Generation of Biogas from Kitchen Waste and Cow Dung An Experimental Analysis

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International Journal of Excellence Innovation and Development ||Volume 1, Issue 1, Nov. 2018||Page No. 032-034||

Generation of Biogas from Kitchen Waste and Cow Dung An Experimental Analysis Ravindra Bhardwaj1, A.K. Saxena2, G.S. Sailesh Babu3 1

Research Scholar, Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed University), Dayalbagh, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India 2 Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed University), Dayalbagh, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India 3 Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed University), Dayalbagh, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India

Abstract—The demand for electricity is increasing continuously and exponentially and the conventional fuels are depleting rapidly and renewable energy technologies are being seen as better alternatives. Popular among these technologies include solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, wind energy and biogas based technologies. These sources can be used for power generation and/or direct or indirect cooking. The use of Biogas for power generation, cooking and its by-product (slurry) as manure for agriculture makes it distinct from other renewable energy technologies. Biogas production requires anaerobic digestion, which is a microbial process for production of biogas, with methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) being primary constituents. The quality and quantity of produce of a Biogas plant is dependent on numerous parameters. The main objective of this paper is to study the effect of such parameters viz. temperature, PH value, Total Solid Concentration (TSC), Alkalinity, etc. on the Biogas Generation from organic matter as kitchen waste and cow Dung. This work also presents the experimental results obtained on a completely recycled anaerobic reactor made from cylindrical column of borosilicate glass with total volume of 5L. Keywords—Biogas, anaerobic digestion, kitchen waste, cow dung

INTRODUCTION The demand for electricity is increasing continuously and exponentially and the conventional fuels are depleting rapidly resulting in increased interest in nonconventional and renewable energy sources and pertinent technologies. Popular renewable energy technologies include solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, wind energy and biogas based technologies. All these sources of energy can be used for power generation and direct or indirect cooking. Whereas, solar and wind based technologies are climate dependent, biogas based technologies do not suffer from the same. Ability of Biogas technologies to generate electric power, cooking gas and manure for agriculture makes it more attractive.

impact on water sources etc.) and enhancing the value of residual products [1]. To prevent emissions of greenhouse gases and leaching of nutrients and organic matter that would cause a threat to the environment, it is necessary to close the loops from production to utilization by optimal recycling measures [2,3].In many countries, sustainable waste management, as well as waste prevention and reduction, have become major political priorities, representing an important share of the common efforts to reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions and to mitigate global climate change[4,5]. Decreasing environment pollution (methane) spread by wastes, avoiding ground water pollution, decreasing greenhouse gas emissions in atmosphere because of reduced usage of fossil fuels, reducing amount of fossil fuels consumption etc., [6] gained extreme importance in recent times and effectiveness of Biogas plants in these areas have resulted in increasing research interest. In the literature, a large number of publications on the generation of electricity and heat from variety of biomass which are organic matter available in abundance in the nature (Food waste, Sewage water, Kitchen waste, Cow dung and Bio-waste based cell etc.) are reported. A pilot plant was developed to study the generation of biogas from domestic sewage and kitchen waste[7]. In [8], investigation of possibility of laboratory-scale for biogas production from cow dung under four different treatments was carried out. In this effort, slurry (3 g dung: 10 cm3 water) in the digesters was subjected to anaerobic digestion over a four-week retention period, with weekly measurements of gas yields. The results presented substantiates that cow dung could be used as a suitable substrate for biogas production. In [9], a study was conducted to explore kitchen waste as viable input for production of methane gas and to estimate the relation in number of feedstock and quantity of biogas produced. The efforts listed in literature are indicative of the emphasis given to the study on generation Biogas & Electricity using cow dung & Kitchen waste by research community and encourages this effort.

METHODOLOGY Biogas operations have numerous advantages which include, production of clean heat and electricity, reducing the impact of organic wastes on the environment (i.e. reduced greenhouse gases and lower

Generation of biogas done through anaerobic digestion, and happens in the absence of oxygen. Anaerobic digestion has three important biological processes viz. (i) Hydrolysis (ii) Acidification (iii) Methanogenesis.

