IADS Newsletter 2002

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What is IADS? The International Association of Dental Students was formed in 1951, to unite the dental students of the world and allow them to exchange knowledge and experiences about dentistry at an international level. As the only worldwide association for dental students, we represent the future members of the dental profession at a worldwide level. Our Central Office is at FDI World Dental Federation Headquarters in Ferney-Voltaire, France.

Who can be a member? National and local associations of dental students are eligible for membership. When an association joins, all its members become members of IADS.

How often does the Association meet? We meet twice annually. The main meeting is our Annual World Congress of Dental Students, held each August. This meeting typically attracts around 600 participants. It centres around a scientific programme of lectures and seminars addressing the needs of the dental student, but also includes workshop discussions, an organised social programme and the various business meetings of the Association. Recent congresses have been held in Cape Town, South Africa (1994); Sao Paulo, Brazil (1995); Goteborg, Sweden (1996); San Juan, Puerto Rico (1997); Istanbul, Turkey (1999); Bugibba, Malta (2000), and the last one was in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2001). A small Mid Year Meeting (MYM), whose programme is devoted to business meetings, is held each February-March.

Who runs the Association? Each member association sends their representatives to the General Assembly, which meets during the Congress and Mid Year Meeting. Here we follow the rules and regulations in our Constitution. A six-person Executive Committee, headed by the President, is responsible for day to day management of the Association's affairs.

What activities are organised for members? As well as the Annual World Congress of Dental Students, we offer many things at an international level to our members. These are accessible to each and every dental student in the member countries, and include an International Student Exchange Programme, which allows students to visit a foreign country and experience its culture and its dentistry, both scientifically and clinically. In collaboration with the World Health Organisation, we run a Voluntary Work Abroad Scheme, which allows students to experience primary oral healthcare in a developing country. Our Newsletter is distributed by FDI to all 750 of the world's dental schools, with additional copies being sent to member associations and schools. Published by International Association of Dental Students 13, Chemin du Levant l'Avant Centre F-01210 Ferney-Voltaire FRANCE. www.IADS-web.org

Correspondence: Articles and other material should be addressed to: The IADS Editor, c/o FDI/IADS Co-ordinator, 13, Chemin du Levant l'Avant Centre F-01210 Ferney-Voltaire FRANCE (by regular mail) or by e-mail to editor@IADS-web.org.

Copyright Statement: Š International Association of Dental Students, 2002. All rights reserved. This publication may be photocopied by bona fide dental students making single copies for personal use only. All other forms of reproduction, including transmission in any elecronic form, are prohibited without the prior written permission of the Editor. Printed in Macedonia



International Association of Dental Students Newsletter - Spring 2002



Communicating the Ideas of the New Millennium The year 2001 marked the 50th anniversary of the IADS. As it usually goes, celebrating a big round number is just the right moment to look back at the achievements and to lay out the plans for the future. The legacy of over fifty years of dental students' cooperation, the exchange of knowledge and experience together with the youthful enthusiasm and energy are the driving force that will help us accomplish the goals for the future; sharing ideas, building friendships - becoming better dental professionals.

To increase the flow of information among the dental students, at the 2002 Mid Year Meeting in Prague we decided to re-activate the post of National Correspondent. These persons will report regularly to the Newsletter and the website about their countries’ student activities and plans. Communicating the ideas of the new millennium has begun and now it is up to you to make a decision and get involved in the numerous dental events that are going on in the big family of IADS members. Welcoming you to the new edition of the Newsletter, I would like to remind you that both the Newsletter and the new website ( www.IADS-web.org ) are always open for your suggestions and opinions, so feel free to write to us and share your comments and thoughts.

This new edition of the newsletter is published with the intent to help us achieve the same goals. For those of you who have never heard of the IADS it will introduce to you the international association of dental friends. And for those of you who are our active members, it will inform you about the projects that have been organized and completed, and those that are being planned for the future.

