IVP mozambique 2016

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International Association of Dental Students



5th to 26th September


International Association of Dental Students



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CONTEXT AND BACKGROUND Oral health is fundamental to general health and

population to dentist ratio of 135,000:1. In 1997, 50%

well-being. Poor oral health affects quality of life as a

of children had dental caries.

result of pain or discomfort, tooth loss, impaired oral functioning, disfigurement, missing school time, loss

The most common dental problems, such as dental

of work hours and death in the case of oral cancer and

caries which is pandemic, can be prevented by simple

noma. Significant barriers exist to ensuring the world’s

and inexpensive methods. Dental health is based on

people receive basic healthcare, including oral health-

oral hygiene, nutrition, fluoride intake and dental

care. Amongst these are poverty, ignorance, inadequate

service utilization; whereas bad dental health in adults

financial resources and lack of adequate numbers of

is usually the result of the absence of these influences

educated and trained (oral) healthcare workers. This,

during childhood. Dental health promotion aims to

together with insufficient emphasis on primary preven-

create an environment favorable to the adoption of

tion of oral diseases, poses a considerable challenge

these healthy behaviors. The use of school structure

for several countries, particularly developing countries

is particularly beneficial as activities can be integrated

and countries with economies and health systems in

into the curricula, and it provides quality personnel to


ensure proper implementation. The implementation of dental health promotion generally doesn’t result from a

Mozambique is one of the world’s poorest and most

national initiative in developing countries, largely due

underdeveloped countries. Despite rising GDP, chronic

to the lack of integration of dental health in activities

child malnutrition is rising. Access to clean water is

of education and health promotion in general. There

low (51% in 2011) as is access to adequate sanitation

is a great window of opportunity for promoting dental

(25%). HIV prevalence in 15-49 year age group was

health among the disadvantaged youth of vulnerable

11.5% in 2011, and in Maputo and Gaza provinces the

communities such as in southern Mozambique, through

prevalence is more than double.

self-care and community participation oriented programs.

In 2007 there were 159 dentists in Mozambique – a

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Overall Objective:


To improve oral health integration in BHC and education systems in Mozambique,

following WHO recommendations. B.

Project Purpose:


To reduce morbidity due to caries among vulnerable population in target region.

C. Outputs: o

Sugar and acid intake habits are improved among children


Plaque control measures are increased


The ratio of favourable:unfavourable host factors is increased


Output-wise major activities:


Sugar and acid intake habits are improved among children

Obtain authorisation to work in schools and orphanages and child centres for the


Work with school directors and teachers on appropriate food intake (where neces-


Prepare a training module and schedule for the school kids

Train BHC nurses and professionals (Community Health Workers)

Advocate to MoH and MoE for policies and protocols implementation

Meet local leaders to sensitize and explain oral health


Plaque control measures increased among children in schools

Introduce oral health habits in school routine

Sensitize local leaders and parents

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Toothbrushes or other culturally accepted accessories distribution (1 year supply)

to the school students,

Discuss with government opportunities to reduce taxes on those accessories

Find potential donors for the accessories

Train the BHC and school professionals on the subject

Create brushing stations


The ratio of favourable:unfavourable host factors is increased

Introduce fluoride based toothpaste into the school routine

Sensitize the community regarding fluoride intake benefits

Sensitize the community regarding sugarless chewing gums benefits

1 year supply distribution for the school kids

Advocate to MoH, WHO and UNICEF regarding fluoridation

Train BHC and school professionals


Implementation strategy:

A capacity development model whereby the IADS field team educates local school staff to promote specific behavior-based preventive oral health initiatives, and advocates the integration of oral health in upstream policies. The principle recommended dental health measures are: 1/ topical fluoridation; 2/ modification of the amount of sugar in the diet, and; 3/ implementation of monitored dental hygiene activities in schools. Supporting school health in this way aims at broad exposure to the host population, while maximizing long-term benefit to the host population, and minimizing cost and any potential dangers to the local infrastructure. This proposal envisages a model based on the PLANNING-IMPLEMENTATION-EVALUATION cycle for oral health programs in developing countries - one cycle per region.

