2016 Retirement Recognition

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Edina Country Club Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Retirement Recognition Event 2016 Retirement Recognition June 1, 2016 | 12:15 p.m. Edina Country Club Welcome Sarah Patzloff, Edina School Board Vice Chair Celebratory Comments Ric Dressen, Superintendent 2016 Retiree Recognition Edina School Board Members: Amir Gharbi David Goldstein Randy Meyer Regina Neville Lisa O’Brien Sarah Patzloff Leny Wallen-Friedman

Musical accompaniment provided by members of the Edina High School Chamber Orchestra

2016 Edina Public Schools Retirees Paul Andress

Counselor, South View, 30 years of service

Debra Baron

Principal’s Secretary, Cornelia Elementary, 13 years of service

Barry Becklin Maureen Cater

Physical Education Teacher, South View, 20 years of service Art Teacher, South View, 22 years of service

Robert Cook

Bus Driver, Transportation Services, 14 years of service

Clifford Dalbec

Bus Driver, Transportation Services, 13 years of service

John Devine Sharon Gregoire Mark Harelstad Cynthia Heim Peter Hodne John Hoffman

Second Grade Teacher, 15 years of service Occupational Therapist, Secondary Schools, 14 years of service Science Teacher, Edina High School, 20 years of service Principal’s Secretary, Edina High School, 24 years of service Principal, Highlands Elementary, 28 years of service Custodian, Countryside Elementary, 25 years of service

Cheryl Hogle

Paraprofessional, Countryside, Cornelia and Normandale, 20 years of service

Craig Jensen

Assistant Principal, Valley View, 18 years of service

Elizabeth Kincaid Lori Koch Mark Laven Anne Legeros

Media Assistant, Edina High School/Valley View, 15 years of service Sixth Grade Teacher, Valley View, 16 years of service Curriculum Coordinator, District Office, 28 years of service Media Assistant, Countryside Elementary, 12 years of service

Debra Linnihan

Teacher Administrative Assistant, Countryside Elementary, 17 years of service

Walter Lyndsley

Bus Driver, Transportation Services, 25 years of service

Robert Plombon

Assistant Controller, District Office, 26 years of service

Nirmalie Rodrigo

KIDS Club Program Supervisor, Normandale Elementary, 29 years of service

Beth Russell

Principal, South View, 11 years of service

Carol Sturm

Department Specialist, District Office, 23 years of service

Susan Summers

Title 1 Teacher, Cornelia Elementary, 13 years of service

Bruce Swanson

Psychologist, Edina High School, 38 years of service

Lynn Timmer Cathryn Weller

Special Education Teacher, South View, 24 years of service Social Studies Teacher, Valley View, 30 years of service

Paul Andress Counselor, South View Middle School 30 years of service “A wonderful district with great kids and caring parents” is how Paul characterizes his experience in Edina Public Schools. He will miss most the dedication and professionalism of his South View colleagues. “They are truly remarkable people.” A highlight in his career occurred this year, he said, as the district has worked on transgender rights and inclusion. “To see Edina schools becoming clear about our commitment to the safety and well being of LGBTQ students is very gratifying.” Paul looks forward to waking up later, with “the love of my life” by his side. “Taking care of two grandsons, working in the wood shop, writing and playing some music, and riding my bicycle – sounds like a pretty good gig to me!”

Debra Baron Principal’s Secretary, Cornelia Elementary 13 years of service Deb first worked at South View Middle School in clerical positions for three years, while her youngest son was a student there. She left to work in the private sector for about 10 years and returned to Edina Public Schools in 2006 as principal’s secretary at Cornelia Elementary and had remained there for the past 10 years. For Deb, the best part of it all has been the students. “I find elementary students a real joy to be around and I am so pleased when I can bring forth a smile from a student,” she said. “Maybe it’s my nurturing nature, but I find it extremely rewarding to know that I’ve touched the life of a child in a special and positive way.”


