IADS Newsletter Summer 2008

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Misahualli Dental Volunteerng Info

12 Discovering Georgia with IADS

21 Young Dentists Worldwide (YDW)


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COUNTRIES VOLUNTARY PROJECTS SCORE D friends in all over the Dear world, my name is Juliane w Gnoth, born at the 21st of G May 1981 in Germany. I M ggraduated as a dentist in 22007 from the University of LLeipzig and currently I am working in a small office in w Berlin. IADS is in my heart since I was in the Congress Committee of the Annual Congress in Berlin 2004, after this I represented Germany and was working as the Secretary General for one year. I don’t know what my life would be without IADS, because I met so many wonderful people I can call friends now and visited places I never dreamed of. Some of my friends are working with me in the Executive Committee and I am sure we will go on with going such a great job together. I am looking forward to see you at one of our next meetings; it will change your life to join our big IADS family! Juliane Gnoth, President juliane_gnoth@yahoo.de

A Short Introduction / About IADS Brazil 2006 Ecuador: Misahualli Volunteering Prague 2005 Sudan 2006 Serbia, Novi Sad 2006 Georgia: Mid-Year Meeting 2007 Hungary 2007 Romania: “StuDENT 2008” Poland 2008 Egypt International Students Exchange Voluntary Work Abroad (VWA) Young Dentists Worldwide (YDW) Standing Committee...

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join one of our meetings - it will be an experience of a lifetime. You can hardly explain the atmosphere and the spirit and the exciting and memorable time of our get-togethers in words, so check it out yourself and grab the spirit! Best wishes and hope to see you soon! Michael Ermer, Editor Michael.Ermer@web.de Hello my friends from all H over o the world, it is my pleasure to greet you from p the t pages of our newest newsletter. I have joined n IADS in Sudan 2006 by a sheer coincidence and was w scared and confused on my first congress. Fear soon passed and I have met many great people who I have the privilege to call friends. Now I am proud to be a part of this great association and to have an opportunity to be a part of its long history. I hope to see you in the upcoming meetings so we can experience IADS spirit together. Tomaz Spindler, Treasurer tomazek@yahoo.com


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D friends from all over Dear tthe World! My name is M Magdalena Maciejowska and I am from Poland. I graduaated from Medical University oof Wroclaw where currently I aam doing my doctorate and t k of a postgraduate student, as a partt off my tasks I show the students the fascinating world of the human anatomy. In 2004 I had a pleasure to participate in IADS Congress in Berlin. Then my impressive adventure with IADS started. This is my second year being part of ExCo. As a General Secretary (GS) my main task is to provide you with information on how to become members, do not hesitate to contact me if you are interested in this! Working in international team is an incredible experience. Each of IADS meetings brings lots of joy and happy moments, gives energy that helps to face real problems afterwards. It gave me an opportunity not only to try rafting in Croatia or to make first steps in snowboarding in Georgia and more but especially to meet wonderful people that I am glad to be able to work for and with! You can also be part of it! IADS is like the passion flowing right on through your veins; don’t hesitate to check it out! Dr. Magdalena Maciejowska, Secretary General, ayersrock@poczta.fm

H my name is Andrea Veitova Hi, aand I come from the Czech Republic. Currently I am R hhonored to be the Immediate PPast President of IADS. Last yyear I graduated from Palacky University in Olomouc and now U I am working in a private dental clinic as a general practitioner. 7 years ago, when I was in my first year of studies, I became the Neo of Czech Republic and was happy to go on my first IADS Congress in Egypt. I had a really really wonderful time there and was completely astonished by the IADS spirit, the new friendships and just about everything in IADS. I started my Neo work and Hello H to all friends of IADS! started going on IADS meetings. Every time it was My M name is Michael Ermer. much fun, with seeing old friends, meeting new Dear friends and colleagues, ones, being able to make a difference and create D I live and study in Cologne, my name is Natasa Predin, m Germany. G Here I finished new possibilities for dental students. 4 years ago I I live in the city of Novi Sad, medical m school 4 years ago was elected to be the General Secretary of IADS. I Serbia, where I attend the S and a now I am a last year was glad to be part of a very good team that thrives FFaculty of Medicine, Departdental d student. Since the to bring IADS further. In 2005, the Czech Dental ment of Stomatology. After m Berlin 2004 Congress – B Student Association (CDSA) hosted the 52nd sserving one year as NEO, I where I have been “infected” by the IADS spirit IADS Congress. We had over 160 participants hhave been elected for the IEO from 27 different countries and much fun again. It – I have been around IADS meetings whenposition. This is not only an honor but also a great was great honor for me to be elected as an IADS ever I could manage. I always had a great time meeting a lot of interesting and wonderful challenge considering the rich history of IADS, its President on a congress at my home country. It people from all over the world and in doing so past achievements and future goals. In pursuit has been over 7 years ago since my IADS journey of dental knowledge, continuous education and making many friends for a lifetime! In 2006 in started and I never regreted a single moment of it; Khartoum, Sudan, I was elected as Editor and lifelong friendships, individuals from different it changed my life and I am thankful for that. If you countries meet, breaking down the barriers of dis- have not been on our meetings yet, I recommend re-elected this summer during the Hungary Congress at Lake Balaton. It is a great honour tance, race, language and religion. This together- you try it and experience IADS on your own. I am ness is the spirit of IADS. Join us in our quest to sure you will have a great time like the rest of us. for me to serve our organization and to promote our work and exchange opportunities promote, learn and explore the dental issues and Dr. Andrea Veitova, Immediate Past become a part of our international team! to as many interested students and young President, andrea_veitova@yahoo.com dentists as possible. All I can ask you for is to Natasa Predin, IEO, tash4ns@neobee.net


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A short introduction The International Association of Dental Students was formed in 1951, to unite the dental students of the world and allow them to exchange knowledge and experiences about dentistry at an international level. As the only worldwide association for dental students, we represent the future members of the dental profession at a worldwide level. Our Central Office is at FDI World Dental Federation Headquarters in Ferney-Voltaire, France. Who can be a member? National and local associations of dental students are eligible for membership. Presently we have member associations in many countries, representing some 88,000 dental students around the world.

English is used as the common language at all our meetings. Who runs the Association? Each member association sends their representatives to the General Assembly, which meets during the Congress and Mid Year Meeting. Here we follow the rules and regulations in our Constitution. A six-person Executive Committee, headed by the President, is responsible for day to day management of the Association‘s affairs. What activities are organised for members? As well as the Annual World Congress of Dental Students, we offer many things at an international level to our members. These are accessible to each and every dental student in the member countries, and include an International Student Exchange Programme, which allows students to visit a foreign country and experience its culture and its dentistry, both scientifically and clinically. In collaboration with the World Health Organisation, we run a Voluntary Work Abroad Scheme, which allows students to experience primary oral healthcare in a developing country. This work with the WHO developed from our participation in the WHO‘s Global

The paricipants in Hungary, Lake Balaton 2007

Consultation on Oral Health Sciences Education during the World Year of Oral Health in 1994.

Delegates discussing in the general assembly

When an association joins, all its members become members of IADS. There is no membership for individuals at the present time. How often does the Association meet? We meet twice annually. The main meeting is our Annual World Congress of Dental Students, held each August. This meeting typically attracts around 200 participants. It centres on a scientific programme of lectures and seminars addressing the needs of the dental student, but also includes workshop discussions, an organised social programme and the various business meetings of the Association. Recent congresses have been held in Istanbul, Turkey (2003); Berlin, Germany (2004); Prague, Czech Republic (2005); Khartoum, Sudan (2006) and Balaton, Hungary (2007). A small Mid Year Meeting (MYM), whose programme is devoted to business meetings, is held each February-March.

