Iads magazine 2012

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Magazine ISSUE 1 / JAnUARY 2012

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EDITOR’S WorD Dear IADs friends, I’m very glad to write these lines again. The motto for this issue is: “Very often team work is the work of many people for one person” – maybe for YOU. I’m proud to be part of IADS ExCo Team. This team is always and lovingly working hard for you! But not just these people are “In”. You can find more and more new active students and young dentists who care about prophylaxis, voluntary, scientific and other IADS projects. They write articles, create meetings and congresses, lectures and workshops. They

The editorial board is very important part of every successful magazine. As we want to be good in our work we have to be professionals. The next important step was establishing IADS Editorial board. I’m very glad that three people (my really good friends) have accepted this proposal and became parts of this young working group. Ms. Esti Riyanda (Indonesia), Mr. Pavel Scarlat (Romania / Republic of Moldova) and Mr. Štěpán Jurčík (Czech republic). I would like to invite you to Editorial board as well. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you will be interested in it. We will welcome you gleefully.

are not indifferent, they spend personal time preparing opportunities for you. Great people who are interested create the future.

Dr. Karolina Floryková editor@iads-web.org

I’m happy I can tell: WE HAvE A FUTURE. You can just participate in some of our projects or you can belong to OUR TEAM. It is up to you. Don’t be scared. It is easy to care! It is easy to be a part of a great team! And OUR TEAM is GREAT  Don’t hesitate and contact anyone from IADS ExCo. Best regards Yours


editorial Board

Esti Riyanda, Indonesia idss2012@yahoo.com Pavel Scarlat, Romania / Republic of Moldova secretary@iads-web.org Štěpán Jurčík, Czech Republic editor.ssscr@gmail.com


IADS Magazine


Editor’s Word

+ Editorial Board

5 6–7

IADS ExCo 2011 – 2012 Long Life Neat Smile

Tunisian Association of Dental Students Initiative

8–9 10–13 14–15

Exchange India 58th IADS & YDW Annual World Dental Congress A Dental Experience to Remember

16–17 18–19 20–21


International Dental Summer School 2011 (IDSS)

22–25 Dental Scientific Days Poznan

IADS SCORE Lecture Contest

26 27 28

WHSS Prague 2011 Face to Face ExCo Meeting Brno 2012

International Dental Students Congress

29 30–31

Czech Dental Students Association Ball Healthy Tooth in the Healthy World

A Project For Public Attention

32–33 IPOP Jerusalem SEA & SEEADE The International Postgraduate Annual Meeting Orthodontic Program FDI Annual World 34 MoU – Memorandum of Dental Congress 2011 Understanding IADS and IFMSA Join Forces AISO Congress Foggia 2011

An Example of Excellence in Dental Student Congresses


iads exco 2011 – 2012

Stefánia Zsuzsanna Radó President 2011 – 2012 Country: Hungary University: Semmelweis University Budapest IADS e-mail: president@iads-web.org

Babak Sayahpour

Karolína Floryková

General Secretary 2011 – 2012 Country: Romania/ Republic of Moldova University: University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova (Romania) IADS e-mail: secretary@iads-web.org

Treasurer 2011 – 2012 Country: Germany University: Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz IADS e-mail: treasurer@iads-web.org

Editor 2011 – 2012 Country: Czech Republic University: Masaryk University Brno IADS e-mail: editor@iads-web.org

Cristiana Focseneanu

Magdalena Wilczak International Scientific Officer 2011 – 2012 Country: Poland University: Medical University of Poznan IADS e-mail: iso@iads-web.org, score@iads-web.org

Ionut Luchian Immediate Past President 2011 – 2012 Country: Romania University: Gr. T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy IADS e-mail: ipp@iads-web.org

IADS Magazine

Pavel Scarlat

International Exchange Officer 2011 – 2012 Country: Romania University: U.M.F. “Carol Davila”, Bucharest IADS e-mail: ieo@iads-web.org



LOnG LIFE neAt SmIle


IADS Magazine

he truth that we can not bend or disown anyhow is the flabbergasting impact of our teeth health on the state of our physical, mental and social well being, in other words, on our overall health. As current dental students, and active members of the Tunisian Association of Dental Students (TADS), our utter consciousness of the major significance of oral health is compulsory. However, the impact of defected oral hygiene and consequently tooth decay has actually impelled our main attention to set forth a tooth decay screening initiative starting with pupils from a down town school in Monastir - Tunisia, then going a bit further and farther to some of our poor backgrounds in the country, where children are substantially not benefiting from any kind of nationwide program to screen school children for tooth decay and therefore raise the awareness of these kids to the unpleasant effects of dental caries and the major complacency they will surely


get once they start taking care of their oral hygiene. Our mission began on the 23rd of February 2011 with 310 pupils in the “Sidi al nasr” primary school. And our message was needed to be etched in the minds of children as well as their teachers who might expectantly transfer what they’d be taught to their families and friends. And so, during that day, our work must be a reflective of a wise and attentive sensitization. We thought better dividing ourselves into groups, and whilst the first group took care of the sensitizing part, the rest of the groups started tooth decay screening for the over 300 pupils in the school.


s a part of our introductory step, the first group projected an animated short film, realized by the ministry of health, about the strong relation between the demineralization of tooth tissues through lack of vitamins and nutrients that the body needs to build healthy teeth, and the ap-

pearance of tooth cavities or caries. So, in one hand we showed that the deficiency of oral health care is promptly the reason why caries “gain momentum” reaching even more critical levels. And it was obviously relevant for us to show, on the other hand, the different ways preventing several local irritations and tooth caries from cropping up or evolving whenever they’re already installed. nevertheless, we attempted to concentrate on the major role of healthy food in impeding the formation of caries. Matter of fact, as being aware of the upshot of impacted food consumption in increasing plaque accumulation, we tried through the projected animation to show those kids the very simple ways for a healthy diet which would, without fail, assure a general and thus oral healthiness. The members from the first group adopted a dental model in order to demonstrate the appropriate teeth brushing technique away from causing any local irritation whatsoever. Added to that, all pupils were given tooth brushes and



ight after every examination of all of the teeth surfaces for decay, the groups in charge gave pupils in need of dental care medical referral letters and they were all asked to visit the local dental clinic in our faculty. Though the world health organization reported that the decay within kids in Tunisia was actually really low after an empirical study done in 2003, the problem rests when rates have been recently skyrocketing though the perpetual increase in sugars within diets, and poor dental hygiene within children, especially and haplessly, in disadvantaged suburbs where the idea of interfering has pumped in. We had to take a step forward in this issue with pretty and obviously simple tracks but auspiciously

to a tangible result in our fight against tooth decay. Accordingly, our next mission didn’t merely aim Monastir city. It was the day of 12 November 2011 when about 40 students of our association departed to “al Souwessi” in the suburbs of Mahdia, where we visited another school in the area: “Ouled Amor” primary school.


