Barcelona Graduate School of Economics (Barcelona GSE) Areas of research: Economics and Social Sciences. Location: Barcelona. Website:; Contact:
The Barcelona GSE was founded as an institution for scientific cooperation between four academic and research units in Economics and Finance with a long tradition of collaboration: the Department of Economics and Business of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), the Unit of Economic Analysis of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), the Institute for Economic Analysis (IAE-CSIC), and the Research Centre of International Economics (CREI). The Barcelona GSE community, with over 150 affiliated professors of more than 25 nationalities, is one of the leading clusters of economics research in Europe and worldwide. Research Papers in Economics (RePec) ranks the Barcelona GSE 5th among Economics Departments in Europe, and as the 16th worldwide. Currently, 35 Barcelona GSE faculties have a SCOPUS h-index higher than or equal to 10, and 61 have a SCOPUS h-index higher than 7. Our excellence has already been recognized with 18 European Research Council Grants and with the Severo Ochoa Spanish Excellence Programme recognition in 2011, and again in 2015. The Barcelona GSE provides an excellent research environment for researchers. New hires by the academic units are integrated into one of the research groups, which offer them many opportunities to present their work, receive feedback and start new projects with other Barcelona GSE faculty. New researchers are also invited to participate in our graduate programmes, a key part of training for junior faculty. Research at the Barcelona GSE is organized along three main groups (applied economics, macroeconomics, and microeconomics) with significant degree of synergy among them. During 2011-2016 , a total of 45 junior faculties joined the Barcelona GSE. The academic units of the Barcelona GSE are very active in the economics junior academic job market, each year interviewing a large number of candidates at the Spanish Economic Association Meetings in December, and the Allied Social Science Associations (ASSA) meeting in January. These interviews are followed up by campus visits (“fly-outs”) during the Winter term.
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Barcelona Graduate School of Economics (Barcelona GSE)
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