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Project target groups/beneficiaries:

o Primary: 

Children under 12 – the Mozambique pilot aims to reach 660 kids and 40 adults


o Secondary: 

Schools and BHC professionals

General population


Indicators and Success (Monitoring and Evaluation):

WHO Oral Health Surveys, Basic methods, 5th edition, Annex 8. H.

Location of the project sites (and rationale for selecting these locations):

o Secondary: 

Schools and BHC professionals

General population


Indicators and Success (Monitoring and Evaluation):

WHO Oral Health Surveys, Basic methods, 5th edition, Annex 8.

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Location of the project sites: Matola Duration: - one week Base: Larson Home - within 40 mins drive from all sites - 30 mins from Matola International Airport

Child Centers: 1. 2. 3.

Iris Matola Rio - 45 children Iris Matola Rio Preschool - 60 children Iris Zimpeto - 250 children


Project Purpose - 20 children


Promise Center - 30 children

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Berta’s Project - 40 children

Schools: 7. Iris Zimpeto School – 1600 students: 800 in the morning Grades 1 to 8 (16 classes), and; 800 Grade 9 to 11 in the afternoon (16 classes) 8. Berta’s Preschool - 40 children

Total potential reach: 2085

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Manjacaze Duration: - one week Base: Kapulana Hotel, Nwadjahane (birthplace of Eduardo Mondlane - liberator of Mozambique who lost his life attempting to gain independence from Portugal) – within 30 mins drive from all sites.

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Project time frame.

3 weeks, between September 5th to 26th 2 weeks on sites, one week for acclimatization, training and excursions (Xai Xai beach, Kruger Park, artisan’s market‌) J.

Operational Roles and Responsibilities

Humble Smile will be responsible for - Training the field team - Providing oral care products - Advocating the integration of oral health in upstream policies - Monitoring, evaluation and reporting Sunshine Approach will be responsible for the daily logisitics of - Gaining access to schools - Providing local support personnel incl. guides, translators, drivers, cooks - Food - Accommodation - Transport - Managing the products and supplies including regulatory and shipping issues - Letter of invite for volunteers

IADS - enrolling 5 student volunteers incl. copy of passports - providing the volunteers with information Volunteers - Health insurance - Vaccinations. Consult with travel clinic. Recommended: Hepatitis A and B, Tdap- Tetanus, Diptheria, and Pertusis, Typhoid. Malarone tabs for Malria. - Visa. Visitor not tourist. Try for a multiple entry- required for safari to South Africa. You will need to apply for a visa at the Mozambican embassy in your home country. If you do not have a Mozambican embassy in your home country, you can get a visa at the airport. BUT BE SURE YOU DO NOT HAVE A

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MOZAMBICAN EMBASSY IN YOUR HOME COUNTRY BEFORE YOU DO THIS!!! If you arrive and you do have a Mozambican embassy in your home country, they will not give you a visa and WILL send you home. - Flights - Extras incl. excursion costs, shopping, leisure activities etc Excursions

1. Kruger Park Safari

We go to South Africa in the afternoon and enjoy a South African braai (cook out). Stay at Elephant Walk Retreat, www.elephantwalk.co.za which is right outside the gate to Kruger Park. A very experienced Kruger guide picks us up in an open air safari vehicle at 5am and we enter the park at daybreak. She will take us through the park and make a stop for lunch. She will take us back to our vehicle at the end of the day, we will cross back into Mozambique and home again. Cost $120 per person incl. guided tour in safari vehicle, meals, accommodation.

2. Xai Xai Beach

We leave Manjacaze after breakfast and go to the beach for the day, stay overnight at Zona Braza http:// www.zonabraza.com/ and then head back to home after breakfast and a nice relaxing morning on the beach. Cost incl. accommodation and meals $60 per person. K. Sustainability: In addition to training the local non-dental personnel, interventions must aim to promote and facilitate long-term sustainable improvements, such as tackling upstream factors, and the environment that cause poor oral health and create inequities. It is clear that actions from the health departments alone have limited impact on the wider determinants of health inequities. Healthy public policies and legislation are important upstream measures to promote oral health, such as legislation to support the implementation of uoridation programs (water, milk, salt and toothpaste), and healthy diet policy to create a supportive environment that is conducive to oral health. In particular, water uoridation is one of the most cost-effective public health measures to improve dental health and reduce inequalities. Also, removal of taxes for oral health products is fundamental to avoid health inequities.

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