hilanthropy took part during our visit. And right after endowing clothes, some other household wares and toys for the kids, comes our job to trigger off the consciousness of those pupils to the severe impact of neglected oral health in terms of pain and mutilation of the normal function. Likewise, we took on the responsibility of showing the pupils the right ways to start improving their oral hygiene, and this time the animation wasn’t only restricted on projections provided by the ministry of health, but we, ourselves, were in action, trying to hold the pupil’s out-and-out attention all along. And so,

dressed up as a clown, one of the members explained the correct method of teeth brushing on the dental simulator, and eventually, as a part of the motivation scheme, every pupil was given a tooth brush and a tooth paste. As future dentists, we are aware, beyond all doubt, that oral diseases are qualified as major public health problems, and through our work during both activities, we aimed to show everyone attending not to go haphazardly through life, and that the way to our well-being starts and depends on some very simple steps we should ultimately take, which also can be considered as vital measures in the sake of a good health.


n the end, people are their own “doctors”, they just need help finding that out sometimes, a help that we, the members of the Tunisian Association of Dental Students, always keep trying to offer. Fadwa Chtoui


IADS Magazine

tooth pastes as a reward for their attention, but mostly, our intention lied then on raising their awareness to technically start and continue taking care of their teeth, those very most sophisticated organs in our body.

ExCHAnGE IADS Magazine



e arrived in new Delhi after we changed 2 planes and travelled for 16 hours. At the airport we met with Jatin Aneja, nEO of IADS India and Robin Malik, Secretary of DSWAI. next day we stayed in Delhi and visited some famous places, India Gate and Red Fort. We made our first impressions: the streets are very crowded, gives the feeling that nobody respects any traffic rules. You can see many 3-wheelers, a taxi system, which are made for 4 peoples but it is not such an unsual thing to see 16 people inside. There are very big


contrasts in India: you can see modern buildings near markets where you have to bargain for everything. We also drunk theire traditional lemonade wich we strongly recomande to all people travelling to India (it has a special taste). Another aspect that we noticed was the lake of hygine.. We went to IDST, Institute of Dental Studies and Technology in Ghaziabad, the college where Robin is student. We spent there 5 days in the campus, we stayed in the Girl’s Hostel and we experienced the Indian student life. We attended to clases, we ate at the mess,

we spent beutifull moments in evenings with our colleges in Ghaziabad with who we remained friends. We ate only indian food and we gradualy got used to it (most of it is vegetal and very spicey).


heir program at school is from 9 to 15, with a break of 1 hour for lunch. The campus included a General Hospital, a Dental Hospital, two hostels (separated for girls and boys), a mess and a temple. The Dental Hospital is very big, well equiped, all braches are well organized. Their educational system is different

ExCHAnGE After five days we came back to new Delhi. From there we went with organized trips to Jaipur and Agra. We saw really amazing places, monuments and temples like: Amber Fort, Jantar Mantar, Hawa Mahal, Jal Mahal, a lot of temples, and the famous Taj Mahal. We stayed 2 more days in Delhi where we went for shopping and we visited with Jatin some other important places like a big Sikh temple, Qutub-Minar and the Delhi metro.


ext week we went in Bhopal, to People’s Dental College where Chandresh Shukla, president of DSWAI, naveen Dubey and the principle DR. Gupta took care of us. We spent our days in the campus, in a guest house, we attended clases. In evenings we visited Bhopal (the great lakes, the 5th biggest Mall in Asia) and the sourrandings (Bhojeshwar Temple, a 1000 old temple, Sanchi, a Buddhist temple).

and beautifull places. Everything you see/make/taste in India is different than in European culture. What we liked most in India are the people we met because they took good care of us, they are really special persons and we are missing them.

People’s Dental College has a very big campus, with hostels for students and teachers, the dean, Dr. Gupta has his own home in the campus too. Here we attended clases in Prosthetics, Conservative, Buco-Maxilo-Surgery (we saw a restoration of a fractured Mandibula) and Orthodontics. In conclusion, India is a very interesting country with a lot of contrasting parts

Ioana Cancescu and Cristina Dobre

IADS Magazine

from ours, they have 4 years school and one year internship. After this 5 years, students can attend a post-graduated cours (MBA). Students start working on patients starting with 3rd year and they are helped by the Interns and by the teachers. We attended Conservative, Prosthetics, Orthodontics and Oral Medicine. We talked to teachers, students, we saw different treatmeants.


58 IADS & YDW Annual World Dental Congress



One More Challenge, Another Success, the Same Mission Motto:

Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend – or a meaningful day. Dalai Lama

I IADS Magazine

f somebody would have told me years ago that I will be facing now the strange but very interesting feeling that sometimes the world is not enough I would have started laughing for sure. How can you describe in words something that you can consider part of yourself without being neither boring nor superficial? I think it’s indeed a difficult mission but a mission which must be accomplished.

