IDRP Booklet 2016-2017

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Standing Committee On Research and Education

Valid until: June 2017

International Association of Dental Students

Standing Committee on Research and Education

Table of Contents


Universidad Austral (Chile)



Beirut Arab Universuty(Lebanon)


Yerevan State Medical University (Armenia)


Saratov State Medical University (RussianFederation)


Unidad de Investigaciรณn Bรกsica Oral (Colombia)


Istanbul University(Turkey)


Al Quds University (Palestine)


North Ossetian State Medical Academy (Russian Federation) 24

Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic)


Perm State Medical University(Russian Federation)


University of Khartoum(Sudan)


IDRP Description Selection Process and Logistics


Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Czech Republic)


“A vast contribution

in the future

of the dental research field�

Description: The Standing Committee on Research and Education within IADS is proud to assure the successful continuity of the International Dental Research Program - the first worldwide dental research exchange network which aims to transfer and foster research knowledge to the ones who desire to make a difference within their dental communities. The students will attend dental research internships which consist of assisting a dental research project developed within a foreign University partner of the IDRP network. The internships takes place for about 2 to 8 weeks, the students being selected through a rigurous selection process and eventually having the facilities covered by the host university. In 2016, 12 Universities worldwide offer research internships to talented dental students and young graduates, in: Colombia, Chile, Armenia, Czech Republic, Russian Federation, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Sudan The Program is a limestone in the dental student research activity, which purposes to enlighten talented dental students who one day will be the ones to push dentistry towards innovative and more successful treatments.

Malek Ghorbel Andrey Baltaev IADS President

IADS International Scientific Officer


Selection Process


The students have to submit the complete application

- The Program/network consists of Universities offering

to the IADS National/Local Scientific Officers or the

dental research internships to international students

Project Leader (Mentor). The University receives the

who are rigurously selected by the University.

applications and has the option to select the students |4

who better fit the scientific project.

- A team of IADS National/Local Scientific Officers are in charge of successfully implementing and assuring the

a) A complete application consists of:

continuity of the Program.

1) Curriculum Vitae in English

- The Universities have the full right of selecting the stu-

2) A letter of intent ( a short description of the scientific

dents who better fit the dental research internship

activities should be attached) 3) Two letters of recommendation

- The student is involved in a dental research internship

4) Copies of Medical Certificates and Awards.

for a period of time ranging from 2 to 8 weeks, and at the completion of the internship it is granted with a

The application materials should be written or trans-

Certificate of Participation in the IDRP research intern-

lated in English.


Explore, Discover, Improve

Yerevan State Medical Univerisity (Armenia) Department of pediatric dentistry and orthodontics Name of the research project: Application of self-ligating brackets in orthodontics Project Leader (Mentor): Hrant Ter-Poghosyan Ph.D.

Description of the project: The research work include statistical,clinical, experimental |5

componenets of departments scientific work,for second research project - comparison of dental and alveolar changes as a result of application of self-ligating braces various types

studies required? Basic knowledge in TMJ anatomy, knowledge in basics of gnathology and orthodontics, Basic skills in use of articulator Language(s) of use: English and/or Russian Minimum number of weeks to participate: 3 - 4 weeks

What will be the student’s involvement within the re-

Hours of work per day: 4-8 hours

search project?

Available months: throughout the year

The students will get a chance to participate, observe and

Students to be accepted: 1-2 students.

also assist in research and the experiments Contact: What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire during the research project? The student would be acquainted with the new and rou-

Ani Harutyunyan National Exchange Officer of Armenia e-mail:

tine techniqes of orthodontic treatment and planning Is there any special knowledge, skills of certain level of Explore, Discover, Improve

Yerevan State Medical Univerisity (Armenia) Department of Prosthodontics Name of the research project: Removable partial and complete dentures Project Leader (Mentor): Assoc. Prof. Marine Petrosyan

