IADS Newsletter Spring 2011

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APDSA Congress – Japan 2010: Feel! 10 37th Look! Smell!

16 Finland: A dream became real

57th IADS + YDW Annual World Dental Congress in Brno 2010

18 Dental outreach project




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Editorial / ExCo interviews 4 YDW Forum during Brazil FDI-Congress 5 57th IADS + YDW Annual World Dental Congress in Brno 6 APDSA 2010 Malaysia Report 8 Welcome to India! 58th Annual IADS World Congress 2011 9 37th APDSA Congress Japan 2010 10 A Message From APDSA President 13 IADS meets FDI in Singapore 14 Finland: A Dream Became Real! 16 Dental Outreach Project: YPWC 18 57th IADS Congress Scientific competition winner’s lecture abstract 20 Dental Research Exchange Network 21

cussions, an organised social programme and the various business meetings of the Association. A small Mid Year Meeting (MYM) whose programme is devoted to business meetings is held each February-March. English is used as the common language at all our meetings. As well as the Annual World Congress of Dental Students, we offer many things at an international level to our members. These are accessible to each and every dental student in the member countries, and include an International Student Exchange Programme, which allows students to visit a foreign country and experience its culture and dentistry, both scientifically and clinically. In collaboration with different voluntary organisations, we run Voluntary Work Project which allows students to experience and help with primary oral healthcare in developing countries. IADS Prophylactic Project as an international program takes care of education and promotion of proper dental habits among patients worldwide. Through the SCORE (Stand(World Dental Federation – the Central Office ing Committee on Research and Education) dental science and education shall become of IADS is at FDI Headquarters in Ferneymore important in the future of IADS – several Voltaire in France), to YDW (Young Dentists programs have been started. Worldwide), to EDSA (European Dental StuThe IADS Newsletter containing informadents Association), to the IFMSA (International tion about the news in the dental world is Federation of Medical Students’ Association) distributed to dental schools of every corner of and more. IADS as an FDI affiliate member the world. takes part in its annual meetings with representatives from the FDI Council, joins projects Communication like World Oral Health Day, and promotes The main portal for information is IADS webFDI Dental Ethics Manual and others. At FDI site: www.iads-web.org. To receive information Annual World Congress in Singapore in September 2009 IADS Forum 2009 is focused on on everyday activities as well as meet dental friends from all around the world our members “Guidelines for young researchers”. have an opportunity to subscribe to World A six-person Executive Committee is responsible for the management of the associa- Dental Students Yahoo e-mail group: World DentalStudents_IADSowner@yahoogroups.com, tion’s affairs. It is their job to realize the ideas join IADS group on Facebook and IADS forum and decisions which are previously made at: http://maknova.com/iadsforum. together with the national representatives of the IADS member countries during the IADS Be part of future dental professionals meetings. Executive Committees, with the help of the Currently ExCo is represented by: representatives from different countries, do  President: Tomaz Spindler from Slovenia their best to make sure our organization stays  General Secretary: Magdalena strong, powerful and keeps encouraging new Maciejowska from Poland people to get involved in the work with us.  Editor: Zeyad Salem from Egypt What cannot be forgotten is the fact that apart  Treasurer: Amir El-Kholi from Egypt from being a great deal of work, being part  International Exchange Officer: Aneta of IADS means also a lot of fun! How good Filipiuk from Poland and how fun we are, depends on everyone’s  Immediate Past President: Juliane Gnoth contribution. from Germany IADS is a different world – no limit, no walls, no ceilings, no intermission, just passion Current Activities equal extraordinary like Matrix or K-Pax but We meet twice a year. The main meeting also a real place where you could land in. We is our Annual World Congress of Dental are expecting also YOU to rock this space! Students, held each August. This meeting typically attracts around 200 participants. It focusses on a scientific programme of lectures For more information about IADS please visit www.iads-web.org and seminars considering the needs of the dental student, but also includes workshop dis-

IADS introduction An introduction to IADS The International Association of Dental Students was founded in the year 1951 in Copenhagen (Denmark) – thus for more than 57 years it is known to dental students from all over the world, serving as a platform for exchange of knowledge and experiences about dentistry at an international level. Nowadays, the IADS family represents thousands of dental students as a country and school members around the world. National and local associations of dental students are eligible for membership. When an association joins, all its members become members of IADS. Since Mid Year Meeting in Ljubljana 2009 IADS is happy to offer also a personal membership for its members. To apply for membership The following requirements should be fulfilled:  filled IADS membership application form  filled IADS membership card (documents available on IADS website: www. iads-web.org)  the Constitution in the English Language to be sent to IADS Secretary General 30 days before IADS meeting.  the presentation of the association to be shown to the rest of the members at General Assembly  Contact IADS Treasurer for the membership fees. To host IADS meeting  An official proposal needs to be sent to IADS Secretary General 30 days before IADS meeting. Cooperation IADS is glad about its close contact to the FDI







Editorial ExCo Committee intro Ionut Luchian President 2010 – 2011 Gr. T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania, Master Degree Student. Home organisation: SSS Iasi – Dental Students’ Society of Iasi/ President of Honor since 2009 / Vice-president / Scientific Director 2007 – 2009. Born in Suceava, Romania. IADS e-mail: president@iads-web.org “It was a great honor for me to be elected as IADS president but in the same time I’m aware of the great responsability this position involves. The current IADS Executive Committee is a great and hard working team which I appreciate and I’m grateful to. To be honest I don’t have very much free time after my professional activity and I recognize that sometimes it’s hard to give my family and friends the entire attention they deserve. In the same time IADS gave me the chance to make real friends as well and although for some people it seems impossible how you can keep a true friendship miles away. This thing is real and I can say it changed my way of living. Sincerely yours!” MD Dr. Karolína Floryková Editor 2010 – 2011 Masaryk University, the Czech Republic, graduated 2010, currently doing the specialisation in orthodontics at the same university. Home organisation: the Czech Dental Student Association, president (2008–2010); coordinator of preventive and prophylactic programs (2007–2011); editor (2006–2010). Born in Vyškov, the Czech Republic. IADS e-mail: editor@iads-web.org „IADS is great. It is not only organisation which helps to fulfill dreams. It is group of young amazing people who want to do more than they have to do. IADS family is the best family we could choose. It is a big pleasure to be the piece of this wonderful puzzle. Thank you for everything. Yours sincerely!”

