English 8

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Desenvolvida para alunos brasileiros do Ensino Fundamental 2, a coleção English in Formation descomplica as aulas de inglês. Leva alunos e professores a diferentes lugares onde a língua é parte de um contexto relevante ao universo juvenil. Características da 3a edição: • Novos textos e temas, possibilitando conexões interdisciplinares; • Conteúdo linguístico de nível apropriado ao Ensino Fundamental 2;

3rd edition

• Seção For your Fun! com novos quadrinhos, curiosidades e trava-línguas; • Workbook integrado; • CD de áudio com os textos, diálogos e atividades de pronúncia da coleção; • Livro do professor com dicas práticas para o dia a dia na sala de aula; • Recursos digitais na plataforma StandFor Digital – digital.standfor.com.br;

• Apoio da consultoria educacional dedicada StandFor.


Desenvolvida para alunos brasileiros do Ensino Fundamental 2, a coleção English in Formation descomplica as aulas de inglês. Leva alunos e professores a diferentes lugares onde a língua é parte de um contexto relevante ao universo juvenil.

Desenvolvida para alunos brasileiros do Ensino Fundamental 2, a coleção English in Formation descomplica as aulas de inglês. Leva alunos e professores a diferentes lugares onde a língua é parte de um contexto relevante ao universo juvenil.

Características da 3a edição:

Características da 3a edição:

Características da 3a edição:

Desenvolvida para alunos brasileiros do Ensino Fundamental 2, a

contexto relevante ao universo juvenil. Características da 3a edição:

• Novos textos e temas, possibilitando conexões interdisciplinares;

• Novos textos e temas, possibilitando conexões interdisciplinares;

• Novos textos e temas, possibilitando conexões interdisciplinares;

• Conteúdo linguístico de nível apropriado ao Ensino Fundamental 2;

• Conteúdo linguístico de nível apropriado ao Ensino Fundamental 2;

• Conteúdo linguístico de nível apropriado ao Ensino Fundamental 2;

• Seção For your Fun! com novos quadrinhos, curiosidades e trava-línguas;

3rd edition • Seção For your Fun! com novos quadrinhos, curiosidades e trava-línguas;

• Conteúdo linguístico de nível apropriado ao Ensino Fundamental 2;

3rd edition • Seção For your Fun! com novos quadrinhos, curiosidades e trava-línguas;

3rd edition • Seção For your Fun! com novos quadrinhos, curiosidades e trava-línguas;

• Workbook integrado;

• Workbook integrado;

• CD de áudio com os textos, diálogos e atividades de pronúncia da coleção;

• CD de áudio com os textos, diálogos e atividades de pronúncia da coleção;

• CD de áudio com os textos, diálogos e atividades de pronúncia da coleção;

• CD de áudio com os textos, diálogos e atividades de pronúncia da coleção;

• Livro do professor com dicas práticas para o dia a dia na sala de aula;

• Livro do professor com dicas práticas para o dia a dia na sala de aula;

• Livro do professor com dicas práticas para o dia a dia na sala de aula;

• Livro do professor com dicas práticas para o dia a dia na sala de aula;


• Recursos digitais na plataforma StandFor Digital – digital.standfor.com.br;

• Recursos digitais na plataforma StandFor Digital – digital.standfor.com.br;

• Recursos digitais na plataforma StandFor Digital – digital.standfor.com.br;

• Apoio da consultoria educacional StandFor.

• Apoio da consultoria educacional StandFor.

• Apoio da consultoria educacional StandFor.

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Student Book

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Student Book

ISBN 978-85-96-00287-5

ISBN 978-85-96-00284-4

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ISBN 978-85-96-00285-1


ISBN 978-85-96-00286-8

ISBN 978-85-96-00285-1

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Student Book

ISBN 978-85-96-00289-9


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ISBN 978-85-96-00283-7


Student Book

ISBN 978-85-96-00284-4

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ISBN 978-85-96-00284-4

• Apoio da consultoria educacional StandFor. ISBN 978-85-96-00282-0

788596 002820

Student Book

ISBN 978-85-96-00282-0


ISBN 978-85-96-00283-7


788596 002820


3rd edition

• Recursos digitais na plataforma StandFor Digital – digital.standfor.com.br;


