ci e l i S n a anm B n a s u S son k c a J k Patric
Susan Banman Sileci Patrick Jackson
E K LI US st
ook b t n ude
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Barba, 54 (Golden Gate Bridge) Sean Xu, (Statue of Liberty) Skreidzeleu, 55 (Yellowstone National Park) John Duarte, (The White House) turtix, (Mountain Sculpture) Richard A McMillin, (Empire State Building) Oscity (Colorado River Bridge) Andrew Zarivny, 56 (National Park) Lissandra Melo, 57 (teenage girl) Design Pics Inc, (Asian boy) Asia Images Group, (blond girl) Olena Zaskochenko, (Turret Arch) Rudy Balasko, (Brooklyn Bridge) Songquan Deng, (Painted Ladies) Naeblys, (Statue of Abraham Lincoln) Bildagentur Zoonar GmbH, 58 (Great Sphinx) Volodymyr Martyniuk, (Stonehenge) Lomaju, (Taj Mahal) Kaptan Singh Parihar, (Colosseum) caminoel, (Great Wall) Sean Pavone, (Pyramid) Nickolay Vinokurov, (The Parthenon) stoyanh, (Kinkakuji Temple) Stockforliving, (Callanish Standing Stones) Jeanrenaud Photography, (Tomb of Cyrus the Great) Borna_Mirahmadian, (Giza Pyramid) Volodymyr Martyniuk, (Amphitheater of Nimes) Tramont_ana, 59 (The Great Sphinx of Giza) LouieLea, (The Great Pyramid of Giza) Danita Delmont, (Tutankhamun’s mask) Jaroslav Moravcik, (hieroglyphics) Galyna Andrushko, (Egyptian queen) Jacky Brown, (Pyramids in Cairo draw) grop, (scroll) Lukiyanova Natalia frenta, 60 (background picture) rSnapshotPhotos, 61 (control panel) Maxx-Studio, (girl) GeorgeAA, (boy) Samuel Borges Photography, 62 (moais) Tomaz Kunst, 64 (girl with snowman) Evgeny Bakharev, (girl riding a horse) Fotokostic, 65 (escargot) sashahaltam, (break a bone) Pop Paul-Catalin, (kids in a tent) Mat Hayward, (interview) DW labs Incorporated, (love letter) hurricanehank, 67 (Bervely Hills) nito, (Walk of Fame) Andrew Zarivny, 68 (boy visiting olderly man), (volunteers) Monkey Business Images, (donate box) Happy Together, (elderly couple) TAGSTOCK1, (background picture) oneinchpunch, 69 (pollution) Fabien Monteil, (background beach) donatas1205, 71 (tree ants) Daniel Western, (girl riding a horse) Fotokostic, 72 (background hills) Iakov Kalinin, (golden balloon) backUp, 73 (labrador puppy) 5 second Studio, 74 (temple) Don Mammoser, (The Great Wall) Yuri Yavnik, (pyramid) Dmitry Rukhlenko, 75 (man riding elephant) Don Mammoser, 76 (chef preparing food) wavebreakmedia, (baked bread) roundstripe, (chef) g-stockstudio, 77 (barbecue) abbbccc, (mixing) Thomas Andreas, (cutting fruit) itakdalee, (pouring milk) AndreyCherkasov, (grating cheese) Syda Productions, (peeled potato) Joerg Beuge, (mixing vegetables) lightwavemedia, 78 (onion) pgaborphotos, 79 (spaghetti) David Franklin, (young man cooking) Robnroll, 80 (background picture) ThefotosoloNo1, (knife) studiovin, (fork) xiaorui, (spoon) Nixx Photography, (plate) Theeradech Sanin, (bowl) yingthun, (glass) Andrey Arkusha, 81 (stone age knife) jps, (wooden spoon) Chimpinski, (spork) Alter-ego, 82 (salt) ILYA AKINSHIN, (ice cream) Unal Ozmen, (coffee beans) Lev Kropotov, (limes) bonchan, (potato chips) timquo, (cola glass) gresei, (cream) Sean van Tonder, (french fries) pukach, (hot chocolate) Oksana Shufrych, (drink cans) Natan86, 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lesmcluckie, 91 (creole choir) Criben, (Peruvians) Cinematographer, (Japanese woman) Captblack76, (Aboriginal men) ChameleonsEye, (background picture) martinlubpl, 92 (colorful guitar) abstract, (colorful notes) lienchen020_2, (teenage boy, teenage couple) Monkey Business Images, (teenage girl) eurobanks, 93 (girl with headphone) artemisphoto, 96 (dishes icons) Vasilyeva Larisa, (boiling eggs) Nutthawuth