Babak Sayahpour Treasurer / 2010 – 2011 Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany IADS e-mail: treasurer@iads-web.org Pavel Scarlat Home organisation: Zahnmedizinischer AusInternational Scientific Officer tauschdienst e.V. (ZAD) 2010 – 2011 „A few words about IADS: E pluribus unum University of Medicine and – Out of many, one. IADS is the mother of Pharmacy Craiova, Romania, the dental student organisations around the Republic of Moldova. Home globe and stands for true friendship, sympathy, organisation: Society of Dental Students knowledge and progress. It brings together Craiova, Vice-President on external Affairs what belongs together.” 2009 – 2011; Global Romanian Students and

Young Professionals Society Co-Founding Member 2008 (Budapest, Hungary); Education and Research department (Bucharest Chapter) (since 2008); Speaker of the StudentVision International 2006 – 2007 (Portland, Oregon, US). Born in Ungheni, Republic of Moldova. IADS e-mail: iso@iads-web.org, score@iadsweb.org „IADS is the place where we grow, dream, accomplish goals for the worldwide dental student community. It is a family, fraternity very close to my heart, soul and thoughts. Kind regards!”

Dr. Zsuzsanna Stefánia Radó General Secretary 2010 – 11 Semmelweis University Budapest, Hungary (graduated 2009), currently doing the specialisation in orthodontics at the same university. Home organisation: Hungarian Association of Dental Students; National Exchange Officer 2006/7 – 2009/10. Born in Budapest, Hungary. IADS e-mail: secretary@iads-web.org „At my first meeting in Georgia, I fell in love with the IADS and since then my affection grew only stronger. It makes me very happy that after 4 years of working within the IADS for my country, I was given the honor and trust to hold a position in the Executive Committee. I hope that our work will make it possible for the new generations to experience similar! Yours!” Tomaz Spindler Immediate Past President 2010 – 2011 Medical University of Rijeka, Croatia, Study of Dental Medicine. Home organisation/position: Croatian Association of Dental Students President 2006 – 2009. Born in Ljubljana, Slovenia. IADS e-mail: ipp@iads-web.org „I have been with IADS family since 2006 and that famous Sudan meeting. My life has changed in so many ways since then and IADS had an enormous impact on it. Some of my best memories are connected to it and here I have met some of my very best friends. I still believe that IADS can change your life and that it gives you a chance to make the world a better place. I hope you will all experience the real IADS spirit in near future and that we meet somewhere, sometime. Sincerely yours!”




YDW Forum during Brazil FDI-Congress

Great success for Young Dentists Worldwide

With explained with charme and humor why and how it is so difficult to go a scientific way and reach the PhD-degree in the end. As Magdalena also the second lecturer, Vasiliki Karathanasi from Greece, works in a dental office and at the university at the same time. So Vasiliki was a perfect choice to lecture about „Standing on the crossroad between General Dentistry and Specialty”. She brings her knowledge and know-how from Oral Pathology into her daily work in her own dental office in Athens and fits well into the concept fo the The full auditorium at the YDW-Forum YDW-forum. Like in all events organized by Young Dentists Worldwide, the idea is not just Having more than 10.000 fans at the Facebook-fanpage was not the only record for YDW to present the newest scientific news or theoin 2010, also the auditorium of the forum at the retical knowledge. The goal is to provide lectures with experience, passion and knowledge 3rd of September in Salvador de Bahia was filled up until the last seat. The topic „General done by members of the organization. The third lecture of the forum in Brazil was held Dentistry vs. Specialization- Helping young dentists finding their way“ at the Annual World under the “Implant Dentistry: A new Specialty or an extension of General Dentistry?” done by dental Congress of the World Dental FederaNikos Mattheos from Australia. He is leading tion (FDI) seemed to interesting for the large number of young Brazilians and the members the specialization-training at Griffith University/ Gold Coast in Periodontology and Implant of YDW from all over the world. Dentistry and is as Vasiliki a former president Three speakers were invited to the forum, all from the inner circle of the Young Dentists- of the European Dental Students Associafamily and the chairman was one of the YDW- tion (EDSA). Chairman of the forum Juliane Gnoth and Magdalena Maciejowska were both Executive Committee members. One of them members of the Executive Committee of IADS was Magdalena Maciejowska from Poland, (International Association of Dental Students), Secretary General and Health Coordinator of which shows how much the active young YDW, gave a lecture about the topic „To PhD or not to PhD“ and referred about the problems dentists connect in Young Dentists Worldwide after graduation. The work in YDW is indicated and challenges concerning the PhD-studies. by good friendships and the possibility to join the community for young dentists around the world. The lectures of the forum got a great feedback and the participants discussed a long time afterwards. Deciding about specializiation or working as a general practicioner is getting more and more important for the young generation of dentists. The YDW actives after the Forum

