-9670 | solarelounge.com
“I first learned about cider while living in London during college. I would drink Strongbow apple cider at my corner pub, but also learned a bit about the traditional ciders from Somerset, UK,” Worm shares. She knew she wanted to do something different.
FALL 2022 | edible SAN DIEGO 21 and Spain) is fermented and contains an alcohol range from 3% up to around 12% in some cases. Most are characteristically flavored with astringent, tannin-rich apples that create hearty, full-bodied, dry ciders.
Worm went so far as to produce a peach variety of cider that is her version of the wine coolers that gained popularity in the ‘80s.
Bivouac mixes British cider apples with carefully sourced ingredients to develop distinctive flavor profiles. “We use Dabinett apples, a traditional bittersweet cider apple that originated in Somerset, England. But for most of our ciders, that’s where the similarities end.”
“At Bivouac, we want to build upon the history and tradition of cider, understand its origins and process, and then bend the rules to show the fun possibilities, flavor combinations, and food pairings,” Worm says. “I want to breathe new life into cider.”s » bivouaccider.com
Worm adds, “I always tell customers, ‘I’m not trying to convert you into an ONLY cider drinker, but I guarantee we have something you will enjoy.’”
The ciders range from something like sipping a crisp rosé to rich berry sweetness. A road trip to the Pacific Northwest inspired the Local’s Only citrus cider, which features Meyer lemons and tangerines grown by Stehly Farms Organics. The fall favorite Cat’s Paw pumpkin spice cider will make its annual return to a throng of fans that line up in anticipation for it.
edible Communities | SIGNATURE SECTION
For example, Stamford, Connecticut made $95,000 selling recyclables in 2017; after 2018, it paid $700,000 for removal.
About a year ago, a comedian—not a scientist or environmentalist—enlightened consumers about a product they use every day that is harmful to the planet.
“Much food packaging is made from plastic, and most plastics are never recycled—though the plastics industry has long worked to convince us otherwise,” says Dianna Cohen, co-founder and CEO of the Plastic Pollution Coalition.
“A lot less plastic winds up getting recycled than you might think,” John Oliver said on that particular episode of Last Week Tonight, which has now been viewed more than 4 million times. In the United States and Canada, less than 9 percent of plastics is recycled. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), packaging comprises the largest percent of U.S. plastic waste. Since the pandemic disrupted curbside pickup and put more emphasis on single-use products, especially in food service, these numbers have only worsened.
Consumers often see plastic food packaging as the cost of eating: tubs of salad greens; clear clamshells for berries; and even, pre-wrapped cucumbers and other produce.
And while many plastics are recyclable, they still end up in landfills, oceans and, ultimately, in our bodies.
Amid pressure to transform the recycling system, experts are advocating for circularity in food packaging. Circular systems pre vent waste from reaching recycling facilities by implementing strat egies to reuse and repurpose plastics already created. A shift in this direction requires the food industry to rethink packaging materials and to consider what the reuse and disposal of plastics (eventually) would look like, especially for packaging that is compostable.
Further, recycling facilities are often underfunded and over whelmed. In 2018, China stopped importing most plastic waste from both the U.S. and Canada. That ban upended recycling systems that relied on exports, and neither country has been successful in building a domestic recycling market.
And Bakersfield, California, earned $65 per ton from recyclables; it now pays $25 a ton to get rid of them. The recycling system is also wrought with environmental injustice. “Recycling facilities are predominantly built in mar ginalized communities, in part due to the traditional invisibility of and bias against low-income communities of color and In digenous peoples,” says Nilda Mesa, director of urban sustain ability and equity planning at Columbia University’s Center for Sustainable Urban Development.
Now, however, in an exciting wave of innovation, businesses and entrepreneurs are rethinking how to package food.
One-quarter of packaging reaching recycling facilities is contaminated and, thus, sent to landfills, the EPA estimates. Contamination can occur from contact with non-recyclables in recycling bins or items that are not clean—the most common culprit is food residue.
FALL 2022 | edible SAN DIEGO 23
“Along with the innovation in more sustainable packaging, pric ing has come down dramatically, and it’s only a small premium to conventional or fossil fuel-based packaging now,” Gailmor says.