Greetings from the 54th IADS World Congress Hungary, 2007


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About IADS Implant workshop proThe IADS was founded in the year 1951 in Kopenhagen/Denmark - thus since more than vided at the congress in Hungary 57 years, it is known to dental students from all over the world, serving as a platform for exchange of knowledge and experiences about dentistry at an international level. The main goal of IADS always has been to unite the world‘s dental students, to give them the opportunity to meet and discuss about their education, their profession and their future as a dentist. And a side effect of this was and is livelong friendships between people who would never have met without the Association. As the only worldwide association for dental students, the main goal of IADS is the representation of the coming members of the dental z With its Annual World Congress it still profession. provides the unique opportunity to all colLike in every student organization this has leagues to meet at one place on the globe not always been very easy. Thanks to several (recent congresses were held in Istanbul / eager students who gave big efforts to run this Turkey in 2003, Berlin / Germany in 2004, association it is still alive and well known to Prague / Czech Rep. in 2005, Khartoum / lots of colleagues as the IADS Family. Sudan in 2006 and finally Lake Balaton / Nowadays the IADS Family is counting 28 Hungary in 2007) country and school members and is glad about its close contact to the FDI (World Dental Fed- z The IADS E-mail group is used by more than 400 students and dentists, where eration - the Central Office of IADS is at FDI dental cases and news about dentistry are Headquarters in Ferney-Voltaire in France), being discussed. Many students communito YDW (Young Dentists Worldwide) and to cate via Facebook.com in the IADS- Group, other organizations like the EDSA (European especially new countries found the contact Dental Students Association) or the IFMSA to IADS via that platform (International Federation of Medical Students‘ z Through the SCORE (Standing CommitAssociation) and more. tee on Research and Education - created A six-person Executive Committee is responsible for the management of the Association‘s affairs. It is their job to realize the ideas The Executive Committee 2007–08 and decisions which were made together with the national representatives of the IADS member countries during the IADS meetings. z President: Ms. Juliane Gnoth from Germany z General Secretary: Dr. Magdalena Maciejowska from Poland z Editor: Mr. Michael Ermer from Germany z Treasurer: Mr. Tomaz Spindler from Slovenia z International Exchange Officer: Ms. Natasa Predin from Serbia z Immediate Past President: Dr. Andrea Veitova from Czech Republic

Current Activities z With its International Students‘ Exchange Programme (ISEP) IADS made it possible for more than 100 dental students a year to realize an exchange to a dental faculty of another member country in the last years.

during the IADS Congress in Egypt in 2002) dental science and education shall become more important in the future of IADS – several programmes have been started, e.g. the collection of a database of all postgraduate courses at dental faculties in the whole world in order to present them on the IADS website z The IADS Newsletter (the Summer Edition 2008 is going to be distributed during and after the next congress) which shall inform about what happened in the dental world Future Goals Since our congress in Sudan 2006 the Executive Committees are working hard in order to settle a structure which shall provide a safer continuity of IADS engagement for the future. By this, following Executive Committees shall be relieved of lots of basic work after their election. And by this their service and the representation of their colleagues shall become even more the midpoint of their work. But never forget, the Association is your Association, it depends on everybody’s contribution! We are also looking forward to having the Young Dentists Worldwide with us and so both the Congress Committee and the IADS Executive Committee hope to make it an unforgettable week in for all our participants. We hope the congress in Egypt will be an unforgettable experience for all of the participants, and we can show you both, the IADS and also the Egyptian spirit. „Let your life change, grab the spirit!“ For more information about IADS please visit www.iads-web.org


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Brazil 2006 We didn’t exactly know what to expect when we set off for Brazil to get to know the country, the people, the dentists, the dental students and the working conditions. You can tell…. Thanks to God, Rodrigo and Ana-Paula, Dorit and Carlos, Christiane and Bruno, Diane and many more – everything came up to our expectations and even exceeded them! The first highlight was at the beginning of the stay the “Congresso International de São

tour in the APCD-building where a lot of dental units and a research library and a museum with antique dental chairs can be found. Rodrigo showed us his private practice: Master Sorriso and Venticinque Odontologia where we could find out some treatment methods in the fields of Prosthetics, Impalantology, Esthetics, Endodontics and Orthodontics. In Brazil every dentist, we got to know, is very keen to specialize and many different institutes offer courses in every imaginable discipline. We also visited CETAO (Centro des Estudos – Treinamento e Aperfeicoamento em Odontologia), where such courses for the specialization and especially in dental surgery take place. Everywhere it was obvious how high the standard in The group together in the evening Brazilian dentistry is. We met excellent Paulo” with a varied and highly interesting dentists, who provided an insight to their skills: schedule and a first-rate dental fair. not only Rodrigo and Alemão but also at the The congress was organized by the APCD Universities. For example at the Universidade (Associacao Paulista de Cirurgioes Dentistas). de São Paulo (USP) and the Universidade The APCD is one of the organizations for Ibirapuera (UNIB). The USP is famous for Brazilian dentists and is among others taking its Laser-Center, where Laser-Equipment for care of continuing education. We got a private every Indication is available. At UNIB, not far

Historical dental unit

away from Master Sorriso, we were able to see special treatments in Periodontics and Conservative Dentistry. In São Paulo State alone, about 70 Universities for Dentistry are located, in Brasil together about 150. In consideration of this fact, an excess of dentist is preassigned and in other Brazilian regions such as the Amazon area is this profession almost not existent. Since Brazil’s Southeast represents the economic centre, high-end dentistry can be offered with all the essential products. At the dental fair for example was an area installed where, to our surprise, dental products “made in Germany” were shown. The dental education lasts 4 years and is different depending on the university. Students do not have to study physics or general anatomy but have to pay tuition fees. The courses are very related to practice and patients are treated from the second year on. Altogether it was a great experience and we would like to advice you all to travel to Brazil. It is a wonderful country! Nightlife, carnival, going by bus, shopping and the landscape is as outstanding as you can imagine. Thanks again to everybody! You were great! Katka Zakova und Anke Braeuning

The university


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Misahualli Dental Volunteering Info Dental Clinic The trip to Misahualli for us was a great experience. This trip gave us the chance to see how dentistry is practiced in communities with very limited resources in particular remote areas of Ecuador. The medical clinic of Misahualli has been renovated two years ago; the new building includes several rooms which were used by a general doctor, a nurse, a pediatrician, and two local dentists. The dental room of clinic was one of the biggest rooms in the building with plenty sunshine which was the main light source of dental unit. The dental work done in Misahualli can be considered as basic procedures such as extractions, resin composite fillings, exams (but no X-rays). In total there were two units available: one was a fixed chair with no light that had many signs of repairs, the other unit was a portable set which was used in the two days that we spent in the communities along side of the Napo River. The two local dentist of this community were extremely friendly and passionate about helping their people, but lack of dental supplies and instruments seemed to be their biggest obstacle. They had never worked with assistances before so our volunteer work was very useful for them. Under the supervision of local dentists we got to do some dentistry such as injecting local anesthetics, and relatively simple extractions. We could have done more if they had more units available, but not having enough clean instruments was the biggest problem. In many cases just holding a flashlight for the doctor was the best help due to the lack of light source. Knowledge of Spanish is very important as local people do not speak English; however,

In a rural area in the jungle

The cathedral of Cuenca

A frog, just an example for the unbelievable nature of Ecuador

there are many good Spanish schools in Quito that you can learn basic Spanish in the shortest amount of time. Misahualli Misahualli is a small village located 200 kilometres east of the capital Quito. It takes about six hours by bus to arrive in Misahualli. Everyday there are direct busses from QuitoMisahualli and Misahualli-Quito. The population of Misahualli is a mixture of indigenous people and mestizos (mix of indigenous and Spanish people). The village has a population of about 700 people.