Dr. Rodrigo Venticinque introducing YDW

The globalization and the growing possibility of postgraduate education abroad are an important topic of the Young Dentists and their members. Events like the YDW-forum during the FDI-congress are a perfect possibility to exchange impressions and experiences about problems and challenges for young dentists. Good example for the young colleagues can be easily found in the Young Dentists-family who are in the age between 25 and 55, At the partys organized by the Brazilian students during the FDI-congress the participants also had several possiblities to dance through the nights with latin-american live-music. The exchange and cooperation with the World Dental Federation (FDI) is as important for Young Dentists as the teamwork with the International Assocation of Dental Students (IADS), for that reason there will be still meetings and forums organized at both congresses.This years’ congress was held in Salvador de Bahia, Brazil. A large number of particpants from South America found their way to Salvador and together with the international guests 10.000 participants from 115 countries visited the event. The scientific, political and social events provided a rich program for the visitors. The next annual congresses of FDI will be held in Mexico City (2011), Geneva/ Switzerland (2012) and Seoul/Korea (2013) and there Young Dentists Worldwide will be again present with their events.

Juliane Gnoth Communication Officer YDW






57th IADS + YDW Annual World Dental Congress in Brno It was a great pleasure for our team to organize this year’s IADS and YDW congress. It took place in Brno, the second largest city of the Czech Republic, from 16th to 22nd July 2010. We decided to organize this event there because it‘s the beautiful „heart” of Moravia and also a cultural and economic centre of the Moravian region. The pre-congress was held in the capital – Prague, the amazing historical city. We welcomed about 90 participants from all over the world – South Korea, Poland, Germany, Hungary, Sudan, Egypt, Slovenia, Belarus, Croatia, Macedonia, Armenia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Malaysia, Sweden, Iran, Russia, India, Romania, Georgia and, of course, the Czech Republic. We had a really wonderful programme – not only the General Assembly, but also a lot of lectures and fun. There was YDW weekend including scientific programme. It was amazing to listen to

Czech and foreign world-famous dentists talking about many different topics – implants, composites, functional diagnosis, experience from Nepal dentistry and others. All lectures were very interesting. We were very glad that Czech representatives were able to partici-

pate, for example Dr. Ladislav Gregor with his lecture „The composite indirect restorations – the Geneva concept“. There was also a scientific student competition. We were proud of IADS students having their lectures besides these great lectures from experienced doctors. The winner of the competition was Ms. Karen Voon Kai Rou from Malaysia with her lecture „Hydrazone derivative demonstrated promising chemo-preventive activity via its inhibitory effect and apoptosis induction on human tongue

carcinoma cells“ (you can find an abstract on page 20 of this magazine). It was incredibly professional. What about the social programme? We wanted to show everybody our beautiful country, so we organized sightseeing in Brno and Prague, clinic visits and a boat trip to castle Veveri. We had a lot of parties, but none was similar to the other – there was a costume party, a rock concert, a karaoke, a Czech




evening with a folk group of musicians and the most popular one – the exchange fair. We organized two ceremonies – opening and closing at the congress hall at a hotel. We welcomed very important persons: the vicedean of Medical Faculty of Masaryk University in Brno Prof. Dr. Jiri Vanek, CsC, the president of Czech Dental Chamber Dr. Pavel Chrz, the vice president of the Czech Dental Chamber Dr. Jan Cerny and Prof. Dr. med. dent.Winfried Harzer, ADEE President (Association for dental education in Europe). There were two days for the General Assembly during the congress week. The second day of GA was one of the most important days of the whole congress, because the new ExCo 2010 – 2011 was elected (see page 4): Congrats and good luck! It was wonderful for me to see my friends from IADS and YDW in my home city, it was also a really good experience to organize all of this. I would like to thank our organizing team and all participants; together, we had an amazing, unforgettable meeting, and so thank you all! Best regards MD Dr. Petra Langova Chairman of Organizing Committee





APDSA 2010 Penang, Malaysia Report


Dear friends, I am very happy that after many years IADS has reconnected with APDSA. For the first year we have visited each others meetings and so we has the pleasure to host lovely Ms. Lee Meng Yit in our MYM in Ljubljana, Slovenia while I had the privilege to participate in their meeting in Penang, Malaysia from 17th to 21st of August 2009. This was my first trip to Asia and I was very excited of what will everything look like, how will I deal with jet lag, people and mostly I was in local kindergartens or schools and finally gala/cultural night). curious about the food. During the opening dinner I had a presentation about IADS, but it turned out, that they were either to tired or to hungry to listen as many of them asked me afterwards why did we come to APDSA. Maybe they did not connect me with the person speaking, but I doubt it. ☺ The big difference is, that they are very scientific focused, so their congress consists mainly of scientific lectures (1 day and one morning) and scientific lecture competitions

meetings. There are no hard parties; I was told that that also depends on the country organizing the meeting as they have different partying cultures in different countries. Last evening is gala/cultural night which is similar to our exchange fair. They all wear traditional costumes and perform different dances, songs or play instrument on stage. Later winner of cultural/talent show is announced and gets a huge trophy. A fortune always plays its game; my camera ran out of battery just before dinner so I am now without any pictures of this magnificent event. I hope

