41 minute read
Dance & Physical Theatre
AFRICAN-GHANAIAN CULTURAL DRUMMING ANDDANCING Esuapim CulturalTroupeC central,Carlton Hotel, North Bridge • 0845 260 1234 • Grid Ref: D5 'Handed over to this generation by our ancestors, in effect we can say we were allbom into it' Unique display ofAfrican-Ghanaian rhythm and culture.Aug 1-3,20,27: I4:30(55mins) £6.50(£5.50) (£4.50QAug4-10,14-17,21-24: I4:30(55mins) £7.50(£6.50)(£5.50QAug 11-12,18-19,25-26: I4:30(55tnins) £8.50(£7,50) (£6.50Q World premiere•HBH 2930311 2 3 *5 6 78 9 10 II 12 3 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 AFRICAN-GHANAIAN CULTURAL DRUMMING ANDDANCING Esuapim CulturalTroupeThe Green Room, 37 Guthrie Street • 0131 220 0885 • Grid Ref: E5 Springing forth from Ghana's past led in each generation by the hereditary leader ofthe community, the Chief Nana KobinaAmua Sekyi II leads the drum and the dancewhich will deeply stir and move you.PreviewAug 2-4: I0:50(50mins) £5.00Aug 5,10-12,17-19,24-26: 10:50(SOmins) £8.00(£7.00) (£6.00)Aug 6-9,14-16,20-23: 10:50(SOmins) £7.00(£6.00) (£5.00) European premiere •HZ21 29303 23*5 6 78 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 272829 303 i ALBA FLAMENCAMosaico FlamencoThe Lot, 4 Grassmarket • 0131 225 9922 • Grid Ref: E4 Simply unforgettable! Our flamenco show - with exquisite and sensual dancers,amazing guitar and powerful singing - is accompanied by our invited guestworld-renowned saxophonistAlberto Carmona.A fusion that transports you to the depthofflamenco soul!Aug 6-26: 19:00(Ihr) £12.00(£10.00)Aug 11,18,25-26: 1200(Ihr) £10.00(£8.00) European premiere • Ed]29303 2345 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27282930311 ALICE IN WONDERLANDBurklyn Youth BalletZoo Southside, I 17 Nicolson Street • 0131 662 6892 • Grid Ref: F6 This 'utterly charming' (Scotsman) youth company treats audiences to anothercolourful spectacle of dancing with 'sparkling clarity' (Critkaldance) sumptuouscostumes and 'straightforward narrative storytelling' (Scotsman). 'It wouldn't be theEdinburgh Fringe without Burklyn' Criticaidance.Aug7-13,15-19: I0:30(55mins) £8.00(£6.00)29 30 31 12 3 45 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 - 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2829 3031 THEANGELANDTHEWOODCUTTERCho-in Theatre (Korea)C,Chambers Street 0845 260 1234 • Grid Reft E5 Award-winning physical theatre.An innovative infusion oftraditional and contemporarystyle. Comedic but utterly compelling.Amidst war and desperation blooms a beautifulKorean folk tale that speaks of hope. 'Clearly masters oftheir craft... beautiful' Scotsman.Aug 1-3,20,27: I8:45(lhr ISmins) £8.50(£7.50) (£5.50QAug 4-10,14-17,21-24: 18:45(Ihr ISmins) £9.50(£8.50) (£6.50C)Aug 11 -12,18-19,24-25: 18:45 (I hr I Smins) £10.50 (£9.50) (£7,50C) UK premiere •Ed]113*5 6 789 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 THE ARAB & THE JEWGecko Pleasance Courtyard, 60The Pleasance *0131 556 6550 • Grid Ref:E6 World premiere fromTotalTheatreAward-winners Gecko.A story of brotherhood,loyalty and conflict, explosively performed with the company's characteristic panache.'... a deliciously warped imagination with all-out physical daring' Times. Produced by Fuel.PreviewAug 17-19: 13:00(1hr) £5.00Aug 20-25: 1300(Ihr) £9,50(£7.50) World premiere29 3031 12 345 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 x 31 THEART OF LAUGHTERJos Houben (Belgium)AssemblyAurora Nova, St Stephen's Street " 0131 623 3030 * Grid Ref: B3 The legendaryJos Houben - original member of Complicite and director ofRight Size' - delivers a witty and engaging performance/demonstration in themechanics of laughter. Unmissable!PreviewAug 2-3: 23:15 (Ihr) £5.00Aug4: 23:15 (Ihr) £7.00(£5.00)Aug 13,20-21: 14:20(Ihr) £7.00(£5.00)Aug26-27: 19:45(Ihr) £7.00(£5.00) 'The 29 30 3'11 3 * 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 82930 108 :rSau a«is jn association with DULSORI presents
DfN^Rf www.dulsori.conr 1
Old College3-27 AugustQuad 7pm
Jt’s |> a gripping.‘performance crashing drums & . of delicious percussion,rabble-rousing vocals. -The Guardian.
Bqoking 0131 '662 Tickets^ (£9} see page 110 for show information
ij the mother of a brown boy...” 3 - 27 August 2007 14.45(1 hr) www.chickenshed.org.uk Venue 82 - 1 BoxOfficeOl 1 7 31 Nicolson St 662 6892 see page 109 for show information
ASTHE MOTHER OF A BROWN BOY ...Chickenshed Zoo Southside, 117 Nicolson Street *0131 662 6892 • Grid Ref: F6 A mother remembers the life, and untimely death,of her mixed racestruggle for identity in a multi-racial society. Combines dance, physicalmusic and multimedia.www.chickenshed.org.ukPreviewAug 3-4: 14:45 (Ihr) £4.00(£3.00)Aug5-7,9-14,16-21,23-27: 14:45(Ihr) £8.00(£6.00) son and theatre,hislive fthu 29 30 3 345 6 7 89 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
ASTRONOMY FOR INSECTSblackSKYwhite (Russia)AssemblyAurora Nova, St Stephen's Street» 0131 623 3030 » Grid Ref: B3 Moscow's Fringe First-,TotalTheatreAward-winning 'Alien Circus' blackSKYwhitetroupe present a show about passageways into worlds that are other than humanand those secret parts of Santa's trip on Christmas Eve. 'Poignant, terrifying,exhilarating' Guardian.PreviewAug 2-3: 23:15 (Ihr lOmins) £5.00Aug 4-5,10-12,17-19,24-26: 23:15 (Ihr I Omins) £13.00(£10.00)Aug6,8-9,13,15-16,20-23,27: 23:l5(lhr lOmins) £12.00(£9.00)29X3 1345 6 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
THE BALLADAye! ProductionsZoo Southside, I 17 Nicolson Street» 0131 662 6892 • Grid Ref: F6 An exquisite physical theatre duet inspired by the imagery oftraditional Scottishballads. Combines mime, aerial and dance to tell a simple story beautifully. 