Anger and back to calm

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Anger and back to calm

Includes a booklet for parents

We have always been taught that anger is not good. But in fact we confuse anger and violence and they are very different things.

Anger is a great emotion... Temper and stress tantrums are not real anger. Let’s look at how all this works.

It helps me to assert myself.

I am Professor Angrius and I have been studying anger for one hundred and thirty years



Anger and back to calm

It helps me to say STOP when I feel threatened.

Original ideas by Virginie Limousin, psycho-practitioner, child therapist, and Isabelle Filliozat, psychotherapist and leading light in France in positive parenting, author of best-selling books Au coeur des émotions de l’enfant and J’ai tout essayé. Illustrated by Éric Veillé.


ISBN 978-85-96-01868-5

9 788596 018685


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Where does anger come from? How can we express it without violence? How can we calm down?

9/3/18 2:13 PM



Anger and back t calm

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8/27/18 11:39 AM

Emotions Journals: Anger and back to calm © 2018 – StandFor copyright 2016 by Editions Nathan, Sejer, Paris – France Original edition: LES CAHIERS FILLIOZAT – Colère et retour au calme

Editorial Director Antonio Rios

Editorial Manager Cayube Galas Editorial Coordinator Ana Carolina Costa Lopes

Translator Helen Brooke Production Manager Mariana Milani

Production Coordinator Marcelo Henrique Ferreira Fontes

Proofreading and Copyediting Coordinator Lilian Semenichin

Proofreading and Copyediting Supervisor Beatriz Carneiro

Proofreader Lucia Peres Art Manager Ricardo Borges

Art Coordinator Daniela Di Creddo Máximo

Art Supervisor Patrícia De Michelis

Art Editor Julio Eugenio

Layout Julio Eugenio Illustrations Éric Veillé Operations Director and Print Production Manager Reginaldo Soares Damasceno

Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP) (Câmara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brasil) Filliozat, Isabelle Emotions journals: anger and back to calm / Isabelle Filliozat, Virginie Limousin; [ilustrations] Éric Veillé; translator Helen Brooke. –1. ed.– São Paulo: FTD, 2018. – (Emotions journals) Título original: Les cahiers filliozat: colére et retour au calme. ISBN 978-2-09-257208-5 (ed. original) ISBN 978-85-96-01868-5 (aluno) ISBN 978-85-96-01869-2 (professor) 1. Inglês (Ensino fundamental) I. Limousin, Virginie. II. Veillé, Éric. III. Título. IV. Série.


CDD-372.652 Índices para catálogo sistemático:

1. Inglês: Ensino fundamental Maria Alice Ferreira – Bibliotecária –

372.652 CRB-8/7964

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In order to use this activity book you will need some resources.

sticky tape


pencils and felt tips

poster putty The stickers are at the end of the book.

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8/31/18 1:54 PM

Violence, aggression, rage, and blows are all around us. Look below and find two cats fighting, a grandmother shouting at her granddaughter, an officer taking his troops into battle, a girl beating her brother with a club...

0/20, Andrew. You're useless!

You smell of cheesy socks!

You stink!

Mommy! Help!

I won't tidy my room! I won't! I won't! I won't!



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8/27/18 11:40 AM

... a boy biting his cousin, children fighting, a girl shouting at her father, a teacher shaming a student, school children bullying a girl, ninjas fighting.


YAHEE! Hi-Yah! Take that!


Will you calm down?!

Forward march!

Uh oh!


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8/27/18 11:40 AM

Draw a storm, stick on lots of lightning stickers and color around them using lots of black.

I like fighting and war! Everyone around the world fights. You just have to be the strongest and win!

Would you like to live in a world like this?


NO 6

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8/27/18 11:40 AM

I like your dog so much that I'm going to take him. Thanks!

I hate anger and I would like to live in a world with no anger.


of Wo

Okay... I love him a lot... but I'm never angry, so I'll let you.


Would you like to live in a world like this?



So, do we just have to accept that either we fight, or we let other people walk all over us? NO! Come with me and I'll show you something. 7

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8/31/18 1:56 PM

I am Professor Angrius and I have been studying anger for 130 years! Look at the two scenes below and guess which shows violence and which shows anger.

ord w t igh r e re. h t u t k c Stic each pi er und

I get angry when you take a book from my room without asking me! DUMB HEAD!

That's the rule we agreed.




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8/31/18 2:03 PM

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