Accommodations There are several hostels located in this village. We stayed at Hostal Show / Ecoselva, a small hostel in the center of Misahualli. The hostel is run by Pepé Tapia and his wife Margarita. Pepé Tapia is one of the few local people who speak English, and operate different jungle tours. He also coordinates different volunteer projects. You will share all your meals with the family of Pepé and Margarita. The hostel is somewhat clean, there is electricity (but be aware that in the Ecuadorian jungle this can go out every minute due to heavy rainfall or falling trees), hot water, and laundry facilities. There is no Internet café or telephone available in the village; you need to go to Tena, which is about 45 min away from Misahualli. There are frequent buses going to Tena, also the cost of taxi is about $8. The cost of stay for one week in the hostel is $90 which includes room and 3 meals. Tourism Opportunities z Amazon jungle tour is available through Pepe z Visit the butterfly garden in Misahualli z Village has a sandy beach on the river, right outside town where you can go for a swim in the Rio Misahualli. The Rio Napo is accessible by canoes and offers excellent tourism opportunities z See the monkeys running around at the central plaza, visit local indigenous communities by canoe Sean Bastani (DS2) & Shamim Moslemi (DS2)

Native people of Ecuador


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Memories of 52nd IADS & YDW Congress in Prague 2005 It has been more than 2 years before the congress since our Czech Dental Student Association (CDSA) started thinking about organizing an IADS Congress. When the delegates of the General Assembly of Berlin Congress elected Czech Republic as the future organizer, we all were really happy and felt honored. One year later, (8-14.8.2005) more than 150 participants arrived to Prague from many different countries from all over the world - Brazil, Croatia, Denmark, Egypt, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Italy, Japan, Korea, The congress-group at the exchange fair-evening Kuwait, Lebanon, Macedonia, Malta, Norway, Poland, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovenia, Spain, Sudan, Turkey, entered the European Union, the curriculum United Kingdom and United States of America. change became urgent and suddenly our Stomatology became Odontology. Since then, the dentists are divided into two groups. One of them is a pro-odontology and the other one against. We wanted to discuss this topic with students from other countries and asked for their experiences and opinions. This was discussed on our student meetings. Fruitful discussions were held also at the General Assemblies and Neo Meeting. But as you all know IADS is not only about hard work but also about having fun, meeting new people and getting to know more about the organizing country and its people. That’s why we knew Prague would be a perfect location for our congress. Our city tour of Prague was breathtaking for all of us. The so called ‘heart of Europe’ with its magnificent bridges, cathedrals, gold-pleated towers and domes of churches, as well as a modern European metropolis showed itself in the beautiful shiny weather. However, the Sightseeing in the historic city-center city center was not the only historical place we were about to visit. The trip to Karl_tejn Castle, the upcoming day, with typical Czech railway Traditionally the pre-congress was also reserved for our participants was as well a arranged. We invited the participants to the south-eastern part of Czech Republic, to the city of Znojmo. Znojmo is a tremendous city surrounded by wineries, hills and forests with its beautiful nature. Many types of wine were tasted, Czech songs were song and even after 2 years many participants still remember the exact lyrics. Pre-congress was a relaxing time with fun trips and historical visits, with the time to talk to everyone and enjoy the IADS spirit. After 3 days of Moravian fun we all came to Prague for the congress itself. The main topic of our congress was “OdonParty at the exchange fair tology vs. Stomatology.” As Czech Republic

beautiful event. In the evening the traditional exchange fair took place. Many new dances and songs were performed, traditional food and drinks were completely eaten and we all could look forward to a difficult morning afterwards :o) Vltava river offers great sightseeing spots on the historical center. That’s why we decided to use this oppotunity and planned one evening on a big boat. We had a very nice dinner there, beautiful sunset and then

General assembly during the congress

big party with dancing. It was a cool feeling to be dancing on the boat with your friends while passing by the National Theater of Prague. Scientific lectures were held on Friday and Saturday. Many interesting lectures were held from both Czech and International lecturers. Dr. Nick Vyas and Dr. Stephen Smith held a hands-on-course in periodontics. It was very interesting for the participants to try it and practice on the pig jaws. The Gala Dinner is always the most fancy evening of the whole congress. Our Gala was held at the “Narodni Dum Smichov,” very elegant and historical building. Live band, good food and champagne made the evening unforgettable. Although our team spent lots of time on organizing this event, we were extremely happy to host the participants in the heart of Europe. Happy to be able to show them our capital, our traditions, to meet new people and the most important thing to be able to experience the IADS spirit. Something that is hard to describe, but easy to feel once you are part of our IADS family :o) See you all on our future meetings. Andrea Veitova IADS Immediate Past President 2007/08 Congress organizer 2005


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With the IADS-family in Sudan: Congress 2006 A long time before we went to our annual IADS congress to Sudan, we were wondering what it would be like and we had discussions about the security and the medical field trip. Maybe most of the participants never would have visited this country without being invited by the Association of Dental Students of the University Khartoum (ADSUK). With 2,5 Mio km2, Sudan is the largest country in the whole Africa, so-called „heart of Africa“. The capital is Khartoum with eight million inhabitants. The Blue Nile and the White Nile fuse there and divide the city in three parts. But the IADS meeting did not start directly in Khartoum, because some participants arrived earlier to be part of the pre-congress

and visits in different places in and around Khartoum. We went to the presidential palace, had a barbeque at a farm, were invited to the graduation ceremony of the dental faculty and visited an art gallery with traditional music and dances. The exchange fair was again one of greatest events during this congress. All our business meetings, the so-called General Assemblies (GA) were held in our hotel located next to the Nile. After some Sudanese students at the opening ceremony

The precongress-group at Karima, North Sudan

So we spent our first night in Sudan in a camp in the middle of the desert, after enjoying the experience of a sand and thunderstorm during the afternoon. On the next day we passed overflowing Wadis and flooded roads back to Khartoum. Here we took a governmental bus north to Merowe, where the biggest construction site in Africa is located: A huge dam project, which should solve electricity problems for a great part of Sudan. From Merowe we went to one of the best places in whole Sudan: Karima and the holy mountain Gebel Barkal. After crossing the Nile by a small ferry we had a race up to the top standing temperatures around 45° C. From this place we had a great view over the Nile with its banks full of palm trees and the pyramids below us. After the pre-congress we went back to Khartoum - after eight hours in the shaking bus some of us felt sick, but coming to the hotel made us feel well again. Here the other congress participants were waiting for us already and we were happy to meet many friends again. On the same evening we could enjoy the opening ceremony and this evening was followed by a week of great trips

tour. Through the desert we went to visit the pyramids and temples of Naqa, Shendi and Meroe, built in the times when the region was ruled by Nubian and Kushite Pharaohs. The cultural treasures are not as touristy as everybody knows the scene from Egypt, but not less precious. Archaeologists come from all over the world, especially Germany to help Sudan to rescue the temples and pyramids that are tortured by sand storms for hundreds of years.

Congress-group in Khartoum

Traditional Sudanese market at the university

problems due to constitutional matters, we had fruitful meetings in the end. Presentations were given on future Mid-Year-Meetings in Georgia 2007 and the proposal for Poland 2008. The delegates confirmed their willingness to support the work of IADS committees like CREME and SCORE. The report of the newly created COSPIE (Committee for solving problems in IADS exchanges) was accepted and its guidelines for exchanges will be enforced in the future. The elections of the Executive Committee (ExCo) were another topic. Ms. Andrea Veitova of Czech Republic was re-elected as President, Ms. Juliane Gnoth of Germany elected as General Secretary, Michael Ermer of Germany as Editor, Valeri Nadiarashvivli of Georgia as Treasurer, and Ms. Magdalena Maciejowska of Poland as International Exchange Officer. Mr. Mark Antal therefore serves IADS another year as Immediate Past President. Our time in Khartoum ended with the gala evening held in the Hilton Hotel, which was a great place for such an official evening.


