Values and Quality for Systems of System Dayalbagh Educational Institute: Student Becomes Superman

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International Journal of Excellence Innovation and Development ||Volume 1, Issue 2, Dec. 2018||Page No. 018-020||

Values and Quality for Systems of System Dayalbagh Educational Institute: Student Becomes Superman Neetu Singh Satsangi1 and Ravindra Bhardwaj2 1

Faculty of Social Sciences, Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed University), Dayalbagh, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India 2 Faculty of Engineering, Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed University), Dayalbagh, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India

Abstract––System is the process that converts input into the output. Every system has different input (value and quality) with the help of process it converted into the output. This research covered Dayalbagh Educational Institute where value education and spirituality is the main focus of DEI system. In this system value education and spirituality is in-build in the people. The aim of this research is to observe the effect of DEI system (value education and spirituality) on people to become superman. For this research data collected from 30 samples with the help of convenient sampling. This research will help to know the importance of value education and spirituality. Keywords: Value based consciousness and superman



INTRODUCTION Education is base for accomplish life, setting the person on a path of personal fulfillment, economic security and shared contribution. For us, the key that unlocks the door to building of a better world is education. A proper education system must be based on a metaphysics derived from a comprehensive and unifying vision rooted in philosophy, ethics and spirituality. We should all understand that, in days of spiritual hunger, education needs to do more than grope in the dark. Education is the backbone of a civilized society. Values have an important role in education system of any society. Education is a gradual process. One can be educated from his/her family, surroundings, association and experiences. It is not only about gaining degree, but also gaining knowledge and implementing it in their practical life. For example, in earlier Gurukula, a student gained all kinds of knowledge, including material as well as spiritual knowledge. Material knowledge helped them to maintain their matter (body) and spiritual knowledge helped them to maintain their spirit (soul). The value based education system is same like earlier Gurus’ teachings. Gurus like Vasista Muni, Dronacharya, and Sandipani Muni all managed around ten thousand students under them. They think the body is whole and soul. But it is very important to teach them that there is a big difference between body and soul. Body is mortal, soul is not. Some people reject the concept of soul and believe that souls are non-existent. But the consciousness is the proof of existence of the soul. [1]

Else what difference would remain between a dead body and a live body? Why if a woman losses her husband she cries saying that he has left me by leaving his body? Why does she cry? This is because the body is useless without the soul. This science is given in our scriptures. In Gita and Upanishads it is written that after death, where the soul goes. This kind of education helps students to live in a platform of honesty and truthfulness. If one accepts the existence of soul, he will accept the existence of God. And when he accepts the existence of God, he knows that there is one invigilator for everyone as Paramatma (The Super Soul) within everybody. [2] So he remains civilized. This way crime can be removed from the society. Dayalbagh educational institute provide value education which help students and teacher to improve their daily life and build bright future. Here students study as well as do other things like Social-service, Field work and co circular etc. these things make student understand that all work (people) are equal and they can do anything whenever it’s required. These all qualities make them SUPERMAN. Here the role of teacher is very important because to give value education to students, a teacher should also live a life of a good human being.

REVIEW OF LITERATURE Evils like knowledge bang, Excessive consumerism, value crisis, commercialization of services, cultural lag, extremism, terrorism, communalism etc. are disturbing our social systems. The greatest challenge before us today is: how to be a true human under modern conditions. In the era of social upsurge, teachers’ education should have more scarifying involvements in negotiating the biased and sentimental views of life amid the teaching and the pupil community. [3] These days’ teachers are focusing on the development of the mind, and to some extent the body, but the emotional and spiritual side is almost entirely neglected. School that aims to develop all these aspects of child’s nature, to give them a confidence and sense of self that will best prepare them for the future. The focus of education has been more on material improvements and pecuniary benefits, rather than on holistic growth of mind, body and spirit. The moral growth of man has not matched his vast strides in other fields. We must assist the students, to rest a while in the inns of religious, moral and