7º 9

Student Book

Student Book

Student Book

ISBN 978-85-96-00282-0


• Workbook integrado;

ISBN 978-85-96-00283-7

ISBN 978-85-96-00282-0

• Novos textos e temas, possibilitando conexões interdisciplinares;

Student Book


• Workbook integrado;

ISBN 978-85-96-00283-7

English in Formation descomplica as aulas de inglês. Leva ISBN coleção 978-85-96-00282-0 alunos e professores a diferentes lugares onde a língua é parte de um

Student Book

Desenvolvida para alunos brasileiros do Ensino Fundamental 2, a coleção English in Formation descomplica as aulas de inglês. Leva alunos e professores a diferentes lugares onde a língua é parte de um contexto relevante ao universo juvenil.

788596 002851 ISBN 978-85-96-00287-5


788596 002875 ISBN 978-85-96-00289-9

ISBN 978-85-96-00288-2

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788596 002882


788596 002899

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Student Book

São Paulo, 2016

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Impresso no Parque Gráfico da Editora FTD S.A. Avenida Antonio Bardella, 300 Guarulhos-SP – CEP 07220-020 Tel. (11) 3545-8600 e Fax (11) 2412-5375

7/18/16 3:10 PM

APRESENTAÇÃO Você já deve ter ouvido falar que o aprendizado de uma língua estrangeira se baseia na inter-relação de quatro habilidades: ouvir, falar, ler e escrever. No entanto, para garantir a eficiência desse esquema em sala de aula, é preciso assistir bem às aulas, o que requer disciplina, atenção às explicações do professor, resolução das tarefas ou projetos propostos e prática do conteúdo ensinado. É importante praticar individualmente, interagir com os colegas, com o material didático, com o professor e com qualquer pessoa do seu relacionamento. Assim, o livro, a sala de aula e o professor são apenas o ponto de partida, seus parceiros na construção do conhecimento. Suas ações e sua determinação poderão levá-lo a resultados bastante proveitosos. Empenhe-se na busca de outras fontes, como revistas, jornais, livros de literatura, letras de músicas, filmes, internet. Compartilhe com os colegas, com seu professor e com os amigos as descobertas que fizer. Entretanto, há alguns poucos estudantes que perguntam: “Para que aprender inglês na escola?”. Para conhecer outra cultura, outros costumes, através do aprendizado de uma língua. Para se incluir socialmente num mundo cada vez mais globalizado. Descartar esse direito é insensatez. Esta coleção contribui para o seu aprendizado de inglês, trazendo diálogos e textos autênticos sobre assuntos diversos. Eles são apresentados de forma a permitir a expansão do seu vocabulário, o domínio da estrutura gramatical e o aprimoramento de seu espírito crítico, além de desenvolver sua fluência na conversação e na leitura. São oferecidas inúmeras atividades destinadas a prepará-lo para enfrentar situações reais do cotidiano. Nossa proposta, com esta coleção, é ser o parceiro de alunos aplicados e de professores dedicados.

B ns estud s! LY-ING-F2-4016-V3-INI-001-005-ML-LA-M16.indd 3

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CONTENTS Listening & Speaking

Vocabulary & Pronunciation

UNIT 0 p. 6

The world online

Words related to technology

Interrogative pronoun: How often

UNIT 1 p. 8

At the park How often do you go to the park?

Words related to the park

Simple Present Tense: negative and interrogative forms Plural of nouns Relative pronouns: that – who

UNIT 2 p. 18

At the juice bar Let’s get something to eat!


The imperative with let Prepositions: among – between; by – on Maybe – perhaps

UNIT 3 p. 28

At the doctor’s What’s the matter with you?

Words related to illness The sounds of m and n

The Simple Present Tense Plural of nouns That – who Prepositions: among – between; by – on

UNIT 4 p. 40

At the travel agency When will you leave?

Words related to travel, months, and seasons

The Future Tense There + will be Prepositions: from – to

UNIT 5 p. 50

At the hotel restaurant Make yourselves comfortable!

Words related to a hotel breakfast

Reflexive pronouns By + reflexive pronoun Prepositions: at – in

UNIT 6 p. 60

In the kitchen What food do you usually eat?

