P.O. Box 85 602 W. University Edinburg, TX 78540 Phone (956) 383-4974 Fax (956) 383-6942
EXECUTIVE OFFICERS CHAIRMAN Mark Magee • First National Bank
CHAIR - ELECT Cris Torres • Inter National Bank
IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIR Jaime A. Rodriguez • JAR Development, LP
TREASURER Brian Disque • Texas State Bank
VICE-CHAIRMEN Ramiro Garza • Edinburg Economic Development Corp. Elva Jackson Garza • Edwards Abstract and Title Co. Noe Valdez • Valdez Meats & Catering Cynthia Bocanegra • Chaps Bar & Grill Lee Castro • Memorial Funeral Home Sal Robles • American Medical Training Institute
DIRECTORS Gary L. Henrichson Darcy Kelly Maggie Kent Fred L. Kurth Johnny Rodriguez J. P. English Mike Govind Gene Espinoza
Law Office of Gary L. Henrichson Peter Piper Pizza General Dentistry Centers Melden & Hunt, Inc. Austin Personnel Services Amigo Power Equipment Best Western, Edinburg Inn & Suites Edinburg City Council
STAFF Letty Martinez, President Evana Vleck, Director of Marketing & Special Events Imelda Rodriguez, Administrative/Tourism Assistant Frank Lara, Director of Membership
Aug/Sep/Oct 2007
Vision Statement The Edinburg Chamber of Commerce is a network of leaders serving Edinburg and the region as an advocate and resource, advancing commerce and the quality of life.
Mission Statement Our Charge is to lead the effort in advancing commerce and the quality of life in Edinburg and the region. We will foster service, development, and growth by forging positive relationships, advocating volunteerism, and leadership development.
Core Values We will be ambitious in our endeavors, operate effectively and efficiently, promote mutual respect and honesty, seek commitment, ownership, and accountability, and have fun!
CONTENTS Letter from Chairman ..........................................................3 2nd Annual TX Cookem Recap / Collage ..........................5-7 Edinburg Goes Hollywood ...................................................8 Edwards Abstract Grand Opening .......................................9 I Shop Edinburg............................................................10-11 Ribbon Cuttings & Policy..............................................12-13 Museum of South Texas History ........................................14 Depot Express Wins First Place..........................................14 Edinburg Kiwanis Club ......................................................15 Cynthia’s Cakes Receives Recognition...............................16 Summer Fun at the Library ................................................17 First National Bank Corporate Complex ............................18 Chamber Champion of the Month.....................................19 Advertising Options...........................................................19 Feature Businesses of the Month .................................20-21 Edinburg Chamber Hosts Business Seminar ......................21 Fiesta Edinburg / Leadership Edinburg ..............................22 EEDC Economic Update.....................................................23 VIP Members .......................................................Back Cover
Letter from the Chairman Ahoy, there!
for the Chamber and adjusting it in order to
Well, it looks like my turn at the wheel is about
steer clear of reefs and
over. On October 1st, I will turn the helm over to
ice bergs along the
Cris Torres. Based on the level of effort and ded-
way. They have been
ication that she has given to the Chamber over the
the guiding force that
years and, in particular, her passion for Fiesta, I
has kept the Chamber
am certain that she will continue to keep the ship
on course as it sails into new waters.
throughout the years.
To unabashedly continue this maritime analogy,
And, like Columbus sailing to the New World, it
the Chamber is like a ship. It takes a dedicated
takes the financial backing of individual, corpo-
and capable crew to make sure that the sails are
rate and governmental benefactors to provide for
properly trimmed, the decks are swabbed and the
the provisions, fuel and man-power needed for a
powder is kept dry.
Letty, Evana, Frank and
successful journey. I want to thank the members
Imelda have worked tirelessly to ensure that the
and the businesses of the community for continu-
Chamber has been in ship-shape condition at all
ing to support the Chamber and I want to thank
times. They have also served as the ships pursers
the Mayor, the City Council and the staff for
and the entertainment directors. They wear many
believing enough in our noble quest to provide the
different hats and I appreciate the unwavering
funds which ensure that we have the means nec-
spirit they have shown throughout this last year.
essary to continue our journey of exploration.
The Executive Committee of the board serves as
Finally, this is one ship that will never attempt to
the executive officers of the ship, leading the crew
repel boarders. So, scamper up the gangway, stow
by example and ensuring that the critical systems
your duffle bags and footlockers and prepare to
are properly maintained and that our mission is
get underway.
accomplished. I want to thank them for their support and their loyalty to the Chamber. With their
Welcome aboard and thanks for sailing with us!