Description of the project: The project is focused on methods of retention and stabilizations of complete and partial removable dentures, |6

principles of design of removable partial dentures, laboratory stages during removable dentures fabrication. The research work will include statistical, clinical, experimental components of chair scientific work. What will be the student’s involvement within the research project? The student will observe,assist and will be directly involved in the research program. What practical skills and knowledge would the student

Is there any special knowledge, skills of certain level of studies required? The student is required to have knowledge about the partial and complete adentia and the level of jaws atrophy. To have basic skills regarding Prosthodontic Dentistry. Language(s) of use: English and/or Russian Minimum number of weeks to participate: 3 weeks Hours of work per day: 6 hours Available months: throughout the year Students to be accepted: 1-2 students. Contact:

acquire during the research project?

Ani Harutyunyan

The student would be acquainted with basic

National Exchange Officer of Armenia

procedures,new and routine techniques of making remov-


able partial and complete dentures. Explore, Discover, Improve

El Bosque University (Colombia) Name of the research project: Designing, construction and evaluation of a hollow fiber based perfusion bioreactor for the expansion of dental origin stem cells Project Leader (Mentor): Dr. Juan Carlos Munevar.

Description of the project:

sues and futher more the dental pulp stem cells origin,

In this research project, we designed and built a hollow

function,obtention, extraction and maintenance which

fiber technology-based perfusion bioreactor for the pro-

will help them think about clinical applications of this cells.

duction of dental origin stem cells in a relevant volume for

Moreover they will acquire important basic laboratory skills

clinical use. Once built, it will proceed to evaluate its ef-

where they will be able to count the cells, culture them,

ficiency by evaluating expansion and phenotype of dental

standardize inoculum protocols, get to know different

stem cells obtained to refine the operating parameters of

biomaterials and see the cells behavior in them. Learn

the device.

how to set up proliferation assays, check cells markers and

What will be the student’s involvement within the research project? Students will take part on every stage; theorical and experimental of the project along with the mentor. Who is going to lead and guide the project. This project also has a bioengineering faculty advisory from either students and proffesors What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire during the research project? Get better understanding of the dental pulp tis-

profiles, how to use an electronic microscope. Learn how to incoulate cells in bioractor systems and do it. Control and monitor culture parameters in this system. Is there any special knowledge, skills of certain level of studies required? Not really, buy minimum the student must be a 2nd year postgraduate student.


Language(s) of use: English, Spanish, French Minimum number of weeks to participate: 4 weeks Hours of work per day: 6 hours Available months: February to June and August to November Students to be accepted: 2 students. Contact: Nicolรกs Cohn Inostroza IADS Americas Director email:,


Explore, Discover, Improve

Al Quds University (Palestine) Name of the research project: Designing, construction and evaluation of a hollow fiber based perfusion bioreactor for the expansion of dental origin stem cells Project Leader (Mentor): Dr. Elham Kateeb

Description of the project:

chronic periodontitis among a group of Palestinian

Chronic periodontitis is a multifactorial disease, it is mainly

adults aged between 18 and 65 years. And to analyse

develops through anti-inflammatory process induced by

the relationship between diet intake and periodontal

the presence of a microbial biofilm. Dental plaque and


poor oral hygiene are considered as a significant etiological factor. Also genetic predisposition plays important role in the aetiology of periodontitis.

These aims will be accomplished by asking participants to complete a questionnaire in order to collect information about their sociodemographic status, general

Body Mass Index (BMI) is used to measure the general

health, oral hygiene practice and lifestyle, undertak-

adiposity or total body fat. WC (Waist circumferences)

ing an anthropometric examination and periodontal

and WHR (Waist to Hip Ratio) are measures of abdominal

examination, and asking participants to complete a food

visceral adiposity. Abdominal visceral fat is associated with

frequency questionnaire.

a greater health risk than peripheral fat. The best evidence suggests that measures of general and visceral adiposity should be combined to increase risk prediction of obesityrelated diseases. The project aims to investigate the relationship between

What will be the student’s involvement within the research project? Students will be trained to assisst in data collection of the questionnaires, periodontal examination, data processising and handling.

adiposity indicators including body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), and Explore, Discover, Improve


What practical skills and knowledge would the student

Obesity and periodontal disease are highly prevalent in

acquire during the research project?