'A mini-masterwork that slowly catches fire until it completely engulfs you' Press andJournal.Aug 19: I3:l0(50mins) £5.00 (£3.00)Aug20-27: I3:l0(50mins) £10.00(£7.00)|»X3i 12345 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 : , o ' i |ji BALLERINAWHO LOVES B-BOYZskywalk dubWEST@The Hilton Edinburgh Grosvenor, Hilton Edinburgh Grosvenor,Grosvenor Street • 07720 28 5550«Grid Reft EI Ballet meets break-dance head on in this extreme dance musical masterpiece from one of Korea's leading exponents of new wave hip-hop dance theatre.A ballerinafinds her freedom in this explosive street dance spectacle.Aug 5-7,10-24: 19:45 (Ihr30mins) £1200(£9.00) Worid premiere •0221 29X31 12345 6 7 89 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26272829 30311 I I I I j ii i I I THE BATTLE FOR EIRESiamsoir Celtic Dance CompanyC,Chambers Street»0845 260 1234« Grid Ref: E5 The hotly anticipated theatrical fusion choreography fromDance. Unique melange of Irish and contemporary dancetransport you to a world of revenge, intrigue and magic,Aug 19,25-26: 11:15 (Ihr lOmins) £8.50(£7.50) (£6.50C)Aug 20,27: 11:15 (Ihr lOmins) £6.50(£5.50) (£4.50C)Aug 21-24: 11:15 (Ihr I Omins) £7.50(£6.50) (£5.50C) acclaimedset to live Siamsoir Celticmusic will UK premiere o 29 X 31 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29X31 i | I I I I I 1 1 g THE BATTLE OF STALINGRADTbilisi Marionnette StateTheatre (Georgia)AssemblyAurora Nova, St Stephen's Street» 0131 623 3030 Grid Ref: B3 Acclaimed director Rezo Gabriadze brings his world of puppet theatrefrom Georgia.Through a series oftender vignettes, Gabriadze explores therepercussions ofwar at every level of human existence. 'Beautiful, poignant,ingering' NewYork Times.PreviewAug 2-3: 12:45 (I hr30mins) £5.00(Aug4-5,10-12,17-19,24-26: I2:45(lhr30mins) £13.00(£10.00)Aug6,8-9,13,15-16,20-23,27: I2:45(lhr30mins) £12.00(£9.00)f 23456 89 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 192021 22 23 24 25 26 27 aji fj !C vti . BEAN BAR ZAMBUKAMosca// DanceAugustine's, 41 George IV Bridge » 08452 26 27 21 • Grid Ref: E5 Tou won't see: beavers, hockey or maple syrup.You will see: eloquent joints in action,5'3" of virtuosic connective tissue charged with adrenalin. Slippery physicality enormously skeletal - poignant foodfights - masterful prime-rib dancing. A parade ofmoving characters.Aug 14-18,21-25,27: 12:25 (SOmins) £6.00(£5.00) ’ WoHd premiereI pX3i 12345 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29X31 i Oginos presents and CORE(JAPAN) KAGUYA HIME"The Moon Princess" August 13 - 18: 1pm (30min)understairs ©Apostolic ^ 2 Davie Street ^ J 5 3 F! KSEEj % %
Tickets: £7(£5) ne.jp/~ogino-balletcore see page 114 for show information
^onS1 theatre
Presents Sorry for award-winning the Missiles! Vanessa ;; Has ; Raw, edgy, powerful... AUG 2-
see page 116 for show information Ka[h BurUnson foasutfagaewf^The‘TV tour-jt-feruunfcrqttted’le ye-rfin Weird Sisters fce.st U {iMl Trin.fje^e-rfvrmtKnc.e.
The Mothiers l?th.~Z-bth rntij, Q frjf (14:00) ESCALATOR .. see page 115 for show information
i\ / w&
I: 0 1/ PRECARIOUS V ^ C^UTyfk'al theatre & multimedia SDruthers 'vM t ' " vli "Innovative, imaginative, intelligentj* - pushing the boundaries of digital media"The Scotsman 2DQB"One of the top ten companiest0 SBB atEdinburgh 200B"OneWflrd Radio « I so”l,sla'
URGH : enue 189
KS0871 2240033 Fringe Box Office Box open on Office: 0131 site daily from Weds 1 st 226 OOOO Aug 9.30am - 9.30pm www.cirquesurreal.co.uk see page 111 for show information
purnri Inmra^ BELLYDANCE DIARIES 07: MORETRUETALES FROMCAIRO Daphne PenaTheZoo, UOThe Pleasance • 0131 662 6892 Grid Reft F6 The 2006 sell-out success is back! Celebrate the dance's undulating origins, sultrytribal rhythms and shimmying improvisation of body and beat with live music by thiUK's topArabic musicians.Aug 12-13: 18:40(Ihr) £6.00Aug 14-27: 18:40(Ihr) £7,50(£6.50) i I 29303112345 67 89 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27. .930, | BETTY BLUE CON REMOLACHA (BETTY BLUEWIT*BEET) Teartes C cubed,Brodie's Close, Lawnmarket, Royal Mile 0845 260 1234 • Grid Reft E4 [Powerful exploration ofthe relationship between people, place, object and another ithis articulate production questioning the principle of performance. Inhabit our wornfilled with time,emptiness and nothing. Do your senses direct your life?Aug 3,13,20,27: 1400(SOmins) £6.50(£5.50)Aug4-10,14-17,21-24: I400(50mins) £7.50(£6.50)Aug 11-12,18-19,25-26: I4:00(50mins) £8.50(£7,50) UK premiere»tEB 29 30 3 3 4 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2J 26 2722 J BINARI - THE SPIRIT OFTHE BEATDulsori Old College Quad, South Bridge • 0131 662 8740 • Grid Ref: E5 jDulsori's passionate, colourful and interactive performance showcases the Iexceptional heritage and spirited origins of traditional Korean culture. 'It's a grippingperformance of delicious percussion, crashing drums and rabble rousing vocals'Guardian. PreviewAug 3-4: I900(lhr lOmins) £5.00Aug 5-7,9-14,16-21,23-27: 1900(Ihr I Omins) £11,00(£8.00) European premiere • HSE 2345 6 789 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 CABARET DECAY UNLIMITEDDecay Unlimited (France)AssemblyAurora Nova,St Stephen's Street • 0131 623 3030 • Grid Ref: B3 Ever noticed the fun in 'funeral'?This irreverent trio obviously has and happilyintroduce you to the silly side of decomposition! Impertinent amusement awaits youmorbid songs, exhausting dances, saucy moments ... an unceremonious stumbling • towards the inevitable end.PreviewAug 2-3: 2IOO(lhr lOmins) £5.00Aug 4-5,10-12,17-19,24-26: 2100(Ihr I Omins) £13.00(£10.00)Aug 6,8-9,13,15-16,20,22-23,27: 21:00(Ihr lOmins) £1100(£9.00) UK premier29 30 3 2345 6 78 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 CAFE CANTANTESimpatico FlamencodubWEST@The Hilton Edinburgh Grosvenor, Hilton Edinburgh Grosvenor,Grosvenor Street • 07720 28 5550 • Grid Reft EI -J A flamenco music hall in Andalucia is the scene for this journey deep into the heart (of Spain. Fire in the eyes, passion in the soul, vintage costumes, dazzling dancers, fiery'guitars,this is flamenco fantastico.Aug 18-24: I7:30(2hrs) £1200(£9.00) European premiere29 30 31 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2829 30 31 I CAPE DANCE COMPANYCape Dance CompanyZoo Southside. 117 Nicolson Street • 0131 662 6892 • Grid Ref: F6 A decade after their 1996/8 Fringe successes, CDC make their eagerly awaitedreturn to Edinburgh with indigenous works by some of SA's most sought-afterchoreographers - Sbonakaliso Ndaba and Sean Bovim. Sinewy and athletic high-octane dance for all.Aug 11: 18:30(Ihr) £7.00Aug 12-18: 18:30(Ihr) £10,00(£8.00)29 30 31 12 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 282930311 CASTLE ROCKS: BREAKABLE CHAMPIONSHIPSMoving in CirclesCity Edinburgh, I a Market Street • 0131 226 9560 • Grid Reft D5 Now in its third year,for one night only we invite everyone to witness Scodand'sbiggest international breakdance competition. Past contenders include Brazil,Germany and France. Expect sparks to fly when the dancers hit the floor!!Aug 18: 19:00 (3hrs) £8.00(£6.50)29 30 31 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 i