assistance, the Chamber has enjoyed clear sailing. Captain Mark R. Magee The remainder of the Board of Directors serves as the navigators for our vessel, charting the course 3
Title Insurance And Serving You Are The Foundation Of Our Business
3111 W. Freddy Gonzalez Drive Edinburg, Texas We’re ready to serve you! Edinburg Escrow Branch Office; Lewis, Monroe & Peña - Attorneys At Law; Edwards Title Plant and Edwards Support Teams www.edwards-titleco.com Edinburg
Sharyland Plantation
3111 W. Freddy Gonzalez Edinburg, Texas 78539 (956) 383-4951 Fax (956) 383-5443
319 Nolana Ave. McAllen, Texas 78504 (956) 682-4951 Fax (956) 631-3504
2005 E. Griffin Parkway Mission, Texas 78572 (956) 583-1220 Fax (956) 583-1798
3607 Plantation Grove, Suite 103 Mission, Texas 78572 (956) 424-0273 Fax (956) 583-4409
2300 W. Pike Blvd., Suite 101 Weslaco, Texas 78596 (956) 973-9654 Fax (956) 968-7163
2ND ANNUAL TEXAS COOK’EM Recap the Point of Rescue” Hal played for over an hour as thousands of fans sang along and danced beneath Edinburg ’s star lit sky. Hal is a down to earth guy; at his arrival he walked through the cooking grounds, and sampled cook’s barbeque and chatted with surrounding friends. After his show he signed autographs and took pictures with fans. Also on the musical bill was the valley’s own Texas Heat, who has their own following - great music - great fun!
Over 75 cooking teams competed in the 2nd Annual Texas Cook’em: High Steaks in Edinburg. Teams from across Texas traveled great distance to participate in the Rio Grande Valley’s most unique cook off featuring sirloin steak, chicken, pork spare ribs, and beef brisket; Edinburg is the first sanctioned cook off in the Rio Grande Valley to feature such a distinct variety of cooking meats, and professional cooks recognize the Cook’em as a high caliber competition with a serious $15,000 in prize money. The Texas Cook’em catered to cooks coming all the way from Arkansas to take part in the 2nd annual event.
VIP FUN The Very Important Party (VIP) was a smash hit – every team was automatically entered to compete in providing the best party atmosphere, and every team did an outstanding job celebrating with their family and friends. There were fish fry’s, fajitas, pan de campo, live music, margaritas and more at the VIP event - it was fun to say the least, and to think that next years will be even better. The VIP banner was awarded to the Los Birongeros Cooking Team for providing the best party atmosphere, congrats to them for a job well done! Thanks to Memorial Funeral Home for sponsoring Friday’s festivities in the VIP tent.
The Texas Cook’em Grand Champion was Don Cantebury as Reserved Grand Champion was awarded to his wife, and last year’s winner Jan Cantebury. The husband and wife from Conroe, Texas took home over 8 trophies combined, not to mention a hefty amount of cash. Congratulations!
A LITTLE RAIN CAN’T HURT This year, the weather more than cooperated with Texas Cook’em - cooks got showered with a light rain mid day Saturday afternoon, but it was much needed as it cooled the fiery hot cooking grounds to a moderate level of intensity. The show anxiously went on, and the cooks continued to celebrate with surrounding family and friends as they mixed their marinades and added the secret ingredients to their spice rubs, though love is no secret…it was the most used component to every recipe.
FROM THE CHAIRMAN GENE ESPINOZA “I would like to take this time to thank everyone who made our event a success. We had 74 official teams! There were 78 registered but some could not make the trip. A big abraso "hug" to all the cooks that worked hard in the 98+ degree temperature. All of our volunteers worked really hard to keep the event running on time. Our judge’s pool was awesome (150 plus), and special thanks to all of our sponsors.” We look forward to 2008!
LIVE MUSIC Hal Ketchum graced Edinburg with his presence on Saturday night, and opened with his musical hit “Past 5
Thank you 2007 Cook’em Sponsors Edinburg Chamber of Commerce EEDC City of Edinburg L&F Distributors Coca Cola Edinburg Review South Texas Oil Field Service Memorial Funeral Home Inter National Bank
First National Bank Enriquez Enterprises Law Office of Cynthia Gutierrez Garco Edwards Abstract and Title Co. Law Office of Dan Rios HEB Edinburg Coyotes
Special Thanks goes to Melissa & Johnny Rodriguez from Austin Personnel Service, City of Hidalgo, International Bank of Commerce, Edinburg Parks and Recreation, Edinburg Solid Waste department, National Hispanic Professional Organization Student Chapter, ECN 12, Exquisita Tortillas, all judges, cooks, and volunteers.
Grand Champion: Don Cantebury Reserved Grand Champion: Jan Cantebury STEAK We B Smokin’ Crazy Cookers Country Boys Gone Bad Alamo DraftHouse Smokepranos El Dorado Cooking Team Los Banqueros The Bread Man Rack’em & Stack’em Los Chorizeros
CHICKEN Ritter’s BBQ We B Smokin’ We B Smokin’ Too Pit Bull Cookers
Naaman’s Mustard Sauce Texas Most Wanted Back off Cookers Wild-N-Wooly Cookers Poke in Da Eye Assleep @ the Grill
RIBS Blue Smoke BBQ We B Smokin’ Too Tejano Cookers Burning Memories The Renegades Pit Bull Cookers La Esperanza Ranch We B Smokin Budweiser’s Lizard’s 6
Cooking Team Poke in Da Eye
BRISKET We B Smokin’ Too Ritter’s BBQ Daddy’s Better Half Smashed Potatoes Blazin BBQ Poke in Da Eye Bread Man Budweiser’s Lizard’s Cooking Team We B Smokin’ Pit Bull Cookers
2007 Texas Cook’em
EDINBURG GOES HOLLYWOOD 2007 Membership Campaign The Edinburg Chamber of Commerce Chamber Champions recently held an annual membership recruitment effort for June and chose the theme as “Edinburg Goes Hollywood”.