Middle East countries, therefore studying this relation-

They will acquire the skill of data collection, comprehen-

ship among Palestinians is relevant and valuable.

sive periodontal evaluation including recording Bleeding on Probing, Probing Pocket Depth and Clinical Attachment Loss measurement. Students will get a better understanding of the nutritional

Contact: Hidayah Anwar National Scientific Officer - Palestine

role on periodontal diseases. Is there any special knowledge, skills of certain level of studies required? Students should have basic knowledge in clinical periodontal examination. Language(s) of use: English, (Arabic in some activities

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Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2 weeks Hours of work per day: 4 hours Available months: February - March Students to be accepted: 2-4 students. Special remarks: This research project is important because there is a scarce of oral epidemiologic data in Palestine, especially data about periodontal diseases. To the best of our knowledge, there is no single study discussed prevalence or risk factors of periodontal disease among Palestinians. Both Explore, Discover, Improve

Al Quds University (Palestine) Faculty of Dentistry Name of the research project: Prevalence of Oral Lesions in Dental Patients of Al-Quds University Oral Medicine and Diagnosis Clinic Description of the project: Patients attending Oral medicine and diagnosis clinic are screened for oral lesions and medical and oral assessment form is filled. The information on the form is then analyzed after transferring it to the SPSS program.

The student should be in dental school. He/she must be enrolled or have finished at least one oral medicine

What will be the student’s involvement within the re-

or oral pathology class.

search project?

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The student will observe,assist and will be directly in-

Language(s) of use: English, (Arabic in some activities

volved in the research program.

only). The minimum number of weeks available to partici-

What practical skills and knowledge would the student

pate: 1 weeks

acquire during the

Hours of work per day: 5

research project?

Available months: January till the end of August

The student will learn how to act around standardized

Students to be accepted: 3-4

forms. The student will learn how to use SPSS for data interpre-


tation and analysis.

Hidayah Anwar National Scientific Officer - Palestine

Is there any special knowledge, skills of certain level of

studies required? Explore, Discover, Improve

Al Quds University (Palestine) Faculty of Dentistry Name of the research project: Innovative Oral Health Promotion and Early Disease Prevention Delivery Program at Ministry of Health Maternal and Child Health Care Centers, East Jerusalem / Occupied Palestinian Territories Description of the project: The purpose of this study is to determine whether a combination of pre- and post-natal preventive and behavioral interventions is effective in preventing early childhood caries in young children with problematic access to care. Project description: The study seeks to determine whether the implementation of a culturally-appropriate early childhood caries intervention reduces dental disease burden among young children. This project targets expectant

the same time, mothers will receive MI and AG in an effort to address the dietary and oral health concerns of their children. The goal of the study is to intervene early enough in the child's life to prevent the onset of early childhood caries, or at least, reduce the rates of the disease so that fewer young children require complex dental treatment under general anesthesia. What will be the student’s involvement within the research project?

mothers and their newborns, over a three-year intervention

Participants will be trained and caliberated to do the

period which coincides with the vaccination program that


offered by the MCHC centers in MOH public health clinics. This 3- year study promotes and offers good dental care dur-

1. Screening and data collection

ing pregnancy and uses Motivational Interviewing (MI) and

2. Oral Health Motivation and Education using anticipatory

Anticipatory Guidance (AG) to counsel mothers on caring for

guidance and motivational intervewing techniques

their children's teeth. This project will apply fluoride varnish on the mothers’ babies' teeth twice per year for 3 years. At

3. Fluoride Varnish application Explore, Discover, Improve

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4. Data handeling and processing. 5. Writing abstracts and reports

Contact: Hidayah Anwar National Scientific Officer - Palestine

What practical skills and knowledge would the student

acquire during the research project? Students will be trained on new techinques in Oral Health promotion such as motavational intrerviweing(MI) and anticipatory guidance (AG). In addition, they will get the chance to apply fluoride varnish in unconventional settings such as public health clinics. If students are intrested in research design and data analysis, some training will be provided to them in basic and advanced levels. Is there any special knowledge, skills of certain level of studies required?