Malaysia lies on Malay Peninsula, surrounded by Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore and Brunei and has tropical climate. It has 28 million people consisting mainly of Malay (Muslim), Chinese (Buddhist) and Indian (Hindu) people. What is great to see it that all this diversity works amazing in one country, with no real conflicts between themselves. Meeting itself was a cultural shock that I highly recommend to everybody. Seeing 400 Asian students in one room and being the only 2 Europeans there was quite an event for everyone. We have admired their beauty and culture and they have been more ecstatic with our presence, resulting in millions of photos with everybody. Felt like being famous. The congress itself lasts 4 days (opening day, 2 lecture days, last day has sports games in the morning and GA in the afternoon, for those not interested in GA they have community service

next person there will remind to fill it before dinner starts. For my final thought, I really enjoyed my stay here, it was very educational not to say spiritual. It is hard in the beginning as they are a bit shy and not confident in their knowledge (1 afternoon). Theme for lecture competition is open and students mainly present their abstract orally or in form of posters. Number of each is limited to 15 oral and 15 poster presentations. Majority attend their lectures, as they get a week of absence granted by their universities (just for information, their university year starts in July and lasts till December, then they have a brake and continue in January). As for social part, it is very individual, in general there is nothing arranged like in our

of English, but as days go by they open up and then you really experience true APDSA spirit. I hope to participate APDSA also next year in Japan and I really hope this collaboration will help many of our members to travel the world and to experience as many cultures a possible during your studies as I think that this kind of experiences are our greatest wealth. Hugs Tomaz Spindler IADS President 2008-2010




Welcome to India!

58th Annual IADS World Congress 2011 The 58th Annual IADS World Congress 2011 will be held in India between 22nd July 2011 and 31st July 2011. This annual congress is going to be hosted by Dental Student Association of India (DSWAI) jointly with IADS and YDW. The Annual congress is going to be held at New Delhi with pre and post congress sessions at Agra and Bhopal respectively. This congress is very big for IADS and YDW because IADS is completing its 60th year and YDW its 20th year of success. Surely, it is going to be a grand success and a memorable congress for both IADS and YDW because this time it is going to be held in the biggest democratic country of the world and organized by the largest country member of IADS. As we all know, INDIA is a country of diversity and many traditions, there, you can all enjoy each and every second. Chandresh Shukla, DSWAI Organizing Committee Chairman and President says that he is going to organize this congress in a way that students from different countries can see different parts of the country with various traditions and customs. All guests will find the congress unforgettable! The congress would kick start with a preconference event which is going to happen from 22nd to 23rd July 2011 in Agra. This is the most suitable venue with its rich history; Agra offers a great time to all international delegates, while enjoying rich and diverse culture. Agra is a home to one of the „Seven Wonders of the World”, the „Taj Mahal”, which sits on the bank of Yamuna River; this mausoleum is one of the world’s most beautiful and admired structures. Agra is one of the prominent destinations on the World Tourism map, with various heritage monuments like the Sikander Fort, Fathephur Sikri and Ram bagh. The definite congress is held in New Delhi from 24th to 28th July 2011 and is going to have a number of pre-conference courses in form of Hands-on courses and workshops,

If you register yourself in Midyear meeting of IADS in Moscow, the fees are: Pre-congress: 100 € per person and 120 € per person thereafter. Congress: 310 € per person and 350 € per person thereafter. Post-congress: 100 € per person and 120 € per person thereafter. panel discussions about career and research opportunities with the intention of broadening the horizons to the dental students present. The congress offers a platform to Indian and foreign students for sharing their experience in dentistry. This is also going to include a general assembly of IADS and YDW, partying, sightseeing, and dancing to Bollywood and Panjabi music. New Delhi is the capital of India, the third largest city in the country. Standing along the West End of Gangetic Plain, this city is an epitome of culture, architecture, rich history, monuments, museums, galleries, gardens and exotic shows, and it exudes strong old world charm. The sprawling city is divided into Old and New Delhi, embracing the new with the old, comprising of two contrasting, yet harmonious parts. Old Delhi has glorious past and was the centre of power for various Muslim dynasties that ruled swathes of the subcontinent from the 12th century onwards. The imperial city of New Delhi is an embodiment of the fine architecture of British Raj. The well-structured and spacious streets under the shade of beautifully lined avenues of trees as well as tall and imposing government buildings’ wielding charm

Contact Person: Chandresh Shukla Mobile: +919977511111 Email: chandresh1024@ gmail.com www.dswai.org Bank Account Information: Dental Student welfare Association of India State bank of India, Ring road Branch Indore Madhya Pradesh, India Account number: 63012553227 IFS number: SBIN0030463

that lingers on long after the rendezvous is over. The post conference event is taking place in Bhopal from 29th to 31st July 2011. Bhopal is a multi-faceted city with a perfect combination of history, urbane life and education. This post conference is ideal for the delegates to unwind and to also participate in various dental treatment camps: extraction, filling and other education camps. These camps are going to give everyone a peek view at the grass root level of dental awareness and the treatments that are carried out in India. Such unique experiences are certainly going to help to develop these young dentists into humane and humble persons and better professionals. The 58th Annual World Congress is going to feature renowned international speakers, hands-on courses, panel discussions which will not only touch your gray areas, but also let you soak in some unique Indian cultural atmosphere.






37th APDSA Congress – Japan 2010: Feel! Look! Smell! Japan can show you many points of view which you can’t even imagine. Welcome to the other world... I’m very glad that I was able to attend the 37th APDSA Congress. The Congress was held from 16th – 21stAugust 2010. It took place in Tokyo and Hakone, Japan. I represented IADS as an editor, similarly with Ms. Karen Voon Kai Rou (APDSA Treasurer) who attended our IADS Congress in Brno. I was a little afraid at first, such a long way to the opposite side of the earth. Alone! But I was very excited. It proved that all of my

fears were totally unnecessary. All of my new friends, all the people in APDSA were nice to me, although I was a „stranger“, „a single girl from Europe“. Everybody helped me with a smile on their face. I spent the first two days with Karen and the others. We went sightseeing in Tokyo. That was a perfect time full of walking, taking photos and chatting with my Asian friends. After this part of my visit, we went to Hakone with other participants. Hakone is a town less than 100 kilometers from Tokyo. We were accommodated in a typical Japanese hotel.



