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GENERAL INFORMATION: Auction Information Award Donors Board of Directors (Senior & Junior) Daily Schedule & Judging Department Supervisors Exhibit Receiving Schedule Fair Staff General Fair Information Junior Livestock Exhibitors Code of Conduct Code of Conduct Protocol Parent Guidelines Red Tag Policy Show Ring Etiquette Local Rules State Officials State Rules What’s New?
68 10 5 70 5 7 5 9 55 55 54 55 55 26 5 11 6
Senior, Junior & Primary are listed under each department in that order. Please be sure to read all rules pertaining to the department you are entering. Juniors may participate in Senior/Open classes (lots) if the class (lot) is NOT offered in the junior categories. Agriculture-Horticulture (Ag-Hort) 31 Beef 58 Cavy (juniors only) 66 Clothing & Textiles 39 Dairy Cattle 59 Feature Booths 30 Fine Arts & Crafts 47 Floriculture 42 Foods – Baked 36 Foods – Preserved 34 Goats 62 Horse Shows 57 Livestock – Carcass Contest 56 Pallet Design Contest 30 Pee Wee Showmanship 67 Photography 51 Poultry (including Turkeys) 63 Quilts & Quilted Items 40 Rabbits (juniors only) 65 Scarecrow Contest 30 Sheep 61 Showmanship 56 Swine (juniors only) 60 Table Settings & Theme Baskets 38 Vocational Education (juniors only) 49 Walk On Contests 29
STATE OFFICIALS Edmund G. Brown, Jr. Ted Gaines Brian Dahle Karen Ross
Governor Senator, 1st District Assembly, 1st District Secretary, Department of Food & Agriculture
10TH DAA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jason Finley (Fort Jones), President Dena Rizzardo (Yreka), Vice President Paula Cardoza (Mt. Shasta) Brandon Fawaz (Etna), Past President Judd Hanna (Etna) Darrin Mercier (Montague) Jo Peterson (Quartz Valley) Scott Quinn (Somes Bar) Lori Salters (Yreka) If interested please apply online at www.cdfa.ca.gov/fe/ under Quick Links on the right hand side of the web page, click on Online Board Application.
10TH DAA FAIR STAFF Cliff Munson Michael Luiz Michelle Eiler
Chief Executive Officer Senior Maintenance Association Government Program Analyst
10TH DAA JUNIOR FAIR BOARD Emily Wyatt, President Clara Jochim, Secretary Kayla Brown, Historian Cassie Duran Heather Gamache Jacob Wyatt Kylee Joling LeAsa Whitaker-Linstrand Madison Bryan Amber Sandahl, Advisor
Kaycie Tidwell, Vice President Courtlyn Rice, Treasurer Chaney Tidwell, Reporter Coleson Rice Hunter Cowley Kellie Elfgen Lauren Mercier Lena Fogle Timber Craddock Haylee Brown, Jr. Advisor
DEPARATMENT SUPERVISORS Agriculture-Horticulture Home Arts & Foods Fine Arts & Crafts Small Animals Livestock Horse Shows Floriculture
Liz Orme Cheryl Scruggs TBA Linda Oliver Dena Rizzardo Robin Wood Kay Rivers
WHAT’S NEW IN 2017? There will be 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place Premiums for ALL still exhibits. Best of Show Winners will only receive a Rosette. Please review the policy located under Local Rules. There will be NO judging on Primary Entries but they will receive a participation ribbon. To enter the Junior Horse Show you MUST be 9 years of age or older. However the Siskiyou Sidekicks will be hosting a horse show in conjunction with the fair. Please contact Robin Wood at 530-340-1457 for more information. New Classes to ENTER!!! • Decorated Shopping Bags • Heritage Swine Program • Portable Chicken Coops • Scarecrow Contest
• • •
Selfie Photos Table Setting Theme Baskets
There is a People’s Choice Award in each still exhibit building: Home Arts, Floriculture/Ag-Hort and Fine Arts. So be sure to VOTE on the entries you like best! NEW LOCATION: All Clothing, Textiles, Foods (Baked & Preserved), Table Settings, Theme Baskets and Feature Booths will all be located in the Howard Trivelpiece Building (formerly known as the Ag-Hort Building). All Floriculture, Ag-Hort and Photography will be located in the Floriculture Building. The Armory (formerly used for Home Arts) will host the Etna Lions Bingo and historical displays. Due to the New Location of Home Arts items and judging times, Feature Booths WILL NOT be accessible for setup on Sunday, August 6th from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM; the building will still be accessible on Saturday from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Entry Deadlines for Paper Entries AND Online Entries is the same – Friday, July 21, 2017 by 5:00 PM. Be sure to review the checklist below.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
8. 9.
CHECKLIST FOR ENTERING Review the Exhibitor Handbook (hardcopy or online). Determine the Department, Classes and Lots that you wish to enter. Click on “Enter Here” on the fair website: www.sisqfair.com. Create an account (a new one must be set up each calendar year). The account must be the individual that is entering the item. Be sure you receive a confirmation email that your account has been created. Enter all lots that you wish to enter under your account. A credit card will be required if you are entering a lot with an entry fee. Be sure to “Checkout” or “Submit” your entries for them to actually be processed. You should receive a confirmation email of the items entered. If you DO NOT receive this email confirmation you need to go back into your account and double check that it was submitted. The entries will only be received by the fair if you have a confirmation email. Or complete an entry form (located in the Exhibitor Handbook or can be printed from the website) with the same information and submit it to the fair office. There will be a $5.00 per exhibitor processing fee in addition to any applicable entry fees. BE SURE to have read all the rules, code of conduct and release of liability contained in the Exhibitor Handbook. All Exhibitors will be responsible to abide by this information. ENTRY DEADLINES (online & paper): a. Feature Booths – Friday, July 14, 2017 by 5:00 PM b. All Other Entries – Friday, July 21, 2017 by 5:00 PM Any questions or concerns please contact the fair office BEFORE the deadline (530-842-2767).
EXHIBIT RECEIVING SCHEDULE (See Judging Schedule at the back of the book under Daily Schedule) DEPARTMENT Ag-Hort
8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Floral Building
8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Tuesday, August 8
Beef Breeding Market Steers Pen Cattle Registered & Bred Heifers
Tuesday, August 8
Tuesday, August 8th
8:00 AM – 5:30 PM
Tuesday, August 8th
8:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Small Animal Barn
8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Trivelpiece Building
Beef Barns Beef Barns Pen Cattle Barn
Clothing & Textiles
Saturday, August 5
Dairy Cattle Bred Heifers Breeding
Tuesday, August 8th Tuesday, August 8th
8:00 AM – 5:30 PM 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Beef Barns Beef Barns
Feature Booths
Monday, July 31st to Monday, August 7th
By deadline at 5:00 PM
Trivelpiece Building
8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Winema Hall
Tuesday, August 8
8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Floral Building
Foods Baked Preserved
Tuesday, August 8th
8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Goats Boer Breeding/Milk Goats Market
Tuesday, August 8th
Hobby & Crafts
Saturday, August 5th
8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Winema Hall
Saturday, August 12th Sunday, August 13th
8:00 AM 8:00 AM
Saturday, August 12th
Fine Arts & Crafts
Horse Show Junior Senior Halter/Light Performance Stock Horse Trail Challenge Pallet Design Contest Photography Poultry Market Pens
Saturday, August 5
Trivelpiece Buiding Trivelpiece Building 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM Sheep/Goat Barn Sheep/Goat Barn Sheep/Goat Barn
3:00 PM
Equestrian Complex Equestrian Complex Equestrian Complex Equestrian Complex Equestrian Complex Equestrian Complex
8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Trivelpiece Building
8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Winema Hall
Tuesday, August 8
Saturday, August 5
Wednesday, August 9th
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM Poultry Inspection Station Poultry Inspection Station
Quilts & Quilted Items
Saturday, August 5th
8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Trivelpiece Building
Tuesday, August 8th
Scarecrow Contest Sheep Breeding Market Showmanship Pee Wee Championship Round Robin – Large Round Robin - Small
8:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Small Animal Barn
8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Floral Building
8:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Tuesday, August 8 Tuesday, August 8
Sheep/Goat Barn Sheep/Goat Barn Already on Grounds – Drop Off Times Listed by Species
DROP OFF DAY/DATE Tuesday, August 8th
DROP OFF TIME 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Table Settings Theme Baskets Turkeys Market Vocational Education
Saturday, August 5
8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Trivelpiece Building
Saturday, August 5
8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Trivelpiece Building
Wednesday, August 9th
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Poultry Inspection Station
Saturday, August 5th
8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Winema Hall
LIVESTOCK WEIGH-IN & PREG/HEALTH CHECKS Pre Weigh- In (unofficial weights) Tuesday, August 8th Tuesday, August 8th
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Bred Beef Heifers Market Swine Market Sheep & Goats Market Steers Market Poultry & Rabbits Market Turkeys
Tuesday, August 8th Wednesday, August 9th Wednesday, August 9th Wednesday, August 9th Wednesday, August 9th Wednesday, August 9th
5:30 PM – 6:30 PM 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Bred Beef Heifers Bred Dairy Heifers Poultry Sheep Steers Swine
Tuesday, August 8th Tuesday, August 8th Wednesday, August 9th Wednesday, August 9th Wednesday, August 9th Wednesday, August 9th
5:30 PM – 6:30 PM 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Beef, Sheep & Goats Swine Weigh-In (official weights)
Preg Check & Health Check
The American System of judging is based on all entries in a lot being judged against each other, and awards one first, one second and one third placing etc. The Danish System of judging is based upon established standards of quality for each type of product. In this system, each exhibit is judged according to how well it meets that standard rather than how it compares with other exhibits.
Senior exhibitors who enter multiple items in Still Exhibit departments are automatically entered into the Department Sweepstakes for cash awards. Entries receive points for placing (1st – 3rd) and Best of Show awards. The top three exhibitors with the most points in each Department are awarded Sweepstakes cash awards.
All livestock, including rabbits and poultry will be released starting at 8 PM Sunday evening. The Livestock Superintendent will give all exhibitors must a signed release form to get in or out of the livestock gate. Do not line up at the livestock gate without a signed release form. First preference will be given to out-of-state exhibitors and those traveling 60 miles or more. Animals will not be permitted to be lead off the grounds. NO ANIMALS WILL BE RELEASED PRIOR TO 8 PM. Auction buyers with live pick up may make arrangements with the Livestock Superintendent to pick up animals prior to 8 PM. All exhibits, excluding livestock, will be released from their respective buildings from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM on Sunday, the last day of the fair. Buildings will reopen on Monday after fair from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Exhibitors must make special arrangements with the exhibit department if they cannot pick up their exhibits up during the designated pick-up hours. Exhibits left one week after the closing of the fair without fair staff approval, will become property of the 10th DAA/Siskiyou Golden Fairgrounds and may be disposed of.
