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Thor in the Land of Giants

young readers TEACHER’S BOOK

Thor in the Land of Giants 4

young readers

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Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP) (Câmara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brasil)

Irving, Nicole

Thor in the land of giants : standfor young readers : level 4 / Nicole Irving ; illustrated by Allan Arello. -- 1. ed. -- São Paulo : FTD, 2018.

ISBN 978-85-96-01467-0 (aluno)

ISBN 978-85-96-01468-7 (professor)

1. Literatura infantojuvenil

I. Arello, Allan. II. Título.



Índices para catálogo sistemático:

1. Literatura infantil 028.5

2. Literatura infantojuvenil 028.5

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Match the names and the pictures.

1. Thor, God of Thunder

Find the objects in the picture.

cave mountain rainbow rock stream tree

2. Loki, God of Fire 3. Thialfi, a boy 4. Roskva, a girl

“ What ’ s the matter? ” Thor asks his little brother, Loki.

“ I ’ m bored, ” says Loki. “ It ’ s hot up here in Asgard, and all the other gods are sleeping. ”

“ Ah, Loki, sit down, do a puzzle or read a book, ” says Thor.

I’m bored with puzzles,” Loki says –and then he asks, “How strong are you, Thor?”

Oh, I ’ m very strong. You ’ re smart, Loki, but I ’ m strong. I ’ m the strongest god in the world. And I have Miolnir… ”


“Miolnir helps me. Listen!” “Crash! ”

Thor hits the mountain with Miolnir.

“Listen, Loki,” he shouts, “I am the god of thunder.”

“Look, Loki,” he says, “I am strong. ”

“That’ s great, ” answers Loki. “But how strong are you, really, Thor? I want to know.”

“ Hmm, ” says Thor.

“ Let ’ s go see the giants, ” says Loki. “ Are you stronger than them, Thor? ”

“ Well, OK, ” says Thor.

“ Great! Please can we ride with your goats? ”

“ Sure, ” says Thor. “ Come on, Goats, let ’ s go down to Midgard and see the giants! ”


The goats run down to Midgard. Night is coming, now, and Thor and Loki are tired.

“ Where can we sleep? ” Loki asks.

“ And where can we eat? ” Thor asks.

They see a farm, so they stop. “ Hello, we ’ re looking for something to eat, ” Thor says to the farmers.

“ And a place to sleep, ” Loki says.

“ You ’ re welcome here, ” say the farmers. “ You can have soup and a bed. ”

“ Great, thanks! Come on, Loki. ”

“ Really? ” says Loki.

“Here’s a gift,” Thor says to the farmers. “Make a nice meat pie, and we can all eat it.”


So Loki and Thor eat with the family.

“ Where are you going? ” ask the farmers.

“ To Jotunheim, the land of the giants. Where is it – do you know? ”

“ I do, ” the girl, Roskva, says. “ It ’ s up in the mountains – I can show you. ”

“ But the road ’ s dangerous, ” her brother, Thialfi, says. “ I can come, too, and help. ”

“ Thialfi runs very fast, ” Roskva says. “ He can get rabbits and other food for everybody. ”

“ Let ’ s go, ” Roskva says the next morning.

“Goodbye,” they all say to the farmers.

“Goats, wait here, and help on the farm,” says Thor.


“ We need to climb up here, ” Roskva says to Thor and Loki. “ But be careful. It ’ s dangerous. ”

They ’ re climbing up the mountain. It ’ s raining, and Loki is scared. “ I can ’ t move, ” he says.

“Put your feet here, and give me your hand,” says Thialfi, and he helps Loki.

Up they climb – up, up, and always up. It ’ s a long day.

Thor is OK, but his brother Loki is very tired.

Then Roskva says, “Look! Can you see? That’s the city of the giants.”


“ So, we ’ re in giant country now, ” says Thialfi. “ Let ’ s stop for the night. This is a nice cave – we can sleep here. ”

Great! ” says Loki. “ We need hot food. No problem! I ’ m the god of fire! ”

Perfect. Let ’ s have a barbecue, ” Thialfi says.

“ We can cook rabbit on the fire. ”

Thor and Roskva get more food. “ Oh, ” Thor says, “ I love blueberries. And look at this cake! ”

“ Hmm, ” says Roskva.

