The adventures of tom sawyer

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Mark Twain

Comic Strip



Mark Twain

Retold by Mark Foster

Comic Strip

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(Câmara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brasil)

Foster, Mark

The adventures of Tom Sawyer : standfor graded readers, level 1 / Mark Twain ; retold by Mark Foster ; illustrated by Phillip Burrows. -1. ed. -- São Paulo : FTD, 2016.

ISBN 978-85-96-00517-3 (aluno)

ISBN 978-85-96-00700-9 (professor)

1. Literatura infantojuvenil I. Twain, Mark. II. Burrows, Phillip. III. Título.



Índices para catálogo sistemático:

1. Literatura infantil 028.5

2. Literatura infantojuvenil 028.5

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Mark Twain (1835–1910) was the pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens. He was born in Missouri, and raised in the town of Hannibal – which is the setting for his two greatest novels – The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885). As a young man, Twain worked for a local newspaper, and then as a riverboat pilot on the Mississippi River. He worked as a miner in Nevada, but then returned to newspapers, working as a journalist in a number of local newspapers. He wrote books about his travels in the U.S. and around the world, but his first major success as a writer was The Adventures of Tom Sawyer



Look at the picture and answer the questions. 1 Personal answers.

1. Who is this person?

2. How old is he?

3. Where does he live?

4. Is he rich or poor?

10. Tom Sawyer catches a fish. P 2

Look at the front and back covers of the book. What do you think happens in the story?

1. A man is killed. P

2. Tom Sawyer runs away. P

3. Tom Sawyer gets into trouble. P

4. A dog fights with a cat.

5. A pirate steals a boat.

6. Tom Sawyer gets married.

7. Two boys find some money. P

8. Tom Sawyer gets lost in a cave. P

9. Some boys play tennis.


No answer.


Chapter One Looking for Tom


Tom Sawyer lives with Aunt Polly. Their house is in Missouri, USA. Tom is not always a good boy.

No answer.

Hello, Aunt Polly.

Why are you in there, Tom Sawyer?

Look at your hands? Is that jam? Tom, is that jam?


No, Aunt Polly. I like jam. I can’t help it.

bad, Tom.

Why, you little…!

What happens if you steal jam?

I get very red hands!

Aunt Polly! Quick! Look behind you.

Tom is in big, big trouble now. But he has an idea… Tom runs from Aunt Polly. He runs out of the house. Tom runs away and laughs. Stealing jam is Bye bye, Aunt Polly.

Later, Tom eats dinner with Aunt Polly and his brother Sid.

Do you have school work, Sid?

Yes I do. But Tom doesn’t.

Why don’t you have school work, Tom?

No school. No school work.

Tom is not happy. He doesn’t like Sid.


Boys, stop! Sid –go to your room.

Aunt Polly must punish Tom. She is quiet for some time.

School is important Tom. I have work for you on Saturday – all day.

The boys fight.

Chapter two Tom Has a Good Idea



Good dog. You are always happy. Why are you always happy?

I know what to do.

Tom sees his friends. He paints the fence happily.

Tom, you look happy. Is painting fun? Can I do some painting?

On Saturday…

I don’t like painting.

Tom has an idea.

Of course!


Find your own fence. This one is mine.

Oh, O.K.

But be quick.

My hat! You can have my hat, Tom!

Can I paint? Have my candy.

Two hours later, Tom is happy.

Make a thing difficult to get –and people want it more.

Oh, please Tom! Here’s two cents. Please Tom!

Let me paint. Have my catapult.


There is a new girl at school. Tom wants to sit with her.

How can I sit with Becky?

Oh, I know.

Tom has an idea. He wants to be bad.

Hello Becky. How are you today?

Tom Sawyer! I saw you. Sit at the front with Becky. And be good!


Becky, you’re very pretty. I love you. Do you love me?


At lunch time…

Becky – do you love me?

Yes, Tom. I love you – but don’t tell anyone. It’s a secret.

O.K. Becky. Are you engaged? Let’s get engaged.

You’re not like Amy Lawrence. She always leaves me.

What are you saying? Are you engaged to Amy Lawrence, too?

Yes! Oh Becky. I’m so happy. You must never leave me.

O.K. Why not?

Girls! I don’t understand them.

O.K., Tom.
Tom is happy.

Chapter three Dr. Robinson Is Dead

Tom and Huck go to the graveyard. They wait for devils.

Quick, Tom. Let’s go. Are you scared Huck?

That night, Tom meets his friend – Huckleberry Finn.

Then Tom and Huck hear people. They hide.

Have a look. Are they devils, Huck?

I am n-n-not l-l-looking. You l-l-ook. I am h-h-hiding.

Devils don’t scare me. But your Aunt Polly scares me.

It’s Dr. Robinson, Injun Joe, and Muff Potter. Quiet! I want to listen.

I want this man. Get him for me.

O O O O O- - H T WI !

Injun Joe and Muff Potter put down their spades.

Let’s talk about money. We want more.

O.K. We’re going home.

Why, you…!


Give me the money, Doc.

No! It’s not right.

Injun Joe is quick. Dr. Robinson is dead.

Come and get it.

Tom and Huck sit quietly… for a long time.


At last, Tom gets up.

But Dr. Robinson... He’s dead.

Come on, Huck. We must go now. Run!

Think about this: We talk to the Judge. He catches Injun Joe. Injun Joe escapes. He finds us. Then what…?

Tom – what do we do now? We keep quiet. O.K.? It’s important.

He kills us.


The next day…

Whose knife is that? Muff, whose knife is that? Tell me.

Well, it looks like…

Why are they here?

To find the Doc’s killer.

Everybody looks at Muff Potter.

No. It can’t be! Joe – help me. You know the truth. Tell them. Joe! Where are you?

Muff Potter – I am arresting you. This isn’t right. I’m not a killer. It isn’t me.

Put him in jail!

Injun Joe can’t help Muff Potter. Injun Joe is not there. Killer!
Bad man!


Tom Sawyer is not a good boy. He doesn’t listen to his Aunt Polly, and he fights with his brother Sid. And sometimes he doesn’t go to school.

But Tom’s life is full of adventures. Some are funny, some are exciting… and some are frightening and dangerous.

StandFor Graded Readers provide a range of engaging reading materials for learners of English. Carefully graded by level, the series includes retellings of great classics, and informative, factual titles.

Level 1 | 380 Headwords

Level 2 | 580 Headwords

Level 3 | 800 Headwords

Level 4 | 1000 Headwords CEFR A1 42580108 97 88596 007009 ISBN 978-85-96-00700-9

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