Edibles Magazine - The Quarantine Issue - No. 63

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Prisoners Deprived Basic Needs During Pandemic Prisons With For-Profit Labor Contracts Refuse to Release Non-Violent & At-Risk Prisoners, Impossible to Social Distance 1

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Issue No. 63 The Quarantine Issue Edibles Magazine™ Team Publisher/CEO B. Le Grand Editor-in-Chief Patrick Ian Moore Contributing Writers Dr. Mike Heller Dr. Sally Burgundy Marc Wasserman, Esq. Patrick Ian Moore Jack Paradise Tommy Knowledge Rakafet Abergel April Flores Crix Lee Wednesday Jones Bishop Henry Long You Richard Bell Lynn You Chef Matt Michelle Tippens Graphic Design DesignsByBo.com Photography & Video B. Le Grand Alexander Andres Interested In Advertising? Call Or Email Us Info@EdiblesList.com 310.601.7299 Subscribe at EdiblesMagazine.com EdiblesList.com Meetup: Cannabis Infused Products Meetup: Asian Cannabis Association Download our App in the iTunes Store, Google Play or Amazon Apps Store: Search for "Edibles List Magazine" Answers to Issue 62 Crossword Puzzle Across: 1. Reality, 5. Bootleg, 7. Extraction, 9. Laboratory, 10. Casino, 14. Apprentice, 16. Comedy, 17. Concussion, 20. Cola, 21. Trump, 24. Television, 25. Tijuana, 26. Disney, 27. Melania, 28. Golf, 29. Wrestling Down: 2. Trichomes, 3. Vegan, 4. Endocannabinoids, 6. Tapioca, 8. Cartoon, 11. President, 12. Korea, 13. Celebrity, 15. Drama, 18. Leprechaun, 19. Kuwait, 20. Cocaine, 22. Marvel, 23. Damage



Cover Story: Pharm Aide Pharms Ep. II: The Fall of Sky Walker, Legal Cannabis Licenses Used Against Him in Federal Sentencing





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LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Greetings my friends,

Well, here we are in the apocalypse.. Didn’t exactly see this coming and it is truly one of the strangest times in history to be alive. We truly hope all of our readers have been staying safe and following all of these social distancing, quarantine, self isolation guidelines we all have been told about. It’s weird out there and this is our special Quarantine Issue featuring Skylar Walker of Pharm Aide Pharms on the cover.

So Saint Patrick’s Day came and all the bars were closed. Easter came and all the churches were closed. 4/20 came and all of the events were cancelled. The dispensaries were open though, for the most part. The cannabis industry was declared an essential business in most areas where they have any kind of legalization and that’s pretty cool. Most shops are offering curbside pickup, online ordering and delivery. We’ve included a list of the “Top 7 Ways the Coronavirus is Changing Cannabis Consumption”. Things might never quite be the same again. Speaking of the Coronavirus The featured story this month is about how the pandemic is spreading behind bars and the non-violent offenders serving time for cannabis crimes locked up inside and potentially facing death because of Covid 19. Read “The Fall of Sky Walker” to learn more. We’re doing our best to spread the word but despite being declared essential Facebook is still flagging cannabis content as being “drugs”. Doomsday preppers are stocking up on weed and we’ve got some special infused ration-recipes to help you

through quarantine. It feels like the 4/20 holiday season is somewhat cancelled but virtual smoke seshes on apps like Zoom and other online forums are allowing the cannabis community to stay in touch in cyberspace, so at least there’s that. You’re much better off not sharing those joints and blunts right now anyway. If you somehow have yet to watch the series “Tiger King” on Netflix please do yourself a favor and binge it as soon as possible. Make sure you get extra high first and have more ready, You’ll need it. Joe Exotic is entertaining but that’s content you won’t want to consume without cannabis. As always, smile at your budtender, tip yourdeliverydriver,andknowyourdose.

“Truth is not obliged to stick to possibilities.”

Patrick Ian Moore Editor-in-Chief



Patrick Ian Moore

SinglePoint Inc. and Lentil Kale Soup There’s a pandemic happening and the nation is isolating, social distancing and staying in quarantine. Maybe it seems like a weird time to be investing but you never know. Someone is always profiteering off of other people’s misery so there’s got to be some opportunity out there. There’s also some nice things going on. Hand sanitizer with a moisturizing hemp seed oil added sounds good. So does a delicious lentilkale-cannabis soup loaded with everything you need to survive in your bunker. Lentils keep forever, they’re loaded with protein and they’re in the old testament. The apocalypse could be a good time to diversify your portfolio and your palate but you should be high when you do. Read on... SinglePoint Inc. SinglePoint Inc. (OTCQB: SING) a technology and acquisition company, provides mobile payments, ancillary cannabis services, and block chain solutions in the United States. They recently announced the launch of Klen Hands, a hempseed oil infused Hand Sanitizer. This is an example of how they have consistently been in front of industry trends. Already deep in the cannabis and cleantech sectors, and with a national current crisis happening, SinglePoint immediately saw the need for a crossover into the health sector as shelves are being cleaned out of hand sanitizers. Greg Lambrecht, the CEO, said: "Hand sanitizer is one of the most out of stock products there is in most all retail locations. We do expect to sell out very quickly. As we move into uncertain times, we have developed a product to directly combat the coronavirus. Our hand sanitizer has 62% ethyl alcohol to keep hands klen (clean) as well as hemp seed oil to keep hands soft and hydrated. Sanitize. Hydrate. Repeat." Founded in 2011 SinglePoint, Inc invests in and acquires brands and companies that will benefit from injection of growth capital and the sales and marketing expertise of SinglePoint. The company portfolio currently includes solar, hemp and technology applications. SinglePoint is working to grow the company to a multinational brand.

Lentil Cannabis Kale Soup Ingredients ¼ cup cannabis infused extra virgin olive oil 1 medium yellow or white onion, chopped 2 carrots, peeled and chopped 4 garlic cloves, pressed or minced 2 teaspoons ground cumin 1 teaspoon curry powder ½ teaspoon dried thyme 1 large can (28 ounces) diced tomatoes, lightly drained 1 cup brown or green lentils, picked over and rinsed 4 cups vegetable broth 2 cups water 1 teaspoon salt, more to taste Pinch of red pepper flakes Freshly ground black pepper, to taste 1 cup chopped fresh collard greens or kale, tough ribs removed 1 to 2 tablespoons lemon juice (½ to 1 medium lemon), to taste Instructions Warm the cannabis infused olive oil in a large pot over medium heat. One-fourth cup olive oil may seem like a lot, but it adds a lovely richness and heartiness to this nutritious soup. Once the oil is shimmering, add the chopped onion and carrot and cook, stirring often, until the onion has softened and is turning translucent, about 5 minutes. Add the garlic, cumin, curry powder and thyme. Cook until fragrant while stirring constantly, about 30 seconds. Pour in the drained diced tomatoes and cook for a few more minutes, stirring often, in order to enhance their flavor. Pour in the lentils, broth and the water. Add 1 teaspoon salt and a pinch of red pepper flakes. Season generously with freshly ground black pepper. Raise heat and bring the mixture to a boil, then partially cover the pot and reduce the heat to maintain a gentle simmer. Cook for 25 to 30 minutes, or until the lentils are tender but still hold their shape. Transfer 2 cups of the soup to a blender. Securely fasten the lid, protect your hand from steam with a tea towel placed over the lid, and purée the soup until smooth. Pour the puréed soup back into the pot. (Or, use an immersion blender to blend a portion of the soup.) Add the chopped greens and cook for 5 more minutes, or until the greens have softened to your liking. Remove the pot from the heat and stir in 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Taste and season with more salt, pepper and/or lemon juice until the flavors really sing. For spicier soup, add another pinch or two of red pepper flakes. Serve while hot. Leftovers will keep well for about 4 days in the refrigerator, or can be frozen for several months (just defrost before serving). Being locked up alone in a bunker doesn’t mean you can’t stay healthy, high and dining in style.