Aleksandar Necakovski Macedonia Editor, IADS

Contents 2001 IADS World Congress - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


2002 IADS Mid Year Meeting - Prague, Czech Republic


IADS to the Future - A note from the President of the IADS


The new IADS domain and redesigned website


2002 IADS World Congress - Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt


Member Profile - Germany


News from the IADS members


Future Events


International Student Exchange Programme


Student Exchange Memories: Puerto Rico, Macedonia, Poland..


IADS within the FDI


International Association of Dental Students Newsletter - Spring 2002



Another importance of the congress for IADS was having a congress in the far-east since 1986 Singapore congress. APDSA- Asia Pacific Dental Students Association was also represented and this was very useful for improving the relations with the countries in the region.


Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA 25 Sep - 01Oct 2001

The 2001 IADS Annual Congress was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The IADS was formed in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1951 and since then it has grown to include members from all over the world, and many of the dental profession gained their first international experiences in IADS as students. On this most special occasion of 50th anniversary of IADS, the congress was combined with and integrated in the FDI World Dental Congress. IADS had a package for dental students, which included the accommodation, breakfast; lunch and dinners, and also local transports. The congress was very rich in scientific programme, and also the social programme was also so competitive that the participants were fully taken during congress week. The historical tour in the beautiful city of Kuala Lumpur, the excellent dinner in KL Tower, the romantic night tour in small boats watching Fire Flies, and the Beach Club were only some parts of the unforgettable social programme. We did not only have the IADS social programme, but also we have participated in some of the FDI events, such as the Opening Ceremony and the Gala Dinner “Night Of Gold” where I made a speech to the leaders of the dental profession representing the dental students.

Session of the General Assembly of the IADS

The business meetings; General Assemblies and NEO meeting was also held, and the decisions for the future of the association were taken. The new IADS Executive Committee was also elected. You will see the new members of the Executive committee and their positions in related page of f this newsletter. I believe that this year after having very beneficial General Assemblies, we have elected a very powerful EXCO in which all positions are filled by people who have previous experiences in their future responsibilities. After our Midyear meeting in Prague, we will meet in August for 49th IADS Annual Congress in Egypt. As IADS Congresses in Istanbul (1999), Malta (2000), Kuala Lumpur (2001); Egypt Congress will also be excellent, so start sending your applications to EGYPT, and see you all there!!

Dr. Sarkis Sozkes IADS Kuala Lumpur Congress President IADS Immediate Past President 2001-2002

‘Night of Gold’ - the FDI Gala dinner


International Association of Dental Students Newsletter - Spring 2002

5 IADS - International Association of Dental Students, Mid-year Meeting was held in one of the most beautiful cities of the world, in Prague. The Czech Dental Students Association has prepared a very professional meeting with excellent social programme. The first day of the meeting, 7th March was the arrival day of the delegates, but IADS ExCo has already started to work on the sixth. The first night event was in a typical Czech old restaurant, where we wined and dined on traditional Czech beer and food. The second day started early, since there were many things to do! The General Assembly was the official opening of the meeting where delegates of the member countries were informed about the last four months of activities of the association.

All Executive committee members were present at the meeting, and the reports were given to General Assembly. The second day in the afternoon, the NEOs National Exchange officers came together with IEO to discuss the exchange programme and present their exchange reports. The delegates were tired of working and the beautiful city of Prague was waiting for them. The group then went on a sight seeing tour, where we walked the historical parts of the city through the wining narrow streets which were laced with lots and lots of Bohemia Crystal souvenir shops and of course pubs! We then arrived to Charles Bridge, a magnificent bridge over Vltava River under moonlight. After having a tour around the Prague Castle, the dinner was followed by the visit of the biggest disco in Central Europe, Karlovy Lazne (some delegates preferred to turn back to hotel early, and