Edina Public Schools 2016 Retirement Recognition

Barry Becklin Physical Education Teacher, South View Middle School 20 years of service After three years of splitting his time between nearly every school in the district, Barry landed at South View and has been teaching physical education there ever since. The warm, welcoming staff at South View made an impression on him from the beginning. “Often I was asked by veteran teachers, ‘what can I do to help you?’ ‘How are things going for you?’ There is quite a special bond betweem all the SV teachers.” Barry also enjoyed having a “double-block” period with some grades, which allowed enough time to walk to Pamela Park in the winter for a broomball game or hop a school bus to Lariat Lanes for bowling. “A lot of great, lasting memories were created.” In retirement, Barry plans to travel more, especially to national parks, get a “nice bike,” and play more golf and handball. Most of all, he said he looks forward to more time with his wife of 30 years, “my dear Carla!”

Maureen Cater Art Teacher, South View Middle School 22 years of service Maureen said she pursued a degree in art education because she thought it would be a fun way to make a living – and that proved true. When the Caters moved to Minneapolis in 1993, Maureen began teaching at Cornelia, later moving on to Normandale and then Concord. In 2002, she became a middle school art teacher. “It was a defining moment in my career,” she said. “My most memorable moments include students touchingly writing about how I made a difference in their lives.” Maureen has lots of interests to keep her “enlightened” and says she plans to be a life-long learner. She is looking forward to “the unknown” and being free of schedules, alarm clocks and stress.


Robert Cook Bus Driver, Transportation Services 14 years of service Bob is sure that he had the best bus routes in the district. “I loved all of the kids and all of the families.” He drove elementary and middle school routes and says he enjoyed seeing the kids get on the bus each morning, no matter what mood they were in. “It was always fun – sometimes they were happy, sometimes they were unhappy or didn’t want to get on the bus. But by the time we got to school, we always made sure they were in good shape for the day.” Bob took to heart the fact that he was the first person students saw on their way to school, and the last they saw in the afternoon. “I made sure they were laughing and smiling,” he said. Bob will be a snowbird now, traveling to Florida and Mexico when it’s cold here. He also wants to go on a cruise and visit Ireland, where he is eligible for citizenship by virtue of his grandmother’s birth there. “I would do it from a sense of pride. I am the last generation in my family eligible for Irish citizenship.”

Clifford Dalbec Bus Driver, Transportation Services 13 years of service Cliff drove for a special education bus route during his tenure with the district, and also formerly worked summers at Creek Valley as a custodian. While the students on his route were wonderful, he has special words for the transportation team. “My highlight was working with a great support group – the Transportation Department – and with other wonderful drivers, great mechanics and helpful office personnel,” he said. Cliff plans to spend more time in North Dakota and Las Vegas with his grandchildren, and also lots of free time with his “beloved” black lab, Ashlee.


Edina Public Schools 2016 Retirement Recognition

John Devine Second Grade Teacher, Creek Valley Elementary 15 years of service While John is being recognized for 15 years of service in Edina Public Schools, he is actually concluding a career in education that spans 39 years. It includes teaching special education and first grade, and 26 years as principal at three different schools, including 10 at Normandale. His goal, he said, has always been to end his career in the classroom, “where the real action is!” He has been a second grade teacher for the past five years at Creek Valley. John said he has always enjoyed arriving at school extra early each morning “with anticipation, excitement and a certain amount of uncertainty for what that school day might bring. I can say with complete confidence that I grew and learned each and every day.” John said he is “retreading” not retiring. He hopes to find and nurture new paths on which to continue to “grow, give and guide,” most importantly with family, and “in whatever direction I am led.”

Sharon Gregoire Occupational Therapist, Secondary Schools 14 years of service Sharon’s work has focused on middle and high school students who faced physical, emotional, social and learning challenges “with courage and grace.” “When a student learned to tie his shoes, when a student worked for a year to learn to put her hair in a ponytail, when another student gave me regular lessons-to-live-by with his genuine and infectious joy in achieving the smallest goal -- those were highlights,” she said. Also, the appreciation of paraprofessionals, parents and all the teachers who “graciously laughed at my lame jokes” made working in Edina Public Schools a pleasure. Sharon said she has a long list of “wonderful and rejuvenating” activities that she wants to pursue in retirement. “The first thing to do is to find that list!”