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Generation of biogas from kitchen waste and cow dung an experimental analysis The rate of biogas generation depends on nature of the substrate, temperature, pH, loading rate, toxicity, stirring, nutrients, slurry concentration, digester construction and size, carbon to nitrogen ratio, retention time, alkalinity, initial feeding, total volatile acids, chemical oxygen demand (COD), total solid (Ts), volatile liquids etc. Materials and Methods Cow dung was collected from Radhasoami Satsang Sabha(RSS) Gaushala, Dayalbagh, Agra. Food waste was collected from Boy Hostels of Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra and Dayal Bhandar, community kitchen of Dayalbagh, Agra. This waste includes vegetables, rice and other similar edibles. Sample Collection Samples for treatment of cow dung & food waste items collected are categorized as vegetables, fruits, rice, other food items and waste water. A semi solid mixture of these was prepared. Feed Stocks and its Characterization The study was conducted on a mixture of kitchen waste (KW), cow dung, and leftovers collected from households. The inputs were ground using a kitchen grinder to reduce its particle size to 0.2-1mm. The slurry so prepared, with cow dung concentration was 50% made after diluting with tap water and later fed to the reactor. Reactor Set-Up A completely recycled anaerobic reactor made from cylindrical column of borosilicate glass with total volume of 5L was used in the study. Reactor system for AD of FW & Cow Dung with arrangement for feed, recirculation and biogas measurement is made by using 5L liter container (used for drinking water storage). The cow dung slurry and the FW slurry were mixed in equal proportions and the mix was poured in the reactor. The material used was (i)Solid tape, (ii)M – seal, (iii) PVC pipe 0.5’’ (length ~ 1 m) (iv)Rubber or plastic cape (to seal container), (v)Funnel (for feed input) (vi) Cape 0.5” (to seal effluent pipe), (vii)Pipe (for gas output, I was used level pipe) (3-5 m) (viii) Bucket (15-20 litter) and Bottle – for gas collection (2-10 lit).

It is evident from the graph in figure 1 that gas production increases in the beginning for 3 days and then starts decreasing as acid concentration increases in the bottles. pH decreases below 7 after 3-4 days and water was added to dilute the slurry and subsequently increase pH. This is visible from increased gas production on the 5th day. This indicates that acid concentration adversely affects biogas production. From results it is evident that pH reduces as the process continues and this is due to increased production fatty acids by bacteria. The methanogens bacteria which utilize the fatty acids, is slow reacting as compare to other and thus is considered rate limiting step in reaction. In set2 which contains kitchen waste, pH decreases rapidly indicating fast reaction. Hydrolysis and acid genesis reaction is fast as organism utilizes the waste more speedily than dung. And hence, total solid decreases more in set2. Table 1: Typical cow dung and kitchen waste composition. Parameters Cow Dung Kitchen Waste Moisture content (% )



TS (g/L)



VTS (g/L)











Temperature C

Table 2: Biogas production in ml. SET No/Day 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Anaerobic Digestion Tests Daily biogas production from digester was measured using biogas flow meter. Chemical analysis of COD, TSS, VSS and pH values was performed at the beginning, during the test and at the end of each biodegradability test.

RESULTS It was observed that set2, which contain kitchen waste, produces 150.69% of the gas produced by set 1, which contains only cow dung. It is evident that kitchen waste produces more gas than cow dung as kitchen waste contains more nutrients than dung. Hence, use of kitchen waste proves to be more efficient method of biogas production.

Bhardwaj et al.














Fig. 1: Gas production v/s day for three sets. Table 3: pH and total solid concentration of setup. Day Set 1 Set 2 pH



















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International Journal of Excellence Innovation and Development ||Volume 1, Issue 1, Nov. 2018||Page No. 032-034||



[4] Fig. 2: pH v/s day. This graph shows that initially pH is on the higher side, then, as reaction inside the bottles progresses, it stars decreasing and after day 2 it becomes acidic. Then water added to dilute and thus increase pH.


CONCLUSION The paper presents a study of effect of various parameters on generation of bio gas for two different inputs, Kitchen Waste and Cow dung. It was found that the kitchen waste is better alternative as it produces more gas and produces useful bi product that has better anaerobic biodegradability. This results into better waste resource utilization.

Report for Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, "Biogas Energy Electricity





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