Chanpong, (potatoes) wernimages, (stirring) Joshua Resnick, (frying pan) Evgeny Litvinov, (grating cheese) Africa Studio, (mixing) S_Photo, 97 (country music band) Peek Creative Collective, (orchestra) Martin Good, (breakdancers) Eugenio Marongiu, (woman playing saxophone) Igor Normann, 98 (dad and son) Monkey Business Images, (girl playing guitar) pikselstock, (clay bowl) holbox, (yoga) fizkes, 99 (camera) Sergey Nivens, (girl with headphone) Aila Images, 100 (culinary background) Sunny Forest, (background ingredients) Rasulov, (rice pudding) Dado Photos, (rice) Africa Studio, (egg) PIMPAN, (cinnamon) Oliver Hoffmann, (boiling water) Roen, 102 (smilling boy) F. JIMENEZ MECA, (illustrad planet) ALEXEY GRIGOREV, (aliens) Mooid Art, 103 (angry girl) pathdoc, (boy smiling) Monkey Business Images, (girl crying) Carlos Caetano, (freezing girl) Renato Arap, (boy laughing) Sergey Furtaev, (girl pointing) Stockfotografie, (girl waving) Andy Dean Photography, (scary girl) Roger Jegg, (clapping hands) sylv1rob1, (boy shouting) ESB Professional, (elevator) Lucy Liu, (bags) Helen Filatova, (doorman) Bumble Dee, (souvenirs) Maria Plakhotnya, (receptionist) Gabriel Georgescu, (housekeeper) Teerasak Sombun, 104 (girl writing) Antonio Guillem, (girl with a broken leg) shellyagami-photoar, (riding a horse) Phovoir, (milking a cow) Altrendo, (camping tent) ballphotographer, (snowman) Evgeny Bakharev, (monuments) sdecoret, 105 (boy with headphone) Blend Images, (girl with headphone) Africa Studio, (kitchen frame) Evellean, (matrix background) Family Business, 106 (background mountain) NaughtyNut, 110 (basil leaves), Dionisvera, (garlic) jiangdi, (hydroelectric) Andrew J Billington, 111 (green seaweed) Kuttelvaserova Stuchelova, (waterfall) Rusla Ruseyn, (zipline) Ammit Jack, 112 (tent) Normana Karia, (scissors) Andrew Burgess, (glue) Aksenova Natalya, (Asian friends) Stuart Jenner, (book) LanKS, (camera) Africa Studio, (cook hat) S_Photo, (audience) Ints Vikmanis, (guitar) GrashAlex, (headphone) Pen Ka Pat, (videogame) REDPIXEL.PL, 113 (Asian woman) Odua Images, (boy cooking) Peter Fuchs, (boy in tent) Phovoir, (girl reading) Sasa Prudkov, (girl with headphone) Milica Nistoran, (girl painting) Dean Drobot, 114 (stamps) Lisa S., (skipping the rope) Sergey Novikov, (dreamy teen) Sergey Furtaev, (girl sewing) Dean Drobot, (robot) AesiaKan, 115 (miniland reproduction) Hayk_Shalunts, (architectural model) Nicholas Cope, 116 (dragon) Memo Angeles, (girl reading) Namart Pieamsuwan, 118 (girl sleeping) bbernard, (boy waking up) Arman Zhenikeyev, (girl sleeping on the couch) Stokkete, (blond girl sleeping) Monkey Business Images, (bear) GennadiyP, (girl with books) Syda Productions, 119 (Chinese dragon) Michael Warwick, 122 (stadium) Checubus, 123 (boat) CoolR, 124 (hotel reception) Rihardzz, (elevator) Eviled, (waiter) MNStudio, (bags) Mark Bourdillon, (woman) Roman Kosolapov, (porter) Chameleons Eye, (recepcionist) Kamil Macniak, (maid) Dragon Images, (lock) Baloncici, 125 (teacher) ESB Professional, 126 (security check) Milosz Maslanka, (boarding gate) Hanoi Photography, (Asian woman) hin255, (check in counter) michaeljung, (duty shop) Ditty_about_summer, 127 (hostel) Eviled, 128 (Brooklyn Bridge) Jenny Lilly, (Itaipu dam) Matyas Rehak, (Monticello) Bruce Ellis, (Mt. Rushmore National Memorial) Steven Frame, (Chicago skyline) Rudy Balasko, (Canyon National Park) silky, (Statue of Liberty) Jirat Teparaksa, 129 (friends) Antonio Guillem, 130 (Taj Mahal) Jorg Hackemann, (Coliseum) Concord90, (Great Wall of China) Yuri Yavnik, (Stonehenge) Justin Black, (Parthenon) NathalieB, (The Great