5 sonogrammer for improvisationsgruppe

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Lars Hegaard 5 sonogrammer for improvisationsgruppe 5 Sonograms for Improvisation Group for ad lib. ensemble



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Edition·S publications are supported by the Danish Arts Council Music Committee / Edition·S udgivelser er støttet af Kunstrådets Musikudvalg

Forord til Lars Hegaard: 5 Sonogrammer for improvisationsgruppe. (1979) I det f0rste Sonogram er angivet 4 instrumenter: fl,cor, vl,vc, som hver har deres eget n1otiv. Disse instrumenter kan dog godt erstattes af andre egnede instrumenter, ligesom antallet ogsa 1\:an variere. Tempoet er frit i de enkelte stemmer, et frelles tempo er dog ogsa muligt. I de f0lgende Sonogrammer ses en udvikling hen mod det mere grafisk prregede udtryk og den deraf f0lgende udtryksmressige frihed. Hvordan disse mere tegnede udtryk skal fortolkes er helt op til ensemblet, men rrekkef0lgen af Sonogrammer skal dog overholdes.

Preface to Lars Hegaard: 5 Sonograms for improvisation group. (1979) In Sonogram nr.l 4 instruments are given: fl,cor,vl,vc, who each have their own motiv. These instruments could also be replaced by other suitable instruments, and the number could also be varied. - The tempo is free and individual, though a common pulse is also possible. During the following Sonograms a devellopment towards a gradually more graphic notation is observed - a notation which should make room for a musically more free expression. How these more drawed expressions should be interpreted is entirely up to the ensemble, although the ' order of the Sonograms should be followed.

Lars Hegaard Lars Hegaard

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