San Francisco, California, was one of the first cities to make a zero-waste commitment in 2003—it diverts 80 percent of its waste from landfills. Vendors use either compostable or recyclable contain ers, and every event must offer recycling and composting. The city also requires individuals and businesses to separate waste into recy clable, compostable and trash bins.
For example, many elementary school districts are required to serve milk which is distributed in single-serve cartons. Students take a carton, drink some or none of it and throw it in the trash. But when the Austin Independent School District in Texas transitioned ediblecommunities.comedible Communities
Compostables are made of plant-based materials—corn, starch or sugarcane—unlike plastics derived from petroleum. Compostable packaging isn’t always sustainable, though. With out the right infrastructure, pricing and awareness, compostables can contribute to the food packaging waste problem.
Gailmor is hopeful that more options can be available at large scale as consumer demand rises.
“We would have loved to be in all compostable packaging from the beginning, but for a small company starting out, pricing for small runs and guaranteed shelf life for new products with un known velocity can be prohibitive,” says Logan Farley, chief operat ing officer at Brass Roots, a plant-based snack company based in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Food businesses consider pricing, shelf life and quality of pre sentation for packaging, and it’s been cheaper to choose plastic packaging. Brass Roots Founder Aaron Gailmor believes the tide is turning, however.
“If you’d asked me two years ago, I wouldn’t have been as enthu siastic,” says Gailmor, “but I am very confident now.” Consumer demand drives innovation, lower prices and more sustainable op tions for small businesses like Brass Roots, but the onus can’t be only on eaters.
Unilever and PepsiCo include compostable packaging as part of their strategies to reduce waste. Chipotle and Sweetgreen use compostable material for take-out meals.
Ecovative’s technology upcycles farming and forestry byproducts through mycelium to create plastic-free and home-compostable prod ucts for the food, leather, beauty, foam and packaging industries.
“Compostable is often referring to packaging that must be transported to an industrial composting facility—which it often isn’t, and just ends up in a landfill versus recycled,” says Emily Stucker, vice president of menu innovation and product integrity at Farmer’s Fridge. This is, in part, because composting facilities are not available nationally. Mixing compostables into curbside bins can contami nate recycling streams. Throwing compostables in the trash gets them sent to landfills, where they emit methane. When proper infrastructure and education are in place, pro cessing compost can be sustainable, especially given that munici palities pay for waste processing by weight.
One powerful solution is for government and institutional pro curement practices to help reduce or eliminate plastic packaging.
According to the Center, buying bulk items can help institu tions reduce both packaging waste and food waste—a win for tight budgets, too.
“The real game changer will be when people buy less plastic, reuse what they have and minimize what goes in the trash and into recycling,”
24 ediblesandiego.com
“Moving away from single-serve meals and snacks is probably the most impactful way to reduce packaging waste in an institutional setting,” says the Center for Good Food Purchasing, a nonprofit that aims to use procurement to build a more equitable food system.
“We can do this on an individual level and also need to support systems shifts, from our schools to our workplaces to policy and legislation,” says Cohen.
“A municipality that can figure out how to minimize its organic waste stream will be saving funds over the long run, as well as cutting greenhouse gas emissions and producing material that will enrich soils… It’s a win all over,” says Mesa. But only if they can afford it.
NatureSeal coating combines vitamins, salts and minerals to extend the shelf life of sliced fruits for up to 28 days.
Companies that fundamentally change the way they think about packaging, rather than simply swapping plastics for another singleuse material, can build true circularity.
Designing the infrastructure for circularity—a system that in herently limits waste—can create an easy and affordable choice for all eaters.
In 2021, Driscoll’s diverted more than 10 million pounds of packaging from landfills. The company’s circular clamshell initiative requires packaging suppliers to incorporate recycled clamshells back into new Cloverclamshells.Sonoma
There’s no silver bullet to solving the food packaging crisis. It’s complex and requires both top-down solutions and bottom-up changes by consumers and businesses.
“The real game changer will be when people buy less plastic, reuse what they have and minimize what goes in the trash and into recy cling,” says Mesa.
released the first fully plant-based milk carton in 2022. Meanwhile, Danone aims to make every piece of packaging reusable, recyclable or compostable by 2025. This focus on waste reduction can drive investment in better sorting infrastructure, reducing widespread contamination and making recycling easier for all.