Mark Harelstad Science Teacher, Edina High School 20 years of service Mark has spent his tenure with the district in one of two places – a high school science room or a golf course. He has taught regular, enriched and AP biology, human anatomy and environmental science classes at EHS for 20 years, and for the past 18 years, he has also been coaching girls’ golf, an experience that has been a highlight of his career. “Golf is a great metaphor for life and I believe it is a sport that can emulate your future careers. The best memories that I will take into retirement are the lessons I have taught my girls and the stories that have resulted from my time in this program.” Now, Mark is looking forward to doing a little more golfing of his own, along with spending more time with family and friends, traveling, fishing and hunting.

Cynthia Heim Principal’s Secretary, Edina High School 24 years of service Over the course of her tenure, Cindy has worked in half of the district’s schools, including Cornelia, Highlands, the Edina Family Center, Valley View and, finally, Edina High School. At EHS, she started in the media center and later moved to the main office. “I liked the high school kids and the climate in the high school,” she said. An “amazing moment” for Cindy was helping provide assistance and support to a student desperately in need, a role she played simply by being the first to pick up the phone. Cindy officially retired several months ago. She has already joined a health club and been out to lunch with many old friends. She looks forward to more time with her three children and five grandchildren, here and in Colorado.


Edina Public Schools 2016 Retirement Recognition

Peter Hodne Principal, Highlands Elementary 28 years of service Peter joined the district as a sixth grade teacher at Countryside, moving on to Highlands, and then South View. He circled back to Highlands as the principal and stayed for 23 years in that role. “A highlight for me has been the work we have done on equity, race and culture at Highlands, and in our district as a whole,” he said. Peter’s commitment to creating a culture of positive change resulted in Highlands being named a Changemaker School by the Ashoka organization in 2014. This year, Peter literally helped write the book about changemaker education when he was asked to join a small cohort of educators who brainstormed and wrote a book in one week to help other schools learn how to cultivate empathy, teamwork and leadership with their students and staff. Peter looks forward to more time with his family and playing music. He also plans to find new ways to continue to contribute to equity work.

Cheryl Hogle Paraprofessional, Concord/Cornelia/Normandale Elementary 20 years of service Cheryl has been a science and math paraprofessional with the district at Concord Elementary for two decades. Two years ago she added Cornelia and Normandale to her duties, which have included coordinating a Garden Club, Inventors Group, and science fairs. “What I have liked most about my position is working with staff and students,” she said. “I have especially enjoyed working with former students on May Term projects.” Cheryl and her husband are both retired now. She said they look forward to continuing to check off their “bucket list” of travel destinations, visiting their sons who live in the Southwest and finding ways to give back to the community.


Craig Jensen Assistant Principal, Valley View Middle School 18 years of service Craig has been assistant principal at Valley View for 17 years, spending his first year in the district as interim principal at South View. The great things about working in the district are “too numerous to mention,” he said. “Being able to work with so many wonderful and skilled teachers and also connecting with students and seeing them grow and change – those two things sum it up best.” Now, Craig said he will turn his attention to spending more time with his wife, kids and grandkids. “And trying to improve my golf game,” he said. “There is lots of room for improvement!”

Lori Koch Sixth Grade Teacher, Valley View Middle School 16 years of service Many sixth graders passed through Lori’s classroom in 16 years at Valley View, and those relationships were the highlight of her career. “Meeting all the kids was the best part,” she said. “I met a lot of great people in my time at Valley View.” Now, Lori looks forward to gardening and spending time with her own kids.


Edina Public Schools 2016 Retirement Recognition

Mark Laven Curriculum Coordinator, District Office 28 years of service Before becoming the district’s 6-12 curriculum coordinator in 2008, Mark’s career in education included many years in middle and high school classrooms teaching biology, life science, physical science, and earth science. He was an advisor for student government, yearbook and the student newspaper, and was a girls junior high tennis coach. Mark’s favorite memories are some of the hands-on learning trips he supervised, including a 1997 trip to Mexico with seventh grade students and parents to visit monarch butterfly sanctuaries, and annual canoe trips for ninth grade students and staff from Lake Minnetonka to Minnehaha Falls. “Many students had never been in a canoe before and most had never seen their neighborhoods from the perspective of the creek.” In retirement, Mark plans to garden, grow and harvest fruit trees, and spend more time on photography, carpentry and woodcarving, geocaching and running.