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37th EDSA meeting at Medical Faculty of Novi Sad, Serbia 2006 Recently our faculty hosted two remarkable events: The 6th International EDSA Conference and the 37th EDSA Meeting. The EDSA representatives from dentistry faculties from European countries regularly meet twice a year, each time in a different member country, in order to exchange experiences and ideas concerning the projects undertaken by dental students in each country. This year, we have had the honor of hosting this meeting and Conference, which besides the EDSA delegates, also gathers the students and professors of dentistry, to present their scientific papers and reports.

greatest challenge for us as hosts was still to come - the realization of the EDSA Conference. The Organizing Committee, including Jadranka Vujacic as President, doctors Nebojsa Djuric and Edon Karahoda, Aleksandra Ranisavljev, Ivana Vuletic and Natasa Predin as assisting members, have been working hard for months to present our Faculty at its best. We had to additionally host about 40 foreign students who participated at the Congress with their research, as well as the same number of local students from Belgrade and Nis. About 60 host students and our professors and teaching assistants also participated at the Conference. To EDSA Meeting achieve the high scientific level of the ConferOur guests were accommodated at the Sajam ence, recognized lecturers from our country and hotel, which was also the venue of the subseabroad were invited to contribute. quent scientific sessions. We had the opportunity Both Conference days were similarly to meet the colleagues from Sweden, Greece, designed: The exhibition of the dental equipFrance, United Kingdom, Ireland, the Netherlands, ment and materials, as well as students’ poster Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia, Germany, as well as presentations were displayed in the Faculty Hall. the guests from the neighboring countries: Roma- Both morning and afternoon sessions included nia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia and Macedonia. oral students’ discussions and professors’ lectures. On the first Conference day, the lectures were given by Prof, Dragoslav Djukanovic, Ass. Predrag Vucinic, Prof. Mirjana Vujasinovic, Prof. Zoran Stajcic, and the guest lecturer from Croatia Prof. Asja Celebic, a specialist in prosthetics. The following Congress day was reserved for Prof. A.J/P. Van Stryp from the Netherlands; Dr Aristomenis Syngelakis from Greece who Lectures gave an interesting lecture on management in medicine, a young lady doctor form Macedonia The official welcome speech was given Jasminka Matoska, the “Colgate’s Agent lecturby Miss Jadranka Vujacic, President of the ing on the proper choice of toothbrushes. An Organizing Committee and our recently formed interesting lecture on teaching and learning was Dental Students’ Club, in the beautiful Churchill given by our dear guest, a young professor from Restaurant. The official ceremony developed into Bern, Switzerland, Prof. Nikos Matheos, Greek in a relaxed party with lots of fun and entertainment origin. The sensational event at the Sunday afterin The Hedonist. Similar happenings occurred noon session was the guest from the American every evening at different sites: first at the AdContinent, Prof. Denis Lynch, and Dean of the dress Café, and finally at the unforgettable BalDental Faculty of Milwaukee, who lectured on thazar place, the site of the spectacular “EDSA dental education in the new millennium. Vision Night”. Similar to the Eurovision spectacle, each EDSA member country participated with their song and choreography. In a fair and honest competition, the host country won, as decided by our guests’ votes. The victory was, no doubt, mostly due to our beautiful dancing girls, who elegantly accompanied our “hat-and-tie” boys. EDSA Congress The EDSA Meeting was a success, but the

Coffee break

Farewell party

Except the Organizing Committee, it is the fantastic Hosting Team of our dentistry students who are to be mostly congratulated for the excellent organization and attention paid to every single detail. The boys and girls dressed in lovely yellow T-shirts with the front label “MAY I HELP U”? The wearer’s name and number on the back could not remain unseen! They offered tasteful refreshments and snacks between the sessions and provided any information or help the participants might have needed. They also contributed most to the relaxed, friendly atmosphere during the Congress and at parties, and are most responsible for the spontaneous party with the guitar and wine after the official closing ceremony. EDSA Aftermeeting Fun, parties and entertainment might have lasted for ever, but Monday, the last day of the Congress, inevitably came. It was reserved for a trip to the nearby mountain of Fruska Gora and its fascinating medieval monasteries, the visit to the Museum of Wine and Honey in Sremski Karlovci in the vicinity of Novi Sad, and the Gala Dinner on the famous Ranch 137. There, the guests had the opportunity to experience a bit of the original atmosphere of Vojvodina, eating traditional food, accompanied by the soft “tamburitza” tunes, to see and themselves try to dance “kolo”, a traditional Serbian dance. That last evening, while parting at the Cubismo, participants exchanged addresses and messages in their personal impression books! Maybe it is not a mere coincidence that this great event for our Faculty was organized in Easter time. It is, for sure, symbolic: the student activities at the Dentistry Department of the Medical Faculty of Novi Sad have resurrected! This was the first international summit since its foundation! We hope this was just the initial energetic injection marking the onset of the activities of the Dentistry Students’ Club! Natasa Predin


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Discovering Georgia with IADS Tuesday afternoon. Copenhagen Airport. Lots and lots of travellers standing in many different queues. Among these people were two Danish dental students waiting. With their luggage packed, full of excitement, not knowing what the upcoming 5 days would bring them. Going to a country they had heard almost nothing about. Taking the step on to the plane, they were on their way to the upcoming IADS Mid-Year-Meeting 2007 in one of the oldest countries of the Caucasus region. Georgia, here we come… Wednesday morning, 3 am, Tbilisi Airport. At our arrival, chief-organizer Valeri Nadirashvili welcomed us to “his” Georgia. In no time we were joined with other enthusiastic IADS members. Somehow we had missed that the way to Bakuriani was not 40 minutes, so when four hours had passed and the sun was showing we started to question ourselves where we were heading…. Bakuriani turned out to be a charming town situated in the mountains of Georgia, 1.700 meters above the sea. The hotel where we stayed was very nice, with skiing slopes outside the window and snow covering most of the city. Due to IADS tradition the general assemblies took place in the first three days of the business meeting. Here we discussed issues and matters of IADS and welcomed new Russian members to the growing organisation. This year’s scientific program was interesting as the subject was implantology. By supervision of the Swedish dentist Jan “Putte” Minholm, we had a practical course in doing implants on phantom jaws.

Meeting in Bakuriani

Skiing in Bakuriani

On Friday we all found that the snow facilities outside were so tempting that instead of having our meetings during the day we ended up skiing and had our meetings in the afternoon instead. The activities in the Georgian snowfield were endless! Snowmobile, skiing, snowboarding, you name it. We had the pleasure riding in a Georgian taxi, and wow what an experience! The driver drove like crazy in his little box Fiat Punto with six scared dental students squeezed into the vehicle. Not a problem!!! Unfortunately, we were not able to join the post trip. So we had to leave with the last bus on Saturday afternoon to Tblisi. It was with a sad feeling we waved goodbye to our friends we had gotten to know in Bakuriani. In Tbilisi we made yet new friends. A handful of Georgian students picked us up at the bus station. They joined us for a little roundtrip in downtown Tbilisi. In no time they had arranged an amusing evening for us! We all went to a nice Georgian restaurant with live music and lots of dance. The Georgian students made the evening so joyful and the time just passed so quickly.