It had had quite small apartments without beds but was very cosy. It was like from an old Japanese movie. I thought I couldn’t be more surprised, but I was wrong. When I saw the colourful variety of food that was offered, I was impressed yet again. And when I tasted it, it was a total new experience for me. It was incredible, just like Japan itself. After this gastronomic part of the day, there was a formal „Opening ceremony” where the important representatives from APDSA and Japan welcomed all participants. The next few days involved sightseeing, hospital and clinic visits, lectures and of course a General Assembly. The sightseeing was another amazing experience. It was actually a boat trip. We could see pure nature against some fascinating landscape, with a small village in the middle of it all. Like a fairytale!

The hospital and clinic visits were quite interesting. It is always good to know how people in other countries study and work. The lectures were extremely enlightening. There were many young authors with great topics. The competition was strong, and all students proved that this part of the congress was deservedly one of the top events on the program. The General Assembly was friendly. Each member of the Executive Committee had a report. Then I did a presentation about IADS. I introduced our association, activities and opportunities for cooperation to all country representatives. We signed a MOU (Memorandum of Understanding). It is a document about our (IADS and APDSA) cooperation and I do hope that it will open a new dimension of exchanges. The highlight of the whole program was the last night – „Cultural night”. Beautiful country





performances showed the endless variety of music and dance in Asian countries. The transmission of culture in this way was a small typical gift. This lovely evening completed our wonderful time at the APDSA conference. It was my ďŹ rst experience in Asia and I have to say that I was surprised at how fabulous and wonderful this part of the world is. You should not try to understand it because you are not really able to. But you can feel, look, smell and taste it. You can live with it, enjoy it and take the best from it. Japan is an amazing place to visit and I can only recommend it. I fell in love with Japan and I know I will return there again! I hope I will visit the next conference which is going to be in Thailand. In the end, I would like to thank all of my APDSA friends. I had a great time and I hope that I will be able to repay them their kindness one day. MD Dr. Karolina Florykova IADS Editor 2010 – 2011






A Message From International President APDSA EXCO 2010/11 Dear friends, on the behalf of Asia Pacific Dental Students Association (APDSA), the APDSA Executive Committee (EXCO) would like to say that it is an honor for us writing to members of International Association of Dental Students (IADS) in this newsletter. Although each nation has its own culture language and tradition, but it is not going to be barrier for us to hold our hand and walking together. Nowadays, both of IADS ExCo and APDSA EXCO are working hard on the collaboration between our two organizations. In conclusion, we have already renewed the memorandum of understanding (MOU) between IADS and APDSA in the 37th APDSA Congress 2010, Japan. The APDSA was established since 1968. The APDSA congress will be held from year to year in different member countries. We are always passing on our different cultural background and traditional with one another. None of participants has ever failed to have a perfect opportunity to share their experiences and attitudes, through wonderful and memorable activities. I can say that it is the best week in this year and going to be unforgettable memory. In addition, the participants also update new trend and dental knowledge through the seminar delivered by the distinguished speakers of our region, and through the participant’s research findings in the Scientific Research Competition (SRC). Not only you will be able to teach and learn from one another, but also you can make this week rewarding and meaningful. As an International President APDSA, it is an honor for me to announce that Thailand will host the 38th APDSA Congress, 15 – 20th August 2011 in Bangkok. The Thailand LOCs is very excited to be able to organize this event, and we would be glad to see all of our fellow friends in Thailand. Thus, we would like to extend our sincere invitation to all of you to join us. See you soon in Thailand! Best regards, Peerapat Kaweewongprasert International President APDSA EXCO 2010/11 Thailand






IADS meets FDI in Singapore The World Dental Federation, mother organization of IADS, each year holds a congress in September for all interested students and dentists from all over the world. In 2009 it took place in the amazing city and state of Singapore, Asia in the first week of September. Thousands of dentists from abroad and also from different Asian countries found their way to the orchid and lion city. Not just the beauty and the attractions of the city might have got the participants of the congress, also the large scientific program and the different political meetings were a good reason to travel to the FDI- congress. The main congress starts on Wednesday, but all who are more involved in the politics arrived earlier as the first session of the General Assembly took place on Monday the 1st of September. As the International Association of Dental Students is founded on the bases of FDI, the FDI General Assembly has much in common with ours. The differences are that FDI has over 150 members worldwide and the number of delegates is set on the number of members the national association has. Because of that, countries like Brazil, Japan, Germany and America have the largest number of delegates in the General Assembly and with this also the biggest number of votes. Issues discussed in the GA are of course the next meetings, policy statements and other

important issues. Policy statements are very important internationally as they show the official opinion on different dental topics like materials, treatment and prevention. Also the new president who will start his term of presidency in 2011 was elected, Dr. Orlando Monteiro da Silva from Portugal won against 2 candidates. Before he starts his term, Dr. Roberto Vianna from Brazil will have the honor to fulfill this position, in Singapore the presi-

dency was handed over to him from Dr. Burton Conrod, Canada. Besides the General Assembly many other official meetings were held during the congress. In FDI exist many different committees, the 2 main committees where IADS as YDW also are involved are the „Education Committee“ and the meeting of the FDI Executive Committee with the Supporting and Affiliate Members. In all of these events IADS plays an important



role as the representation of the future leaders in dentistry. For the International Association of Dental Students it is important to keep the close contact to FDI and the other associations related like the International Association of Dental Research (IADR). This year IADS and Young Dentists Worldwide were represented through Dr. Magdalena Maciejowska (IADS- EXCO- member 2006-09), Dr. Mark Antal (IADS- Honorary lifetime member) and Juliane Gnoth (IADS IPP 2008-10), all of them are also members of the Executive Committee of YDW. So presentations about both organizations were made by the representatives in front of the other supporting and affiliate members and the FDI- EXCO. Through that there were many possibilities to talk to professors