International Association of Dental Students (IADS) & Young Dentist Worldwide (YDW), the sister organizations which are actually leading and changing the new dental community, had this year their annual meeting in New Delhi, India. 2011 is a very special year for both associations because IADS is celebrating 60 years of existance and YDW 20 years of activity. This year’s meeting was organized and hosted by the Dental Student Welfare Association of India (DSWAI) under the chairmanship of Dr. Chandresh Shukla. The event began with an impressive precongress in Agra. The precongress is usually more informal and has a main socialtouristic dimesion. For two days the participants could familiarize themselves with the Indian culture and traditions. The organizers provided a full touristic programme including the famous Taj Mahal and the Fort from Agra. We were overwhelmed by the diversity of places that we got the chance to see in such a short time. The precongress was


aswell the first opportunity for the participants to meet, for the first time, the famous Indian cuisine.


fter the precongress we departured to New Delhi in order to attend the 58 IADS & YDW Annual World Dental Congress. Such a successful precongress early announced us that an amazing congress is about to begin. The participants were accomodated in a very nice hotel in New Delhi and the entire congress was scheduled to take place in the resort in order to avoid transfers between different points. The special guest star of this event was, without any doubt, Dr. Roberto Vianna, the president of the World Dental Federation (FDI). Dr. Vianna found time, in his busy schedule, to join us because as he said dental students and young doctors are very important to him. The FDI president was invited by our collegues from DSWAI which surprised everybody with such a remarcable guest. The scientific part of the congress was a piece of resistance in the programme. Both well known Indian and international lecturers were invited and thus their presentations opened new perspectives for the dental students and young dentists. It was our personal honor that a former IADS President and Honorary Lifelong Member, Dr. Mark Antal from Hungary, was invited to give a lecture during such an exclusive scientifical meeting. The traditional SCORE Lecture Contest was won for the first time in (Cont’d page 12)


IADS Magazine


congress IADS history by an Indian student fact that brought even more joy in our hosts hearts.


he most important part of the congress, the IADS General Assemblies, took place in the hotel where the guests were accomodated and revealead once more that behind the friendly and sincere atmosphere there is also involved a huge amount of hard work. The democratic spirit, the will of rational debates and the reciproc respect of opinions were the atributes that characterized the GA’s.

IADS Magazine

The most expected moment of the congress was probably the election of the Executive Committee for the term 2011-2012. The results of the elections put into evidence that the new Executive Committee will be formed by:


zz Stefania Rado (Hungary) - President zz Pavel Scarlat (Romania) – General Secretary zz Babak Sayahpour (Germany) – Treasurer zz Karolina Florykova (Czech Republic) – Editor zz Cristiana Focseneanu (Romania) – International Exchange Officer zz Ionut Luchian (Romania) – Immediate Past President. zz In the position of International Scientific Officer was elected Magdalena Wilczak (Poland).



nother important aspect of the congress was the Young Dentists Wordwide General Assembly. The YDW GA underlined the need of filling in the gap between the fresh graduate and experienced dentist and encouraged all fresh graduates to join YDW and bring their contribution to improving the international status of young doctors. If you ask me, the new concept of „young dentistry” will bring major positive changes in the dental world. All participants had the opportunity to visit the main objectives of Delhi and to experience the true Indian atmosphere. India was indeed an inspired choice for the 2011 annual meeting and we all hope to come back because it has so many faces which convinced us that each visit to this amazing country will be a different experience.

IADS Magazine

For some of our readers the IADS & YDW congresses might seem a bit overated or unrealistic. I just want to say that IADS gave me the chance to reinvent myself and to see the world from another perspective. Last but not least IADS kindly offered me the unique chance of meeting my brother. In conclusion I would like to invite you to join our meetings, grab the spirit and allow us to change your life! See you soon in Egypt for the 2012 Mid Year Meeting and in Romania for the 59th IADS&YDW Annual World Dental Congress! Ionut Luchian IADS Immediate Past President 2011–2012 ipp@iads-web.org ionut_luchian@yahoo.com



a dental experience to remember International Dental Summer School 2011 (IDSS)

IADS Magazine


nternational Dental Summer School 2011 is the second generation of captivating Summer school organized by Dental School of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta Indonesia. The program is combining academic and clinical activity .The aims of IDSS are to broaden students’ knowledge in Dental Health care in Indonesia and to let International students gain practical experience in Dentistry that as we know, in developing country everyone will witness the impact of poverty on dental health that in conclusion the quantity and quality of dental morbidity is way higher than we find in western countries. IDSS also allows participants to perform subjective and objective examination, diagnose and treatment in modified Problem Based Learning system. There are 2 major programs that IDSS offers. First is Educational program that consist of Activities in University, Clinical Visits and Voluntary work. The second one is Non-Educational Program with some intercultural activities and city tour. IDSS is already arranged in 3 weeks program with different topic each week. Preventive and Promotive/ Prophilaxis Dentistry for the 1st week followed by Curative and Rehabilitative Dentistry ( ART and LSTR 3 Mix MP) and Herbal medicine and Acupuncture. The educational program requires some layers of education which started with the class and followed by tutorial discussion, Skill lab activity,


clinical visit and voluntary work, and ended with case report presentation The main clinical activity of International Dental Summer School 2011 was Voluntary work. The activity was conducted in a village that indeed has high number of cases. The participants worked on some divisions based on the operator’s chart such as Sterilization, Physical Examination, Operator Assistance, Prescription, and Public Dissemination (to do such fun dental education with villagers), curative treatment ( ART, 3MP and extraction ). The activities were all actually the extension of skill lab activity in which after getting the basic knowledge and skill training, the students were expected to become all capable to do anything needed in Voluntary Work. There were 12 participants participated IDSS 2011. They’re coming from Poland, Taiwan, Czech, Slovakia, Denmark, Finland, and Turkey. All participants had accomplished Educational Program very well. It’s really great to see their enthusiasm and and excitement on the program . For the detail of IDSS 2011 itself, IDSS 2011 had 2 new programs. First was Village Day which let participants experience how to be Indonesian Villagers. The participants would do the same activities as what the local villagers do. The tour around the village would

education Beside Educational Program, IDSS 2011 also offered Non educational Program that consist of city tour and intercultural activities like international expo and international dinner. In city tour, both participants and some committee members will visit the famous tourism objects that also had historical value like Borobudur Temple, Prambanan Temple, Vrederburg Fortress , Tamansari Watercastle, Sultan Palace, Ramayana Ballet and also clay arts center in Kasongan and silversmith center in Kota Gede. The participants also will go to some beaches like Parangtritis, Krakal, Baron and Kukup and in the afternoon all participants and committee members will enjoy the barbeque party in the beach. IDSS 2011 also offered Rafting and tropical camping and outbond this year.

We will have the same International Dental Summer School program next year on July 2012. The application period is started as of 11th August 2011 untill 11th May 2012. The Educational Program costs 380 € including hotel, transportation, breakfast and lunch and official parties (this doesnt include travelling cost, visa and tour). Social Program cost about 100 €. The maximal quota is 25 participants. For more information, please contact us on idss2012@yahoo.com and our official facebook acount at IDSS MUY also Esti Riyanda Astuti, SKG as the Executive Steering Committee Chief (phone: +6281345924309, facebook: Esti Riyanda). So we welcome you next summer. Get the application form, fill it and send it back to us via idss2012@yahoo.com. Get ready to experience a dental experience to remember. Esti Riyanda Astuti, SKG, a Young Dentist in final internship. Executive Steering Committee Chief of International Dental Summer School of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta and also IDRP Local Scientific Officer. Biggest passion is on Public Healthcare system, Epidemiological Research and Voluntary Works.

