Dragon Boat
Dragon Boat
Hannah Fish
© 2016 – StandFor
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Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP) (Câmara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brasil)
Fish, Hannah
Dragon boat : standfor young readers level 5 / Hannah Fish ; illustrated by Ulisses Figueiredo. -1. ed. -- São Paulo : FTD, 2016.
ISBN 978-85-96-00506-7 (aluno)
ISBN 978-85-96-00721-4 (professor)
1. Literatura infantojuvenil I. Figueiredo, Ulisses. II. Título.
Índices para catálogo sistemático:
1. Literatura infantil 028.5
2. Literatura infantojuvenil 028.5 16-05469 CDD-028.5
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China countries boat dragon
This is a dragon boat . At the front of the boat there is a beautiful dragon head.
Dragon boats are from China , but they are popular in many other countries
1 There is a brother and sister in this story. Match their names to the pictures.
What an amazing beach!
looks out the hotel room window, and then turns and smiles at his sister Ella.
“ I ’ m so happy ’ re here in New Zealand with Mom. ”
Ella smiles back. she says. we mom is working in New Zealand, and they ” says Joe. He “ I know! ”
Ella and Joe are from Canada. Their are having a vacation.
“ Let ’ s go to the beach, ” says Joe.
“ We can swim and watch the sun go down. ”
Ella and Joe walk on the beach. It is beautiful, and very long. Many other people are on the beach, too. Some people are in the water, and some are playing games on the sand. says Joe as he looks Oh, and look at that cool dragon boat on the water over there.
“ Oh, yes, ” says Ella.
I love the golden “ I love warm evenings! ” at the ocean. “ ”
“ It ’ s beautiful, and color of the head! ”
Joe laughs.
Next morning, Ella and Joe get up early. Mom is at work.
“ Mom is always working, ” Joe says. “ She needs a vacation! ”
“ It ’ s a sunny day, ” says Ella. “ Let ’ s go back to the beach. ”
Later on the beach, Ella sees a strange man in a dark hat. She watches him, and sees him go into a cave.
“ Joe, ” she says, “ Look at that cave.
A man is in there! Let ’ s go and take a look. ”
“ You go, ” Joe says. “ I ’ m tired. I ’ ll wait here for you. ”
Ella goes to the cave and looks in. It is very dark, and very long. Ella can see the man, but he is far from her. Ella wants to follow him, but she feels scared without Joe.
A loud noise comes out of the cave and Ella jumps. She quickly runs back to find Joe on the beach.
That evening, Joe, Ella, and Mom go to a pizza restaurant. They sit at a table near the window. Suddenly two men come into the restaurant. One man is talking angrily to the other.
“That’s the man from the beach,” says Ella quietly. “The one in the dark hat. He’s the man from the cave.”
“Oh yes,” Joe says. “Well, he’s very angry now. The other man looks scared!”
The man with the hat is shouting now, and his face is red. He kicks a chair and it falls and makes a loud noise.
“What is wrong with him?” asks Ella.
“I don’t know,” Mom says, “but I don’t like him.”
Next day the sun is hot. It ’ s a beautiful morning.
“ Let ’ s go swim in the ocean, ” Joe says.
At the beach, Ella sees the dragon boat again.
“ Hey look! ” she says to Joe. “ It ’ s the same dragon boat, but now the dragon ’ s head is blue! ”
“ That ’ s strange, ” says Joe. “ Why is it blue? ”
“ Where is the golden one? ” they say at the same time. Then they see the man in the dark hat. He gets off the dragon boat and walks up the beach.
“ He ’ s going to the cave again, ” Ella says. “ Let ’ s follow him. ”
Ella is excited now, but Joe is scared.
The man goes into the cave. Ella and Joe are behind him. They walk quietly into the cave, and it suddenly gets dark. They can see the man in front of them, but he is walking quickly now.
“ This cave is very long, ” says Ella, “ and very dark. ”
“ Let ’ s go back, ” Joe says. “ I don ’ t like this. ”
“ No, wait! ” says Ella. “ There is something strange about that man, and I want to find out what he is doing! ”
The man is far in front of them now. Suddenly he stops.
Ella and Joe are very quiet, and they move slowly and quietly.
Ella feels scared for the first time. As they get nearer, the cave gets very big.
