Readers thestoriesofkingarthur

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The Stories of King Arthur

young readers TEACHER’S BOOK

The Stories of King Arthur

5 young readers
Rob Sved

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Sved, Rob

The stories of king Arthur : standfor young readers level 5 / retold by Rob Sved ; illustrated by Weberson Santiago. -- 1. ed. -- São Paulo : FTD, 2016.

ISBN 978-85-96-00502-9 (aluno)

ISBN 978-85-96-00716-0 (professor)

1. Literatura infantojuvenil I. Santiago, Weberson. II. Título.



Índices para catálogo sistemático:

1. Literatura infantil 028.5

2. Literatura infantojuvenil 028.5

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King Arthur is an English King from 1500 years ago. He is famous for the stories about his Knights of the Round Table. Can you match the names with the pictures?

1. King Uther, Arthur’s father 2. Merlin, a wizard 3. King Arthur 4. Queen Guinevere 5. Morgan Le Fay
1 3
6. The Lady of the Lake

The Sword in the Stone

King Uther is the king of England. He is a brave and smart king, and England is a peaceful place. Uther lives in a big castle with his queen, Igraine, and many servants.

Uther and Igraine don He wants a son to be king of England after him. But many years pass and Uther and Igraine t have a child. ’ t have children. still don ’


One day there is good news. Queen Igraine has a baby son. Uther is happy. An old wizard lives in the castle. His name is Merlin and he is a good friend of the king.

Uther shows his son to Merlin. “ Look, Merlin! One day this child can be the king of England, ” he says.

Merlin looks at the baby and says to the king, “ Uther, this country is not safe. We need to hide your son. ”

Uther is surprised. “ What are you saying, Merlin? ” he says, “ England is peaceful. You t take my son away. ”

Believe me. Please let me take him to a safe place.

Uther always listens to Merlin, and he gives him the baby. Merlin takes the baby to a knight called Sir Ector. Uther doesn ’ t see the baby again. can ’ “ place.


Years later, King Uther and Queen Igraine die. No one knows that they have a son. Many different knights want to be king now, and they start to fight. But Merlin knows where the true king is and he has a plan. He uses his magic and puts a big stone in front of the big church in London. A silver sword is in the stone.

On the stone it says, sword from the stone? Then you are king of England. come to London from all over England. They “ Can you pull the are king of England. ” Knights try to pull the sword from the stone, but no one can.


More years pass. The sword is in the stone and England has no king.

One day, Merlin says, “ Let ’ s have a tournament. Let ’ s invite all the strong knights. We need to find a king. ”

Hundreds of knights come to London. One of these knights is Kay, the son of Sir Ector. He comes with his father and his brother, Arthur. They arrive in London, but Kay can ’ t find his sword. “ Oh no! The tournament is tomorrow and I need a sword! Arthur, please go buy me a new sword, to his brother. ” he says


“ What can I do? ” “ here tomorrow. ” “

Arthur rides his horse into the town center. All the shops are closed. Everyone is getting ready for the big tournament. thinks Arthur. He is next to the church and he can see the sword in the stone. I can take this sword. Kay can use it and then I can bring it back He pulls the sword from the stone. He rides back and gives the sword to Kay. His brother is surprised. Thank you! What a beautiful sword! says Kay. His father Ector is more surprised. from the stone!

What a beautiful sword! ”

His father Ector is more “ That is the sword ” he says.


They go back to the church. Some knights are looking at the stone in surprise. “ My son, Arthur, is the king of England. Look! He has the sword from the stone, ” says Ector.

“ He can ’ t be the king! He ’ s very young and he isn ’ t strong, ” says one of the knights. “ We don ’ t want him. He can ’ t be our king! ” says another knight.

At this moment, Merlin appears. “ Put the sword back into the stone, ” he says to Arthur. The knights take turns and try to pull the sword from the stone, but they can ’ t. Arthur comes to the stone and pulls out the sword easily. Now all the knights see that Arthur is the true king of England.


The Lady of the Lake

The knights make Arthur king of England at a place called Camelot. Arthur lives there with his knights and with Merlin. Arthur is a good, brave king. He fights many dangerous knights and he always wins. The people of England love him.

One day, Arthur has a long fight with King Pellinor. Arthur wins the fight but his arm is hurt. His sword breaks in two.

Arthur isn ’ t worried about his arm but he wants a new sword. Where can I find a sword? ” he asks Merlin. “ A king needs a good sword. ”

Come with says Merlin. “ I know the perfect place to find a sword. ” “ “ me, ” place


Merlin and Arthur walk for six days and then they come to the beautiful Lake of Avalon.

“ Look across the lake, Arthur, ” Merlin says. Arthur sees a hand come out of the water. The hand is holding a long, silver sword.

Arthur sees a beautiful woman on the lake. She is standing on the water.

“ Who is she? ” he asks Merlin.

“ She is the Lady of the Lake, ” Merlin says. “ You can ask her for the sword. ” At that moment, the woman starts to walk across the water to Arthur.


Arthur takes the woman ’ s hand and says, “ I am Arthur, the king of England. ” The woman smiles quietly.

“ I have no sword and I want to take the sword from the lake, ” Arthur continues. The woman smiles again and shows Arthur a small boat. “ Use this boat and you can take the sword, ” she says. “ The sword is called Excalibur. ”

Arthur rows to the center of the lake. He takes the sword from the hand. The hand moves slowly under the water and disappears. Arthur then rows the boat back to Merlin.


Arthur and Merlin look at the sword together. Arthur takes the sword out of its scabbard. “ This sword ’ s beautiful! ” says Arthur.

“ Yes, it is, ” says Merlin, “ but you need to take more care of the scabbard. ”

“ What do you mean? ” asks Arthur. “ You can ’ t win a fight with a scabbard! ”

“ This is a special scabbard. The person who carries it can never be hurt. ”

Arthur puts Excalibur back into the scabbard and they ride back to Camelot.


A Beautiful Wife and an Evil Sister

King Arthur lives at Camelot but he is not happy. He needs a queen. One day he hears some music from a room in the castle. He walks in and finds a woman playing the harp. The music is beautiful and Arthur falls in love with the woman. Her name is Guinevere.

Soon, Arthur marries Guinevere, and she is the new queen of England. Guinevere ’ s father gives Arthur a gift. It is a big, round table. “ That is perfect for me and my knights, ” says Arthur. “ We can meet around the table and tell stories about our fights and tournaments. ”


But King Arthur has some enemies. One of these enemies is his sister, Morgan Le Fay. She doesn ’ t like Arthur. Morgan is in love with Accolon, one of Arthur ’ s favorite knights. She wants to marry Accolon and be queen of England. But she needs to kill Arthur first.

Morgan thinks up a plan.

She knows that Excalibur is a special sword and that it protects Arthur. How can she take it from him? She waits for a time when Arthur and Accolon are traveling together. and


The Stories of King Arthur

Hundreds of years ago a boy is born in England. Arthur is a very special boy, and the wizard Merlin needs to take him away to a safe place, because he is in danger. When Arthur comes back he is a young man. He doesn’t know it, but he is very important. England needs a king, and only one man can take that job. The man who can take the sword from the stone…

StandFor Young Readers introduce young learners to the magic of reading in English. Carefully graded by level, the series includes traditional and modern stories, and informative, factual titles.

Level 1 | 125


Level 2 | 240

Level 3 | 390

Level 4 | 540

Level 5 | 680






ISBN 978-85-96-00716-0


Audio a vailabl e o eniln
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