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Students need to have at least one year clinical training, and already know the basics of prevention and community dentistry. Arabic langauge is needed for MI, AG and data collection; however, fluoride application, screening, data handeling and processing do not need this skill. Language(s) of use: English, (Arabic in some activities only). Minimum number of weeks to participate:: 2 weeks Hours of work per day: 4 hours Available months: February 2016 to June 2016 Students to be accepted: 4 student

Explore, Discover, Improve

Charles University Prague Medical Faculty Hradec Kralove Czech Republic Name of the research project: Cultivation of human dental pulp stem cells in media containing human blood plasma Project Leader (Mentor): Tomas Soukup, M.D., Ph.D. Jakub Suchanek M.D., Ph.D. tocols for future clinical application of stem cells in clinical Description of the project: Dental pulp represents rich and accessible source of stem cells, | 14

which can be utilized anytime during the life of the patient. Dental pulp stem cells (DPSC) cultured in vitro are greatly influenced by the composition of the cultivation medium. In previous years we were able to reduce the amount of supplements of animal origin (especially fetal calf serum) in culture medium

dental practice and in the other clinical fields. The project is in full compliance with research and development strategy of the Czech Ministry of Health, presenting the thesis linking the basic and applied research. The project will continue to develop unique methods and international cooperation.

from the usual 20% to 2% and supplement culture medium

The proposed project is focused on modifying stem cell cul-

with recombinant growth factors. This resulted in a change of

ture conditions of human dental pulp in order to sustain the

basic biological and phenotypic properties of cultured DPSC.

isolated cell lines characteristics of stem cells and culture

We expect (and our unpublished results confirmed this) that

to achieve higher yields. Properties of cultured cells will be

the addition of human plasma to the culture medium has not

characterized over time in correlation with cells grown in

only beneficial effects on basic biological properties, higher

medium containing calf (animal) serum. The examination

proliferative potential and stability but also effects changes in

will focus on the growth characteristics of cells, xCEL-

the phenotypic profile of DPSC. Our activities lead to achieve

Ligence growth profiles, examination of telomere length,

higher yields during cultivation process and to prepare pro-

immunophenotyping, and differentiation potential of stem Explore, Discover, Improve


Optimization of culture conditions will not only maintain longterm desirable properties of stem cells as their self-renewal and clonogenicity, but also prevent their premature senescence and damage. In addition, using human plasma will facilitate the transfer of experimental findings to the possible therapeutic applications of stem cells. What will be the student’s involvement within the research project? The students will get a chance to participate, observe and also assist in research and the experiments. Language(s) of use: English What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire during the research project?

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 4 weeks

The students will acquaint with basic procedures and techniques

Hours of work per day: 4-5

of experimental histology, odontology, molecular biology, tissue

Available months: From 10th July untill 10th October, Novem-

engineering, stem cell culture and get the unique chance to look


to the possible future of their jobs. Students to be accepted: 2 Is there any special knowledge, skills of certain level of studies required?

Contacts: Iveta ShornĂĄ

Advanced knowledge in cell culture, tissue engineering and

IADS National Scientific Officer - Czech Republic

laboratory methods are required.

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Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Name of the research project: Odontogenesis in model mammalian organisms Project Leader (Mentor): Assoc. Prof. Marcela BuchtovĂĄ, Ph.D.