WELCOME TO THE SISKIYOU GOLDEN FAIR AUGUST 9-13, 2017 GENERAL INFORMATION Thank you for participating in the Siskiyou Golden Fair! We hope that you find the information in this Exhibitor Handbook helpful and easy to follow. If you need any assistance at all, please don’t hesitate to contact the fair office at 530-842-2767 or info@sisqfair.com. Fair Theme:
“Pioneer Days to Modern Ways”
Fair Hours: Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
3 PM – Midnight 8 AM – Midnight 8 AM – Midnight 8 AM – Midnight 8 AM – 8 PM
Online Entries: Visit our website at www.sisqfair.com and click the Enter Exhibits Online tab. You will be directed to a secure website to enter all your exhibits. For exhibits with an entry fee (livestock, horse show, etc.), you will need a Visa or MasterCard debit or credit card. BE SURE TO SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY AND RECEIVE AN EMAIL CONFIRMATION BEFORE THE DEADLINE. Processing Paper Entry Fee: For exhibitors who choose to enter their entries on the paper forms there will be a $5.00 processing fee per exhibitor. Entry forms turned into the fair office without the fee will not be processed. The fee is separate from the department entry fees.
Gate Admission & Parking Fees: General Admission (7 & over) $7.00 Children (6 & under) Free Livestock Leader/Parent Pass $18.00 These passes are only sold at the Livestock Office Tuesday and Wednesday of fair week. Preferred Parking (front lot) $2.00 General Parking Free
Premium Payments & Checks: All still exhibit premium payments, excluding Sweepstakes, and under $100.00 will be paid out in cash at the fair office during posted hours. Please review Local Rule #28 for more information. Sweepstakes, Livestock and Horse Show payments will be mailed out the week after the fair.
Special Days of the Fair: Wednesday Siskiyou Telephone $2.00 Day - $2.00 Admission for Everyone Thursday McDonald’s of Yreka & Weed Kid’s Day Kids 12 & under Free Friday Brookdale Yreka Senior Day - Adults 62 & over Free Saturday Grange Co-Op & Siskiyou Smile Design Armed Services Day - Free admission for current and retired military personnel Sunday KTVL Family Day - Free admission for everyone Exhibit Building Hours: Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Carnival Prices & Hours: Pre-Sale Coupons $25.00 “Golden Carnival Ticket” $70.00 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Junior Livestock Auction Checks: All Exhibitors MUST bring in completed and stamped thank you cards for ALL buyers before their auction check will be released. Independent Exhibitors MUST turn in their completed record books also at that time. Information Booth: Information, Lost & Found, Lost Children/Parents, Auction Buyer Thank you Cards, Friends of the Fair Membership. Booth is located across from the CalFIRE Gazebo
3 PM – 10 PM 10 AM – 10 PM 10 AM – 10 PM 10 AM – 10 PM 10 AM – 8 PM
Lost or Abducted Children (Code Adam): Fair Employees are trained to participate in the effort to locate missing children. Lost children should go to the Information Booth across from the CalFIRE Gazebo to initiate a Code Adam. First Aid Station: Band aids, bee stings, accidents, EMT’s, information Located near the Information Booth or the Gazebo.
On-Site Price $30.00 PreSale Only 3 PM – Midnight Noon – Midnight Noon – Midnight Noon – Midnight Noon – 8 PM
ATM Locations: Near Main Entrance/Ticket Booths Southeast corner of Fine Arts Building Near Food Court Beer Booth Wheelchairs: Available at the main office on a first come, first serve basis. There is no fee but donations for maintaining the wheelchairs are appreciated.
Entry Form Deadlines: Entry forms must be received at the fair office by 5 PM or officially postmarked no later than the date indicated in that department. If you are mailing your entry form, be sure that your local post office correctly dates the envelope or it will not be accepted. Entry forms received after the deadline or by fax will not be accepted. NEW this year: Feature Booth entries (paper and online) are due July 14th by 5:00 PM; all other paper AND online entries are due July 21st by 5:00 PM.
Questions/Contact: Please review all information in the Exhibitor Handbook. If you have any questions or problems contact the fair office at 530-842-2767, info@sisqfair.com, or visit 1712 Fairlane Road Yreka. You may also visit our website for additional fair information www.sisqfair.com.
THANK YOU!! TO OUR AWARDS PROGRAM DONORS Chuck L. Logging – In Memory of Sandy Hedin Jim & Sherma Isbell Family – In Memory of Melissa Lytken Isbell Kelsie Gelendenning Memorial Round Robin In Memory of Jennie Kuck Bridwell American Legion Ross Neilon Post #122 Cheryl Scruggs Chuck L. Cattle Co. CLT Logging, Inc. David & Janet Jones/Inventory Control Specialists Greta Hockaday Hap & Joan Munson Karin Newton Kohl Creek Angus, Pete & Carol Munson Little Shasta Ranch/Stan & Libby Sears Martin’s Dairy Mary Craddock McQuoid Well Drilling Mike & Dawn Schott Mt. Shasta Ambulance Service Paul & Margaret Boos Patty & Dietmer Karle Rice Livestock Rick & Nancy Barnes Scott Valley Angus Scott Valley Bank Scott Valley Farms LLC Shasta Livestock Shipping/Jim Scala Sherry Glendenning Siskiyou Angus & Herefords Siskiyou Country Quilters Guild Siskiyou County Farm Bureau Siskiyou Golden Fair Junior Fair Board Siskiyou Handspinners Siskiyou Swine Breeders Solus Family Stidham Trucking ,Inc. Table Rock Ranch Wayne Hammar Wood Cattle Company/Rodney & Robin Wood Yreka Garden Club
Fairs and Expositions Branch.
Physical Address: 2800 Gateway Oaks Drive, Ste 257, Sacramento CA 95833 Mailing Address: 1220 N Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 F&E Phone: 916-999-3000 Fair Consultant Manager: 916-263-3109 Official Protests: 916-296-9530 (cell) 2017 State Rules -- Page 3 www.cdfa.ca.gov/fe
California Department of Food & Agriculture Fairs & Expositions Branch Physical Address: 2800 Gateway Oaks Drive, Ste 257, Sacramento CA 95833 Mailing Address: 1220 N Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 916-999-3000 916-999-3001 (fax)
Order of Contents Preface GENERAL RULES for ALL DEPARTMENTS I Definitions II Eligibility Entry Process Participation Conflict of Interest Avoidance III Judging IV Awards and Scoring V Protests ADDITIONAL DEPARTMENT RULES VI Agriculture-Horticulture Department VII Junior Department Definitions Exhibitor Age Requirements Exhibit Eligibility Senior Department Restrictions Livestock and Horse Exhibits, Ownership Livestock and Horse Exhibits, Other VIII Livestock Department Definitions Participation Animal Identification Market Animals Breeding Animals Exhibit Requirements Registered Purebred Animal Registration Certificates IX Animal Species Rules X Animal Health Rules XI Horse Show Department Exhibitors Participation Management Awards Judges Equine Health Rules XII Judging Standards Market Livestock Scorecards Addendum
By signing and submitting an entry form the exhibitors and their agents, parents and leaders acknowledge and agree that they: 1. Understand and have read these State Rules and local fair rules; 2. Agree to abide by them; 3. Certify that all information on the entry form is true and accurate; and 4. Agree to comply with the fair’s decision regarding any alleged violation of the State or Local Rules. In the event that it is determined there has been unethical treatment of animals or violation of state or federal regulations or of state or local fair drug policy rules, exhibitor names will be forwarded to the Fairs and Expositions Branch as well as given to the network of California fairs and to appropriate government agencies.
STATE OF CALIFORNIA Edmund G. Brown, Jr., Governor Department of Food & Agriculture Karen Ross, Secretary Fairs & Expositions Branch John Quiroz, Branch Chief California Exposition and State Fair Jay Carlson, Ag Programs Manager The California Exposition and State Fair has been contracted to provide oversight to the State Rules of California.
STATE RULES ADVISORY COMMITTEE The committee reviews these rules for recommendation to the Director. Patricia Conklin (Chair), Dixon May Fair: Greg Ahart, Public, Sheep Industry: Ron Brandt, Merced County Spring Fair: Tiffany Burrow, Alameda County Fair: Marc Coleman, Ag Instructor (FFA): Judy Creel, Yuba-Sutter Fair: Tacy Currey, CA State Grange: Dr. Joan Dean Rowe, UC Davis: Jacky Eshelby, San Diego County Fair: Chris Garmon, Kern County Fair: Laurie Giannini, Calaveras County Fair: Robin Hauck, Nevada County Fair: Sandi Hurtgen-Montiero, California State Fair: Cliff Munson, Siskiyou Golden Fair: Diana Muller, Public, Sheep Industry: Carrie Rohr, Glen and Tehema District Fair: Jaime Sanchez, Lassen County Fair: Jim Vietheer, Sacramento County Fair: Kelly Violini, Monterey County Fair:
PREFACE 1. The purposes of these rules are to: a. Ensure educational and equitable competition; b. Provide state-wide competition consistency; and c. Maximize exhibitor and public safety. 2. These rules apply to all competitive exhibits conducted by district, citrus and county fairs in the State of California. 3. These rules cannot be waived or amended by anyone, including the fair board, management or judge.
4. The Fairs & Expositions Branch (F&E) is the final and absolute interpreter of these rules. Only a fair may request, in writing a variance on their own behalf or on behalf of an exhibitor to a specific rule. This request must be made prior to the start of the fair or specific competition for which a variance is requested. If F&E approves a specific variance request it may approve a conditional variance with specific conditions. Any approved variance shall expire at the conclusion of the annual fair. 5. Fair Management and/or Board of Directors may grant variances to ownership rule in the instance of deceased animals, submission of late entries and refund of entry fees. Variances may be ruled upon by F&E at the request of Fair Management and/or Board of Directors. 6. F&E will distribute any corrections and additions to these rules to fairs. It is the fair’s responsibility to make them available. F&E does not represent or endorse the accuracy, correctness or reliability of any advice, opinion, statement or other information displayed by the fair in the distribution of corrections and additions to these rules. True and correct copies of all rules and any additions or corrections are available upon request at F&E during business hours, by mail or at www.cdfa.ca.gov/fe . 7. Fairs may create “Local Rules” that may be stricter than the State Rules but that may not circumvent the State Rules. 8. If a local rule is not printed in the exhibitor handbook the applicable State Rule will apply. 9. Competition at the California State Fair is not governed by State Rules for California Fairs.