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Edibles Magazine™ Issue 63




From Cannabis to Hand Sanitizer a Northern California Cannabis Manufacturing Facility Tacks the Ship Forward to Help The Galley of Santa Rosa steps up to CGA Packaging of Santa Rosa will meet the demands of COVID-19 provide donations of labels and packaging for the "Stop & Sanitize" April 7, 2020 (Santa Rosa, California)– product. Wherefour, a local Enterprise The Galley of Santa Rosa, California, Resource Planning (ERP) technology joins a wave of cannabis companies' company, will donate services to efforts to support the urgent need for support expedited production. supplies brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Channeling resources at About The Galley: their state-of-the-art manufacturing The Galley facility is located in Santa and production facility, a first run of Rosa, California. Built to FDA and “Stop & Sanitize” will include 25,000 CDPH standards, the plant focuses on units for distribution to hospitals, retail high demand areas of production such shops, grocery, and drug stores. The as Topicals, Tinctures, Chocolate, Hard Galley has been built to FDA and CDPH Candies, Gummies, Pre-Rolls, Flower, standards and capable of meeting high Vapes, and Beverages. The Galley demands in multiple cannabis product uses cutting-edge practices through categories. Using operational expertise automation, premium equipment, and a cutting edge facility, the company and innovative operational design to will provide bottles of hand sanitizer to rapidly scale production of high-quality retailers in need. cannabis products across multiple categories. One-stop production Annie Holman, Acting CEO of The expertise sets The Galley apart from Galley, shares, “It’s our civic duty to do industry peers and positions the what we can to save lives. Our “Stop & Northern California facility to serve top Sanitize” hand sanitizer is made with tier in-state and out-of-state cannabis great care in a sterilized setting and we brands. want to contribute in some way to help people & our community in this crisis.” Media Relations Contact: Gaynell Rogers Director of Operations Cheriene Griffith 415.298.1114 comments on manufacturing practices gaynellrogers@gmail.com stating, “We have followed the strict FDA temporary guidelines for this purpose and To Order Hand Sanitizer our plant to ensure the product is safe.” info@thegalleysr.com EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com

Edibles Magazine™ Issue 63

Annie Holman



Pharm Aide Pharms Ep. II: The Fall of Sky Walker; Prisoners Deprived Basic Sanitary Needs During COVID-19 Pandemic Patrick Ian Moore & B. Le Grand

Not long ago, in a place not far away...

Edibles Magazine™ Issue 63

Back in October of 2018, Edibles Magazine published, “A Model for Organic, Sustainable, Clean, Large Scale Farming: Pharm Aide Pharms” in our Health Issue featuring Fran Drescher on the cover. I had visited Skylar Walker on his farm in Walsenburg, Colorado and spent a few days there learning all about the amazing ways he was growing top shelf buds organically in the sun. Now, a year and a half later, and in the midst of a global pandemic, we’re revisiting Pharm Aide Pharms, and their story has taken a very dramatic and frightening turn.


entire time. Masks and gloves are standard Read the original Pharm Aide Pharms issue in this business. article from Issue 49 here: www.ediblesmagazine.com/world/a-model-for- Pharm Aide Pharms is a family farm who organic-sustainable-clean-large-scale-farming- spent 20 years growing on the West coast. pharm-aide-pharms-in-ca-co-now-ok/ They're a family cannabis business that was We recently talked to Wade Walker, the licensed in 3 states. Skylar, Wade’s son, was Walker family patriarch, at the Pharm Aide raised in Mendocino County where Pharm Pharms Farm in Hugo, Oklahoma. We were Aide had an operation in addition to the farm joined by his wife Dana, and this time their they had in Humboldt County, and another son Skylar wasn’t there. Don’t worry, we they built in Colorado and eventually the one practiced good social distancing and wore in Oklahoma, where we are here in Hugo. all the proper, sanitary safety equipment the When Colorado turned recreational in 2017, EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com


It took a couple of years for them to get the license in Colorado. There was a residency requirement so Skylar moved to Walsenburg in 2017 to get started and immediately began making important civil connections, building up the property and applying for licenses to get approved on both the state and the county level. It took so long to get set up that they missed the planting season for 2017. In 2018 they rolled out a full count on three acres with 1600 plants but then Fall hit, prices plummeted just like on the West coast and taxes were bad plus there were regulations and the cost of compliance, so full pounds of whole buds were only fetching $400 wholesale, which is not good. It’s low, very low. That meant it would all be more valuable if they waited to sell it until prices were better and the market wasn’t so

oversaturated with newly harvested plants. In the meantime, Wade and Dana continued to focus on getting Oklahoma totally ready. Skylar had just gotten out of a relationship so for the time being he went to the farm in California to take care of finalizing things there. And then Wade tells us, “he made a big mistake.” Skylar decided to move some product, 370 pounds of flower he’d grown in California under prop 215 back in the pre-recreational medical marijuana days, out of the state. He was caught when he got pulled over in Amarillo, Texas, for allegedly not leaving enough room between trucks when changing lanes. Texas is illegal, meaning they have no recreational or medical cannabis allowed whatsoever. The state trooper requested a search which Skylar refused, so they brought in K-9 officers which alerted the troopers that cannabis was present. Wade told us during the interview: “It was something that he shouldn’t have done, but he did. But the way it all played out in the end though overall, they wound up giving him a sentence that was just crazy in this day and time, for this… There was definitely time to be done, but it shoulda been around 24 months… They found out he had interests in three licensed legal states… At sentencing they used his legal interests as relevant conduct… They pumped it up to 60 months and $150,000 in fines. And he’s a first time offender who’s never been in trouble before.” The DEA found out about the growing operations and ended up raiding their adult-use recreational licensed farm in

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Edibles Magazine™ Issue 63

Skylar went there on a consulting gig and wound up buying property and setting up an operation. Then when Oklahoma voted it in they already had their place there, so they got licensed as medical cultivators and became a three state license, 2 recreational states and one medical, at the time. Wade’s family has been involved in the business their whole lives, and now they were back home in Oklahoma. Skylar, Wade and Dana sold the California and Colorado farms to focus solely on their Oklahoma operations. Fans of Edibles Magazine will remember seeing Pharm Aide Pharms advertise for a number of years and their products have been the subject of many reviews both in the magazine and on “The Edibles Show”. They also won awards for their pre-rolls at the Best of Edibles List Awards. As mentioned before, it had been a while since we’d been to one of their farms.

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COVER STORY Prisoners and COVID-19 The Federal Prison Camp, Pensacola (FPC Pensacola) is located on Saufley Field, an outlying field of Naval Air Station Pensacola, 175 miles west of the Florida state capital of Tallahassee. That’s the prison where Skylar chose to serve his time. If you absolutely have to go to prison, it’s certainly preferable to a lot of alternatives, but it's still a prison and afterall, there’s a global pandemic going on and everything. Walsenburg. Pharm Aide had been set up with and following all of the regulations made by MED, the Marijuana Enforcement Division in Colorado, but an army of black government cars and SUVs, 20 vehicles total plus 2 helicopters descended upon the farm. They were however, completely unable to find anything that wasn’t tracked, traced and logged in Metrc ™, the cannabis compliance & seed to sale software. That didn’t stop them from confiscating all of the inventory. That means they took 3400 pounds of cannabis with a value of over one and a half million dollars. They were also unable to find any stacks of cash, which is clearly what they were looking for, because they kept asking, “Where’s the money?”

Skylar is confined to a dorm room with 11 other men, so there's around 700 men total. That means there are 12 men to a room sharing 6 different bunk bed racks that each sleep two people. They’re all trustee status, and are mostly incarcerated for low level drug crimes, and one third of the men are in for white collar crimes but there’s still 12 to a room and you’re not supposed to be in groups of more than ten. There’s also no way to keep a distance of six feet apart from other inmates. In prison, social distancing is impossible.

Wade continuously replied to the DEA officers, “Well, what damn money? I told you there ain’t no damn money!”

Edibles Magazine™ Issue 63

Oddly enough, while the local DEA in Colorado Springs were willing to raid the licensed farm in Colorado, the DEA did not raid Pharm Aide Pharms licensed California or Oklahoma farms.


Federal Prison Industries, Inc. (FPI), doing business as UNICOR (stylized as unicor) since 1977, is a wholly owned United States government corporation created in 1934 as a prison labor program for inmates within the Federal Bureau of Prisons, and a component of the Department of Justice. Most of their contracts are federal, and in this case they’re working at a military institution. The men are paid $0.13 cents This is a precedent setting case, because a day to work at Saufley Field, an active no other case has used a licensed legal U.S. Navy facility and a former Naval Air cannabis commercial business as relevant Station where the Blue Angels fighter conduct to get more time sentenced. jets are housed. Even though they’re in Skylar took the plea offered in order to reduce prison time and be able to choose the prison he would spend his time in. The judge in Texas sentenced him to the 5 years, and refused to allow any evidence to be submitted in addition to denying his attorney any objections. All the judge had to say was that, “It’s Federally illegal.”

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COVER STORY release. If the Bureau of Prisons doesn’t reply within 30 days, the inmate can then file their motion in federal court, giving judges more power to order the release of inmates who may otherwise suffer or die in jail. Currently a case could be made that this applies to a great number of inmates because so many are potentially at risk of being sick with the coronavirus. quarantine, they’re still required to work They’re only letting them have one shower per week. They are not giving them hand soap or hand sanitizer or masks. The work being done on the Naval base puts them in direct contact with sailors and seamen stationed there, as well as their families who live on base in military housing. Prisoners on work detail are also exposed to guards who go home at night to their families, and then taken back to crowded rooms and set out the next day to do it all again. The number of people being put at risk seems highly irresponsible but it’s definitely in someone's best financial interest to keep people in prison. Landscapers are hard to find at $0.13 a day, even in the military.

William Barr sent a Memorandum For Director of Bureau Prisons March 26, 2020 recommending the transfer of inmates to home confinement where appropriate to decrease the risk to their health. Some state and county prisons have begun releasing prisoners. And if anyone qualifies for the early home releases, the men incarcerated at Pensacola do.