Suddenly they see two more men. The man in the dark hat is talking to one of them.
“That’s the other man from the restaurant,” Ella says quietly to Joe.
This man has a bag. He gives the bag to the man in the dark hat.
Ella and Joe move slowly and very quietly. The man in the dark hat opens the bag and looks inside. Ella and Joe can’ t see into the bag, but the man in the dark hat smiles.
Ella and Joe are near the three men now.
“ What are they doing? ” Joe asks quietly.
“ I don ’ t know, ” Ella answers. “ But can you see the dragon heads over there? They ’ re from the boat on the beach. ”
“ Yes, look! ” Joe says, “ There ’ s the golden one! ”
“ What is in that bag? ” says Joe.
“ I don ’ t know, ” Ella says. “ But I can find out! ”
“ It looks like jewelry! ” excitedly. “
Ella moves nearer. The man in the dark hat puts the bag on the sand and Ella can see into it. she says A lot of it! ”
As Ella moves, her foot hits a rock. The rock moves and makes a noise, and the man in the dark hat turns. What is that? ” he says.
Ella stops. She doesn he “ and he can ’ them. He is running now, too.
Ella stops. She doesn ’ t move. It is dark where she is. Can he see her?
Suddenly the man starts to shout. Now he can see her!
Quick, run! ” Ella says to Joe, and she starts to move.
Joe stands up quickly. It is dark t see very well, but he starts to run. The man follows them.
The man in the dark hat shouts angrily as he runs.
“ Hey, you two! Stop! Come back! ”
Ella and Joe are scared. They are running fast now, but the cave is very long.
Suddenly Joe falls.
“ Quick, Joe, ” Ella shouts. “ Get up. He ’ s coming! ”
Joe starts to get up, but his feet are sliding on the sand. The man is very near them now.
“ I can see the beach, ” shouts Ella. “ We ’ re nearly there. ”
But as Joe gets up, the man in the dark hat grabs his arm. Joe shouts to Ella, and Ella turns.
Oh no! ”
Ella shouts and runs back to Joe.
the rock, and his
The man in the dark hat has Joe ’ and is shouting at him, “ coming with me! ” The man ’ is red and he is very angry. Ella doesn ’ t stop to think. She picks up a rock and runs at the man. She hits him on the head with hat falls onto the sand.
s arm
You two are
s face
The man shouts and grabs his head. He lets go of Joe, and Ella quickly takes Joe ’ s arm. They run out of the cave as fast as they can.
“ Quick. Let ’ s go back to the hotel, ” Joe says. “ We are safe there, and we can find Mom. ”
Let ’ s go, ” says Ella quietly.
The beach is long, and Joe and very scared now.
Ella looks back. The man in the dark hat is coming out of the cave. t know what he a nice man.
“ I don ’ t know what he ’ s doing, but he ’ s not ”
Ella are running quickly. They can see the hotel in front of them. Ella smiles.
“ I feel safe now, ” she says as they walk into the hotel. But the man in the dark hat is behind them. They can ’ t see him, but he is following them. He watches them. Then he walks into the hotel, too.
In their hotel room, Ella and Joe sit on the bed. Joe is white.
“ I ’ m scared, ” says Ella. “ What are we going to do? Where ’ s Mom? ”
“ I don ’ t know, ” Joe answers. “ But we ’ re safe here. The man in the dark hat doesn ’ t know our hotel. ”
“ Yes, you ’ re right, ” Ella says. “ Let ’ s just forget about it. ”
She smiles at Joe. Joe smiles back, but
When Joe comes down the stairs, he gets a bad surprise. He sees the man in the dark hat. He is in the hotel!
Joe hides behind a plant so the man can ’ t see him. The man is talking quietly to a hotel worker. She is smiling, but the man looks angry. He gives
Dragon Boat
Joe and Ella are on vacation in New Zealand when they see a dragon boat on the beach. At first it is just a beautiful dragon boat, but then its head changes color. Why does the color change… and what are those men doing in that dark cave at the end of the beach?
StandFor Young Readers introduce young learners to the magic of reading in English. Carefully graded by level, the series includes traditional and modern stories, and informative, factual titles.
Level 1 | 125
Level 2 | 240
Level 3 | 390
Level 4 | 540
Level 5 | 680