THE CIRCUS OF HORRORSUrban Circus LtdMeadowsTheatre BigTops,The Meadows, Melville Drive *0131 667 0202 (Lady Boysof Bangkok only) 0871 224 0033 »Grid Ref: G5 The EVILUTION' threatens to stimulate all the senses with a storming sensationalshow packed with new acts and shocks that is set to surpass everything that has come before itAll re-born, re-vamped and rockin'!Aug6-13,15-26: 21:15 (Ihr45mins) £17.00(£1200)Aug 8,15,22: I9:00(lhr45mins) £17.00 (£1200) fE3J 29 30 3112 3 456 78 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2829 30 3i i CIRQUE SURREALUrban Circus LtdMeadowsTheatre BigTops,The Meadows, Melville Drive •0131 667 0202 (Lady Boysof Bangkok only) 0871 224 0033 • Grid Ref: G5 Europe's largest new circus.World-class artists from 10 different countries in a 'Stateof theArt' big top! Aerialists, acrobats and comedy combine in a breathtaking 21 st-century circus.Aug 5,1219,26: 17:30(2hrs) Aug6-7,9-14,18-19,25-26: 14:30(2hrs)Aug 6-7,9-11,13-14,16-18,20-21,23-25: 1900 (2hrs) Aug 21,24: 17:00(2hrs)Ringside: £28.00 (£20.00);Grandstand:£2200 (£16.00)Side Circle:£18.00 (£l4.00);Rear Circle:£l2.00 (£8.00) HHD 29303 : 5 6 7 89 10 II 12 13 14 5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 272829303m CLUB NOIRClub NoirStudio 24,24-26 Calton Road • 0131 226 0000 • Grid Ref: D6 Club Noir:the world's biggest burlesque club with up to 1,700 at every eventGlamourous,colourful, risque. Starring top burlesque performers. Dancing til dawn. 'UK'sbest burlesque nights' Times; The hot nightspot' Black Book, NewYork.www.clubnoir.co.ukAug 18: 2100(7hrs) £14.00 Worid premiere29 30 31 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 i DANCE BASEDance BaseDance Base-National PRESENTS Centrefor Dance, ... GLOBAL 14-16 Grassmarkef 0131 225 5525 •Grid RetE4 International contemporary dance premieres. Company SEO's (Korea) 'SomewhereElse' investigates space-time; Stephen Felton's (USA) 'A Hundred Miles' moves to JoniMitchell; Priya Shrikumar's 'Devi' embodies Indian goddesses; and KittJohnson X-act's (Denmark) 'Rankefod' celebrates life’s origins.www.dancebase.co.ukAug 8: ISfX)(lhr30inins) £6.00Aug9: 1500(Ihr30mins) £8.00(£6.00)Aug 10,15: I7:30(lhr30mins) £11.00(£7.00)Aug 11,16: 2a00(lhr30mins) £11.00(£7.00)Aug 12,17: I2:30(lhr30mins) £11.00(£7.00)Aug 14,18: 1500 (Ihr30mins) £11.00(£7.00) UK premiere29 30 31 12 3 45 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3i DANCE BASE PRESENTS ... QUANTUMDance BaseDance Base-National Centrefor Dance, 14-16 Grassmarket* 0131 225 5525 • Grid ReftE4 Scottish contemporary dancers meet cosmic invention.The Curve FoundationperformWilliam Forsythe's legendary 'Duo'; Martial Dance connect quantum-theoryand dance in 'ActionReaction'; and British-Asian Shamita Ray explores the invisible90% ofthe universe in 'Dark Matter.' www.dancebase.co.ukAug 8: 2000(Ihr ISmins) £6.00Aug 9: 20:00(Ihr I Smins) £8.00(£6.00)Aug 10,15: 12:30(Ihr ISmins) £11.00(£7.00)Aug 11,16: I500(lhr ISmins) £11.00(£7.00)Aug 12,17: 17:30(Ihr I Smins) £11.00(£7.00)Aug 14,18: 2000(Ihr I Smins) £11.00 (£7,00)29 303112 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3m DANCE BASE PRESENTS ... STRATOSPHERICDance BaseDance Base - National Centre for Dance, 14-16 Grassmarket •0131 225 5525 • Grid Ref E4 Celebrating invigorating, stylish contemporary dance from the Northern Hemisphere.Fierce,funny, strange and powerfully individual. Stammer's 'dDumY1 (Scotland)and Club Fisk's 'Forestillinger' (Denmark) with Natasha Gilmore's 'Madame Bazie'(Scotland) alternating with Eeva Muilu's Vermiculus' (Finland), www.dancebase.co.ukAug 8: I2:30(lhr25mins) £6.00Aug 9: I2:30(lhr25mins) £8.00(£6.00)Aug 10,15: 1500(Ihr25mins) £11.00 (£7.00)Aug 11,16: I7:30(lhr25mins) £11.00(£7.00)Aug 12,17: 2000(lhr25mins) £11.00(£7.00)Aug 14,18: I2:30(lhr25mins) £11.00(£7.00)29303t 12345678 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3m Moving landscape
see page 115 for show information
1-27 August at C C box venuesoffice hotline Ol vibrant vivacious variety see page 116 for show information
DANCE BASE PRESENTS ...TIMELESSDance BaseDance Base - National Centre for Dance, 14-16 Grassmarket • 0131 225 5525 • Grid Ret E4 Contemporary dance life-landmarks. Cassani Dance's (England)' 13' duet for herteenage sons; Coleman Lemieux & Compagnie's (Quebec) mid-life-male duet'Soudain I'hiver Dernier'; and legends Hawkins/Payne-Myers share a combined age of128 in 'Muscular Memory Lane.' www.dancebase.co.ukAug 8: 17:30(Ihr I Omins) £6.00Aug 9: 17:30(Ihr I Omins) £8.00(£6.00)Aug 10,15: 2000(I hr I Omins) £11.00(£7.00)Aug 11,16: 12:30(Ihr I Omins) £11.00(£7.00)Aug 12,17: 15:00 (Ihr I Omins) £11.00(£7.00)Aug 14,18: 17:30(Ihr I Omins) £11.00(£7.00) UK premiere29 30 31 12 3 -15 67 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 IJ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 DANCEFORMS'THE 37TH INTERNATIONALCHOREOGRAPHERS' SHOWCASEDance-Forms ProductionsRocket @ Demarco RoxyArt House,2 Roxburgh Place • 0871 750 0077 • Grid Reft E6 Outstanding! The dancers enjoy the difficulty oftheir brilliant choreography.Theydance at the very edge of possibility and with a fullness of being that's rare anywhere,anytime. Don't miss it!Aug 7-11: 11:10(I hr45mins) £9.00(£7.50) European premiere29 30 31 12 3 95 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28293031 DANCING FORTHRoyal Scottish Country Dance Society Edinburgh BranchEdinburgh Academy, 42 Henderson Row » 0131 226 0000 • Grid Ref: 83 An Edinburgh fency display of Scottish country dancing, in the elegant surroundingsof Edinburgh Academy. Siobhan Miller supporting the dancers from the Edinburghbranch ofthe Royal Scottish Country Dance Society with traditional music from MoRutherford. Aug7-II: I9:30(2hrs) £1100 29 30 3M 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 311 DESERT ISLAND DANCESWendy HoustounTheatreWorkshop, 34 Hamilton Place • 0131 226 5425 » Grid Ref: B2 Award-winning performerWendy Houstoun brings her unique blend oftext,movement and physical theatre to this new solo piece.Witty,touching andmelancholic, 'Desert Island Dances' remembers movements,gestures and overheardconversations from a life left behind.Aug 20-25: 18:00(Ihr) £9,00(£7,00)29 30 3112 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 DRUTHERS Precarious Zoo Southside, 117 Nicolson Street • 0131 662 6892 « Grid Reft F6 'One ofthe top-ten companies at Edinburgh 2006' Oneword Radio.An exquisiteconcoction of stunning visuals,vibrant movement,poetic text, spectacular digitaleffects.A reclusive everyman's imagination unfolds ... absurd characters weave himthrough paths of misfortune and