A federal prison, with a private contract, and now a death sentence for some. The First Step Act A Message to Cannabis Regulators from Wade Walker: “When is the craziness going to stop? You got all these states that are legal… We’re deemed an essential business by local authorities, but yet we can’t have bank accounts or small business loans. As cannabis businesses, we are exempt from any of the Federal help or stimulus packages… Billions of dollars are being made. Look at how much money is being made in Oklahoma in application fees alone. Cannabis is the fastest thing since Dot com.” Wade had been in California so long, he’d pretty much forgotten how much trouble you could get in for weed down south, and being raised in Mendicino county combined with being young enough not to even remember the days before medical

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“The Formerly Incarcerated Reenter Society Transformed Safely Transitioning Every Person Act.” The purpose of the act is to provide for programs to help reduce the risk that prisoners will recidivate upon release from prison, as well as for other purposes. The act, among many provisions, restricts the use of restraints on pregnant women, expands compassionate release for terminally ill patients, places prisoners closer to family in some cases, authorizes new markets for Federal Prison Industries, mandates de-escalation training for correctional officers and employees, and improves feminine hygiene in prison. The act was signed by President Donald Trump on December 21, 2018. A provision in the First Step Act could allow judges to release vulnerable federal inmates during the COVID-19 pandemic. Under the provision, inmates with serious illnesses can petition their warden for compassionate

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next and following up soon with more information on his case and appeals. Pre-Rolls Preventing Prison Pandemics

Edibles Magazine™ Issue 63

marijuana, Skylar had never experienced this side of things. Wade acknowledged that he felt what his son had done was “stupid”, he also stated, “He damn sure didn’t deserve the sentence he got and he goddamn doesn’t deserve to be sitting there facing this death sentence. Especially in these conditions and his bronchitis… Even though the biggest taker in all of this is the IRS… the federal government can kick in your door at any time and take it all. This shit has got to change… It’s important to free my son, and all the others, and free the beds up.”


In an effort to save the lives of non-violent prisoners during the current global pandemic and to provide prisoners the protective supplies they need to stay healthy, sanitary and alive, a portion of the proceeds of every Pharm Aide Pharms preroll sold in 2020 will go to: #Cut50 by the DreamCorps: Who’s mission is to prevent a prison pandemic using common sense solutions, as well as: The Justice Project, who is lobbying for criminal justice reform.

While advocating for prisoner’s rights this Pharm Aide Pharms full gram prerolls week on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, are made with high quality, sun grown, all natural, pesticide free whole top shelf buds. Darren Walker said: These joints were made with love by the “2.3 Million Americans are behind bars. team at Oklahoma Infusions Inc. Many simply because they couldn’t post bail or on a technicality. That's no reason for a Join the cause: #Cut50 #FreeSkyWalker death sentence. A 53 year old black man just died on the notorious Riker’s Island in New York who was there on a technical violation, like missing a meeting with a parole officer, which is no reason to be sentenced to death. Governor Cuomo just released 1100 people from Riker’s, and many other states are taking aggressive steps releasing people, like the elderly and those within 6 months of release… Coronavirus is a “heat seeking” disease that targets black and brown people because it metastasizes in the specific conditions their communities are victim to, like chronic disease, hypertension, asthma, high blood pressure, obesity, and the virus can find and kill these populations… Thousands of people are incarcerated for low level, non violent crimes.” Skylar Walker’s attorneys are Adam Tisdale and Don Flannery. We’ll be talking to them EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com

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How Technology is Making Social Distancing Easier Lynn You

Edibles Magazine™ Issue 63

People are naturally social beings and have many needs that often require leaving their homes. If a person needs food, medical supplies/medication, or even just a fresh pair of socks. In times past, one would have to leave their home or get someone else to do it for them. But nowadays all its takes is a tap on a screen for nearly anything to be at your door or in your mailbox. The only time you’d have to leave the house is when you open the door to get your package.


applies to things like amazon fresh, postmates, and Ubereats, when going out isn’t an option, our technology is.

As a person who doesn’t really go out, I thought social distancing would be a breeze. Staying six feet away from other people at all times? I finally have a good reason to. Not having to shake hands with people who I’m not sure washed their hands? Thank god. Not being able to go to the movies? A little rough, but various streaming ser vices have got me covered. The The technology that we use ever yday only thing I really miss in the age of has become much more ingrained in social distancing is spending time with the functioning of humanity and now my friends, whom I can only interact more than ever has become required with exclusively through Facetime. But for public health and safety. Technology if I didn’t have that, then all I would and social media have been essential have is nearly complete isolation. to daily living in this decade, but even more so because of social distancing. When social distancing is a must, our Restaurants, bars, theaters, and all modern technology is really what keeps social gathering places are closed us sane. At a time when seeing family and the few places that are open don’t and friends in person isn’t possible, allow sitting in. Most people are sitting apps like Facetime and Whatsapp in their homes with almost nothing keep us as connected to each other as to do, and cabin fever is beginning to we can, and when meeting for class set in. The only thing that keeps some or business in person isn’t possible, people going is the wide variety and programs like Skype and Zoom assure uses of their devices. If I can’t get to that things can go on unhindered. a dispensar y, deliver y is an option As important as social distancing through a multitude of cannabis apps guidelines are, the average technology and ser vices. For medical patients with we use ever y day has taken on a new underlying conditions that make them importance in keeping our lives as more susceptible to having severe normal as possible. The purpose symptoms, deliver y apps are their only of technology is to make our lives lifeline to receive the medication that easier and more efficient and social they need and avoid interacting with distancing has proved that it truly people as much as possible. The same ser ves its function. EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com


Could Cannabis Prohibition Cost Donald Trump a Second Term? Bishop Henry

The 2020 Presidential campaign is nearing its final stretch as the potential democratic nominees are being put to the test with their response to COVID-19. The Corona Virus outbreak seems to be an unforeseen election platform that might weigh in on who becomes the next President of the United States. However, being that this virus is going to pass and we will return to some sor t of normal again, hopefully soon, cannabis is what we really care about, let’s focus on that and the man currently occupying the White House, Donald Trump. In comparison to his potential rivals, Sanders has said if he wins the nomination, that he would make marijuana legal on the federal level. Joe Biden has changed his tune from where he was 10 years ago as a Vice President saying that it was a gateway drug. He has now adopted more of an in step, albeit nearly conser vative, view on cannabis meaning, “business as usual”. Meanwhile, Trump, who was already facing a tough campaign ahead, really has his work cut out for him. Will his stance on cannabis be one of the deciding factors in him winning a second term or is his fate already sealed no matter his stance? According to a Gallup poll, 66% of Americans favor legalizing marijuana federally. In August 2019, White House repor ter Steven Nelson of the Washington Examiner asked Trump whether marijuana would be legalized, Trump said, "We're going to see what's going on. It's a ver y big subject and right now we are allowing states to make that decision. A lot of states are making that decision, but we're allowing states to make that decision." Amazing. In 2018, President Trump stated that he would “probably” suppor t the STATES Act. The Strengthening the Tenth Amendment Through Entrusting States Act, is a bipar tisan bill that allowed states to decide their own cannabis legalization laws. It’s likely that Trump isn’t going to stray from this stance, although in 2019, he attached a signing statement to the federal spending budget which states Issue 63 I Page 20

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OPINION that he is allowed to uphold federal law in accordance with his Constitutional responsibilities. What is uncer tain and a little unsettling is if he can choose to act based on his actual Constitutional responsibilities or what he thinks are his Constitutional responsibilities. Currently, cannabis is a Schedule I substance and because of this federal classification it prohibits cannabis businesses from benefiting from bank loans and tax deductions afforded to other traditional businesses. It’s this Federal stance that keeps the marijuana industr y having to jump through hoops in order to function like other businesses in the United States can. It also deters other countries from getting involved with US based Cannabis companies. The goal of a thriving cannabis industr y is still a long way away if there is no change to how the federal government views weed, which is not likely to change if Trump wins a second term. The U.S. Cannabis industr y is prospering despite the lack of federal funding and help from the government. The Coronavirus has sent the US economy into a tailspin. The legalization and investment into the cannabis industr y might be one of the ways that the US government can help stimulate the economy with jobs and real long term grow th…pun intended. Once federally legalized, cannabis can be taxed as well as resources can be made available to help with medical research and job creation. The presidential candidate that recognizes how beneficial a federally regulated cannabis industr y could be for the economy and the countr y is going to be the President who wins the next election, I hope. Trump's administration is under intense scrutiny with its response to the COVID-19 outbreak. His campaign promises have all fallen shor t. During his presidency, Trump’s administration has had the biggest stock market drop, the highest national debt, the most convicted team members, an impeachment, and the most pandemic infections in the world to date. Although his stance on marijuana has been “business as usual”, his other policies might be what causes him to lose the 2020 Presidential election no matter what he says about Marijuana. The Quarantine Issue

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Smoke Screen Ep. 7: #COVID19conspiracy

Edibles Magazine™ Issue 63

This is a regular series of articles intended to be chapters in a compilation story book of lessons to learn from Corporate Cannabis. Names have been changed to protect the guilty (and the innocent).


don’t pay attention to what’s really going on.