10. Extended Division - A division or class open to legal residents or producers in the State of California and any additional territory that may be specified in the Local Rules. Unless otherwise designated, all divisions are “extended” and limited to the State. 11. Judging Systems a. American - The judging process to rank exhibits against one another and award one first placing, one second, etc. b. Danish - The judging process to compare each exhibit on its own merit against the scorecard or recognized standard and award as many first placings, etc. as merited. 12. Junior Department - A department provided for youth. See also Junior Department. 13. Juried Show - Competition where the juror(s) determines which exhibits will be displayed and judged for awards. 14. Large Animals - Beef, Sheep, Swine, Dairy Cattle, Dairy Goats (exception Nigerian Dwarf Goats, to be desinated at local level, but cannot be both Large and Small), Boer Goats, Market & Fiber Goats, Horse, Alpaca and Llama. 15. Small Animals - Poultry, Rabbits, Cavies, Pygmy Goats, and Avian Species and Dogs. 16. Local Division - A division or class open only to legal residents or producers in the county or district in which the fair is held, and any neighboring county/district(s) that may be specified in the Local Rules. 17. Open Department - See Senior Department. 18. Open Junior Class - A class open to all Junior exhibitors having no Junior organization affiliation requirement. 19. Exhibitor Handbook - An entry book, prize list, contest book or other publication specifying rules and awards for fair contests. 20. Producer - One who, in the area specified, raises in normal marketable or commercial quantities, the specific type of animal or product entered. 21. Professional - A person who engages in an event or activity as a livelihood rather than as a hobby. 22. Senior Department - Any department not considered a junior department.
GENERAL RULES FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS I. DEFINITIONS SEE ALSO JUNIOR and LIVESTOCK DEPARTMENTS. 1. Amateur - A person who engages in an event or activity as a pastime rather than a profession. (Does not apply to junior organizations and horse shows.) 2. Cash Awards - Monies paid to successful contestants. (Synonymous with Premiums.) 3. Class - A group of like exhibits that are judged together; a subcategory of a division. 4. Competition - A contest between two or more exhibits. 5. Division - A generalized category of exhibits or a group of classes. 6. Entry - An object, animal or collection of objects or animals intended for exhibit. 7. Exhibit - An entry becomes an exhibit when it is shown or judged at the fair. 8. Entry Fees – A fee charged to enter a competition. All entry fees shall be included with the proper forms on or before the competition deadline. 9. Exhibitor - The owner of the exhibit. a. In the senior department, members of a family are considered as one exhibitor and co-owners of exhibits. This includes mother, father, unmarried minor children (under 18 years of age) and minor foster children. b. In the senior department, in classes that require that the exhibit be the creative work of the owner, husband and wife are considered separate exhibitors.
II. ELIGIBILITY Entry Process 1. By signing and submitting an entry form the exhibitors and their agents, parents and leaders acknowledge and agree that they: a. Understand and have read these State Rules and local fair rules; b. Agree to abide by them; c. Certify that all information on the entry form is true and accurate; and d. Agree to comply with the fair’s decision regarding any alleged violation of the state or Local Rules. e. In the event that it is determined there has been unethical treatment of animals or violation of state or federal regulations or of state or local fair drug policy rules, exhibitor names will be forwarded to F&E as well as given to the Network of California fairs and to appropriate government agencies. 2. Exhibitors are responsible for obtaining entry form(s) & rules from fair, and submit the form(s) and any required fees by the closing date as specified by Fair Management.
3. No entry form or entry will be accepted after the closing date for entries. 4. Entry deadlines can be extended by the fair’s Board of Directors only if the extension is made prior to the original closing date. See also Horse Show Department. 5. Substitutions can only be made within a division. Substitutions must be made when the exhibit arrives at the fairgrounds, or for animal, when registration certificates are checked. In the livestock department a minimum $5 penalty must be paid prior to judging for each substitution made by the exhibitor in excess of two in the division. See also Horse Show Department. 6. Requests for refunds must be made in writing to the fair, and may be granted upon approval of the Fair Management. a. Refunds may be made only because of sickness, accident, or death, cancellation of a class or return of entries for lack of exhibit space. b. Non-selected exhibits in a juried show are not eligible for refunds. c. For animal classes, request must be made prior to the event. Requests involving health or soundness of an animal must be accompanied by a veterinarian’s certificate. 7. Ownership. Unless otherwise allowed in the exhibitor handbook, exhibitors must be legal owners of all entries. Ownership must be maintained through show date(s). See also Junior Department and Horse Show Department. 8. A complete exhibit eligible in more than one division and/or class will be entered and judged only in the division and/or class for which it best qualifies. Any exhibit not properly entered may be transferred to its proper class by Fair Management, whose decision may be changed only by the judge. 9. The Fair Management has the right to limit entries to facilities available and/or cancel any division or class in which there are not enough entries. Any return of entries or fees under this rule will be done on a nondiscriminatory basis. The decision of Fair Management under this rule is only appealable to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), whose decision is final. 10. Fair Management may combine classes of 4 or less entries for meaningful competition. 11. Exhibitors may not submit the same entries to two or more fairs that require them to be on exhibit at the same time unless prior written approval has been obtained from both fairs. A copy of this approval must be submitted with entry forms. Participation 12. The Fair Management shall deny entry or disqualify and remove any exhibit or exhibitor that is ineligible for competition under State and Local Rules or endangers the public or has violated State and Local Rules. The fair may require removal of the exhibitor and/or exhibit (including animals) from the fairgrounds. 13. Exhibitors, leaders, advisors and parents found, after a chance to provide evidence and be heard before the Fair Management (CEO and staff) of unethical practices as set forth in the State and Local Rules or in actions inimical with the fair program shall result in the exhibit being disqualified and the forfeiture of any awards and/or privileges as may be deemed appropriate to the circumstances by the Fair Management. If the judging for the exhibit has not yet
commenced the exhibitor, leaders, advisors and parents may be denied entry in any exhibitions at the fair. The Fair Management shall report any such incidences of unethical or inimical behavior established by the fair as provided for in this rule, to F&E in writing and such reports may become the basis for any fair to refuse entries from the exhibitor, leaders, advisors or parents for up to 5 years following the infraction. 14. Exhibits must be on exhibit as specified in the exhibitor handbook. Fair Management may allow late exhibit delivery or early removal of exhibits when it is in the best interest of the fair. Exhibits will not be removed from the fairgrounds before the release date printed in the exhibitor handbook except as determined by Fair Management in cases of sickness, accident, death, disciplinary actions requested by a youth program supervisor, or other circumstances which are in the best interests of the fair. 15. The exhibitor agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the fair, the county and the State of California from and against any liability, claim, loss or expense (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising out of any injury or damage which is caused by, arises from or is in any way connected with participation in the program or event, excepting only that caused by the sole active negligence of the Fair. The Fair Management shall not be responsible for accidents or losses that may occur to any of the exhibitors or exhibits at the fair. The exhibitor (or parent or guardian of a minor) is responsible for any injury or damage resulting from the exhibitor’s participation in the program or event. This includes any injury to others or to the exhibitor or to the exhibitor’s property. 16. Exhibitors, leaders, and advisors must be in good standing with the local and state organization(s) (4-H, Grange, FFA) to be eligible to exhibit at the fair. Conflict of Interest Avoidance 17. Directors, Fair Management, and/or their spouses are not eligible to exhibit at their own district, county or citrus fair except in timed events. Under no circumstances shall a director, manager and/or their spouse be eligible to collect awards. 18. Department heads, judges, staff, anyone directly involved in the judging process, and their spouses are not allowed to exhibit or sign entry forms in any division in which they or their spouse are directly involved. 19. Minor children of Directors, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Department Supervisors, staff and/or committee members may exhibit animals or articles which are the result of the child’s own earnings or a gift made to the child, provided the requirements of pertinent rules are met. All other requirements for exhibiting must be met.
III. JUDGING 1. Judges should avoid any appearance of partiality and avoid unnecessary fraternization with exhibitors. 2. No person shall act as a judge in any division in which he/she or a member of his/her immediate family is an exhibitor, is in charge of an exhibit or division, in charge of a group of exhibitors, or a member of a group of exhibitors. 3. No person shall be allowed, under any circumstances, to interfere with the judge(s) regarding their adjudications, or with the fair’s staff, or to offer any audible criticism of an exhibit or exhibitor. Violators of this rule shall be excused
immediately from the competition and shall be subject to such additional penalties, including cancellations of awards, as the management shall consider proper. 4. The judge has the authority to: a. Disqualify or transfer to the correct class any exhibit that does not meet the requirements of the division or class in which it is entered; b. Disqualify any exhibit not properly cleaned or fitted; c. Disqualify any exhibit that is in his/her opinion hazardous to public safety; d. Examine the animals before entering the show ring; and/or e. Refuse to make award to any animal that shows visible evidence of disease, deformity, or lameness. No award will be made to exhibits eliminated under any of the above instances. 5. The judge may not waive State Rules. 6. The judge’s decision is final. Fair Management may not request any changes in judges’ rulings. 7. To encourage high standards, the judge shall award first, second, third place, etc. according to merit. If without merit, the judge shall make no award under any circumstances. The judge may award championships or other awards at his/her discretion for superior exhibits. This applies whether there are one or more exhibits in class.
c. To receive sweepstakes awards, an exhibitor must have a minimum of ten points. d. Sweepstakes points will be credited only to the exhibitor whose name appears on the entry form. e. There are separate sweepstakes or high point rules for horse shows, which may be determined by the fair. 8. Ties which cannot be broken by the judge will be processed as follows (See also Horse Show Department): a. 2-way tie for 1st place: Combine 1st and 2nd place money and divide equally between the two 1st-place exhibitors. The 3rd highest finisher receives 3rd place money etc. b. 3-way tie for 1st place: Combine 1st, 2nd and 3rd place money and divide equally between the three exhibitors. 9. The fair will not guarantee sponsored donations. 10. Placing of ribbons does not guarantee correct judging placement. Only the official placing stated on the judging sheet(s) constitutes the final placement.
V. PROTEST 1. Protests will be considered only if there has been a violation of State or Local Rules. Decisions of judges, veterinarians, weighmasters, breed callers, tail dock officials and timers cannot be protested and are final. 2. Protests must be accompanied by a deposit of either $100.00 (cash, money order or certified check made payable to the fair) or $200.00 if the protest relates to violations of State Rules X-XI (Animal Health Rules). NOTE: The deposit will be returned if the protest is upheld. If the protest is upheld, the violator may be held liable for any portion of the direct costs incurred by the fair in the course of the protest resolution. Failure to reimburse the fair shall be cause for disallowing future entries in any of the network of California fairs. 3. Given the short duration of the fair: a. The protestor shall make every effort to file the protest prior to judging. All protests must be filed in writing within 24 hours of the time of the cause of the protest and before conclusion of fair. b. The fair will make every effort to resolve protests as quickly as possible. All exhibitors by entering an exhibit and all persons by filing a protest agree to cooperate with Fair Management to resolve protests in a timely manner. c. Protests shall be adjudicated by Fair Management and/or members of Board of Directors. 4. Any exhibit involved in a filed protest before or during judging is eligible to compete until the protest is resolved. 5. Classes that involve a protested exhibit will not become official until the protest is resolved. a. In championship or special award classes that involve the protested exhibit the judge shall also select 1st and 2nd runners-up in case of disqualification. b. In the case of protest, the unofficial judging results may be used to prepare the sale list and other necessary information. 6. At the discretion of the CEO judging can be delayed to allow time for the fair to resolve the protest if to do so does not unreasonably delay or disrupt the operations of the remainder of the fair judging and auction events. 7. Prior to judging the affected class, fairs may announce that an entry has been protested.