Words related to the kitchen Sounds of the letter h

UNIT 7 p. 72

At the newsstand What sign were you born under?

Signs of the zodiac

To be – Past Tense There + to be – Past Tense Possessive pronouns

UNIT 8 p. 82

At the street market How much is one serving?


The Past Progressive Tense Below – under Also – too

UNIT 9 p. 92

At the planetarium Which moon phase is good for planting?

The Solar System and moon phases The sounds of ai and au

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Language Structures

The Future Tense Prepositions: from – to; at – in Reflexive & emphasizing pronouns

To be / There + to be – Past Tense – Past Progressive Tense Possessive pronouns Prepositions + -ing

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Variations & Extensions

Reading & Writing

Functions Responding to a survey.

Use – wear Want to – wanna

More fruit Have – eat – drink

Fractions Late – later

Soon – early The parents of Lia and Roy – Lia and Roy’s parents Emphasizing pronouns Hotel – inn – hostel Every day – everyday – daily In the kitchen Ordinal numbers in dates and titles

Healthy feet are a walk in the park


Wear sunscreen

Travel around the world

Traditional accommodation that still lives on

Watch what you eat


Suffix: -less How many – how much

What – which

Three juicy MasterChef secrets

Our mysterious world

Asking how often something happens by using the present tense for questions and negations. Using sentences with relative pronouns. Making/Accepting an invitation. Asking what someone is going to order. Talking about preferences/choices. Identifying names of fruits. Asking about someone. Giving suggestions. Using fractions.

Identifying the symptoms of cold and flu. Understanding an interview. Reviewing structures.

Contacting a travel agency. Talking about plans. Wishing someone a nice trip. Expressing actions in the future.

Talking about months and seasons. Analyzing an advertisement.

Inviting people to serve themselves. Using reflexive and emphasizing pronouns. Identifying prepositions of place and time. Interacting with friends. Using frequency adverbs. Talking about foreign food. Identifying the pronunciation of the letter h. Reviewing structures.

Talking about the signs of the zodiac. Using the past tense of be and there be. Making self-descriptions. Identifying names of vegetables. Talking about food and health. Using the past progressive tense and quantifiers. Identifying the planets. Talking about the moon phases. Using verbs after prepositions. Identifying the pronunciations of ai and au. Reviewing structures.

WORKBOOK ................ p. 105 IRREGULAR VERBS ..... p. 142 GLOSSARY ................. p. 136 TRACK LIST ................ p. 144

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The world online. Every day, more people around the world are getting access to the Internet. You can now go online using computers, tablets, game consoles, TVs, and smartphones. With so many ways to access the Internet available, it is becoming more and more present in our everyday lives.


How much is too much? According to the Pew Research Center, adolescents go online more frequently than other groups. A few adolescents are almost constantly online, and can suffer from “internet addiction”. Common uses of the Internet are social networking, instant messaging, online gaming, listening to music, watching online videos, and studying. Many adolescents believe that frequent internet use is a positive thing because it helps them to be social. However, teachers and educators worry that too much time spent online (“screen time”) is distracting adolescents from their studies. To find out more, check the Pew Research Center report: “Teens, Social Media & Technology Overview 2015”. Available at <www.pewinternet.org/2015/04/09/teens-social-media-technology-2015/>. Accessed January 29, 2016.

1 Based on the text, write T (true) or F (false). a) Fewer people are accessing the Internet every day.

b) Watching videos online is a common use of the Internet.

c) Adolescents think the Internet helps them to be social.

d) “Screen time” means time spent studying.