6.) ID 2020, planned by Bill Gates, the man who wrote computer viruses and sold the world the anti-virus software and became a billionaire from it, is the man in charge Through our monthly Smoke Screen column of vaccinating the entire world. Each person we have been exposing the dirty dealings of will have a biometric marker with each corporate greed. Episode 7 in the Smoke COVID-19 vaccination. Screen is a list of the Top 15 conspiracies 7.) COVID-19 is part of the overall plan about the COVID-19 pandemic. to depopulate the world and start a new 1.) COVID-19 was created by a lab in China economy under new rules that suit only the with the specific intent to cripple the U.S. 1% and essentially enslave the rest of the economy, in retaliation of the sanctions human race. Trump’s stimulus package and tariffs Trump put on China. Very few included tax benefits that will line the diseases have ever actually been zoonotic pockets of the already wealthy with millions possibly billions, far more so than the (transfer from species to species). $1,200 everyone else will receive. 2.) COVID-19 is just a planned cog to bring the world together in the plan to instate a 8.) Event 201 that just took place in October New World Order, a one world government of 2019, championed by Bill Gates, was a test run of a global pandemic to prepare and new cashless digital-only currency. ourselves for COVID-19. In this elaborate 3.) COVID-19 is the 3rd horseman of the war game plan, they outlined everything apocalypse as prophesized in the Holy that needed to take place to convince the Bible. Next comes death and then the mark world that they need a vaccine and begin to of the beast. The mark of the beast will be demand it. the mandatory vaccination they keep talking about to “reopen the economy,” or freely 9.) Agenda 2021, Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2050 are all verifiable plans in place where travel, or go shopping for groceries. every country in the world has agreed to 4.) COVID-19 actually stands for: depopulate the wildlands and drive all Certificate consumption and living into high density Of metro populated areas where everyone can Vaccination be tracked and controlled. COVID-19 is the IDentification way the government is seeking to destroy 2019 the current social structures we have now so we can’t protest, gather or voice 5.) COVID-19 is an opportunity for the our concerns about where our society is government to seize complete control, headed. You can google these Agendas and suspend our civil rights, suspend the what you will find is terrifying. constitution and instate a de facto martial law, which is what is currently in place, 10.) The biggest conspiracy in all of this is but marketed as “shelter-in-place” rather the lies about the amount of deaths and than said as what it is which is martial law. infections taking place. First of all, how What we are currently experiencing comes would they even be able to get accurate directly out of the Facist / Communism counts of COVID-19 deaths on a nightly playbook: fear mongering, contrived news basis. When did it become a social norm to propaganda, orders to stay home so we have a death tally counter on all day 24/7 on EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com

CORPORATE CANNABIS every single mainstream news media outlet that exists? They have just come out saying that they’ve been padding the numbers. Doctors have blown the whistle and let the public know they got emails from the medical board telling them to put COVID-19 as a cause of death even if they hadn’t had symptoms or got a test.

afforded the option of the stimulus package funding.

13.) Cannabis and liquor have been deemed essential, because they want us satiated and pacified, and the continued tax revenues. However, cannabis businesses are not

Benjamin Franklin once said, "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

14). Forcing everyone to give up their bank account information puts us into a society where everyone and everything is documented and tracked, like China already is. Then putting everyone online, all our facial recognition, online activities and who we communicate 11.) The next step in the plan is to cripple the with is also tracked. We are moving to a entire global food supply, in which you will communistic society nearly identical to the require government assistance, and in order social credit system China already has. to get that food bank food, you’re going to need 15.) COVID-19 and “Stay-at-Home” orders is to show your proof of vaccination or immunity. a good way to prevent everyone from seeing 12.) If there was a plan to depopulate the the 5G towers being installed. 5G is allegedly world, mandating everyone gets swabbed capable of altering your DNA with invisible with a test or give their blood to prove waves that can and will inevitably make you immunity would be a good way to take sick or enslave you. everyone’s DNA so they could replace you You decide for yourself what you think is real in the matrix with your robot slave clone. and what rights you’re willing to give up.



Cannabis Corned Beef Hash

Edibles Magazine™ Issue 63

Ingredients: 2 to 3 Tbsp unsalted butter 1 medium onion, finely chopped (about 1 cup) 2 to 3 cups finely chopped, cooked corned beef 2 to 3 cups chopped cooked potatoes Salt and pepper Chopped fresh parsley


Instructions: SautĂŠ onions in cannabis butter: Heat more cannabis butter in a large skillet (preferably cast iron) on medium heat. Add the onion and cook for a few minutes, until translucent. Add potatoes and corned beef: Mix in the chopped corned beef and potatoes. Spread out evenly over the pan. Increase the heat to high or medium high and press down on the mixture with a metal spatula. Cook until browned, then flip: Do not stir the potatoes and corned beef, but let them brown. If you hear them sizzling, this is good. Use a metal spatula to peek underneath and see if they are browning. If nicely browned, use the spatula to flip sections over in the pan so that they brown on the other side. Press down again with the spatula. If there is too much sticking, you can add a little more butter to the pan. Continue to cook in this manner until

the potatoes and the corned beef are nicely browned. Stir in parsley, black pepper. Make a few nests in your pan of corn beef and crack the eggs into them. Cover the pan for a few minutes until the whites are set. Remove from heat, stir in chopped parsley with a little more cannabis butter. Add plenty of freshly ground black pepper, and add salt to taste. Serve the eggs and the hash together.

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CANNABIS INFUSED RECIPES It’s that time of year again. Just kidding, it’s a time like we’ve never known before and the entire world has changed drastically. But also it’s the 4/20 season and it’s springtime. Even if you’re quarantined in a bunker and living off of rations, you still need to get high, so why not make infused and elevated edibles in style. We’ve included some popular wartime and depression era favorites with a modern fusion cannabis spin. Stay safe, stay stoned, and wash your hands - especially before you cook and before you eat. peSop!

Canna Beets Ingredients: Beets Salt and pepper Cannabis infused olive oil Instructions: Scrub beets to remove any dirt/debris. Trim off the tops and bottoms. If your beets are large, cut them in half. Line a baking pan or piece of foil with parchment paper. Add beets. Sprinkle them with cannabis infused olive oil, salt and pepper. Seal the foil. Roast for about an hour. Sprinkle more cannabis olive oil on the finished beets. Serve warm and enjoy.

Infusing in Isolation: Recipes, Rations & Cannabis EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com

Edibles Magazine™ Issue 63





Blazing Brown Sugar Pecan Pie

Edibles Magazine™ Issue 63

Ingredients: For the Pie Pastry: 1 cup all-purpose flour 2/3 cup cake flour 1 tablespoon powdered sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons butter (cold and cut into small pieces) 5 tablespoons shortening (cut into small pieces) 1/4 cup water (ice cold) Optional: 1 egg white (lightly beaten)


For the Pecan Pie Filling: 3 large eggs (beaten) 1 cup light brown rice syrup 1/8 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 cup light brown sugar (firmly packed) 3 tablespoons cannabis butter (melted) 1 1/4 cups pecan halves Directions: Pie Pastry: In a food processor, combine flours, powdered sugar, and salt. Pulse a few times to combine. Sprinkle pieces of butter over the flour mixture, stir in lightly, then pulse about 6 times. Sprinkle

shortening pieces over the mixture, stir in lightly, then pulse about 6 to 7 more times. Sprinkle with half of the water. Pulse 5 times. Sprinkle with remaining water; pulse about 6 times, until dough begins to clump. Empty the large crumbs into a bowl. Pack and knead just 2 or 3 times. Shape into a disk, wrap in plastic, and chill for about 30 minutes to 1 hour. Roll out on a floured surface to fit the pie pan. Fold over and fit into the pan, cutting off excess. Form a decorative edge around the plate. Before adding the filling, brush with a little of the beaten egg white, if desired.

Pie Filling: In a mixing bowl, combine the beaten eggs, brown rice syrup, salt, vanilla, brown sugar, and melted cannabis butter; stir to blend well. Stir in pecans. Pour into the unbaked pie shell. Bake at 400 F for 15 minutes; reduce heat to 350 F and bake 25 to 30 minutes longer. Cover the crust edge with a pie ring or foil ring if browning too much. The outer edge of the filling should be slightly puffed and set, and the middle will not be very jiggly. Let the pie cool completely on a rack. Serve with whipped cream or whipped topping or a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

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Canna Infused Spam Musubi

**Alternatively you can also make BBQ Chicken or BBQ Beef Musubi, replacing Spam in the recipe with your favorite protein.