Sphinx) Richard Whitcombe, 131 (Mt. Rushmore National Memorial) amadeustx (George Washington) Georgios Kollidas, (Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln) Everett Historical, 132 (girl riding a horse) Fotokostic, 133 (Miami) Kamira, 134 (girl helping elderly woman) Toa55, (visiting grandmother) Pressmaster, 136 (preparing food) wavebreakmedia, (flipping burgers) Jim Lopes, (peeling potatoes) mik ulyannikov, (making lunch) nd3000, (adding ingredients) Merkushev Vasiliy, (mixing cake) or ajlatan, (seafood soup) Vadim Ozz, (salting) kungverylucky, (cake) litts, (cutting the onion) JuJik, (grating cheese) ne3p, (spaghetti word anake) alekseyk, 138 (bowl) K13 ART, (knife) Cipariss, (glass) PhuShutter, (spoon) phana sitti, (plate) NTYS20, (fork) Bragin Alexey, 139 (woman eating popcorn) ommaphat chotirat, (lime) Lesya Dolyuk, (garlic) Africa Studio, (coconut) Elena Zajchikova, (cookies) Brent Hofacker, 140 (teenager couples) Africa Studio, 141 (teenage boys) Blend Images, (Dj) hurricanehank, 142 (trumpet) pirtuss, (drum) yongyuth limpasute, (piano) nikkytok, (violin) 3DMAVR, (guitar) Mindscape studio, (flute) Dragon_fang, 181 (bottle) koosen.
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o t e m elco
s u e k i l
Aprender um novo idioma é sempre uma experiência emocionante. Ao aprender inglês, você poderá se conectar e se comunicar com o mundo todo de uma maneira real e transformadora. Isso abrirá um leque de oportunidades e de grandes experiências para você.
LIKE US foi desenvolvido para ser divertido e, sobretudo, para ajudá-lo a aprender o máximo e da melhor maneira possível. Você aprenderá diversas palavras novas e também sobre vários tópicos de seu interesse. Ao longo de seus estudos com LIKE US, você desenvolverá suas habilidades de leitura, escrita e de compreensão oral, além de poder falar inglês. Neste momento, em todo o mundo, há pessoas se comunicando em inglês. É como se fosse uma grande comunidade, e LIKE US o ajudará a fazer parte dela. Esperamos que você se divirta conosco nessa experiência. Os autores
s t n nte
co p. 6
er t r a t s unit unit
p. 10
unit p. 20
Free Time Stories and Dreams
p. 6
p. 7
p. 8
p. 9
· Adjectives to describe vehicles
· Natural disasters · Sustainable actions · Making plans
· Sporting events · Talking about past events
· People from history · Future plans
p. 10
p. 12
p. 14
p. 16
p. 18
VOCABULARY: Free time activities
READING GENRE: Web article GRAMMAR: Gerunds (-ing form)
CLIL: Physical Education (Active Lifestyles) GRAMMAR: Used to
COMMUNICATION: Collocations with do and make (I’m doing my homework, I can’t make a decision)
BONUS MAGAZINE: The History of Games!
p. 20
p. 22
p. 24
p. 26
p. 28
LESSON 1 VOCABULARY: Fantastic creatures
LESSON 2 READING GENRE: Blog post GRAMMAR: Past progressive (affirmative and negative)
LESSON 3 CLIL: Science (Sleep) GRAMMAR: Past progressive (questions)
COMMUNICATION: Bedtime idioms (I slept like a log. Time for a cat nap!)
p. 30
REVIEW 1 p. 32
unit p. 32
p. 42
On Vacation
p. 34
p. 36
p. 38
p. 40
READING GENRE: Biography GRAMMAR: Past progressive and simple past / Past progessive + when + simple past
CLIL: Social Studies (Career Watch: Firefighter) GRAMMAR: Adverbs of manner
COMMUNICATION: Expressions with well (well, as well (as, know full well, well-to-do)
p. 42
p. 44
p. 46
p. 48
p. 50
LESSON 1 VOCABULARY: Hotel staff and places
READING GENRE: Travel guide GRAMMAR: Zero conditional
CLIL: Geography (Travel Abroad) GRAMMAR: First conditional
COMMUNICATION: Giving bad news: (I’m sorry, unfortunately, I’m afraid, because of … )
BONUS MAGAZINE: The Great Big Souvenir Quiz!