IV. AWARDS AND SCORING 1. Fair Management is not responsible for errors on entry forms. No exhibitor shall be entitled to an award that has been disallowed as the result of his/her own error. 2. All divisions or classes will be judged under the American system and/or Danish system as stated in the fair’s exhibitor handbook. 3. State “Judging Standards” are to be used where applicable. Local judging standards may be used if published in the exhibitor handbook. 4. Cash awards will be paid only as recorded on the signed Judging Sheet or judging affadavit and only to the exhibitor. 5. Fair Management shall withhold the payment of awards for exhibits that are determined ineligible under State and Local Rules and may recover awards that have been paid for ineligible exhibits. 6. No exhibitor shall receive more than two cash awards in any one class using American judging system. (See definition of exhibitor.) a. When an exhibitor earns more than two awards in a class, the exhibitor will receive the two highest cash awards, and the lesser cash awards will be moved down the placings to other exhibitors; ribbons will be awarded as placed. b. Any difference in payment limits under the Danish system of judging shall be printed in the exhibitor handbook. c. When the fair combines classes, an exhibitor is entitled to two cash awards per each class that was combined. Judges should determine special awards as printed before combining. 7. Sweepstakes shall be awarded as specified in the exhibitor handbook based upon these scoring guidelines: a. First award - 5 points; Second award - 3 points; Third award - 1 point. b. Sweepstakes shall be awarded only when at least three separate exhibitors have achieved at least a combined point total of 30.
8. All questions concerning competition or non-protestable disputes or differences with staff or the exhibition not provided for under the State or Local Rules shall be referred to the CEO or their designee, whose decision shall be final. 9. Violations of State Rules may be appealed to F&E in writing. 10. An individual may appeal to F&E only after adjudication at the local level and only if: a. The decision upholds a Local Rule that circumvents or is not in the spirit of a State Rule(s); b. The individual can substantiate new and credible information that was not available at the time of the local decision; or c. There was inappropriate adjudication at the local level that may have included conflict of interest, lack of due process, or a significant misinterpretation of rules. 11. A fair or state, national or international organization or subdivision thereof which has a significant stake in the interpretation of rules affecting the network of California fairs may make an appeal directly to F&E concerning multiple-fair issues, industry-wide issues, unavoidable conflict of interest or assistance in enforcing its own organization rules. 12. No protest will be accepted unless it: a. Is filed or received, in writing, with a signed original and a signed duplicate copy; b. Clearly states which rule has been violated; c. States when the protestor first became aware of the facts and rule violation; d. States the facts relied upon for the basis of the protest; e. States that the protestor will cooperate with the investigation of the protest and that the protestor will be available and agrees to attend any hearing held to resolve the protest at the time and place directed by F&E; f. Includes the names of supporting witnesses, with accessible phone numbers; and g. Describes or attaches any documents relating to the protest, which must include the written decision issued by the local arbitrating body. 13. Fairs & Expositions Branch (F&E) must receive the appeal in writing within 24 hours from receipt of notice of local decision. 14. A hearing may be conducted at the discretion of F&E. The Director of F&E may consult with and/or request that members of State Rules Advisory Committee participate in any hearing. 15. Once the Director has ruled on an appeal to F&E, no additional protest or appeal will be considered relating to that incident.
VII. JUNIOR DEPARTMENT Definitions. See also Section I, Definitions. 1. Exhibitor - The owner of the exhibit. a. In the junior department, brothers and/or sisters are considered to be separate exhibitors. b. In a college division market and showmanship classes the student designated on the entry form is considered the exhibitor. 2. 4-H, FFA, Grange Exhibitor - Exhibitors who meet 4-H, FFA and Grange exhibitor requirements for the project(s) they enter. 3. Independent Junior - Exhibitor not eligible to compete in a certain category as a member of a 4-H, Grange or FFA junior organization. 4. Open Junior Class - A class open to all junior exhibitors and having no junior organization affiliation requirement. 5. Ownership - The growing, construction or purchase of exhibits as verified by the adult leader, teacher, or parent/guardian signature on the entry form for non-livestock exhibits, or as otherwise stated in the exhibitor handbook. 6. Adult - A parent, guardian, leader, instructor, or person whom the parent designates as responsible. Exhibitor Age Requirements 7. FFA members may participate as members until the end of the calendar year following the year of graduation from high school. (For example, a graduate this year is eligible until December 31 of next year.) 8. 4-H Age Requirements: The levels of membership for 4-H are age based. Each level is defined as follows: a. Primary Level: Must be 5 years old as of December 31, 2016 to exhibit at fair. Primary membership ends when members qualify as junior members. Exhibitors who are under 9 years of age on or before December 31, 2016 are not eligible to compete in large animal (Beef, Sheep, Swine, Dairy Cattle, Dairy Goats, Boer Goats, Market & Fiber Goats, Horse & Llama) competitions at California Fairs. b. Junior, Intermediate, & Senior: Must be 9 years old on or before December 31, 2016. Exhibitors are eligible to compete/exhibit through December 31st of the year in which they turn 19 years of age. 9. Grange Members must be at least 5 years old on January 1, 2017 to exhibit. They may exhibit until the end of the calendar year in which they reach age 19. a. All Grange Youth must be 9 years old on January 1, of 2017 to compete in large animal (Beef, Sheep, Swine, Dairy Cattle, Dairy Goats, Boer Goats, Market & Fiber Goats, Horse, Alpaca & Llama) competitions at California Fairs. 10. Independent Exhibitors must be at least 9 years old by January 1, 2017 to compete in large animal (Beef, Sheep, Swine, Dairy Cattle, Dairy Goats, Boer Goats, Market & Fiber Goats, Horse, Alpaca & Llama) competitions at California Fairs. a. Exhibitors are eligible to compete/exhibit through December 31st of the year in which they turn 19 years of age. b. Youth may be ineligible to participate as Independent if documented disciplinary action involving their project(s) has been taken against them by 4-H, FFA or Grange organizations. Length of ineligibility to be determined by fair management. 11. Special Divisions - Youth under 9 years of age must exhibit in special small animal and non-livestock divisions
ADDITIONAL DEPARTMENT RULES VI. AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE DEPARTMENT Unless specified in the exhibitor handbook agricultural and horticultural products must have been produced by the exhibitor and exhibits must be at the stage of ripeness required by Sections 42513 and 42515 of the California Food and Agricultural Code in order to be considered for award.
designated by the local fair, with the exception of Pee Wee Showmanship. a. Pee Wee Showmanship is a learning experience for youth 5 to 8 years of age. No premiums or monetary awards to be provided by the fair as well as no possibility of participating in the livestock auction. Participants should sign a release of liability/Hold Harmless statement provided by the Fair. 12. For non-livestock junior exhibitors showing in divisions and classes other than 4-H, FFA, Grange and Independent, the local Fair Management may set requirements as to age, grade, etc. If these requirements are not printed in the exhibitor handbook, Independent age rule above will apply. Exhibit Eligibility 13. Junior exhibitors must own and/or grow or construct their exhibits. 14. 4-H, FFA and Grange Exhibitors: a. 4-H, FFA and Grange animal and poultry project members must be enrolled in the project for at least 60 days (120 days for horse and market beef) immediately preceding the opening day of the fair or event if held separately from fair in the case of horse shows. b. Eligibility of a project according to 4-H, FFA, or Grange rules shall be determined by the exhibitor’s 4-H Youth Advisor, FFA Advisor, Grange Youth Advisor, Local Leader or designee. 15. Advisor, leader, teacher, or parent/guardian signature on the entry form is required by the fair certifying that: a. Projects have been under their supervision in accordance with the rules and regulations of the organization and the fair; and b. The entry is the project of the exhibitor and is eligible for exhibit. Failure or refusal of such advisor, leader or parent/guardian to sign the required entry form will prevent the exhibitor from entering that particular class(es). 16. Independent exhibitors must enter an open junior or Independent class unless one is not available. If an open or Independent class is not available, junior exhibitors may enter an appropriate 4-H, FFA or Grange class. Division and/or class placement of Independents may be determined by Fair Management. 17. Juniors who have been 4-H, FFA or Grange project members within 60 days (120 days for horse and market beef) prior to the fair are not eligible to compete in that project as Independent juniors or enter project(s) under a different organization. 18. All junior exhibitors must have project management records and proof of supervision available as to the length of project. 19. Independent junior exhibitors entering market animals must provide Fair Management with a picture of their animal, appropriate proof of ownership, permanent tag, tattoo and/or hog ear notch information 120 days prior to the fair for beef and 60 days for sheep, swine and goats. 20. All junior exhibitors must have “on ground” supervision by a responsible adult. Senior Department Restrictions 21. Junior exhibitors and junior organizations may be allowed to enter exhibits in senior department classes for which they are eligible only when:
a. “All Other” classes are not available; or b. A class for the exhibit is not provided in the junior department; or 22. It allows participation in featured breed and/or sponsored association shows as defined by fair management. The junior exhibitor must also exhibit the project in the junior division. 23. Junior horse exhibitors may be allowed to enter the Senior Department horse show unless Local Rules prohibit. 24. Animals entered as individuals in the junior department cannot be entered in group classes of the senior department and vice versa. 25. When violations to rules 22-24 occur the junior exhibitor is not eligible for 12 months following the infraction to exhibit in that animal species or division (non-livestock) as a junior at any California fair. Livestock and Horse Exhibits - Ownership 26. Animal and horse projects must be owned (and leased horses as specified in this document) solely by and under the exhibitor’s care and management and under the supervision of the organization in which the project will be shown as specified below. The official ownership date is the date shown on the receipt of sale unless the animal was bred by the exhibitor. The days are counted prior to the opening day of the fair unless the event in the case of horse shows is held separately from the Fair. Ownership must be maintained through show date(s) of fair or event. See also VIII Livestock Department. a. Market animals: Beef - 120 consecutive days; and 60 consecutive days for swine, sheep, veal and goats. b. Breeding and feeder animals: 30 consecutive days. c. All small market animals (rabbits and poultry): 30 consecutive days. d. All horses and llamas: leased or owned 120 consecutive days. Fairs will determine the ownership period requirement for any other animal species (e.g. potbellied pigs). 27. Under no circumstances may an exhibitor concurrently enter the same species of animal or bird (horses, beef cattle, dairy cattle, swine, sheep, dairy goats, meat goats, pygmy goats, poultry, pigeons, or rabbits) in FFA, 4-H, Grange and Independent classes of the junior department (refer to 4H/FFA/Grange/F&E Agreement at www.cdfa.ca.gov/fe for more information) . 28. No animal (excluding rabbit & poultry) exhibit owned solely by a chapter or club, conducted as a joint project by two or more individuals, or jointly owned by two or more individuals is eligible in the junior department, unless the division or class specifically so states. 29. No junior exhibitor may exhibit an animal in a market class once it has been sold as a market animal through a fair junior livestock auction. These animals may be shown following the 30 consecutive day ownership requirement as breeding animals only. All champion and reserve champion market animals will be permanently identified by the fair if sold through a fair junior livestock auction, unless these animals are sold at a terminal sale with no live animal pick-up. 30. Animals shown in showmanship must be owned (or leased for horses) by the exhibitor, entered by the exhibitor and shown in an appropriate market, breeding/conformation or performance class. If dog showmanship is the only class
offered, dogs are eligible for showmanship without competing in performance or conformation classes. If the exhibitor has a market animal that is weight sifted and as a result may not show in an individual market class, the exhibitor may use this animal for showmanship if and only if this animal is the only animal the exhibitor has brought to the Fair. 31. Horse exhibits: a. Proof of ownership or lease must be available at check-in time. b. Leased horses cannot be shown for conformation in the halter horse division. c. 4-H, FFA, Grange and Independent exhibitors may show leased horses, provided the member has responsibility for the care and management of the horse during the period of the lease; and the signed lease between owner and member, with a clear picture of a side view of the horse or some permanent identification is filed at least 120 consecutive days prior to the fair or event/horse show if held separately from the fair, at the County 4-H, FFA, or Grange office, or with a person designated by those offices. Independent exhibitors must file with the fair office. d. Junior exhibitors cannot ride or show stallions unless it is specifically provided for by the breed association and in that case only in those specific breed classes at an USA Equestrian (formerly AHSA) sanctioned show. Livestock & Horse Exhibits - Other 32. Junior exhibitors are expected to groom and care for their animal(s) when at the fair. They shall refrain from accepting active assistance from adults and non-exhibiting youth unless the junior exhibitor is actively engaged, and the assistance is only for instruction. Local fair rules will determine enforcement. 33. Junior exhibitors in 4-H, FFA, Grange and Independent classes must wear properly strapped headgear in mounted or horse-drawn vehicle competition. Headgear must be approved by American Society for Testing and Materials / Safety Equipment Institute.