IADS Magazine

be prior to other activities. This would be continued by villagers activities in such as Rice field digging, traditional game and sport, fish farming, bathing the cows, planting the corn and so forth. In the night time, the participants and the committee members slept in Villager’s house and socialize with the people surrounding. .The second one was Social Work and Trauma Healing Project that was conducted in a Shelter of Merapi volcanic refugees. The purpose of this project was to heal the psychological trauma on the refugees and also to perform a social work with the local government.




annual meeting IADS first ever presence at IADR-SEA & SEAADE Meeting


he IADR SEA division has held its 25th Annual Scientific Meeting recently this year, together with the South East Asia Association for Dental Education (SEAADE) Annual Meeting, at the Singapore Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel. The event was successfully organised by the College of Dental Surgeons, Academy of Medicine Singapore from 28th October to 30th October 2011. In the spirit of promoting research activities and integrities among dental students, IADS has taken the initiative to contact the IADR SEA division to explore the research exchange


opportunities for dental students worldwide. We are very glad to be received and welcomed at the meeting to present the IADS and International Dental Research Programme (IDRP) to the council members. The IDRP booklets were also included in the packages given to the participants. This 3 day-event began with the welcoming addressed by the Local Organising Chairperson, Associate Professor Yeo Jin Fei followed by the President of IADR-SEA Division, SEAADE and College of Dental Surgeons of Singapore respectively. It was then followed by series of lectures and competitions that ran concurrently. An IADS representative attended the SEAADE-GC Student Prevention Table Competition, some of the plenary lectures,



uring the council meeting, an IADS Representative gave a brief introduction of IADS to the newly elected council members. It was then followed by the presentation of the IDRP. The concept and purpose of the IDRP was explained to the council members. A Memorandum of Understanding was also presented to the council where future collaborations were listed. A short Question and Answer session was then held to answer any enquiries that the council has. The feedback from the council members was quite positive with some of them showed great interest in collaborating with IADS.

Throughout the event, I also had the honour to talk to the lecturers and even Deans from different Universities. The general perception towards the IDRP was encouraging and several parties showed interest in collaborating in near future. I have no doubt that IADS’s presence at this meeting has increased its visibility and exposure in this region. Hopefully, IADS would be able to gain more recognition widely as well.

IADS Magazine

symposiums, workshops and the IADR SEA Division council meeting. Professor Sol Silverman, Dr Eric Whaites were just a few among the list of renowned speakers that delivered lectures and conducted workshops.

Goh Seong Ling



fdi annual world dental congress 2011

IADS Magazine

This year I had the good fortune to represent the IADS and YDW on the World Dental Parliament of FDI’s 99th Annual World Dental Congress, which took place this year in Mexico City, Mexico under the theme “New Horizonts in Oral Healthcare”

Mexico City – A Special Destination As I was told by the organisers, there was a lot of concern regarding the safety situation in Mexico City and that participation was possibly much lower due to this concerns this year. My personal experience was not justifying any of the safety concerns, even though I did not stay in one of the recommended hotels, but was accommodated downtown in a low budget hostel. All my experiences about Mexico were positive, the neighborhood was clean and safe, and all the people I met were very helpful (although most of the people could not speak English - which fact came as a surprise to me. Just as surprising how little spanish I could). I even used the subway every day that I must say everybody should try once in Mexico City. One ticket is only 2 pesos (=0,11€) and one can even change lines with it, the stations have not only names, but also pictures representing them, so it is easy to find the way. Living in Budapest, I found it also surprising that no man would take a seat once a woman was in the wagon. I usually prefer to stay if I don’t know where exactly I have to get off, but I could never do that there, because at least 3 men were offering their seats in Spanish and I had no chance to argue in that language. The Congress Center had no good public transport connections, and only twice a day shuttle busses were provided for participants. One could of course take a cab too; the problem was never the money but the fact that traffic is absolutely unforeseeable in Mexico. Same weekday same period of the day getting to the Center could take 10 minutes or 60, no one could predict.


Dr. Neil D. Hewson (Australia) replaced Dr. Greg Chadwick as Speaker.

As both IADS and YDW are affiliate members of FDI, though we have no vote, I tried to be present on all the General Assemblies and Open Forums. I had no previous experience from any FDI Congress, so it came as a huge surprise to experience how interesting those sessions were and how many interesting debates took place. The leaders of FDI took recent feedbacks serious and came up with some eye-catching suggestions for paradigm shifts for future AWDCs.

As IADS’s appointed consultant to the Educational Committee, I was also present on the Educational Committee Meeting, where the next AWDC’s scientific program was discussed.


Representing IADS and YDW

I also had the chance for a personal meeting with Jean-Luc Eiselé, the new Executive Director of the FDI to discuss about our cooperation between FDI and IADS. Since already a very strong bond exsist between IADS and FDI since we singed a MOU in 2004 we already have good collaborations and can hope for even better in the future.

The Outlook

Unfortunately I had to leave the Congress a little bit earlier than the closing ceremony, but I left with the certainty that I have to be there next year in Hong Kong and I really hope I will meet many young dentist and dental students there. http://www.fdicongress.org/ Dr. Stefánia Zsuzsanna Radó, IADS-President 2011 – 2012

IADS Magazine

Elections took place on FDI General Assembly B on 16th September, several new officers were elected: Former Treasurer Dr. TC Wong (Hong Kong, SAR China) has been elected FDI President-Elect, taking over from Dr. Monteiro da Silva. The election of Dr. Wong, former FDI Treasurer, entailed a further election to the now-vacant post: the winning candidate was Dr. Kathy Kell from the United States. The Finance Committee now comprises Dr. Kathy Kell, Dr. Arif Alvi, Dr. Patrick Hescot and Dr. Jack Cottrell. The Executive Committee now comprises Dr. Orlando Monteiro da Silva, Dr. TC Wong and Dr. K. Kell.