extraordinary bliss, www.p-dance.co.ukPreviewAug 3-4: 20:30 (Ihr I Omins) £4.00Aug 5,7-27: 20:30(Ihr I Omins) £8.00 (£6.00) World premiere • wm 9303 345 678 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 192021 2223 2425 2627 EAST-WEST/CAVEFLOWERS Hazal Sel$ukunderstairs @Apostolic, 2 Davie Street *0131 667 7740 • Grid Reft F6 Two separate solo performances on alternating days presented by Hazal Sel^ukJourneying through the underworld as a singing, drumming Shaman, searching forhome as a child between East andWest Highly imaginative, rich in characters, songsand movement www.hazal.selc.uk.ttAug 12-18: 04:30(IhrSmins) £5.00 European premiere29 30 3112 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 282930311 ECLIPSE Adam Readunderstairs ©Royal Scots Club,The Royal Scots Club, 30Abercromby Place • 0131 525 6152* Grid Ref:C4 A series oftransparent images,gestures.Adam Read,former member of Cirque du SoleilandTeatre Derevo induces a violent, passionate beautyThe eternal clown, magnificentart of bhuto, silent chants of ancient tribes,a moment,an eclipse,www.adam-read.comAug 3-7,9-14,16-21,23-27: 15:45 (SSmins) £9.00(£7.00) World premiere • WHU 29303 345 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 EVEREST CULTURAL MELADabaliTheatreSt Mark's artSpace, 7 CastleTerrace • 0131 228 1155 • Grid Reft E3 Mountain cultural festival featuring exotic dances from the different ethniccommunities of Nepal, representing the untouched culture and lifestyle of thisbeautiful Himalayanthe diversity ofthe Nepalese people.Aug25-31: 17:30(IhrSmins) £9.00(£7.00) mtry.Vibrant and elegant movements and costumes showing m5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 282930 | EXTREME PRESENTS UNITYAND RHYTHMExtreme Dance CompanyRocket @ Demarco RoxyArt House, 2 Roxburgh Place • 0871 750 0077 » Grid Reft Life's issues ... Life's joys ... Life's challenges. Everything that we encounter 01daily basis gives us inspiration to dance. Let the rhythms and movement rock you.Experience a dancer's perspective on life.Aug 7-11: I04)0(lhr) £9.00(£7.00)145 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 E6) FLAME & FURYFlame <fi FuryThe Spiegel Garden,George Square Gardens 0131 667 8940 • Grid Reft F5 A rare chance to see the ***** encounter between Seville's sensual flamenco dancer#Tote Conte and Scottish cutting-edge musicians James McIntosh, Martin Swan,Alison |Crawford and Luke Plumb (Shooglenifty, Mouthmusic). 'Flamenco passion meets fiery|Celtic rhythms' Scotsman.Aug 6: 18.00(Ihr I Omins) £10.00 (£7.00)4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 FLAMENCO CON FUSIONRicardo Garcia's Familia FlamencoPleasance Dome, I Bristo Square *0131 556 6550 • Grid Ref: F5 High-energy, authentic, contemporary: flamenco meets the 21 st century. Continuing •jlast year's highly successful collaboration: here's a collision of dance and music |bringing the spirit and heat of modern Spain to Edinburgh! 'Mesmerizing, masterful... 1 a Fringe treasure!' www.flamencoflow.comPreviewAug 1-3: 1900(Ihr) £5.00Aug4-9,14-16,21-23,27: 1900(Ihr) £9.00(£7.50)Aug 10-12,17-19,24-26: 1900(Ihr) £10,00(£8.50) European premiere •HSU;13345 6 78 9 10 II 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 4 . * Dae gu firstcit\jmodem dance companyperformance jin UK ( ; J
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ActiveJ^mvelyshow throughllivp brqjT/ and contemporary, dpnce! The f ifSfmessage whidj can fj modern people.
ZooSbutkside "'MainHouse PREVIEW 3rd-4th Aug 2007 18.30( £ 5)SHOW 5-10th Aug 2007 18.30( £10) , j ipp m _ 7 Nicolson Street, Box office:0131 662 6892 see page 115 for show information
FLAMENCO FOR LUNCH!Flamenco FlowThe Bongo Club, 37 Holyrood Road 0131557 2827 » Grid Reft E6 Flamenco frills and thrills at lunchtime! A heady mix of exciting sounds andmovement songs, dance, original and traditional music from Southern Spainstar group from last year's Fringe - back in Scotland to energise you!PreviewAug 4: I3:30(lhr) £5.00Aug 5,11-12,18-19,25-26: 13:30 (Ihr) £8.00(£7.00) (£5.00C) - a fivenmai 29 * 31 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2! 26 27 28 29 30 3i j I i FLAMENCO FRIDAYS @ STUDIO 24Ricardo Garcia's Flamenco FlowStudio 24,24-26 Calton Road • 0131 226 0000 • Grid Ref: D6 'Blistering guitar, uplifting dance' Sunday Hero/d.This highly sensual, innovative fiestaof hypnotic flamencologists, sangria, rioja and full bar ensures that you'll have a trulyunforgettable evening.A cabaret club setting with dancefloor for (optional!) audienceparticipation! Aug 3,10,17,24: 22-00(Ihr) £8.00(£7.00) World premiere29 30 31 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 303M : ; , 1 ; FLAMENCO HIP HOP FUSIONRicardo Garcia's Grupo FlamencoThe Spiegel Garden,George Square Gardens 0131 667 8940 • Grid Ref: F5 Flamenco meets hip hop for a collision of dance and music perfert for bringing thespirit and heat of modern Spain toThe Speigel Garden! A family show which haswowed audiences around the world.Aug 13: I8fl0(lhr IQmins) £8.00(£7.00) European premiere29 30 3M 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3H
FNGR-SPK KUDOS Theatre CompanyThe Green Room, 37 Guthrie Street •0131 220 0885 » Grid Reft E5 .Imagine a world where the young have difficulty speaking because their language is intheir fingers! KUDOS explore the dark nature ofthe texting craze which threatensthe existence ofthe English language. 'Impressive energy and commitment' Scotsman.PreviewAug 2-4: I7:20(50mins) £6.00Aug 5,10-12,17-19: 17:20(SOmins) £9.00(£8.00)Aug 6-9,14-16: 17:20(SOmins) £8.00(£7.00) World premiere • ECU 29 30 3 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 282930311 40S FEATHER FLINGING FUNCirca BurlesqueVenue 27@ Holyrood, 81 Holyrood Road • 013 i 556 0476 • Grid Reft D6 Come and see the wonderful delights of beautiful fandancers,the talented tongue ofthe human mirror ball, poi in panties, magic, singing and much more. Different acts every night Previous performances include aerial and fire.Aug 20-24; 22.