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Values and quality for systems of system

Satsangi and Bhardwaj

spiritual, academic consciousness. Thus edified, let them rise and proceed refreshed and encouraged. It is imperative that we educate students to explore deeper and higher dimensions of human resources so they can successfully work for the fulfillment of their ideal dreams. Our teachings need turn to the dimensions of values, will power and cultural, ethical and spiritual potentialities. [4]

Figure 2 showing that 50% respondent believes that DEI System has quality inclusive education. STONGLY STONGLY DISAGREE AGREE


AIM This study contemplated to observe the effect of DEI system (value education and spirituality) on people to become superman.


Fig. 3: Contribution in society.

METHODOLOGY A data was collected from the 30 people who were the part of DEI system. A questionnaire of about 10 questions was designed and people were asked to fill and give their opinions. Here five point likert scale was use, where 1 is for strongly disagree and 5 for strongly agree. All the answers were thoroughly read and then were divided in different groups. After this they were analyzed statistically. This research will help to know the importance of value education and spirituality. Table 1: Overall effect. Particulars 1 2 3 4 5 Quality inclusive education 10% 10% 8% 50% 22% Contribution in society 2% 2% 8% 80% 8% Self made person 5% 5% 10% 55% 25% Better quality of life 5% 7% 8% 65% 15% Inculcation of human values 3% 2% 5% 70% 20% in the life style

Figure 3 showing that most of the respondent agrees that DEI system has contribution in society. Very few respondents disagree with this. STONGLY DISAGREE 5%




Fig. 4: Self made person. Figure 4 showing that 55% respondent agrees with that DEI system helps people to become self made person. Respendent

Quality inclusive education Contribution in society

80% 60%


Self made person

40% Better quality of life Inculcation of human values in the life style











Fig. 5: Better quality of life. Fig. 1: Overall effect.


The result is showing that respondent believe that DEI system has the positive impact on people which help them to become superman.

Figure 5 showing that 65% respondents agrees with the statement that this system helps persons to have better quality of life. And very few people disagree with this statement. Respendent

60 50 40 30 20 10 0


Respendent 20% 3% STONGLY DISAGREE

Fig. 2: Quality inclusive education.





Fig. 6: Inculcation of human values in the life style.

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International Journal of Excellence Innovation and Development ||Volume 1, Issue 2, Dec. 2018||Page No. 018-020|| Figure 6 showing that 70% of the respondents believe that DEI System help in the inclusion of human values in the life style, whereas 20% respondents strongly agrees with this statement.

CONCLUSION From the above result it is concluded that DEI system (value education and spirituality) has effect on people to become superman. Without understanding of value education and spirituality life will be incomplete.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The overall research showed that DEI system has the positive impact on people as well as society. The data analysis shows that DEI education is quality inclusive education. This system also contributes in society by giving quality education, not only focusing material knowledge but also focusing on other aspects likes Tolerance, Loyalty, Punctuality and self awareness. Self made person which has decision making power, take challenge and ready to deal with any situation. Most of the respondent believe that DEI system help to inculcate human values in the life style. Research showed that the spirituality give the power to understand the world. To become a superman DEI system provide value education and spirituality, which help peoples directly or indirectly to live there life by having qualities of superman. Dayalbagh education institute while aiming on academic excellence and opening new avenues for students to perform in the world using their full potential and talents, able to help students to have a better understanding about life from a spiritual point of view. In DEI System, people are not advised to renounce the world; they are advised to live a life of better worldliness performing their duties in this world. [4] Education has to be welcomed as a Spiritual Practice for the establishment of Peace in the individual heart as well as in society including the human commonwealth. It is important to create a balance between the external and the internal, the body and the soul. [5]

Just as we need both right and left legs to walk properly, spiritual understanding and material knowledge should go hand in hand. Value education and spirituality required in order to foster a sustainable way of life. [6]


[2] [3]

[4] [5] [6]

[7] [8] [9]

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