International Association of Dental Students Newsletter - Spring 2002


Prague CZECH REP. 06-10 March 2002

some stayed until the morning, and came to the next days General Assemblies directly). The third day had a busy business programme. The general assembly II and III took all the day with all the future plans of the association. Having four new members to association was one of the highlights of this midyear meeting. IADS affiliate member EDSA- European Dental Students Association was also invited, and future collaboration was discussed during the last general assembly. The last event of the meeting took place in a fancy restaurant near the Parliament house. The participant met after the dinner again in the disco and partied until late hours of morning. The plan for the morning was clear, everybody had to leave because the patients were waiting us on Monday morning. The meeting organizers Jiri, Thomas, and Andrea have received us very kindly from the first day to the last. Here from our newsletter, I want to thank the meeting organizers for their friendship and hospitality.

Dr. Sarkis Sozkes IADS Immediate Past President 2001-2002

Participants of the 2002 MYM in Prague


6 our members as much as we can and learn what they expect from the Association.

A Flash Back to the

Future with IADS A summary of Discussions at the Kuala Lumpur IADS World Congress

Dear Delegates and Member Countries, As being the only International Dental Student Association in the World, IADS had just celebrated its 50th Anniversary and this was such an honor for the whole IADS family. During last 50 years IADS served its members, who are the future of the Dental Profession, as a body to unite them by enabling them to exchange knowledge, information, experience and culture, which we believe are the basis of our presence. Looking forward, our main objectives will be to augment these preceding items and investigate new procedures in order to reply all the requirements of the new millennium and the changing technologies for the future dentists. The new up-to-date communication facilities of the changing world are no longer far to reach. Therefore, it helps us to create different ideas for the new projects of our Association. Regarding the discussions in Kuala Lumpur I would like to summarize the new objectives of the future. We believe that, in order to reach each member of IADS we shall start reactivating the idea of Individual Membership. IADS is planning to keep a record of all the dental students of the member countries and schools around the world to assist them internationally and individually. We are planning to get reductions from international companies that publish worldwide journals, books and dental magazines, to get reductions from worldwide traveling agencies, and finally getting discounts for all kinds of IADS facilities including the congress and meeting participations and any other international event organized by member countries. The Exchange Program will be updated soon and with the help of the new Web Site of IADS, exchange system will be online and a lot easier to use for the members. This idea will also enable the International Exchange Officer to be in total control of all the details of the exchange procedure and act against any discomforts as they mean to happen. The new Executive Committee is also looking for new Voluntary Work Abroad Projects to serve to the member students and allow them take part. As you can understand the main idea is to reach

However, to carry out this will, we need to overcome some obstacles. The above ideas can't come true unless we are provided by the full support of our members. I shall underline the word 'support' and would reveal it as the collaboration in communication and recognizing the responsibilities. As a conclusion, I would like to urge you to stay in close contact with the Executive Committee members as they try to serve their best for you. Thus, IADS can keep walking by feeling the exact courage to win, to a time where no flash backs to the future is needed. With my best regards, Onur Kadioglu President/IADS

The IADS Executive Committee 2001-2002 PRESIDENT: Onur Kadioglu (president@IADS-web.org) Born in 1978, in Adana, Turkey. Active in the activities of the student association since 1996. He has been Istanbul LEO, and NEO of Turkey. He served as IADS Editor, General Secretary of the Congress Committee of Istanbul 1999 and General Secretary of IADS. After serving IADS as the Editor for 1 year and as the General Secretary for 2 years he was elected as the President of IADS in Kuala Lumpur in 2001. Graduated from Istanbul University in 2001 and entered to Department of Orthodontics of the Dental School of Cukurova University. GENERAL SECRETARY: Steffen Zaccarin Lauritzen (gsecretary@IADS-web.org) Born 1979 in Copenhagen, Denmark. He has Danish and Italian origin.He is 4th year student at the Royal Danish Dental College in Copenhagen. He has been the president of the International Committee in his local association a head of PR, where he was editor of newsletter and homepage. He has attended Malta 2000 Congress, MYM Istanbul 2001, Kuala Lumpur 2001 and the 2002 MYM in Prague.


