Let’s Go To The Cit y Do you live in a city? Is it a big city, or a small one? Is it by the ocean or on a river?
a v a il
Nicole Irving
l e o n li
This book shows us cities all over the world, from North to South and from East to West. Some are cities that we see every day, but some are more surprising…
Let’s Go To The Cit y
StandFor Young Readers introduce young learners to the magic of reading in English. Carefully graded by level, the series includes traditional and modern stories, and informative, factual titles. Level 1 | 125 Headwords Level 2 | 240 Headwords www.standfor.com.br
Level 4 | 540 Headwords Level 5 | 680 Headwords
Level 3 | 390 Headwords ISBN 978-85-96-00510-4
CLIL Content and Language Integrated Learning
young readers
9/15/16 6:18 PM
Let ’ s Go to the City!
Nicole Irving
young readers
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Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP) (Câmara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brasil) Irving, Nicole Let’s go to the city : standfor young readers level 5 / Nicole Irving. -- 1. ed. -- São Paulo : FTD, 2016.
ISBN 978-85-96-00510-4 (aluno) ISBN 978-85-96-00715-3 (professor) 1. Literatura infantojuvenil I. Título.
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Write Yes or No.
1. A big city has many neighborhoods. 2. Every city has a beach. 3. Every big city has houses and apartment blocks. 4. Every city has a carnival. 5. Everybody lives in a big city. 6. Everybody wants to live in a big city.
Answer the questions. Write Yes or No. 1. Do you live in a city? 2. Do you like cities? 3. Look at the photograph on the cover of this book.
What can you see?
Use the cities in the box to complete the sentences. Cape Town Istanbul New York Paris Rome SĂŁo Paulo Sydney Tokyo 1.
is the biggest city in France.
2. When I go to Japan I like to visit 3. 4.
is a big city in the U.S. is the only big city in two continents – Europe and Asia.
5. The biggest city in South America is
is a beautiful city in South Africa.
is famous for its beaches and surfing.
is a very old city in Italy: a lot of tourists go there.
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What is a City?
Let’s go visit cities... In a city, many people can live. Men and women can work, and children can go to school. People can have many friends and they can have fun. A city is many homes and work places. It is streets, neighborhoods, malls, and stores. Cities have parks, museums, and many places for leisure. It’s a new day and it’s the morning rush-hour. The streets are busy. People are traveling to work. They wait at the bus stop or drive their cars. Children are walking to school. “Watch out!” says a police officer. “Don’t cross the street here. It’s not safe.”
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“Excuse me! Where can I get tourist information?” asks a tourist. What a busy place a city is! Millions of people live here, and many people visit. Tourists come to see famous monuments and interesting places. They like to visit the city center and the malls and parks. They like to sit down in cafés and restaurants, and they take a room in a hotel – it’s a great vacation! Their money helps the city, and they make work for everybody. For all these people, the city needs to be clean and safe, and it needs food, water, and good transportation!
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Where are Cities?
Cities are in many places – often they are next to a big river. They need food, water, and many other things, and the river can carry these to the city. Boats can come and go on the river, and the river carries water to the city. People and things can travel on and across the river. The river is in a valley. Cities need roads and a valley can have good roads. Valleys are good for railroads, too, and trains can travel along the valley to the city. Kinshasa is on a big river in Africa – the Congo. Boats carry many things to Kinshasa.
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Big cities are not usually in the mountains, but look at this city! People can’t make many tall tower blocks here, and it’s often cold! The city of La Paz, in Bolivia, has big mountains next to it and it’s higher than all other cities in the world. Look! Can you see the snowy mountains behind the city? Water comes from the mountains, trucks carry many things up to La Paz, and people make things in the city’s factories. And there are many famous, beautiful places to visit. Do you want to visit La Paz? There are big roads and an airport.
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