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COLLECTION Lucia Zmekhol

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Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP) (Câmara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brasil) Zmekhol, Lucia And then : standfor read and interact collection / Lucia Zmekhol. -- 1. ed. -- São Paulo : FTD, 2018. ISBN 978-85-96-01560-8 (aluno) ISBN 978-85-96-01561-5 (professor) 1. Literatura infantojuvenil em inglês I. Título. 18-14346


Índices para catálogo sistemático: 1. Literatura infantil em inglês 2. Literatura infantojuvenil em inglês

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Produção gráfica

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4/27/18 2:51 PM

PRE-READING ACTIVITIES Hi! You are in this story! Draw yourself here and read the story!

Desenho do aluno

Complete the information about you.

Name: Birthday: Country: Eye color:

Child I.D. Diga aos alunos que, além de se desenharem na cena, devem desenhar o próprio rosto no ID Card.

Hair color:


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It’s Saturday morning. The sun is shining and the birds are singing! You are visiting a friend. What can you see or . near your friend’s house? Circle Houses

A bakery

Toy museum

A school

A small supermarket 4

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(Draw or glue.)

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It’s 10 o’clock and you are happy. You’re playing ball with your friends. And then... you see an animal! Is it big or small?

Draw yourself.

Can it fly? Is it dangerous? What is it??? Turn the page and find out! 5

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Wow!!! Here it is! Connect the dots to see the animal. Then color it.


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You call your friends: “Hey, everyone! Come here!” “Awwwhhh!!! That’s cute!!!” 7

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Color the puppy. It’s cute!!!

Is it hungry?

Look! A puppy!!!

Come here, puppy! What’s your name?

Hahaha! Dogs can’t talk!


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