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Northcott, Richard
The emperor's new clothes / retold by Richard Northcott ; illustrated by Sopa Art Br. -- 1. ed. -São Paulo : FTD, 2016.
ISBN 978-85-96-00507-4 (aluno)
ISBN 978-85-96-00720-7 (professor)
1. Literatura infantojuvenil I. Sopa Art Br. II. Título.
Índices para catálogo sistemático:
1. Literatura infantil 028.5
2. Literatura infantojuvenil 028.5
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Match the words with the pictures.
a. skirt
b. pants
c. shoes
d. shorts
e. hat
f. sweater
What are you wearing today? Finish the sentence.
1. I’m wearing Personal answer.
It ’ s nine o ’ clock. The emperor is putting on his clothes.
“ Give me my blue coat, ” says the emperor. “ No! Give me my red coat. I want my red coat today. ”
The emperor loves clothes. He has forty coats and fifty hats. He has ten closets for his pants and twenty closets for his shoes.
Two men come to the city. People ask them:
“ Who are you? What ’ s your occupation? ”
“ We are weavers, ” say the men.
“ We can make magic clothes. ”
“ What are magic clothes? ” the people ask.
“ Smart people can see magic clothes, ” say the men. “ But stupid people can ’ t see them. ”
The two weavers are bad men.
Soon the two weavers have a house in the center of the city. They work day and night.
In the emperor ’ s palace, everybody is talking about the magic clothes.
“ I want some of those magic clothes, ” says the emperor.
“ Smart people can see magic clothes, they say, “ but stupid people can ’ t see them.
making new clothes for the emperor –magic clothes. One day, the emperor thinks: “ I want to go and see the magic clothes. But I can ’ t go today. I ’ m tired. ”
He talks to his old uncle.
my new clothes, ”
Go to the weavers and check on says the emperor.
The uncle goes to the weavers ’ house.
“May I see the emperor’ s new clothes, please? ” he says.
“ Yes. Please come in. We are happy to show you. ”
The two bad men show the uncle their work.
“ These are the magic threads, ” says one man.
“ And this is the emperor ’ s shirt, ” says the other man.
“ It ’ s beautiful, isn ’ t it? ”
The uncle has a problem. He can ’ t see the threads and he can ’ t see the shirt.
And here are the emperor ’ s pants, ” says one man again. “ Do you like them? ”
Yes, I do, says the uncle. “ They ’ re beautiful. ”
“ pants, “ ” They ’ s ” “ ”
The weavers are happy. “ You can see the emperor new clothes, they say. “ You ’ re a very smart man.
“ Please tell the emperor about the beautiful clothes, ” say the two men.
“ Yes, yes. No problem, ” says the uncle. Then he goes back to the palace.
“ Tell me about my new clothes, ” says the emperor.
“ Are they beautiful? ”
Oh, yes! ” says the uncle.
“ They ’ re very beautiful. ”
Now the emperor is excited. He can ’ t sleep that night. The next day he tells his cousin: “ Go and check on my new clothes. ” The cousin goes to the weavers ’ house. Again, they say: “ Look at the magic clothes. ”
“ They ’ re beautiful! ” says the cousin. But he thinks: “ I can ’ t see anything. ”
The next day the emperor says to all his friends:
“ Let ’ s go and see my new clothes. I can ’ t wait. ”
They go the weavers ’ house.
“ Please come in, sir, ” say the weavers.
“ We are happy to show you your beautiful clothes… Look! Here ’ s your shirt and here ’ s your coat. And here ’ s your beautiful hat, ” say the weavers.
“ The clothes are beautiful, ” says the emperor. “ I am very happy. ”
But really the emperor is worried. “ I can ’ t see the magic clothes, ” he thinks. “ Am I stupid? ”
“ Do you like the clothes, sir? ” ask the emperor ’ s friends.
Yes, I do, ” says the emperor. He tells the weavers: “ You are very good weavers. ”
Now everybody in the city is talking about the emperor ’ s beautiful new clothes.
That night the weavers put candles in their window. One man asks: “ Are the weavers working all night? ”
“ Yes, ” says a woman. “ Tomorrow is a big day. It ’ s the procession. ”
The next day at nine o ’ clock, the emperor says: “ I want my new clothes. ”
Soon the two weavers are walking to the palace with big boxes.
In the street, people ask: “ What ’ s in those boxes? ”
“ The emperor ’ s new clothes, ” say other people. “ He wants them for the procession. ” Everybody is excited.
s friends are looking at him. The weavers are looking at him, too. Everybody ’
clock the emperor is putting on his clothes.
The emperor ’ is happy.
“ Your clothes are beautiful, sir, ” say the friends.
The emperor thinks: “ I can ’ t see the clothes, but my friends can see them. My friends are smart, and I ’ m stupid. But I ’ m not worried. I can pretend. ”
“ Yes! ” say the friends.
“ What color is it? ” the emperor.
Do you like the color of my asks the emperor. asks
“ Red, ” says one friend.
“ Blue, ” says another friend.
“ Green, ” says another friend.
“ What? ” says the emperor. “ Is it red, blue, or green? ”
He is angry. The friends are worried. coat? ”
“ The coat is many beautiful colors, ” says the emperor ’ s uncle. Everybody claps.
Two men come to live in the city. They tell everybody that
The Emperor hears about the men and their clothes. He wants
The Emperor hears about the men and their clothes. He wants some clothes and they are happy to make them for him. But there is something very special about these clothes.
StandFor Young Readers introduce young learners to the magic of reading in English. Carefully graded by level, the series includes traditional and modern stories, and informative, factual titles.
Level 1 | 125 Headwords
Level 2 | 240 Headwords
Level 3 | 390 Headwords
Level 4 | 540 Headwords
Level 5 | 680 Headwords