International Association of Dental Students Newsletter - Spring 2002


www.IADS-web.org The new IADS domain and redesigned web site

Starting from March, 15th 2002 IADS has a new home on the Internet. The redesigned version of the site is now on-line at the new domain: www.IADS-web.org . The new site features all the aspects of the IADS work: It holds an archive of documents from the past meetings and projects, but also all the up-to date information for the current projects like the Student Exchange Program and the Voluntary Work Project. It also has additional info regarding the future meetings and events and a searchable database of news. The website is the place to look for if you want further information on any of the subjects covered in the Newsletter.

TREASURER: Hitesh Panchal (treasurer@IADS-web.org) Born in Preston, UK. attends the Leeds Dental School, University of Leeds. He has attended to IADS meetings in Malta, Kuala Lumpur,and in Prague. He has represented British Dental Students Association as NEO in IADS, and afterwards he has been elected IADS Threasurer. He says he wanted to be part of an international team and network, wanted to work with others from different countries and backgrounds and learn more about their culture and dentistry. EDITOR: Aleksandar Necakovski (editor@IADS-web.org) Born in Bitola, Macedonia. now finishing the final exams at the Dental Faculty of the Sts. Cyrill and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia. He has been editing the magazine of the dental students in Macedonia - Dentitia and the website of the Macedonian Dentistry Students' Association and has been involved in the activities of the MDSA such as the annual International Dentistry Students' Scientific Congress. As an IADS delegate attended the 2001 IADS World congress in Kuala Lumpur, where he was elected IADS Editor.

International Association of Dental Students Newsletter - Spring 2002

INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE OFFICER: Iwona Olszewska (ieo@IADS-web.org) Born in Oswiecim, Poland, she is a final year student at the Dental Faculty, Collegium Medicum of Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. She has been the Polish representative in IADS and meanwhile she was the President of Dental Students' Association of Jagiellonian University from 1998 to 2001. She has been NEO and IADS Delegate from 2000 to 2001. She has attended the Malta and the Kuala Lumpur Congresses of IADS. IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT: Sarkis Sozkes (pastpresident@IADS-web.org) Born in Adana, Turkey. He has been active in the student activities since 1994. He has been Istanbul Chapter President, Vise President of national association and an IADS delegate from 1997 to 1999. He has been the President of IADS Istanbul 1999 Congress Committee, IADS General Secretary, and President of IADS 1999-2001. He has represented IADS in many international meetings and events. After organising IADS 1999 Congress, and 2001 MYM, he was again the organiser of IADS Kuala Lumpur Congress in 2001. Beside sharing his experiences with new Exco members, he is now working as an IADS-FDI Relations co-ordinator and 2002 Egypt Congress Advisor.


10 a clinic or a doctor's office in order to be allowed to practice on your own. (You receive ”Krankenkassenzulassung”)


Germany Hello everybody, we are Arne, Jörn, Taskin, and Ricarda. Today we would like to satisfy your thirst for information about dental school and clinical practice in Germany.

It is only possible to specialize in orthodontics or oral surgery with a four year specialist training (”Facharzt”) or as ”Facharzt” for oral and face surgery. In order to do so you have to earn approbation as both dentist and physician.

The study of dentistry prepares for the profession as a dentist and, according to the course of study, requires a minimum of 10 semesters. It is divided into two parts: The first part is called ”Vorklinik” (”before clinical studies” comparable roughly to undergraduate studies in the US for example) and ends with the successful completion of the ”Physikum” (examination) after 5 semesters. This examination comprises written exams in anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, science of dentures and materials, as well as the production of a piece of dental technical work. The following clinical part is also made up of 5 semesters and is completed with a dental examination in the fields of pathology, pharmacology, microbiology, internal medicine, dermatology, ear, nose, and throat medicine, oral surgery, tooth-preservation, science of dentures, and orthodontics. After receiving approbation, therefore the certificate to practice as a dentist, there will be a required period of two years as assistant doctor in

