Edibles List Magazine Issue 38 Featuring Montel Williams

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Issue No. 38 The Enterprise Issue Edibles Magazine Team Publisher/CEO B. Le Grand Editor-in-Chief Patrick Ian Moore Chief Marketing Officer Karin Clarke Outreach & Development Director Keiko Beatie Director of Distribution Karen Petersen Contributing Writers Keiko Beatie Tanganyika Dr. Mike Heller Patrick Ian Moore Jack Paradise L.C. Squared Rachel Zemser Scout Durwood Russ Gooberman Darcy Thompson Graphic Design DesignsByBo.com Cartoonist Breon Bliss Photography & Video Cannabis Financial Network Paul Tracy Photo Savanaha Lamp B. Le Grand Tanganyika That's My DeeJay Mitch Tenney Sheila Stopnitzsky Interested In Advertising? Call Or Email Us Info@EdiblesList.com 310.601.7299 Subscribe at EdiblesMagazine.com EdiblesList.com Meetup: Cannabis Infused Products Meetup: Asian Cannabis Association Download our App in the iTunes Store: Search for "Edibles List Magazine" Our Annual Event: InfusedExpo.com





CONTENTS 10 12 14 20 23 24 26 30 37 38 44 48 51 52 55 57 58

Letter from the Editor

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Hawaii Opens The Door For Cannabis Sales

Q&A with Dr. Mike: Terepenes? COVER STORY: Montel Williams, Cannabis Activist Cannabis Corp Buys Entire Town Food Science: From Farm To Fork Texas Marijuana Laws On The Horizon for 2018 Editor’s Pick: Product Reviews (Pages 26-29) Federal News Guns, Ganja & The Right To Bear Arms Marijuana Justice Act of 2017: Can Booker Do It? Cannabis Infused Recipes (Pages 38-43) Cannabis Supper Club: A Dream Come True Highlighting Chefs of 420: Chef Mike Delao Ermont Dispensary in Boston, Infused Pizza & More Chalice Cup Heats Up Victorville Edibles Pricing Know The True Cost Announcing the 2017 Infused Expo The List Cannabis Infused / Hemp Infused Product Guide & Dispensary Listings

Cannabis Event Guide

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Edibles Magazine Issue 32


Edibles Magazine Issue 32

It’s August and Summer is already almost over. Soon we’ll be picking out our Halloween costumes and beginning the early phases of planning those infused Thanksgiving day dinners, but there’s still a little Summer fun time left so we’re making the most of it with the best set of medicated recipes around. August was known to the Anglo Saxons as “Weed Month” so let’s all try our best to embrace that idea - shouldn’t be difficult. Montel Williams is our featured cover story in this issue: He’s been on a 17 year trek and it’s taken him from having his own award winning daytime TV show, to having his own line of medicinal cannabis products he’s using to help heal patients from all walks of life and you can read all about his journey here.


We’re now quite a few episodes into our new online program - The Edibles Show on Z420.TV. If you haven’t had a chance to see it yet, it’s B. Le Grand and myself interviewing some of the most fascinating and diverse personalities you’ll find anywhere in the cannabis industry! Special guests have already included: Buck Angel, Nurse Heather, Ken Sobel, Anakatrina’s Edibles, Tommy Bechtold, the K-Town Collective, Ken Breese, Scout Durwood, Boston George, Meghan Hall and more! Be sure you tune in to watch LIVE every Monday from 4-5PM. We always broadcast on The Edibles List Facebook page so catch it there and please feel free to comment, we’d love your feedback. The Edibles List team will be at some very cool upcoming events including The Portland Cannabis Science Conference and The Los Angeles Comic Con. We are so excited about these and history is Issue No. 38 I Page 10

definitely being made. I also recently checked out a new sensory deprivation tank facility in Pasadena called Just Float and I really enjoyed myself there. The vibe is very Zen and meditative and I highly recommend it if you’re curious about isolation tank floating and are in Los Angeles. As always - Smile at your budtender, tip your delivery driver and remember know your dose! Medicate well. -Patrick Ian Moore: Editor in Chief

RIP Heather Heyer. Heather Heyer was murdered in a domestic terror attack by American Nazis while peacefully protesting at age 32 on August 13th 2017 in Charlottesville, VA. This was such a sad and needless tragedy and our hearts go out to Heather’s friends and family. “If You’re Not Outraged, You’re Not Paying Attention” - Anonymous EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com


TERPENES? Dr. Michael Heller, mjwooly.com Q: What are these terpenes I have been hearing about? A: Terpenes are the flavor compounds of cannabis. They are what give each strain of cannabis its distinct smell and taste. They also are believed to add different effects to cannabis known as the “entourage effect�. Q: What are the most common terpenes? A: The most commonly found terpenes in cannabis are myrcene, limonene, pinene, caryophyllene and linalool. Q: Why does limonene sound like lemon and pinene sound like pine? A: Well simply put limonene is what gives lemons their smell and pinene is what gives pine trees their smell. Terpenes are found in many other plants, myrcene is present in mangoes and linalool is found in lavender. Q: What are the effects of terpenes? A: Each terpene is believed to contribute its own unique attribute to the cannabis experience. Below are some of the reported effects of the most common terpenes. Although most evidence is anecdotal and research needs to be done before terpenes medicinal value is confirmed. Myrcene: sedating, relaxing, THC amplifying, pain relief, anti-inflammatory Limonene: improved mood/euphoria, relaxing, anti-depressant, anti-anxiety Pinene: improved memory, alertness, anti-inflammatory Caryophyllene: muscle spasms, pain relief, anti-inflammatory, gastroprotectant Linalool: sedating, anti-anxiety, anti-depressant, pain relief, stress relief.

Q: Why is myrcene important? A: Myrcene is the only terpene proven to increase the ability of THC to reach the brain, amplifying the effects. Depending on how much is found in a plant will determine if the cannabis has indica or sativa effects.. Q: Are terpenes in Edibles? A: This ultimately depends the concentrate used to make the edible. For example an edible infused with a concentrate made from fresh buds may contain a ton of terpenes. Alternatively, a concentrate made from old dried out bud that was aggressively purged and heated may not have any. The only way to know for sure is to have the edibles terpene content lab tested. Q: Do they affect you differently when smoked or ingested? A: This is a great question. I have not seen any scientific studies yet. However, it is likely that when you are smoking you are getting a much larger dose of terpenes directly into your bloodstream compared to edibles that must be digested and may have lower terpene content to begin with. This is why I believe specific strain effects are much more noticeable when smoking and vaping compared to edibles. Q: What is the difference between cannabis derived and all natural terpenes? A: Well, a molecule of limonene from cannabis is the same as a molecule of limonene from a lemon. But, cannabis has a complex terpene profile with over 200 different possible terpenes found at minute concentrations. This makes it difficult to artificially create a perfect match...although some labs are getting very close. Issue No. 38 I Page 12

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Montel Williams was formerly a patient at the West Los Angeles dispensary our CEO and Founder budtended. That shop was where Edibles List Magazine was conceived, and we were proud to supply Montel with his medicine back in 2013. When the magazine began, Montel was the concept art for the cover and it's a dream come true to have him on our cover. We hope you enjoy our feature. 14


Montel Williams: Cannabis Activist, Patient & Edible Creator From Daytime Television to Full Time Activism, Montel’s 17 Year Journey of Self-Healing with Cannabis Montel Brian Anthony Williams, actor, television personality, author, motivational speaker, and a veteran of both the Marine Corps and the Navy, he has been the host of radio shows and now, Williams is a purveyor of medical cannabis products. Still just as fit as he was while he was in service for our country, I sat down with Montel recently as he was on a tour of dispensaries to promote his new line of medically infused products Lenitiv Labs. What I experienced was a man who has spent his life for a cause, a plethora of causes to where his passion, energy and goals have led him on the journey as an Active Activists of life. Montel Brian Anthony Williams was born on July 3, 1956 in Baltimore, Maryland and was raised in a family of six children. William’s family were Roman Catholics and he served as an altar boy from age 8 till he was 11 years. Then he rejected all organized religion, though he has been a student of many major world faiths. Montel attended Andover High School in neighboring Linthicum, Maryland, where he was elected president of his class in both his junior and senior years. He was an exemplary student, athlete, and musician, and became active in student government issues.

After graduating from high school, Montel joined the United States Marine Corps. From 1974 to 1989 Williams served in two different branches of the military. From 1974 to 1976 Montel served in the United States Marine Corps, until he was placed in the Naval Academy Preparatory School (NAPS), after completion of NAPS, he was accepted to the Naval Academy to be part of the class of 1980. From 1980 to 1989, Williams served in the United States Navy. After nine years he retired at the rank of Lieutenant Commander, during his service he was awarded the Navy Achievement Medal, the Navy Meritorious Service Medal and the Navy Commendation Medal for his achievements. During his service in the Navy, Williams honed his natural gift for public speaking, he started down this road while conducting informal counseling for the families of the naval officers under his

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Edibles Magazine Issue 38

Keiko Beatie


COVER STORY command. He was such a natural speaker and leader he was asked to do a few speaking engagements to local children in Kansas City, MO, and this experience led him into a three year motivational speaking career.

