Foreign Rights Catalogue Autumn 2021 | Editorial Flamboyant

Page 53


Selling points Helps young adults shift their relationship with their own body, shifting the focus away from beauty and appearance.

Aquí comença el viatge interior de la Sol, la protagonista. Tot i ser una noia com tantes altres, sent que el seu cos ha de canviar sí o sí. I ha de fer-ho en un temps rècord perquè la festa de la platja és ja. Seguirà els passos que li han ensenyat: menjant poc i anant al gimnàs. Però, Què passa si descobreix que hi ha una manera més alliberadora de viure? Naixem estimant el nostre cos, però els missatges tòxics que ens envolten ens acaben convencent del contrari. Aprendre a alliberar-nos de la pressió estètica ens farà tenir una vida més respectuosa amb la gent que ens envolta i amb nosaltres mateixos.

Encourages intuitive eating.


que celebrem el seu aniversari a —sorpresa!— la platja.

Empower teenagers to change their relationship with their own body.


Vibra el mòbil. Missatge entrant. És la Jana. Proposa

Allibera’t de la pressió estètica #BODYNEUTRAL #BODYPOSITIVE

Ideal to work on self-awareness and self-care, listening to what the body needs. ISBN: 978-84-18304-10-1

Contests and problematizes beauty standards, fatphobia and the diet culture.

Beachbody Challenge

Intersectional approach and diverse characters. Excellent for parents or educators to share with young adults. Hilarious stories behind each character.

Júlia Barceló is an actress and stage director, and she was a founding member of the theatre company Companyia Solitària. She is also a feminist activist, both online and offline: she promoted the hashtag #SerActriuÉs (#BeinganActresIs) to denounce sexism in the cinema and theatre industries and she is an advocate for the body neutral movement. Camille Vannier is a French illustrator based in Barcelona since 2004. She currently works as a freelance illustrator and collaborates with magazines. She has authored and illustrated various books where humour is central. Her work has been featured in exhibitions and awarded national prizes.


Author: Júlia Barceló Illustrator: Camille Vannier Format: Hard Cover Size: 17 x 23 cm (portrait) Pages: 136 Age Level: +12 Publication date: September 2021 Grant available Rights sold in: Danish 53

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