In Germany you can study dentistry at the following universities: Aachen, Berlin, Bonn, Cologne, Dresden, Düsseldorf, Erlangen, Frankfurt/Main, Freiburg, Giessen, Göttingen, Greifswald, Halle, Hannover, Hamburg, Heidelberg, Jena, Kiel, Leipzig, Mainz, Marburg, Munich, Münster, Regensburg, Rostock, Saarbrücken, Tübingen, Ulm, WittenHerdecke, Würzburg. Usually there are no tuition fees in Germany. Every student has to pay a small fee each semester for enrollment handling charge, special services offered through the student department, such as course guidance service for example, or in some cities a ticket for the local public transportation system. (anything ranging from 30 to 200 Euro) In addition to that every student is required to pay for their own technical materials and instruments. At many German universities the students of dental studies have founded a ”Fachschaft” (representative of the students of one particular department) to better represent and organize their particular needs and interests. The LEO, the Local Exchange Officer, is also a member of this ”Fachschaft” and is responsible for visiting students from abroad and a helpful source of information about possible clinical practice also for German students. The LEOs of all the universities are organized in the ”Zahnmedizinischer Austauschdienst” (service for exchanging dental students) ZAD and work


International Association of Dental Students Newsletter - Spring 2002

11 together very closely. At the moment we are in charge of the ZAD, Arne, the chairman, Jörn and Taskin, internet and technical questions, and Ricarda, matters connected with clinical practice. The ZAD is part of the International Association of Dental Students (IADS). The administration of the ZAD is managed by the official in charge at the ZAD bureau with the Free Association of German Dentists in Bonn. The ZAD also maintains close co-operation with the DAAD and the ”Deutsche Ärzteversicherung”, who provide financial aid for German and foreign students in clinical practice. To assure an active exchange of ideas between the LEOs of the different universities, a ZAD-meeting is held once every semester. In addition there is a Federal Fachschaft Meeting every semester at which general questions are discussed. We are all trying to promote bilateral interchange.In Germany the winter semester lasts from October until February and the summer semester from April until July. For clinical practice you should apply approximately 6 months in advance and list a few different cities to chose from if possible. Generally it is useful to go into clinical practice only during the course of a semester and stay for 2-4 weeks. Every student is supplied with a certain amount of money, which is usually used to pay for housing. Every student can participate in any lecture or assist in different sections. It goes without saying that there is also a wide variety of sports and evening entertainment one can attend to.If you are still interested in clinical practice in Germany, apply with the above mentioned information (when and where) to: ZAD, Mallwitzstr.16, 53177 Bonn, Germany. The application will be forwarded to Ricarda, who will try to find a suitable university for you and will send you an invitation. Please apply in due time and enclose your e-mail address. With all the formalities settled the student will have to send or transfer the amount of 65US $ for insurance. We hope we have got you interested in dental studies in Germany and are looking forward to your applications and of course your scientific, cultural, and last not least your personal contributions. See you soon, Arne, Jörn, Taskin, and Ricarda.