Everybody eats, and then they sleep in the cave.


It ’ s a new day. “ May I have two eggs for breakfast? ” asks Loki.

“ Sure, ” says Thialfi. “ How many eggs, Thor? ”

“ Twelve, please. ” Thialfi gets the eggs and gives them to everybody.

They finish breakfast. “ Come on, ” says Roskva, “ we ’ re going now. ”

Loki throws water on the fire. “ We need more water, ” he says.

“ OK, ” says Thor. He goes to the stream. But what – or who – is this?

“ Hello, ” says Thor. “ HELLO! Can you hear me, Giant? ” But the giant is sleeping. There’s a giant glove next to him.


“Ah, and the cave is the giant’s other glove!” thinks Thor.

“But how can I wake him?”

Thor gets a tree, and tickles the giant ’ s nose. The giant doesn ’ t move. Thor picks up some rocks and throws them. The giant opens one eye.

“Who are you, little man? Are you throwing leaves on me?”

“ I ’ m Thor, God of Thunder. Those are rocks, not leaves. I throw big rocks – I ’ m very strong. ”

“Really? Nice to meet you, Thor. I’m Skrymir –I’m getting blueberries for the giant king’ s lunch. Where are you going?”

“ The city of the giants. ”

“ Great, see you there. Come for lunch, ” says Skrymir.

“Let’ s go, ” says Roskva.


“What a great city!” says Roskva.

“Welcome,” says a giant. “The king wants you to come for lunch.”

“Thank you,” says Loki.

Thor, Loki, Roskva, and Thialfi walk to the king’s house. The king is waiting for them.

“Welcome to my land,” says the king. “I’m the King of the Giants.”

“ I ’ m Thor, God of Thunder, and Miolnir here is my hammer. Meet my brother, Loki, and our friends, Roskva and Thialfi. I ’ m very strong you know, and Thialfi ’ s very fast. He runs like the wind. ”

“ Really? ” says the king. “ Let ’ s have a race, then. Hugi, come here. Can Thialfi run faster than you? ”

“Look at Hugi,” Loki says in Roskva’ s ear. “He’s not strong and healthy!”


“ Three, two, one, GO! ” says the king.

Hugi and Thialfi race in the king’s garden. Thialfi is very fast. “He runs like the wind,” says Thor. “I can’t see him!”

“ Go on, boy, ” says Loki.

But Roskva is worried. “ Look at Hugi, ” she says in Thor ’ s ear. “ He runs like the wind, too. ”

“ Oh, no, ” Thor says, “ Hugi runs faster. ”

“ Ah! ” says the king. “ Your boy runs like the wind, but Hugi ’ s faster – you see. So what can you do, Thor? Can you drink like a giant? ”


“I can drink all the rain in the world,” says Thor.

“Oh, can you?” says the king. “Show me. Take this giant’ s cup, and drink all the water.”

“ Sure, ” says Thor. He sits down, and drinks the water. He drinks, and he drinks, and he drinks. Everybody is looking at him.

“Don’t stop, Thor, God of Thunder…” says the king. “There’ s more water. ”

Other giants come and look, and Thor drinks more water. “ He can ’ t drink like a giant, ” they say.


Thor drinks, and he drinks, and he drinks.

“You can stop now, Thor,” Loki says in Thor’ s ear. “You’ re strong – you can show them that.”

“ Here ’ s your cup, ” says Thor, and he gives the cup to the king.

But, look, there ’ s water in the cup, ” says the king.

“ I ’ m sorry, ” says Thor, “ I can ’ t drink it all. But I ’ m very strong. All the gods know that I ’ m strong. ”

“ OK, show me, ” says the king. “ Can you pick up my cat? ”

“ Oh sure – I can pick up your cat! ”


Thor in the Land of Giants

The god Thor wants to see if he is stronger than the giants. With his brother Loki, and the help of two human children, Roskva and Thialfi, he goes to the Land of the Giants and meets the king.

The king asks them to do some difficult things to find out who is stronger. Who will win?

a u dio a vailabl e o

StandFor Young Readers introduce young learners to the magic of reading in English. Carefully graded by level, the series includes traditional and modern stories, and informative, factual titles.

Level 1 | 125


Level 2 | 240

Level 3 | 390

Level 4 | 540

Level 5 | 680





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