The peaceful life of the Buddhists, Christs, Hindus, Muslims and all other religions and races is a good example that it is possible to live together in harmony. The different parts of the city like Chinatown, little India and the Arab quarter were of course worth to spend at least some hours and all the different restaurants offered all the local and foreign dishes. Places to go out are the Hard Rock Cafe in the Orchard Road or the Clarke Quay. Also a big number of great official social events took place during the congress in Singapore. As each year there were receptions hold from the French, Germany and Japanese dental chambers. The main event of the whole congress was the opening ceremony that was held on Wednesday evening with artists from Singapore, speeches of the most important people and with the traditional flag ceremony. In that ceremony all the flags of the member countries were brought into the hall, this time is was made by children on rollerblades, what made it very energetic and the people were cheering much during that ceremony esp. for their own countries. The closing of the whole congress was the gala evening. Next year’s FDI congress will be a special one. Organized at the Brazilian sea side in Salvador de Bahia, it will be a joined meeting with IADS and YDW. Of course the congress might be a bit different to the IADS- congresses all of us are used to, but for sure it will be a remarkable event and it will be a unique possibility to meet people from all international associations at one place. Take the chance and see Brazil with the eyes of IADS, YDW and FDI.

from all over the world who will spread our message to their students and young doctors. As IADS and YDW are cooperating with FDI since a long time forums of the two organisations are an important part of the whole congress. The IADS forum was combined with the International Speakers Development Programme and informed the participants in topics for young researchers including how to Juliane Gnoth get into research, which things are important for success of the studies and which skills are IADS- IPP 2008 – 10, needed for a career like that. So the days were YDW-Communication Officer full of interesting meetings, but there was still also leisure for a bit of sightseeing and enjoying the social life. The city attracted the visitors by its diversity of cultures, religions and sightseeing- spots.






Finland: A Dream Became Real! Moi! from Oulu/Finland… the pearl of North Europe… the country of lakes,forests, reindeers, polar bears, snow and cold, and of course Santa Claus… Coming to Finland as an exchange student was one of my dreams for the past few years. Some of you may ask why Finland? Why not another country? This is also the Finnish citizens’ most popular question.I have lots of answers to this question. First of all, for me coming to a Nordic country not like a tourist but as a student is a very special experience. Most of the people prefer to go South for the sun and sea but I prefered the sea and cold degrees, and long nights for about 21 hours a day – where else can you experience that ? When I was waiting for my flight to Oulu at the airport, the weather was too hot maybe forty five degrees or more, even air conditioner was not enough to make me breathe. I was an application form for „kummi family’’ program and of course a letter from your kummi friend. When you arrive, he or she picks you up from the point previously decided, takes your apartment keys, shows you the city and university and gives you the most important information. Oh my God, what a nice feeling it is that you don’t need to think what you will do in a foreign country for the first day! I am sure that you have recognized that my apartment has been already dreaming of a cool weather and it wasn’t so far from me, only a few hours away. I got it when I first arrived to Oulu in the early morning, it was raining heavily and my jackets were not enough to keep me warm this time. My kummi friend picked me up from the airport and drove me to my apartment that i was sharing with my Spanish friend. If you are wondering what is a „kummi friend”, the word „kummi’’ means „tutor’’ in English. Before arriving in Finland, after the university has accepted your application,the international relations sends you a special package which has a booklet about the university, another one about the city, a map, other useful documents,

ready when I arrived to Oulu☺. The kummi family program is also similar to this one. Your family invites you for the special days to their home or somewhere else, shows you how a finnish family is, their traditions, organizes very nice acvities – maybe you can go swimming in the cold river or for a Nordic walk in the forest! The shortest introduction is they make you feel like you are really in Finland! Let’s come to Finnish people and culture. First of all they are very silent at the beginning,

at least for a Mediterranean girl! They even introduce themselves as the people who don’t talk if they don’t need to! They are calm, positive and helpful! If u need help just ask, they are always there for you. One more point: they look very young! If you want to learn their real age, guess it and add five years or maybe more☺. They are passionately in love with sports, a safe topic to talk about with Finns. Another one is the weather☺. They use bikes for transportation




excited for the beginners. Taking these lessons with other Exchange students is always fun! Other fun activities also exist for each and everyday: parties, trips to special parts of Finland (ESN is doing a very good job here in Oulu), learing how to bake pulla (special Finnish bakery: you have to try it) going to the forest to pick up berries (berries and mushrooms are very special for Finns), visits to Ranua Arctic Zoo, sea battle trip with 2,000 exchange students even in the very cold Finland winter. If coming from close countries, and more and more. here is one of your future plans and you don’t As you might guess newsletter pages just are know how to bike, you have to learn! Sauna not enough to talk about this perfect experience. which is famous all over the world – special I love this country and its people. It is strongly Finnish bath is maybe the best invention in recommended that you come to visit and experiFinland. You can eat sausage „Makkara”, as ence Finland. Now I have been waiting for the a tradition, or use special essences to make Northern Lights – one more reason to come! the sauna room smell nice.For example with An amazing present from the sun to all Nordic eucalyptus or guess what? Salmiakki! Salmiakki countries, and I have already started to pray for is not only used as an essence but also Finnish it as my Finnish friends say! Never forget that have candies made of salmiakki.They love it! I say this country is special! And don’t forget to If you ask exchange students who are coming others as usual and on the same campus as visit the Santa Claus Village and send Christmas from all over the world, they’d all have different Medicine faculty. The lectures are all in Finnish postcards to your lovely friends ideas for sure because it has a strong taste. but they organized lectures in English for us. and family! Author’s That’s the little part about social and At this point I should mention that we are only photo? cultural life. If we look to the education part, five students, both under- and postgraduate. Author’s name? as you can guess,it is very well coordinated None of us can speak Finnish and that is why Function? here. Dentistry faculty is separated from the we can’t treat any patients here. We are alTown/Country?