c. In college division market and showmanship classes the student designated on the entry form is be considered the exhibitor. 5. Grade-Crossbred - Animals which do not meet registration requirements. 6. Nurse Cow - Cow that is not the natural nursing mother. 7. Pony - For non-breed horse shows, ponies are those horses standing less than 14.2 hands (56.8 inches) high. For breed horse shows and registered classes within non-breed shows, refer to the breed association rules which apply. 8. Purebred Animal - An animal the breeding of whose sire and dam traces directly to registered animals of the same breed. 9. Purebred Registered Animal - An animal that is registered with a recognized breed association and that meets the breed association’s requirements of purebred. 10. Range Registered Animal - Animals that have been issued range certificates in lieu of full registration certificates. 11. Recognized Breed Associations - Organizations which maintain pedigrees, issue certificates of registration, and maintain a permanent office. 12. Recorded Grade - An animal that is registered or recorded with a recognized breed association and does not meet that association’s purebred registration requirements. 13. Veal - Bovine primarily fed with milk or milk replacer. Local fair will establish guidelines for weights according to local industry standards of market animals. Participation 14. Exhibitors must be able to prove ownership. 15. Exhibit animals will not be muzzled while on the fairgrounds. 16. Any animal that does not meet class requirements of weight, age, identification, etc. will not be paid premiums. 17. No animal may be entered in more than one division in the Livestock Department unless provided for in the specifications of the division. However, market or feeder animals may be entered in both divisions for individual and pens of market or feeder animals. 18. Animals entered in market or feeder divisions may not be entered in breeding divisions. Animal Identification Requirements 19. All animals (except horses or market and feeder animals) shall be identified by a permanent number (ear tag, tattoo, photo or drawing, or brand required by breed association, ear notching or microchip) on the animal which matches the number recorded on the entry form. 20. When identification numbers are in both ears and are different, both numbers shall be recorded on the entry form. 21. Registered dairy cattle shall meet their breed associations’ requirements for identification. 22. An exhibitor may not use the same permanent marking on more than one animal of the same breed and sex during: any five month period for swine, any two consecutive calendar years for sheep, or any 12 month period for all other livestock (except that pigs may have the same litter mark). 23. For market and feeder animals, an identifying number will be placed or attached to the animal by the fair and must be on the animal at all times or awards will not be paid. Market Animals
VIII. LIVESTOCK DEPARTMENT See also Livestock rules in Section VII Junior Department. Definitions (See also Section I Definitions.) 1. All Other Breeds - Breeds not previously listed that are from recognized breed associations within the specie. 2. Breeder - Owner of the dam at conception. Also owner of the egg donor for ovum/embryo transfer. 3. Drug - a) any substance intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, prevention, or treatment of disease; and b) any substance, except food and water, which is intended to affect the structure or function of the body of any exhibit animal. 4. Exhibitor - The owner of the exhibit. a. In the senior department, members of a family are considered as one exhibitor and co-owners of exhibits. This includes mother, father, unmarried minor children (under 18 years of age) and minor foster children. b. In the junior department, brothers and/or sisters are considered to be separate exhibitors. See Section VII for definition of junior.
24. All market animals owned by Independent juniors shall not be discriminated against by the sale program. 25. If the fair requires a terminal sale and the Local Rules do not state it in the exhibitor handbook, exhibitors and their parents or guardians agree that upon entry into market competition and qualification by the market judge, the animal(s) will be sold and processed. 26. Desirable market weight will be a consideration in market animal judging. Breeding Animals Exhibit Requirements 27. To qualify for exhibit and judging, the following information must be provided on the entry form by the closing date of entry: a. Identification of each animal at least by i. dam, birth date and ear tag, notching, tattoo, photo or drawing; or by ii. the registration number. b. Sire’s registration number for Get of Sire entries. c. Dam’s registration number for Produce of Dam entries. 28. If the above information is completed after close of entry, a $5 penalty fee per entry may be required by the fair prior to judging to qualify for judging. 29. Individual animals shown in group exhibits need not be identified either on the original entry form or on supplementary entry forms unless required by a local rule. 30. Grade or Unregistered Purebred Animals By Registered Sire a. Animals that have been registered as purebred by a breed association are not eligible in grade or unregistered classes. b. Commercial unregistered animals including range, stocker, feeder and replacements, and Range Registered or Recorded Grade animals are ineligible in Registered or Purebred divisions. Registered Purebred Animal Registration Certificates 31. All animals in “registered purebred breeding animal” divisions must be registered and recorded with a United States (U.S.) breed association in the exact name of the exhibitor (owner) as declared on the entry form, except for: a. Pigs, 12 months or younger, which are still owned by the breeder. Litter registrations are acceptable if recorded with their breed association and if they identify the litter by birth date, sire, dam and ear notching; and b. Animals whose breed association requires an inspector’s approval before registering. The animal cannot be more than 12 months of age on the opening day of the fair. Exhibitors may present a statement by the secretary of the association stating that the animal is eligible to be registered. This statement must identify the animal by birth date, sire, dam, and ear tag, tattoo or notching. 32. Original registration certificates, a stamped duplicate issued by a U.S. breed association, or other documents mentioned above must be presented to the management when the animals arrive on the fairgrounds and must be kept on hand. a. Original registration certificates faxed to the fair by the U.S. breed association will also be accepted and retained by the fair. Photocopies, letters, and telegrams are not acceptable. b. Clerks are instructed to correct entry records exactly as shown on the certificate. (Any exceptions will be based solely upon the recognized U.S. breed association’s standard
practices for issuing registration certificates. A written verification from the association of any deviation in issuing practices must be on file with F&E. 33. When the owner and breeder names are not exactly the same on the registration certificate, the fair will hold all of the exhibitor’s awards until the fair receives a statement from the breed association verifying that the various names are recognized as the owner and/or breeder, and including the owner’s mailing address. 34. No deviation from or alteration in the information on a registration certificate will be permitted unless clearance in writing is first obtained from the breed association that issued the certificate. Evidence of any attempt to alter information on a registration certificate shall be reported immediately to F&E and may become the basis for any California fair to refuse entries from the exhibitor and/or it’s agent. IX. ANIMAL SPECIES RULES State and Federal regulations concerning animal weighing and harvesting, and beef and pork promotion assessments also apply. Cattle (Beef, Dairy, Veal) 1. Yellow transportation slips issued by the fair are mandatory when transporting cattle to and from the fair. (CA Food & Ag Code 21054). 2. Brand Inspection requirements for cattle ownership will be enforced (CA Food & Ag Codes 21051f, 21702, 21703). 3. Beef Cattle a. Market/feeder beef are steers and heifers only. b. All Registered Purebred Breeding females 24 months of age or older on the opening day of the fair must: (1) have a calf; or (2) show obvious signs of pregnancy; or (3) have a veterinarian’s certificate of pregnancy; or (4) have a veterinarian’s certificate stating that the animal is or has been an embryo producing female. 4. Dairy Cattle. Registered Purebred junior and senior yearlings in milk must be shown as two year olds in both the individual and group classes. 5. Veal. “Veal” refers to steers, bulls, and heifers. Sheep a. Tail Docking. To qualify for exhibit market lambs must be docked such that the tail (dock) is healed and can be lifted from the exterior. Lambs that have no dock will not be eligible. 1. Lambs must show lambs teeth. 2. Market/feeder sheep are wethers and ewes only. 3. Registered Purebred Breeding Animals a. Flock numbers, and not registration numbers, shall be used to identify all entries. Flock numbers and breeder’s initials, name or association prefix shall be on commercially used tags attached to the ear or tattooed in the ear for yearlings and lambs bred by the exhibitor. Lambs born from a purchased, bred ewe can bear the ear tag of the owner at the time of birth. They do not have to have original breeder’s ear tag. b. An exhibitor may not use the same flock number on more than one animal during any two consecutive calendar years. 4. Natural Colored Sheep may show in “All Other Breeds” division when a separate division is not offered. 5. Certified registered and pedigree listed sheep with certificates are eligible to exhibit. Wool
1. Only complete fleeces sheared from sheep owned by the exhibitor and in the grease are eligible for competition. Manufacturers and dealers are excluded. 2. Fleeces shall not be more than 12 months growth. The definition of “12 months” shall be the definition commonly accepted by the wool trade. Thus, if a fleece is actually slightly more than 12 months growth, due to unavoidable delay in obtaining shearers, or by weather, it shall be termed “12 months” wool. 3. No wether fleeces may be included. 4. Each exhibitor will be limited to two fleece entries in one class, except for the group class. A group of fleeces must be owned by one exhibitor, and each fleece must have been judged in individual fleece classes. 5. The judge may classify or reclassify fleeces before making awards. 6. Fleeces shall be rolled, flesh side out and placed in a clear plastic bag. Paper twine is discouraged. Swine 1. Market/feeder swine are barrows and gilts only. 2. All Registered Purebred Breeding females junior yearling or older must have raised a litter of pigs to be eligible for exhibit. 3. Potbellied Pigs must be registered with the National Committees on Potbellied Pigs, Potbellied Pig Registry Service, Inc. or the International Potbellied Pig Registry. Goats 1. Dairy Goats a. Registered Purebred Breeding Animals: i. Animals with a “Certificate of Registry” (Blue Border) issued by the American Dairy Goat Association are eligible. ii. Animals with a “Certificate of Registry” (Brown Border) issued by the American Dairy Goat Association are not eligible. iii. The American Goat Society issues registration certificates for purebred animals only. b. Recorded Grade Breeding Animals: All animals registered Experimental (Blue Border Experimental), or Recorded (Brown Border Recorded) including Experimental, Native on Performance and Native on Appearance. 2. Pygmy Goats a. All animals must be registered with either the American Goat Society, Inc., or the National Pygmy Goat Association. b. Either horned, tipped or de-horned animals are permissible. 3. Angora Goats a. All animals must be registered with the American Angora Goat Breeders Association, Rock Springs, Texas. b. Either long or short clips are permissible. 4. Boer Goats a. All animals must be registered with the American Boer Goat Association, the International Boer Goat Association, Inc., the IBGA or the Canadian Boer Goat Association. Original registration certificate is required and must be in the owner’s name. b. Either horned, tipped, or de-horned animals are permissible. 5. Market Goats a. Market goats are wethers and does only, no bucks allowed. b. Market goats must show milk teeth. c. Either horned, tipped, or de-horned animals are permissible.