Georgian wine and international guests

A couple of hours later our flight was waiting to bring us back to Denmark. From the bottom of our hearts we thank all the Georgian students who worked hard to organize the MYM. We appreciate their hard work and all the effort they put in it. In this country we really felt the warmth of the people and the Georgian hospitality. Thank You Georgia! Samar Khamis & Anne Marie R. Juel University of Copenhagen


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IADS Mid-Year-Meeting 2007 in Georgia IADS Mid-Year-Meeting 2007 in Bakuriani, snowfield of Georgia has already passed. The Idea of MYM 2007 in Georgia comes almost from the day the Georgian Dental Students Association became member of the big IADS family. It has been only two years since we are IADS members, that’s why it was a huge responsibility and task to organize a business meeting of IADS in our country. We discussed a lot where we could hold the business meeting and at last we decided for Bakuriani, a village in mountain winter resort with fresh air, peace, ski and snowboarding opportunities, where in every step one can grab Caucasian spirit. Participants began to arrive from the 25th of February, those people had more time to get acquaint with Georgian culture, guided by our association members. Most of delegates arrived at 28th February early morning and in the afternoon we were in Bakuriani. General Assembly was opened by IADS President, Dr. Andrea Veitova and Head of MYM Organizing Committee Valeri Nadirashvili. Delegates from Czech Republic, Poland, Sudan, Croatia, Germany,

General assembly in the Hotel

Turkey, Hungary, Denmark, Italy, Sweden and of course, from Georgia attended the business meeting. Many old friends met again and many new ones as well from all over the world. One of the interesting parts of General Assemblies was the presentation of Russian students introducing their dental student association and applying for membership. So one of the biggest countries of the world now is a new member of IADS with new opportunities of exchanges, experience in professional dentistry and a lot of ideas.

In a winery at the post-meeting

Polish delegates held a presentation about Lublin and told the GA that they are interested to host next MYM 2008 in Lublin. We had a hands-on-course in implantology by Dr. Jan “Putte” Minholm from Sweden. We were placing implants in a lower toothless jaw model. We want to thank Dr. Minholm for his enthusiasm and time, which he spent on the course. During our free time we were walking in the village, where in every corner our guests met with Georgian traditions. Taste Georgian food, and see lifestyle of village inhabitants. Many of us enjoyed skiing, professionals skied from the most extreme mountain, “Kokhta”, and some others tried skiing for the first time, even those who saw snow for the first time in their life.

During the GA a new project was introduced: The “International Dental Students Olympiad”, idea of vice-president of Georgian Dental Students Association Ramaz Orjonikidze. This should be a friendly competition, reason to meet each other and share experience, opportunity to receive lectures about the latest technologies in dentistry. The four days passed much too fast, most delegates left one by one. But some were participating in the post MYM tour and visited the old capital of Georgia Mstkheta, the Kakheti Region with its capital Telavi and its surroundings, rich in historical and architectural monuments. Also, Telavi is the centre of the old Georgian wine tradition. The last days were spent in Tblisi, the actual capital of Georgia. Georgian dental students were glad to have a possibility of IADS meeting in Georgia, we met interesting and nice people from all over the world, get experience and find new friends. On the behalf of Georgian Dental Students association I would like to thank everybody who attended this meeting and I hope to see you all again in Georgia. Tinatin Mokhevishvili NEO of Georgia

Implant course done by Dr. Minholm


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“Dancing in the Rain” 54th IADS World Congress 2007 Lake Balaton, Hungary The 54th IADS World Congress at Lake Balaton – Hungary 2007 was an unforgettable event for me, the rest of the new IADS members, as well as the old IADS members. Reintroducing the IADS spirit for new members has become a custom for each meeting and that time it was perfectly presented by the warm hospitality of the Hungarians as it was hosted by the Hungarian Association of Dental Students. The event took place at a 3 stars hotel called Frida Family Hotel in Balatonvilagos The EXCO at the general assembly situated right on the shore of the sunny and warm Lake Balaton which is one of the most semblies started and they were so successful famous touristic areas in Hungary. and fruitful, new members were accepted for the Association, problems were discussed and elections were done. On the third day of the congress, delegates of each country grouped and started to organize their special table in order to show their culture in an attractive and catching way so that to promote exchange programs. This fair which is called in the IADS language the “Exchange Fair” is a major approach that breaks the ice between the different cultures present at IADS congresses, people wear their traditional costumes, present their delicious food as well as drinks and Dinner at a Hungarian restaurant some of them may put souvenirs, posters and brochures. There was a Pre-Congress program in Later on, we had trips during the afternoons the beautiful city of Budapest, the capital of to the Puszta, the Badacsony-Mountain and Hungary which is crossed by the river Danube Siofok which were amazing and of course the dividing it into Buda & Pest. It was organized parties were blasting. One of them is unforgetby the local organization of Budapest for 3 table; the Tihany boat trip which was right after days during which, visits to famous sights of the wine tasting on board of a huge boat that Budapest were organized including the Fisher- sailed in Lake Balaton. Along with the friendly man’s Bastion, the Labyrinth and the Hungar- Hungarian students everybody was partyian Parliament. ing on its deck and indoors until suddenly, it The Post-Congress program was held in started raining heavily and still everybody kept Szeged, a small city on the river Tisza situated partying and we all went crazy dancing in the at the southern borders of Hungary. It was rain. At this moment, I truly realized and loved organized by the local organization of Szeged the IADS spirit everyone was talking about and for 3 days during which, visits to Ópusztaszer and the University of Szeged were organized. The Congress lasted for one week; there were 118 participants from 30 countries who spent an amazing week together. The first event was the Opening Ceremony at the first evening, where the Hungarian Students were present in traditional dresses and showed a dance with the flags of the participating countries. From Tuesday on the General AsKaraoke party

as the slogan for that congress was “grab the spirit”, we all grabbed that amazing spirit that night. The Scientific program started on the fifth day till the sixth day of the congress; there were 2 Hands-On courses and 21 Lectures presented by many Hungarian eminent speakers as well as International ones concerning the different branches of dentistry. The congress ended with the Gala-Dinner where the new members of the IADS Executive Committee were introduced, giving a bigger hope to the year 2007/2008 full of progress and innovation for our IADS that we all felt belonging to at that moment. Afterwards, we had our last dinner together with the congress organizers and participants remem-

Exchange fair

bering the great time we spent and hoping to meet again in the coming meetings. This congress was my first IADS experience, I really enjoyed it and since then I’ve decided that no matter what the circumstances are, as long as it’s possible, I’ll do my best in order not to miss an IADS congress or a midyear meeting. Finally, I would like to thank Dr. Mark Antal, the Chairman of the Congress Committee as well as his team from Budapest and Szeged Universities for their hospitality and all their effort. Special thanks to Prof. Nagy Katalin, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Szeged University, for welcoming us at the University as well as Dr. Mark Antal’s parents for their enjoyable dinner during the postcongress. Amir El-Kholi Chairman of the Congress Committee 55th IADS Congress, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt NEO of Egypt


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“StuDENT 2008” in Romania The League of Students in Dental Medicine from Bucharest organizes every year, at the end of March, the International Congress in Dental Medicine for Students and Young Doctors “StuDENT”. This year, during 26th – 30th of March, has taken place the 7th edition of this scientific event, with the support of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” Bucharest – Faculty of Dental Medicine and having as partners The Romanian College of Dentists, The National Union of Dental Associations, The Romanian Association of Dental Ergonomics and The European Dental Students’ Association. As organizers, we tried to reach the expectations of all the participants during the congress. The program was diversified, bonding the scientific-instructive and social activities. The Opening Ceremony took place at Cotroceni Palace, where we had the honor to welcome our guests: The Dean of The Faculty of Dentistry from Bucharest and the vice-president of The Romanian College of Dentists, Prof. Dr. Dragos¸ Stanciu and Dr. Alexandru Brezoescu, Executive Director of UNAS and President of The College of Dentists from Bucharest.

The opening ceremony at Cotroceni Palace

With the support of Mr. General of Brigade, Conf. Dr. Ioan Sîrbu, Commander of the Central Military Hospital “Carol Davila” Bucharest, the scientific presentations were held in the Lecture Room of the Central Military Hospital. During the conference sessions (preclinical and clinical), the students keen on research presented original papers. Every day, the jury members had the task to decide the best scientific paper. The winning papers, announced during the Closing Ceremony from the Intercontinental Hotel, were: preclinical section – “The advantages of Zeiser working model”, Stud. Andreea-Paula Moraru, Anamaria Mitran, Coord. Prof Univ. Dr. Ion Pa˘tras¸cu, clinical section 1 – “The implementation of control disease in educational process”, Stud.