Edibles Magazine Issue 38

Photographer :Sheila Stopnitzsky

Montel Williams is most notably known as the host of The Montel Williams Show, which was syndicated by CBS in 1991. In 1996 Williams was awarded a Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Talk Show Host, he was nominated for the same award in 2001 and 2002. Williams also used his speaking skills to segway into guest starring roles on many TV shows and a few movies.


Montel Williams has long used his fame as an outspoken advocate for legalizing medicinal cannabis use due to a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in 1999. Williams contributed to legalization efforts in New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut. Following a “horrific battle� with opioid painkillers and addiction, Williams found that cannabis was the total package medicinally, he uses cannabis daily to help with his MS caused-neuropathic pain, which manifests in intense burning sensations from head to toe. In addition to reducing his pain, Williams states that cannabis has alleviated much of the depression he and many other MS patients suffer from. Williams created Foundation, a

the MS nonprofit

organization with a focus on research and education a year after his own diagnosis. Williams has openly stated that he uses medical cannabis for many years, he has become a vocal advocate of cannabis, supporting efforts to pass medical cannabis laws in states, as well as calling for full legalization. It is with his activism that the community has started to understand and embrace medical cannabis as a true medicine that was denied us since the 1930’s. It is with the support of public figures that the movement of medical cannabis is moving forward and assisting patients with natural plant based alternatives. Montel tried to keep his diagnosis private, however, when a tabloid newspaper threatened to print his story, he decided to go public with his health crisis. Montel spoke about his diagnosis on his talk show, but few people knew how much he was suffering, on set, Montel conducted interviews with poise, but during commercial breaks, he says he'd go backstage, sit down and cry because of the pain. He worked on mentally refocusing to ease the pain, then go back on stage, unbeknownst to his guests and audience members, Montel did this regime for many years, while hosting The Montel Williams TV Show. Montel has said that cannabis helps him function in life, he has consumed cannabis every day for 17 years as a result of his MS. His activism and advocacy has been a personal journey for his health and wellbeing. The foundation that he started has been seeking a cure not only for Williams himself, but for the community of MS patients in need. With the philosophy of cannabis as a necessary medicine, his new advocacy is a clean pure medicine to alleviate pain and bring better health while living with chronically debilitating

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Edibles Magazine Issue 38

disease. This led Montel Williams to In the past he has been appalled dive into the cannabis industry with the by aspects of this industry and that Cannabis should have been founding of Lenitiv Labs Scientific. treated like any other plantbased medicine. Cannabis Activists Lenitiv Labs was founded by Montel Williams and is a line of quality medicinal This August Montel Williams cannabis. The line of juices and oils is will be the Keynote Speaker at now available in California and is being the highly respected Cannabis Conference taking distributed throughout the state at many Science dispensaries. With proper research place in Portland Oregon. and formulation they have developed a Montel's presentation will be product that is assisting many people with on Wednesday, August 30th at various types of illnesses and diseases. A 12pm in the Exhibit Hall of the high quality medicine, with benefits to Portland Convention Center. establish better health and the possibility Josh Crossney CEO of the to alleviate the side effects of debilitating Cannabis Science Conference diseases. The team of respected scientists states "We are extremely and medical professionals have set the excited and proud to have bar high in terms of standards of practice Montel Williams as the Plenary in creating Lenitiv Scientific products. Presenter at our 2017 Cannabis We know that this is not only a business Science Conference. Montel was for Montel, it is part of his activism and the first mainstream celebrity thankfully so for the millions of patients to publicly advocate for the in need around the country. Williams legalization and normalization supports the legalization of cannabis, of medical cannabis. His to providing however, he would like for the products dedication coming out to be healthy and not sugary, the highest quality medical cannabis laced junk food. He is worried cannabis products through his that with the legalization of recreational company, Lenitiv Labs, makes cannabis consumption, the quality of him a great fit for our highly products will go down hill and the scientific and medical event. patients that rely on cannabis as medicine Montel’s work as a patient, advocate, influencer and will suffer. founder has truly helped to Williams is quoted as saying “There have advance this industry over the been times I’ve been so disappointed years." with the industry. People jump in, see it as the ‘green rush,’ and forget that 17 This will be a wonderful years ago people were dragged out of opportunity to hear one of their homes with IVs in their arms, in the influencers of the medical their wheelchairs, for growing cannabis cannabis movement at the to treat awful symptoms of cancer,” He Cannabis Science Conference. adds that “As things have changed in the This conference will highlight past five years, people have forgotten that the many advancements they there were patients left on the battlefield.” are reaching to support better

Photog :Sheila Stopnitzsky


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COVER STORY understanding of the plant and its healing properties. Montel and his team will be there with the Lenitiv line of products to share about what has given him stability and regain his health to balance.

Edibles Magazine Issue 38

I had the pleasure to try the Lenitiv Mini Shot Drink recently and the taste was a fruit juice drink formula. With an array of fruit juices of strawberry, coconut, acai, mango, pineapple, raspberry and pomegranate juices and the drink has a delicious smoothie consistency. Most notable that they have developed a system that dispenses the cannabis formulation at the moment of consumption and this is a unique delivery system and the first of its kind within the cannabis market. The Mini One Shot does not require refrigeration, comes in 20MG, 50MG & 100MG doses, and is available in THC and CBD formulations. They also have a CO2 Oil formula that you may eat or vaporise and is has a proprietary terpene profile that provides a unique flavor and great taste. At this time Lenitiv products are available in California, but will be coming in the future to other medical or recreational states.


Political Activism Williams was once a Republican, leaving the GOP in 1993. He is a supporter of LGBT rights. He has since left the Republican Party and has been registered as an Independent. He endorsed Hillary Clinton for president as the superior choice, writing that

Donald Trump poses a "clear and present danger" to the nation. Veteran's Advocate Williams is an outspoken advocate for US military veterans. He has publicly lobbied for government action to promptly resolve the Veterans Affairs scandal[2] calling for a surge in effort under the banner VASURGE, and has promoted a White House petition to this effect. Williams' campaign to reform the VA began with an impromptu speech to veterans at a picnic that was recorded by the local newspaper.[19] Several days later, he authored an op-ed laying out his plan to reform the VA.[20] Passionate Author Since 1997, he has published five books, respectively ‘Mountain, Get Out Of My Way’ (1997), ‘Life Lessons and Reflections’ (2000), ‘A Dozen Ways to Sunday. Mountain Movers Press’ (2001), ‘Body Change: The 21 Day Fitness Program for Changing Your Body and Changing Your Life’ (2003) and ‘Climbing Higher’ (2005). Sports Enthusiast Montel shared that one of his favorite activities is snowboarding which is a great sport for MS. He feels it assist him to balance and walk and he can have more control of his body for increased mobility. He seems to seek joy in bringing forth information and sharing about the many positive aspect of life. This focus and goal has enabled him to contribute to the community of many varied subjects. Active and Devoted Husband and Father Montel Williams has been married three times. He married his first wife Rochele See in 1982 and two daughters Ashley Williams (b. 1984) and Maressa Williams (b. 1988),and after seven year of marriage the couple divorced in 1989. He married

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COVER STORY for the second time in 1992 to Grace Morley and had a son Montel Brian Hank Williams (b. 1993), and a daughter, Wyntergrace Williams (b. 1994), after eight years together, the couple divorced in 2000. Montel married Tara Fowler in 2007, the couple is still happily married to this day. Montel Williams has led a life of commitment and purpose, self-motivated to make a difference and contribute to the betterment of society. Because of his physical issues associated with MS, he has embarked on a quest to not only to help others, but to help himself with medical cannabis. He has embraced the brave path to enlighten the public on the value of medical cannabis and to create a company that will fulfill those needs. A man on a quest with a heart of an activist, whose message has resonated with people from all walks of life. It is the culmination of an amazing life that has brought Montel Williams to probably the most important role he will have, that of a cannabis activist, educator and industry leader.

Cannabis Science Conference will be taking place on August 28th to the 30th in Portland Oregon at the Portland Convention Center. Montel Williams will be the Keynote Speaker on Wednesday, August 30th, at 12pm. Please visit the website to hear Montel speak at the Cannabis Science Conference. www.cannabisscienceconference.com For more information on where you may find Lenitiv products please visit the website at www.lenitivlabs.com Thank you Montel Williams from Edibles Magazine, may you be pain free forever more, and always be acknowledged for your contribution to the expanding horizons of medical cannabis. An activist from the heart, Montel Williams. Issue 38 I Page 19

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Cannabis Company Buys Entire Town in San Bernardino

ULTRASONICS for Cannabis

Darcy Thompson

As every business person knows, not every plan succeeds. It’s not out of this world to lose a million on this investment or a few million on that new business idea. According to KTLA news, “the entire town of 120 acres,” of Nipton California, “was purchased…” The buyer, American Green Inc., the investment, supposedly 15 million dollars, the plan, make Nipton a cannabis vacation destination. I mean, this is big news, every stoner's dream, like Disney Land but for weed. My imagination ran wild, but then I looked at it a little deeper.

