the happy prince

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graded readers
Oscar Wilde



Oscar Wilde

Retold by Rob Sved


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Wilde, Oscar, 1854-1900.

The happy prince : standfor graded readers : level 1 / Oscar Wilde ; retold by Rob Sved ; illustrated by Bruno Del Rey. -- 1. ed. -São Paulo : FTD, 2018.

ISBN 978-85-96-01493-9 (aluno)

ISBN 978-85-96-01494-6 (professor)

18-13664 CDD-028.5

Índices para catálogo sistemático:

1. Literatura infantil em inglês 028.5

2. Literatura infantojuvenil em inglês 028.5

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1. Literatura infantojuvenil em inglês I. Sved, Rob. II. Rey, Bruno Del. III. Título. Avenida

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Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Wills Wilde was born in Dublin, Ireland, in 1854. He studied at university in Dublin and Oxford, and soon became known as a poet. He published The Happy Prince and Other Stories in 1888 and his first novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, two years later. In the 1890s he became best-known in London as the author of a number of intelligent and amusing plays, including The Importance of Being Earnest (1895). He died in Paris in 1900.



Match the names and faces with the descriptions. 1

3. The city

a. the swallow meets the Happy Prince here

b. a hot country in Africa

c. a gold statue

4. Egypt

d. a bird

Look at the pictures in the book. Decide if these sentences are True ( T ) or False ( F )?

1. This is a true story. F

2. The story is modern. F

3. The prince and the swallow are friends. T

4. The story happens in Egypt. F

2 1. The Happy Prince 2. The swallow

In the center of a city, there is a statue of a prince. He has gold on his body and two blue jewels for his eyes. He has a red jewel on his sword, too. The people in the city love the statue. “He’s so beautiful and so happy,” says one man. The people in the city call the statue The Happy Prince.

The Happy Prince

A mother walks past the statue. Her son is crying.

“Look at the Happy Prince. He isn’t crying. He never cries. Please be like him,” she says.

A sad man looks up at the statue, too. “Well, the prince is happy. It’s good that some people are happy in the world,” he says.

Some children look up, too. “I think he looks like an angel,” one of them says.

A swallow is flying over the country. He needs to go to Egypt before winter arrives. He is late, and all his friends are waiting for him there. The weather here is starting to get cold.

After some time, the swallow is too tired to fly. “I must stop, now,” he says. Soon he arrives at the city of the Happy Prince. angel,” one of them says.

“I’m very tired,” says the swallow, “but I can’t stop.”


“I can stop in this city,” he says. “But where can I sleep?”

He flies over the city and then he sees the statue of the prince. “I can sleep here!” he says.

The swallow sits down between the prince’s feet. He looks up at the gold statue.

“This is wonderful. I have a gold bedroom!” he says. He closes his eyes. “I’m very tired now,” says the swallow, and he starts to sleep. gold eyes. swallow, and he starts

Then some water falls on the swallow. He “What’s that?” asks the swallow. “Is it raining?” He looks up at the sky. “There aren’t any clouds,” he

Some more water falls on him. “I like my gold bedroom, but I can’t sleep. This statue doesn’t stop the rain,” says the swallow. He starts to fly away. opens his eyes. says, “so how can it rain?” bedroom, but I can’t sleep. This statue doesn’t stop says

the prince’s face. “What a beautiful statue!”

he thinks. But then the swallow sees big tears in the prince’s eyes. There are more tears running down his gold face. The swallow feels sorry for

the prince.

“Who are you?” asks the swallow.

“I’m the Happy Prince,” the prince answers.

“But you aren’t very happy. You’re

crying. What’s the matter?”

“You’re right, little swallow. I’m not happy now,” says the prince, “but I remember being happy as a boy.”



beautiful garden. I dance and sing. I never see the people in the city. I’m so happy. But now I’m dead, and I’m a statue over the city. Here I can see everything. There are many poor and sad people in the city. My heart is made of asks the swallow.

“Think of me as a boy,” says the prince, “in a beautiful palace. I have a lead but look, I’m crying!”

The prince looks down at the swallow. “Can you help me?” he asks.

“OK,” answers the swallow. “What can I do?”

“Far away in the city, there’s a house on a little street,” says the prince. “The window is open, and I can see a poor woman. She’s sitting at a table. She’s making a beautiful dress for a friend of the queen, but she’s tired and hungry. Her son is very sick in bed and he needs some food to eat and water to drink. But she doesn’t have them for him. The boy is crying.”

The Happy Prince

“Little swallow,” says the prince, “take the red jewel from my sword. Then fly down to the woman’s house and give it to her.”

“But my friends are waiting for me. I must go to Egypt now,” says the swallow. “My friends are flying up and down the waters of the Nile. They’re sitting in the sun and singing. They’re warm and happy, but I’m cold here.”

The Happy Prince

The prince looks at the swallow and asks him again.

“Please stay here for one more night and do this for me. The boy is very sick, and his mother is so sad.”

“I don’t like boys,” says the swallow, “because they sometimes throw things at me. They can’t hit me because I fly so well, but I don’t like it.”

The prince doesn’t say anything. But he looks very sad, and the swallow feels sorry for him.

“OK. It’s very cold here, but I can stay for one night,” he says.


“Thank you, little swallow,” says the prince.

The swallow takes the red jewel from the sword and flies over the city. He flies past the queen’s palace. There are people dancing in there, and he can hear the loud music. A young woman and a young man are looking over the cold city from an open window.

“The sky is beautiful tonight,” he says to her. “And so are you.”

“A woman is making a new dress for me,” she says. “I want to wear it tomorrow, but she works so slowly.”



In the middle of the city, there is a statue of a prince, beautiful and golden. Summer has ended, and a bird, on his way to Africa for the winter, comes to rest at the prince’s feet. The prince looks around him at the poor people of the city. He is unhappy, and he thinks that the bird can help him. But what can a little bird do to help?

StandFor Graded Readers provide a range of engaging reading materials for learners of English. Carefully graded by level, the series includes retellings of great classics, and informative, factual titles.

Level 1 | 380 Headwords

Level 2 | 580 Headwords

Level 3 | 800 Headwords

Level 4 | 1000 Headwords

Level 5 | 1350 Headwords

a udio a vailabl e enilno CEFR A1 42380138 97 88596 014946 ISBN 978-85-96-01494-6

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