-00(lhr30mins) £6.00(£4.00) World premiere293031 12 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28293031 1 THE FULL MOON SHOWFrankenstein PubFrankenstein Pub, 26 George IV Bridge • 0131 622 1818 • Grid Ref: E5 Come and meet the friends of Frankenstein in this light-and-sound extravaganza asthey set out to thrill you! Enjoy a late-night platter whilst boogying to the DJ. Bewareof the monster ... it's alive!Aug 7,9,14,16,21,23,28,30: 23:45 (45mins) (Free Non-o'cketed)29 30 31 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 4 15 1 6 17 18 19 20 2 1 22 23 24 25 26 27 is 29 30 31 GETYOURWAR ONRude Mechs (USA) in association with Erich Jungwirth and RichardJordan ProductionsAssemblyAurora Nova, St Stephen's Street >0131 623 3030 • Grid Ref: 83 Austin,Texas' Rude Mechs stage a hilariously deadpan internet comic strip.The acclaimed company continue their slog through the near-infinite modes ofperformance,toeing the line agit-prop theatre's drawn in the sands oftroubled times.PreviewAug 2-3: l93X)(lhr lOmins) £5.00Aug 4-5,10-12,17-19,24-26: 19:00(Ihr I Omins) £13.00(£10.00)Aug 6,8-9,13,15-16,20,22-23,27: 19.-00 (Ihr I Omins) £12,00 (£9,00) UK premiere29 30 1 3 45 6 8 9 10 II 12 13 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 50% OFF TICKETS ON THE DAYVisit the Fringe Half-Price Hut aboveWaverley Station. Selected shows only. ^ fringe half-price hut THE GREAT ESCAPEHelix DancelEscalator East To EdinburghDance Base - National Centre for Dance, 14-16 Grassmarket • 0131 225 5525 - Grid Reft E4 What do you do when you find your life is more Heat than Vogue?' Solo show described as 'contemporary-dance by a stand-up comic.' Soundtrack from indie-folk bandSparklehorse. Performed as part ofthe 'Heads Up!' showcase.www.helixdance.co.ukAug 22: I3:l5(lhr45mins) (FreeTicketed)I I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 311 HANGMAN DO-Theatre (Russia)AssemblyAurora Nova, St Stephen's Street -0131 623 3030 • Grid Ref: B3 The legendary Russian DO-Theatre famous for the award-winning 'Hopeless Games'and 'Upside Down' return with a new bizarre, comic and magical story.A fusion oftheatrical and dance form - 'Hangman' is a game and the personage in one.PreviewAug 2-3: 19:45 (IhrSmins) £5.00Aug4-5,10-12,17-19,24-25: 19:45 (IhrSmins) £13.00(£10.00)Aug6,8-9,13,15-16,20-23: 19:45 (IhrSmins) £1100(£9.00) UK premiere1345 6 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26272829 303m I AMYOU ARE ME (FREE)WAK and BAMILaughing Horse Free FestivalLaughing Horse @ Berlin, 3 South Queensferry Street Lane -0131 467 7215 •Grid Ref: E2 Two downgirls pursue food, passion, love and enlightenment in a tiny principalityoftheir own: a tin washtub - at once a boat, an island, a bed, a bowl of noodles andparadise, www.freefestival.co.ukAug5-6,8-13,15-20,22-25: 12:25 (30mins) (Free Non-ticketed) World premiere5 6 8 9 10 II 12 13 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 272829 30 3m INCARNAT Lia Rodriguez Companhia de Dancas (Brazil)AssemblyAurora Nova, St Stephen's Street • 0131 623 3030 • Grid Ref: B3 A naked body smeared red, another holding its entrails in its hands. Inspired by SusanSontag's 'The Pain Of Others,' this unusual dance piece confronts us physically withbrutal realities as it twists and re-twists the knife in society's wound.PreviewAug 2-3: 2l:30(lhr) £5.00Aug4-5,10-12,17-19,24-26: 2l:30(lhr) £13.00(£|0.00)Aug 6,8-9,13,15-16,20,22-23,27: 21:30(I hr) £1200 (£9.00) UK premiere29303 114 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 National Museumc X# Scotland
Picasso Fired with Passion 6 ]uly-28 October 2007
National MuseumChambers StreetEdinburgh www.nms.ac.uk of Scotland see page 127 for show information
JOHN MORAN AND HIS NEIGHBOR, SAORIJohn Moran (USA)AssemblyAurora Nova, St Stephen's Street *0131 623 3030 » Grid Reft B3 Philip Glass' protege,John Moran is a modern-day Mozart who has collaboratedUmaThurman and Iggy Pop. His work,a love declaration of everyday noises andconversations, relishes in the musicality ofthe body.PreviewAug 2-3: 23:00 (SSmins) £5.00Aug 4-5,10-12,17-19,24-26: 2300(SSmins) £13.00(£10.00)Aug 6,8-9,13,15-16,20-23,27: 23:00(SSmins) £1200(£9,00) with 2930 134 1 6 8 9 10 II 12 13 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 KAGUYA HIME THE MOON PRINCESS'Oginos and CORE (Japan)understairs @Apostolic, 2 Davie Street *0131 667 7740 • Grid Ref: F6 Born in bamboo,grow with moon cycle.Award-winning Oginos and Core presentsthis, 'the oldest fairy tale ofJapan' - with very contemporary performance. Easy toenjoy, while spiritual and mysterious. Feel Japan! www.eonetne.jp/~ogino-balletcoreAug 13-18: 13.00(30mins) £7.00(£5.00) Worid premiere29 30 3112 3 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3m LACRIMOSA Song ofthe GoatITeatr Piesn Kozla (Poland)AssemblyAurora Nova, St Stephen's Street * 0131 623 3030 • Grid Ref: B3 Festival 2004 multi-award winners ('Chronicles -A Lamentation,' Fringe First HeraldAngel) return with 'Lacrimosa' - a poetry of violence, a metaphor for totalitarianismand the blind rage of a single person placing themselves on an equal par with God.PreviewAug 3: I4:20(lhr) £5.00Aug 4-5,10-12,17-19,24-26: 14:20 (Ihr) £13.00(£10.00)Aug 6,8-9,15-16,22-23,27: 14:20(Ihr) £1200(£9.00) UK premiere29303 2345 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26 27 2930311 LEITMOTIF Andrew Dawson (UK)AssemblyAurora Nova, St Stephen's Street • 0131 623 3030 • Grid Ref: B3 2005 award-winner with 'Absence and Presence' and director of 'Pandora 88.''Leitmotif is the recurring gesture that unifies and unites a collection of shortcollaborated works performed byAndrew Dawson.PreviewAug 2-3: 183)5(1hr) £5.00Aug4-5,10-12,17-19,24-26: 183)5 (Ihr) £13.00(£10.00)Aug 6,8-9,13,15-16,20-23,27: 18:05 (Ihr) £1100(£9.00) Worid premiere29 303112345 678 9 10 II 12 13 415 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 LOW LIFEBlind SummitTheatrePleasance Courtyard, 60The Pleasance • 0131 556 6550 • Grid Ref: E6 Desperate,gin-soaked puppetry inspired by Charles Bukowski. Sell-out in 2005:'Mad, Bad and Beautiful' **** Guardian. 'If puppetry is ever the next rock'n'roll, theseanimators may well be its front men' ***** Time Out. Six shows only!Aug 20: 113)0(1hr) £8.50 (£7.00)Aug 21-23: 11:40(Ihr) £9.50(£8.00)Aug24-25: 11:40(Ihr) £10.50(£9.00)29 30 31 12 3 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2829 30 3m MAXIMUM CREWAssembly Assembly @Assembly Hall, Mound Place *0131 623 3030 • Grid Ref: E4 The breakdance sensation ofthe Just for Laughs Festival 2006, Maximumfast establishing themselves as the hottest crew,with the coolest dancers,world. PreviewAug 2-3: 193)0(1hr) £5.00Aug4-9,13-16,20-22: l93X)(lhr) £HOO(£IO.OO)Aug 10-12,17-19,23-25: 19:00(Ihr) £13.00(£11.00)Aug26: l73X)(lhr) £I3.00(£I 1.00)Aug 27: 173)0(Ihr) £1100(£10,00) Crew in theare WTJ1 29303 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 1920 21 2223 2425 2627 MELI MELO IICHICOS MAMBOAssembly Universal Arts, Freemason's Hall *0131 623 3030 • Grid Ref: D3 Sketched with biting affection, highlighting the human traits and failings of classical,contemporary, ballroom and ice dance - even the Litde Mermaid's up for inspection!A definite 'must-see' for those tired ofthe over-intellectualisation of dance!PreviewAug 2-4: 2115 (Ihr) £5.00Aug 5-9,14-16,21-22,27: 2115 (Ihr) £1100(£10.00)Aug 10-12,17-19,23-26: 22:l5(lhr) £13.00(£11.00) European premiere-HSU29303 2345 6 78 9 10 II 12 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26 27 pure performance sidesplitting satire art workshops sensational solo shows urban sports C venues vibrant vivacious variety a feast of international new work for our sixteenth fringebox office 08452601234 online programmewww.(theFestival.i | j! see page 243 for show information