Encapsulate LIPOSOMES • Produce Clear NANOEMULSIONS • Create FULL SPECTRUM Cannabis Oils •



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Nipton is literally a no nothing town, that looks like it doesn’t even have the population to staff the currently run down looking RV and camping park. Situated just on the border of California and Nevada, on the edge of the Mojave National Preserve. After thinking this through, why would anyone drive a whole hour outside of Las Vegas, where you can legally buy weed 1:41 PM already, to go to the middle of nowhere, to stay at this cannabis friendly resort? How can it possibly compete with the glamour and glitz of Vegas that now will also legally have lounges for tourist consumption. Now five million may sound like a deal for a whole town, but did they factor in that it might be a horrible place to put this resort? Will there be enough draw to lure people from their cocktails and shows? Furthermore, I don’t see how this won’t be a target for the local police on either side of the state border. It will still be illegal to transport what you bought in Nipton and bring it back to Vegas and vice versa. So, these mega stoners who are visiting Vegas, who are willing to do the drive there, are going to have to either smoke their stash or leave it before heading over to California. Finally, American Green plans to focus on cannabis infused water, possibly the most boring and basic way to medicate. Why take away the fun of smoking, the joy of consumption, with water? Isn’t that the whole point of a cannabis friendly vacation spot, so you can medicate in your room like any other smoker and not worry about the cleaning fee? Who knows, it is in the middle of the desert, maybe it’s perfect. Only time will tell if it will boom or bust. Issue 38 I Page 20

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From Farm to Fork: Following The Ingredient Path To Safety

Rachel Zemser, www.cannabisculinologist.com How many ingredients does your edible food product contain and do you know where all those ingredients come from? If you say “Costco” or “The Local Farmers Market” then you do not have total knowledge of your product and may find yourself in a difficult situation if customers get sick and you can’t identify the origins of each ingredient.

that, if the temperature is not where it needs to be, can affect your product in a negative way. The most important temperature controls are your refrigerated storage, frozen storage and any cooking temperatures. The warehouse temperatures are important as well especially if raw materials are being stored long term.

Incoming Ingredient Documentation: All ingredients that arrive at your production facility should be documented. Ideally your ingredients are coming in from an ingredient supplier who can give you best by dates, production lot codes as well as a “certificate of analysis” (COA). Every ingredient should be assigned a lot code number that you, the manufacturer, can refer back to as the The FDA and USDA regulate and oversee the ingredientusedinaparticularbatchoffinishedfood. safety of all non-medicinal food products in the U.S. Unfortunately, the cannabis edible industry Finished Product Code Dates: If your production does not have guidelines on how to keep track runs are small, then a best by date should be enough of your ingredients as they work their way from information to allow trace-back if someone were to the farm to your kitchen. It is up to the food get sick. However, if you are producing multiple manufacturer to fully own that responsibility. lots of food product on the same day, and using Here are a few tips to help you tighten your control different batches of ingredients per run, you should over both ingredients and finished products as assign a different code number to the separate they work their way through the system and into batches of product even if made on the same day. the dispensary. Ingredient Supplier Paperwork: Always make sure Allergen Control: Always keep your allergen your ingredient suppliers provide you with all the ingredients in a separate area of your food paperwork you need in case of an emergency. For production space. The common allergens in the example, if you make a batch of cookies and the U.S. include Soy, Wheat, Dairy, Seafood, Shellfish, chocolate chips come from the local chocolate shop, Nuts, Tree-nuts and Egg. Label the allergens make sure they tell you when they manufactured clearly as “Allergens: Nut or Allergens: Soy” those chips. Get a date and their lot codes as well. and attach that label to all the boxes that contain allergen ingredients. Any step in the edibles production process that involves documenting the origins of your Temperature Monitoring: All temperatures in ingredients should be captured in an online your process should be monitored. This can be database that will allow easy trace back. You done using automatic temperature charts or by will be glad you have this documentation in having a scheduled person check temperatures place if you find yourself involved in a lawsuit at specific times during the day. Temperatures or are being wrongfully blamed for someone’s that need to be monitored include any area foodborne illness. EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com

Edibles Magazine Issue 38

Product recalls happen all the time. The FDA even has a website (https://www.fda.gov/Safety/ Recalls/) that allows you to look up the latest food recalls and why they occurred. Typical examples include undeclared allergens, contamination with pathogens or spoilage, mislabeled packages or even unsafe instructions on how to cook or consume the product.

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Texas Marijuana Laws on the Horizon for 2018

Tanganyika Daniel

In the latest round of cannabis friendly states to come on board with implementation of legalization we can now include the great state of Texas. The Texas Compassionate Use Act was signed into law over two years ago, but the state is now approaching a September 1st deadline that will essentially force them into issuing licenses for cannabis cultivation and dispensaries. Gov. Greg Abbot signed a bill in 2015 allowing only epilepsy patients who haven’t had success with other federally mandated medication to consume low level THC high CBD cannabis oil. Currently, there are three dispensaries waiting for approval from the Texas Department of Public Safety. They are Compassionate Cultivation, Surterra Texas, and Cansortium Texas, but it will still be months before they are able to service patients or sell any products. Morris Denton, the CEO of Compassionate Cultivation of Austin said, “Once we start growing, it’s going to take about four months before we’re ready to dispense medicine because of the extraction and testing process the plant has to go through after it’s been harvested”. This will serve a very limited community because of the narrowness of the law, and critics have argued that the limits under the law are still too low to service epilepsy patients, or any other patient in need of the plant. Also Texas does not allow any other forms of consumption except high CBD oil, so this again limits patients who could benefit from tinctures, salves, edibles etc. Still supporters of the bill say that this is an incredible step in the right direction for Texas, and a historic shift on their policies concerning cannabis. Texas is one of over thirty states that have some form of cannabis law on the books, and it’s one of 17 that only allow a certain patient group to use low THC high CBD cannabis as a treatment option. We will follow the second largest state in the U.S. as more cannabis news unfolds. Issue No. 38 I Page 24

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PRODUCT REVIEWS Delta 9 OG Kush Cartridges Patrick Ian Moore

The Delta Vape 2.0 is probably the most durable and sturdy vape battery I’ve ever used that still had a 5/10 thread. It’s a bit bigger and heavier than the typical pen you’d use with a replaceable cartridge, yet still a sleek and convenient design. The precision ceramic heat control is a nice feature, as is the handy pocket size carrying case and lifetime warranty. To experience the optimum puff, it is suggested that you inhale slowly and steadily for 8 seconds while holding and pressing the ignitor button. It also fully charges in less than 40 minutes without ever having to remove the cartridge. Speaking of cartridges - The

Delta Max 2.0 cartridges go perfectly with that super size battery and look like a heavy hitting piece of science fiction fun when assembled together. These carts pack a whopping 1000 mg of highly potent and totally pure 100% cannabis oil with absolutely no added flavoring or propylene glycol. The taste is very good - smooth and mellow and the puffs produce big clouds and plumes ideal for blowing those all natural smoke rings. I only needed to hit it a few times before I was feeling the effects and smiling wide. There are plenty of other choices too, including Monkey Berry and Strawberry AK. I’m highly recommending this product for fans of vaping who are looking for the next level of personal vaporizer device. They take their name of course from Delta9Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and believe me that there is plenty of it inside. When fully assembled, his product also reminds me of Doctor Who’s sonic screwdriver, so tap into your inner Time Lord and go get your vape on. To learn more and view the full line of products, visit Delta9.com.

Heavenly Sweet Cheese Cracker Snacks

Edibles Magazine Issue 38

Tanganyika Daniel


Cheesy square crackers are my real life go-to snack when I’m craving something salty and savory. It’s something about the cheesy crunch and salt blend as it melts into your taste buds that get me every single time. Then I get a review that made me smile from ear to ear because it was from Heavenly Sweets, and it was of their 50 mg Cheese Crackers. I couldn’t tear open the package fast enough. I placed a single cracker in the center of my tongue because I wanted to get comparison out of the way before I went all it.

medicated cracker. I kept waiting and waiting but all I got was the consistent taste I get from a different brand that I buy at the grocery store. I truly tried to save myself some of the cheesy goodness and after several handfuls knew that the entire bag was a goner. I decided to then test the high, so I sat back and waited for the THC portion to kick in. Again I was surprised because the high was gradual and consistent. I know for sure I was mellow for a strong two hours.

It was so hard for me to believe that this was a

Check them out at www.heavenlysweet.com

There was no nasty aftertaste in my mouth, and I guarantee if I poured this in a regular bag of cheese crackers you honestly would not know the difference. This is a great way to medicate that can be easily disguised if you need to be discreet. Make sure you grab some or demand that your nearest dispensary get some today.

