What is Inside The Big Red Suitcase?
What Is Inside the Big Red Suitcase?
Silvana Hilgemberg© 2016 – StandFor
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Hilgemberg, Silvana
What is inside the big red suitcase? : standfor young readers, level 3 / Silvana Hilgemberg illustrated by Estúdio Udes. -- 1. ed. -São Paulo : FTD, 2016.
ISBN 978-85-96-00503-6 (aluno)
ISBN 978-85-96-00724-5 (professor)
1. Literatura infantojuvenil I. Estúdio Udes.
II. Título.
2. Literatura infantojuvenil 028.5 16-05464
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1. Literatura infantil 028.5
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Check the things that you can buy at a supermarket. pizza cookies books a carrot soda a dog a duck a chair a dollhouse a rabbit pasta cakes
Personal answers.
Find and circle these things in the picture.
Luke likes to help his mom at the supermarket. They go to the supermarket every week.
Luke likes the supermarket. He loves candy and chocolate, and there is some great candy at the supermarket.
But some days Luke thinks that the supermarket is boring.
Friday is the day to go to the supermarket. Luke is there with his mom and his cousin Nicolas.
When they get out of the car, Luke sees his very good friend and neighbor, Gabriel.
Gabriel is at the supermarket with his mom and his sister Marina.
Gabriel´s mom needs ten green apples.
This week, Luke, his cousin Nicolas, his mom, Gabriel, and Marina can see a big red suitcase in the supermarket entrance.
Luke can see the big red suitcase. His cousin, Nicolas, can see the big red suitcase.
Luke´s mom can see the big red suitcase.
Gabriel can see the big red suitcase.
All the people at the supermarket can see the big red suitcase.
Marina, Gabriel´s sister, can see the big red suitcase.
Alice, Luke´s friend from swim class, can see the big red suitcase.
Mrs. Davila, Luke´s dentist, who is at the supermarket, can see the big red suitcase.
Mrs. Davila´s daughter Ana, who is in Luke´s class at school, can see the big red suitcase.
Mr. Campos, the firefighter, who is always at the supermarket on Friday, can see the big red suitcase.
His son Roberto, who is in Luke´s class at school, can see the big red suitcase.
Mr. Bortolo, the builder, can see the big red suitcase.
His two sons Marco and Pedro can see the big red suitcase.
Everybody wonders what is inside the big red suitcase.
Luke, his cousin Nicolas, his mom, Gabriel, Marina, Alice, Mrs. Davila, her daughter Ana, Mr. Campos and his son Roberto, Mr. Bortolo, and his two sons, Marco and Pedro, all wonder what is inside the big red suitcase.
The supermarket manager asks everybody:
What is inside the big red suitcase? ”
big red suitcase?
Luke thinks that there are twenty soccer balls inside the big red suitcase. He loves to play soccer.
Luke´s cousin Nicolas hopes that there is a computer inside the big red suitcase. He loves computers.
Luke´s mom hopes that there is fruit inside the big red suitcase. She likes healthy food.
Gabriel thinks that there are birds inside the big red suitcase. He loves birds.
Alice hopes that there are some pens, crayons, pencil sharpeners, and rulers inside the big red suitcase. She loves stationery.
Mrs. Davila thinks that there is a small cat inside the big red suitcase. She loves cats.
Ana hopes that the big red suitcase is full of food. She is tired. She wants to go home and go to bed.
Mr. Campos has a long shopping list. He hopes that everything on his list is inside the big red suitcase.
Mr. Bortolo hopes that there is a new jacket inside the big red suitcase. He is wearing a very everything
His son Roberto hopes that there is a birthday cake inside the big red suitcase.
He loves birthday cakes.
Mr. Bortolo hopes that there is a new jacket old jacket.
big red suitcase is full of games. He loves to play video games.
red suitcase is full of money. He wants a new bike. His bike is very, very old.
Marina hopes that there is a teddy bear inside the big red suitcase. And Laura, the supermarket manager´s daughter what is inside the big red suitcase. She surprise
Pedro thinks that the big red suitcase full wants a supermarket knows inside She cannot say. It is a !
Who is right?
Is Luke right? Or his cousin Nicolas? Or his mom? Or his friend Gabriel, Alice, Mrs. Davila, her daughter Ana, Mr. Campos, his son Roberto, Mr. Bortolo and his two sons Marco and Pedro, or Marina?
What do you think is inside the big red suitcase?
No idea?
Can you guess?
Next week, on Friday, the supermarket manager and her daughter Laura open the big red suitcase. Luke, his cousin, his mom, Gabriel, Alice, Mrs. Davila, Ana, Mr. Campos, Roberto, Mr. Bortolo, Marco, Pedro, and Marina are in the supermarket and they are excited. They want to know what is inside the big red suitcase.
StandFor Young Readers introduce young learners to the magic of reading in English. Carefully graded by level, the series includes traditional and modern stories, and informative, factual titles.
Luke often goes to the supermarket. It’s not always interesting, but one day he sees something different in the entrance. A big red suitcase. He and his friends wonder what is inside the suitcase. When they find the answer, it’s quite a surprise. Level 1 | 125 Headwords Level 2 | 240 Headwords Level 3 | 390 Headwords