lowed to observe and assist only, not only students, but also the surgeons in the operation room. I can say that everything is prepared for students to make their studies easier here in Oulu, and I still have many things to learn! Other nice thing is that the university’s language center gives students courses in Spanish, German, English and of course Finnish, and all of them are for free. A good chance to learn a new language and meet new people who have similar interests as you. I have just survived a Finnish course and now I am really






Dental Outreach Project YoU CaN MaKe A sMiLe! International Association of Dental Students & Young People We Care As the International Association of Dental Students we know we have an obligation towards the promotion of Oral health around the globe and hence come our Voluntary Work Abroad Project that aims at reaching the less fortunate people living in developing countries and treat, educate and put a smile on their faces. Not only we create the database of voluntary work destinations for dental students on our website but also we run our own projects and projects which are fruits of cooperation with other organization. So here came our “baby”: wonderful, new Dental Outreach Project realized within the confines of a signed MOU on 2nd October 2009 between IADS and Young People We Care. Organizers are IADS and YPWC Young People We Care (YPWC) is a registered youth-led, non-profit organization that is headquartered in Ghana and has satellite offices in the UK, Canada and USA. The organization is operated by young people (ages 15–30) and adult allies working on youth and development related issues worldwide. At YPWC, we are passionate about sustainable development, the realization of the Millennium Development Goals and the promotion of a culture of peace and universal human rights for all. Aims of the project are to provide dental care, and on-going oral disease prevention, dental education and supplies to under-served populations of rural areas, train their local people to take responsibility for the continuation of the preventive education and care as well as provide free dental service for inhabitants. The project will focus on paediatric dental treatment and dental education. However, basic dental treatment and volunteers services will be available for all inhabitants free of charge.

underground water. They need to be educated on how to take care of their teeth. Many young men and women here can not laugh or smile freely in public because of the state of their teeth. In other regions our help is needed because of the high levels of poverty here. People consider paying for oral health check a luxury that can not be afforded.

teers to relax or travel to see some interesting and exciting parts of the country. YPWC staff will be able to give volunteers lots of help and advice on travelling in Ghana. Volunteers have to choose the project that they prefer so placements can be done in an orderly manner and also to avoid sending volunteers to sites that they do not like. The project is open for not only IADS memAccommodation bers but for all dental students as its aim is Accommodation will be provided for volunteers to deliver dental services in rural areas which in all the project districts volunteers will be lack them. hosted by friendly and decent host families in Also students on pre-clinical stage of each of the project districts. This is to afford education are welcome although students with volunteers the opportunity to get immersed clinical experience are appreciated. Group of in the typical Ghanaian culture. Conditions volunteers will be accommodated in one place in semi-rural Ghana are relatively basic, and will be offering dental services to inhabitProject Location but volunteers will have a secure room with ants in organized rural communities. However, This project covers 4 selected regions in Gha- running water and electricity. They will be students will organize at least two educational na (Ashanti, Brong Ahafo, Northern and Upper provided three meals a day by their local host meetings with local people. East). Some of the project locations have their family, volunteers will, therefore, have a great Dates of the project are settled during holiday health centres and hospitals where services opportunity to experience traditional Ghanaian time: July-September 2010 or 2011 with poswill be delivered but other districts have no food including how to prepare the food. There sible extensions depending on the number of dental clinics. However, there is the extraormay be instances where one host family can volunteers. The application will start when exact dinary need for dental health services there take up to two volunteers. date of opening the project will be known. because most people have coloured teeth due The working days will be from Monday to Duration of placement will be minimum 2 to the presence of a particular chemical in their Friday and so the weekends will free for volun- weeks and maximum 16 weeks. All volunteers