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UNDOO "The Cannabis Safety Net" Capsule, Unhaze the Blaze Keiko Beatie

With the expanding market of products and consumers some of us don’t know our dose of what our body may consume. Plus many edibles are assimilated into the body differently depending on each person’s individual situation. You and your friend may take the same edible, capsule, drink, dab, smoke or anything infused. But what if you aren’t comfortable with how your feeling? You feel you need to abort the effects of THC and sober up. Some of know that CBD is a great remedy for that, but now there is another alternative made especially to bring you back down to balance. Undoo is listed as “Unhaze the Blaze”! It’s stated for the over indulgence, unexpected bad timing and “The Cannabis Safety Net”. This all natural,

no sugar, no stimulant product for the person who feels they need to come down. It’s an all-natural supplement to release the effects of THC within the body. Two soft-gels in a packet and one is suggested to along with water. If within 30 minutes you require most assistance you can take the second soft-gel. I was able to procure some very high percentage of Rosin that a friend made and in testing a new product took it to heart to infiltrate myself with high THC content. I was well hydrated and on an empty stomach by the way. Once I succeeded in infusing myself, I took a capsule and assumed the couch lock position. That was all I wanted to do at that time. Truly within 30 minutes I was feeling clear and ready to rock with clarity and a level head. Very interesting and kudos to the Undoo Company for being there to develop a product that can take care of business for the virgin consumer. Most important to make sure that we be responsible with what we consume. But if you need help make sure you have some Undoo on hand. www.undoo.com

Clark's Cans Keiko Beatie

I receive a Clark’s Cannabis can of White Fire OG…. ohhh the can is well marked with information. Strain, check, weight, check, levels of THC, check and an easy pull tab on the top to open. I was feeling like a sophisticated cannabis connoisseur with this well develop Clark’s Cannabis can. But I come from the days of a “$10, 5 Finger Lid” and

you didn’t know what you were inhaling. When you popped open the can, out came the pungent aroma of a frosty OG and the buds were well preserved and not dried out. I ground up a bud for my famous 2 gram pre roll, hey that’s just the way I roll, In buds and in life! I sat back at my computer desk (I was working) and enjoyed my appreciation for the flower. I know that Clark is a longtime respected former cultivator and he is an appreciator of fine flower. With the inhalation Clark didn’t disappoint me. Yes you can’t see the flower before your purchase it in the can, but you understand that the packaging is so the buds can be well protected and preserved. The quality was excellent and the price was very acceptable. These are available in California at this time and I understand that they are seeking to expand into other states. Clark has other fine products and the website has the list of other desirable products for your consideration. You may visit the website at www. cannabisbuyers.com and find out where to find the array of canned flower from Clark’s Cannabis.

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Times are a changin, and so have the availability of cannabis products. Of course this happens when a visionary comes along and lights the path with clarity. This is what has been done with the creative development of Clark’s Cannabis. This nitrogen sealed cans hold an eighth (3.6) and look to retail at close to the $40 mark to consumers. Safe, sealed, with a reusable lid to keep what you don’t use nice and fresh. Being that it’s sealed in nitrogen the shelf life for freshness is set for at least a year.



Easy Butter Maker Keiko Beatie

Who enjoys making edibles? The public has a growing interest of the creation of cannabis edibles. Whether it be making the traditional brownie, chocolate chip cookie or the gourmet bĂŠchamel white sauce you may need some infused butter, oil or canna milk to assist with the cannabis integration. For those of you have the time and patience to make this it is fun and rewarding. But do you have the time and patience in our impactful days?

Recently the company has been transferred to a new owner who we here at Edibles Magazine met at the Las Vegas Champs Show. Their support to the growth of edibles is apparat by working to keep cost down while having a desire to connect to the cannabis cooking industry. Besides the great product that is well made is that Easy Butter has a great a replacement policy guarantee and if your unit is having ay issues you will may contact the owners ad receive a new unit. No other appliance company of this nature offers this type of guarantee So get your Easy Butter Maker and enjoy making your infused salad dressing, or even a summer tomato sauce. Visit their website at www.easybutterco.com

Edibles Magazine Issue 38

The Easy Butter Maker will make butter, oil and even canna milk in a stainless steel carafe that within 2 hours has you infusing foods. Very easy use is this handy machine, easy to clean and within a short amount of time this gaiety product will have you drizzle butter your popcorn. I have used other infused butter making machines and I love to know of the big brand name of butter/oil maker that have influenced the home chefs make their own butter and oil.

Easy Butter Maker comes in two sizes and the price is very user friendly. The smaller unit is able to make 1 Cup of butter and it even comes with a mold to pour the butter into for a look of a stick of cannabutter. The most impressive fact is that the smaller Easy Butter Maker unit retails at $49.95. That price is a huge difference as comparison to the other butter/oil making appliances.

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Guns, Ganja and the Right to Bear Arms: An appeals court ruled Cannabis has been linked to "irrational or unpredictable behavior." Patrick Ian Moore

Edibles Magazine Issue 38

Despite the classic stereotypical image in the mainstream media of the peace loving hippie stoner, there are quite a few people who exercise their constitutional right to bear arms within the cannabis community, including patients and professionals. Most people would agree that obtaining both in the safest and most legal of ways is always preferable to whatever the alternative might be, but that’s actually now easier said than done in many places. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has a long history of prohibiting gun and ammunition sales to unlawful users of cannabis. Last year, the federal agency added a warning to the Firearms Transaction Record, Form 4473, making it clear to all those applying for a permit to buy a firearm that cannabis remains illegal under federal law and using it means you are not allowed to purchase a gun, despite laws in a growing number of states that allow both medical and recreational use of cannabis.


The language, added in 2016 to Form 4473, raised concerns that the government is unfairly denying cannabis users their Second Amendment right to bear arms and has inspired medical and recreational cannabis advocates and activists to begin lobbying for more changes in federal law to match the country’s ever evolving views on marijuana. The passage of Florida Constitutional Amendment 2 in November 2016 paved the way to widespread use of medical cannabis in the state, but a September federal court ruling bans

users of the cannabis plant from purchasing guns. An appeals court ruled that a federal law prohibiting medical cannabis recommendation holders from purchasing firearms is not in violation their Second Amendment rights, because they believe cannabis has been linked to "irrational or unpredictable behavior." The ruling came in the case of a Nevada woman who attempted to purchase a handgun in 2011, but was denied when the gun store owner recognized her as a medical marijuana patient, according to court documents. S. Rowan Wilson maintained that she didn't actually use cannabis, but obtained the doctor’s rec to make a socio-political statement supporting cannabis legalization laws in the state of Nevada. Federal law prohibits the purchase of firearms by an "unlawful user and/or an addict of any controlled substance." In 2011, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms clarified in a letter that the law applies to all cannabis users "regardless of whether their State of residence has passed legislation authorizing marijuana use for medicinal purposes." Though a growing number of states are legalizing the plant for medical and recreational use, cannabis still technically remains illegal for any purpose under federal law, where the drug is considered to have a high potential for abuse and no accepted medical use.

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EDIBLE DISTRIBUTION YOUR ONE STOP SHOP FOR INFUSED PRODUCTS. • Chocolates • CBD Edibles • Gummies • Drinks • Topicals • Sugar-Free • Vegan Edibles • Gluten-Free • Paleo Edibles • Dairy Free • Peanut Free • Low Dose • High Dose • THC-A • Vapes • Pre-Rolls • Pet Treats • Pet Tinctures



Ed Rosenthal's StarDust 15mg Water Soluble Cannabis


Edibles Magazine Issue 38




Marijuana Justice Act of 2017 to Reschedule Cannabis in US


Keiko Beatie

Hurray for New Jersey Senator Cory Booker who recently presented the “Marijuana Justice Act of 2017,” a measure that, if passed, would destroy federal cannabis prohibition as we know it. This would completely remove cannabis from the Federal Controlled Substances Act, ending prohibition on the federal level and de-scheduling. This would then allow states to decide their own cannabis policy, free from federal interference or oversight. It would also cut federal funding to states that disproportionately arrest and/ or incarcerate low-income individuals and/or people of color for cannabis offenses, as well as give those who have been convicted of cannabis offenses recourse at the federal level. Booker is quoted as saying “You see what’s happening around this country right now. Eights states and the District of Columbia have moved to legalize marijuana. And these states are seeing decreases in violent crime in their states.” On a Live Facebook session Booker also shared, “They’re seeing increases in revenue to their states. They’re seeing their police forces being able to focus on serious crime. They’re seeing positive things come out of that experience.” All of this is exciting news for us here at Edibles List Magazine as we are slowly moving towards the end of prohibition throughout the country, finally! The federal law of being a “Schedule 1 Drug” has been a contention for years as we are seeing and learning more and more how the community impact and socialization is demanding a change on the status of cannabis laws. So many of our states have held back on moving forward because they didn’t want to be on the feds negative radar for being renegade states. But with each medical and recreational state supporting the legalization, Booker sees that we need to join together as we work to legalize cannabis. With this we need to highlight the medical needs of patients who suffered the most under prohibition and are the same people who should benefit the most under legalization.

On another note, let’s see how long it will be that they are utilizing a slang term for cannabis. It took the State of California to officially change it to cannabis from marijuana almost 20 years since it was listed as a medical substance. As long as we de-schedulize it I’m happy to call it anything you want, US Government!

Edibles Magazine Issue 38

With the press generating a lot of interest and discussion about the nature of prohibition and the effects it has on millions of people across the country, we need to keep the awareness alive. This will assist in more people to look into the issues and maybe even lead some people to be more active in the legalization community in a positive manner. It’s time to rectify a lot of things when it comes to cannabis use in the United States. We hope that this will be the start of Booker’s chance to change the tide of restrictions and soon the Federal issues of cannabis use will be a thing of the past! Thank you Senator Cory Booker, may you know how your efforts are appreciated and that we hope to envision a day where every state in our nation has access to cannabis whether it be for medical or recreational use.

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Canna-BBQ Pulled Jackfruit Sandwiches

Edibles Magazine Issue 38



One 8-ounce bag coleslaw mix 4 teaspoons infused apple cider vinegar Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper Two 20-ounce cans jackfruit in brine, rinsed and patted dry 2 teaspoon chili powder 2 tablespoons cannabis infused olive oil 3/4 cup cannabis infused barbecue sauce 1 to 2 tablespoons light brown sugar 8 large potato buns Instructions:

Combine the coleslaw mix, cider vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon salt and several grinds of black pepper in a medium bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to serve.

