Scientific Journal of Impact Factor (SJIF): 5.71
e-ISSN (O): 2348-4470 p-ISSN (P): 2348-6406
International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development Volume 5, Issue 03, March -2018
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering 2 Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering 3 Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering S. A. Engineeering College
Abstract- The most important branches of computer science are the Artificial Intelligence, which increases the capability of analyzing complex medical data. It contains more potential which has to be exploited by the human beings for sake of them. It helps to diagnose, to treat and to predict the outcome in many clinical scenarios as it have good relationship with a data set. Since accuracy and efficiency are the two principles needed for the better treatment to save the life of a human community, the proficiency in Artificial Intelligence is an essential high time need in all the fields of medicine. Based on this, the present paper tries to explore the various outlooks of AI in medicinal field. Keywords- Artificial Intelligence, Medicine, Neural Networks, neural topology I.
Aristotle‟s attempt to formalize „right thinking‟ (logic) through a three part deductive reasoning, inspires many modern era workers to study on the operation of mind helped to establish contemporary logical thinking. Computer programs, makes it function in such a way that make the people to think as intelligent is called Artificial Intelligence system. The technology (Artificial Intelligence) that has been created to assist human beings to perform various activities with more accuracy and efficiency. The development of AI is associated with human intelligence like learning, reasoning and problem solving. Though the process for developing AI began in the first half of the 20th century, the creation of “The Logic theorist” designed by Newell and Simon in the year 1955 was the first ahead step towards the modern AI. Earlier it was related to engineering. Later the applications are extended towards all departments of science and technology including medicine field. The application of AI technology in medicine was first successfully investigated by Gunn in 1976 and explored the possibility of diagnosing acute abdominal pain with computer analysis. In the last three decades we have seen a surge in the interest in medical AI. The ultimate problem of resource scarcity in India is the health care issues. The country requires more medical facilities and expertise but it needs more time and money to develop. As they are not easily obtainable, we should consider different ways to increase access to the existing resources in an inexpensive and effective way. A company named “Tricog Health” is a startup company which was handpicked by GE‟s health care accelerator program for cloud-based cardiac diagnosis problem. Nearly 26% of adult deaths in 2003 are escalated to 32% in 2013 due to Coronary heart disease as they are increasingly prevalent in India. This company uses specialized Artificial Intelligence to process the collected physiological data and ECGs from medical devices in real time and give cardiologist a diagnosis. After that, the cardiologist reviews the given diagnosis and recommends next steps to the nurse using the mobile app created by Tricog. A few specialists can diagnose over 20,000 patients using Tricog‟s AI engine. Now-a-days we are facing many challenges in acquiring, analyzing and applying the large amount of data and knowledge to solve complex clinical problems. Modern AI extends its helping hands for the formulation of a diagnosis, making therapeutic decisions and the prediction of outcome. They also face challenges like poor safety record, environmental pollution, unreliability capacity problems and wasted energy. The challenge is the fact that transportation systems are inherently
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