"I want to thank all of the volunteers and Chamber Champions who participated in the 2007 membership recruitment effort," commented Mark Magee, Chairman of the Board. "Their efforts are appreciated by the staff and board and we welcome their volunteer spirit!" he added.
“The Chamber Champions committee planned the membership campaign for several months.” The primary goal of the membership campaign is to invite businesses that are not current members of the Chamber to make an investment in the organization in the community that represents and markets the businesses in various ways,” commented Elva Jackson Garza, Vice Chairman of Membership of the Chamber.
For more information on the Edinburg Chamber of Commerce, visit their website at www.edinburg.com or contact Frank Lara at 383-4974.
“There is never a dull moment for the Chamber Champions,” commented Frank Lara, Director of Membership. “From representing the Chamber at grand opening events, to sponsoring networking programs such as the Edinburg Today Breakfast and Power Punch at Lunch, the committee normally has a full calendar of activities each month,” stated Lara. All investors of the Edinburg Chamber of Commerce are encouraged to take advantage of all of the opportunities that the Edinburg Chamber offers it's investors to increase their customer base.
Elva Jackson Garza, Vice Chair of Membership gives special thanks to Paulina Solis, Texas State Bank; Corina Canchola, First National Bank; Gisela Hughes of Realty Executives and Jeannie Sandoval of Edinburg Executive Center, and the Edinburg chamber of Commerce Board of Directors who also formed a team.
The entire membership and especially the membership recruitment effort put forth by the Chamber Champions is deeply appreciated. The membership campaign brought in a total of 40 new investors. Special congratulation to Corrina Canchola from First National Bank who recuited 15 memberships and was named “Top Producer”. Special recognition also goes to Esmer Galvan of First National Bank and Velma De Leon, Memorial Funeral Home, Nancy Garza, Gisella Hughes of Realty Executives RGV and Valerie Gonzales for help making the Edinburg Goes Hollywood Campaign a successful event.
Edinburg Chamber of Commerce 2007 Calendar of Events Edinburg Today Breakfast
August 8, 2007
Membership Roundup
September 20, 2007
Winter Texan Welcome
November 15, 2007
Edinburg on Wheels
November 17, 2007
Night of Lights Celebration
December 1, 2007
For more information call 383-4974. 8
EDWARDS ABSTRACT AND TITLE CO. Celebrates a Night to Remember!
May 31, 2007 was a very memorable evening as Byron Jay Lewis, President of Edwards Abstract and Title Co., welcomed over 800 guests at the grand opening celebration of the Edinburg corporate offices located at 3111 W. Freddy Gonzalez Drive.
The two story building will accommodate Edwards Abstract and Title Co., the law firm of Lewis, Monroe and Peña, the Edinburg Escrow Branch Office, the Edwards Title Plant and Support Teams. Over fifty employees will be housed in the new facility.
“The Edwards Team and my family have been so blessed and touched by the participation of so many who attended the grand opening celebration. I want to express my deepest appreciation to all our guests who attended and those who have wished us great success in the coming years,” commented Lewis.
Byron Jay Lewis and the Edwards Management Team also expressed their appreciation of all of the employees for their dedication and support for the continued success of Edwards. The title insurance company founded in 1880, and incorporated in 1926, will have another reason to celebrate during 2007 as the Edwards Team commemorates 127 years of service.
The Edwards Team hosted the large crowds with tours of the facility that features a Southwest desert design. Various works of art of several artists, several pieces of antique furniture and sculptures are displayed throughout the facility. The celebration was highlighted by live entertainment, delicious food and delectable desserts including a cake featuring a replica of the building designed by Cynthia’s Cakes of Edinburg.
After two months of having moved in to the corporate office, everyone has settled in. “It’s back to business and serving our customers,” stated Rachel Arevalo, Sr. Vice President/Operations Manager. “Needless to say, we have plenty of room in our work space, we operate in a very comfortable environment and we are very proud to be working for Edwards Abstract and Title Co.,” she added.
State Representative Aaron Pena presented Lewis with a resolution he sponsored honoring Edwards Abstract for its longevity, service and continued growth of the company. Pena also officially recognized Elva Jackson Garza, Vice President/Marketing Manager for her dedication and leadership to various organizations during the past twenty-five years.
Edwards Abstract and Title Co. also has locations in McAllen, Weslaco, Mission and Sharyland Plantation with fully staffed and experienced personnel. For more information on Edwards’ products and services, visit the website at www.edwards-titleco.com.