Combine the jackfruit with the chili powder and 1/2 teaspoon each salt and pepper in a large bowl. Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a large skillet over medium high heat until shimmering. Add the jackfruit and cook, tossing occasionally, until the spices are fragrant 2 to 3 minutes. Add the infused barbecue sauce to the skillet along with 3 cups water, stir, cover and reduce the heat to low. Cook, stirring occasionally, until tender, 45 to 50 minutes. Uncover the skillet, turn the heat to high and simmer until the color has deepened and the sauce is thick, 4 to 5 minutes. Remove from the heat. Using a potato masher or wooden spoon, smash the jackfruit until it resembles a pulled pork consistency and season to taste with salt, pepper and light brown sugar. Serve on the potato buns topped with the coleslaw.

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August is here and that means Summer is coming to an end. Don’t be sad, it just means we’re getting that much closer to Halloween. In the meantime, we’re celebrating the end of the season in style. The Anglo-Saxons called August “Weodmonath”, which means Weed Month, because it’s when the weeds grew most rapidly. We’re helping you have the most fun and infused Weed Month around with these Summertime cannabis recipes perfect for potluck picnics, late, lazy lunches and barbecues at the beach. Enjoy these gems with a ProAnti CBD Water or a refreshing Zasp drink to wash them down and make the last of your Summer daze a Summer haze!



6 tablespoons cannabis butter, melted, plus canna-butter for baking dish 1 cup cornmeal 3/4 cup all-purpose flour 1 tablespoon sugar 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 large eggs, lightly beaten 1 1/2 cups buttermilk Cannabis infused honey (we recommend Mystery Baking Company)

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F. Lightly grease an 8-inch baking dish. In a large bowl, mix together the cornmeal, flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. In a separate bowl, mix together the eggs, buttermilk, and cannabis butter. Pour the buttermilk mixture into the cornmeal mixture and fold together until there are no dry spots (the batter will still be lumpy). Pour the batter into the prepared baking dish. Bake until the top is golden brown and tester inserted into the middle of the cornbread comes out clean, about 20 to 25 minutes. Remove the cornbread from the oven and let it cool for 10 minutes before serving. Brush top with more canna-butter while still warm and serve with medicated honey.

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Cannabis Cornbread with Infused Honey



Cucumber, Weed & Watermelon Salad Ingredients: 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 small garlic clove, minced ½ teaspoon minced ginger 2 teaspoons fresh lime juice 2 teaspoons cannabis olive oil 2 teaspoons rice vinegar 1 packet Ed Rosenthal’s THC powder 3 cups watermelon, deseeded and cut into cubes or melon balls 1 English cucumber, chopped into ¼-inch pieces (about 2 cups) 1 ripe mango, skin removed and chopped into ½-inch pieces ½ serrano pepper, thinly sliced ¼ cup chopped cilantro ¼ cup sliced basil ¼ cup salted peanuts or cashews, crushed and toasted

Instructions: In a large bowl, whisk together the soy sauce, garlic, ginger, lime juice, and rice vinegar. Add the watermelon, cucumber, mango, serrano pepper, cilantro, and basil. Chill for 30 minutes. Drain the excess liquid before serving. Drizzle cannabis olive oil over top of the salad and sprinkle with Stardust THC powder. Serve with the crushed peanuts or cashews on top of the salad.



Peanut Butter-Chocolate No-Bake Buds Ingredients: 2 cups sugar 1/2 cup milk or dairy alternative 1 stick (8 tablespoons) unsalted canna butter 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 3 cups old-fashioned rolled oats 1 cup smooth THC infused peanut butter 1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract Large pinch kosher salt Instructions: Line a baking sheet with wax paper or parchment. Bring the sugar, milk, butter and cocoa to a boil in a medium saucepan over medium heat, stirring occasionally, then let boil for 1 minute. Remove from the heat. Add the oats, peanut butter, vanilla and salt, and stir to combine. Drop teaspoonfuls of the mixture onto the prepared baking sheet, and let sit at room temperature until cooled and hardened, about 30 minutes. Refrigerate in an airtight container for up to 3 days.


Cannabis Supper Club: A Dream Come True Keiko Beatie

As growth, change and cannabis legalization are coming to fruition, some of us are realizing that our dreams are about to come true. Over two years ago Marc Leibel dreamt of a curated culinary supper that highlighted the flower and tantalized the taste of each course with the perfect puff. On a perfect summer Saturday night, with the balmy ocean breeze starting to cool off the heat of the day I was honored to attend the inaugural event by the Cannabis Supper Club. An enchanting evening where cultivated flowers were paired with a seven course gourmet meal.

effective CBD to the appreciative diners, Stephen Beyer of Func Art Gallery one of the premium glass art galleries in Southern California. Stephen had amazing pieces of the exquisite glass art on display throughout the Cannabis Supper Club. Presentations by a beautiful cannabis couple Mike and Laura Teague of Scorpion Coffee and their quality vape cartridges were also a cherished factor of the illuminating dinner. Each representative shared a heartfelt story of connection with the plant, family and community and it made it meaningful and poignant. Thus giving guests knowledge and appreciation The setting was a private location with of the connection of cannabis and substantial charming engaging hosts at the entrance. understanding to the desires that Marc wanted Rustic décor was displayed with specially to share with us of his vision and dream. chosen vendors whose products were matched to accompany the dinner to perfection. Daron The other amazing courses that tantalized our Story, who represented WonderBrett, shared oral fixations were Legume Risotto, paired that the cultivator had carefully chosen each with a flower of Lemon Juice, the basil oil flower to enhance each course of our meal. really made the fava bean and snap peas come alive in each bite. Shhh don’t tell anyone as The earthy setting was a long table beautifully I licked my plate when no one was looking. set that had six tiny jars careful lined up with Pacific Halibut was matched with the flower a personal pipe and the menu of seven courses Strawberry Bubblegum, and Flank Steak with listing each course with the paired flower. the flower Orange Banana. Chef Rocco knew Chef Rocco presented our first course: Shigoku his skills as the meat was so tender he didn’t Oyster with yuzu honeydew granita and even have a steak knife on the table as many micro mint. The second course was a Grilled of the Cannabis Supper Club guests said Peach & Frisee’ Salad paired with the flower the beef melted in their mouth. The dessert Candyland as Darren felt the essence of the of Mango Panna Cotta with Kiwi Gelee’ we flower sent well with the togarashi spice and smoked with a Pineapple OG! The artist who basil oil within the dressing for the salad. With created the menu was Chef Rocco whose each bite, inhalation and savoring moments of culinary bio of award winning restaurants the combination was developing the Supper was apparent for each taste was adding to Club to be more than one person’s dream my dream coming true. That Marc’s vision come true. Being a vegetarian both Chef Rocco was in tune with the guests, the flower and and Marc accommodated me and I didn’t feel highlighted by Chef Rocco’s creative menu deprived at all. I was inhaling deeply with that made each inhalation of cannabis flower each course, what more could a Sativa Foodie come alive for a gourmandizing combination Lady experience of ignis fatuus than on this of the Cannabis Supper Club. dinner. The next Cannabis Supper Club event will be Of the celebratory epicurean guest were Dr. held in Santa Monica, California on August Johnathan Cachat and lovely wife Hannah 24th. Please you Foodie brothers and sisters who were visiting from Ohio. Dr. Cachat is go logo on to www.cannabissupperclub. a well-known authority of lighting levels for com and book your place at a feast of the optimum plant growth, Jay O’Keeffe of Baily’s cannabis senses that will have your taste buds Dog CBD, Winn Sawyer of Innovative Edibles in an orgasmic crescendo of nirvana. www. Nume, Marie Sabler of Speakeasy shared the cannabissupperclub.com


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Highlighting Cannabis Chefs: Chef Mike Delao & Sweet Jay's BBQ At this time Mike is the head Chef at Brewhawg BBQ in Orange, CA. He has created an infused Barbeque sauce that is turning head in the infused food world. His kind spirit and knowledgeable staff are there to assist. and one of the items he has created for his infused edible company is one of the most creamy Macaroni and Cheese EVER!. Please feel free to visit hi websites at www.chefmike420.com and www. sweetjaysbbq.com

Edibles Magazine Issue 38

Keiko Beatie


Chef Mike Delao is a respected Chef and a cannabis cultivator in Southern California. He has had a passion for food and the healing properties of cannabis for the past 13 years and a Chef for 15 years. With a training that started at Orange Coast College he quickly developed the skills and understanding of creative food preparation and soon he was For more info contact Chef Mike at working as a protégé’ with well-known Chef chefmikedelao@gmail.com Joachim Splichal of the Patina Restaurant The Duke – Chef Mike Delao’s Favorite Recipe Group. Ingredients: His joy of cooking has provided him with Texas Toast – 2 slices many kudos as his plate and taste are focused 1 slice cheddar cheese to what people enjoy in eating and great taste. 1 slice Muenster Cheese With his budding talent he found himself 1T Butter being featured on Cannabis Planet TV In 2009. ½ oz Sweetjay’s bbq sauce Chef Mike has also been featured in the New 4oz Chef Mike’s Mac and Cheese* York Times, CNN, Wall Street Journal, ABC see recipe www.chefmike420.com World News and cookbooks “The High Times Cannabis Cookbooks” and The Cannabis 4oz Pulled Pork** Heat a griddle to medium heat and melt butter Kitchen Cookbook”. and toast the Texas Toast on one side until With the long hours a Chef has in the kitchen, brown. Once you flip the bread once add the Chef Mike soon discovered that medical cheese and allow to melt. On the other side of cannabis assisted him as a pain and stress your griddle, warm the pulled pork and the mac reliever. As a Chef he started to create and cheese. This should only take 2 minutes. delicious menus that were infused and soon he Once the meat and mac are heated, layer the was in big demand. He became the featured meat first, then add the Sweetjaybbq sauce, then Chef on Cannabis Planet TV and now Chef top with the Mac and cheese and final Texas Mike supports many non profit organizations Toast piece. To serve, cut on the diagonal and and veterans groups with his tasty Barbeque. serve immediately. EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com

