A critical literature review on construction waste management ijaerdv05i0328000

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Scientific Journal of Impact Factor (SJIF): 5.71

e-ISSN (O): 2348-4470 p-ISSN (P): 2348-6406

International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development Volume 5, Issue 03, March -2018

A Critical Literature Review on Construction Waste Management Chanki Nasirhusen M¹, Dr. Jayeshkumar R. Pitroda² ¹Parul University, Civil Engineering Department, Limda, Vadodara, Gujarat, India, ²Civil Engineering Department, BVM Engineering College Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat, India, Abstract- Construction is an important aspect of infrastructure and growth in developing countries. In this process the construction industry produced a large quantity of waste which is harmful environmentally and costly for budgeting the project. So waste management is important for construction industry. Construction waste management defines as reduction recycling and utilize of waste by proper management of resources. In this paper, we are going to review on the major sources and factors of generating construction waste by critical literature review. At last, developed framework for the future research in this area. Keywords- Waste Management, Construction, Factors, Develop framework, recycling I.INTRODUCTION Construction plays an important role in developing the infrastructure of the country. But the problem faced by the industry is the construction waste. Construction activities generate more waste compared to other industries. In construction process waste is generated at different stages. like excessive cement mix processes or concrete materials left after work process is done due to change in design rework and demolition occurred and poor workmanship etc. And all the materials used in the construction activities gets wasted, which in turn increases the cost of the project, reduces the profitability and gives a negative impact to the environment. Construction material waste is difficult to be recycled. Also there is no sufficient space for disposal of waste in cities. Construction waste management defines as to eliminate or reduce the waste and recycle the waste materials which are feasible and to reuse those materials. Three most important stages of waste management should implement. At project stage which the large quantity of wastes are produced, at planning and complexion stages. In every stage consideration of the material is very important, when the use, and reuse of materials will be efficient in generating construction and demolition waste (C&DW) plans.

II. PREVIOUS LITERATURE REVIEW Rawshan Ara Beguma et al. (2007) identified some waste minimization factors which are helpful for implementation for construction waste management system in the construction industry. And provided proof on the important stage of contribution and the stage of construction practices among the waste minimization factors the model of weighted average of factors and minimization and practiced index value of factors and analyzed indicate the most important, less important and important factors that contribute to waste minimization and the maximum construction practiced, less practiced waste minimization factors in the construction industry of Malaysia. Effie Papargyropoulou et al. (2011) focused on Malaysian construction sectors current status of waste management and level of sustainable practices on construction sites of waste management and examined attitudes and response of Malaysian contractors towards waste management by interviews were conducted with Malaysian contractors. Concluded industry’s level of awareness and commitment on waste management very low and disappointing. Al-Hajj A. et al. (2012) identified from data collection from two case studies of construction projects construction practices to reduce construction waste generation in the UAE construction sitesby a literature review of research. and concluded that of people are lack of awareness, less importance towards the waste management on sites and showed that contractors are consider that waste management is extra cost of the project. Mansi Jain et al. (2012) focused on the economical aspects of waste minimization of construction waste materials in terms of cost savings of construction projects of India. And found that Due to lack of site waste management systems, lack awareness of waste minimization in Indian construction industry cause of generation of large quantities of material waste. This affect not only at environmental but also in terms of economically as waste materials handling cost. And found various causes for the waste generation like lack of awareness among owners and contractors, lack knowledge of labor, lack of proper training and education towards waste minimization system. NitishBagdi et al. (2013) used secondary data for the implementation of waste management practices in construction sector in India. Data based upon results from interviews of stockholders which focused on some of the significant issues @IJAERD-2018, All rights Reserved


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