It certainly feels like the apocolyspe right now, and in an "end-of-theworld" scenario you're going to want protein to sustain yourself, but refrigeration and power might be an issue. Hence Spam. Spam was commissioned by the U.S. Government to have a shelf stable meat available for the soldiers during WWII. When the war was over, there was an excess of Homel's Spam supply, and the U.S. began pushing it as rations during martial law for the residents of the Hawaiian Islands. That's how Spam became engrained into Pacific Islander culture and why everyone in Hawaii loves Spam. Musubi is the perfect on-the-go quick bite that can be eaten hold or cold, and is perfect for a beach or mid-day snack. Directions: Soak uncooked rice for 4 hours; drain and rinse. In a saucepan bring 2 cups water to a boil. Add rice and stir. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 20 minutes. Stir in rice vinegar, and set aside to cool. In a separate bowl, stir together soy sauce, oyster sauce, and sugar until sugar is completely dissolved. Slice luncheon meat lengthwise into 10 slices, or to desired thickness, and marinate in sauce for 5 minutes. In a large skillet, heat cannabis infused olive oil over medium high heat. Cook slices for 2 minutes per side, or until lightly browned. Cut nori sheets in half and lay on a flat work surface. Place a rice press in the center of the sheet, and press rice tightly inside. Top with a slice of luncheon meat, and remove press. Wrap nori around rice mold, sealing edges with a small amount of water. (If you don’t have the rice mold/sushi maker, the rice can also be formed manually by hand in the shape of the meat slices, 1 inch thick.) Musubi may be served warm or chilled. EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com

Edibles Magazine™ Issue 63

Ingredients: 2 cups uncooked shortgrain white rice (you can also use brown rice) 2 cups water 6 tablespoons rice vinegar ¼ cup soy sauce ¼ cup oyster sauce ½ cup white sugar 1 (12 ounce) container Spam (or other fully cooked luncheon meat like Treat) 5 sheets sushi nori (dry seaweed) 2 tablespoons cannabis infused olive oil



Crix Lee

Infused Film Review: 4/20 The Movie

4/20 usually finds me hanging out with my most loved and trusted and I can tell you this: I have had many great adventures and said some of the dumbest things (like asking “How many eighths are in an ounce”), but as our darkest timeline finds the entire world in quarantine, it’s going to be more of a “stay home and ‘flatten the curve’ by getting high and watching something lighthearted and fun,” kind of celebration. Enter 4/20 the movie. Written by Andy Bailey and Abraham Nseir and directed by Teri Fruichantie (Drugs and Other Love) and Noah Applebaum, 4/20 is an ensemble comedy that plays in real time with the cannabis humor we know and love, with a dash of romance and vibes of Superbad thrown in for good measure. As 4/20 begins, a dispensary owner launches into a day of haphazard activities he hopes will spark new business and keep his struggling store afloat. His biggest threat is a wideeyed drug dealer hoping to reclaim the local cannabis business.

Edibles Magazine™ Issue 63

Meanwhile, a trio of soon-to-be high school graduates try to scheme their way in to buy enough weed to properly toast their longlasting friendship. And as two potential lovers struggle to align their views on pot, an elderly woman strikes up an odd friendship with a young immigrant with a secret. On this glorious holiday, people across life’s spectrum will find they have more in common than just a love of herb.


This, Ladies and Gentletokes, is 4/20. The cast list is filled with so many great people: Richard Riehle (Office Space, Hatchet), Joey Bragg (Liv and Maddie), Blake Boyd (Shameless), Erin Darling (The Pop Fix), Susan Davis (WarGames), NOFX guitarist Aaron “El Hefe” Abeyta, Scott Parkin (Grace and Frankie), Stephen Peace (Sunny Daze) and CalenRaps.

includes Audrey Whitby (The Thundermans), Natasha Hall (Game Night), KC Clyde (Yellowstone), Vivian Lamolli (East Los High), Nanrisa Lee (Bosch), Suraj Partha (Ender’s Game), Iman Crosson (Our Cartoon President), Raury Rolander (Silvana Sin Lana), Marlo Bernier (Transparent), AND former NFL star Kassim Osgood. That’s pretty packed, folks. Cannabis influencer Koala Puffs, who makes her feature debut in 4/20, will host pre and post screening events on her Instagram Live (@koala.puffss) throughout the holiday.

4/20 is now available for pre-sale orders on Vimeo using the discount code “holiday” AND a special one-off release of the movie for $4.20 on April 20th. https://vimeo.com/ And as if THAT weren’t enough, the cast also ondemand/fourtwenty EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com


[Doomsday] Preppers Are Stocking Up On Weed and Food, Not Just Toilet Paper Bishop Henry

However, that still has done little to keep the stores well stocked. Most people who I have spoken to have bought at least a months’ worth of food, the same seems to be the same for weed. However, the people in the cannabis industry I’ve spoken to have assured me that there is no shortage of cannabis at this time and none can be seen in the future.

Edibles Magazine™ Issue 63

The manager at my local dispensary said that in the initial days of the “Stay at Home” order there was a line out the door, but that was only because they were complying with social distancing practices. According to the manager, a lot of “regular customers” were buying four times the amount they usually buy. The manager of the shop said that, at first, his store was running low on stock but it was only temporary due to the rush by those who were panic buying. He says that there is no need to panic buy but he does recommend customers buying more than their usual amount to limit the amount of time outside and the risk to employees. This particular dispensary has a Lysol stepping pad when you walk in, four anti-bacterial spray misters strategically placed throughout the shop, and a taped off area patients cannot pass. Dispensaries are mandated to practice safe handling procedures and many shops will even deliver to your home. You can download an app like Leafly and find local shops and delivery services in your area.


When word started to break about COVID-19 and it’s spread, most people started to stockpile food and strangely, toilet paper. Most stoners went straight for their dispensaries. I know I could live without toilet paper, not so much without my sweet, sweet chiba. Just like with TP and grocery stores, the run on some Marijuana dispensaries caused long lines and, in some cases, for some shops to have to close up temporarily. One of the best things that could have happened for Californians is that Governor Newsom agreed that dispensaries were an “essential business”. A lot of people depend on cannabis for many medicinal reasons from pain management to anxiety and much more. The stay at home situation would be a lot more miserable if we had to do it without During these uncertain times, the anxiety proper herbal relief, bad enough we have to caused by COVID-19, and people being forced to stay home, a lot of non and casual do it with dirty butts! smokers have taken to cannabis to help Grocery stores seem to have gained control cope. One person who I spoke to, a Licensed over the crowd situation now that they Vocational Nurse (LVN) in the medical field, understand the problem. The government said that she was smoking more and trying has reassured the people that food and to drink less being that alcohol has worse basic supplies aren’t going to be an issue. long-term side effects and hang-overs. EdiblesList.com I EdiblesMagazine.com

US NEWS Her need to be at her best, she said, at work is paramount. “The worst thing that happens when I smoke or eat weed is that I get hungry or fall asleep.” A welcome relief from her day filled with anxiety and stress dealing with sick patients and COVID-19. When it comes to food, she has bought a lot of canned goods and is trying to eat less when she is bored. “I order as much food as I can online to limit my exposure to the outside world, work is bad enough.”


No doubt one of the best advantages of cannabis consumption is it’s calming effect on anxiety. Anxiety is caused by the feeling or realization that you have no control over a situation. Nothing can be truer about the current situation and the state of the nation. I personally urge anyone who is wanting to help control their anxiety to try cannabis to help. The worst part about weed during a quarantine, is that it can make you hungry. Try drinking water when the munchies strike, that usually works for me. If you are going to stockpile and store weed for the long term, experts recommend a few things: • Store in an airtight container. Glass is preferred over Ziploc bags. Vacuum seal is recommended for long term storage. • Keep your weed in a cool dark place. Heat and light can change the cannabinoids in your stash and make it lose its potency as well as shorter highs. • Keep your weed dry and not too moist. Moisture can cause mold to grow. If your weed gets too dry, wet a cotton ball or q-tip and place it near your weed. • Do not freeze your weed. Despite the belief that this will “freeze your weed in time”, cold ruins the trichomes in weed, the glands of the plant responsible for producing THC, CBD, and terpenes. The Quarantine Issue

Issue 63 I Page 31

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PRODUCT REVIEWS Pharm Aide Pharms - Pandemic Pre-Rolls

Edibles Magazine™ Issue 63

Jack Paradise


Pharm Aide Pharms Mini Prerolls are made with high quality, sun grown, all natural, pesticide free whole top shelf buds. Each and every mini preroll is 0.7 grams, so five of them give you a full eighth of pre rolled weed in every pack. Let’s face it, the days of sharing a jay with your friends might be over. Nowadays it’s best to play it safe and let everyone have their own little personal smoke, and these are the perfect size for it. You’re sure to finish one every time so there’s no roach to deal with and the other little joints will stay fresh and safe if the resealable bag. They come in a variety of strains and all test at over 20% THC. The strain we tried out for this review was “Very Cherry”, which was grown with seeds from the Humboldt Seed Company. “Very Cherry” crosses a Lemon Kush crossed with a strain from an old-time Humboldt grower. It’s a hybrid that’s 30% Indica, 70% Sativa and really delicious with tangy cherry and jasmine flavored terpenes.

the rain was a very authentic experience. We got good and high and everyone had their own little joint all to themselves. Some very good conversations involving a lot of coronavirus inspired conspiracy theories followed. Pharm Aide Pharms is located in Southeast Oklahoma on the Red River in beautiful Choctaw County. They're a ca n n a b is b ra nd reflecting three g en era t ion s o f a family’s passion and appreciation for the many varieties and wide range of the plant's qualities. Pharm Aide Pharma is committed to growing natural ‘sun grown,’ pesticide free, high quality strains of cannabis. A portion of the proceeds of every Pharm Aide Pharms preroll sold in 2020 will go to #Cut50 by the DreamCorps, whose mission is to prevent a prison pandemic using common sense solutions, and The Justice Project, who is lobbying for criminal justice reform.