YPWC will organise all the logistics of the project and the Dental School of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Kumasi will provide all the clinical supervision needed. We are aiming to have a dental supervisor with us in the village to assist with difficult or unusual cases during the screening process and to oversee all clinical work at the project base. It is difficult to locate dental clinics in the field. This is because the dental care system in Ghana is not well developed. We will therefore have to create our own dental clinics using general health facilities in the various communities where we will be undertaking the outreach service. We will be given the opportunity to use their facility (building/compound) but we should not expect anything dental related as they don’t have any dental equipments. The team will divide into two groups each day, one to conduct the education and screening programmes in rural villages and schools and one to provide clinical treatments at the project base. The screening group will use local transport to visit different villages and schools each day, and if treatment is required, free transportation will be provided to the project base. The clinical group will have temporary treatment rooms in a local health facility for use. It will therefore help if volunteers could come will participate in the project from the first day will be gathered on YPWC account as well as with the equipments needed for treatment of of duration; only length of their placement will contributions. dental problems. be changeable. The final cost of placement will depend on The program is almost ready and waiting for voluntary work duration and sponsors contripossible volunteer’s applications. Don’t hesiCosts butions. The remainder of the final program tate to contact us on voluntary@iads-web. The total cost for volunteers excluding travel fee will be due 60 days prior to the internship org. Futher information will be placed on IADS costs will be from 600$ for 2 weeks to 2,200$ or volunteering start date. Only volunteers who and YPWC websites. Remember: smiling for 16 weeks. Final cost might be decreased will pay for their stay 60 days in advance will children of Ghana on this photos are waiting with the help of sponsors and other project have their places guaranteed. Deadline for for your help! You can make partner contributions. payment will be determined and will depend them smile! Author’s The volunteer program fee will cover airport on start-date of the project. photo? pickup and drop-off, accommodation in a After voluntary trip student will receive IADS Author’s name? comfortable homestay setting throughout certificate of voluntary work. Function? the internship, project-related expenses, Town/Country? 24/7 in-country support and social events. All Social programme volunteers will be provided with orientation in The social programme is designed to provide Volunteers will use of the various health Kumasi. For placement longer than 3 months, volunteers with the opportunity to relax and facilities in the various location to underthis fee may be reduced for successful aphave fun, meet some of the interesting Ghanatake the needed dental treatment. There is plicants. ians after a period of hard work in the field. the urgent need for dental equipment for Volunteer’s applications will be sent to sepaThe programme will cover the following: trip the project’s activities. rate e-mail address voluntary@iads-web.org. to one tourist site in each region, house party We would like to ask everybody for their Together with YPWC successful applicants every month for volunteers and some interestpossible support and contributions which will be chosen. Then, non-refundable deposit ing Ghanaians. This is to afford volunteers the will help us to run the project. of $100 paid by the student will initiate the opportunity to meet and interact with Ghanaians There will be need for dental materials placement process. Payments will be made and share fund stories, outing every Friday to such us latex gloves, masks, medicines, by individual students to YPWC sub-account. dish stress, mini send-off or good bye party for antibiotics, local anaesthesia drugs, disYPWC will guarantee safety of payments and volunteers at the end of their placement period. posable syringes and needles, glassionowill administer the money intending them on We will have at least one local specialist mer feelings for ART method of treatment, expenses related to the project. YPWC will (either a dentist or a dental nurse) with each dental instruments and surgical instrudecide before opening of application process team in the field as a supervisor. There will ments. We are waiting for your help! on number of spots available. All payments also be two YPWC staff on hand to help out.






Hydrazone Derivative Demonstrated Promising Chemopreventive Activity Via Its Inhibitory Effect And Apoptosis Induction On Human Tongue Carcinoma Cells Oral cancer is the eleventh most common cancer worldwide and in south-central Asia, it ranks among the three most common types of cancer. Over 90 percent of all oral malignancies are squamous cell carcinoma, which arise from the oral mucosal lining. Oral cancer causes considerable morbidity and is associated with a five-year survival rate of less than 50 percent. Furthermore, the survival rate for oral cancer has remained essentially unchanged over the past few decades. These alarming statistics on oral cancer have led to our interest in investigating the effectiveness of this newly synthesized Hydrazones derivative, 1-[(Bromomethyl)(phenyl)methyl]2-(2,4-dinitrophenyl) hydrazine in oral cancer chemoprevention by using tongue carcinoma cells as „in vitro” model. Cancer chemoprevention is the use of natural, synthetic, or biologic chemical agents to reverse, suppress, or prevent carcinogenic progression to invasive cancer. The success of several recent clinical trials in preventing cancer in high-risk populations suggests that chemoprevention is a rational and appealing strategy. The chemical used in this study belongs to the class of compounds known as the Hydrazones. This is an important class of compounds for new drug development and some of the Hydrazone derivatives have shown anti-cancer properties.

The study showed that the compound inhibited the growth of tongue carcinoma cells with an inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 0.01 mg/ml in dose and time-dependent manner. Consequently, the compound induced a twofold increase in apoptotic activity and a G0G1 phase cell cycle arrest compared to untreated cells. Exposure of the cells to the compound also resulted in alterations in cell morphology, including vacuolization and cellular shrinkage. On live-death analysis under confocal microscope using Calcein and Ethidium stain, it was confirmed that the compound exerted cell death. The study also demonstrated that the compound has no cytotoxic effect on normal mouse skin fibroblast cells. These findings suggest that the Hydrazone derivative shows its potential as a chemo-preventive agent, which could be attributed, in part, to its proliferation inhibition, apoptosis induction and cell cycle arrest of tongue carcinoma cells. Continuing research of the potential of the Hydrazone derivative as chemo-preventive agent offers hope, that in the future, even more people with this disease will be treated successfully and people with oral cancer can look forward to a better quality of life.

Scientific student competition winner Karen gets her applause in Brno (see also page 6)

Karen Voon Kai Rou Universiti Sains Malaysia

Figure 1. Anti-proliferative effect of the Hydrazone derivative until eight days of treatment

Figure 2. Two-fold increase of apoptotic activity in the early and late apoptosis stages in treated cells




Launching The First Worldwide Dental Research Exchange Network The Standing Committee on Research and Education within IADS is proud to announce the first international student led dental research exchange network, which aims to transfer and foster research knowledge to the ones who desire to make a difference within their dental communities. The students will attend research internships which consist of assisting a research project developed within the University member of the IDRP network. The internship takes about 2 – 8 weeks, the students being selected through a rigorous selection process and eventually having the facilities covered by the host university. In 2011, universities from 14 countries will enter the newly created network offering research destinations: Armenia, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Egypt, Iran, Italy, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, and Turkey. We formed a team of SCORE local coordinators who are in charge of successfully implementing and assuring the continuity of the program.

Logo parade of IDRP involved universities and organizations

The International Dental Research Program (IDRP) is what I would call an investment into the future of the dental research field. Today’s students, who are going to benefit from the program by acquiring early research skills, might become tomorrow’s research leaders who can push dentistry towards innovative and more successful treatments. Pavel Scarlat IDRP network Founder IADS International Scientific Officer Email: iso@iads-web.org


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