Study and control of bipolar lvdc grid with dc symmetrical component method ijaerdv05i0126509

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Scientific Journal of Impact Factor (SJIF): 4.72

e-ISSN (O): 2348-4470 p-ISSN (P): 2348-6406

International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development Volume 5, Issue 01, January -2018




Professor, Department of EEE, CJIT, Yeshwanthapur, Warangal, T.S, India. Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, CJIT, Yeshwanthapur, Warangal, T.S, India. 3 M.Tech Student, Department of EEE, CJIT, Yeshwanthapur, Warangal, T.S, India.

ABSTRACT: The power distribution network is going to be modified towards the long run, good Grid owing to hyperbolic number of put in renewable power generation units to fulfil the tightened environmental regulation. The control of the long run good Grid is going to be difficult due to the hyperbolic variety of renewable power generation units that are variable in nature, and at the same time, the purchaser's are extremely keen about uninterruptable, prime quality power provide. The Smart Grid management is intensively studied. It may be finished that the management could be easier and therefore the grid operation a lot of reliable if the AC grid would be replaced by DC grid. However, the elaborate energy efficiency analysis of the DC grid isn't completely studied. The potency and total period of time prices are the key parameters once the network house owners contemplate the future grid structure. Keywords: Active damping, bipolar dc distribution, common mode, differential mode, symmetrical component 1. INTRODUCTION: This thesis addresses the factors that have an effect on the energy potency of the low voltage DC (LVDC) distribution network from power physical science perspective. The facility loss models for the converters and their AC filters are developed and verified by measurements. The impact on the converter topology, used power semiconductor switches, AC filter style and electrical device core material, DC network configuration, customer behavior, the necessity of DC voltage reconciliation in the bipolar DC network in addition because the grounding problems to fulfill the electrical safety standards are treated. For facilitating the look of price effective LVDC distribution networks, the whole power losses of the network with totally different configurations are evaluated and compared. It is unconcealed that the used filter electrical device core material has a vital impact on the facility losses of the LVDC distribution network. The electrical device core material having low high-frequency power loss characteristics, such as amorphous alloy, is usually recommended. The LVDC distribution network ought to be grounded to reduce the power losses whenever it's attainable in step with the native safety standardization and grounding conditions. The three-level government agency converters connected to 1500 VDC ought to be accustomed minimize the facility losses. The grid-frequency isolation electrical device is that the main power loss supply if the galvanic isolation is needed to isolate the ungrounded LVDC distribution network and also the grounded client electrical installations. In this case, the very best energy potency is achieved by using two- or three-level converters connected to 750 VDC if the DC cable's length is a smaller amount than 600 m. Otherwise; slightly higher energy potency is achieved by mistreatment three-level converters connected to 1500 VDC. Therefore, voltage transformation quantitative relation of the isolation the transformer should be 800V/400V rather than 400V/400V. Moreover, the potency of the facility converters is increased by mistreatment assails MOSFETs rather than conventional IGBTs as power semiconductor switches. The dc symmetrical part methodology is introduced for the analysis and management of bipolar dc distribution systems below asymmetrical operation. This methodology is an extension of the classical symmetrical part theory in three-phase ac power systems. As associate degree example, an increased common-mode voltage regulation theme is represented.

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