We had the good fortune of taste testing these pre rolls on the farm where the Check out everything they have to offer flower was actually grown, so smoking on IG @pharmaidepharms or on their them outdoors on the porch while watching website www.pharmaidepharms.com.

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HQQH.me™ Medical Cannabis Green Tea Patrick Ian Moore

The HQQH.me™ Cannabis Green Tea was very soothing and after consuming it we felt incredibly relaxed without feeling lethargic. It’s a good idea to make it in a pot so you can get at least a few cups out of it and keep it hot, enabling you to casually sip on it as you wind down at night or to start your day.

Studies have also shown that green tea might be helpful in preventing dental ca v i t i e s , st re ss , c h ro n i c fa t i g u e , and improving arthritis by reducing inflammation.

You’ve got a nice little combination of cannabis and caffeine playing off of eachother so you won’t get too drowsy or too amped up. The tea we had was flower, as mentioned but there are options made with kief and trim too. In this modern era of self isolation, social distancing, living in quarantine and facing the global pandemic.. It’s nice to still be able to relax with a nice hot cup of tea. This tea is extra relaxing and if you’re so inclined you can always add ice or move it into the refrigerator if you’d prefer it cold. It should be quite possible to do it as a cold brew as well but we haven’t tried it that way yet.

The cannabis flower and tea brewed very well together. The cannabis being decarboxylated first means that when you steep it in the hot water, you’re actually pulling the thc out into the drink. If it wasn’t decarbed first this wouldn’t be possible, that’s why you normally hear that it’s only soluble in fat like butter or coconut oil.

Now available in Maine and soon to be available in Oklahoma. Visit HQQH.me online to see where the nearest cannabis retailer carrying this tea is to you and brew it up whichever way you like best. Our favorite was when we added honey and a piece of dried ginger. For extra intense effects you can always use cannabis infused honey in it.

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Edibles Magazine™ Issue 63

HQQH.me™ Cannabis Green Tea is a full gram of decarboxylated flower combined with organic green tea containing 170mg of THC per individual tea bag. Each bag has seventeen total 10mg servings of tetrahydrocannabinol. The tea bags have a string connected to an origami piece for convenient steeping and disposal. When the tea bags are immersed into hot water the string allows them to hang on the sides of the brewing vessel until the tea is steeped. In addition to the many health benefits that cannabis offers, the green tea itself is very good for you. Green tea consumption is associated with reduced mortality due to all causes, including cardiovascular disease and green tea could even hold promise as a new treatment for skin disorders such as psoriasis.



Happy J’s CBD Chocolate Bar - 90mg Tommy Knowledge

Edibles Magazine™ Issue 63

Happy J’s 90mg cbd dark chocolate bars with almonds are truly a delicious way to get your daily dose of cannabidiol. Each bar is created using a unique blend of premium handcrafted belgian dark chocolate infused with the highest quality hemp cbd and a few fresh almonds which adds a delicious crunch. The chocolate bars are vegan, gluten free and nongmo. The entire bar is 90mg of CBD total, so each piece of scored chocolate, the suggested serving size, is 7.5mg.


We originally got our Happy J’s Bars at the Mosaic Wellness CBD Store in North Hollywood at the 1 year anniversary party. Oftentimes I won’t actually feel a head change from CBD but with these bars I definitely did. They’re also so good that it is quite difficult to only eat a small piece so you’ve been warned. It’s easy to get carried away and consume the entire thing before you’ve realized what you’ve done. Don’t be too scared, it’s hemp derived CBD so it’s very safe and not too big a deal to eat the whole thing, but I was definitely so relaxed that I needed to go to bed early. If you have a lot of it in the middle of the day you may need to be prepared for a nap. These CBD infused chocolate bars also pair well with THC, so if you’re smoking or vaping and want a top quality chocolate treat to chase it

with once your munchies kick in these are perfect for that. In addition to the CBD, dark chocolate has many health benefits of its own. Dark chocolate dates back to 2000 BC and was first popularized by Mayans from Central America, who drank it as a bitter fermented beverage mixed with spices. Recent studies have shown that it lowers high blood pressure and is a potent antioxidant. Not only is the dark chocolate good for you, so are the almonds. Almonds contain lots of healthy fats, fiber, protein, magnesium and vitamin E. The health benefits of almonds include lower blood sugar levels, reduced blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels. So all together this CBD infused chocolate bar is basically a superfood. The suggested serving directions are: eat 1 piece at a time and wait 30 minutes before consuming more. I absolutely did not follow those directions but you probably should, at least the first time. Order Happy J’s chocolate bars online at happyjsedibles.com. They come in quantities of 1, 3, 6 or 12. There’s also clothes and merch on the website so browse around. When you resupply the rations next time, think about including some CBD infused chocolate bars in the bunker.

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Patrick Ian Moore

The Coronavirus has changed a lot of things about the way we live in this country. How we shop, what we buy, how close we stand to other people, and many other strange things. One of the of the many industries that have been declared essential is cannabis, but cannabis is changing too. Here’s our top 7 list of how the global pandemic is changing the way we consume cannabis. Enjoy, and wash your hands.


BUYING ONLINE: Hanging out and sniffing buds in person is probably over. Buyers will need to rely on product photos and descriptions and online store menus. Hopefully this will include easily using credit/debit cards soon and stop with all the dirty cash. Not all shops take cards, but where possible it will become preferred.

Edibles Magazine™ Issue 63

THRUS AND CURBSIDE SERVICE: Dispensaries are now allowed in many states to provide curbside service for patients and customers who order online or on the phone. They’re also allowing more drive thrus in a lot of cities and delivery has never been more popular.



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BUDTENDERS: Masks and gloves have been standard issue gear in cannabis processing operations since back in the day, but now they’re being worn by the front-of-house staff like receptionists and budtenders too. Branded masks with featured logos are coming next.



Cannabis events have been a big and important part of the industry since it started. Canna cups, awards shows, education panels and expos have attracted big audiences for years and that’s the problem. No more ganja gatherings in large groups.


Social media, webcams, wifi and smartphones have made keeping in contact with others during isolation a lot easier than in the old days. Smoking on camera while friends do the same sharing music and videos is all the rage while social distancing.


NO MORE SHARING JOINTS, BLUNTS, BONGS, ETC.: This classic and treasured tradition is done. The amount of saliva swapped when sharing cannabis seems highly irresponsible in retrospect, but hey, we were high. Sharing will only happen with intimate significant others from now on.


SAFEST TO CONSUME: A national spokesperson for the American Lung Association told Insider, “Smoking marijuana could also make a person's COVID-19 symptoms worse compared to a nonsmoker.” Whether or not you believe that, edibles or tinctures are a way to protect your lungs. Edibles are also a way to stretch out the length of a high. The Quarantine Issue

Issue 63 I Page 39

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Ganja Gamer Geek Review: Trigger Warning Tom Clancy’s The Division Bishop Henry

The Division’s storyline hits ironically close to home during these troubling times. In the game, the year is 2020 and a manufactured smallpox virus, that spread during “Black Friday”, has infected the world population. Trigger Warning: The opening title sequence looks like it could have been taken from today’s news. Black Friday fights, scenes of bodies dying in hospital beds as people fight over basic necessities, the lack of PPE, the mobilization of the military to control people, and the riots that ensue. It’s a little disturbing to watch. Once you get into the game, the empty streets and trash covered allies seem even more familiar with what we can see outside our windows today.

Headshots don’t automatically take down enemies at medium ranges, for instance. The three dimensional user interface can be a little hard to read if the camera angle is too high or is in a weird spot. This game is a few years old and, as games do, visually improve and develop fast, but is still playable and enjoyable. The Division originally released in 2016 and has a sequel, The Division 2, which was released in March 2019. The Division broke Ubisofts sales record and was it’s best-selling game at the time. People can play Tom Clancy’s: The Division for free for 6 hours, or up to level 8, via Ubisofts’s Desktop app Uplay. The full game is available to buy once players reach their time/level limit and they get to keep their character and game progress. So it feels pretty insane that the whole thing seems so probable and realistic now. Maybe we’re being conditioned by the entertainment we consume. Maybe it’s a valuable training simulation. Maybe it’s just a fun but terrifying way to smoke some weed and kill a whole lot of hours while isolating during a pandemic driven quarantine. You’ll have to decide for yourself.

