Readers littleredridinghood

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Little Red Riding Hood

young readers TEACHER’S BOOK

Little Red Riding Hood

retold by Nick Bullard

3 young readers TEACHER’S BOOK

© 2016 – StandFor

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Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP) (Câmara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brasil)

Bullard, Nick

Little Red Riding Hood : standfor young readers, level 3 / Nick Bullard ; illustrated by Giz de Cera, Tel Coelho. -- 1. ed. -- São Paulo : FTD, 2016.

ISBN 978-85-96-00430-5 (aluno)

ISBN 978-85-96-00713-9 (professor)

1. Literatura infantojuvenil I. Cera, Giz de. II. Coelho, Tel. III. Título.

16-04252 CDD-028.5

Índices para catálogo sistemático:

1. Literatura infantil 028.5

2. Literatura infantojuvenil 028.5

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What do you know about Little Red Riding Hood?

Match the words to the pictures.

1. Grandma

2. Little Red Riding Hood

3. Mom

4. The wolf

Check the words to finish the sentences.

1. Little Red Riding Hood lives in a...

a. tree.

2. The wolf lives in a…

a. forest. 

b. house. 

b. garden.

3. Little Red Riding Hood has a little…

a. grandson.

4. The wolf is…

a. happy.

b. brother. 

b. hungry. 

1 2

Little Red Riding Hood lives in a nice house with a beautiful garden. She lives with her mother and father and her little brother. She loves her mother and father and little brother, and she loves her house.

Little Red Riding Hood ’ s house is near a big forest. The forest is dangerous. A wolf lives in it.

Little Red Riding Hood ’ s grandma lives in a little house in the forest.

“ Little Red Riding Hood, ” says her mom one day.

“ Grandma is sick. Please can you go and see her? And take her a basket of nice food. ”

“ Of course, ”

says Little Red Riding Hood.

Take her a basket of nice food.

Little Red Riding Hood packs some food in her basket. She packs some bread, some apples, some cheese, some juice, some chicken, and a big fish. Grandma loves fish.

Little Red Riding Hood puts on her coat. It ’ s a beautiful coat with a red hood.

“ I ’ m ready, Mom! ” she says.

’ m ready, Mom!

Be careful, Little Red Riding

“ There ’ and he ’ and don ’ and the trees. ”

OK, Mom, ” Riding Hood.

“ Goodbye, ”

s a wolf in the forest s dangerous. He wants to eat you. Walk on the path, t go into the trees and pick flowers. The wolf hides in says Little Red says her mom. says Little Hood, ” says her mom.

“ Goodbye, Mom ” Red Riding Hood.

Be careful, Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood walks through the forest. The sun is shining and the birds are singing. The flowers under the trees are beautiful, but she stays on the path. The wolf is behind a tree. He is watching Little Red Riding Hood. m hungry, says the wolf.

“ I ’ ” “

But I can ’

That little girl looks good to eat. t eat her on the path.

I ’ m hungry.

I ’ m going to see my grandma.

“ Hello, Little Red Riding Hood, ” says the wolf. Come into the forest. There are beautiful flowers. You can pick them.

No, ” says Little Red Riding Hood. ” asks the wolf.

“ She ’ s sick. I ’ ”

“ No, “ Where are you going, Little Red Riding Hood?

“ I ’ m going to see my grandma, says Little Red Riding Hood. m taking her some food in my basket. ”


I can go to her grandma ’ s house. wolf. “

I can go to her grandma ’ s house, ” thinks the I can put her grandma in the closet. And I can eat Little Red Riding Hood and her basket of food. ” He runs to Grandma ’ s house. The door isn ’ t locked and grandma is in bed. The wolf goes upstairs. He pulls Grandma out of bed and pushes her in the closet.


“ I want Little Red Riding Hood to think that I ’ m her grandma, ” thinks the wolf. The wolf puts on some of Grandma ’ s clothes. He puts on a nightdress and a nightcap. Then he gets into bed. He is very hungry.

Little Red Riding Hood gets to her grandma ’ s house. She knocks on the door. It isn ’ t locked. She goes upstairs to her grandma ’ s bedroom. She knocks on the bedroom door.

“ Good afternoon, Grandma, says Little Red Riding Hood.

“ Good afternoon, Little Red Riding Hood, “ Come in. ”

” says the wolf.

Good afternoon, Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood goes into her grandma ’ s bedroom.

“ What ’ s the matter, Grandma? ” asks Little Red Riding

“ I ’

Your voice is very deep!

m very sick, Little Red Riding “

Your voice is very deep!

to see you. Come here! What But Little Red Riding Hood t go near the bed. Hood. “ ”

Hood, ” says the wolf. I ’ m happy ’ s in your basket? ” doesn ’


The wolf is looking at Little Red Riding Hood.

“What’s the matter with your eyes, Grandma?” asks Little Red Riding Hood. “They’re very big and they’re red.”

“ I ’ m very sick, ” says the wolf. “ Come here, and let me see your basket. ”

But Little Red Riding Hood doesn ’ t go near the bed.

Little Red Riding Hood is looking at the wolf. She is worried.

“ Your ears are very big, Grandma, ” she says. “ And your teeth are very long. ”

“ I know, ” says the wolf. “ But I ’ m just your old grandma. ”

But Little Red Riding Hood doesn ’ t go near the bed. She is a little scared.

Your teeth are very long.

What ’ s the matter with your eyes, Grandma?

“ Your mouth is very big, ” says Little Red Riding Hood. “ You aren ’ t my grandma! ”

“ No, I ’ m not! ” says the wolf. He jumps out of bed.

“I’m going to eat your food. And I’m going to eat you!”

Little Red Riding Hood is very scared. But she doesn ’ t run away.

I ’ m going to eat you!

The wolf runs at Little Red Riding Hood. Little Red Riding Hood looks in her basket. The fish is very big. She picks up the fish and hits the wolf on the head.

“ Ouch! ” says the wolf.

Then she hits him again. And again.

The wolf is scared now. He opens the bedroom door and runs away.

Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood’s grandma lives in a little house in the forest. Grandma is sick, so Little Red Riding Hood goes to visit her. But there is a wolf in the forest and he wants to eat Little Red Riding Hood. Is a little girl smarter than a wolf?

StandFor Young Readers introduce young learners to the magic of reading in English. Carefully graded by level, the series includes traditional and modern stories, and informative, factual titles.

Level 1 | 125


Level 2 | 240

Level 3 | 390

Level 4 | 540

Level 5 | 680





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