In 2012 a very special congress of FDI will take place in Hongkong from the 29th of August until the 1st of September. It will be the 100th annual congress of FDI. I am happy to announce that next year both IADS and YDW will have a 1,5 hours presentation in Hong Kong which I am really looking forward to. As it was in previous years, members of Young Dentists Worldwide will give presentations about scientific topics and will talk about their work. Hopefully many members of IADS and YDW will join this event.



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An example of excellence in dental student congresses


O IADS Magazine

n the last days of October 2011, the Association of Italian Dental Students (AISO) had the honor to organize the XLI National Congress and LIX General Assembly, which gathered together students and young dentists from more than 20 Italian Universities, as well as international students. The event successfully covered the students’ thirst for dental scientific knowledge through presentations and workshops, and gathered together the leaders of the dental student local and national community. The first day of the Congress offered to the students the chance of attending great presentations in the fields of maxilo facial surgery, implantology, endodontics and prosthetics, held by Professors from Naples, Palermo, Torino, Foggia and Chietti. The second part of the day offered a multitude of workshops: Implantology Workshop (GEASS), Endodontics Workshop (Komet), Diagnostic Imaging workshop (BIotec), Sutures workshop, Dental Sensitivity Course (GABA/Colgate) and a Course of Endooral Photography. The attendants were admitted free of charge at the aforementioned workshops. The most awaited event of the day was the AISO Lecture Contest during which the most talented and involved in dental research students, competed for the appreciation of the Jury, as well as for the numerous prizes offered by the generous sponsors: a) Theoretical-practical workshop “Maxillofacial


human anatomy on a dead body” at the Charles 1st University of Prague (Czech Republic), b) hand piece from “Miglionico”, c) dental loupes (UK dental loupes), d) Theoretical-practical course of human anatomy with oral surgery applications in Sofia, Bulgaria, e) Instrumental kit (Komet) and a special prize from AISO. The following brave students were given awards, which came as a result of their hard work: zz The best research project in Orthodontics: Carlotta Piccolo zz The best research project in Oral Pathology: Serena Iacovelli zz The best research project in Implantology: Lino Locurcio zz The best project in Endodontics: Francesca Corrado zz The best project in Periodontics: Flavia Iaculli The day ended in an Amazing “Cena di Gala” (Gala Dinner), which offered the most vivid examples of Italian beauty and glamour. On October 29t the General Assembly was organized which started with presentations and annual reports of the local committees/members. New policies were put under debate and voted upon. There was a positive vote to officially make Bari the proposed site for the IADS Congress in 2013.

congress Gaetano Iluzzi – President of the AISO Congress Organizing Committee: “We are glad that the event gathered together so many Italian as well as international students, offering to them a very good set of workshops, scientific presentations and the possibility to interact with each other. We would be honored to

host the IADS Annual Meeting 2013 and we are ready to make an official proposal” This year’s AISO National Congress will remain for a long time in the memory of the attendants, as it successfully served the student’s interests in education and as well as created strong friendship bonds. Pavel Scarlat General Secretary 2011 – 2012


IADS Magazine

The day ended with the elections procedure and for this purpose we would like to congratulate the new AISO officers, and special congratulations to the AISO National Exchange and Scientific Officer for IADS – Mirko Bascianni.




IADS SCORE Lecture Contest


n november 18th 2011 The International Association of Dental Students and Polish Association of Dental Students joined to organise a stricly scientific event, the first ever – „Dental Scientific Days”. The „Dental Scientific Days” were held in Poznań, Poland at the conference hall of the Poznan University of Medical Sciences

IADS Magazine

All participants arrived on november 17th in Poznań and in the evening they gathered together for the „Welcome Drink” at a own small brewery of Poznań, called „Brovaria” where the participants had the chance to get to know each other and taste the honey or wheat flavoured beer . Late at night we all said goodbye and prepared to start the conference on Friday morning. The next day it all started – at 10.00 am. Included were representatives of IADS ExCo, IADS Editor Dr Karolina Florykova, former IADS President Dr Tomaz Spindler and IADS International Scientific Officer Magdalena Wilczak, representatives of The University of Michigan, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, The Medical University of Warsaw, Medical University of Lublin: vice-rector of PUMS Prof. Zenon Kokot, Professor Brian Clarkson (University of Michigan Department of Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics), who held the office of president of AADr in 2009-2010, Professor Ryszard Koczorowski (Poznań University of Medical Sciences, Chair of the Department of Gerostomatolgy), Professor Anna Surdacka (Poznań University of Medical Sciences, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Periodontology), associate Professor Izabela Strużycka (Medical University of Warsaw, Department of Conservative Dentistry), associate Professor Renata Chałas (Medical University of Lublin Department of Conservative Dentistry) and Dr Jonathan Earl (Principal Scientist of GlaxSmithKline , London).


After the formal opening, Professor Brian Clarkson held an opening lecture entitled: „Cariology In xxI Century”. Afterwards Dr Jonathan Earl had a thriving lecture entitled: „Modern Imagining Techniques to Study Remineralising Toothpastes for Treating Dentine Hypersensivity”. Then, it was the time to start IADS SCORE Lecture Contest, in which participants from Russia, Hungary, Slovenia and Poland took part. The competition was a real pleasure to listen to and to observe how young scientist are into their work and how easily they can present their attitude and fascination with what they do. Afterwards, there was time for the lecture by Dr Karolina Florykova “Love your teeth” that was an opening for Saturdays’ Curaprox workshop on perfect oral hygiene.

scientific event

lecture and workshop During the second congress day there was a lecture about dental hygiene. This lecture was lead by IADS Editor Dr. Karolina Florykova. We were very glad to cooperate with Curaden Healthcare. This company prepared packages for the congress participants. The packages were composed of a 5460 toothbrush – ultrasoft, single toothbrush, interdental toothbrushes, dental floss, toothpaste, plaque detector tablet and flyers about dental hygiene. Thanks to these products we were able to manage a very nice lecture and workshop. The lectures main emphasis concerned dental hygiene, problems and consequences of bad habits regarding dental hygiene. Questions addressed where: Why and how to clean one’s teeth. When and how long to do it. How to motivate somebody else to clean their teeth properly. We found answers to all of these important questions. During this workshop we showed how to clean one’s teeth with all of these products. Participants were very interested in these topics and we hope that they will use this information for to improve their professional and personal lives.

