Paulinas at Frankfurt 2020

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OF THE NECESSITY THE VIRTUE Teachings of a grandmother to a child starting his life Manuel Martín García - 268 pages

The caretakers of the best values, which we have to try not to lose, are our elders. The author’s grandmother has given him the best model of a virtuous life through her teachings in her sayings and by her songs and mainly with her exemplary life. This book inspires us to transmit these values to the next generation and to make our children appreciate this heritage, so that it can be made use of in their future life.

DOSE OF TENDERNESS Alejandro Fernández Barrajón - 144 pages

Since the beginning of his pontificate, Pope Francis has not ceased to insist on “revolution of tenderness”. This is the reason why Alejandro Fernández Barrajón has decided to write these pages, because he has always believed that tenderness is fundamental to become better people and thus create around us relations of brotherhood and harmony.

LIKE A GENTLE BREEZE Prayers to the Holy Spirit Paulinas Team - 120 pages

Inorder to contribute a better and wider knowledge of the Holy Spirit, and to experience His presence as the Breath that offers us enthusiasm and boldness in our lives, the best way is to enter into relationship with Him through prayer. For this purpose, different prayers are offered from the most varied origins, to be used personally, liturgically or in the family.

FRUITS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Paulinas Team - 32 pages

The Fruits of the Holy Spirit help us to grow and mature our life as christians. Each Fruit that is presented in this booklet, invites us to follow certain guidelines inorder to deepen its true meaning: Bible reading, meditatting a text of Pope Francis, a brief reflection on what the Spirit is asking of us today, get inspired by the quotation of a saint and conclude with a given final prayer.

CONVERSATIONS WITH MARY Santiago Chivite NavascuĂŠs - 168 pages

Mary is the protagonist of this beautiful story. From the cross Jesus entrust Mary to John. Thereafter she lives with John, with whom she has several conversations in which they retrieves the events Jesus lived throughout his life. Thus Mary helps us to focus our attention on Jesus, and on his Good News of salvation.

ROSARIUM. Biblical Meditations Enrique Fernández (edited) - 88 pages

In this publication, two different disciplines are explained: meditation and art, but as you will see, they complement each other perfectly. You will also find a convergence of the Word of God, Jesus Christ, his mother Mary and faith. This is what characterizes the the prayer of the Holy Rosary. You will feel that this book is new venture that helps you to contemplate and pray it in a new, deeper and more evangelical manner.

LIKE THE AIR... Motivational stories for life José Manuel Martín Díaz - 216 pages

These stories are intended to touch the hearts of people, to awaken in them the taste for stopping the hustle and bustle of daily life and to observe themselves so as to grow inward and live happily outward. They contain teachings that uphold values, which has the power to influence the life of both the children and adults, if they let their hearts to be challenged, fascinated and surprised.

SUNDAY GOSPELS CYCLE A For children from 8 to 12 years old José Real Navarro - 320 pages

This book likes to bring the Word of God closer to children’s through activities, commentaries, proposals of commitments and prayer. Thus, getting familiar with the Sunday Gospel passage, they can interiorize, live and put into practice the Word of God throughout the week. It is an attractive pedagogical tool to know better their friend Jesus.

SUNDAY GOSPELS CYCLE B For children from 8 to 12 years old José Real Navarro - 352 pages

This book presents simple reflections on Sunday Gospel of the Eucharistic celebration of Cycle B of the liturgical year, mostly based on the Gospel of Mark, so that the children understand them better and assimilate them into their life. It also offers some activities to do during the week, commentaries on the passages, suggestions for commitments of daily life and a concluding prayer.

WE ARE BEINGS IN RELATIONSHIP Celebration of the human encounter Mª Josefa Larraga Cortés - 136 pages

The relationship is a space in which the human being, upon encountering another, realizes himself and others. We are not islands in the middle of an ocean, because we have not been born in solitude nor we do actualize our lives alone. This is a glimpse to know how the true relationship discovers that the “Other” is different from “You” and this knowledge is a source of the real understanding of “I”. It is not making a disappearance of you, but rather liberating you from its self-possession and realize you fully in the other.

WAY OF THE CROSS OF LIFE Julia Merodio Atance - 36 pages

Jesus accepted the Cross out of his fidelity to his vital commitment to the Father and not out of mercy. It was to restore dignity to every man and woman, even though they are of fallen nature, but who have every day the possibility to get up and walk. The message of Jesus, therefore, is not one of sadness but of hope, because the God of Jesus is not a God of the dead but of the living. He is Love and Life in fullness.

THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM Lectio divina on the Sermon on the Mount Antonio Rodríguez Carmona - 25 pages

In these pages a serious exegetical interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount is offered in an interesting and didactic way. So, the readers can go through it with pleasure and they can deepen the teachings and the richness of each parts of this Sermon. Very specially the Beatitudes help us to discover the essence of Christian identity.

A MONTH WITH THE VIRTUES OF MARY Antonio González Vinagre - 168 pages

Modelling after Mary and her virtues of life, each reader of this book is invited to the holiness that Jesus offers to us. He fulfilled the will of God the Father by surrendering his own life as a sacrifice and being merciful to the service of humanity, especially to the most suffering and excluded. Only in this way we can live “the same feelings of Christ” and to improve the existential environment of our daily life.

STOP COMPLAINING! Start healing your wounds Julia Merodio Atance - 248 pages

The complaint is a permanent resource that we use against everything and everyone, but in the long run it does not help us or alleviate our discomfort. Only a positive, grateful and empathetic attitude helps us to assumes a reasonable behavior, which seeks solutions to problems and raises alternatives. Stop complaining! is a valuable message to keep in our mind every day and for others, when reading it, to ask themselves if this attitude can also change their life.

KNOW HOW TO LISTEN From a deep silence Alejandro Fernรกndez Barrajรณn - 144 pages

Listening is an art and, like any art, we need to learn this art by practising it everyday, and at every momento of our life whether we are alone or in the company of others. To listen well we must learn to contemplate the reality as it is by being attentive, compassionate and being close to others. All this will help us as Christians to live in depth the need to listen to others. Because the Word of God only reveals itself in the inner lake of silence.

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