Last year I was among the participants at the “StuDENT 2007” Congress. I was very impressed and motivated to join this year the Organizing Committee of “StuDENT 2008”. I saw what it means to organize such an event and how much work is done for every detail. I want to congratulate the whole organizing team and the main coordinator of the event, Monica Predoiu, who managed to motivate The scientific presentations everybody involved in the organization. All of these couldn’t have been possible without the support of our partner companies: Diana Cra˘ciun, Adriana Stoica, Alexandra Oral B & Blend-a-Med – main sponsor, QuinS¸ova˘iala˘, Coord. S¸ef Lucra˘ri Dr. N. Marcov, clinical section 2 – “Digital imagistics in dental tessence Romania – scientific partner, The clinic”, Stud. Pent¸a Virgil, Ploscaru Ana-Maria, National Union of Dental Associations – exclusive sponsor of the opening ceremony, Sitea Popa Rares¸, Coord. Asist. Univ. Dr. Pent¸a – exclusive sponsor of preclinical section, Sorin. We want to thank our guests, lecturers from Colgate and AMSPPR (The Romanian Dental Association of Private Practitioners) – excluthe country and abroad, for the scientific presentations they had during the congress: Prof. sive sponsors of clinical section, Coca-Cola – exclusive sponsor of the application forms, Dr. Jerome Rotgans, Prof. Dr. Doina Onisei, Prof. Dr. Andrei Iliescu, Prof. Dr. Sorin Arama˘, Kerr – exclusive sponsor of the congress booklet, 3M, Libra Bank, Medical Publishing Conf. Dr. Ioan Sîrbu, Conf. Dr. Constantin Vârlan, Conf. Dr. Irina Zetu, Prep. Dr. Mihnea House, Natural Design and The Ministry for Little and Medium Enterprises, Trade, Tourism Nicolescu. and Liberal Occupations. The scientific presentations were also for Sitea and Colgate had workshops, during the students and young doctors, the congress being credited with 36 Continuous Medical Ed- which they have presented their products. ucation points. The number of the participants was 100 young doctors and 300 students, 33 of them having a scientific paper. The participants had the opportunity to find more information about the students’ associations at european level (EDSA – European Dental Students’ Association) and international level (IADS – International Association of Dental Students). Irina Dra˘gan, 5th year student and Andreea Ionica˘, 1st year student, Congress StuDENT 2008 Bucharest, last day presented the structure of these associations, the projects, the congresses and the meetings Also, after every conference session we had questions for the public and prizes from our they organize. sponsors. Every day ended in a relaxing way; the orMe and my colleagues want to thank for ganizers prepared for the participants a varied all the support received for the organization of social program: a play at the Odeon Theatre, our congress. We hope we managed through the Opera and parties with prize contests this edition to bring something new, because every night. we are a team of ambitious and tenacious students. We are waiting for you next year, at “StuDENT 2009” Congress, to take part in an edition based on the experience we have collected during these past seven editions!

Closing ceremony at Intercontinental Hotel

Andreea-Paula Moraru 2nd year Student, Faculty of Dental Medicine U.M.F. „Carol Davila” Bucharest


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Mid-Year Meeting 2008, Poland My history with IADS started three years ago when Dr. Magdalena Maciejowska, then NEO of Poland, asked me to become a new NEO. My role was to organize exchanges for Polish dental students. However, we also conceived the idea of organizing IADS meeting. Dr. Maciejowska went to Sudan where she presented our application for organizing Mid-Year Meeting 2008. Our proposal was accepted and we started preparations immediately. It was a great challenge and honour for us. We created the website, logo, and posters. During the IADS meetings in Georgia and Hungary we were carefully watching the organizers in order to learn from them as much as possible. We wanted to arrange an unforgettable meeting in Lublin and to show Polish hospitality and traditions to our guests. Long-lasting preparations, meetings of Organizing Committee, telephones, e-mails… It was really worth making every effort! The registration finished on 10th January. The number of participants really surprised us. For these 5 days from 27th February to 2nd March Lublin was to be the place for the meeting of delegates from 20 countries: Germany, Czech Republic, Croatia, Serbia, Egypt, Denmark, Sweden, Iran, Slovenia, Italy, Kuwait, Hungary, Russia, Georgia, Sudan, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Ukraine, Palestine and Romania. It was a really great feeling when we greeted them in the Victoria Hotel. From the very first moment the atmosphere was wonderful and during the first evening we all felt like we had known each other for years. The welcome party was held in the Music Club in the Victoria Hotel. On Thursday morning all delegates did their best to be present on the first General Assembly. During General Assemblies many interesting matters were discussed. Four applications for membership were accepted and Muhammadiyah of Yogyakarta (Indonesia), The League of Students in Dental Medicine in Bucharest, Dental Students’ Society of Iasi and Dental Students Scientific Association of Egypt became new members of IADS. What is more, General Assembly voted on the proposal to

One of the most expected evenings was Polish Night which was prepared with great attention and took place in folk restaurant “Marzanna”. Dressed up in folk national costumes, Organizing Committee greeted participants with bread and salt. We made a toast drinking hot honey. We presented part of our national tradition. We taught the delegates how to say something in Polish, what Polish wedding Polish night looks like, how to make butter or wicker basket. There were dances and competitions and accept Slovenia as an organizer of MYM 2009. everybody enjoyed their time. On Saturday we Egyptian delegates invited everybody to attend organized trip to Kazimierz Dolny, one of the Polish oldest cities at the Vistula River. UnforIADS Congress this summer, which will take tunately, it was raining heavily and we had to place in Sharm El-Sheikh. pass the market quickly to find a warm place in Especially NEO meeting was fruitful with new ideas. E-application system was present- a restaurant, drinking hot Polish beer. Time was passing really fast. On Saturday ed and accepted. At the closure of GA there was a round of applause as the President Dr. evening we invited delegates for a party to FASHIONTIME club. On Sunday came the Juliane Gnoth thanked all delegates for the time when we had to say goodbye to Lublin. great and productive meeting. Some of our friends decided to stay longer in Between every session of GA we tried to organize our guests’ time. We invited them to visit Poland and participate in a trip to Warsaw. Now, when I reminisce about Mid-Year Dental Clinics of Medical University of Lublin. They met The Dean of Dental Faculty and saw Meeting in Poland a big smile appears on my Departments of Peadodontics and Conservative face. As an Organizing Committee we have Dentistry. After that we set off to Old City to visit never heard so many warm words about our country, city and hospitality. We really did our The Cathedral and its treasury with Acoustic best to make this event unforgettable and to Chapel and we asked them to count the steps show this “small bite of Poland” during only 5 leading to the top of Trynitarski Tower. days. The best award for us were comments On Thursday official Opening Ceremony and words of thanks for organizing one of the took place, which would not be so attractive best mid-year meetings in IADS history! without performances of a unique Folk Band At the end I would like to thank all our and Choir of Medical University of Lublin. During the ceremony professor Robin Davies guests and EXCO for showing IADS spirit, my friends from Organizing Committee for from University of Manchester held a lecture very hard work, coordinator of the meeting on “Why evidence-based dentistry is so Renata Chalas, MD Ph.D. for the great help, important?” Speeches were given by viceauthorities of Medical University of Lublin and rector(chancellor to rektor, ale jesli uzywacie sponsors: Colgate, GABA, Saremco, Kerr, rector to moze I tak mozna, chancellor 3MESPE, Poldent, Wrigley, Pierre Fabre bezpieczniej) of the University, director of Conservative Dentistry Department, the Presi- Oral Care, Curaprox-Indent and APS for their support. dent of IADS and PTSS and the chairman of Organizing Committee. Dr. Aneta Filipiuk, Chairman of MYM 2008 We spent the evening in the rhythms of Organizing Committee, NEO of Poland salsa in the D-SIGN club.