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2 Translate into Portuguese. a) every day:

c) frequently:

b) everyday:

d) constantly:

3 Find in the text words or phrases that are equivalent to a) excessive:

c) increasingly:

b) teenagers:

d) globally:

4 Rank the time spent online doing the following activities from 1 (most time) to 6 (least time). Then compare your results with a partner. social networking instant messaging online gaming

  

listening to music watching online videos studying

  

5 English is the most common language used online. Complete the survey, then discuss your results. a) How often do you visit websites in English when going online?

 every day  more than five times a week

 once or twice a week  less than once a week

b) How often do you use an online translator when going online?

 every day  more than five times a week

 once or twice a week  less than once a week

c) How often do you read or write in English when going online?

 every day  more than five times a week

 once or twice a week  less than once a week


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go for a run

AT THE PARK fly a kite



• Words related to the park • Simple Present Tense (negative and interrogative forms) • Plural of nouns • Relative pronouns (that, who) • Use × wear wear sunglasses feed the geese

go for a walk


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ride a bike


Are you OK? Does it hurt? wear a helmet


have a picnic

use sunscreen


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How often do you go to the park? Nora goes to the park once or twice a week. She doesn’t like it very much, but it is necessary, she says. Nora talks to her friends Carl and Ruth about it.

Hey, Nora! Carl and I are going to the shopping mall.

Wanna come along?

Sure! But... What day is today? Wednesday?

No, today is Thursday.

Oh, I’m sorry, but I can’t go with you. I have to go to the park to walk the dog.

Again? How often do you go there?

Well, once a week. Sometimes I go twice a week.


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I don’t go to the park often, but my great-grandfather goes there every day.

Because Zeus is a big dog and needs a lot of exercise. How often do you go to the park?

Why do you have to go there so often?

Because he likes to feed the geese.

Really? Why?

Sounds like fun. Let’s have a picnic soon!

I go to the park every month. Sometimes my family has a picnic there.

1 Based on the dialogue, write T (true) or F (false).


a) Nora frequently goes to the park.

b) Nora’s dog’s name is Zeus.

c) Ruth doesn’t go to the park.

d) Carl’s great-grandfather feeds the geese every day.

 11

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2 Listen to the audio and mark the correct answer. a) Julia studies


b) Next Friday,

 at the English school from Monday

 Peter, Sam, and Ana are not

 English three days a week.

 Peter and Sam are going to the

to Friday.

going to the shopping mall.

shopping mall, but Ana can’t go.

3 Write the names of the pictures.






4 Mark the correct response to complete the dialogues. a) How often do you go to the beach?  Once a month.  I’m sorry, but I don’t.

d) Why are you sad?  Because I’m not lucky.  Well, I’m sad.

b) We’re going to the show. Do you wanna come along?  What day is today?  Sure, thanks for the invitation!

e) What day is today?  Are you serious?  Thursday, I think.

c) Do you speak English?  Yes, but not very often.  Well, I like it very much.


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Simple Present Tense: negative and interrogative forms Affirmative

Negative Full form

I You We


He She






Contracted form

I do not




He does not swim. She



I Do

you we


they he doesn’t swim. Does she








swims. She


Na forma afirmativa, o verbo recebe -s apenas nas três pessoas do singular (he, she, it). He asks and she answers.

It rains.

Na forma negativa, usamos o verbo auxiliar do/does + not. O verbo principal fica na forma infinitiva, sem a partícula to. I (You, We, They) do not (don’t) travel. He does not (doesn’t) ask and she does not (doesn’t) answer. It does not (doesn’t) rain.

1 Rewrite the sentences using don’t or doesn’t. a) I do not use my cell phone when I’m driving.

c) He does not remember his password.

b) We do not forget nice people.

d) It seems it does not rain in that region.

Na forma interrogativa, usamos o verbo auxiliar do/does antes do sujeito da oração. O verbo principal fica na forma infinitiva, sem a partícula to. Do you/they live near here?

Does he/she have a notebook? 13

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2 Underline the correct verb form to complete the sentences. a) What else ( do / does ) you need? b) How ( do / does ) a computer work? c) Where ( do / does ) your grandparents live? d) ( Do / Does ) people like comics or crossword puzzles?

e) ( Do / Does ) we know where we’re going to? f) Who ( do / does ) your sister work with? g) ( Do / Does ) it rain here this month? h) ( Do / Does ) you like to visit museums?

3 Write the following sentences in English. a) Você mora aqui?

b) Por que ela usa óculos escuros?

4 Write questions that match the answers. a) Yes, she dances very well.

c) I speak Portuguese and Italian.

b) No, he doesn’t know us.

d) No, they don’t like soft drinks.