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Edibles Magazine™ Issue 63

One of the best things to do to pass the time while quarantined during the COVID-19 spread is to get stoned and play video games. The video game industry is one of the most popular and lucrative entertainment industries in the world! Some people, like myself, even consider video games to be an art form. Games are an interactive story that engages an audience for 20-60 hours at a time, the more hours the better. Like art does sometimes, it imitates life--and that is definitely true with Tom Clancy’s: The Division, a third-person shooter role playing game by Ubisoft published in 2016.

In The Division, the player is part of a secret elite team that is trying to track down the source of the virus. Players have to search an open world Manhattan for medical supplies and clues. Players can customize their character’s appearance, their weapon load out, and gear with items or money looted from dead enemies. The gameplay control is the standard shooter type and if familiar with shooter games, are easy to learn. The enemies in the game have decent AI and are aggressive, but absorb bullets and lack the realistic response when shot like they do in other Tom Clancy games.

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Edibles Magazine Issue 63

Bishop Henry


If you know a stoner, you know that they will always turn to cannabis as a cure-all. Headaches, body aches, shitty movies, weed tends to help everything get better. With the current COVID-19 pandemic, social media has gone… viral…with claims saying the same thing to be true with treating this current strain of CoronaVirus. Even former NFL AllAmerican Kyle Turley is taking to the air saying that CBD can cure and even prevent COVID-19. R e s e a rc h is und er way , nothing is concrete yet. However, it can help in a few different ways.

can ignite the cannabinoid system, the CB1 and CB2 receptors that battle viruses. He believe CBD can be used to restore the body to “homeostasis.” He says in an interview wit h Dr. Phil. Turley answered questions about his claims saying that he believes CBD can boost the immune system to “10” and defeat COVID-19 but the FDA has warned him to stop making this claim. The former NFL lineman claims the warning came because Cannabis is a Federally Schedule 1 drug, not because the claims he was making about CBD were false or unfounded.

Marijuana is made up of two active components. THC and CBD. THC, is the component that gives the user a “High feeling.” CBD is a nonpsychoactive compound taken from cannabis and hemp; it does not produce a high. The FDA has only approved CBD for treating rare and severe forms of seizure, although it is promoted for many other health benefits.

A ccording to a L eafly interview wit h NY physician Dr. Junella Chin, what cannabis is good for during the COVID-19 Pandemic is to help treat the anxiety people might be having during this historic time. If users are COVID symptom free, keep on using as before. It is not recommended to smoke if you do have a cold, flu, or symptoms of COVID-19. CBD and THC edibles can help with the aches and pains associated with severe colds and flus.

Fo r m e r N FL Of fens ive lineman Kyle Turley is the founder of Neuro Armour, A THC-free cannabis oil. Turley believes that CBD

In a separate interview with Canadian Dr. Shawn

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Meirovici, who specializes in pain management, he states there is no direct link between cannabis use and treating colds and the flu. He does say that there is new evidence that pain management can be achieved when responsibly used. “The cannabinoids THC and CBD have been shown to have pain-relieving, sleep-inducing, and antiinflammatory properties,” he says. On sick days, he suggests cannabis may help reduce body aches, ease inflammation of the airways, and increase relaxation to help you sleep. As for flu symptoms, he says cannabis may also have “antipyretic or feverreducing properties, due to its ability to suppress the immune system.” He says some research suggests CBD has antiviral properties. In an article posted on WEB MD in June 2019, research on CBD against different types of bacteria, including bacteria that has become resistant to t radit ional ant ibiot ics , was being done. T h e research was presented at the Annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology by PhD, Mark Blaskovich,


"The first thing we looked at is CBD's ability to kill bacteria. In every case, CBD had a very similar potency to that of common antibiotics." The researchers tested the CBD against some strains of staphylococcus, which cause skin infections, and streptococcus, which cause strep throat. They compared how effective CBD was co m p a re d to co m m o n antibiotics, vancomycin and daptomycin. "We looked at how quickly the CBD killed the bacteria…within 3 hours, which is pretty good. Vancomycin kills over 6 to 8 hours."

The CBD also disrupted the biofilm around bacteria that makes it more difficult for the antibiotic to penetrate and kill. The lab studies showed that "CBD is much less likely to cause resistance than the existing antib iot ics," Blaskovich says. R esearch found CBD ef fect ive against grampositive bacteria but not g ram-negat ive. Gramp ositive bacteria cause ser ious skin infect ions and pneumonia, among other conditions. Common gram-negative bacteria are salmonella and E. coli . The researchers tested topical CBD to treat a skin infection on mice. Blaskovich says, although it did not clear the infection, it cut the number of bacteria after 48 hours. It’s promising but still too early to tell if CBD will be a super bug killer but the research so far is very positive. Until research is completed, people should probably continue to follow d o c t o r s’ o rd e r s w h e n it comes to antibiotics. However, it doesn’t look like using CBD will hurt in any way and might even help antibiotics if the research is correct. As far as a cure for COVID-19, maybe not, but CBD might help noost your immune system preventing you from contracting COVID-19.

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senior research officer at the Centre for Superbug Solutions at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience at the University of Queensland in Australia. It should be noted that i n fo r m a ti o n p resented at meetings is still preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed medical journal. Blaskovich is a co n s u l ta n t for B otanix Pharmaceuticals, Ltd. The A u stra l i a n g over nment and Botanix are funding the research study into treating skin conditions with CBD. Although the research studies are in their preliminary stages and have not reached the human trials yet, the findings are very promising.



Governor Cuomo Says There Is No Budget for Cannabis Legalization in New York Lynn You

Adult use cannabis legislation has a 66% approval rating in the state, an all time high, but continues to be left out of the NY state budget plan. Although the approval rating is so high, legislators have found more value in not forcing the bill through at the moment. They are attempting to have a thorough plan for social equity, regulation, and taxation to avoid the pitfalls that other states have faced as a result of rushed legalization. The New York state budget projected cannabis to earn 20 million in revenue for the state in 2020, but that projection was based on a healthy economy. In addition to the state budget, there have been other concerns with legalization that needed to be addressed, specifically concerning equity. New York has a history of racialized policies and laws, such as the infamous stop-and-frisk that primarily targeted communities of color, where people were harrassed

and detained on cannabis related charges, so lawmakers were unsure of how to allocate social equity funds. Some proposed ideas like low to 0% interest rates for business loans, incubator loans, and reduced or deferred application fees, which is similar to what has been proposed in other states, but has yet to be implemented. State Sen. Liz Krueger (D, Manhattan) and Assembly Leader Crystal D. Peoples-Stokes (D) have been advocates for more direct funding of social equity through the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act, which was re-submitted only 2 weeks before the budget deadline on April 1st. Many people question why cannabis legislation should be included in the budget for 2020 and it’s only because it would be the easiest method of legalizing adult-use cannabis in the state. Should the state of New York pursue it, another consideration for legalization would be through a standalone bill if it is introduced before the legislative session ends on June 2nd, but will be improbable given that the state’s new priority is addressing the disease pandemic. It is also possible to achieve legalization through ballot referendum, as it has been used in other states to push it through, but is unlikely to be introduced by either a legislator or through petition. Considering the current situation, there probably won’t be very many people at the polls. Cannabis legalization is still very likely to happen for New York within the next couple of years, it simply is not a current priority for the state and legislators are still at odds about how to handle social equity and regulations.

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Legal cannabis has been left out of the New York state budget for the second year in a row. Despite Governor Cuomo’s efforts to get Cannabis legalization included in the New York State Budget, the state has been dealing with the largest number of COVID-19 cases in the country. Most resources and efforts have shifted to address the health and safety concerns of the residents in the state. Legislators also cannot act or function as they normally would as a result of the virus. Negotiations and meetings are becoming more difficult and are falling into the background as the world deals with the worst pandemic to affect humanity since the flu.



