A new topic-based 2-level course specially created to accompany learners in the transition from basic users of English into independent users, covering levels B1 to B2 of the CEFR. Experience new language in a variety of contexts through authentic texts and listenings. Discover the rules and behaviour of language through a guided process of deduction and reproduction. Communicate in a number of authentic situations, developing skills through a variety of guided speaking and writing activities. Topic-based syllabus - topics of real interest to learners Authentic materials allow students to experience English in real-life contexts How To section with communicative activities based on functional language Grammar Reference - a comprehensive grammar summary section with tables, rules and exceptions, and thorough explanations Useful Expressions and Useful Vocabulary sections build students’ confidence by providing a framework for communicative activities Learning Tips section with strategies for autonomous study
Plus: Self Evaluation Preparation for Cambridge ESOL FCE English Around Us - authentic documents in English The Inward Eye - Literature section
PRE-INTERMEDIATE WORKOUT for revision from A2 – B1!
Change Up! Intermediate Student’s Material
Change Up! Intermediate Teacher’s Material
Student’s Book & Workbook (with Answer Key) + Pre-intermediate Workout Book 2 Audio CDs
Teacher’s Book 2 Audio CDs
Change Up! CEFR Levels A2.2
Pre-intermediate Workout
Component of the course Change Up! (not for sale separately)
CS2-ING-EM-4024-V1-CAPA-ML-LA-M16.indd 1
Intermediate Upper Intermediate
PRE-INTERMEDIATE WORKOUT for revision from A2 – B1!
5/11/16 2:10 PM