Edibles Magazine Issue 38


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Tanganyika Daniel

After three years of delays, Ermont dispensary is now adding themselves to the group of distinguished companies entering into the cannabis space in the East Coast market. The company, who was awarded a license in 2013, sat down with Edibles List to discuss some of the trials and triumphs they've experienced since opening their doors less than ten months ago. Currently Ermont is the only vertically integrated dispensary in Mass that has their grow, lab, and kitchen all in the same location. This allows them to not only have access from seed to sale of their product, but they can also stand by the quality since they know the direct source of their starting plant material. Quality cannabis with local seasonal ingredients is the only way at Ermont, and they use their 20+ years

of culinary and business experience to run operations like mainstream restaurant kitchen standards. They clearly understand the objective is to make sure the product is of the highest quality and safe for patient consumption. One of the popular items on the menu is their 125 milligram cannabis infused cheese pizza, but they offer sauces drinks, and other savory items as well. For the flower connoisseur they have Sunset Sherbert as the house favorite, and Black Widow for the patient preferring indica dominant strains. They proudly boast about the great relationship they have with local inspectors who do random mandatory inspections on all facilities that service cannabis. One of the hurdles that they continue to deal with is lack of help during the post harvesting phase. They need more trimmers, and are always looking for qualified personnel to join the team. All in all Ermont wants to be considered a serious medical facility, and they run the business and patient based business accordingly.

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One of the new charms in the Boston Massachusetts area is Ermont dispensary. They are one of ten active licenses in the Mass area that recently opened their doors, and began to service local patients drastically improving their quality of life.

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4th Annual Chalice Cup Heats Up In Victorville Keiko Beatie

We have so many things to celebrate during the sunny summertime within the cannabis social community. But The Chalice Cup, taking place at the San Bernardino Fairgrounds, brings to the 420 community a competition that is far above any scrutiny as compared to other contests. A blind competition to where each product is given a number and the judges are free to test, consume and render their opinion on the level of hopeful excellence. None of these judges know who number 60 or 45 is, they just know they need to try each product and judge fairly. This occurs once all entries come back with a clean bill of testing from SC Labs.

Edibles Magazine Issue 38

What I learned while at the awards on one of the hottest, blazing days in Victorville, is that all entries are respected as a consumer product. If it isn’t up to the safe standards of regulated testing the entry is disqualified. An embarrassment to the manufacturer's, cultivators and other categories as there were many DQ’s. It was a bit shocking as to hear that of the submitted pre roll category where 10 products of pre rolls were entered and only 2 were deemed clean enough to be tested by the judges! Wow what are they putting in Pre Rolls? King Louie The 13th was the winner and at $150 a package for 6 pre rolls I do admit it was a nice J, but I would have to think about before I indulge $25 per pre roll.


The edibles came through with only 1 brand being DQ’d, out of 17 entries. The big winners were Uncle Ronnie’s Beef Jerky was a major award winner of many of the consumer events! Overall Winner was Utopia Farms Vanilla Macaroons from Santa Cruz, Ca. This macaroon is well packaged, tested, dosed and of course very tasty. Utopia Farms has a new item on the menu, a Peanut Butter Macaroon, at 50 mg a cookie, it is so moist and all I wanted was a cold glass of almond milk to go with my Non GMO, Vegan peanut butter yumminess. Speaking with the brand I found them to be very focused on creating edibles that were clean, healthy and most important delicious. Both of these edibles are excellent, be on the lookout for them at your local dispensary. www.utopiafarms.com As for flower, the top of the charts were Jungle Boys and Nameless Genetics. On many categories they both cleaned up with great flower and lots of respect. This desert Chalice Cup was also highlighted by the creative glass artists. Many of the

top names were there to share their latest creations and share the newest glass products. With Dap Bars galore attendees were treated to infusing abundance with top quality shatter, wax and rosin. I met many people that were first timers to a cannabis consumer event. It was a summer festival with the fantastic musical guest, best products, vendors, guests, glass artists and overall a good time for all! Other notable winners were Val’s Organics who in the topical division had multiple awards. With his balms and tinctures of CBD, I was feeling good to meet a heartfelt healer in the midst of dabs and fresh flowers. Mary Jane’s Juice had a carbonated juice drink and I had to stop myself from wanting to guilt this refreshing drink. My skills on micro dosing were put to the test as I turned down a glass of the fruity, bubbly Mary Janes Juice. In the distillate category Gold Drops took home the big prize and Vapes Nameless Genetics, for Best Solvent, Panacera with their X Luxe X Hive blew the hard working judges away. Nameless Genetics was also noted for the 1st Place Vape and 1st Place CBD. Not to be outdone, another brand to be highlighted is The Jungle Boys, who won Best Overall Flower! I had the pleasure of visiting the Jungle Boys tent and I seriously felt like I wasn’t cool or hip enough to be in there. It was the cannabis version of a Green Studio 54, with the beautiful, trendy, ultraexclusive, and oh so suave' people chilling and getting into the great music. But after a while this quiet, conservative, dorky, Asian girl from Orange County felt the positive vibes and the dedication of the Jungle Boys, how committed they are to the cultivation of good medicine. I saw my hero Jose M of Weed For Warriors with friends in the party tent, and I knew it was the place to be. Doug and Bryan, the Chalice Cup coordinators work so hard to bring an amazing event that was enjoyed by close to 30,000 happy guests. With over 350 vendors this is truly one of the largest California Consumer events of the season. The music headliners were Ice Cube and Cypress Hill and they sounded amazing! With great amusement rides, amazing food trucks, educational cannabis groups, and hot people, (really HOT people) the Summer Chalice Cup blazed this year. Congratulations and thank you to The Chalice Cup for one of the best consumer Summer Festivals in California! For more information please www.chalicecalifornia.com

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Before Slashing Your Edibles Pricing, Make Sure You Know The True Cost Jason Saunders, President: WeedWare.io

Let’s take the example of the insanely profitable manufacturer with a 10% cost of goods sold. How did they calculate this number? They took the cost of ingredients for a single batch of products and divided by the number of products in the batch. They neglected to factor in the freight costs, damaged products, discounting dead stock, or even their labor. Labor is the largest single cost in most manufacturing. By using this misleading number of 10% cost of goods sold they can easily make the mistake of reducing their price below their breakeven point without even knowing it. Now let’s look at the other end of the spectrum, our manufacturer with the 80% cost of goods sold. They went the other direction and included everything in their cost of goods sold. They included the cost of capital, owner’s compensation, travel/entertainment, licensing costs, depreciation, property taxes, etc. Many of these are fixed costs have no bearing on the cost of goods sold. If you increase your sales and production by 50% these costs will still be the same. So why are these smart people making such simple mistakes. Because they do not have a good way to track these costs. This is why a good manufacturing software system is so critical. It is absolutely essential your program can accurately track labor cost,

price of ingredients, lost/damaged products, discounts, and freight costs. Some of you might be thinking that your accounting software does the same thing. Yes and no. In general, your accounting software will track your labor. But it can’t tell you how much time was spent waiting for orders to come in compared to how much was truly spent in production. It can’t tell you the variation in labor for different products. For example, two products may have a very similar cost of ingredients, but one may take 8 minutes in labor to produce a batch, compared to another product that takes 2 hours. The TRUE cost of goods sold for these products is very different. There may even be extreme variations in this labor time based on the employee doing the work. Once you have this valuable information you can use it in many ways including product pricing and cost reduction. You can confidently set a price point that will keep you profitable and be competitive. By looking at the information from your manufacturing system, you will be able to pinpoint high cost products. Then correctly determine the best ways to reduce these costs or focus your marketing efforts on more profitable products. It’s a great time to be in the edibles business, but as competition heats up you need to make sure your management software will help you get to and remain profitable. At WeedWare we are proud to offer a complete manufacturing management program. Includes the tracking of recipe management, inventory control, damaged products, and labor tracking. Check us out at www.weedware.io .

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We asked ten different edibles manufacturers what their cost was for their finished products. Some amazing profits could be as high as 90% margins. Others were starting to struggle to compete with up to an 80% cost of goods sold. Were their production processes so different? The quality of ingredients? What we found out was that not one of the 10 truly knew their true costs of goods sold and certainly not by individual product.



Putting Disabilites First Last weekend, I spent a day in San Francisco participating in activism at the Dyke March. I appreciated the speeches which spoke about the inclusiveness of the event. Empowevred women taking up space. Radical in many ways, like no corporate sponsorship, this march was organized differently and a noticeable aspect was that it was led by people with disabilities. There was something poignant about it that touched my heart, and I didn’t immediately know why. These women were not afraid; they were celebrating and showing off what others may see as a negative. They were owning up to who they were and there was no shame. I’ll never forget the first time I heard someone praise medicating as an enhancement which blew my mind. Liberal as I am, I’m still fighting against society's brainwashing.

