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Conheça a única coleção de Língua Inglesa aprovada pela 2a vez consecutiva no Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD) Ensino Médio.

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I’m an educator, materials writer and researcher who specialises in English and Portuguese language teaching. Denise SantosI have been involved in second and foreign language education, teacher development and materials writing for over twenty-five years. I started my career in Brazil in the late 1980s as an English teacher, and materials development has been an important part of my teaching since then. The decision to have textbooks as my research focus at post-graduate level (for both my MEd and my PhD) was an obvious choice given my interest in understanding the role of pedagogic materials in language teaching and learning. My experience in ELT (English Language Teaching) is vast: I have taught English as a foreign language for children, teenagers and adults at all levels, for different purposes and in different settings. When the opportunity arose for me to teach Portuguese as a foreign language I already had a teaching qualification in English and Portuguese, more than 10 years in ELT, and a Master’s degree in English Education. However, the prospect of teaching my native language to foreigners sounded like a rather challenging adventure to me, so I pursued an additional qualification - that time, a post-graduate diploma in the teaching of Portuguese as a foreign language. Since then I have enjoyed the double pleasure of teaching both my first language (Portuguese) and the language I have chosen as a career (English).

In addition to language teaching, I also have teaching experience in higher education in the UK, having contributed to the teaching of modules at both undergraduate and post-graduate levels. Some courses I have taught include Introduction to Applied English Language Studies, Intercultural Communication, The Sociology of Language (the University of Reading) and Materials Development (Institute of Education, London). I have authored and co-authored several books and academic articles in the field of foreign language teaching, and am now working in the development of a four-volume collection on strategies for the Brazilian learner of English (published by Editora Disal). I am also researching the teaching of listening strategies in secondary schools in England with colleagues from the University of Reading. Over the years I have been compiling a bibliography about textbook research which colleagues have found useful (some have, in fact, helped me keep the bibliography updated!). You can find the bibliography here and do let me know if you have written (or read) something that should be added to the list. Denise Santos

Pensando numa obra para acompanhar o educando brasileiro ao longo de três anos fundamentais para discernir sua carreira, o título TAKE OVER = ASSUMIR O CONTROLE, não poderia ser mais apropriado. Convidar cada aluno a assumir o controle de sua aprendizagem, é o cerne principal da construção do conhecimento por meio dessa coleção. Analisando a imagem das capas ao longo de cada volume, já temos uma noção de como essa construção do conhecimento se dará: a ideia de desafios, começando com uma caminhada, a seguir, escalando cada etapa de sua aprendizagem até chegar ao topo, celebrando sua conquista!


Dentro da obra, a autora ressalta a você, professor, alguns aspectos que foram construídos para facilitar esse processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Dentre eles, destacamos: a intertextualidade; as informações culturais, que não apenas mencionamos quais são, mas também propomos atividades e sugestões de pesquisa sobre o assunto; história da Língua Inglesa apresentada de forma cronológica ao longo dos três volumes; expressões da Língua Inglesa usadas no mundo do trabalho, atividades para o aperfeiçoamento em gramática, projetos e todas as habilidades evidenciadas sob a forma de leitura, escrita, fala e escuta.

www.escalaeducacional.com.br/pnld2015 Central de Atendimento atendimento@escalaeducacional.com.br 11 3855 2175 (S達o Paulo - Capital) 0800 772 2120 (demais localidades)

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