Description of the project: Tooth replacement in vertebrates is initiated from a structure at the end of the dental lamina, known as the suc| 16

cessional dental lamina (SDL). The timing of SDL initiation is species-specific and generally arises earlier in animals with a simpler tooth shape, such as in pythons, in contrast

vide a source of cells for the generation of future teeth. Key questions we aim to address are: What signals lead to the breakdown of the dental lamina in mammals? What signals control formation of the dental stem cell niche? What prevents tooth replacement in monophyodont (one tooth generation) mammals?

to the complex teeth of mammals. Lifetime and morphol-

What will be the student’s involvement within the

ogy of the dental lamina differ among species depending

research project?

on how many generations of teeth are initiated during the animal’s life. For example, in diphyodont species such as humans, ferrets and pigs, the dental lamina starts to

The students will get a chance to participate, observe and also assist in research and the experiments.

disintegrate when the first generation reaches the late bell

What practical skills and knowledge would the student

stage, stopping further potential for replacement. In con-

acquire during the research project?

trast in snakes and lizards with continuous tooth replacement, the lamina remains as a permanent structure linking the forming teeth together. The dental lamina has been proposed to contain a population of stem cells, which pro-

The students will learn with basic procedures and techniques of experimental embryology and molecular biology.

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of studies required? Advanced knowledge in developmental biology, tissue engineering and laboratory methods are required. Language(s) of use: English The minimum number of weeks to participate: 2 weeks Hours of work per day: 6-8 hours Available months: August - September How many students can be accepted to participate within the research project? 1 student Contact: Tereza MaĹĄkovĂĄ IADS Local Scientific Officer - Brno, Czech Republic

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Universidad Austral (Chile)

LABORATORY OF POLYMERS, Institute of Chemical Sciences, Faculty of Sciences Name of the research project: Wafer Sponge ®, polimerical matrix of tissue regeneration (uses in periodontal tissue, diabetic foot, and complex wounds in skin and oral mucosa). Project Leader (Mentor): PhD. Ignacio Moreno-Villoslada.PhD. Sandra Orellana Donoso Student contributor: Nicolás Cohn Inostroza (NSO) | 18

Description of the project: Wafer-Sponge® (, new replacement for the treatment of wounds such as diabetic foot complex and venous ulcers, which works similar to an artificial skin material. We want to develop in wounds of oral cavity. What will be the student’s involvement within the

and quantify the Molar concentrations of this naturals products. What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire during the research project? The student can develop chemical techniques (UV-Vis Spectrophotometry), cell cultures in human fibroblast or keratinocites Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of studies required?

research project?

Basic Chemistry, Basic Sciences.

The student may assist in tasks related to developing

Language(s) of use: English and Spanish.

new properties wafer sponge, adding a wafer sponge natural products extracted from plants and see the cell reaction in human fibroblasts or keratinocytes,

Thenumber of weeks available to participate: Minimum: 2 weeks ; Maximum: 4 weeks.

- The student can present the results in our National Hours of work per day: minimum 4 hours per day ; maximum 8 hours per day.

Congress of Biomaterials and Tissue Regeneration, see the promotional video: watch?v=Lr5VT5rYX3Y

Available months: March to June and August to December. Students to be accepted: 2 (two) students. Special remarks: - Motivation for the research in sciences, tissue regeneration, cell cultures and chemistry.

Contact: Nicolรกs Cohn Inostroza IADS Americas Director email:,

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Beirut Arab Universuty (Lebanon) Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Restorative Sciences Name of the research project: ĐĄomparison of the effect of differnet rotary nickel titanium instrumrnts systems on maintaining root canal curvature Project Leader (Mentor): Dr. Roula S. Abiad Description of the project: Diffrent rotary nickel-titanium (Ni-Ti) instruments will be used to instrument mesial roots of extract-

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of studies

ed mandibular molars. Root canal curvatures will be measured

required? : Execute the basic procedures of preclinical end-

before and after instrumentation. The results will be compared

odontics correctly and effectively.

and analysed.

Language(s) of use: English

What will be the student’s involvement within the research

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2 weeks

project? Students will be involved in: data gathering,samlpes

Hours of work per day: 3-5

preparation. Testing,writing of manuscript and submission

Available months: October and March Students to be accepted: 5-7

What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire


during the research project?