Saved Twenty Five Cents This is the first time I write a piece in our newsletter, so here goes nothing. First I have to share a little something that made me laugh the other day. My son Enrique is taking golf lessons at Los Lagos. One day he realized that you could use the “I Shop Edinburg” card at the club house. He asked if he could have one to put in his wallet. I of course was proud that he was carrying the shop Edinburg spirit. Well I didn’t really think he would use it, until he came home one day and said, “Dad you know that card works”. I looked
Eva’s Flowers Baskets & Gifts 301 W. Schunior St. Edinburg, Tx 78541 956-381-4555 evasflowersbaskets@sbcglobal.net 10% Discount Best Western Edinburg Inn & Suites 2708 S. Bus. Hwy. 281 Edinburg, Tx 78539 956-318-0442 godevco@aol.com 10% off rack room rate Edinburg World Birding Center 714 Raul Longoria Rd Edinburg, Tx 78539 956-381-9922 moliva@edinburgwbc.com 10% off all merchandise
at him not knowing exactly what he was talking about. Where did you use it, I asked? With out a blink he looked at me and said at golf, today I bought a candy and water, and I saved twenty five cents! I didn’t know what to say other than, that’s good son it will add up.
eat with our local merchants and restaurants, you are helping yourself to a possible rate reduction. On top of that, the tax rebates help us provide you with everyday needs like (water, sewer, police, fire, drainage, etc.). One last note, don’t forget, it’s almost back to school time. We have merchants in our city that can proI hope that the “I Shop Edinburg vide you with all those needs! card” has helped you save, “more than twenty five cents”. Once again Until next time, “Keep Shopping the awareness has paid off for our Edinburg” city. Our sales tax rebate percentages are going up. That means we Gene Espinoza can work hard on that tax rate reduc- Edinburg City Councilman tion this year. When you shop and Edinburg Marketing Chairman The following Edinburg Businesses are part of the I Shop Edinburg campaign. If you or your business would like to be involved with the campaign, please call us, and we’ll take care of you. To pick up your FREE I Shop dis-
count card, stop by the Edinburg Chamber of Commerce, Edinburg City Hall, the Edinburg Economic Development Corporation or call 956-383-4974 for more information on how YOU can save!
Rex Motel 2207 S. Bus. 281 Edinburg, Tx 78539 956-383-5681 $3.00 off any rooms
United Rentals 1702 S. Expressway 281 Edinburg, Tx 78539 956-289-8400 cantur@ur.com 10% off any Rental
Amigo Power Equipment 304 W. Monte Cristo Edinburg, Tx 78541 956-383-6289 Jengl175@aol.com 10% off all Polaris Accessories & Echo Products La Reynera Bakery 922 W. Monte Cristo Edinburg, Tx 78541 956-380-2577 Regular 3 pieces for $1.00 Receive 4 pieces for $1.00 with I shop card
Willie B’s BBQ 114 E. Loeb St. Edinburg, Tx 78539 956-318-1373 Emostar311@aol.com Spend $15 and get a Free Tea or Lemonade Motel 6 1806 S. Closner Blvd Edinburg, Tx 78539 956-383-8800 Free upgrade to king size suite
Divas Hair Studio 2350 E. Freddy Gonzalez Edinburg, Tx 78539 956-383-9700 10% off any service $1.00 off regular haircut Chaps Bar & Grill 2301 W. Sprauge Edinburg Tx 78539 956-316-2350 Cynthia_bocanegra@excite.com 15% off regular price food Earthly Treasures 1116 S. Closner Edinburg, Tx 78539 956-386-1770 B.Gom@aol.com 10% off any item Turn the Page Scrapbooking & More 3525 W. Freddy Gonzalez Edinburg, Tx 78540 956-387-0700 Half price crop night & 10% discount on supplies Movie Corner 2346 Freddy Gonzalez Edinburg, Tx 78539 956-386-1222 3 New releases for $9.99 3 kids movies for $5.00 Edinburg Executive Inn 2006 S. Closner Edinburg, Tx 78539 956-380-6201 eeiexeinn@yahoo.com 10% off rack room rate Coffee Zone 1108 S. McColl Edinburg, Tx 78539 956-381-5462 DMcoffeeco@aol.com 20% on all beverages
Copy Express 24056- B W. University Dr Edinburg, Tx 78541 956-318-5995 Copy-express@sbcglobal.net 15% off color copies, 15% off color poster 2 limit 10% off 500 full color business cards Oriental Café 1900 W. University Ste. 1 Edinburg, Tx 78539 956-381-1331 10% Discount anything on the Dinner Menu Only valid as business is operational Armando’s Pizza 1900 W. University Edinburg, Tx 78539 956-383-8053 Buy 16” pizza with three toppings & get 12” cheese pizza FREE Not valid with any other offer or delivery/ No credit cards Los Lagos 1720 S. Raul Longoria Edinburg, Tx 78539 956-316-0444 10% off Pro Shop 10% off Round of Golf Putters Resturant 1720 S. Raul Longoria Edinburg Tx 78539 956-316-0444 10% off all food Ebony Hills Golf Course 300 W Palm Dr. Edinburg, Tx 78539 956-292-2144 10% off Round of Golf 10% off Pro Shop
Hesbrook Monument Company 616 E. Cano St. Edinburg, Tx 78539 956-383-8597 10% on all monuments & Design work Free Alamo Drafthouse Cinema 2001 Trenton Rd. Edinburg, Tx 78539 512-797-3187 Drafthouse.com Free Popcorn or Chips & salsa with purchase of any entrée. Valid Monday through Thursday only. Graphic Xpress 308 N. Closner Edinburg, Tx 78539 956-381-8088 graphixxpress@sbcglobal.net 10% discount on orders $100 or more. Tio’s Rancho 2102 N. McColl Rd Edinburg, TX 78540 956-316-1100 carlos@tiorancho.com 10% off any food purchase anytime El Jinete Drive Thru 501 W. University Dr. Edinburg, TX 78540 956-383-6100 Spend $15 and get a 12oz drink for FREE (choice of soda or water) Collision Masters Inc. 11700 N Rooth Rd. Edinburg, TX 78541 956-380-3368 Collisionmastersinc.com 10% Discount on deductibles and also financing for deductibles and repairs with approved credit.