X. ANIMAL HEALTH RULES Fairs will make a reasonable effort to enforce state and federal animal health regulations, and they have the right to seek assistance from the appropriate agencies. For assistance or an entry permit contact the California Department of Food & Agriculture (CDFA), Animal Health and Food Safety Services (AHFSS). Headquarters: 1220 N St., Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) 900-5052. Eligibility. See also Eligibility Rule II - 1. 1. Any inhumane activity to animals by the exhibitor, as determined by fair management in consultation with the fair veterinarian, may cause disqualification, forfeiture of awards, and removal of the exhibit or exhibitor from the fairgrounds 2. Animal health decisions will be made in the best interest of the animal and for the other animals at the fair as determined by fair management in consultation with the fair veterinarian. 3. No animal that shows any evidence of any active, unsightly or communicable disease, or any unsightly disease or other condition shall be admitted or allowed to remain on the fairgrounds. 4. No animal shall be admitted to a fairgrounds from any premises under quarantine for disease. 5. Management reserves the right to require health inspections and/or diagnostic tests to be performed before, during or after animals are on the fairgrounds and to implement disease control procedures, which may become necessary in the event of an emergency. The health of animals, when determined by the official veterinarian, shall be final. Exhibitors who refuse to allow their animals to be examined shall be disqualified and such violation shall be reported to F&E. No refund will be made. 6. All exhibitors must comply with all state and federal animal health regulations and the fair’s health requirements, including submittal of the fair’s certificate of animal medication. 7. Drench guns are not approved for use while on the fairgrounds. Anyone found to be using any type of drench gun to administer liquids or paste into any animal without the supervision and direction of the official fair veterinarian and/or designated fair official will result in exhibit and/or exhibitor being disqualified. 8. Castration sites shall be healed and free of inflammation. 9. Sellers are responsible for animals that are condemned or rejected at processing centers, unless contamination/injury occurred after the sale. Use of Pharmaceuticals in Market Animals: 1. Signature on entry form signifies compliance with all manufacturer and veterinarian pharmaceutical, biologic and chemical instructions and withdrawal requirements, and that all off-label treatments to market animals have been administered lawfully in accordance with a prescription from a California-licensed veterinarian whose statement notes dosage, date, and purpose for administration. 2. All exhibitors must advise management of any drugs and medications administered to an animal that might still be detected at the time of showing and at meat inspection. The name of the drug, its purpose, withdrawal time, route, time and date of administration must be presented to management prior to the showing and sale of the animal. Livestock treated within the specified withdrawal period cannot be sold without notifying the buyer.
3. Exhibitors must complete the fair’s medication certificate prior to sale. CATTLE Cattle Entries from California 1. All female dairy cattle four (4) months of age and over and beef cattle twelve (12) months of age and over must bear evidence of official calfhood vaccination against brucellosis with a legible, official tattoo visible in the right ear. 2. Owners of Purebred Registered cattle without brucellosis tattoos must present documentation certifying brucellosis vaccination, or written documents showing the animal has an exemption from CDFA, AHFSS. 3. As of January 1, 2017 all dairy cattle changing ownership require an official ID eartag. 4. All dairy cattle born after January 1, 2017 require official ID eartags applied prior to leaving their birth premises. 5. Acceptable methods for Official Identification of cattle include: a. Official brucellosis calfhood vaccination tags b. USDA metal “silver brite” tags c. Tags conforming to Animal Identification Number (AIN) system (commonly known as an 840 tags) 6. It is unlawful to remove official identification. Requests to remove an official ID eartag must be submitted to CDFA, AHFSS in writing at least 72 hours prior to the need to remove the tag. The request must include a photo of the ID, the reason the ID must be removed, and all other official ID eartags on the animal. Cattle Entries from Other States 1. All exhibition cattle entering California require official individual identification (ID), an Interstate Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (ICVI) obtained within thirty (30) days before movement into the state listing official ID and a California entry permit prior to entry. 2. Acceptable methods for Official Identification of cattle include: a. Official brucellosis calfhood vaccination tags b. USDA metal “silver brite” tags c. Tags conforming to Animal Identification Number (AIN) system (commonly known as an 840 tags)2017 State Rules -Page 18 3. It is unlawful to remove official identification. Requests to remove an official ID eartag must be submitted to CDFA, AHFSS in writing at least 72 hours prior to the need to remove the tag. The request must include a photo of the ID, the reason the ID must be removed, and all other official ID eartags on the animal. 4. Testing and/or vaccination requirements are: a. All female cattle four (4) months of age and over must bear evidence of official calfhood vaccination against brucellosis with a legible, official tattoo visible in the right ear. b. All sexually intact dairy cattle six (6) months of age and over require a negative TB test within 60 days prior to entering California or must originate from a TB accredited free herd with documentation of the herd number and test date. c. Cattle do not require a brucellosis test unless originated from the designated brucellosis surveillance area. d. All bulls 18 months of age and over require a negative Trichomonosis test within 60 days prior to entry except bulls
for exhibition, confined to exhibition location, that will return directly to the state of origin after exhibition. SHEEP AND GOATS Sheep and Goat Entries from California 1. All sheep and goats entering fairs require official individual identification that must be kept on the animals. Acceptable official identification includes: a. Official USDA individual identification eartags b. Premises eartags or legible premises tattoos (if they include a unique animal number) c. Scrapie eartags d. Legible registration tattoos in the ears (or tail-web of La Mancha goats) if accompanied by breed association registration papers. e. Electronic implants or Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) when accompanied by registration papers and RFID reader 2. It is unlawful to remove official identification. Requests to remove an official ID eartag must be submitted to CDFA, AHFSS in writing at least 72 hours prior to the need to remove the tag. The request must include a photo of the ID, the reason the ID must be removed, and all other official ID eartags on the animal. 3. Fairs will not accept: a. Animals from scrapie-infected flocks, scrapie source flocks, scrapie “non-compliant” flocks b. Animals that are scrapie-positive, scrapie suspects or scrapie exposed unless they have been evaluated and approved for exhibition by the state scrapie epidemiologist. 4. Fairs will keep records of the consignor, buyer, and animal identification for five (5) years when animals change ownership in a public sale at the fair. 5. Fairs will try to accommodate Scrapie Flock Certification Program members with separate space if practical. Breeding animals should be housed in separate enclosures or locations from animals that are not in the certification program, if practical. 6. Sheep or goats within 30 days pre-or post-parturition, or with vaginal discharge, shall if practical, be kept separate from animals from different flocks and in an area that can be properly cleaned and disinfected. Sheep and Goat Entries from Other States 1. All exhibition sheep and goats entering California require official individual identification (ID), an Interstate Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (ICVI) obtained within thirty (30) days before movement into the state with a scrapie statement “The animals are not scrapie positive or suspect or from a scrapie non-compliant flock” and listing the official ID and a California entry permit prior to entry. 2. Acceptable official identification includes: a. Official USDA individual identification eartags b. Premises eartags or legible premises tattoos (if they include a unique animal number) c. Scrapie eartags d. Legible registration tattoos in the ears (or tail-web of La Mancha goats) if accompanied by breed association registration papers e. Electronic implants or Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) when accompanied by registration papers and RFID reader
3. It is unlawful to remove official identification. Requests to remove an official ID eartag must be submitted to CDFA, AHFSS in writing at least 72 hours prior to the need to remove the tag. The request must include a photo of the ID, the reason the ID must be removed, and all other official ID eartags on the animal. 4. Rams six (6) months of age and over imported into California require a negative Brucella ovis test within 60 days before entry OR originate from a Brucella ovis free flock. The ICVI must include the official ID number, test results, name of the approved laboratory, date of the test, or the “Brucella ovis free flock number”. SWINE Swine Entries from Other States 1. All exhibition swine entering California require official individual identification (ID), an Interstate Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (ICVI) obtained within thirty (30) days before movement into the state and listing official ID and a California entry permit prior to entry. 2. Acceptable forms of Official Identification include: a. Official Eartags - A tamper-resistant metal or plastic official identification tag with high retention rate that provides unique identification for individual animals. It must bear the US shield and conform to one of the following numbering systems: National Uniform Ear-tagging System (NUES), Animal Identification Number (AIN) or Premises Identification Number (PIN). b. Ear notches or tattoos (ear or inner flank) if recorded in Purebred Registry Association Board with documentation attached to the ICVI 3. It is unlawful to remove official identification. Requests to remove an official ID eartag must be submitted to CDFA, AHFSS in writing at least 72 hours prior to the need to remove the tag. The request must include a photo of the ID, the reason the ID must be removed, and all other official ID eartags on the animal. 4. No brucellosis or pseudorabies tests are currently required. EQUINE Equine Entries from Other States 1. All equine require a valid Interstate Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (ICVI), issued within 30 days before entry and evidence of a negative Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) test performed at a USDA-approved laboratory within twelve (12) months before the date of entry. An EIA test “pending” result does not meet the entry requirement. The ICVI must accurately represent the official animal identification of each horse in the shipment. The requirements apply to horses, ponies, mules, donkeys, burros and zebras. POULTRY Poultry Entries from Other States 1. All exhibition poultry entering California must be accompanied by an Interstate Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (ICVI) with the required statements on Avian Influenza and Exotic Newcastle Disease, unless coming from a flock participating in the National Poultry Improvement Program (NPIP) and accompanied by the documentation required by that program, and officially identified with one of the following devices or methods: a. Identification devices or methods approved for use in the NPIP such as sealed and number leg bands
b. Group/lot identification with a group/lot identification number RABBIT AND CAVY Rabbit and Cavy Entries from Other States All rabbits and cavies are recommended to have an Interstate Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (ICVI). XI. HORSE SHOW DEPARTMENT State Rules in Sections I-X also apply where there is no conflict. Rules For Horse Show Management. At USA Equestrian (formerly AHSA) and/or breed association approved horse shows, association rules shall apply. At non-USA Equestrian (formerly AHSA) approved horse shows, USA Equestrian rules will be used as a guideline unless otherwise specified in State or Local Rules. Rules for Exhibitors 1. The age of an exhibitor on January 1 shall be maintained through the calendar year. Amateur Definition: a person who does not give riding lessons and/or ride, train, or show horses for money or assist the spouse or immediate family in this activity. This includes a person under the age of 18 years. a. The management reserves the right to question anyone’s amateur standing if the question of status has been presented with reasonable cause. The decision of the horse show management shall be final. b. At USA Equestrian (formerly AHSA) approved and breed association approved horse shows, their definition of amateur applies. 2. Exhibitors shall provide the following on the entry form for each entry if registered: (a) owner’s name; (b) breed; (c) name of animal; (d) sex; and (e) year of birth. In breed classes where registration papers are required, the owner’s name as listed on the registration papers must be the same as on the entry form. Registration numbers of animals and their sires and dams will be required as per breed association. 3. Upon approval by the Board of Directors, post entries can be accepted at double the entry fee unless a different penalty fee is printed in the exhibitor handbook. 4. Substitutions can only be made within a division. Substitutions must be made when the entry arrives at the fairgrounds. For horse shows, a substitution is considered the horse, not each class in which it is entered. A $5.00 penalty per horse must be paid prior to judging for each substitution made by the exhibitor. 5. All riders, drivers, and attendants shall be neatly and suitably dressed on entering the show ring. Horse show manager shall have final decision. Junior Horse Show Exhibitors in 4-H, FFA and Grange classes, including Independent exhibitors in those classes. 6. Junior Department rules (VII) also apply. 7. Exhibitors must wear properly strapped headgear in mounted or horse-drawn vehicle competition. Headgear must be approved by American Society for Testing and Materials/Safety Equipment Institute. 8. Junior exhibitors are expected to groom and care for their animal(s) when at the fair. They shall refrain from accepting active assistance from adults and non-exhibiting youth unless the junior exhibitor is actively engaged, and the assistance is only for instruction. Local fair rules will determine enforcement.