With the second part of Lecture Contest, the first day of the DSD was over. In the evening we had a long lasting party at the Face Club. Then, Saturday came and it was time to Begin the secondo Day of the conference with the 3rd part of Lecture contest followed by a lecture by Profesor Elisabeth Kay on managing precoperative chilDren. The last part of the Lecture Contest was shortly afterwards. Later, an endodontic workshop took place that everyone was waiting for, as Dr Bartosz Cerkaski an endospecialist showed various tricky situations while performing endodontic treatment under a microscope.

By that time, the end of the event was approaching and it was time to announce the winners of the Lecture Contest. The nominations were read out by Profesor Brian Clarkson and associated Profesor Agata Czajka-Jakubowska. The awards were divided into 3 categories : The Best Original Student Research, The Best Original Young Dentist Research, The Best Non-original Research. The „Biodentine – equal to dentine” by Ewelina Mielko from Medical University of Lublin was awarded The Best Original Sudent Research. The „Usefulness of condylographic examination in dental practice based on selected clinical cases” by Jakub Koralewski from (Cont’d page 24)


IADS Magazine

I would like to thank Curaden Healthcare for the packages for participants and Ms. Zuzana Rajmicová for help with the practical training.

scientific event IADS Magazine

Poznań University of Medical Sciences was awarded The Best Original Young Dentist Research. The „Biological and morphological processes in the pulpitis development” by Marcin Godlewski from Poznan University of Medical Sciences was awarded The Best Non-original Research. The Second Best Prizes were given to : Marina Egulemova form Nothern State Medical University in Akhangelsk for her research entitled „Dental health of adolescents taking psychoactive substances” in Original Student Research Category. The Second Best Original Young Dentist Research was given to AnDrzej Wawrzyniak from Poznan University of Medical Sciences for his research entitled „Integration of different dental procedures in one clinical case, leading to a prosthetic success


scientific event The Lecture Contest was divided into categories because the level of the presented abstracts was very high and the topics covered were very diverse. Together with the results, the end of the conference came along. I hope that this event will be a third IADS meeting throughout the year. We had 100 attendants and the whole event was transmitted online via the dentowizja.pl platform and the conference had 700 hits throught the whole two days. What is more, 300 people were watching the whole conference

during two days. With the numbers given I hope that year by year the Dental Scientific Days will become a larger and wellknown event in our dental students life. I would like to thank everyone who came to Poland and all those wacthed the live transmittion. The lectures will be soon on the www.dentowizja.pl and you will be able to watch them again. Dr. Karolína Floryková Magdalena Wilczak


IADS Magazine

– step by step presentation”. The last but not least Second Best Price in Non-original Research Category was given to Tomaz Spindler from Medical University of Ljubljana for his research entitled „Is adding sodium biocarbonate to Lidocaine enhancing it’s efficiency”.


From 18-25 november 2011, the World Healthcare students symposium was held in Prague. this year, first time in our history IADs was invited to take part in this noble event of interdisciplinary cooperation.

WhSS PRAGUE 2011 WHss – an outstanding attempt of interdiscliplinary cooperation

Hotel Ibis in Prague. First day’s programme was registration and we also attended the opening ceremony which took place at a very historic location, the Carolinum of Charles University.

The WHSS is an international conference organised every two years and it’s main idea is to educate and encourage students of all medical professions in multidisciplinary cooperation, understanding and effective mutual communication, preparing them for a career at professional healthcare specialists. This year’s aim was to bring students together to debate about the possibilities of improving interprofessional communication and solving problematic issues connected to public health and patient safety.

During the next four days the students had a chance to attend interesting lectures in the forenoon about Patient Safety, Pharmacovigilance or Ethics and workshops in the afternoon where they could get a practical aspect of the topics they heard in the before.

This year 300 students from various professions travelled to Prague to enjoy the hospitality of the Charles University of Prague and the Czech Pharmaceutical Students Association.

IADS Magazine

IADS and WHSS The original idea of organizing a students’ healthcare symposium was raised by a Joint Working Group (JWG), consisting of IPSF (International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation), IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations), EMSA (European Medical Students’ Association) and EPSA (European Pharmaceutical Students’ Association). Since we had previously very fruitful cooperations with these association on the WHO’s Patient Safety Project, we, the IADS were invited to observe the Joint Working Groups work this year and collaborate with them on the WHSS. As part of this collaboration, I participated on the face-to-face meeting between the meeting organisers and the JWG in Prague in May 2011 and stood in close contact with them during the whole preparation procedure of the meeting.

Scientific and social program On Friday, the 18th of november more than 300 students from all over the world and all healthcare professions arrived to the


I myself was conducting a repeated workshop, which we called Patient Safety Case Competition, in this we wanted to take advantage of the fact that we had students from several healthcare professions are present, and we created multiprofessional teams to discuss about patient safety issues and cases we took from the WHO’s Multi Professional Patient Safety Curriuculum Guide. The groups had to present their analysation of the cases via e-mail and we picked 3 finalists from them. On the last day these finalist were given a new case, which they had to interprete on the spot. I can honestly say, I think those interpretations were the most interactive parts of the symposium. The winner of the competition was announced on the closing ceremony, all the finalist got certificates for their work.

The Outlook This year unfortunately there was a unreasonably low participation from dentistry’s side on the WHSS, which was probably also caused by the fact that IADS had scientific days in Poznan in the same period. But since I was there on the WHSS, I strongly believe that there is a big future in this multidisciplinary approach and collaboration with other healthcare professions. I am looking foward to further collaborations between our organisations, and specially look forward to be part of the next WHSS too. Dr. stefánia Zsuzsanna Radó IADS-President 2011 – 2012


face to face

exco meeting T IADS Magazine

he ideas presented at the “face to face ExCo meeting” were great! Much better than we expected. From the 20th – 22th of January we spent a very nice working weekend in Budapest. Our kind host – IADS president – Dr. Stefi Radó provide us their family house as a “Mama hotel” .

This meeting was very fruitful. We discussed many important topics regarding The Mid-Year Meeting, prepared the agenda, submitted our reports and solved our representation issues concerning IADS for 2012. After all our hard work we had free time for some friendly conversation I would like to thank Stefi and her sister Karolina for all their effort and care. We had a really nice time! We would like to make “F2F” a tradition so the next “face to face” meeting is going to be in the United Kingdom. Dr. Karolína Floryková IADS Editor 2011 – 2012



We would like to invite you, on the behalf of SSS CR, to the first International Dental Student Congress in Brno (International Dental Student Congress 2012). This congress connects dental students from all over the world and offers new experiences and knowledge to them.