Ribbon Cuttings
Doctors Hospital at Renaissance
El Jinete
2717 Michael Angelo Drive, Edinburg, Texas Mario Lizcano (956) 661-7555
501 W. University Drive, Edinburg, Texas Marivel Correa Valdez (956) 383-6100
Hair Passion by Tina
Judge Charlie Espinoza
1416 W. University Dr., Edinburg, Texas Tina Morales (956) 289-1213
Hidalgo County Justice of The Peace PCT.4 PL.1 212 N. 12th Street in Edinburg, Texas
Karla’s Best Little “Hair” House in Texas
PTV DataSource LLC
508 W. Canton, Edinburg, Texas Joseph or Karla Chery (956) 289-1868
1920 E Industrial Drive, Edinburg, Texas Ms. Kelly Castleberry (956) 318-3170 12
Ribbon Cuttings
Chamber Champion Committee Ribbon Cutting / Groundbreaking Ceremony Policy Winning Mortgage Solution 10125 N. 10th St., Suite B, McAllen, Texas Cynthia Bocanegra (956) 292-0577
MUSEUM OF SOUTH TEXAS HISTORY School Tours Benefit 16,172 In 2006-07 School tours to the Museum of South Texas History totaled 16,172 students - 2,668 of those students were from the Edinburg C.I.S.D.
• Fire Department Museum - Call Karina Lozano or Richard Drewry 383-7691 (free tours). • Chamber of Commerce Building/ Edinburg train station - Call Evana or Imelda 383-4974 (free tours). • Municipal Park - (corner of Sprague St. and Raul Longoria Drive.) Call Irene at 381-5631. (She will have someone clean the restrooms before you arrive.) • World Birding Center - Call Marissa at 381-9922 (same location as Municipal Park).
Docents bring the artifacts in an exhibit to “life” for a child. Sharing information that will amaze a child, asking questions that will encourage a child to think, and demonstrating how something works to spark the imagination are essentially what a docent does at the museum). Other docent guided opportunities will be available as volunteers are trained. (Check with Judy if you want to become a docent for the Museum of South Texas For more information on the Museum of South Texas History). History, please visit our web site: mosthistory.org For field trip reservations contact Judy McClelland, Education Officer, e-mail jmcclelland@mosthistory.org or call (956) 383-6911 (after hours ext. 221). When you are away from your campus visiting our museum, here are suggestions of other places in Edinburg that your students might like to visit: • UTPA campus - Call Irasema Silva (in a.m.only) 292-7338 (free tours) • Recycling Center - Call Janie Chapa 292-2133(free tours)
Congratulations! Evana Vleck, Director of Marketing & Special Events for the Edinburg Chamber of Commerce promotes the 1st place trophy awarded from TCCE State Conference for the Newspaper/Newsletter edition. The Edinburg Chamber of Commerce was recognized as the 1st place winner in their division. A special congratulations goes out to Ms. Vleck for her hard work and dedication placed in the content of each newsletter. If you are interested in advertising in The Depot Express, please call the chamber at 956-383-4974 for more information. 14
Edinburg Kiwanis Club Makes Donation to Retama Manor The Edinburg Kiwanis Club recently made a donation of 1,100 to Retama Manor, Nursing Center in Edinburg. The Kiwanis Club supports local organizations and businesses that are instrumental and vital to our thriving community. Retama used the monies to purchase hands on games to promote physical activities for their elderly patients. Movement and exercise is crucial for anyone, especially those who are bedridden; exercise can lift the spirits and improve circulation. “We are happy to help in any way that we can. Kiwanis are here to serve the community and assist in providing financial support to local students, organizations and businesses; It’s our way of giving back and saying thanks” says Letty Martinez, Kiwanis President.
Hidalgo County Sheriff Lupe Trevino recently visited with the Edinburg Kiwanis Club to talk about upcoming and ongoing projects that affect the Edinburg region. Sheriff Trevino’s main topic of discussion was an update on his “report card” which was an annual report of statistics plus a post on his recent accomplishments since being elected. Sheriff Trevino also addressed certain internal staff queries and briefly explained the different areas of specialization with employees to keep them abreast of cases and ongoing investigations. The Edinburg Kiwanis Club would like to invite public community and business representatives to address Edinburg Kiwanis. Guest speakers are welcomed to lunch and immediately following, speakers are given 15-20 min. to speak or present. If you are interested in serving as a speaker at an upcoming Edinburg Kiwanis meeting, please call Letty Martinez at 956-383-4974.