Hanin Nassar - National Scientific Officer

To know hot to identify a problem, gather possible answers,

research it then mold it into a clear sequential research. Develop skills ,dexterity and confidence in performing preclinical endodontic concepts on extracted teth using different rotary nickel titanium instruments

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Saratov State Medical University (Russian Federation) Department of Pedodontics and Orthodontics Name of the research project: Chairside diagnosis of risk of developing periodontal diseases during orthodontic treatment Project Leader (Mentor): Head of Department, Associate Professor, D.E. Suetenkov Description of the project: To obtain and analyze the immediate results of a chairside diagnostics of inflammatory periodontal diseases utilizing BANA-test What will be the student’s involvement within the research

Language(s) of use: English, Russian Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2 weeks 21 |

Hours of work per day: 6

project? Assisting dentist in registration of clinical changes, documentation, mathematical and statistical analysis of the

Available months: May, June, September, October, No-



What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire

Students to be accepted: 2-3

during the research project? Etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases; evaluation of oral

Special remarks

hygiene status by common oral hygienic indexes, processing

Available only for students of 4th and 5th year of studying.

and statistical analysis of the results. Contact: Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of stud-

Tatiana Fedotova

ies required? : Experience in diagnostics of inflammatory

National Scientific Officer - Russian Federation(RADSYD)

periodontal disease, professional oral hygiene, processing and

statistical analysis of the results and treatment planning of periodontal disease of adolescents. Explore, Discover, Improve

Istanbul University (Turkey) Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Prosthodontics (Turkey) Name of the research project: Testing the compatibility of the condylar path inclination. Comparison of two methods ( electronic and mechanic) Project Leader (Mentor): Prof. Dr. Tonguç Sülün , PhD Student Sina Saygılı Description of the project: Detecting condylar path inclination over 40 students with both methods and comparing the results. Investigation on conventional mechanical method reliability over more sensitive electronical device

What will be the student’s involvement within the research project? Measurement over students and detecting condyle path inclination , rating statistics, writing of an scientific paper. What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire during the research project? Recognition and application of mandibular movement detection methods which students can’t learn during undergraduate education program, making scientific research at the master level, learning of simple statistical evaluation, learning how to write an article

which has been accepted as gold standart.

Is there any special knowledge, skills of certain level or

zero hypothesis: There is no difference between the mea-

studies required?

surement using two methods.

Students should be in last 2 years of undergraduate Explore, Discover, Improve

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education (4th or 5th year / 5th or 6th year)

| 23

education (4th or 5th year / 5th or 6th year) of use: EnglishTurkish Minimum number of weeks to participate: 4-6 weeks Hours of work per day: 4 hours Available months: October - November 2016 Students to be accepted: 2 students Contacts: Sina SaygÄąlÄą, DDS

Explore, Discover, Improve

North Ossetian State Medical academy (Russian Federation) Faculty of Dentistry Name of the research project: Microhemodynamic of periodontal tissues in patients with diabetes mellitus. Project Leader (Mentor): Ph.D, Assoc. Prof. Khetagurov Soslan Description of the project: Patients dentist, having concomitant diseases, treatment requires more careful planning and consideration of all features of the somatic status. We study the peculiarities of the periodontal status in diabetes mellitus. | 24

What will be the student’s involvement within the research project? Independent (with Russian assistance) a survey of patients. At the stage of issuance of findings under the guidance of Professor.

Language(s) of use: Russian, German, English Minimum number of weeks to participate: 3 weeks Hours of work per day: 4. Available months: Throughout the year Students to be accepted: 2 Special remarks: it is possible to provide free housing in the university dorms.

What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire during the research project? Dental checkup skills in the gen-


eral hospital conditions. Utilyzing laser doppler flowmety. Skills

Tatiana Fedotova

in the field of medical statisctics.