Cannabis Is Thriving in California’s Distressed Economy Bishop Henry

The lines outside of dispensaries all over California went out the door when the announcements first came in about the “Stay at Home” order asking people to shelter in place to help combat the spread of COVID-19. There was a spike in cannabis sales in the first days of the order, which was to be expected as smokers panicked at the idea that they may not be able to get their herbal medicine and recreational weed. In some states, despite the initial early spike due to panic buying, adult-use cannabis sales in California, Colorado, and Washington state are all suffering from the economic fallout surrounding the coronavirus pandemic. California, however, is still doing better business than most. Thankfully, on March 19th, Governor Gavin Newsom issued a “Stay at Home” order but also recognized cannabis as an essential medicine and business which has allowed Californians to continue to buy marijuana. Dispensaries must comply with social distancing and anti-congregation measures as well as additional CDC Guidelines. According to mjbizdaily, point-of-sale data provided by Seattle-based Headset, adultuse cannabis sales were less than those for the same days in 2019 for six consecutive days in Colorado and five consecutive days in Washington state. Until now, none of the three adult-use cannabis markets tracked by Headset have experienced declining sales over an extended period of time. California is the only state who is still seeing more purchasing during this time compared to last year’s data. In comparison to previous months, where California’s legal cannabis sales were up 68% over the previous year’s purchases of the same month, the buying for the month of March is down 14%. Colorado’s cannabis industr y could appear to be suffering during these months because Issue 63 I Page 50

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US NEWS the state relies heavily on tourism to help finance its cannabis industr y. Travel bans and stay at home orders have caused the popular Spring Break destination tourism dollars that would have also trickled into the cannabis market. California has had a long standing cannabis culture and a more consistent market that doesn’t rely so much on visitors purchasing cannabis. Californians have always consumed a lot of weed. The downtick in purchasing by Californians compared to the previous months prior to the COVID-19 outbreak could be a result of the uncer tainty in people finances, rent, food, and day to day essentials might be taking a priority in some budgets over weed. Meanwhile, on April 3rd, Washington state owned Acreage, which owns and operates across multiple states announced that it is furloughing 122 of its employees in an attempt to slash costs in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Employees in Acreage-owned dispensaries, field operations, and corporate offices across multiple states are par t of this cut back. How this will affect operations and supply in California, where Acreage operates both dispensaries and grow operations, is yet to be seen. A downtown Los Angeles dispensar y manager, who would like to remain anonymous, so let’s call him Mark, says that his dispensar y has not seen any decline in the amount of cannabis that they are selling. Mark was not surprised by the initial push of patients and customers rushing to pick up their herbs. Mark says that he has seen fewer and fewer customers come in over-time but doesn’t think that this is because of the lack of demand, he thinks it’s because a lot of people stocked up for the month. He says he saw some of his regular customers quadruple their normal amounts. Mark thinks that he will continue to see this kind of buying pattern until the COVID-19 epidemic settles and he actually recommends it, “the less time out in public the better, right?” He does say that there is no need to horde weed, the supply, for now, is solid and buying more than usual should only be because people want to limit their outside exposure time. He thanks his customers for staying loyal and encourages ever yone to continue to suppor t their local dispensaries during these difficult times. The Quarantine Issue

Issue 63 I Page 51




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Remembering Charlotte Figi (2006-2020): The Original CBD Influencer Crix Lee

"They weren't calling it epilepsy. We just thought it was one random seizure… they did the whole work-up and found nothing. And sent us home.” said Paige Figi, Charlotte’s mother. The following week, Charlotte had another seizure that lasted longer and was the first of many, often lasting two to four hours in duration. Charlotte was in and out of the hospital, with doctors mystified by her condition as her blood tests and scans always came back as “normal.” With hope from doctors, Paige and Matt were told that it’s “probably going to go away,” and “it’s unusual in that it’s so severe, but it’s probably something she’ll grow out of.” But the seizures and hospital stays became more frequent, until one of the doctors treating young Charlotte came up with three

possibilities with the worst case being Dravet Syndrome (a.k.a. “myoclonic epilepsy of infancy” or SMEI). Dravet Syndrome is a rare and severe form of what’s known as “intractable epilepsy,” meaning the seizures aren’t controlled with medication. Usually, DS begins to appear in infants before the age of 1 and in the second year will experience other types of seizures such as myoclonus: muscle spasms and status epilepticus (seizures that last more than 30 minutes or occur one right after another). While she was developing normally at the same speed as her twin, her seizures became more and more severe, with none of the seven drugs she was prescribed (including barbiturates and benzodiazepines) giving young Charlotte more than a short respite from her ailment. At age 2 1/2, The Figis took her to Children’s Hospital Colorado and two months after a neurologist decided to test her for the SCN1A gene mutation (commonly found in 80% of DS diagnoses), they had their answer: Charlotte tested positive for Dravet. “I remember to this day it was a relief. Even though it was the worst-case scenario, I felt relief just to know." said Paige. Charlotte’s father Matt (a Green Beret) decided to leave the military, saying that "Every mission, every training I was going to do I was called home because

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Continued on Next Page

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The girl who inspired the most wellknown strain of CBD oil and put a face on the benefits of medicinal cannabis around the world sadly passed away on April 8th at the age of 13. When Charlotte Figi was born on October 18, 2006 (alongside her twin brother, Chase) to Paige and Matt Figi, everything seemed normal: the babies were happy and healthy. Then just 3 months later, Charlotte experienced her first seizure that lasted roughly 30 minutes. After taking Charlotte to the ER, extensive testing (MRI, EEG, spinal tap) doctors found nothing out of the ordinary.



RIP: Remembering Charlotte Figi (Cont'd) she was in the pediatric ICU again or in the hospital again." After visiting a specialist in Chicago, Charlotte was put on a high fat/low carb keto diet, commonly used for when patients don’t respond to treatment, that forces the body to produce extra ketones: the natural chemicals that suppress seizures. And for a while, the diet helped but the side effects (bone loss, weakened immune system, behavioral problems) were too much to bear. Two years later, the seizures returned. And by then, she was averaging 300 grand mal seizures (loss of consciousness and violent muscle contractions) A WEEK. Charlotte’s heart had stopped numerous times, and when it happened in the hospital (The Figis signed an DNR previous), they said their goodbyes. At age 5, The Figis were told there was nothing else medically doctors could do for little Charlotte. With no other options in sight, Paige (who’d previously voted against Medicinal Marijuana in the past) decided to get her daughter a recommendation but as Charlotte was the youngest patient in Colorado ever to apply, finding two doctors to sign off was a challenge. "Everyone said no, no, no, no, no, and I kept calling and calling," Paige said. After finding two doctors who signed off, 2012 saw Paige searching for a CBD oil that would give Charlotte relief, and after discovering that the oil from a strain initially known as “Hippie’s Disappointment” (due to its low levels of THC), Charlotte’s seizure count went from 300 a week to 2-3 a month, garnering the attention of world press and was the subject of Sanjay Gupta’s 2013 documentary, WEED. Charlotte’s story put a face on the importance of medicinal cannabis and was a fairly huge reason why most states relented their stance on medical marijuana. Figi was taken to the hospital on April 3rd, where she tested negative for the COVID-19 virus then treated as a “likely COVID-19 case” when readmitted to the hospital, where she suffered one final seizure on April 7th that caused respiratory failure and cardiac arrest. Charlotte passed peacefully in mother Paige’s arms the following day. She was 13 years old. She’ll be missed but NEVER FORGOTTEN. Issue 63 I Page 54

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Cannabis Declared Essential Patrick Ian Moore

Most dispensaries have opted for alternatives to in-store service, including curbside pickup, home delivery and in some places, even drive-thrus. Almost all cannabis retailers have an online menu, usually updated at least weekly if not daily, and many of them allow patients and customers to place orders online by moving desired items into a cart much like shopping on a site like Amazon. The online menu ordering allows for fast and easy pickup with very limited contact with other humans. Budtenders and delivery drivers are wearing protective masks and rubber gloves, using lots of hand sanitizer and keeping all exchanges very brief. The only problem with the system in most places is that cannabis retailers are still a cash business for the most part. Cash is relatively dirty compared to just about any other method of payment. Not all states have legalized medical or recreational cannabis and in those areas people are

still having to turn to the traditional black market in order to acquire cannabis. Karen O'Keefe of the Marijuana Policy Project has stated, "In the context of this crisis, it's also more of a risk because the people selling marijuana illegally aren't following all the social distancing requirements, sanitation requirements, things like that." If you’re able to get your weed legally it’s a much safer option right now. The fact that cannabis is essential in some states and illegal in others seems wrong, unfair, antiquated in a bad way and just completely backwards in any logical sense. It’s essential, like food, water, and electricity but if you post a photo of cannabis on Facebook it still gets flagged as “promoting drug content”. We aren’t allowed to use banks, credit cards, have no protections and aren’t eligible for the federal stimulus package or business loans. MJBIZ Daily wrote, “Many states have declared cannabis companies “essential businesses” during the COVID-19 pandemic and allowed them to maintain operations, but the U.S. Congress and President Donald Trump don’t appear to see the industry as fundamental.” It really doesn’t make sense and now it feels like the whole situation is being looked at closer than ever before. It’s unfortunate that it seems to have taken a possibly deadly global pandemic to finally get the cannabis industry to be taken seriously but it’s also good to at least be able to help people survive the isolation and quarantine without having to face it all without cannabis. Some medical patients would truly be at a complete loss if they were unable to get their medicine. Nice to be essential but a shame to still be federally illegal. Here’s hoping that it continues to change and evolve once the world gets back to working order.

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The coronavirus has shut down most of the economy. There’s no more dine-in service at restaurants, it’s take out only. Movie theaters, live music shows, sporting events, nightclubs, bars and even churches have all been shut down. Walmart is one of the only places where you'll see very many people out and about, but even there the hours have been reduced and the entrances have been modified to only allow certain numbers of people inside at one time. Covid 19 has changed the way that we do almost everything, yet in the midst of it all, cannabis has been declared an essential business. According to NPR: “Thirty-three states across the nation allow for some form of sale and consumption of marijuana. And of those, more than 20 states have designated the cannabis industry as essential during the coronavirus outbreak.”


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