“Private industry has the opportunity to create the demand to kickstart or revive strong and stable recycling end markets for the circular economy, and we hope more brands and manufacturers will step up to the design and sourcing challenge,” says Camille Herrera, packaging development and sustainability manager at Driscoll’s.
More than 70 brands have committed to the One Step Closer to Zero Waste Packaging campaign, which launched in January 2022. It aims to improve infrastructure, labeling and the responsi bility of producers.
Meanwhile, Notpla aims to eliminate the need for single-use plastic bottles. Its condiments and water sachets are made from seaweed, which can be composted or actually eaten. And Sway’s seaweed packaging integrates seamlessly with existing machinery, eliminating the costs for manufacturers.
Other institutions are increasing demand for sustainable food services—within the Center’s partner institutions, there has been a more than 30 percent increase in environmentally sustainable pur chasing over the last few years. WAY
Meanwhile, some of the largest industry players are tackling packaging and plastic waste internally.
FALL 2022 | edible SAN DIEGO 29For more on this story, visit ediblecommunities.comedible Communities | SIGNATURE SECTION to bulk milk, they reduced so much waste that it was able to transi tion to all organic milk for the same cost of single-serve cartons.
The campaign also supports the Break Free from Plastic Pollu tion Act. It mandates reduced production of a variety of materials, including plastic, and requires producers of packaging, containers and food service products to boost recycling and composting efforts.
The best way to reduce packaging waste, though, is by using no packaging at all. Apeel makes plant-derived coatings that growers, suppliers and retailers use to keep produce fresh two to three times longer. And
Cohen recommends prioritizing unpackaged food. Whole Foods, Sprouts and co-ops allow customers to purchase bulk food in reusable containers, while zero-waste shops are becoming more common across the country. And farmers’ markets offer a way to avoid plastics in grocery.
Kroger partnered with TerraCycle to test a reusable packaging program in 25 Fred Meyer stores. Customers will be able to pur chase products from brands like Arbor Teas, Nature’s Heart and Na ture’s Path in reusable containers that they can return to be cleaned and Ifreused.unpackaged foods or reusable containers aren’t available, Co hen says to choose easily recyclable materials like paper, glass and metal. Consumers can also look for products with instructions on how to dispose of their packaging.
Emily Payne is Food Tank’s copy editor, and Danielle Nierenberg is the president and co-founder of Food Tank.
“To make any kind of single-use packaging including composta bles, you’re using precise raw materials, energy and water,” says Anukampa Freedom Gupta-Fonner, co-founder and CEO of Spr ingEats.com, an online grocery store achieving zero-waste delivery from farm to table.
Gupta-Fonner’s waste-free delivery service aims to do the fun damental work of building a circular supply chain from the ground up. For her, waste is an issue of design. “Linear supply chains are not designed for this,” says Gupta-Fonner.
“If you want true systemic change, it means taking a stand against things that derail the broader conversation, just like you take a stand for the organizations that are actually solving the problem,” says Gup ta-Fonner.Therealso is the need for a cultural shift. “When you acknowl edge that there are resources, natural elements and actually pieces of real life and habitats that went into making this packaging,” says Gupta-Fonner, “then reuse is compassion.”
imagine a food system that belongs to all of us
Envision a vibrant community food system in San Diego County, rooted in justice and sustainability, where everyone has equitable opportunity to produce, distribute, prepare, serve, and eat nutritional and culturally appropriate food.
Producers and food workers are treated fairly, sustainable and regenerative practices are prioritized, people are engaged, communities are empowered, and farms, fisheries, and food businesses are thriving and contributing to local economies
Derrick Robinson, Center on Policy Initiatives
Learn about our network and programs by scanning the QR code, or visiting sdfsa.org. What will it take to get there?
Fortunately, there is a growing movement of farmers, fishermen, workers, activists, business owners, and eaters across San Diego County working together to reimagine the way we grow, move, and share food. We need you in the movement, too. Join us.
"Moving toward restorative justice in the food system starts with empowering workers to lead the change toward a more equitable food system."
"Small, local producers have a tremendous capacity to feed our community with healthy, nutritious food. But we need support to build out crucial infrastructure, so that we can supply a larger portion of San Diego County’s current and future food needs."
Kristin Kvernland, Founding Farmer, Foodshed
Jena Thompson, the Ocelot Company
"Building a vibrant and equitable food system one that heals people and planet requires a vast movement fueled by compassion, creativity, equity, and collective vision."