National Scientific Officer - Russian Federation(RADSYD)

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of studies required? : Completed pre-clinical dentistry course, experience with filling medical doumentation. Explore, Discover, Improve

Perm State Medical University Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics Name of the research project: Sanitary and hygienic education of children with disabilities and their parents on the basis of Regional Center of complex rehabilitation of disabled. Project Leader (Mentor): Professor Marina A. Danilova

Reasons of formation of dental problems, diagnosis, modern Description of the project: According to WHO data 10% of inhabitants in the world (516 mln) are invalids. Statistics of children invalidity demonstrates its steady rise. The participation of dentists in the complex rehabilitation is very important fortreatment and prophylaxis of oral diseases. What will be the student’s involvement within the research project?Student will work at Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics.Work on the basis of the Regional Center of complex rehabilitation of invalids. The joint examination of children with disabilities, with the doctor working at the dental-technical laboratory. The discussion of the results. The hypotheses. Working with documents. What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire

trends and means of prophylaxis and treatment. Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of studies required? :Ability to work at the dental-technical laboratory, knowledge of safety rules while working at the dentaltechnical laboratory. Language(s) of use: Russian, English Minimum number of weeks to participate: 4 weeks Hours of work per day: 6 hours Available months: throughout the year except July and August Students to be accepted: 1

during the research project? Knowledge of peculiarities of

Daria Vasilyeva

stomatological and neurological status of children

National Scientific Officer - Russian Federation(HCCM)

with disabilities, knowledge and skills in hygiene of oral cavity. Explore, Discover, Improve

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University of Khartoum (Sudan) Division of oral pathology, Department of Oral and maxillofacial Surgery Name of the research project: Vascular lesions of the Oral cavity Project Leader (Mentor): Dr.Nazik Omer Elbashir

| 26

Description of the project:

Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of

Epidemiological cross-sectional laboratory-based study to

studies required? :

study the different catogries of vascular lesions of the Oral

The student should be aware of the oral pathoogy and


in particular the classification of benign and Malignant vascular lesions

What will be the student’s involvement within the research project?

Language(s) of use: English

The student will review records and microscopic slides of

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 2 weeks

diagnose cases of benign and malignant lesion and analyse

Hours of work per day: 5 hours.

data to find frequencies What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire during the research project? Examination of H&E section by light Microscope, data entry, data analysis.

Available months: November, December Students to be accepted: 2 students Contact: Tasneem Isam National Scientific Officer of Sudan Explore, Discover, Improve

University of Khartoum (Sudan) Department of Dental Anatomy Name of the research project: Anatomical locations of implant closely related structers Project Leader (Mentor): Dr.Abbas Gareeb Allah Description of the project: Anatmical location of the mental Foramen in sudanese.

Language(s) of use: English

As the Mental foramen is an important anatomical land mark

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 3-4 weeks

to facilitate Surgical, local anesthetics and others invasibe Pro| 27

cedures. So this research is aimed at assessing Morphological and Morphometric features of it

Hours of work per day: 4-6 hours. Available months: April, November, December Students to be accepted: 2 students

What will be the student’s involvement within the research project? Collection of Samples (Anatomical cadaveric samples) and analysis

Contact: Tasneem Isam National Scientific Officer of Sudan

What practical skills and knowledge would the student acquire during the research project? Data collection techniques, data analysis Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of studies required? : Research methodology, sampling, ethics Explore, Discover, Improve

University of Khartoum (Sudan) Department of Dental Anatomy Name of the research project: Dental tissue as a rich resource of stem cells Project Leader (Mentor): Dr.Abbas Gareeb Allah Description of the project: Extraction of pulp tissue or periodontal tissue from deciduous

Language(s) of use: English

teeth at the time of shedding or new permenant teeth or at

Minimum number of weeks to participate: 4 weeks

extraction for treatment | 28

Hours of work per day: 2-3 hours.

What will be the student’s involvement within the research

Available months: November, December


Students to be accepted: 2 students

Tissue extraction


Know how to process tissue for growth and regeneration

Tasneem Isam

What practical skills and knowledge would the student ac-

National Scientific Officer of Sudan

quire during the research project?

Tissue extraction and know how to process tissue for growth and regeneration Is there any special knowledge, skills or certain level of studies required? : Preclinical and clinical dental students

Explore, Discover, Improve

Contacts: Andrey Baltaev IADS International Scientific Officer

Malek Ghorbel IADS President

International Dental Research Program

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