Sorrel Pitts
a v a il
l e o nl
Danny is a lonely boy, and his only friend is Anna, the family’s Irish au pair. Then one day Danny finds a dog at the top of the cliff. Her name is Nuala and she follows him home. Danny has to make some difficult decisions, but Nuala helps him in the end.
StandFor Young Readers introduce young learners to the magic of reading in English. Carefully graded by level, the series includes traditional and modern stories, and informative, factual titles. Level 1 | 125 Headwords Level 2 | 240 Headwords
Level 4 | 540 Headwords Level 5 | 680 Headwords
Level 3 | 390 Headwords ISBN 978-85-96-00512-8
young readers
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Sorrel Pitts
young readers
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© 2016 – StandFor Editorial Director Lauri Cericato Editorial Manager Cayube Galas Editorial Coordinator Ana Carolina Costa Lopes Series Editor Nick Bullard Editorial Assistant Nathalia Thomaz Production Manager Mariana Milani Production Coordinator Marcelo Henrique Ferreira Fontes Proofreader Nicole Irving Art Manager Ricardo Borges Art Coordinator Daniela Di Creddo Máximo Design Yan Comunicação Cover Design Yan Comunicação Art Supervisor Patrícia De Michelis Art Editors/Layout Yan Comunicação, Lidiani Minoda Illustrations Coordinator Marcia Berne Illustrations Raphael Berthoud Operations Director and Reginaldo Soares Damasceno Print Production Manager
Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP) (Câmara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brasil) Pitts, Sorrel Nuala : standfor young readers, level 5 / Sorrel Pitts ; illustrated by Raphael Berthoud. -1. ed. -- São Paulo : FTD, 2016.
ISBN 978-85-96-00512-8 (aluno) ISBN 978-85-96-00711-5 (professor) 1. Literatura infantojuvenil I. Berthoud, Raphael. II. Título. 16-05495 CDD-028.5
Índices para catálogo sistemático: 1. Literatura infantil 028.5 2. Literatura infantojuvenil 028.5
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My name is Danny Cooper and I’m eleven years old. It’s the summer vacation now, and I’m at home in my parents’ big house in Maine. But in the semester I stay at a big school near Boston. I don’t like it there very much because the boys say bad things about me. They say I’m stupid, and I don’t have any friends. My mother is a lawyer and my father is a doctor. They are always working and I don’t see them very much. Most of the time when I’m home I play computer games in my bedroom, or watch TV.
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You must understand. I know that my parents love me, but they have very important jobs. Dad is often in the hospital all night and Mom sometimes travels to other cities or countries. The problem is, because I stay in Boston a lot of the time, I don’t have friends here in Maine. I’m very sad about this because it’s beautiful here – my parents’ house is large and it’s next to some high cliffs and a long white beach. I want to play on the beach and climb the cliffs, but I don’t have any friends to play or climb with. I am very lonely.
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There is one good thing in my life. Her name is Anna and she’s our au pair – she helps my mother with jobs around the house and looks after me in the vacations. Anna is from Ireland, and she often tells me funny stories about her family there. She has six sisters and two brothers, and she talks to them every day on the Internet. Anna loves her Irish family, but she also loves living in America. Anna doesn’t like me watching TV and playing computer games all the time. She thinks it’s not healthy. “It’s a beautiful day, Danny,” she says one Saturday afternoon. “Don’t play games. Go for a walk.”
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“OK,” I say. I get up and go outside. I walk across the road and stand on the cliff. It is sunny, and I can hear the sea below. There is the sound of a car stopping behind me on the road, then a man shouts, “We don’t want you, you stupid dog!” I turn to see a blue car. A man and woman sit in it with angry faces. The man opens his door and the next moment a black dog falls on the road. Then the man drives away. The dog looks at me with sad eyes and whines. I turn and walk towards the house. Then I look back again. She is limping behind me. “No,” I say. “I can’t take you with me.” I start walking away again. I get to the house then turn – and she is there again.
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