ist - tivc\ August t>.ii>pm LLOO/V "" 0131 668 1633 www.gildedballoon.co.ukwww.shooshoobaby.co.uk see page 155 for show information
MORCEAUX CHOISIS & RAGNAROKX Factor Dance CompanyZoo Southside, 117 Nicolson Street *0131 662 6892 • Grid Reft F6 Two stunning works from award-winning international choreographer PhilippeDecoufle and leading Scottish choreographerAlan Greig.An Edinburgh premiere. Sixfabulous dancers and an evening guaranteed to bring you the feel-good factor! 'Clean,fluid athleticism' **** Herald.PreviewAug 3-4: 17:00(SOmins) £6.00Aug 5-18: 1700(SOmins) £10,00 (£8.00) tlZU 29 30 3112 3 4 $ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3i i THE MOTHER S BONESKath BurlinsonlEscalator East to EdinburghUnderbelly, 56 Cowgate (entrances on Cowgate andVictoria Street) • 0870 745 3083 » Grid Reft E5 One performer,three generations ofwomen,no words. 'Unforgettable tour-de-force'Manchester Evening News. Best Fringe Performance 2006.A mythical tale to stir thesoul and stun the heart with movement,sound and image. Heartbreaking, uplifting,raw.www.kathburlinson.co.ukAug 13-16,20-23: I3:l5(45mins) £8.00 (£7.00)Aug 17-19,24-26: 13:15 (45mins) £9.00(£8.00) Worid premiere293031 12345 6 7 8 9 10 I i 2 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 2829 3031 i MOVING LANDSCAPENeel de JongRocket @ Demarco RoxyArt House, 2 Roxburgh Place • 0871 750 0077 • Grid Reft E6 Dancer/performer Neel de Jong invents powerful, different worlds. In the way shecreates all structures break down,out of which arises the paradox that humanfeelings become more visible than in real life. 'Genial life-affirming presence ... a weegem' Mary Brennan, Herald.PreviewAug 2-4: 19:15 (30inins) £3.00(£100)Aug 5-11: 19:15 (30mins) £5.00(£3.00) World premiere •ECU 29 30 3M 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3i i MYVOICE(S) Friction TheatreRocket @ Demarco RoxyArt House,2 Roxburgh Place • 0871 750 0077 • Grid Reft E6 What made you say that? Don't call him. It's a lovely gift. Return it Call him, call him!You can't make someone love you.Think you know better? Falling in love or fallingapart - make your voice heard.PreviewAug 2-3: 2145 (SOmins) £5.00Aug4-11,13-18: 22:45 (SOmins) £8.00(£6.00) Worid premiere •HSU 9 30 31 ' 134$ 6 7 8 9 10 II 2 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3031 A NOCTURNAL SUITEThe Liminal SpaceC soco, Chambers Street,South Bridge and Cowgate • 0845 260 1234 • Grid Ref: E5 What does your kitchen make you dream oft In a surreal landscape two womenfind fantasy as their only escape from everyday life.Through multimedia, this visceralexperience explores what constitutes a home in today's unstable world.Aug 3,13,20,27: 18:30(SOmins) £6.50 (£5.50)Aug 4-10,14-17,21-24: 18:30(SOmins) £7.50(£6.50)Aug 11-12,18-19,25-26: 18:30(SOmins) £8.50(£7,50) Worid premiere •ECU 293031123 4$ 6 789 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 NOTTINGHAMYOUTH DANCENottingham Youth Dance in Association With New EnglishContemporary BalletC, Chambers Street» 0845 260 1234 • Grid Reft E5 Vital and vivacious exploration of sensational style, born from a violent collaborationbetween two companies at the top oftheir field.An exciting cast dares to riskbreathtaking virtuosic dance with a contemporary edge as sharp as a razor.Aug 5-10: I4:35(lhr5mins) £8.50(£7.50) (£550C)Aug 11: I4:35(lhr5mins) £9,50(£8.50) (£6.50C) Worid premiere •ECU 29 30 31 12 3 4 $ 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2829 OBJECTAND PARTICLEUri ProductionsC, Chambers Street« 0845 260 1234 • Grid Ref: E5 Contemporary dance performance,created by a Korean choreographer andby Czech dancers,combining the spirit ofAsian Buddhism and the modernitydance.This evocative new production explores the question ofa finite humanAug 19,25-26: 1140(SOmins) £950(£8.50) (£750QAug 20,27: 1140(SOmins) £7.50(£6.50) (£5.50C)Aug 21-24: 1140(SOmins) £8.50(£7.50) (£6.50C) performed of Europeanspirit UK premiere29 30 3112 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 ORPHEUS ClipaTheater (Israel)AssemblyAurora Nova, St Stephen's Street *0131 623 3030 • Grid Reft B3 The eternal triangle: art love, death. ClipaTheater is the leading visual theatre group inIsrael, exploring universal symbols and blending distinaive movement language with ahighly visual concept to create a rich world ofobject manipulation and symbolism.PreviewAug 2-3: 17:10(IhrSmins) £5.00Aug 4-5,10-12,17-19,24-26: 17:10 (IhrSmins) £13.00(£10.00)Aug6,8-9,13,15-16,20,22-23,27: 17:10 (I hrSmins) £1100(£9,00) UK premiere29 30 3M 2 34 $ 6 78 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 2S 26 27 PERFORMANCE-WORKSHOP: BODIES INTIME & SPACEBIG picture performanceSweet ECA, Edinburgh College ofArt, Lauriston Place or Lady Lawson Street (offWest Port/Grassmarket) • 0870 241 0136 • Grid Ref: F4 Australian physical theatre directors host a series ofworkshops exploring bodies in timeand space. Performers will be pushed to physical extremities bringing awareness to theart of listening and responding in real-time.www.myspace.com/bigpiaureperformanceAug7-9,14-16,21-23: 11:00(Ihr30mins) £8.00(£7.00) Worid premiere29 30 3112 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 M 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3i i PROJECTWINGS WINGS understairs @Apostolic, 2 Davie Street •0131 667 7740 • Grid Ref: F6 projeaWINGS:a hypnotic combination oftap dance,body percussion, live music and filmcreated in Prague,Czech RepublicThree Czechs and one English girl synthesize with amusical octopus in a revolution renovation ofsigns and wonders.www.projectwings.czAug3-11: 18:45(Ihr) £8.50(£6.50) Aug 12-18: (X>.30(lhr) £7.00(£5.00)Aug 19-27: 20:45 (Ihr) £9.50(£750) European premiere•HBa34$ 6 78 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 PUPPET Dae-gu City Modem Dance CompanyZoo Southside, I 17 Nicolson Street *0131 662 6892 • Grid Ref: F6 A popular and extraordinary performance,filled with passion! Active and lively,featuring live music and dramatic, contemporary dance! The Dae-gu City Company'sfirst ever performance outside Korea offers a hopeful message to fill the heart ofmodern people, www.artcenter.daegu.go.krPreviewAug 3-4: I8:30(lhr) £5.00Aug 5-10: 18:30(Ihr) £10.00(£8.00) European premiere•HSU 29 30 3 '134$ 6 7 8 9 10 . 