People all around the world have different traditions, but they all share festivals. Festivals for important times of the year or for religious holidays. Festivals to celebrate air, fire and water. And some festivals which are just for fun. Travel around the world and learn more about festivals.
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StandFor Graded Readers provide a range of engaging reading materials for learners of English. Carefully graded by level, the series includes retellings of great classics, and informative, factual titles.
Level 1 | 380 Headwords
Catherine Zgouras
Level 2 | 580 Headwords Level 3 | 800 Headwords
ISBN 978-85-96-00693-4
Level 4 | 1000 Headwords
CLIL Content and Language Integrated Learning
graded readers
9/20/16 10:49 AM
Catherine Zgouras
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10/5/16 10:50 AM
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Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP) (Câmara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brasil) Zgouras, Catherine Festivals : standfor graded readers, level 1 / Catherine Zgouras ; illustrated by Arthur França. -- 1. ed. -- São Paulo : FTD, 2016. ISBN 978-85-96-00693-4 (aluno) ISBN 978-85-96-00694-1 (professor)
1. Literatura infantojuvenil I. França, Arthur II. Título. 16-06379 CDD-028.5
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9/27/16 2:46 PM
FESTIVALS Catherine Zgouras is a Greek-Australian who lives and works in Greece. She has had her own foreign language school for more than 25 years. She teaches, trains teachers, and is a freelance English Language Teaching material writer, developer, and editor. Catherine has written primary level student and activity books, test materials, and graded readers. She has won first prize for two of her graded readers and for a secondary level classroom lesson. Some of her works of fiction have also been published in the U.S.
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9/29/16 3:09 PM
Look at the pictures in the book. What do you think you will read about? How people celebrate important things. How people have fun.
Think of a festival in your country. Circle the words that describe it. angry bad dark happy important interesting sad wonderful
Look at these pictures. Which ones show festivals? 1
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9/27/16 2:46 PM
Festivals Everywhere
Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. North America and South America. Different continents and countries, different people, and different traditions. But the one thing they all share is festivals. Some festivals take place in one country, but you can find many festivals all over the world at the same time. There are festivals that celebrate the New Year, Christmas, Carnival, and so many more. Big and exciting festivals that make people happy.
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9/29/16 6:56 AM
Festivals are often for only one or two days, but some can be for more days or even a month. At festivals people usually dance, sing, and eat good food. There are dancers and musicians, too. People wear nice clothes if the celebration is special. People can also wear special costumes at some festivals. Some festivals are thousands of years old. In some countries, the same festival can take place twice in a year! Many festivals are religious, but some are just for fun.
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