Living on a Mountain of Hope
Once a month Moss gathers with the Good Food District leadership team. Comprised of members from various backgrounds, the diversely talented group works to strategically move their vision forward. During the 2020 shutdown, when
An advocate for bringing positive change to her community since the ‘90s, Moss became a founding member of Project New Village, a gathering of nonprofits creating a hub centered on health. Through this work, she began to focus on food justice as a means of social justice. “We gather around food, yet we have a system that doesn’t work for us,” Moss says of her inspiration. “We need to take some initiative around ownership of food. We must gather to create Mosschange.”did that in 2008 by transforming a vacant lot into Mt. Hope Community Garden to catalyze community self-reliance.
Turning health advocacy into action takes on a new set of wheels CHERIE
first growers, Rodney West, says, “Diane is a strong visionary and a great listener and collaborator. Her work has made a tremendous difference in my life. Her compassion and love for the needs of the community prompted me to become a certified Master Gardener. I love to share my skills and expertise with my community.”
32 ediblesandiego.com
N. Diane Moss is like sunshine radiating hope on her Southeast San Diego community.
When the city put the property up for sale in 2019 without notifying the community, Moss took to fundraising and, with encouragement from Rich Juarez, cofounder of the San Diego Housing Federation, Project New Village bought the property. Now, Project New Village engages residents from Southeast San Diego, Lemon Grove, and National City around a Good Food District, which aims to rely on neighborhood-led urban agriculture and wealth building to promote community Onerevitalization.ofthegarden’s
“When you grow, you’re not tied to retail—neighbors see the value of their investment and sharing,” says Moss.
FALL 2022 | edible SAN DIEGO 33 lack of food was particularly prevalent, a grant award helped to refresh the garden with a communal growing space, natureinspired art, and a pergola gathering place.
Moss believes that a valuable part of the mission is to educate community members on the importance of eating nutritionally dense food and paying a fair price for it.
» projectnewvillage.org
“We gather around food, yet we have a system that doesn’t work for us.”
Left: N. Diane Moss stands next to the new Mobile Farmers’ Market decorated with artwork by Ami Young.
—N. Diane Moss
Today, Project New Village is using food as a catalyst to stimulate local economic Thisgrowth.fall, they’ll launch a mobile farmers’ market that will sell and distribute food in five locations throughout the Good Food District. The mobile market will meet people where they are and accommodate varied schedules.
Moss credits Ellee Igoe, cofounder of Foodshed, and Ami Young, an urban farmer and artist, as sources for the bulk of her knowledge about food justice.
Moss engaged neighbors stuck at home by creating a Neighborhood Growers Network, supplying tips on building backyard beds and sustainable growing practices.
Top right: Volunteers working on a garden refresh at the Mt. Hope Community Garden. Right: Making affordable produce available during the pandemic with help from Foodshed Small Farm Distro & Resource Hub.
But Young, who is also a member of the Mt. Hope Community Garden council says, “Diane walks with genuine intent and is a leader in the community of food equity warriors. Her gift is the ability to bring diverse groups together. People love to work with Diane. Her work with Project New Village and Mt. Hope Community Garden over the years has built her a reputation of trust with many organizations, creating partnerships across the city.” s
34 ediblesandiego.com Activities, recipes, stories (and more!) created for family sharing Activity from Kids’ Garden (Barefoot Books) | created for family sharing Global Harvest KIDS Read to Learn More: Discover 13 global harvest festivals Harvest Days: Giving Thanks Around the World barefootbooks.com/harvest-days
16. Have fun making eyes and clothes with dried raisins, cranberries or nuts. Bake the Weckmänner for 15-20 minutes, or until they become golden in color. Let cool and enjoy! active with
Celebrate the harvest with homemade Weckmänner (Bread People), a traditional Saint Martin’s Day festival treat from Germany. Saint Martin’s Day is a Christian holiday that falls at the end of the autumn harvest season. Those who celebrate in Germany walk in a lantern-lit parade the night before and enjoy baked treats like Weckmänner. is created in partnership with indie, award-winning, Concord, MA-based children’s publisher, Barefoot Books. Learn more by visiting www.barefootbooks.com. them so they can stretch their arms and legs!