Anne Legeros Media Assistant, Countryside Elementary 12 years of service Being an active parent volunteer at Highlands Elementary got Anne’s foot in the door. She began as a paraprofessional in the Continuous Progress classrooms before moving to a Media Assistant position. In 2013 she assumed a similar position at Countryside, where she made some “wonderful” connections. She has special memories of a group of Countryside students who formed the “Anne Fan Club.” “They would flash me the letter A in the hallways to show their support – so sweet!” Now with more time on her hands, Anne plans to revisit her art career, creating watercolors and pastel landscapes.


Debra Linnihan Teacher Administrative Assistant, Countryside Elementary 17 years of service Growing up the daughter of a high school teacher, Debra said coming to work at Countryside felt familiar. “I grew up immersed in the world of teachers and schools,” she said. “When I started at Countryside, it felt to me like coming home.” Working for principal Karen Bergman for the past five years has been a high point, she said. “I will miss her and all of the wonderful, caring staff.” As a retiree, Debra will read a lot, spend more time with family and take more, and longer, walks with her dog, Hunter. She hopes to travel more and says she will “sing every day!”

Walter Lyndsley Bus Driver, Transportation Services 25 years of service Walter spent most of his tenure driving kindergarten and elementary routes. “The kids were polite and a lot of fun,” he said, “I enjoyed them.” Most days were full of pretty routine elementary antics, Walter said, but one day especially stands out. A student was choking on a piece of candy. “I stopped the bus right in the intersection!” Walter said. “I did the heimlich but it didn’t come out. So I tipped her on her side and slapped her back a couple times and she started breathing again.” He said he was as shaky as the little girl. Walter’s only regret is that he won’t be around to experience the new bus garage, but he promises to visit. In retirement, Walter plans to travel with his wife and is working on his “bucket list” of golf courses.


Edina Public Schools 2016 Retirement Recognition

Nirmalie Rodrigo KIDS Club Supervisor, Normandale Elementary 29 years of service After supervising the KIDS Club out-of-school time program for 29 years, Nirmalie has started to see familiar faces. “Some kids that I had in the program as kindergarteners are now working at KIDS Club!” It is those long-time relationships with kids and the bond between long-time staff that has made her years with the district special. “The relationships grow between staff, the kids and their siblings, and parents and even their grandparents, who sometimes pick them up.” In fact, there was a time when an older gentleman walked in. “I looked at him and thought ‘I know him.’ He said, ‘You’re still here!’” He was there to pick up his granddaughter, who was the child of the daughter that he used to pick up from KIDS Club many years before. Nirmalie looks forward to more time with family, traveling, and “relaxing a little bit.”

Beth Russell Principal, South View Middle School 11 years of service “I have always seen my role as support,” Beth said. “Support for teachers doing what they do best in the classroom with students.” After seven years as principal at South View, and a previous stint of four years as assistant principal there, Beth said the best part has been seeing teachers and staff “grow in their capacity to meet all students’ needs and the drive for being creative and resourceful. Their innovation of ideas and the energy to implement them has allowed us to bring in strong educational experiences.” She names the Writing Center, Artist in Residencies, Service Learning in every grade and more than 350 students actively involved in student leadership as achievements. Beth looks forward to traveling to visit her kids and grandkids and to seeing new parts of the world. She also hopes to continue to work with aspiring principals and leaders in some way. “Mostly, I am looking forward to doing whatever I want, whenever I want!”


Carol Sturm Department Specialist, District Office 23 years of service Carol’s entire tenure with the district was working as a specialist in the research and evaluation department. “I enjoyed being helpful to the teaching staff,” Carol said. “I liked supporting the teachers.” In retirement, Carol said she is enjoying “doing her own thing.” “Every day is different,” she said.

Susan Summers Title 1 Teacher, Cornelia Elementary 13 years of service Susie’s work over the past 13 years has been to provide extra support to students at Concord, Normandale and Cornelia, through programs such as Foundations of Learning, Success Center and Title 1. “To see the proverbial ‘light bulbs’ go on is what made my job both fun and rewarding,” she said. “It has been an honor to work with such outstanding staff.” Now, Susie said she will continue pursuing her love of technology, spend more time with family and friends, get back into art, and try new recipes. “And of course, I always have a good book to read on hand!”