Edinburg Kiwanis Club Members donate to Retama Manor; pictured L to R are: Juan Ordanez, Fernando De la Garza, Peter De La Garza, Elva Jackson Garza, Rosa Vargas, Hilda Zarate,Ramon Vela, Ruben Canales, and Frank Mendieta.
Hidalgo County Sherrif Lupe Trevino visits the Edinburg Kiwanis Club.
PAYING YOURSELF FIRST COULD PAY OFF LATER. LIKE WHEN YOU RETIRE. With so much happening in our lives, it’s easy to lose sight of the future - like retirement. Edward Jones can help make saving for retirement easier with our monthly IRA investing program. This simple, convenient service puts your retirement investing on “autopilot” by letting you put aside a set amount every month into an Edward Jones IRA. You can even set it up so that the money comes automatically from any account you choose. For more information or to enroll in our monthly IRA investing program, call your local Edward Jones investment representative today. A systematic investment plan does not assure a profit and does not protect against loss in a declining market. Such a plan involves continuous investment in securities regardless of fluctuating price levels of such securities, the investor should consider the financial ability to continue the purchases through periods of low price levels.
Adan Salazar Financial Advisor 2106 E. Griffin Pkwy Mission, TX 78572 956-580-2900
Edinburg Chamber Member, Cynthia’s Cakes, Receives Recognition Edinburg Small Business selected for Dell Small Business recognition at NYC Times Square. Cynthia's Cakes of Edinburg just received notification from Dell Computers that it had been selected for its small business recognition at Times Square on July 9 and 10th. Owner Cynthia Ebrom, was speechless when she learned of her speciality cake shops selection on Thursday. Cynthia's Cakes has received numerous awards and recognition as one of the top speciality custom cake shops in the nation but nothing quite compares to having your business name appear on the world famous Times Square video monitor in New York City. Cynthia's Cakes was one of several selected in a nationwide contest conducted by Dell Computers. The selected companies will all be featured over the 2 day period starting this Monday, July 9th and ending on the 10th. 16
Summer Fun at the Library Smash Bros. tournaments. It has become such a popular event, bi-weekly tournaments will continue throughout the year.
Each summer teens and children flock to the Library in search of some summer fun and good summer reading. They know that the Dustin Michael Sekula Memorial Library is not your typical quiet library. Edinburg’s public library prides itself in being an active community center with high tech amenities, such as; high speed Internet access and WI-FI capabilities for all our young patron’s needs. At any given time, patrons can be seen enjoying the library computers, using their own laptops or even playing on WI-FI compatible portable game devices.
For more information on this or any other library event, call (956) 383-6246 or visit our webpage at www.edinburg.lib.tx.us
Of course, books and Storytime continue to be all time favorites. This year’s Summer Reading Program theme was “Sail Away with Books” and it provided an excellent opportunity to share some exciting tales with youngsters of all ages. It is essential for children to maintain the reading skills they have acquired during their school year by reading throughout the summer. What a better way to accomplish this than by participating in our fun-filled summer reading program that stimulates curiosity, promotes reading as a leisure activity and encourages children to use library resources.
Read to Me Storytime
Each year, Edinburg’s children enjoy stories, puppet shows, games, arts and crafts and movie days. This year, art classes, chess, knitting and even gaming night completed the fun filled daily events at the library and the best part is that it is all free! This year’s all time favorite night became Gaming night when on Thursday evenings, tweens (ages 10-13), teens and even parents joined the fun Mario Kart and Super
Sea Turtle Presentation
Work Underway on Planned $100 Million Corporate Complex by First National Bank By DAVID A. DÍAZ, Legislativemedia@aol.com ter surrounded by lush landscaping and featuring a 30-acre lake.
Dirt is literally flying at the site of the future $100 million corporate headquarters of First National Bank of Edinburg, located near the intersection of West University Drive and North 10th Street, bank president Robert Gandy, III reported on Tuesday, June 26, to the Edinburg Economic Development Corporation board of directors.
Other components of the planned complex include an amphitheater, branch bank, botanical conservatory, call center, business dining club, employee cafeteria, training, health services and day care facilities, heliport, warehousing, motor pool, cash management services, and personnel department.
Gandy said up to $2 million has been spent so far by the Edinburg-based institution, one of the most successful banks in Texas, as part of its seven-year plan to create, what he believes, will be one of the best-designed financial centers in the United States.
"We have finished the storm sewer installation, we have our water lines in, these are all of Phase I," Gandy said. "We have taken the old drainage ditch that emptied under ( State Highway )107, we have made it into a holding channel with a concrete pilot channel."
His presentation before the EEDC board of directors came in the form of an update to the organization, which is the jobscreation arm of the Edinburg City Council.
He added that construction crews have dug and roughed in a planned first lake, and will be drilling a water well that will be hooked up to Hidalgo County Irrigation District No. 1 in order to have access to additional sources of water for the man-made lake.
Former Edinburg Mayor Richard García is president of the EEDC board of directors, which also includes Mayor Joe Ochoa, Fred Palacios, Mike Govind, and George Bennack.
"The next thing we will be doing will be putting our first streets, and finishing up the lake with a hard edge, and it will have a PVC liner in it," Gandy continued. "Our plans for our data center, which will be roughly a 65,000-square-foot building – those are about 99 percent complete. They are at our architects being redlined. This week, we started further planning to construct our first general purpose office building there. It will be three stories and house about 300 to 400 people when it is completely full."