9. Ownership or Lease: Any horse exhibited in the junior or youth division must be owned or leased by the junior exhibitor showing the horse or owned by the junior exhibitor’s parent, stepparent, sibling, half-sibling, step-sibling, grandparent, step grandparent, sibling’s spouse, half sibling’s spouse, step-sibling’s spouse or legal guardian (as evidenced by court documents), or owned by the institution in which the junior exhibitor is enrolled as a ward. Separate legal entities, such as family corporations, trusts, or partnerships, are also authorized owners of the youth exhibitor’s horse so long as all legal and equitable owners and beneficiaries of the legal entity are individuals specifically authorized by this rule. “Owned” means, in addition to other legitimate methods of acquiring ownership, the bona fide legal ownership obtained for adequate consideration in reasonable relationship with the actual market value of the horse 10. Horse projects must be owned or leased by and under the exhibitor’s care and management and under the supervision of the organization in which the project will be shown 120 consecutive days prior to the opening day of fair or event/show if held separate from fair. The official ownership date is the date shown on the receipt of sale unless the animal was bred by the exhibitor. The days are counted prior to the opening day of the fair or event. a. Leased horses cannot be shown for conformation in the halter division. b. For owned horses, proof of ownership must be available at check in. c. For leased horses, the lease, signed by the owner and the 4H, FFA, Grange or Independent exhibitor, and a clear picture of a side view of the horse or some permanent identification must be filed at least 120 consecutive days prior to opening day of the fair or event/show if held separately from the fair at the county 4-H, FFA, or Grange office or with a person designated by the 4-H Youth Advisor, FFA Advisor or Grange Youth Advisor. 11. Horses owned as a joint project may only be shown by one designated exhibitor at an individual show. All Junior Horse Show Exhibitors 12. Fair Management will not offer Lead Line classes in fair sponsored Youth Horse Shows. Lead Line classes may be offered in Open Horse Shows or according to the provisions specified in Rule 11 - a, Special Divisions, ADDITIONAL DEPARTMENTAL RULES, Section VII. Junior Department, page 10. 13. Fair Management will not allow junior exhibitors to ride or show stallions unless it is specifically provided for by the breed association and in that case only in those specific breed classes at a USA Equestrian (formerly AHSA) sanctioned show. 14. Junior horse exhibitors may be allowed to enter the Senior Department horse show unless Local Rules prohibit. Participation Rules 15. Ponies entered in classes in which horses are eligible to compete cannot be shown in pony classes at the same show. Fair Management can restrict ponies from entering certain classes by stating so wherever applicable in the exhibitor handbook. 16. Donkeys and mules cannot be shown in “all other breed” halter classes.
17. Eliminations, if deemed necessary by the management, may be held in classes with large entries. The exhibitor shall be expected to ascertain whether eliminations will be held. Management 18. No show or contest official or his/her spouse shall enter or exhibit horses in any show or contest at which he/she is officiating, nor may any horse owned by such person be entered or exhibited. A show contest official shall be defined as any person performing the duties of a show manager, judge steward, show secretary, cutter or chariot race official, or any other horse contest. Duties include but are not limited to: a. Contacting or hiring of judges; and b. Acceptance of entries or entry fees. 19. Minor children of Directors, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Department Supervisor, Show Manager, staff and/or committee members may exhibit horses which are the result of the child’s own earnings or a gift made to the child, provided the requirements of the pertinent rules are met. All other requirements for exhibiting must be met. 20. Animals owned jointly by a director and his/her minor child or a CEO and his/her minor child are considered as owned by the child in junior division classes only. 21. Show Manager reserves the right to return entries, transfer entries or combine divisions or classes, and/or cancel any division or class in which, in its judgment, the entries are insufficient to secure adequate competition. a. Any return of entries under this rule must be done on a nondiscriminatory basis. b. The horse show management must divide classes of 50 or more. Separate prize money and ribbons shall be provided for each class. 22. Horse show management shall assign a number to each horse. The exhibitor must wear the number when showing the horse. 23. Photocopies of registration certificates for horse shows may be permitted for the purpose of submitting entries. However, if the fair receives any complaint or challenge concerning the registration of any animal, the fair may request an original registration certificate and may disqualify the entry if it cannot be produced. Awards 24. Fair Management may withhold the payment of awards for exhibits which are in question under State and Local Rules and may recover awards that have been paid for exhibits in question. 25. For ties other than first place in a jumper or other individually worked competition, the prize money is split. Ties for first follow the jump off rules of the specific Table and Section for that jumper class. If there is still a tie, prize money is split between the winners (i.e. first and second place money is pooled and split evenly between the two riders). Distribution of non-money awards shall be determined by management. Judges 26. The judge may judge for conformation before entering the show ring. 27. In halter horse classes, judges shall be expected to give reasons for their decisions, embracing the value and desirable qualifications of the animals for which premiums are awarded, whenever possible and reasonable.
28. Judges shall not discriminate against exhibitors wearing protective headgear. EQUINE HEALTH RULES 1. All animals must be serviceably sound. The soundness of animals when determined by the official veterinarian or by the judge shall be final and cannot be protested. The horse show management may request the official veterinarian to examine any animal in competition. All penalties of the Horse Protection Act of 1970 shall be strictly enforced. 2. Exhibitors who refuse to allow their animal to be examined shall be disqualified from showing and such violation shall be reported to F&E. No refund can be made in these cases. Equine Health Regulations Direct specific questions to CDFA, Animal Health and Food Safety Services, 1220 N Street, Sacramento, California 95814 -- (916) 900-5052. 1. Equines known to be EIA positive reactors are forbidden to enter, reside, compete, or sell at any state-supported fairgrounds. 2. Equine Medication Monitoring Program (CA Food & Ag Code 24000-24018) a. Horses are subject to random drug and medication testing specified in the Food and Agricultural Code Sections 2400024018. The applicable fee is $5.00 per horse per event. The following events are exempt from the Equine Medication Monitoring Program: • A rodeo – related competition, which is strictly a timed performance with no subjective judging, held apart from a public event. • A sale of solely racehorses, • Competitions under the jurisdiction of the California Horse Racing Board. • A public equine vent for which the class or event entry fee is less than $4.99 per class and other fees do not exceed $19.99 (Other fees include but are not limited to, grounds fees, stall fees or office fees.) • A public equine event in which all fees for participation are less than $19.99 (Fees include but are not limited to class fees, grounds fees, stall fees or office fees.) b. The California Equine Medication Rule permits therapeutic drugs or medications prescribed by a licensed veterinarians for the treatment of a veterinary diagnosed illness or injury. All drugs or medications must be used in accordance with the California Equine Medication Rules. Prohibited substances include most stimulants, depressants, tranquilizers, anesthetics including local anesthetics, sedative analgesics, corticosteroids excluding dexamethasone, anabolic steroids, soring agents, and masking agents. Nine permissible medications (dexamethasone, diclofenic acid, firocoxib, flunxin, ketoprofen, meclofenamic acid, methocarbamol, naproxen, and phenylbutazone) are restricted to therapeutic usage as prescribed or administered by a licensed veterinarian, and testsample levels detected must be in compliance with plasma or urine levels associated with 2017 State Rules -- Page 23 limited dosing*. Additionally, the detection of more than one Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug in either a blood or urine sample is a violation of California rules. Maintaining a current listing of specific prohibited substances is impossible due to the continual introduction of new pharmaceuticals, discontinuation of old ones, off labeled prescription of human
products, and utilization of foreign products. Additionally, some exemptions exist. *Specific information is contained in the “EMMP Medication Guidelines Brochure” found at http://www.cdfa.ca.gov/ahfss/Animal_Health/emmp/ or may be requested from CDFA/EMMP at 916-900-5045. c. Horses must be withdrawn from competition for at least 24 hours after administration of a prohibited substance. A drug declaration form must be filed with an event manager for administration of any prohibited substance three (3) days before the event, to any horse entered in the event. Penalties for violations of the medication rules include fines, suspension, and forfeiture of all winnings. 3. Horse Protection Act Exhibitors must comply with the Horse Protection Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-540) and rules adopted by the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture to carry out its provisions. Equine Entries from Other States 1. All equine require a valid Interstate Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (ICVI), issued within 30 days before entry and evidence of a negative Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) test performed at a USDA-approved laboratory within twelve (12) months before the date of entry. An EIA test “pending” result does not meet the entry requirement. The ICVI must accurately represent the official animal identification of each horse in the shipment. The requirements apply to horses, ponies, mules, donkeys, burros and zebras.
