CS-ING-IDIOMAS-4052-F1L4-SELF-CONFIDENCE_001_096-LA-M19 .indd 1
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© 2018 – StandFor copyright 2016 by Editions Nathan, Sejer, Paris – France Original edition: LES CAHIERS FILLIOZAT – La confiance en soi. Editorial Director Antonio Rios Editorial Manager Cayube Galas Editorial Coordinator Ana Carolina Costa Lopes Translator Helen Brooke Production Manager Mariana Milani Production Coordinator Marcelo Henrique Ferreira Fontes Proofreading and Copyediting Coordinator Lilian Semenichin Proofreading and Copyediting Supervisor Beatriz Carneiro Proofreader Claudia Yumiko Art Manager Ricardo Borges Art Coordinator Daniela Di Creddo Máximo Art Supervisor Patrícia De Michelis Art Editor Julio Eugenio Layout Julio Eugenio Illustrations Amandine Laprun Operations Director and Print Production Manager Reginaldo Soares Damasceno Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP) (Câmara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brasil) Filliozat, Isabelle Emotions journals: self-confidence / text Isabelle Filliozat, Violène Riefolo, Chantal Rojzman; illustrations Amandine Laprun; translator Helen Brooke. –1. ed.– São Paulo: FTD, 2018. Título original: Les cahiers filliozat – la confiance en soi. ISBN 978-2-09-256549-0 (ed. original) ISBN 978-85-96-02007-7 (aluno) ISBN 978-85-96-02008-4 (professor) 1. Inglês (Ensino fundamental) I. Riefolo, Violène. II. Rojzman, Chantal. III. Laprun, Amandine. IV. Título.
CDD-372.652 Índices para catálogo sistemático:
1. Inglês: Ensino fundamental Maria Alice Ferreira – Bibliotecária –
372.652 CRB-8/7964
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CS-ING-IDIOMAS-4052-F1L4-SELF-CONFIDENCE_001_096-LA-M19 .indd 2
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Avenida Antônio Bardella, 300 - 07220-020 GUARULHOS (SP) Fone: (11) 3545-8600 e Fax: (11) 2412-5375
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To find out what SELFCONFIDENCE is you will need some materials. eraser sticky tape
poster putty
pencils and felt tips
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This is our garden. Discover its riches by coloring in four flowers, four insects, and the water.
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Color in the picture below. Self-confidence is a combination of four different types of confidence that you are going to learn to develop by using this book. Confidence has to be grown!
basic underlying confidence
social confidence
confidence in yourself as a person
confidence in your abilities
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These are the children who are going to accompany you. Will my parents be able to come with me? My name is .......................................
What is confidence? My name is .......................................
Too easy! My name is ................................
Oh dear, it's going to be difficult! My name is ....................................... 6
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Use the se clues to find the chil dren's n ames.
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Look at the children's expressions and draw a line to what they are saying.
We're going to plant some confidence. Who wants to do some gardening with me? Oh dear, that's going to be difficult!
Too easy!
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People's expressions often reflect what they are thinking. But what is confidence?
Will my parents be able to come with me?
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These children like or dislike lots of things. Color in the things you like too. My name is Josh.
I don't like being made to greet someone with a kiss.
I don't like going up to the front in school.
My name is Rose.
I like getting good grades at school.
I don't like it when the teacher tells me off.
I like watching cartoons.
I like strawberry ice cream.
I like arguing.
I don't like making new friends.
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I like going to the beach. I don't like it when I make mistakes.
I don't like choosing clothes.
I don't like going to school.
My name is Victor.
I don't like sitting still for a long time.
I like slumber parties.
I don't like starting a new activity.
My name is SoďŹ a.
I like pasta with tomato sauce.
I like reading comics.
I like dogs.
I like playing with mom and dad.
I don't like playing with dolls.
I like asking questions. I don't like sleeping at other people's houses.
I don't like other people pushing me.
I like throwing pebbles in the water.
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Now make your own list.
I don't like...
I like...
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Knowing what I like and don't like helps me to know who I am.
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