Participants of the Mid-Year Meeting in Lublin 2008

General assembly

Girls from the organizing committee


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DSSA, Alexandria, Egypt DSSA (Dental Students Scientific Association) of the University of Alexandria aims to make a difference in the typical academic life by encouraging students to take part in the different activities that aim at enhancing one’s abilities both, scientifically and socially. Among the major events we carried out this year were: Ramadan To Go, where we worked for the 30 days of the holy month of Ramadan before the iftar distributing 500 meals every day for the people in need.

Ramadan To Go

DSSA Sports Day

DSSA Sports Day on November the 17th in Agamy, which is one of the most famous beaches in Alexandria. With 54 students, we took off in the early morning and formed 6 teams playing football, basketball, volleyball, ping pong in addition to swimming.

Dental Campaigns The first one was on March 22nd, when we took off to Ikingi Mariout with our mobile clinic, in the outskirts of Alexandria. 57 Students

from different years of study and 15 supervising dentists received about 300 patients that day from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Students from preclinical years took charge of the DMF count of the patients, beside their role in the public health education regarding dental hygiene starting from how to brush their teeth through visiting dental professionals. On the other hand, students from clinical years, under the supervision of senior dentists, performed scaling, filling and extraction. The number of patients treated that day was approximately 150 beside another 150 patients who were referred to the university either due to lack of time or because they needed special precautions to be taken

Siwa trip

Dental campaigns

Siwa Trip, from January 27th till January 31st. We organized a trip to Siwa, an oasis situated in the middle of the western desert of Egypt.

before treating them. Our day passed successfully and it was a great experience for both, us as students and also people from these native areas who needed special attention because of the limited facilities where they live. That is why we repeated the same experience just two weeks later. In Abu Kir, which is situated in the extreme east of Alexandria, we received circa 200 patients from 1:00 pm till 5:00 pm. Thanks to DSSA within one year, students from the different years of study mingled and the gap that used to exist before disappeared making the University of Alexandria not only a place for studying but also a place where the students improve their social skills.


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International Student Exchange Programme (ISEP) International Student Exchange Programme is one of the most popular and important activities, which IADS organizes for students and young dentists of member countries. ISEP gives students the opportunity to spend some time – usually it is between two weeks and two months – at a dental school in another part of the world. This scheme allows students to experience the foreign systems of dentistry, a new culture, and a new country. Moreover it is another great opportunity to meet new people and their social life.

The whole program is coordinated by the International Exchange Officer (IEO) with support of NEOs. The program is very popular among students, only last 6 months around 100 students participated in exchanges and the number of participants seems to increase every year.

Country Member Profiles On IADS webpage you probably noticed the part with the member profiles of all member country, so-called Country Member Profiles (CMP). Our Members The CMPs are presented on the IADS webExchanges are possible within the IADS mem- site in the section “Exchange Programme”. ber countries only. At the moment members of Filled up and updated by NEOs, they contain IADS are: Bosnia, Croatia, Czech Republic, all information needed to organize an exDenmark, Egypt, Germany, Georgia, Ghana, change; details concerning the country; dates Hungary, Italy, Kuwait, Macedonia, Malta, of national holidays, university info, basic Norway, Palestine, Poland, Romania, Russia, exchange information like the best time for Serbia, Slovenia, Sudan, Turkey. But each exchange, time and cities available, and much IADS meeting brings us new countries that join more. our family, what gives our students other new Before contacting the IEO or the NEOs, first possibilities to do an exchange. it is recommended to visit the website and get If your school / country is not on the list and the basic informati-on. you would like to join IADS please contact us! Exchange Certificates Exchange System Each student who has participated in an The scheme is based upon a network of Naexchange and each NEO who has organized tional Exchange Officers (NEOs), one in each an exchange can receive an original IADS member country. They represent their country certificate. In order to get it, they have to send during IADS meetings, inform students of their some documents to the IEO, who prepares country about IADS activities, and arran-ge the certificates together with the General exchange places if there are any outgoings Secretary. One of the documents that have to be provided by the exchange student is the (student who wants to go outside for an Exchange Report. If the report includes more exchange) or incomings (student who wants to stay for an exchange in the NEO’s country). text and some pictures about the exchange, Every application form first has to pass the the Stu-dent or the NEO will take part in the NEO of a country! Exchange Report Competition. It will be put on website and in Newsletter. NEOs are supported by LEOs (Local Exchange Officers) in each faculty (if a country For more information about how to get the has more than only one dental faculty). certificates and which documents have to be They also arrange the exchange at their uni- sent please contact your NEO. If you have ever participated in an exchange versity (clinical work, accommodation, social program etc). and would like to share with us your experiMost exchanges are on a “unilateral” basis, ences do not hesitate to contact us! We are where the incoming student(s) pay the cost of always happy to hear from you. Any of your their accom-modation, transport and food, etc. comments and suggestions will help us a lot Some of countries offer a “bilateral” exchange in improving exchanges. All reports will be where the incoming student is hosted by the collected and make it easier to create the students (i.e. the host students provide meals “guide” for next generations to continue the and accommodation), in return for being IADS work. hosted when they visit the other country at a later time.

NEO Communication The whole exchange system could not exist without National Exchange Officers’ hard work. They put lots of effort to make unforgettable exchanges. NEOs meet twice a year at IADS meeting when is NEO meeting, which is very important session. After “discussions alive” the contact is still kept thanks to internet due to E-groups. Moreover every first Monday of the month NEOs meet on-line. Idea of NEO Monday appeared in Sudan and till now works well. On-line lively conversation let us solve problems, arrange the exchanges in the best way and the lots of new ideas are born. All those meetings are to identify specific problems and to find ways to simplify IADS work.


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Voluntary Work Abroad (VWA) Voluntary Work Abroad is another undertaking for IADS members, as a result of cooperation with international organizations who provide dental health care in different parts of the world. This project is addressed to dentists and students with clinical experience – they can work under the supervision of dentists. Some of projects are organized by local university or hospital and health organizations. Depending on the place, it is simply oral hygiene promotion, preventive dentistry or simple treatment carried out. By taking part in this project volunteers not only can gather more experience but also get to know closer new people from different cultures; their behaviors, traditions, ways of life. You have to remember that participating in VWP you bring people in need hope and joy. Your experience and knowledge are very important. Patients trust you and you have to take full responsibility for them and their treatment! At the moment IADS can offer projects in following countries: Guatemala. There are about 100 Guatemalan workers and between 8–15 volunteers working and living within the project. Volunteers have a place to live in a small space in a gallery building overlooking the river, or in a small lodge type house at the back of the project. There is no electricity in the bungalows so be prepared to use candles or lanterns for light at night to see by. The project will provide you with a foam mattress to sleep on. There is also ultra-violet water filter in the clinic so there is safe water to drink. Life and accommodations are simple. The experience is very enriching and the area is beautiful. Ak’ Tenamit is a project in Guatemala, where dentists are needed. Dentists or dental students – if there are any volunteers – work on a boat. Main treatments: Amalgam and Composite fillings, extractions (no x-ray, no prosthetics).

