1 may 2013
PHILOSOPHy Why Something, Why Not Nothing? Élie During Patrice Maniglier, Quentin Meillassoux, David Rabouin
Series « MétaphysiqueS » 232 pages • 22 €
This question seems to sum up some of the virtues and all the sins attributed to metaphysics. Indisputably unanswerable, it reveals how demoded, even inept, is this branch of philosophy, highlighting its inevitable,
necessary, even ultimate aspects. It is a tangle of difficulties and concepts whose possible solutions have not been exhausted by classic doctrines, and which are still the object of fertile discussion.
This dictionary casts a historical and conceptual light on all the debates and controversies that enter into the phenomenon of racism – from everyday stigmatization (insults) to organized massacres – hence the choice to take into account the demarcations of the phenomenon (intolerance, ethnocentrism, xeno-
phobia) as well as its hard core (doctrinal constructions and biological concepts). This Dictionary of Racism is equally a Dictionary of Antiracism: the various traditions emanating from Abolitionism, Anti-colonialism, Anti-imperialism, Anti-nationalism and Anti-fascism are analysed in numerous articles.
Through accounts of case histories including clinical, technical and theoretical aspects, this book presents conjugal problematics inherent to the life of all couples such as sexuality
and the desire for children, the critical stage of a the birth of a baby, as well as two painful situations regularly encountered: conjugal violence and extraconjugal relations.
ISBN : 978-2-13-062426-4
Publication date : 22.05.2013
Sociology Historical and Critical Dictionary of Racism Pierre-André Taguieff Series « Quadrige » 2032 pages • 49 € ISBN : 978-2-13-055057-0
Publication date : 15.05.2013
PSYCHOAnalysis Couples Therapy in Psychoanalysis Éric Smadja
Series « hors collection » 160 pages • 14 € ISBN : 978-2-13-061779-2
Publication date : 15.05.2013
ARTS Opera in 100 words Philippe Jordan
in collaboration with Emmanuelle Josse Series « Que sais-je ? » 128 pages • 9 €
From ‘décor’ to ‘orchestra pit’, from ‘rehearsals’ to ‘first night’, Philippe Jordan invites us to discover opera in all its dimensions. Elucidating the traditions of this musical genre
through the prism of his own experience, he also reveals his conception of conducting an orchestra, the rapport with the audience, singers and stage directors.
ISBN : 978-2-13-062033-4
Publication date : 02.05.2013
Literature Proust in 100 Words Michel Erman
Series « Que sais-je ? » 128 pages • 9 € ISBN : 978-2-13-062033-4
Publication date : 02.05.2013
Marcel Proust’s work is a monument of so many pages that some readers are scared off and others, fascinated. But whatever their reaction, it holds a special place in the history of literature. In just 100 words, discover or rediscover the man and his work
in all its many facets. In a hundred themes and words, Michel Erman exposes a vision, that of Proust at work, contemplating the spectacle of the passing world and reminding us that ‘lost time’ may only be recovered through words.
Recent translations
RECENT RIGHTS SALES Les secrets de famille Serge Tisseron
Romanian rights sold to Philobia
De surcroît
Jean-Luc Marion Korean rights sold to Greenbee
Religion and State in Syria
Thomas Pierret
Jean Bessière
De Ce Să Filosofăm
Jean-François Lyotard
Figuras de la historia
Jacques Rancière
Lacan, lo inconsciento reinventado Colette Soler
Exils de langue Kostas Nassikas
Greek rights sold to Samuel G. Gavrielides
1 maY 2013
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