Plural of nouns O plural da maioria dos substantivos em inglês faz-se com o acréscimo de s: crown (coroa) – crowns (coroas) month (mês) – months (meses) Sunday (domingo) – Sundays (domingos) toy (brinquedo) – toys (brinquedos) Entretanto, em alguns casos, o plural é feito mudando a vogal das palavras. Observe o quadro a seguir: Singular goose man foot woman

Plural geese men feet women

Translation ganso – gansos homem – homens pé – pés mulher – mulheres

5 Rewrite the following sentences with all nouns in the plural. Pay attention to possessives, pronouns, and verbs. a) I can see a woman at work.

b) Where is that man going?


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c) The girl has a tattoo on her right foot.

f) Look! An elephant is kicking a football.

d) What does this boy have in his tooth?

g) Does that person has a bad toothache?

e) A man and a woman use mouthwash.

h) Ask that man to come in, please.

Relative pronouns: that × who • That e who significam “que”, na função de pronomes relativos. Students that/who study here wear uniforms. (Os alunos que estudam aqui usam uniformes.) Juliet is the girl that/who Romeo loves. (Julieta é a garota que Romeu ama.) • That pode ser usado para referir-se a pessoas, animais e coisas. The birds that live here are very beautiful. (Os pássaros que vivem aqui são muito bonitos.) • Who só é usado para referir-se a pessoas. The woman that/who is speaking is a scientist. (A mulher que está falando é uma cientista.)

6 Mark the sentences that use who incorrectly.

¿ This is the house who Jack likes. ¿ Dr. Stevenson is the dentist who adjusts my braces.

¿ Is this the address who you have?

¿ People who live here are very rich. ¿ I can’t find the book who you want. ¿ Do you know the person who is speaking?

7 Mark the sentences that can be completed with both that and who. She is the artist     wants to ¿

¿ This is a product     is going

¿ What’s the phone number

William Shakespeare is a writer ¿

meet you.

is in the advertisement?

to be very useful for you.

I always like to read.


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Use × wear Use – utilizar; empregar; usar We use our computer every day. Wear – usar (maquiagem, aparelho, adorno); trajar (vestuário) She wears sunglasses. They wear hats. I wear sunscreen every day.

8 Complete the following sentences with the verbs use or wear in the correct tense. a) What pen are you       ? b) People       shampoos all over the world. c) Young people like to       blue jeans, but they don’t like to       shoes. d) Do you       glasses? e) I don’t like to       many adjectives when I’m speaking.

WANT TO – WANNA No inglês informal, usa-se wanna em lugar de want to, mas ambas as formas têm o mesmo significado. O termo wanna também é usado em perguntas, no lugar de Do you want to...?. I want to show you something. = I wanna show you something. Do you want to go see a movie? = Wanna go see a movie?

9 Rewrite the sentences using want to. a) Wanna dance?

d) Do they wanna live there?

b) I don’t wanna talk about it.

e) Wanna stay with us?

c) Wanna have some coffee?

f) He doesn’t wanna know about it.


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7/15/16 4:01 PM


Healthy feet are a walk in the park


Going for a walk is a natural, cheap, and enjoyable exercise, especially if you’re out-of-shape. Walking is also important for keeping your feet healthy and in top condition. However, one thing you have to pay attention to is your footwear. Using the wrong type of footwear, poorly fitting or without Sneakers are a good appropriate support can cause foot pain or even injury. Flip-flops, choice for walking shoes. for example, are not a recommended shoe for walking every day. When buying walking shoes, remember that comfort is the idea, not fashion. Different people have different types of feet, so it is important to find shoes that fit your feet, ones that are not too tight and not too loose. Try on different brands and always test them with a short walk. Also, look for lightweight and breathable materials, as new materials and manufacturing technologies are improving all the time. Finally, be sure to replace your shoes from time to time, as they will wear out with lots of use.

Answer the questions according to the text. a) How is walking described in the first paragraph?

b) What type of shoe is not recommended for walking every day?

c) Write two tips for buying footwear.

d) Find in the last paragraph an expression corresponding to “periodically”.

Ask a partner. a) Where does your mother work? b) What do you do on the weekends?

c) How often do you go to the park? d) How often do you go to the movies? 17

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