International Association of Dental Students Newsletter - Spring 2002


IADS members TANZANIA: On the 31st October to 2nd November 2001, the International Association for Dental Research, East and Southern Africa Division, held its 15th International Conference. The conference took place at Le Meridien Hotel in Blantyre, Malawi. Delegates from within Malawi and from many countries (Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Botswana, Ethiopia, South Africa) were in attendance. The group from Tanzania was the only one who had sent student delegates as well. Although none among the students had a paper to present, this has been a great experience to us all. We had a lot to learn as far as HIV/AIDS and Oral Health, Research (especially evidence-based research), Conference organization (this was, for most of us, the first international conference to attend) and paper presentation were concerned. The Conference Theme was:“ The challenge of oral health care delivery in the face of HIV/AIDS pandemic in Subsaharan Africa”. Sub-Saharan Africa comprises 10% of the world population. It is also the region bearing the brunt of global HIV pandemic. There is premature death of the most economic and stable social sector of the population. The burden of diseases is being compounded by other prevailing problems like malnutrition, malaria, tuberculosis, poverty, poor socioeconomic status, education, heterosexual and gender inequalities, sexual and cultural norms and poor diagnostic facilities. In some places like in South Africa, the HIV problem is being marred by wrong messages by highranking officials. As scientists are still working hard in search for cure and probable vaccine that will be effective against HIV/AIDS, more efforts are to be directed on slowing down the rate of new infections, on improving the quality of life of those affected and on educating the people to accept rather than discriminate HIV patients. Clinical trials recently conducted and some of them presented during the conference show an increase in resistance by fungal and other opportunistic infections associated with HIV/AIDS to conventional drugs widely used against them. Evidence is also gathering indicative of a new clad of Candida that is only available in Africa that differs from the clades in Europe, the Americas and the rest of


12 the world and might add to explanation of the ineffectiveness of the drugs currently in use as most of these (drugs) have been developed for other clades and not for the clades being expounded in Africa. There is an all out urgent call and need for an Africa focused research to address this enormous new plague of HIV/AIDS. Current Research initiatives need be identified and has to be coordinated. Last but not least, and shared throughout the conference, is the challenge to oral health care professionals in the delivery of oral health services. Oral health-care professions (Dentists, Dental Therapists, Dental Hygienists, Dental Surgery

Future Events FDI World Dental Congress October 1st- 5th 2002 Vienna, Austria This year's congress in Vienna holds a special significance in that it is a truly regional event. Located in the heart of Europe and bordered by eight countries, Vienna will provide you with the opportunity to meet members of your profession from such diverse parts of the world. FDI 2002 is open to all and by its very nature encourages the exchanging of views, knowledge and experiences. There will be a five-day scientific program with speakers offering techniques that are both proven and innovative. In addition there will be professional meetings and specialized workshops open for all to contribute. All these dental forums will have an international and local focus. You can also present your own topic of interest in the form of an abstract whether it is a poster or free communication. The World Dental Exhibition will take place over four days in three large inter-connecting halls and can be found under the same roof as all related sessions and meetings. Hundreds of exhibitors will be waiting to show you their tried and tested products, latest developments and their ideas for the future.

Assistants, and other auxiliary oral health care workers) should be trained to be aware of the current pandemic of HIV/AIDS both within the Sub-Saharan region and globally. Knowledge and awareness of the signs and symptoms, like oral lesions, that may be indicative of the patient perhaps being HIV positive may lead to instituting the appropriate careful examination, investigation, diagnosis and treatment at an early stage, in order to be able to help the patient and those in close contact with the patient. Charles Wanga, University Of Dar Es Salaam Dental Students Association, Muhimbili University College Of Health Sciences, Dar Es Salaam. Tanzania

9th International Dentistry Students’ Scientific Congress September 11th- 14th 2002 Ohrid, Macedonia The traditional annual scientific congress that is organized by the Macedonian Dentistry Students' Association this year is going to be held in September, in the popular lakeside resort, the city of Ohrid. The four-day event includes presentation of scientific work by dental students as well as lectures by renowned professors. The organizers have also planned rich social and cultural life for the evenings and visits to the famous historical sites in Ohrid and Sv. Naum. For more info, you can visit www.dentitia.org.mk/congress

European Festival of Oral Science 2002 September 25th-28th 2002 Cardiff, Wales, UK The inaugural meeting of the Pan European Federation of the International Association for Dental Research will be held in September in Cardiff. The conference which is the first joint meeting of the British Division, Continental European Division, Irish Division, and Scandinavian Division will take place in the Cardiff International Arena located in the heart of Cardiff, Wales, UK. This meeting will represent the largest gathering of dental researchers from throughout Europe and has been entitled European Festival of Oral Science. Further information is available at www.global-meeting.co.uk


International Association of Dental Students Newsletter - Spring 2002

13 International Student Exchange Programme (ISEP) The IADS operates its own exchange system, which gives dental students the opportunity to spend time at a dental school in another part of the world. This scheme not only allows students to appreciate the foreign systems of our profession, but also to fully experience new and different cultures.