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 QUEEN OFTHE SLAUGHTERProdigalTheatre (UK)AssemblyAurora Nova,St Stephen's Street •0131 623 3030 • Grid Ref: B3 Strike where they are weakest Disappear without a trace.Win without a fightAnidealist finds amongst ruins the hope that will eventually destroy him.The multi-awardwinning international ensemble returns. 'A must' Steven Berkoff.www.nightingaletheatre.co.uk/prodigal PreviewAug 2-3: 1100(1hr) £5.00Aug 4-5,10-12,17-19,24-26: 11:00(Ihr) £13.00(£10.00)Aug 6,8-9,13,15-16,20-23,27: 11:00(I hr) £1100 (£9.00) Worid premiere29 30 311234S 6 89 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 RED DEMON BY HIDEKI NODACherwell SchoolVenue 27@ Holyrood, 81 Holyrood Road •0131556 0476 • Grid Reft 'Red Demon' is a touchingJapanese parable telling ofthe arrival of an on a remote shore.This comedy blends physical theatre and stunningmovement proving a spectacle not to be missed.Aug 5-11: 17:10 (I hr I Omins) £5.00 (£4,00) D6 alien beingEastern 29 30 31 12 3 4 $ 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 RED SHOESCompany ChordeliaZoo Southside, 117 Nicolson Street • 0131 662 6892 • Grid Ref: F6 Dynamic dance/theatre taking themes from the Hans Christian Andersen story andPowell-Pressburger film.A darkly comedic, one-woman, minature epic of passion andhorror,featuring aerial work. 'Company Chordelia are not scared to make dancefunny' Scotsman. For ages I4+.Aug 19-27: I8:30(52mins) £9.00(£7.00)29 30 3112 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
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SCORE (TERRE D'ARENE)Au Cul du Loup (France)AssemblyAurora Nova, St Stephen's Street *0131 623 3030 • Grid Ref: B3 Fringe FirstWinners ('Mousson' 2002) Au Cul du Loup are back with a hilariousjourney inside the fascinating world of competitive sports. Uniquely physical, musical,humorous and highly accessible. 'Beautiful' Scotsman. 'Extraordinary' Herald. 'Surreal'Evening Standard.PreviewAug 2-3: I2:20(lhr lOmins) £5.00Aug4-5,10-12,17-19,24-26: 12:20(Ihr I Omins) £13.00(£10.00)Aug6,8-9,13,15-16,20-23,27: 12:20 (Ihr I Omins) £12.00(£9,00) UK premiere29333112345 6789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 m SCOTTISH DANCETHEATREScottish DanceTheatreZoo Southside, I 17 Nicolson Street • 0131 662 6892 • Grid Ref: F6 Scotland's leading dance theatre company performs 'Sorry for the Missiles!' - apowerful and emotionally-charged new work by 2007 Peter Darrell ChoreographicAward-winner, Cyprus-born choreographerVanessa Haska. 'A company withadrenaline in its veins' Herald, www.scottishdancetheatre.comAug 21-26: 1700(33mins) £8.00(£6.00)29 30 31 I 2395 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28293031 SIREN Ray Lee (UK)Out ofthe Blue Drill Hall, 32-36 Dalmeny Street • 0131 623 3030 (Assembly BoxOffice) • Grid Ref: B6 A whirling, spinning spectacle of mechanical movement,sound and light.A forest ofmetal tripods with rotating loudspeakers produce extraordinary sonic textures. Silentperformers move within the mass of swirling machines as they weave an ethereal,hypnotic sound-world.Aug 19-25: 22.00(40mins) £7.00 (£5.00)29 30 3112 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 i SIXWOMEN STANDING IN FRONT OFAWHITEWALLLittle DoveTheatreArtC soco, Chambers Street,South Bridge and Cowgate • 0845 260 1234 • Grid Ref: E5 Compelling interactive physical theatre installation that investigates whether it is notnecessarily a kind of love that we crave, but a physiological need for human touch inorder to survive, vwvw.myspace.com/littledovetheatreartAug 3-10,13-17,20-24,27: 13KX) (30mins) £5.50(£4.50) (£3.50C)Aug 3-10,13-17,20-24,27: 1800 (30mins) £5.50(£4.50) (£3.50C)Aug 11-12,18-19,25-26: 13:00(30mins) £6.50(£5.50) (£4.50C)Aug 11 -12,18-19,25-26: 18:00 (30mins) £6.50(£5.50) (£4.50C) European premiere • HSU 3456789 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 192021 22 23 24 25 26 27 SORRY, LOVE!Pasodos Dance CompanyC, Chambers Street • 0845 260 1234 • Grid Ref: E5 Narrative dance, rollercoaster ride through the complex labyrinth ofa violent relationship.Stunning,diverse choreography,imaginative,canny set elements and marvellous music.The'daren't-look-away' story maintains all the intensity ofa true nightmare.Aug 1-3,20,27: I9:35(lhr25mins) £8.50(£7.50)Aug 4-10,14-17,21-24: 19:35 (Ihr25mins) £9.50(£8.50)Aug 11-12,18-19,25-26: I9:35(lhr25mins) £10,50(£9,50) UK premiere • EEH 2930311134 5 6 78 9 10 1112 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 SPIN ODYSSEYSoulgang <£ Bricklane present Last For OneC, Chambers Street« 0845 260 1234 « Grid Ref: E5 Feet-tapping, crowd-pleasing dance spectacular for the whole family.The world-famous B-boy ensemble amaze with awesome athletics that touch on Buster Keaton,Greek epic and hip hop.An astounding dance odyssey of soul, style and spin.Aug 1-3,27: 16:40 (Ihr20mins) £850(£7.50) (£5.50C)Aug4-10,14-17,21-24: 16:40 (Ihr20mins) £9.50(£8.50) (£6.50QAug 11 -12,18-19,25-26: 16:40 (Ihr20mins) £10.50 (£9.50) (£7.50C) European premiere • 0131 12 3456789 10 II 12 3 14 15 16 17 18 192021 22 23 24 25 26 27 STATE OF MATTER2FaCeD DaNcE CompanyZoo Southside, 117 Nicolson Street • 0131 662 6892 « Grid Ref: F6 Eight men go to the edge of physical possibility in this breathtaking synthesis ofcontemporary and breakdance from award-winning choreographerTamsin Fitzgerald.'A total whammy ofgasp inducing dance' Herald. Sell-out 04/05.PreviewAug 3-4: I3:00(lhr) £5.00Aug S-l 1,13-18: 13:00 (Ihr) £8.00(£6.00) World premiere -HSU