p. 52
p. 54
p. 56
LESSON 1 unit
Wonderful World
p. 54
p. 64
p. 60
p. 62
READING GENRE: Online forum GRAMMAR: Second conditional
CLIL: History (Ancient Egypt) GRAMMAR: Might
COMMUNICATION: Conversation strategies (Could you speak more slowly, please? I´m sorry. I don’t understand. Could you repeat that, please?)
p. 64
p. 66
p. 68
p. 70
p. 72
New nces Experie
p. 58
VOCABULARY: Experiences
READING GENRE: Postcards GRAMMAR: Present perfect (affirmative and negative)
CLIL: Science (Marine Plastic) GRAMMAR: Present perfect (yes-no questions)
COMMUNICATION: · Talking about experiences · Showing surprise (Are you kidding? Whoa!)
BONUS MAGAZINE: What a Coincidence!
p. 74
REVIEW 3 p. 76
unit p. 76
p. 86
In the Kitchen
Music Magic
p. 102
p. 80
p. 82
p. 84
READING GENRE: Recipe GRAMMAR: Present perfect with already and yet
CLIL: History (Eating COMMUNICATION: Utensils) Describing food GRAMMAR: Present perfect with for and since
BONUS MAGAZINE: Shocking Sugar!
p. 86
p. 88
p. 90
p. 94
p. 78
VOCABULARY: Musical genres
LESSON 2 READING GENRE: Poster and text messages GRAMMAR: Tag questions
p. 92
LESSON 3 CLIL: Music (World Music) GRAMMAR: Relative clauses (who, which / that, where)
COMMUNICATION: Informal expressions (wanna, gonna, dunno)
BONUS MAGAZINE: An Awesome Orchestra!
p. 96
p. 98
p. 106
p. 110
p. 112
p. 144
Listen and practice.
People all over the world love stories. Some of these have fantastic creatures or animals in them. These creatures have the power to make us feel surprised, scared, or happy. They are different from humans and make the stories more interesting. Some stories are about ( 1 ) monsters with lots of hair and big teeth. They are usually scary, but sometimes cute and friendly. There are stories with small creatures in them. ( 2 )
, for example,
are very pretty. They live in the forest, have wings, and can fly. ( 3 ) are little people too. They come from Ireland and wear green clothes and big hats. They love gold! Most cultures also have stories about ( 4 )
. They
are much bigger than normal people. They often wear big boots and big belts. They are sometimes kind and gentle, but they can be scary. There are also stories about creatures that come from outer space. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial was a popular science fiction movie about an ( 5 )
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that lived with some American children.
14 mermaid
PRONUNCIATION /r/ • mermaid • doctor • bird • soccer • monster
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2. Read and write the words. 13 Then listen and check. 3. Write correct sentences. 1. Leprechauns are little people from France. Leprechauns are litt le people from Ireland.
2. Monsters are never cute and friendly.
3. Dragons are flying horses.
4. Fairies wear big boots and belts.
5. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial was a movie about a mermaid. Many stories are about interesting animal-like creatures. is a beautiful white horse with a horn on its
A (6) head.
are enormous lizards with wings and
6. Unicorns are horses with horns on their hats.
long tails. They live in caves and sometimes knights fight them. They can fly, and fire comes out of their mouths. ( 8 ) are half woman and half fish, and they live in the ocean. There’s a famous story about one that falls in love with a man. Our lives would be much more boring without these wonderful stories and the creatures in them. What stories do people in your country tell?
4. Write the name of some famous creatures
and the stories they are in. You can write the names of books or movies.
The Hobbit WORKBOOK, 116
1. Look at the sentence. Then read the examples in the Grammar box. PAST PROGRESSIVE AFFIRMATIVE
Suddenly, a big monster was standing in front of me!
I was doing my homework.
I wasn’t sleeping.
You / We / They were making models.
You / We / They weren’t sewing.
He / She / It was running.
He / She / It wasn’t walking.
2. Circle the correct options. 1. We was / were watching a movie about leprechauns last night. 2. Elena wasn’t / weren’t listening to the podcast about fairies. 3. Amanda and Betina was / were having fun at the party. 4. You wasn’t / weren’t studying yesterday. 5. Richard wasn’t / weren’t waiting for you. 6. I was / were riding in the car.