How it works? The scheme is well established and relies on a network of National Exchange Officers (NEOs), one in each member country, who will act on behalf of overseas students to arrange exchange places in schools within his/her own country. The whole program is coordinated from Executive Committee by the International Exchange Officer (IEO), whose duties also include the updating and circulation of new information, and seeking ways of improving the program. Each NEO keeps a copy of the 'IADS International Exchange Guidebook ' that contains details of the countries and schools, which can be visited, as well as all the application forms. All forms are available on-line, and can be obtained from the web site.

IADS Projects: International Student Exchange Programme (ISEP) Voluntary Work Project (VWP) there so anybody who wants to help is always welcome to work with this group and/or to learn more about the program. There's a wonderful opportunity for voluntary work in South Africa. The project is called 'Transnet Phelophepa Health Care'. It is an idea of a mobile health on rail. Phelophepa is a 15-coach train which has an ambitious mission: To deliver a comprehensive, affordable, accessible, mobile health care service to complement and support the existing facilities in the rural communities. The dental clinic here has 6 dental chairs equipped to perform the cleaning, extractions

Voluntary Work Projects (VWP) Voluntary Work Projects are the result of IADS's cooperation with organizations and teams involved in providing dental health care in different parts of the world. They allow students to go to another country and participate in a project of helping the health of a local population. The work differs from project to project: in some places, it is simply oral hygiene promotion and preventive dentistry, while in others simple treatment is carried out. The dental faculty of a local university, a local hospital or a team of an international organization usually organizes these projects. They offer a big variety of opportunities to give a helping hand to people in need. These projects are also a great chance for visiting different places in the world and learning about new cultures. For example you can go to Cambodia together with a small group of professionals and do lots of dental treatment in In Angkor Hospital for Children or connected few health centers. There's really a lot to do

of teeth and restorations. The heart of all this is a team of final year and postgraduate students, who supervised by clinic managers work on the train to gain practical and community experience. This year IADS has started updating of a Voluntary Work Projects Directory and seeking new possibilities of cooperation for dental students. If you are interested in taking a part in this kind of project you can choose one of the possibilities from IADS website and contact International Exchange Officer in order to arrange details of your work. We encourage you not to miss the opportunity of taking part in one of the VWP’s, as its an excellent way of enhancing your dental skills and becoming aquainted with other peoples beliefs. Most importantly it allows you to bring hope and joy to those lesser off than yourself in differentts parts of the world.

If you are interested: You can get more details from your NEO! For the list of the NEOs and for more detailed information of the above, please visit: www.IADS-web.org International Association of Dental Students Newsletter - Spring 2002



Student Exchange Memories:

Puerto Rico, Macedonia, Poland... Puerto Rico is an island situated in the Caribbean. Christopher Columbus discovered it in 1493, when he brought the European civilization on that ground. During its history, many armies tried to conquer this island, but only the American army succeeded in it and since than Puerto Rico has become a territory of the United States.

During the spring of 2001, the Macedonian Dentistry Students Association and the Dental Students' Association of Collegium Medicum of Jagiellonian University in Poland, organized a bilateral exchange for 14 dental students. The first part of this exchange took place from 2nd-11th of March 2001 in Macedonia and the th th second from the 18 28 of April in Poland. Realizing a bilateral exchange was a big challenge for both sides. Everything started after establishing individual contact between the two sides, during the IADS Worldwide Dental Congress in Malta 2000, and after a brief discussion that both faculties should organize this kind of an exchange.