BRNO 2012 INTERNATIONAL dental student congress As a part of the congress, the 7th contest of student lectures, IADS Lecture Contest, will be held. The lectures students give are usually a summary of their research activity in the field of dentistry. The lectures will be assessed by an expert committee and three best works will be awarded. If you are a young scientist or at least an active dental student who participated in a research and you would like to take part in this competition please contact us at idsc.ssscr@gmail.com.

IADS Magazine

During the congress, you will get a chance to acquire numerous new pieces of information and findings in the field of modern dentistry and also try to work with new materials and methods in practice. Apart from the specialist section, there will also be a social section, which we would like to approach as an „Introduction of the Czech Republic and of Brno” – of our traditions, of Czech products and of the historical sites in Brno.

Petra Horáková Chairperson


When? Beginning: Thursday 29. 03.2012 End: Sunday 01. 04. 2012 Where? Univerzitní kampus Bohunice (The University Campus in Bohunice) Kamenice 625 00 Brno How much? 130 Euro The congress is planned for 130 people from the whole world. Please do not hesitate and register. For more information visit our webpage: www.ssscr.cz/congress

Kateřina Miklišová Scientific Officer


CZECH DEnTAL STUDEnT ASSoCIAtIon bAll O I took my car to a quite long drive from Slovenia to Czech Republic and finally arrived to Brno in the late afternoon on the day of the dance. Petr Kucera was to be my host and we met as classical students meeting point – McDonalds. Together we went to get some »student refreshments« and headed on to the dance venue. Place of the event was a very nice hall, nicely decorated and band was already warming up the floor. Soon after our arrival, first guests started to arrive and soon every corner was filled with young dental students, eager to have a great night; and the night was all what they expected and some more.

do our best for oral hygiene and recited »healthy teeth in healthy body« while having a shot of mouthwash. What a great way to start the evening.

After introductions, that band opened the floor and kept it hot for quite a few hours. In second floor you could also try a more traditional party as CDSA invited Czech traditional band who played their national songs and Czech national food – švarky was also served. I enjoyed staying on one and another flood during the evening, making many new friends and also tried my luck on their Bingo. It proved that I have quite a lucky hand as I have managed to win few prizes but unfortunately my num-

bers were not pulled out of a hat for one of the main prizes. Duty for that went to IADS president dr.Stefi Rado who did a great job giving away all the prizes and picked a nice dinner in sushi restaurant also for her sister. We were having lots of fun so time flew by quickly. Band grew tired in late morning hours and it was time to go home and get some earned rest as next day some of us were heading to Poznan in Poland for their first national scientific days. So we kissed goodnight and promised we will be back next year for another amazing evening. See you there tomaz spindler MD, DDs

IADS Magazine

ne day I open my Facebook and see a notification from Petra Horakova. I check it out and see that they are having a Dental students dance and they are also inviting me. I did not hesitate for a second and started to prepare for my trip in few days.

This dance also had another two foreign guests, Rado sisters from Hungary, the older Stefania is currently the IADS president so it was also in a way a vIP guest. After warming up speech from CDSA president Petra Horakova it was time for our introduction into CDSA. We pledged our loyalty to them, promised we will



healthy tooth

in the healthy world Ignorance can cost you teeth! To most of the people brushing their teeth may seems to be a commonplace issue which everybody can handle, but in fact, several problems of the oral cavity are caused by the use of not appropriate brushing techniques. Caries is not the only example, but even injured gingiva is a common outcome of mistakenly learned brushing manners. Many myths and half-truths about brushing the teeth exist and we have been learning these mistakes since childhood. As a result not only children, but especially a quite high number of adults are using the inept and sometimes even dangerous and health-threatening techniques. Thus it would appear to be very important and necessary to show and explain to people how to use right dental tools in a gentle but effective way and motivate them to take care about their oral health.

Together we can make a difference! IADS Magazine

We, dental students, being future dentists are also aware of the importance of prophylaxis and we want to contribute some effort to protection of the health even before we would become dentists with our own practice. There are some preventive programs and campaigns focused on oral health and reaching the public but there are some common patterns that prevent them from having a much wider impact – as shown in some latest market surveys. The most common trait of these campaigns is too obvious commercial aiming. We do not disapprove the commercial aspect here but we suggest – along with some helpful advice provided by experts from the advertising field – to use more civil and sophisticated strategies. Another reason of slightly decreasing public interest of preventive agenda lies upon not too much attractive forms. Most of these preventive programs are too casual and too predictive to draw up more serious media or public attention.



Day of prophylaxis for the whole world! The preventive project Healthy Tooth in the Healthy World is programme that would be able to draw public attention and thus to have wider impact. We have been testing and correcting this project for three years now in the Czech Republic and the outcomes are very much promising for the future. Now we would like to apply this successful model on the international level. Preventive project Healthy tooth in the healthy world should be focused at common people and should meet worldwide attention.

Teach, learn and enjoy in the same time!

IADS Magazine

Students (dressed in white cloaks) are spreading the city. They have informative desks placed at the main spots of the city (main city square, main boulevards etc.). They are addressing the passers-by with offering a short demonstration of accurate brushing techniques and tooth care. Those who accept this offer are instructed by students how to perform oral hygiene appropriately. The instructions are provided on plastic models of oral cavity but people are also offered the brushing techniques to be shown and explained right on them. Those who would accept such on offer would be awarded by small presents – dental tools (tooth brush, tooth paste etc.). This sort of activity is giving students an amazing opportunity not only to teach others how to preserve their health but also to learn how to treat patients. And last but not least it is fun! Petra Horáková Chairman of prophylaxis committee



Motto: It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. Information is not knowledge. Albert Einstein


The International Postgraduate Orthodontic Program: Opening New Perspectives in Global Dental Education