3. Complete the description of a scene from a movie with the past progressive of the verbs in the box.
not move
not play
I saw a great movie last night. My favorite part was the first scene. A family (1) and they (2)
to the radio. The DJ (3)
was driving
about aliens on Earth. Suddenly,
the car (4)
anymore. It was broken. The radio (5)
Aliens (6)
down the highway towards the car, attacking the planet Earth!
in a car,
anymore. It was quiet.
2 4. Match the pictures to the definitions. 2
nightmare: a scary or unpleasant dream
dream: a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person’s mind during sleep
5. Read the blog post.
Lucid Dreaming
By Isaac Turner
Do you sometimes have scary dreams? Scary dreams are called “nightmares,” and I used to have the same nightmare all the time: It was in the evening, and I was walking down a street in my neighborhood. I was coming home from a friend’s house and I was carrying my backpack on my back. Suddenly, a big monster was standing in front of me. He was trying to get me! I was running away, and I was screaming. The monster was coming after me … That’s all I remember. I didn’t like the nightmare so decided to do some research on something called “lucid dreaming.” What is lucid dreaming? Lucid dreaming is knowing that you’re dreaming at the same time you’re having the dream. And sometimes you can change what happens in a dream. It’s complicated to explain, but you can create habits that will help you know when you’re dreaming. After some time, during a dream, you can think, “This is a dream. This is not real.” With that, you can change the dream. I had the nightmare again last night, and an incredible thing happened. I was walking down the street again. Again, the big monster was standing in front of me. He was trying to get me! But this time, I said to myself, “This is a dream. Change it.” Now I wasn’t running away. I was walking around the monster. When I looked behind me, the monster was gone. Lucid dreaming takes a lot of practice, but you can change your dreams – and especially your nightmares!
6. Write T (true) or F (false). 1. This was the first time Isaac had the nightmare.
2. In the nightmare, he was walking down the street. 3. There was a scary dragon in his nightmare. 4. Lucid dreaming is knowing that you are having a dream while you’re having it. 5. Isaac wanted to change his nightmare. 6. Nightmares are still a problem for Isaac.
7. Talk to your classmates about your dreams or nightmares. I had a great dream last night. I was a bird, and I was flying over a high mountain.
L I L C 1.
Listen and practice. Then read the examples in the Grammar box.
wake up
take a nap
PAST PROGRESSIVE (QUESTIONS) Were you / we / they sleeping?
Yes, you / we / they were. No, you / we / they weren’t.
Was I / he / she / it daydreaming?
Yes, I / he / she / it was. No, I / he / she / it wasn’t.
What were you / we / they doing?
You / We / They were taking a nap.
What was I / he /she/ it doing?
I / He / She / It was dreaming.
2. Complete the questions and answers.
1 What It
was it
was hibernating
4 What
he Yes,
? .
Getting enough sleep is very important. Adults need to sleep for at least seven hours a night. School-age children should sleep for nine to eleven hours every night. Sleep is important for children because it helps their bodies to grow. Younger children need to sleep for even longer.
5-6 7-8
When we sleep, we relax, and our cells get new energy. We also grow new muscles while we are sleeping. After a good night’s sleep, we wake up fresh and relaxed. Even taking a short afternoon nap can make us feel much better. During sleep, our breathing slows down and our heart rate becomes steady. Scientists did experiments and discovered that people were dreaming for about 25 percent of the night. While they were dreaming, their brains were active and their eyes were moving. However, they forgot 95 percent of their dreams when they woke up.
OLDER ADULT ≥65 years
ADULT 26-64 years
7-9 10-11
YOUNG ADULT 18-25 years
7 8-10 11
TEENAGER 14-17 years
7-8 9-11 8-9
If we don’t get enough sleep, it’s not good for us. Sleeping helps us to stay healthy, and it helps our bodies to fight illnesses. People talk about “beauty sleep” because if we get enough sleep, we look healthy and well. Sleeping helps us to learn things and remember things. That’s important if you are studying for a test. Before you go to sleep, it’s important to relax. It’s not a good idea to play video games, use cell phones, or watch TV before going to sleep because that stimulates the brain. When the brain is overstimulated, it’s more difficult to sleep well.