Sudan. Medical Field Trip is directed to rural area of Sudan where people are desperate to dental services. Sudanese Association of Dental Students (ADSUK) used to do these medical field trips annually twice and sometimes more. During post-Congress in Sudan in 2006 participants had the chance to partake in this project. We had great opportunity to work and travel with dental students and dentists from University of Khartoum. IADS visitors carried out simply treatment at departments of conservative dentistry, oral surgery, periodontology which, for time of treatment, were located in small rooms. Simply prosthetic work was also possible as there was area with small very basic laboratory. We were working in different villages. Patients seemed to be glad about us and we were happy seeing smile on their faces. This incredible experience will stay forever in our memory. Tanzania. Volunteers may stay in government clinic or may rotate through various clinics throughout the country. Volunteers have to spend a minimum of 1 week in any one clinic but can transfer from clinic to clinic. Nowadays at Sumbawanga Regional Hospital works U.S. dentist (also see below). For more information please visit the Voluntary Work Section on www.iads-web.org or contact your NEO or the IEO.

cool climate. The people are very friendly. The city itself is divided into rural and urban areas, with about 250,000 people in each (total population about 500,000). We saw two internet cafes (there may be more) in Sumbawanga, and an ATM machine is also available. Sumbawanga has a large market with locally grown fruits and vegetables. Clothing, mosquito nets, and a wide variety of random items can be purchased inexpensively at the market. Swahili is spoken as the first language throughout the country; however the medical/dental community was educated in English and speaks it very well. The patients do not speak English, so learning a few words in Swahili will be helpful. Dental Clinic The dental clinic is part of the Sumbawanga Regional Hospital. The dental building stands alone, and has one room for treating patients with two dental chairs. The clinic uses autoclave sterilization for its instruments. The clinic currently has three dentists and two dental assistants on staff (not including ourselves). A small fee (about one dollar) is charged to the patient to help pay for gloves, anesthetic, etc. The work day begins at 9:00am am, and the last patient is usually seen before 1:00 pm. The clinic mainly performs extractions; however, there is a portable dental unit which has a functioning high speed hand piece for operative dentistry. Patients may be referred to the Radiology department of the main hospital for views of the entire skull; however PA’s, bitewings, and orthopantomographs are not available. There are three other dental clinics in Sumbawanga, which all treat about the same number of patients as the Sumbawanga Regional Hospital’s dental clinic.

Accommodations There are three comfortable hotels in Sumbawanga. All three have hot water, private VWA in Tanzania bathrooms/showers, and restaurants. We Dr. Jason Ehtessbian DDS, an Iowa, USAchose to stay at Mbizi Forest Hotel. The other trained dentist was the first dentist to travel to western Tanzania with HealthCare Volunteer’s two hotels are Moravian Conventional Center (about 15 minutes walk from dental clinic), and subsidiary DentalVolunteer. He and fellow dental assistant Jennifer Sanderson, have been The Forestway Country Club Hotel (about 45 minutes walk). The Mbizi Forest Hotel is about Cambodia. You can go to work in the „Angkor in Tanzania since February 2007 providing dental services to poor people in Sumbawanga, one hour walk from the clinic. The hospital Hospital for children“. should provide transportation to and from near the Rukwa region. Dr. Ehtessbian hopes wherever you choose to stay. The rooms cost to train dental students from around the world Kenya. THIVS works with Hospitals, Health 10,000-20,000 Ths per night at Mbizi Forest on developing country dentistry through cliniand Medical Centers where volunteers work Hotel (including a breakfast of coffee, tea, and cal experience. Dental Students interested in through work camp or MLTV program. Some omellette/egg). Prices at hotels are negotiable; volunteering should fill out an application at of these Centers have dental units that would be of great help to IADS members. A volunteer www.healthcarevolunteer.com/volunteers/ cur- we were able to bring the price at Mbizi Forest Hotel down to 10,000 Ths per night (about rentopps.php wishing to come to work/serve in our partner $7.50 in US dollars). dental unit need to have a good command/ Sumbawanga Dental Volunteering Info knowledge and skills in dental profession and practice (both for dentists and students), though The city of Sumbawanga is pleasant with rolling E-mail: health@healthcarevolunteer.com WebPage: www.healthcarevolunteer.com hills, beautiful mountains, and a refreshingly others like nurses for support work at the unit. You can all make a difference!


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V O L U N TA R Y P R O J E C T S n


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Young Dentists Worldwide (YDW) It might be a surprise to some of you, but young dentists worldwide is a baby of the IADS: During the 1991 Annual Congress of the International Association of Dental Students (IADS) held in Portugal, a workshop was created and attended by about 15 eager and freshly graduated dentists. The fruit of that workshop was YOUNG DENTISTS WORLDWIDE (YDW). The spirit is that most of former IADSofficials and national representatives would never ever miss their time as an IADS-fellow. But, for every one of us the time as a student at the university is limited and at the end we are or where all happy when this time is over. But we want to carry the positive vibrations of common sense, friendship and all these other benefits live-long in our hearts. After time at university is finished, new goals and ideas are approaching. Being a part of young dentists worldwide, is a good possibility to keep all these memories alive and new experiences will open your mind for new ideas during your professional work.

Party with Young Dentists Worldwide

YDW forum at the IDS Cologne 2007

committee and is in a position to make suggestions for the scientific program of the FDI Forums. Since 2005 an increasing number of young scientists and young speakers are teaching other young colleagues’ about dentistry all over the world. Nowadays, YDW is recognized as the official world organization representing young dentists with about 550 supporting and corresponding members hailing from over 40 different countries all over the world…and the number is still growing! Every second year we have mid-year-meeting during IDS Cologne, the world’s largest

During all this time you see your friends becoming more and more experienced, creating families, having babies and you want to share these emotions. But you also will have to share less positive moments. But this is life. At the 82nd FDI World Dental Congress in Vancouver, Canada, October 1994, the YDW became a section of the FDI. This gave the organization the necessary boost to be able to promote itself and expand. At the 90th FDI World Dental Congress in Vienna Austria the YDW became an affiliate member of the FDI. Since Sydney, 2003 the YDW president is member of the FDI congress and education

Discussions, IDS 2007

dental fair. This is always a great opportunity to meet the Coos from nearly every dental manufacturer or other companies from all over the world. This is an excellent chance to see all brand new products and you have the opportunity to discuss what you have seen with your colleagues and friends. And last but not least there are some parties. Like an unwritten law the companies try to beat each other with the biggest party. I won’t tell you anything about this. Because you cannot describe it with words - you have to experience it! Tobias Bauer, YDW President www.ydw.org


SUMMER 2008 n

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Standing Committee On Research And Education One of the main objectives of the international association of dental students is to unite all dental students worldwide on one platform where they can exchange knowledge experience and cultures on both dental and personal levels. It was at the 52nd IADS annual meeting at Egypt where it was decided that this international attendance should be manifested in a project that will benefit all the members regarding their future careers as dentists who already have the responsibility of representing the association in their countries and globally and hence SCORE was established. There are four projects under the SCORE theme: z A database of post-grad courses for foreign students of dental schools is being formed. z A global dental research project. z A database of the Student Research Articles is being formed and be placed and updated on the IADS website. z All sorts of Dental Education References: collected and uploaded on the IADS web site. The members of this committee are from different countries with different back grounds all working together to accomplish the dream of creating the most comprehensive dental data base aiming to serve all dental students and dental fresh graduates seeking to read on a particular aspect of dentistry, a text or a source of reading or even adding an international aspect to their resume by continuing their studies abroad or participating in an international research. This is an aspect of the IADS spirit and role that it has always been aware of and achieving it.

Score [skawr, skohr] noun, plural: scores, score for 11, verb, scored, scor路ing. The record of points or strokes made by the competitors in a game or match. An act or instance of making or earning a point or points. Verb (used with object). To make a score of: He scored 98 on the test.

Zeyad Salem IADS-SCORE committee www.iads-web.org

Paula Moraru, SCORE member

Zeyad Salem, SCORE Chairman

Ionica Andreea-Larisa, SCORE member


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Subscribe to your favourite Quintessence journal and give your personal dental knowledge database an extra boost! Special student subscription rates available. Welcome to the World of Quintessence.

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