In December, 2004, the EEDC awarded First National Bank the right to buy the site – a 115-acre, long-unused tract of land that had been a former Edinburg airfield - in exchange for transforming the area into a commercial and retail development that would eventually create up to 1,000 high-skilled, well-paying jobs with an annual payroll approaching $50 million. The bank bought the property for $4.55 million, and has been slowly, but steadily laying the groundwork for up to 22 buildings that bank leaders plan on constructing by February 2012.
Gandy said four buildings will be part of the first phase of construction, with the proposed financial data center set for construction to begin in mid-fall 2007.
"So far, our budget for the contract we have let out is about $2 million for the dirt work and the utility work," Gandy said. "We have spent a lot of money so far - it doesn't look like much because there is dirt out there, but we are making some progress, although it has been slow."
"It is a pretty complicated building," he said of the data center, but noted the bank has "already built the pad for that, so that will give us a couple of months heads start. "Our other plans are, once we get the first lake installed and tested to see how it is going to operate, make sure that we know exactly what the technology is that we are using, then we will start on the second lake," Gandy continued. "That will give us a chance to then open the rest of the project to the retail/commercial development."
Bank leaders have said the first phase of construction will include building its financial data center and its corporate administrative offices. The large complex eventually will feature 20 other bank functions, ranging from a small luxury hotel to a conference cen-
Chamber Champion of the Month for April Jeannie Sandoval with the Edinburg Executive Center was named Chamber Champion for the month of April. Jeanie is an active volunteer and attends Ribbon Cuttings, Ground Breakings and other chamber events on a regular basis. Her enthusiasm is remarkable, and the Edinburg Chamber is very pleased to have Jeanie as a part of the Chamber Champion team.
DEPOT EXPRESS - ADVERTISING OPTIONS OPTION # 1: Frequency: Ad size: Rate: Total Investment:
5 Non-Consecutive Insertions 1/4 Page FULL Color $100 per ad $500
Option #1 allows your business to advertise in any of (5) FIVE issues of the Chamber’s Newsletter: Depot Express
OPTION # 2: Frequency: Ad size: Rate: Total Investment:
5 Non-Consecutive Insertions 1/2 Page FULL Color $200 per ad $1,000
Option #2 allows your business to advertise in any of (5) FIVE issues of the Chamber’s Newsletter: Depot Express
OPTION # 3: Frequency: Ad size: Rate: Total Investment:
5 Non-Consecutive Insertions Full Page FULL Color $300 per ad $1,500
Option #3 allows your business to advertise in any of (5) FIVE issues of the Chamber’s Newsletter: Depot Express 19
Feature Businesses of the Month Edinburg Chamber of Commerce Announces Gary Burch Construction as Feature Business of the Month.
The Chamber is pleased to have Gary Burch Construction as a long time member, and looks forward to continuing the business relationship. For more information on the Edinburg Chamber of Commerce, or to serve on the Chamber Champions committee, please call 956-383-4974
The Edinburg Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce Gary Burch Construction as Feature Business of The Month for April. The Chamber of Commerce Chamber Champions Committee selects a large and small business based on community involvement and participation on a monthly basis. Gary Burch Construction was chosen as the small business and has supported the chamber of commerce for over 15 years. Gary Burch Construction is located on 1210 South McColl in Edinburg , Texas . Gary Burch Construction has been recognized for their consistency and remarkable support to the city of Edinburg and the Chamber of Commerce.
Edinburg Chamber of Commerce Announces Texas State Bank as Feature Business of the Month
always count on their assistance, it’s a pleasure having them as supportive member” stated Letty Martinez, Edinburg Chamber of Commerce President. For more information on the Edinburg Chamber of Commerce, or to serve on the Chamber Champions committee, please call 956383-4974
Edinburg – The Edinburg Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce Texas State Bank as Feature Business of The Month for April. The Chamber of Commerce Chamber Champions Committee selects a large and small business based on community involvement and participation on a monthly basis. Texas State Bank was chosen as the large business and is a strong chamber supporter. Texas State Bank is located on 2314 W. University Drive and S. McColl Road in Edinburg, Texas. Texas State Bank exhibits enthusiasm and have supported the Chamber of Commerce through events, fundraisers and business functions. “We always look forward to Texas State Bank’s involvement with the chamber; we know we can 20
Feature Businesses of the Month Edinburg Chamber of Commerce Announces Victor’s Chicken as Feature Business of the Month. The Edinburg Chamber of Commerce is pleased to identify Victor’s Chicken as the small Feature Business of the Month for May. The business is located on 1911 E. University in Edinburg, Texas. Victor’s Chicken is an affordable dine-in or carryout restaurant that specializes in fried chicken and fixings. Victor’s Chicken has been a strong community facet and is involved with the Edinburg Chamber of Commerce on many levels, including being a long-time chamber member.