Darcy Thompson

To participate in the current California non-profit system, you must be a medical patient to be on the premises. So if you’re dealing with staff at your local dispensary they must have a medical reason to be using cannabis. They also should have firsthand experience using marijuana to help their ailments and they understand the difference it can make to quality of life. I realized this deeply changed the entire industry and brought a level of compassion that might have not been there otherwise. We put people with disabilities first too. All of this is changing in 2018 where you can legally employ anyone 21 or older in your cannabis businesses. I hope the current industry and all the patients don’t just fade away, I also hope everyone with medical reasons to consume cannabis continue to take up space and be integrated as part of the legal market workforce. Doing business right, being inclusive, and having a diverse staff, is critical to keeping our industry special and different. Let’s hold onto the culture of compassion and caring for the most marginalized who are in need of love and support from our communities. Let’s not lose the soul of the current community and keep celebrating what was once kept hidden. Speak up and keep taking up space and be part of the future...



Keiko Beatie

With some of the who’s who of the top brands sharing on how they created successful companies, such as Ed Breslin of Xternal and Maya of Maya and Whoopi. These leaders in the topical category have inspiring stories and have shaped the way for people to feel comfortable about using cannabis as topical medicine. On Saturday, October 21st at the Casa Vertigo in Downtown LA the Infused Expo will take place from 10 am to 7 pm. Appearing as a Keynote Speaker is Ed Rosenthal, who now has the Stardust line of water soluble instant THC powder. Ed is most well known as the “The Master Grower” within the cannabis community and his bestselling book “How To Grow

Marijuana” is the only book within the cannabis library that has been reviewed by The New York Times. Ed is in high demand as his insight and information are coveted by many in the cannabis industry. At the end of the day at the Infused Expo, you’ll feel more prepared to be part of one of the fastest growing facets of the cannabis industry. It is projected that within 5 years this branch of the cannabis industry will grow 30 % from where we are at this time in the edible, topical platform. Casa Vertigo is located in Downtown Los Angeles with lots of Free Parking at 1828 Oak Street, Los Angeles, CA. If you are interested in attending, becoming a vendor, or being a part of the Infused Expo please call 310-601-7299, email info@infusedexpo.com or visit the website at www.infusedexpo.com

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The Infused Expo is coming to town this October. This is the premier education event happening anywhere in the cannabis space, directed towards the edibles, topicals, tinctures, extraction, concentrates and infusion industries. At his full day event you’ll be educated on the many important facets of packaging, dosing, testing, marketing, branding and everything else you need to know when starting a manufacturing business.

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Type: Chocolate Bars, Gummies, Capsules, Shatter, Vape Pens Strain used: Hybrid or Mix Made with: Hash Oil Dosage available: Varies by Product Medical and Recreational Available in: Colorado and California www.iloveincredibles.com Twitter.com/IncrediblesMMJ Instagram.com/ IncrediblesMMJ


THE MYSTERY BAKING CO. Type: Peanut Butter, Canna-Butter, Honey, Hazelnut Spread (Budtella) Strain used: SFV OG Kush/Indica Made with: Supercritical Co2 Extract Dosage available: 300mg - 400mg per 4 oz Jar Available in: CALIFORNIA

www.MysteryBaking.com Instagram.com/MysteryBaking

Type: 125+ variety of Gourmet edibles: brownies, lemon bars, cereals, ice creams, Potsicles, Squookies, Munchies, frozen pizzas, crispy bars, butter and spreads, sugar-free and gluten-free options. Strain used: Hybrid or Mix Made with: Canna Butter, THC Vegetable OilCanna Coconut Milk, Other Extract Dosage available: 37mg THC-588mg THC Available in: CALIFORNIA www.heavenlysweetmedibles.com Twitter.com/heavenlysweetmedibles IG: @heavenlysweetmedibles


Type: Infused Gum in Peppermint, Grape, Cinnamon, and Double Bubble Strain used: Organic/Hybrid Made with: Cannabis Extract Dosage available: 15MG per piece, sold in packs of 5 Available in: OREGON Medical & Recreational

www.TheGoodGumCo.com thegoodgumcompany@gmail.com @thegoodgumcompany


Type : Confections, Hard Candies, Taffy Strain used: Hybrid or Mix Made with: BHO Extraction Dosage available: 70-100mg Available in: ARIZONA www.TDMints.com Twitter.com/TDMints Facebook.com/T.D.Mints Instagram.com/TDMints


Type: Brownies, Hard Candies, Caramels, Cake Pops, THC Capsules, etc. Strain used: OG, Sour Diesel, Jack Herer Made with: CannaButter, Canna Coconut Oil, Alochol Based Tincture, BHO Extraction Dosage available: 200mg-700mg Available in: CALIFORNIA www.properrx.com infusions215@gmail.com



Edibles List Issue 38


Type: High Quality Flowers, Pre-Packaged Cannabis Bud Flower Strain used: Sativa, Indica, Hybrid, CBD Made with: Cannabis Dosage available: Varies by Product Available in: CALIFORNIA & COLORADO www.PharmAidePharms.com


Edibles: Cookies, Brownies, Honey Sticks, Hard Candy, Gummies, Tinctures, Chocolate Bars Flower: Sativa, Indica, Hybrid Vapes: Disposables, Vaporizers, Cartridges. Topicals: Body Cream, Lip Balm, Bath Balm, Massage Oil Dosage available: Varies by Product Available in: NV (Nevada Takes Out-of-State Medical Marijuana Recommendations!) www.EvergreenOrganix.com Twitter.com/EvergreenMMJ Facebook.com/EvergreenOrganixLV Instagram.com/evergreenorganix


Type: CBD Broker, Hemp Extraction, Wholesale Sales, CBD Oil, American Grown CBD Hemp Madewith: CBD Hemp, CBD Hemp Oil Dosage available: Varies by Product Available in: Nationwide All 50 States www.KindXtractor.com Instagram.com/KindXtractor

58 The Herb List. Our List is for consumers and dispensaries alike. Browse each brand's detailed listing and see what states they're available in.

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t jay’s wee

Type: Vegan Sour gummies, Vegan hard candies, Vegan coconut caramels, salted caramels Strain used: Hybrid Strain or Mix Made with: Hash Oil, Alochol Based Tincture Dosage available: Hard Candies - 100mg (3.5mg per candy), Sour Gummies "Gomitas" 200mg - (10mg per gummy), Salted Caramels - 100mg (20mg per caramel) Available in: CALIFORNIA



Type: Infused BBQ Sauces Strain used: Hybrid Strain Made with: Secret Concentrate Dosage available: 100mg THC • 100mg CBD • 1:1 THC/CBD • BBQ Sauces, Available in Regular and Spicy 2 ounce bottles (each 1/2 oz. serving contains 25mg) Available in: CALIFORNIA

Type: Organic Gummies, Fruit Chews, and Almond/Peanut Butter, Caramel Chocolate Cups, Nougat Chocolate Bars Strain used: Hybrid Strain/Mix Made with: Secret Concentrate Dosage available: Varies by Product Available in: CALIFORNIA

www.kannaedibles.com Instagram.com/kannaedibles Facebook.com/Kannaedibles

www.SweetJaysBBQ.com Instagram.com/SweetJaysBBQ







Type: High Potency Fruit Chews & Disposable Vape Pens Strain used: Sativa, Indica, Hybrid, CBD Made with: Sugar Cane Alcohol Extraction Dosage available: Sativa/Indica/Hybrid (100mg), TKO (200mg), Recover (60mg THC +30mg of CBD), CBD (60mg CBD) Available in: CALIFORNIA

Type: Award Winning THC & CBD Gummies, Fruit & Nuts, Chamoy, Jerky, Take N’ Bake Mixes, CBD Tinctures & Vape Cartridges. StrainUsed:Indica,Sativa,HybridTHC&CBD MadeWith: SolventlessDistillate &Isolates. Dosage Available: 75mg, 150mg, 300mg THC Products available: California CBD Products available: Worldwide

www.KushyPunch.com Instagram.com/official_kushypunch Facebook.com/getkushypunch Twitter.com/kushypunch


Type: Chocolate Chunks & Vape Cartridges Strain used: Indica, Sativa, Hybrid, CBD Made with: C02 Concentrate Dosage available: Varies by Product Available in: CALIFORNIA

www.InfusedEdibles.org Instagram.com/InfusedEdiblesCA

www.Varavo.com Instagram.com/Varavo

KOROVA Type: Cannabis Infused Drinks Strain used: Sativa, Indica, Hybrid Made with: C02 Extract, Other Dosage available: Varies by product Available in: CALIFORNIA