SCHOOL AGE 6-13 years
PRESCHOOL 3-5 years
11-14 12-15
15-16 16-18
TODDLER 1-2 years INFANT 4-11 months
NEWBORN 14-17 0-3 11-13 18-19 months Recommended range May be appropriate Not recommended
4. Complete the following sentences. breathing
heart rate
brain cells
1. These get new energy when we sleep: 2. This is the number of times our hearts beat per minute: 3. This is the process of taking air into and out of our bodies:
4. This part of the body is in our heads and it controls everything we do: 5. We want these to be strong and flexible because they help us to move:
5. Write T (true) or F (false). Then correct the false sentences. 1. Adults should sleep for five hours every night.
Adults should sleep for seven hours every night.
2. Children need to sleep for longer than adults. 3. Naps make us feel worse. 4. We dream for about 75 percent of the night. WORKBOOK, 118
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3. Read and listen. 16
Listen and read.
Bedtime English! By John Sanchez, English teacher
I love teaching English, but more than that, I love sleeping. Last night, as I was lying in bed ready to nod off, I thought about the interesting expressions in the English language for going to bed and sleeping. For example, I like the expression “catch some Zs.” It means sleep and comes from cartoons where people have the letter Z above their heads to show that they’re sleeping. If you’re sleeping, you’re catching Zs. I love that. Here are two more expressions for sleep. People used to sleep on top of bags – or sacks. They had hay, a kind of dry grass that horses eat, in them. When you’re tired and want to go to bed, you can say, “I’m going to hit the sack,” or “I’m going to hit the hay.” They’re both very common expressions in English. Sometimes you’re really tired and you “sleep like a log.” That means you sleep a lot and don’t wake up easily. You really sleep! Someone can ask you in the morning: “How did you sleep?”, and you can answer, “I slept like a log.” Say it! You’ll sound American. When I was a kid, my parents used to say something strange when I went to bed: “Sleep tight, and don’t let the bedbugs bite.” Lots of people say this, but what does it mean? Sleep tight means to sleep well. Bedbugs are insects that used to live in beds but are less common now. Bedbugs like to bite people, so people still say, “Sleep tight, and don’t let the bedbugs bite.” Don’t be afraid to use these new expressions – and don’t let the bedbugs bite!
2. Listen to the radio interview. Then use the words in the box to write the expression under each picture. nap
“I’m going to
take a cat nap
3. Listen and practice. 19 I really need to catch some Zs. I’m going to hit the sack.
“I’m going to
I need to hit the hay.
Time for a cat nap!
Sleep tight, and don’t let the bedbugs bite. I slept like a log.
I’m going to get forty winks.
4.Read. Then write a short paragraph using some expressions from Activity 3.
I was really tired last night because I was studying for a test. I hit the hay at 10 p.m. and slept like a log!
5. Tell a classmate about your story from Activity 4. I was studying for a test last night, so I was really tired.
What time did you go to sleep?
I hit the hay at 10 p.m. WORKBOOK, 119
e n i z s a u g bonMa 1.
Answer the questions. Then talk to your classmate. 1. Do you enjoy festivals? 2. What festivals are there where you live?
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2. Read an article about different festivals throughout the year around the world.
There are festivals, carnivals, and parades in countries all over the world. People get together to celebrate and have a good time. Many festivals have music and dancing. Many have art and theater. Some festivals have a parade that goes through the streets with giant floats. Here are some of the biggest and best festivals going on around the world during the year.
Harbin Ice and Snow Festival: China
February Carnaval in Rio de Janeiro: Brazil
This festival has enormous sculptures made from ice and snow.
St. Patrick’s Day: Ireland
This is the biggest and most colorful festival in the world. Two million people come out onto the streets every day.
Irish people wear green clothes on this day and celebrate their patron saint. You can see a lot of leprechauns!
Cooper’s Hill Cheese Rolling: UK
This festival is a giant water fight. Prepare to get wet!
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Songkran Water Festival: Thailand
People try to catch a big piece of cheese rolling down a hill. This festival has a 200-year history.
White Nights Festival: Russia
There are concerts, fireworks, and a pirate battle at this festival.
Panafest: Ghana
September August
Regata Storica: Italy
La Tomatina: Spain
This is a celebration of African culture, fashion, art, theater, and music.
October Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta: USA
At this festival, you can see over 750 hot-air balloons flying at the same time.
People throw tomatoes at each other. It’s fun and very messy!
November Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade: USA
This parade takes place on the streets of New York every year.
This festival in Venice features the famous gondola boats.
December Festival of the Sahara: Tunisia
This festival celebrates the nomadic people and culture of the Sahara Desert. You can see lots of camels there.
3. Which of these twelve festivals would you like to go to? Talk to your classmates. UNIT 2