Kyna Duquet
Anna Lombardos
Lina Mailhot
Kyna Duquet
Anna Lombardos
Lina Mailhot
English as a Second Language, Elementary Grade Two
Activity Book B , Unit 1
Editorial Managers
Geneviève Bourbeau
Carolyn Faust
Patrick Johnston
Geneviève Valotaire
Production Managers
Manon Boulais
Danielle Latendresse
Coordination Managers
Rodolphe Courcy
Sylvie Richard
Project Editor
Angel Beyde
Editorial Coordinators
Sarah Bild
Anna-Maria Martinez
Cynthia MacGregor
Joseph Shragge
Rights Researcher
Shona French
Cover and Page Design
Chantale Richard-Nolin 2NSB
Patrick Bizier
Stéphane J. Bourrelle
Michel Grant
Natalie Nassif
Serge Rousseau
Les Éditions CEC would like to thank the following teachers for their valuable contribution to this new edition:
Amélie Bouffard, CSS des Portages-de-l’Outaouais
Georgia Kokolakis, CSS de Laval
Rosemarie Ojeda, CSS des Grandes-Seigneuries
Rachel Price, CSS des Mille-Îles
Anna Skorokhodova Sobolevskaya, CSS des Patriotes
We would also like to thank the participants from our focus groups, who helped us better understand and respond to the realities of today’s ESL classroom.
Kyna Duquet, an English second language teacher with 22 years of experience, works for the Centre de services scolaire des Portages-de-l’Outaouais. She continues to be inspired by her many students. Anna Lombardos has been writing for local and international publications for over 25 years. Lina Mailhot teaches nursing at Centre de services scolaire des Mille-Îles. She loves to write and participate in creative projects.
We would like to express our sincere thanks to everyone at Les Éditions CEC and Emmanuelle Bruno for the opportunity to be part of such a great team. Heartfelt thanks go to Geneviève Valotaire for her guidance, trust and support.
This project would not be possible without the love and support of our families and friends. A special thanks to George, Jeff and Marc-André for their constant support and understanding. Dean and Sam, Tyson and Dylan, Clara and Marek, you are an infinite source of inspiration!
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Rascal and Friends, Activity Book B, Grade 2, 3rd Edition
Unit 1: Planning a Party
© 2023, Les Éditions CEC inc.
9001, boul. Louis-H. La Fontaine Anjou (Québec) H1J 2C5
Tous droits réservés. Il est interdit de reproduire, d’adapter ou de traduire l’ensemble ou toute partie de cet ouvrage sans l’autorisation écrite du propriétaire du copyright.
Dépôt légal : 2023
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec
Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
ISBN 978-2-7662-0854-8 (Grade 2 - Activity Book B, 3rd Ed.Free web version with teacher’s access)
ISBN 978-2-7662-0855-5 (Grade 2 - Booklet 1B, 3rd Ed.)
Imprimé au Canada
1 2 3 4 5 27 26 25 24 23
SHUTTERSTOCK: p. 5: calendars © Viktor Jarema, 514797709; Katy’s photos, 2100798220. pp. 5, 13, 23: soccer ball © Andrius Repsys, 56745526. pp. 10, 11: calendars © Duda Vasilii, 106106867. p. 13: wish lists © Neizu, 221354137; blocks © nelelena, 1806271672. pp. 16, 23: letter balloons © Olesia3, 2169286951.
I ask for help. I move.
I cooperate. I practise.
I think I can!
I show. I try. I use resources.
Instruction words
Colour. Count. Circle. Listen. Find.
Help me please! Move.
I look. I remember. 4
Draw. Match.
Number. Read. Play. Place. Say. Write. Talk. Sing.
Star? I self-evaluate. © 2023, Les Éditions CEC inc. • Reproduction prohibited four
How old are you, Willa?
I am seven years old. How old are you, Rascal?
I am seven years old, too.
How old are you, ?
I am years old. How old are you, ?
I am years old.
I remember. Good. Better. Best. birthday • favourite • really • year
Lesson 3 ten
A B C D p e E F G leph t ie s ue
H I J K o se ey um ce crea L M N O mon o e it e ran
a na oo i o U
P R S tato uee asca t r T V ee eget bles
W X Y Z alk e ra oy yloph ne
Q m rella © 2023, Les Éditions CEC inc. • Reproduction prohibited
Elliot, how do you spell your name?
It is E-l-l-i-o-t! How do you spell your name, Aria?
It is A-r-i-a!
(first name)
When is your birthday? My birthday is in March.
Lesson 5
Star light , bright , First star I see tonight ,
I wish I may, I I might, Have the wish I wish .
light star wish tonight © 2023, Les Éditions CEC inc. • Reproduction prohibited fourteen
I want to invite you to my birthday! It is on Saturday. We will sing and play games. It will be a really fun party!
To: From:
(your name)
We will and .
dance • sing • cook play games • play sports
To: Rascal From:
(your name)
We will and .
April • August • Friday • July • March
May • Monday • month • Saturday • September
Sunday • Tuesday • Wednesday • week • year
Meet Rascal’s new friends and discover new content. In this edition:
• A new and original story and its accompanying unit
• Updated recordings of all songs and rhymes
• Five new songs and five new videos
• A vocabulary page at the beginning of each unit
• More oral interaction activities in each unit
• Audios for modelling oral interaction activities
• Simplified instructions to facilitate student autonomy
• Additional reproducible sheets, including vocabulary games and quizzes
• More than 100 self-correcting interactive activities
The Rascal and Friends series still offers your favourites:
Four inspiring stories
Four visually appealing units for students, each related to a story, that include: rhymes, songs, and a wide variety of activities a reference page with illustrated instruction words and strategies
A variety of reproducible sheets (consolidation, enrichment, evaluation, and Year Round)
Vocabulary, instruction-word, and strategy picture cards
Teacher’s Copy with answer keys and integrated pedagogical notes, including assessment, evaluation, and differentiation suggestions
On, access all student and teacher material, available in PC, Mac, Chromebook and iPad versions, including:
• Digital versions of the four stories
• Audio recordings of all stories, songs, and rhymes, available in karaoke version
• Videos featuring children singing and dancing
• Audio recordings to support some of the oral interaction activities
• Weblinks to additional videos and other ESL resources
• Free, self-correcting interactive activities to do individually in class or at home
To learn more, go to
A fun and user-friendly resource that will captivate every student in the Cycle One ESL program!