Type: Cookies, Mint Chocolate, Brownies, Blondies, High Dose/Extra Potent, Gluten Free & Vegan Options, Popcorn Strain used: Hybrid Made with: Cannabis Infused Coconut Oil Dosage available: 150mg - 1000mg Available in: CALIFORNIA

www.ZaspCo.com Instagram.com/Zasp.Co Facebook.com/ZaspCo Twitter.com/ZaspCo


Type: Nutty Truffles & Bold, Boozy Bonbons Strain used: Sativa, Indica, Hybrid, CBD Made With: Organic coconut oil Doses available: 2.5mg, 5mg, 15mg, 45mg Available in: CALIFORNIA Order at: www.theartofedibles.com www.towhomitmaychocolates.com IG: towhomitmaychocolates

www.KorovaEdibles.com Instagram.com/korovaediblesca

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Type: Pain Salve, Massage Oil, Sport Massage Oil, Body Lotion, Hash Bath, Lip Balm, Skin Products, Topical Tincture, First Aid Ointment Strain used: Hybrid Made with: Canna Olive Oil Dosage available: Varies by Product Available in: CALIFORNIA www.CannaTopics.com Facebook.com/CannaTopics Instagram.com/CannaTopics Twitter.com/CannaTopics


Type: Medicated Topicals Strain used: Hybrid or Mix Made with: Trim, Canna Infused Oil Dosage available: Very High, Various Available in: CALIFORNIA LoveandLightBakery.com


Edibles List Issue 38

Type: Full Plant Extracts, OG Kush Shatter, Crumble Strain Used: Hybrid, Indica, Sativa, THC, OG KUSH Made with: BHO, CO2 Dosage available: Half Grams & Grams Available in: CALIFORNIA info@edibledistribution.com

godsgiftproducts@gmail.com Instagram.com/gods_gift_balm

Type: Auto Draw Vaporizer Cartridge Sold seperately: Yes Disposable cartridge: Yes 510 Threading: Yes Strains used: Hybrid, Indica, Sativa Strain Specific Flavors like Skywalker OG, Strawberry Cough, Jack Herer, Gorilla Glue Made with: Clear Dosage available: 1000mg THC Available in: CALIFORNIA Instagram.com/BrassKnucklesOG MassRoots.com/BrassKnucklesOG brassknucklesog@gmail.com

www.SublimeCo2.com Instagram.com/Sublimeco2


Type: All Natural Cannabis Infused Pain Salve, Topical Products, Cucumber Cannabis Body Scrub, Coffee Cellulite Scrub, Lip Balms Strain used: Hybrid, CBD Made with: Coconut oil, Cannabis Oil Available in: CALIFORNIA


Type: THC & CBD Vape Cartridges, Indica & Sativa, Wax, Terpene Infused Pre-Rolls Cartridge Sold seperately: Yes 510 Threading: Yes Strains used: Indica, Hybrid, Sativa, OG Kush, Super Silver Haze Made with: Co2 Oil, Full Spectrum Terpenes, Kief Dosage available: Varies by Product Available in: CALIFORNIA

Aloha! Extracts


2015 Hempcon Winner, 2015 Dab Cup Winner


Type: Push Button & Direct Inhale Vaporizer Cartridge sold separate: Yes Disposable cartridge: Yes 510 Threading: Yes Strains used: Hybrid, Indica, Sativa Strain Specific Flavors like Skywalker OG, Green Crack, GSC, Fire OG, GDP. Made with: Clear/Co2 Dosage available:500mg THC/300mg CBD Available in: CALIFORNIA www.WVapes.com Instagram.com/WVapes Facebook.com/WVapes Twitter.com/W_Vapes


Type: Full Plant Extracts, Activated Co2 Oils, Terpene Rich Vapes,Disposables, Lotions, Pens, Tinctures Strain Used: Hybrid, Indica, Sativa, THC, CBD, Trainwreck, Gorilla Glue, Durban Made with: Pure Ethanol Extract Dosage available: 100mg - 500mg Available in: CALIFORNIA Instagram.com/honeytreemedicinal

60 The Herb List. Our List is for consumers and dispensaries alike. Browse each brand's detailed listing and see what states they're available in.

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Type: Body Butter, Beard Oil and Beard Balm, Paraben-Free, 100% Natural, Not tested on Animals Strain used: Hybrid or Mix, CBD Made with: Coconut oil, Cannabis Oil Available: Nationwide www.JaynGreen.com Instagram.com/_JaynGreen Facebook.com/TheJaynGreen Twitter.com/_JaynGreen

Type: Organic Cooking Oils Strain Used: Organic Hybrid Made with: Organic GMO-free Canola Oil, Organic Coconut Oil Dosage: Serving size: 1 tsp OCCO-Organic Cannabis Canola Oil, THC 25mg, Serving size: 1/4 tsp CANNA*COCO*BIS, THC 18.5mg Available in: CALIFORNIA


Type: Balms, Tinctures, Topicals, Lotions, Creams, Cooking Oil, Female Lubricants, Sexual Enchancers, Serums, Pet Products Strain used: Hybrid or Mix, CBD Made with: Other Extract Available in: CALIFORNIA








Shop Name: Speed Weed Delivery Service Phone Number: 888.860.8472 Hours: 11am-2am Daily Free Overnight or Same Day Delivery Menu Includes: First Time • Vapes • Flowers • Concentrates Patients: • Edibles Receive a • Clones • CBD Special • Loyalty • Tinctures Gift Bag! Program • Bath Soaks


Type: Shatter, Wax, and Rosin Strains used: Hybrid, Indica, Sativa Strain Specific Flavors: True OG, GDP, Berry White, Lemon Kush Made with: 100% Solvent Free Extraction Dosage available: 500-1000mg THC Available in: CALIFORNIA

www.SpeedWeed.com Instagram.com/SpeedWeedProducts Twitter.com/SpeedWeed Facebook.com/SpeedWeedLA

Instagram.com/DeviantDabs Twitter.com/DeviantDabs Facebook.com/DeviantDabs



Shop Name: Beverly Alternative Relief Center Loc: 432 S. San Vicente Blvd. Suite #100, LA Phone Number: 855.227.2420 Hours: 11am-8pm M-S, Sun 11am-6pm Menu Includes: First Time • Flowers • Bath Soaks Patients: • Edibles • Vapes Receive a • CBD • Concentrates Top-Shelf • Tinctures • Clones Free Joint! Instagram.com/BARC_Collective Twitter.com/BARCCollective Facebook.com: BARC Collective


Edibles List Issue 38

Shop Name: Green Fiend Delivery Location: Delivery Only San Francisco - San Jose, CA Phone Number: (585)-420-7770 Hours: 24/7 Daily ASK FOR THE TURKEY PROMO! Menu Includes: • Flowers • Topicals • Vapes • Edibles • Tinctures • Concentrates



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Long Awaited Hawaii Cannabis Dispensaries Open The Door For Sales Tanganyika Daniel

There was a second day of celebration in Hawaii as not one, but two dispensaries were given the ‘GREEN’ Light to begin medical sales this week. The Hawaii Department of Health issued a formal letter to Aloha Green in Honolulu stating that they now had permission to dispense dried flower to their patients, and that they are officially open for business. Aloha Greens approval letter came after Grown Therapies in Maui received their letter, so now starts the waiting game to see which company is next. Currently Hawaii has approved eight dispensaries total, but all of them are at different levels and stages of development. Aloha Green has a major advantage having prime location in O’ahu, which services 5000 of the 17000 total qualified patients. This means that not only could they potentially see more revenue, but they also set the standard for treatment and experience of patients in that area. Patients would be allowed to purchase no more than four ounces in 15 consecutive days, or eight ounces in a 30 consecutive day timeframe. They would have to transport that cannabis straight home since it is illegal to consume cannabis publicly anywhere on the island. What’s even more interesting is that once the cannabis is home they have to put it into a sealed container, and out of the view of public there as well. The state cannabis rules are based on Hawai’i Revised Statutes Chapter 329D and the Hawai’i Administrative Rules Chapter 11-850, and one of those requirements for the application process included no one under the age of 21 could apply. Other rules insist no felonies, 5-year mandatory residency requirements, and no less than 51% of the owners had to be Hawaiian. Oh, and did I mention you had to have at least $1,000,000 for each license you applied for with bank statements or escrow accounts attached for proof. Once you are approved, however, you can legally own two dispensaries per license, which would double patient access and revenue Hawaii is filled with rich culture, amazing beaches, and robust tourism so it will be interesting to see what effect, if any, cannabis will have in these areas on the island. Our beloved CEO of Edibles List is from Hawaii so this is a personal story to our editorial family; so stay tuned as we watch the developments closely to keep you informed. Issue No. 38 I Page 63 EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com

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Dr. Norms

KIND B. Le Grand

The citizen-sponsored initiative prohibits growing cannabis in residential zones, authorizes and regulates medical marijuana dispensaries, and limits commercial cultivation sites to industrial and manufacturing zones with a permit issued by the city. Opponents said the measure doesn’t do enough to protect the community, while the supporters said Measure U will provide oversight and transparency. La Mesa rejected a similar ballot measure in 2012, and banned the cultivation and manufacturing of medical marijuana, and the operation of dispensaries. The citizen-sponsored initiative prohibits growing cannabis in residential zones, authorizes and regulates medical marijuana dispensaries, and limits commercial cultivation sites to industrial and manufacturing zones with a permit issued by the city. Opponents said the measure doesn’t do enough to protect the community, while the supporters said Measure U will provide oversight and transparency. La Mesa rejected a similar ballot measure in 2012, and banned the cultivation and manufacturing of medical marijuana, and the operation of La Mesa rejected a similar ballot measure in 2012, and banned the cultivation and manufacturing of medical marijuana, and the operation of anned the cultivation and manufacturing of medical Issue No. 38 I Page 80

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