Edina Public Schools 2016 Retirement Recognition

Bruce Swanson Psychologist, Edina High School 38 years of service Bruce is an Edina graduate who just couldn’t stay away. About 10 years after graduating from EHS, he returned to the his alma mater as a school psychologist, helping to start a new special education program for students with emotional and behavioral issues. “I worked with many students on a very personal level,” he said. “It has been gratifying to watch them grow personally and overcoming challenging life circumstances.” Working with the children of some of his former students has been a highlight. Bruce looks forward to not setting the alarm clock, unless he wants to, and going on vacation any time he wants.

Lynn Timmer Special Education Teacher, South View Middle School 24 years of service Technically, Lynn joined Edina Public Schools when she was a fifth grader at Highlands, eventually graduating from the “old” Edina High School. After teaching for a time, and taking time to raise her two sons, Lynn worked to renew her teaching license while also working as a special education paraprofessional at South View. She moved on to Early Childhood Special Education, then to Concord and Normandale Elementary. She returned to South View in 2001 and stayed. Lynn said it has been a pleasure to see places, programs and curriculum that she helped plan, continue and grow. For Lynn, there is much to look forward to in retirement. “I want to go places on the spur of the moment, read the paper in the morning, join a book club, volunteer, knit sweaters, ride my bike and bake cookies with our grandson.”


Cathryn Weller Social Studies Teacher, Valley View Middle School 30 years of service Cathy’s tenure in the district took her from Valley View to the high school and back again. The timing was such that she taught a few of the same students every year, from middle school through graduation, for five years. Most of her tenure has been teaching seventh and eighth grade. Her favorite projects have included the discrimination interdisciplinary project that led to a trip to Poland and Israel to study the Holocaust, and History Day projects with seventh graders. “One blessing was the opportunity to work with marvelous colleagues in both grade levels.” Cathy looks forward to evenings when she can talk with her husband, Bill, instead of grading papers. “I want time to have a true garden – instead of planting things after school lets out in the spring, and abandoning flowers to frost when school starts in the fall.”


Edina Public Schools 2016 Retirement Recognition

Also Recognized John Hoffman

Custodian, Countryside Elementary 25 years of service

Elizabeth Kincaid

Media Assistant, Edina High School/Valley View 15 years of service

Robert Plombon

Assistant Controller, District Office 26 years of service



www.edinaschools.org/volunteer | 952-848-4926 The Edina Volunteer Program allows community members to share their time, talents and passion to support Edina Public Schools (EPS) in academic and non-academic settings. Volunteers work throughout all nine schools, early education, community education and administrative services to assist in a role that matches their interests.


www.edinaschools.org/know | 952-848-3919 Great stories are happening every day in EPS. Subscribe to our new electronic newsletter EDINA In The Know, a weekly publication highlighting short, quick pieces of information with links for extended articles and details for those who want to know more.


www.edinaschools.org/volunteer | 952-848-3952 EPS is pleased to offer adults ages 55+ free general admission to school events. The Edina Events Card allows the card holder and one guest a free pass to theatrical, musical or home-played athletic events (excludes hockey games at Braemar Arena, the Current Jam concert and post season athletic events).


www.edinaresourcecenter.com | 952-848-3936 | Free and confidential The Edina Resource Center, working in partnership with Edina Community Education Services, EPS and the City of Edina, serves as your connection to community resources, services and information for what’s happening around town.


www.edinaschools.org/volunteer | 952-848-4222 The Edina Education Fund is an independent non-profit organization dedicated to the continued academic excellence of EPS. The Ed Fund secures private, supplemental funding to support valuable, educational experiences and innovative projects in EPS. Funds raised augment school system revenues that are provided by taxes, state aid, and other parent and student led fundraising efforts.


Edina Public Schools 2016 Retirement Recognition


Edina Public Schools is proud to recognize the 2016 retirees. Twenty-eight valued members of our staff have contributed a combined 583 years of service to the success of the district and will be greatly missed. Congratulations and best of luck to all of you in your new adventures!

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