Edinburg Chamber of Commerce Hosts Business Seminar held a Business Development Seminar on Wednesday, June 27, 2007 from 11:30 am 1:00 pm at the Depot. The seminar was a free community event that included topics on the following: on-the-job training, work experience program, work opportunity tax credit, OSHA training, business loans, market research and business procurement.
were over 50 people in attendance, and lunch The Edinburg Chamber of Commerce,
was provided courtesy of Austin Personnel
Corporation, WorkForce Solutions, and the Small Business Development Center recently
Fiesta Edinburg
Leadership Edinburg
Celebrates 40 Years of FUN!
Accepting Applications for Class XIX
Get ready because Fiesta Edinburg is right around the corner and is celebrating a 40th Year Anniversary the last weekend in February, 2008 at the Edinburg Municipal Park. This year's theme is "RETRO", and we are encouraging your coolest, grooviest, 70's and 80's attire for a awesome, out of this world dance contest. In addition, the traditional food, rides, live music and more is to be expected at next year's event. As you all know, Fiesta Edinburg is a BIG DEAL, and part of what makes this event so unique is community participation. We encourage schools, businesses, and organizations to begin planning to deck out their floats and vehicles in funky colors...remember, the more colorful, the better! Fiesta Edinburg also seeks vendors on a first come, first serve basis. If you would like more information on Fiesta Edinburg's 40th Anniversary celebration, please call the chamber at 956-383-4974.
The Edinburg Chamber of Commerce Leadership Edinburg Class is currently accepting applications for Class XIX. Leadership Edinburg is a growing organization that strives to encourage a better Edinburg through strong leadership skills focusing on politics, education, and quality of life. There are over 350 graduates who have taken the challenge and completed each program of work with pride and great accomplishment. Graduates of Leadership Edinburg typically continue to apply what they learned and demonstrate it by showing interest in community involvement including serving on committees and at times politics. Class XIX kicks off their day and a half-day retreat on September 7th & 8th. Tuition is only $400 to participate, and deadline to submit application in August 9th. For more information on Leadership Edinburg or to register please call Letty Martinez at the Edinburg Chamber of Commerce at 956383-4974
Leadership Class XVII in a work session relating to trust.
Economic Update by Ramiro Garza, Jr.
labor pool has the necessary level of skills and educational attainment to meet the demands of local industries.
The latest data provided from the Texas Workforce Commission shows that Edinburg’s unemployment rate is at 4.4% which represents one of the lowest rates reported. You might ask why this is important.
The only way to start addressing this is by bringing together the business community, elected leaders and education community.
It is important because the unemployment rate shows us how many jobs are being created and keeps us updated on the total amount of our labor force.
We have been recently meeting with a coalition of stakeholders to start addressing this issue that includes County Judge Salinas office of economic development, neighboring cities, local industries, the University of Texas-Pan American, South Texas College, Region One, School districts and Workforce Solutions.
The unemployment rate represents the number of people not working compared to the total labor force. Historically, Edinburg had experienced double digit unemployment rate. Recently, with all the new businesses locating here and existing companies expanding, there have been more jobs available.
The discussions have led to the recognition that there needs to be a workforce development consortium made up of all the key stakeholders from education, workforce and economic development. This consortium will work on putting together a plan to build future talent and prepare our existing residents with the skills being demanded by local industry whether it’s in manufacturing or health services.
While it’s a high achievement to have a low unemployment rate, there’s no reason to be complacent due to a new set of challenges this presents. With a low unemployment rate, the labor market tightens and one of the challenges continues to be to create new jobs to meet our growing population. The Census Bureau estimates that Edinburg is growing 6% annually.
If you’d like to get involved in this consortium, please contact our office at 383-7124.
And since nearly half of our population is below the age of 24, another challenge is making sure that our young
VIP Members AEP Texas Central Company
Exquisita Tortillas, Inc.
Magic Valley Electric Co-op.
Azteca Milling L.P
Falcon International Bank
Memorial Funeral Home
Best Western - Edinburg Inn & Suites
First National Bank
Progressive Telecommunications
Beyamar Home Health & Hospice Services
Gateway Printing & Office Supply
Roy’s Hauling Service, Inc.
Border Capital Bank
Royston, Rayzor, Vickery
Capital One
H.E.B. #2
& Williams, LLP
Charles Clark Chevrolet
Inland Paperboard and Packaging Inc.
Santiago Gonzalez, Jr., C.P.A.
Collision Masters
Inter National Bank
South Texas Vo-Tech Institute
D &F Industries
International Bank of Commerce
South Texas Health System
Echo Hotel and Conference Center
International Paper Company
Staples #1037
Edinburg C.I.S.D
J. E. Saenz & Associates
Texas State Bank
Edinburg Industrial Foundation Inc.
JAR Development, LP.
University of Texas Pan American
Edwards Abstract and Title Co.
Kolder Inc.
Valdez Meats & Catering
Elite Rehab Services L.L.C.
L&G Concrete Construction Inc.
Estrada Hinojosa & Company Inc.
Lone Star National Bank
PAID P.O. Box 85/602 W. University Drive Edinburg, Texas 78540 956-383-4974 www.edinburg.com
Edinburg, TX 78539 Permit No. 58
Depot Express is a bi-monthly publication of the Edinburg Chamber of Commerce. All images, material, and editorial content is the sole property of the Edinburg Chamber of Commerce. Š2007