IADS Magazine

he Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel is one of the most prestigious universities worldwide, not only because of its impressive past but also because of its bright future. We only have to consider that Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Martin Buber and Chaim Weizmann were members of the first Board of Governors for us to appreciate the representative university of a young state with a historic tradition and culture. In the last decade alone, seven graduates of the University have received the Nobel Prize or the Fields Medal. The Hadassah Medical Center is the organization that operates the hospital in Ein Karem and the School of Dental Medicine, affiliated with the Hebrew University. In 2005 Hadassah was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of its equal treatment of all patients, regardless of ethnic and religious differences, and for its efforts to build bridges to peace. The Hadassah School of Dental Medicine is one of the most competitive schools at an international level, with outstanding departments focused on the teaching and provision of oral healthcare, in parallel with advanced dental research. The Orthodontic Department at the Hadassah School of Dental Medicine was established as an independent unit in 1965 and since then its leaders have directed the continuous


development of the department, setting an ascendant trend in providing excellent postgraduate education. Recently the department celebrated its 45th anniversary in honor of Prof. Edith Kaye, the first chairperson of the program. This milestone event celebrates orthodontic teaching tradition and professionalism and with the vision of its recent chairpersons, presages a spectacular evolution of the department in the future with new approaches and new programs.


he Orthodontic Department at Hadassah is headed by Prof. Stella Chaushu MSc, DMD, PhD. Prof. Chaushu was born in Romania and graduated in Dental Medicine, in 1989 from the Hebrew University - Hadassah School of Dental Medicine. Her entire career has focused on Orthodontics and her fields of interest are: orthodontic treatment of impacted teeth, orthodontic treatment for children with disabilities, lingual orthodontics. She is actively engaged in basic science and clinical dental research and has published numerous articles in scientific journals with high impact factors. Her articles are quoted widely by other international authors in their works. Her PhD is in immunology XXXXXXx describe.

education In 2011, Prof. Chaushu organized and launched Jerusalem’s first English language International Postgraduate Orthodontic Program 2012 (IPOP), and has appointed Dr. Miri HaisraeliShalish as its director.

After the last interviews everybody left for their home countries with the hope that they will come back as residents and that they will have the chance to join the wonderful team from the Hadassah Orthodontic Department.

The International Postgraduate Orthodontic Program offers the unique chance to combine dental education at the highest level with the opportunity of living in Jerusalem, a multicultural, modern and cosmopolitan city. The program was structured in accordance with the requirements of the European Federation of Orthodontic Specialists Associations and has adopted the recommendations of the European ERASMUS project. More than twenty internationally recognized specialists form the team that will provide Orthodontic training for the selected postgraduate students whose residency begins in March 2012.

rof. Stella Chaushu shared with us some of her thoughts about this first International Postgraduate Orthodontic Program: “I am excited at the launch of the new international program in the Department of Orthodontics. This project has been my dream for many years and I am happy to see it finally becomes a reality. The Department has more than 45 years of experience in training orthodontists. However, I believe that opening our minds and our doors to students from different nations will upgrade our program and make it scientifically stimulating and culturally rewarding. We will provide our students the highest standards of teaching, research and patient care, and we will do our best to make them feel at home. We hope that the three-year program will provide a wonderful experience in Israel and will be the springboard for the establishment of new cooperation projects between our School and others worldwide“. The International Association of Dental Students is proud to have added its contribution in promoting this program and hopes for a fruitful and long term cooperation with the Hadassah School of Dental Medicine. Ionut Luchian IADS Immediate Past President 2011 – 2012 ipp@iads-web.org / ionut_luchian@yahoo.com

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election of the first group of postgraduate students was highly competitive and the process itself very complex. The applicants had to prepare and send their documents including application forms, CV’s, letters of recommendation, a personal statement, certificate of proficiency in English to the department for evaluation. The short-listed candidates were invited to Jerusalem for a series of interviews and an assignment. The interviews were friendly but at the same time extremely professional with the specific purpose of assessing the best candidates for the program, with precise objectivity. The assignment was designed to determine the ability of the candidates to analyze offer solutions for ethical dilemmas in orthodontic practice.


During their visit to Israel the candidates were shown around the Hadassah campus by the present postgraduate students who were on hand to advise them on living conditions and study opportunities there. A reception was arranged by the department and candidates, Faculty and present students were able to interact with each other, exchange ideas and make new friends. The current residents made a presentation of their work during their course and encouraged a dialog between them. Their advice, which will be extremely useful for the upcoming years of residency, was highly appreciated by the newcomers.



MoU – memorandum of

IADS and IFMSA join forces in serving the worldwide health student community!

understanding Mirjana and Pavel

I IADS Magazine

nternational Association of Dental Students and the International Federation of Medical Students’ Association have agreed to strengthen the bond in order to serve the interests of the worldwide health student community. The act of collaboration was officiallized within a Memorandum of Understanding which was signed by both parties during the 60th IFMSA General Assembly in Denmark. The 60th IFMSA General Assembly was a greatly organized event which gathered together 1300 medical students from all over the world. The International Association of Dental Students was represented by Pavel Scarlat who has assured the successful establishment of the IADS – IFMSA Memorandum of Understanding. The IADS Delegate has participated at the Standing Committee Meetings, Plenary Sessions, Regional Meetings, Training Sessions and other activities with the purpose of exchanging knowledge in terms of project logistics and organization matters. The Executive Committees of IFMSA and IADS have agreed to support and encourage the collaboration between all medical and dental students at a local, national and international level. The agreement would emphasize mainly on assisting IADS in developing a Training Program, expanding the Dental Research Exchange Program and assistance in connecting with dental/medical student communities outside of the organization.


oth organizations will be represented annually by its’ delegates attending the Annual Meetings and assuring a successful continuity of the collaboration. The MOU was signed for a period of 2 years with the option of it being renewed or changed when agreed by both parties. IFMSA General Secretary 2011-2012 – Mirjana Spasojevic: “Signing this MoU between IADS and IFMSA is a beginning of I believe new era of cooperation. I wish we move from paper work to practical work and in years to come, we organize some joint trainings, we exchange our trainers, work together on local level and be present together on our meetings. I believe that dental and medical students have so much in common and that we should work together much more.” IADS President 2008-2010/ IADS – IFMSA MOU co-author – Tomaz Spindler: “I fully support the tight collaboration between IADS and IFMSA. It is important that two of the biggest medical related associations collaborate, share experience and strive towards same goals. I hope these are just small steps to future collaborations and that we will see more of it in days to come.” The collaboration is considered to be an important milestone which will enhance and strengthen the bonds, activities between the worldwide medical and dental student communities. Pavel Scarlat


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