4. Pour the flour into the large mixing bowl. Make a well in the middle with your fingers.
11. Create a head, a body, two hands and feet and place them onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
14. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F.
15. Place the egg yolk and 2 Tbsp of milk or cream in a small bowl and mix them together with a fork. Brush this egg wash on top of your Weckmänner to make them shine!
Dough: • 1 packet
3. Stir until the sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat. The temperature should be lukewarm. If it is hot, let it sit to cool down.
FALL 2022 | edible SAN DIEGO 35 LET’S EAT! fromadaptedtextandIllustrations DaysHarvest
DePalmaKatebywritten, Jackson.P.LaurelbyRecipeBooks).(BarefootPelusoMartinabyillustratedand
5. Pour the yeast mixture into the well and mix.
8. Remove the dough from the bowl and knead with your palms until you have a smooth ball.
In a small bowl, mix the yeast with the warm water and 1 Tbsp sugar and let it sit for 5 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, in a saucepan, heat the milk, butter, vegetable oil, 2⁄3 cup sugar, vanilla extract and lemon zest on medium-low.
6. Add the mixture from the saucepan and mix with your hands or a mixing machine.
10. Divide the dough into ten equal pieces. Each ball is one Weckmann, or person.
Weckmänner Recipe
13. Let the Weckmänner rest for 30 minutes.
9. Place the dough back into a bowl and sprinkle it with a tiny bit of flour. Let the dough rest for an hour, or until it doubles in size.
dry yeast • 4 Tbsp warm water • 1 cup milk • ¼ cup butter • 4 Tbsp vegetable oil • 2 Tbsp vanilla extract • 1 Tbsp sugar, plus 2⁄3 cup, divided • zest from 1 lemon (optional) • 5½ cups all purpose flour • 3 large eggs Egg Wash: • 1 egg yolk • 2 Tbsp milk or cream Decorations: • Raisins or cranberriesdried • Almond slices or other nuts Cooking Tools: • Saucepan • Large mixing bowl • 2 Small bowls • Fork • Baking sheet lined
parchment paper You’ll Need:
7. Add the eggs, one at a time, mixing well in between.
ACTIVITY: Cooking Up Connections
Sit mindfully, with your spine straight and body relaxed. Close your eyes and take three soft, slow, mindful breaths.
Appreciate where food comes from with this simple mindfulness activity for all ages.
4 Before you open your eyes, take a moment to thank all those people, plants and animals for your tasty food.
Global Harvest KIDS
Activity from Mindful Kids, written by Whitney Stewart and illustrated by Mina Braun (Barefoot Books)
Think about how you are always connected to other people, plants and animals. Let’s explore these connections.
36 ediblesandiego.com | created for family sharing
Imagine eating pancakes or waffles. To make them you often need eggs from chickens, milk from cows and flour from grains. You need farmers to milk the cows, gather the eggs and grow the grains in the ground. You need drivers to take the milk, eggs and flour to the supermarket. You need the people who work at the supermarket to sell the food, and your family to help you buy it. And you need somebody to cook!
It’s easy to see how we’re all connected when we eat nourishing food.
To find more mindfulness activities, www.barefootbooks.com/mindful-kidsvisit
Adapted from Harvest Katewritten(BarefootDaysBooks),byDePalma
HomowoinGhana (ho-MOE-woe) August Dożynki in Poland (do-ZHEN-kee) Autumn Equinox Vaisakhi in Punjab, India (vai-SAH-kee) around April 13 or 14
FALL 2022 | edible SAN DIEGO 37 To learn more about global harvest celebrations, visit www.barefootbooks.com/harvest-days JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER
La Tomatina in Spain (LAH toe-mah-TEE-nah) lastinWednesdayAugust ThanksgivinginLiberia first Thursday in November Crop Over in Barbados June until the first Monday in August
Martin’sSaintDayinGermany November 11 Martes de Challa in Bolivia (MAR-tays day CHAI-yah) February or March MehreganinIran (MEH-reh-gone) October 8 inChuseokSouthKorea (CHU-sok) SeptemberorOctober inSukkotMorocco (soo-COAT) SeptemberorOctober
Chuseok (CHU-sok) is a festival celebrated in North and South Korea at the beginningof autumn on a full moon. Many families make sticky rice flour cakes called songpyeon (SONG-pyon). Year is created in partnership with indie, award-winning, Concord, MA-based children’s publisher, Barefoot Books. Learn more by visiting www.barefootbooks.com.