L3456789 10 II 7 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28293031 i TAP OLETap OleC, Chambers Street • 0845 260 1234 » Grid Ref: E5 Award-winning smash-hit Spanish sensation fresh from NewYork andAn amazing explosion of rhythm and energy! Spanish guitar virtuositywith spectacular precision tap dance choreography. Innovative dancespercussion and the evocative sand dance.Aug 1-3,13,20,27: 17:15 (Ihr I Omins) £8.50(£7.50) (£5.50C)Aug4-10,14-17,21-24: 17:15 (Ihr I Omins) £9.50 (£8.50) (£6.50C)Aug 11 -12,18-19,25-26: 17:15 (Ihr I Omins) £10.50 (£9.50) (£7.50C) Chicago. combined include body HSn j i i 29 3031234 5 6 78 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 TARNISHED The La La ParlourPleasance Courtyard, 60The Pleasance - 0131 556 6550 • Grid Ref: E6 'Tarnished,' a shotgun marriage of circus and burlesque, is an action-packed showgirlsatire that has been rapturously received, selling out houses across Australia.Whipcracking, miscellaneous contortions, angle grinding,fan dancing, exotic aerials,hula hooping, adagio, cake desecration and more!!PreviewAug 1-3: 23:00(lhr) £5.00Aug4-5,7-9,14-16,21-23: 2300(Ihr) £10.00(£8.50)Aug 10-12,17-19,24-26: 23:00(Ihr) £11.00(£8.50) European premiere303 12345 678 9 10 II 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26 27282930311 TO HAVE DONEWITHTHE JUDGMENT OF ARTAUDBase theatreVenue 45,39 Jeffrey Street •0131556 0476 • Grid Ref: D5 Banned in 1948 before being broadcast,Artaud's final radio work 'To Have Donewith the Judgment of God' has inspired four artists to create a new interpretation ofthe extreme.Aug6-11: 2300(45mins) £5.00(£3.00) World premiere • HEIl 29 X 31 12 3 45 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28»x3i i TRACES The 7 FingersAssembly @ George Street,Assembly Rooms, 54 George Street *0131 623 3030 •Grid Ref: D4 Award-winning French-Canadian troupe (all former Cirque du Soleill members)perform a fantastical blend of circus, physical theatre and music. 'Ifthis is the circus ofthe 21 st century, things are looking up ... a wild triumph' Son Francisco Chronicle.PreviewAug 2-3: I7:30(lhr30mins) £5.00Aug 4-5,7-9,14-16,20-22,27: I7:30(lhr30mins) £13.00(£1200)Aug 10-12,17-19,23-26: 17:30(Ihr30mins) £15.00 (£14,00) HZai 29X31 234 5 678 9 10 1 1 12 !3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 TUNNELVISIONStreetLamp ProductionsZoo Southside, 117 Nicolson Street«0131 662 6892«Grid Reft F6 An athletic fusion of dance and extreme sport, exploring the diversity of modern-day society.A multi-sensory explosion of dance, music, drama and aggressive roller-blading;featuring renowned British skater Chris Doughty.Aug 12-13: 2220(40mins) £4.00(£3.00)Aug 14-27: 2220(40mins) £8.00 (£6.00) ; World premiere29X311234567891011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ] j j 1 VICTORIA Dulcinea Langfelder & Co (Canada)AssemblyAurora Nova, St Stephen's Street •0131 623 3030 • Grid Reft B3 Victoria has lost her memory;she's lost what we tend to lose when we get old.Thispiece is about what we never lose. Stretching the limits between comedy and tragedy,Victoria will capture your heart and mind.PreviewAug 2-3: 16:10(Ihr I Smins) £5.00Aug4-5,10-12,17-19,24-26: 16:10(Ihr I Smins) £13.00(£10.00)Aug6,8-9,13,15-16,20,22-23,27: 16:10 (Ihr I Smins) £1200(£9.00) UK premiere< 2345 6 8 9 10 I M2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 7 22 23 24 25 26 27 VISUALISE -THE BEAUTY OF SCIENCEscience made simpleVenue 13, Lochend Close, Canongate • 07074 201313 Grid Reft D6 Discover a world of swirling whirlwinds,giant smoke rings and dancing flames. Lessexplanation; more exploration.A spectacular mix of live science demonstrations,projected images and music. Sponsored by EPSRC and British Council.www.sciencemadesimple.co.uk/visualise PreviewAug 3-4: I9fl0(lhr) £4.00Aug 5-11: 1900(Ihr) £8.00 (£6.00)Aug 12,14-24: 1200(Ihr) £8.00(£6.00) HE31 345 6 78 9 10 II 12 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 272829X311 , ]
THEVOICE OFTHINGS -TOILET PAPERHayan TheatreUnderbelly, 56 Cowgate (entrances on Cowgate andVictoria Street) • 0870 745 3083 • Grid Ref: E5 With the organic blend of unexpected beauty and overflowing physicality, mundanetoilet paper unleashes its metaphoric life at its most sensuous which the audiencedelves into. Solo object theatre performance with visceral live percussion.PreviewAug 2-3: 13:10(Ihr) £5.00Aug4-9,14-16,20-23: 13:10(Ihr) £8.00(0.00)Aug 10-12,17-19,24-26: 13:10 (Ihr) £9,00(£8.00) European premiere •HSU Kr: 13456789 10 II 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 WHEN REASON SLEEPSWong Bik Wan <£ Company (Hong Kong)C soco, Chambers Street, South Bridge and Cowgate • 0845 260 1234 » Grid Ref: E5 Inspired by Goya's 'Los Caprichos,' the Sleep ofthe Reason produces Monsters, andChinese Classical Kunqu Dream of Peony Pavillion,the Hong Kong writer performsin Flamenco and Shenduan movement, and reads poetry to the music ofJS Bach's'GoldbergVariations.'Aug 19,25-26: 11.00 (SOmins) £8.50(£7.50)Aug20,27: 1100 (SOmins) £6.50(£5.50)Aug21-24: 1100 (SOmins) £7.50(£6.50) World premiere!» 30 3ii2345 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 H 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 WOYZECK Sadari Movement Laboratory in association withAsiaNowProductions (Korea)AssemblyAurora Nova, St Stephen's Street 0131 623 3030 » Grid Ref: B3 George Buchner's emotionally resonant text is transformed into a new physical andvisual language.Against a changing landscape ofwooden chairs and using the vibranttango music ofAstor Piazzola, this 'Woyzeck' is deftly constructed and deeplymoving. PreviewAug 2-3: I0:30(lhr lOmins) £5.00Aug4-5,10-12,17-19,24-26: 10:30 (Ihr I Omins) £13.00(£10.00)Aug6,8-9,13,15-16,20,22-23,27: 10:30(Ihr I Omins) £12.00 (£9.00)29303 1 3 45 6789 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 THE ZODIAC KazusTheatreSt Mark's artSpace,7 CastleTerrace » 0131 228 1155 • Grid Ref:E3 A magnificent and mysterious dance and mime show that tells a storyand ofthe signs ofthe Zodiac.An unimaginable allegory ofthe people,around us and of our life.Aug 13-19: 17:30(45mins) £4.00 (£2.00) of ofthe the stars world 29 30 3i 12345 67 89 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3i i
Tap dancing and Spanish guitar Award-winning show taps into Edinburgh following smash-hitseasons in Chicago and New York 1-27 August at C C >x venues vibrant vivaciousoffice hotline 0845 260 1234 online booking w variety see page 116 for show information
THE WORLD’S BIGGEST BURLESQUE CLUB Qlnmtwws, I9tkAtguAt WWW.CLUBNOfR.COm see page 111 for show information
12 11 AUGUST AM-5PM 2007 AT THE MEADOWS See map atback ofprogrammeCome and enjoy over 200 Fringe acts for FREE. Also Tent featuring the Fringesponsored by Bank Sunday Stage School of Scotland. Openparticipation for all kids!