Why I decided to go on a student exchange in Puerto Rico? Because Puerto Rico has a lot of things to offer. The first thing, that I noticed there, was the warm welcome paid to me by the students of dentistry. I visited the dental school the next day, where I got a chance to be acquainted with their studying program. The students attend the medical school four years and the next four years they attend the dental school. The last two years they perform their practice on patients. A very interesting thing to see was the Research Centre, which was equipped with modern devices, and the dedication of the employees to their research work. Puerto Rico is one of the countries with the highest rate of oral carcinoma in the world and therefore it is one of the projects in this Centre.During the day, the dental students are going to school, where they are having theory classes or doing practice. In the evenings they can work at the private dentistry offices as dental assistants. A lot of trips were organized across the island during the weekends. I visited the old town of San Juan, the Rio Camuy Cave Park, the rain forest El Yunque and the neighbouring island Culebra. Puerto Rico with its colourful sandy beaches, traditional seafood and big hospitality of the people is a place that has to be visited. Darko Bojadziski Macedonia

After long e-mailing and arrangements, regarding propositions and roles, our plans became a reality - as a first experience for both sides. The Polish students were hosted at the homes of their Macedonian friends. After wonderful night at one of the nicest restaurants in Skopje, they spent the weekend visiting such beautiful places like: Vodno Mountain with the panorama of the city, the resort of Matka and spent wonderful evenings on partying. The next week students were spending half of the day at the Dental Institute (where they were very warmly hosted) and in the afternoon a very nice social program was organized. At the end of the exchange Polish students were taken to the beautiful Lake City Ohrid, where they spent 3 amazing days on sightseeing and resting. It was difficult to come back to Skopje knowing that the Polish students have to leave next day‌


International Association of Dental Students Newsletter - Spring 2002


IADS within the FDI

But shortly afterwards everybody met again in Krakow. On the 18th of April 2001 seven students from Macedonia were welcomed by their Polish friends with flowers at the airport. The same day in the evening whole group took part in a traditional Polish dinner at a very nice country-folk's restaurant in the old part of the city. After that few bottles of champaign were opened at the Vistula River by night and the second part of the Polish-Macedonian Bilateral Exchange had officially started. The first day began at the Dental Institute with a lecture prepared specially for guests by the director. The rest of the week the students were taking a part in the clinics and in the afternoons reach social program was arranged. The group has visited: all most beautiful places in Krakow, Wieliczka salt-mine and also spent two days in the capital of the mountain part of Poland Zakopane. The exchange has finished on th the 28 of April 2001. Regarding individual and social life, each of the students returned to Macedonia with a different experience. Some of the students stayed longer, but some came home much earlier.

FDI- the World Dental Federation was established in 1900 and it is the world body of dentistry that brings together dental associations and dental professionals from all over the globe. Last year, FDI has expanded their individual membership to include all members of all our Member Associations. Currently the FDI has more than 150 dental associations representing 700,000 dentists from all over the world as members. This means that once you become a paid up member of your National Member Association, you are automatically a member of the FDI, with all the benefits and privileges that membership holds. IADS has a long history within the FDI. The IADS is an Affiliate member of the FDI, and our Central Office is at the FDI's Headquarters in Ferney-Voltaire, France. This brand new location for FDI and IADS will hopefully bring more opportunities for our future colaboration. The FDI Acting Executive Director Dr. J.T. Barnard, says, “The future of our profession is in the hands of the students of today. The FDI supports the student body (IADS) and trusts that there will be a life long relationship between every dentist-to-be and the FDI.�

As an experience from this exchange we came with the knowledge that a bilateral exchange can be a real surprise: sometimes even the best planning cannot prepare you for that, and I guess the most important thing is to have good luck.

We also share the same wishes with Dr. J.T Barnard for our future colaboration with FDI. We hereby would also like to thank Dr. Per-Ake Zillen (former FDI Executive Director) who has made big contributions to the FDI-IADS cooperation. Dr. Sarkis Sozkes Immediate Past President

International Association of Dental Students Newsletter - Spring 2002


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