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true story


One day, in 1918, a young woman visits an airfield in Toronto; and discovers that she has a dream – the dream of flying.

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Hannah Fish


These are the early days of flying and airplanes, and it’s all excitement and danger. But Amelia Earhart is not afraid; she plans to take her airplanes to new places and to have new adventures. How far can she go?



StandFor Graded Readers provide a range of engaging reading materials for learners of English. Carefully graded by level, the series includes retellings of great classics and informative, factual titles. AMELIA EARHART

Level 1 | 3 80 Headwords Level 2 | 580 Headwords Level 3 | 800 Headwords Level 4 | 1000 Headwords

ISBN 978-85-96-01094-8




788596 010948


Level 5 | 1350 Headwords

graded readers



Hannah Fish

graded readers

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Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP) (Câmara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brasil) Fish, Hannah Amelia Earhart: level 2: standfor graded readers / Hannah Fish. – 1. ed. – São Paulo : FTD, 2017. ISBN: 978-85-96-01094-8 (aluno) ISBN: 978-85-96-01095-5 (professor) 1. Inglês (Ensino fundamental) I. Título. 17-04745

CDD-372.652 Índices para catálogo sistemático:

1. Inglês : Ensino fundamental


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AMELIA EARHART Hannah Fish has worked for many years in English language teaching, first as a teacher and teacher trainer, and then in English language publishing. She now writes many teaching materials for both primary and secondary learners, including graded readers, which she loves. Her teaching has taken her to many countries around the world including a number of years in China and Italy, but she now lives and works in the Cotswolds in the U.K. Hannah Fish also wrote Climate Change for StandFor Graded Readers.




Look at the front cover and read the back cover of this book. What do you know about Amelia Earhart?


Write the places on the map. All these places are in the book. Atlantic Ocean Canada England Ireland Pacific Ocean United States of America Wales



It’s July 3, 1937, and Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan are missing. The world-famous woman pilot, Amelia Earhart, is flying around the world in her Lockheed Electra airplane with her navigator, Fred Noonan. Amelia wants to be the first woman to fly around the world, but this morning things are going very wrong. Amelia and Noonan are trying to find the island of Howland in the Pacific Ocean, but this is very difficult – Howland Island is very small and the Pacific Ocean is very big! This morning, two radio messages from Amelia say that they can’t find the island, and they are getting very low on gas. Now there are no more messages from the airplane. Nobody knows where Amelia’s airplane is – it is not on Howland Island, but where is it? Amelia’s husband George is very worried… Where is Amelia Earhart? 5


The Early Years


Amelia Earhart is born on July 24, 1897, in the city of Atchison, in Kansas, in the United States of America. Atchison is a small city and sits on the great Missouri River. Amelia has a younger sister called Muriel. Muriel and Amelia are great friends and love to play games and read books together. Amelia’s mother Amy and father Edwin love the girls very much, and Edwin likes to buy them many gifts. The Earharts live in a big house with a lovely big garden. Amelia and Muriel have wonderful adventures together in the garden. The Earhart family home in Atchison


Amelia’s father Edwin is a lawyer. He loves to play with his daughters and often takes them fishing. The girls like to play exciting games with their father, and they often play the same games that boys play.

Muriel and Amelia in 1900

One day, when Amelia is only nine years old, Edwin buys her a small gun to kill rats with. Amelia’s grandparents do not think this is a good gift for a nineyear-old girl! Amelia in 1907


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