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Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP) (Câmara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brasil)
Hilgemberg, Silvana
Super power : standfor young readers : level 3 / by Silvana Hilgemberg ; illustrated by Carol Rempto. -- 1. ed. -- São Paulo : FTD, 2018.
ISBN 978-85-96-01487-8 (aluno)
ISBN 978-85-96-01488-5 (professor)
Literatura infantojuvenil em inglês
I. Rempto, Carol. II. Título.
18-13661 CDD-028.5
Índices para catálogo sistemático:
1. Literatura infantil em inglês 028.5
2. Literatura infantojuvenil em inglês 028.5
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Check the things that you can buy at the mall.
Suggested answers.
an ice cream P gas a vacation
a princess pants a sweater a notebook fruit a park
a pen shorts bread
Where can you buy it? Match the things with the places.
sneakers a bakery a cat a clothing store bread a pet store
a dress a restaurant
a cup of coffee a shoe store
Draw two things that you can see at the mall. Write what they are. Personal answers.
My name is Cassie.
My mom and I are going to the mall. We are listening to the radio. It says: “If you can have a super power, what power do you want?”
“ Interesting, ” my mom says.
“ Well, Cassie, if you can have a super power, what power do you want? ”
“ Let me think, ” I say.
It ’ s a difficult question. There are so many things. Do I want to fly? Or swing through the trees? Or cook beautiful cakes? Or do really well in school?
“ Ask me later, Mom, ” I say. “ I don ’ t know the answer now. ”
When we get to the mall, my mom asks me again, “ Cassie, your power? ”
“ Ask me this evening. I need to think. ”
I like the idea of a super power.
My mom goes to the mall every day. She has a clothing store there. I go to the mall on Saturdays. I always see my cousin Suellen there.
“Suellen, if you can have a super power, what power do you want?” I ask her.
“I want to know what other people are thinking,” says Suellen.
“Nice super power,” I say.
“What about you?” she asks.
“I don’t know! But I have an idea. Let´s ask people at the mall what super power they want.”
“Great idea,” says Suellen. “Let´s go!”
My cousin, Suellen, and I walk around the mall with our notebook.
“If you can have a super power, what power do you want?” we ask people.
There is a man cleaning windows. “I want to fly,” he says.
“I want to make sick people well,” says a girl in a shoe store. “I want to have a magic medicine that can cure everything.”
“I want to walk on walls like a spider,” says her little brother. The people around us laugh.
“ I want to control time, ” says a boy from my school. “ Then I can clean my bedroom fast and have more time with my friends! ” Everybody laughs again.
I want to talk to birds in my store talk all the time.
The mall is crowded, now. It´s nearly lunch time.
animals,” says a girl in a pet store. “My dog has a lot of stories for me, I’m sure. And the birds in my store talk all the time.” “ ”
We see a young man in a sports store, and ask him, Excuse me! What super power do you want?
I don t want to get old, he says.
“I don't want to get old,” he says. We listen to many people.
“I want to be very, very tall,” says a man in a bakery. “I want to get very tall and touch the moon and the stars.”
Then I can go to some interesting places.
“ ”
I want to be very strong, says an old man in the mall garden. These are all good powers.
But are they for me?
“ Do you know what power through walls, ” says a woman in a food store. “ some interesting places. ”
Now, ” says Suellen. you want, Cassie? ”
“ No! I need to talk to some more people. ”
Everybody at the mall is interested, and we ask and ask.
I see Juliana, my friend, at the mall. She is with her brother and grandpa, but she is very sad. She has a problem.
“ What super power do you want? ” I ask Juliana.
“ I want the power to heal my leg. ”
“ I want to be a different animal every day. I want to play with fish in the ocean and fly with birds, ” says Juliana´s brother.
“ I don´t want a super power. I ’ m happy to be me, ” says Juliana´s grandpa.
I want be Mrs. Speed. I want to be very fast, a waitress. She works in a restaurant. In her work, I, I, I don´t… don´t want to be shy, I don´t like being shy. I don´t like it when people talk to me… I don´t like s all I want.
“ ” says Carl, who cleans the mall. “ to be red all the time… that ’ ”
smart and build giant robots, says a girl in a bike store.
“ I want to be super ” says a girl in a bike store.
I like this power. Do you? ” says she needs to be fast.
I want to be invisible. Great for my work, police officer.
I want the power to control the weather… I want to says a girl in a bakery. Her ” says a “ stop climate change, ” grandma is helping her with the bread.
“What super power do you want?” asks Cassie’s mom. Cassie doesn’t have an answer, so she wants to find out what powers other people want. Cassie and her cousin Suellen ask lots of different people. Do their answers help Cassie make her choice?
StandFor Young Readers introduce young learners to the magic of reading in English. Carefully graded by level, the series includes traditional and modern stories, and informative, factual titles.
Level 1 | 125 Headwords
Level 2 | 240 Headwords
Level 3 | 390 Headwords
Level 4 | 540 Headwords
Level 5 | 680 Headwords