Klaus Ib Jørgensen Le chant de la pluie (2010) flute, clarinet, piano, percussion, violin, viola, violoncello Dur. 19’
Commissioned by Aventa with financial support from the Danish Arts Foundation
Le chant de la pluie is the first work in the trilogy An Encyclopedia of Rain
T/ (+45) 3313 5445 · E/ sales@edition-s.dk · W/ www.edition-s.dk
With support from the Danish Composers’ Society and Koda’s fund for Social and Cultural Purposes Støttet af Dansk Komponist Forening og Kodas nationale midler
Edition·S publications are supported by the Danish Arts Council Music Committee / Edition·S udgivelser er støttet af Kunstrådets Musikudvalg
Klaus Ib Jørgensen Le chant de la pluie (2010) flute, clarinet, piano, percussion, violin, viola, violoncello Dur. 19’
Il pleure dans mon cœur Il pleure dans mon cœur Comme il pleut sur la ville; Quelle est cette langueur Qui pénètre mon cœur? Ô bruit doux de la pluie Par terre et sur les toits! Pour un cœur qui s’ennuie Ô le chant de la pluie! Il pleure sans raison Dans ce cœur qui s’écœure Quoi! nulle trahison?... Ce deuil est sans raison. C’est bien la pire peine De ne savoir pourquoi Sans amour et sans haine Mon cœur a tant de peine! Paul Verlaine (1844-96)
INSTRUMENTATION Flute in C (+ alto in G, piccolo, overtone flute) Clarinet in Bb (+ bass in Bb, overtone flute, referee whistle) Piano (+ referee whistle, crotale c3, 2 wire brushes) Vibraphone (+ Tibetan singing bowl, referee whistle, 3 crotales c1, f1, h2, tam-tam) Violin Viola (+ Tibetan singing bowl) Cello (+ Tibetan singing bowl, referee whistle) For more info on overtone flute, see www.overtone-flute.com Strings: Con sordonino (“Ton-Wolf”): The piece requires the use of the so-called “ton-wolf” mute, also known as a “hotel mute”. The rubber model is preferred instead of the heavy metal kind. T: Tremolo TNT: Tremolo / non tremolo Tremolo is always unmeasured, unless otherwise indicated S.P.: Sul ponticello S.P.+: Extreme sul ponticello to the point where the pitch becomes almost inaudible (but not entirely!). S.T.: Sul tasto CLT.: Col legno tratto CLB: Col legno battuto CLF: Col legno frappé All instruments are written in their relevant transpositions