Some of the cultures that celebrate these festivals use their own calendars. That is why some of these special days don’t fall on the same day each year according to this calendar.
Pongal in Tamil Nadu, India (PON-gull) around January 16
fromIllustration DaysHarvest , illustratedandDePalmaKatebywritten Books)(BarefootPelusoMartinaby Harvest Festivals All
Harvest season comes when the foods we grow are ripe and ready to be gathered. Different crops are harvested at different times, so harvest seasons happen throughout the year around the world.
Potter’s Paradise 10 ingredients to grow in containers
There’s nothing better than looking out over your patio or backyard to check the progress of your potted garden while sipping a refreshing beverage and watching the sun go down. Growing vegetables, fruits, and herbs in containers is simple in San Diego’s weather, even for newbies. You can even get your green thumb fix indoors with a tray of microgreens, by sprouting mung beans in a jar, or raising oregano or thyme on a window ledge.
Sun and shade Check tags to make sure you put the plants in the correct spots for their individual sunshine needs. Plants in containers will dry out quickly, so make sure to water them as needed. Plants in plastic pots will warm up quickly, but you can place the pots inside larger ceramic ones to buffer them from the heat. If in doubt, move containers around to give plants a reprieve from the Growingsun.
38 ediblesandiego.com
Basil Use this herb in salads, pesto, and bruschetta Tomatoes
and eating food is easy and empowering any season. Share your harvest, trade seeds with friends, and before long, your thumb will start looking pretty darn green.
Slice and dice into salsas, gazpachos, stews, soups, sauces, and jams
Pots and soil Have fun finding inexpensive containers at garage sales or consider painting your own at a ceramics cafe. Make sure the pot is big enough for your plant’s root system by checking the instructions on tags attached to the tiny pots when you buy Mostseedlings.plants, such as tomatoes, need a whole pot to themselves, but two lettuces can share a container. Tomatoes have deep roots, so each needs a 15-gallon container, according to Armstrong Garden Centers in Carlsbad. Each pot needs a hole at the bottom where water can drain, and be sure to line them with landscape fabric so soil doesn’t leak out. Place small stones inside the bottom of the pot to aid with drainage before adding potting soil and compost. Remember, containers don’t have to be pots. You can use an old kettle or boot, upcycle a yogurt container, or use berry clamshells to grow sprouts in. Some vessels can hang from a trellis, attach to a wall, or sit in an ornamental feature on legs.
Delightful to have hanging around the breakfast table and for general nibbling Rosemary Stuff a branch into a batch of preserved lemons
FALL 2022 | edible SAN DIEGO 39 Local CALIFORNIAResourcesGrowersFARM AND GARDEN Create edible landscaping in urban environments. » cafarmandgarden.com MASTER DIEGOASSOCIATIONGARDENEROFSANCOUNTY Get answers to questions about gardening and pests free of charge. » mastergardenerssd.org SAN DIEGO GARDENER This Facebook group led by Nan Sterman, host of A Growing Passion on KPBS TV, has over 16,000 members. » facebook.com/groups/SDGardener SAN SOCIETYHORTICULTURALDIEGO Learn about the region’s 2,100+ plant species and complex geography. » sdhort.org VICTORY GARDENS SAN DIEGO Take courses on home gardening. Recommended for beginners. » victorygardenssandiego.com SEED LIBRARIES Borrow, grow, and return free seeds from five of San Diego’s public libraries. » sandiego.gov/sdplseedlibraries Find more local gardening and growing resources ediblesandiego.com.on Peppers Grow bells for stuffing and smaller varieties for fermented chile pastes Lettuces Graze on potted greens for salads, smoothies, and sandwiches Zucchini Zap spears in an air fryer, grate into salads, bake breads and muffins Mint Muddle this hearty herb in a homebrewed tea or mojito Potatoes Roast, mash, hash, fry, and savor Cilantro Whip into cilantro-lime dressing or chop with onion and garnish tacos -LVINST-/ISTOCKVIARD/ISTOCKMICHEL HASSE/ISTOCKDENISEDSOUZA/ISTOCKIVANHEIKERAU/ISTOCKRIKE_/ISTOCK
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