XII. JUDGING STANDARDS Note to Fair Management: See also IV-3. “State Judging Standards” are to be used where applicable. Fairs may allow for additional grouping systems within the Market Ready or Market Acceptable for sale purposes. MARKET HOG SCORECARD GRADE Market Acceptable: U.S. No. 1 and No. 2 hogs of average or greater conformation that are acceptable in leanness, muscularity and production traits. Not Market Acceptable: Any hog of below average conformation including U.S. number 3, U.S. number 4 and utility grade hogs. MARKET LAMB SCORECARD GRADE Market Ready: USDA Prime or Choice quality with 12th rib back fat range .16-.35, average or greater conformation and cutability. Not Market Ready: Good or lower quality grade with 12th rib back fat range <.16 or >.35; underfinished lambs grading USDA good or lower, below-average conformation or cutability.
MARKET BEEF SCORECARD GRADE Market Ready: Market steers projected to have sufficient fat deposition to meet the marbling specifications for USDA Prime, Choice, or Select+ quality grades. Not Market Ready: Market steers lacking evidence of sufficient fat deposition to produce a desirable consumer product. Steers projected to grade USDA Select- or lower.
performance class. If dog showmanship is the only class offered, dogs are eligible for showmanship without competing in performance or conformation classes. If the exhibitor has a market animal that is weight sifted and as a result may not show in an individual market class, the exhibitor may use this animal for showmanship if and only if this animal is the only animal the exhibitor has brought to the Fair. ADDITIONAL DEPARTMENT RULES VII. JUNIOR DEPARTMENT Senior Department Restrictions 25. When violations to rules 22-24 occur the junior exhibitor is not eligible for 12 months following the infraction to exhibit in that livestock animal species or division (non-livestock) as a junior at any California fair. Livestock and Horse Exhibits - Ownership 26. Livestock Animal and horse projects must be owned (and leased horses as specified in this document) solely by and under the exhibitorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s care and management and under the supervision of the organization in which the project will be shown as specified below. The official ownership date is the date shown on the receipt of sale unless the animal was bred by the exhibitor. The days are counted prior to the opening day of the fair unless the event in the case of horse shows is held separately from the Fair. Ownership must be maintained through show date(s) of fair or event. See also VIII Livestock Department. a. Market animals: Beef - 120 consecutive days; and 60 consecutive days for swine, sheep, veal and goats. b. Breeding and feeder animals: 30 consecutive days. c. All small market animals (rabbits and poultry): 30 consecutive days. d. All horses and llamas: leased or owned 120 consecutive days. Fairs will determine the ownership period requirement for any other animal species (e.g. potbellied pigs). 28. No livestock animal (excluding rabbit & poultry) exhibit owned solely by a chapter or club, conducted as a joint project by two or more individuals, or jointly owned by two or more individuals is eligible in the junior department, unless the division or class specifically so states. 30. Animals Livestock shown in showmanship must be owned (or leased for horses) by the exhibitor, entered by the exhibitor and shown in an appropriate market, breeding/conformation or performance class. If dog showmanship is the only class offered, dogs are eligible for showmanship without competing in performance or conformation classes. If the exhibitor has a market animal that is weight sifted and as a result may not show in an individual market class, the exhibitor may use this animal for showmanship if and only if this animal is the only animal the exhibitor has brought to the Fair.
MARKET VEAL SCORECARD GRADE Group 1: Animals are smooth, deep, thick and compact; and the udder or scrotum shows a marked fullness. They must have youthful appearance and be in good condition. Group 2: Animals must possess a moderately high degree of the higher quality grade characteristics. They will carry less finish, show more bone, and have less uniformity. Group 3: Animals lack finish, are rather leggy and hippy, are rough in the shoulder, and are light in the round. MARKET GOAT (CHEVON) SCORECARD GRADE Market Ready: USDA Prime or Choice quality with 12th rib back fat range .08-12 most desirable, .13-.22 back fat acceptable, average or greater conformation and cutability. Not Market Ready: Good or lower quality grade with 12th rib back fat range <.08 or >.22; underfinished goats grading USDA good or lower, below average conformation or cutability.
ADDENDUM SUMMARY OF CHANGES FOR 2017 Changes or additions shaded, deleted wording is struck through. The Division of Fairs & Expositions is now referred to as Fairs & Expositions Branch
GENERAL RULES FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS I. DEFINITIONS 15. Small Animals - Poultry, Rabbits, Cavies, Pygmy Goats, and Avian Species and Dogs. II. ELIGIBILITY 5. Substitutions can only be made within a division. Substitutions must be made when the exhibit arrives at the fairgrounds, or for livestock animal, when registration certificates are checked. In the livestock department a minimum $5 penalty must be paid prior to judging for each substitution made by the exhibitor in excess of two in the division. See also Horse Show Department. 7. Ownership. Unless otherwise allowed in the exhibitor handbook, exhibitors must be legal owners of all entries. Ownership must be maintained through show date(s). See also Junior Department and Horse Show Department. Conflict of Interest Avoidance 20. Animals or exhibits owned jointly by a director and his/her minor child or a CEO and his/her minor child are considered as owned by the child in junior department classes only. See also Horse Show Department. VII. JUNIOR DEPARTMENT 31. Animals Livestock shown in showmanship must be owned (or leased for horses) by the exhibitor, entered by the exhibitor and shown in an appropriate market, breeding/conformation or
X. ANIMAL HEALTH RULES CATTLE Cattle Entries from California 1. All female dairy cattle four (4) months of age and over and beef cattle twelve (12) months of age and over must bear evidence of official calfhood vaccination against brucellosis with a legible, official tattoo visible in the right ear.
3. As of January 1, 2017 all dairy cattle changing ownership require an official ID eartag. 4. All dairy cattle born after January 1, 2017 require official ID eartags applied prior to leaving their birth premises. 5. Acceptable methods for Official Identification of cattle include: a. Official brucellosis calfhood vaccination tags b. USDA metal “silver brite” tags c. Tags conforming to Animal Identification Number (AIN) system (commonly known as an 840 tags) 6. It is unlawful to remove official identification. Requests to remove an official ID eartag must be submitted to CDFA, AHFSS in writing at least 72 hours prior to the need to remove the tag. The request must include a photo of the ID, the reason the ID must be removed, and all other official ID eartags on the animal. Cattle Entries from Other States 3. It is unlawful to remove official identification. Requests to remove an official ID eartag must be submitted to CDFA, AHFSS in writing at least 72 hours prior to the need to remove the tag. The request must include a photo of the ID, the reason the ID must be removed, and all other official ID eartags on the animal. 4. Testing and/or vaccination requirements are: c. Cattle do not require a brucellosis test unless originated from states with a the designated brucellosis surveillance area. SHEEP AND GOATS Sheep and Goat Entries from California 1. All sheep and goats entering fairs require official individual identification that must be kept on the animals. Acceptable official identification includes: d. Legible registration tattoos in the ears (or tail-web of La Mancha goats) or tail-web (tail web for example a La Mancha goat) if accompanied by breed association registration papers. 2. It is unlawful to remove official identification. Requests to remove an official ID eartag must be submitted to CDFA, AHFSS in writing at least 72 hours prior to the need to remove the tag. The request must include a photo of the ID, the reason the ID must be removed, and all other official ID eartags on the animal. Sheep and Goat Entries from Other States 3. It is unlawful to remove official identification. Requests to remove an official ID eartag must be submitted to CDFA, AHFSS in writing at least 72 hours prior to the need to remove the tag. The request must include a photo of the ID, the reason the ID must be removed, and all other official ID eartags on the animal. SWINE Swine Entries from Other States 3. It is unlawful to remove official identification. Requests to remove an official ID eartag must be submitted to CDFA, AHFSS in writing at least 72 hours prior to the need to remove the tag. The request must include a photo of the ID, the reason the ID must be removed, and all other official ID eartags on the animal.
offered in Open Horse Shows or according to the provisions specified in Rule 11 - a, Special Divisions, ADDITIONAL DEPARTMENTAL RULES, Section VII. Junior Department. EQUINE HEALTH RULES Equine Health Regulations 2. Equine Medication Monitoring Program (CA Food & Ag Code 24000-24018) a. Horses are subject to random drug and medication testing specified in the Food and Agricultural Code. The applicable fee is $5.00 per horse per event. The drug-testing program is not applicable to most rodeo related competitions, parade horses, and activities under the jurisdiction of the California Horse Racing Board are exempt a. A single day show with a single class entry fee less than $4.99 and/or total cumulative fees ( including entry fees, ground fees, stall fees, administration fees and other fees) of less than $19.99 are exempt. Horses are subject to random drug and medication testing specified in the Food and Agricultural Code Sections 24000-24018. The applicable fee is $5.00 per horse per event. The following events are exempt from the Equine Medication Monitoring Program: • A rodeo – related competition, which is strictly a timed performance with no subjective judging, held apart from a public event. • A sale of solely racehorses, • Competitions under the jurisdiction of the California Horse Racing Board. • A public equine vent for which the class or event entry fee is less than $4.99 per class and other fees do not exceed $19.99 (Other fees include but are not limited to, grounds fees, stall fees or office fees.) • A public equine event in which all fees for participation are less than $19.99 (Fees include but are not limited to class fees, grounds fees, stall fees or office fees.) b. Prohibited substances include most stimulants, depressants, tranquilizers, anesthetics including local anesthetics, sedative analgesics, corticosteroids excluding dexamethasone, anabolic steroids, soring agents, and masking agents. Nine permissible medications (dexamethasone, diclofenic acid, firocoxib, flunxin, ketoprofen, meclofenamic acid, methocarbamol, naproxen, and phenylbutazone) are restricted to therapeutic usage as prescribed or administered by a licensed veterinarian, and test-sample levels detected must be in compliance with plasma or urine levels associated with limited dosing*. Additionally, the detection of more than one Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug in either a blood or urine sample is a violation of California rules. Maintaining a current listing of specific prohibited substances is impossible due to the continual introduction of new pharmaceuticals, discontinuation of old ones, utilization of human products, and utilization of foreign products. Additionally, some exemptions exist. The California Equine Medication Rule permits therapeutic drugs or medications prescribed by a licensed veterinarians for the treatment of a veterinary diagnosed illness or injury. All drugs or medications must be used in accordance with the California Equine Medication Rules. Prohibited substances include most stimulants, depressants, tranquilizers, anesthetics including local anesthetics, sedative analgesics, corticosteroids excluding dexamethasone, anabolic steroids, soring agents, and masking agents. Nine permissible
XI. HORSE SHOW DEPARTMENT All Junior Horse Show Exhibitors 12. Fair Management will not offer Lead Line classes in fair sponsored Youth Horse Shows. Lead Line classes may be
medications (dexamethasone, diclofenic acid, firocoxib, flunxin, ketoprofen, meclofenamic acid, methocarbamol, naproxen, and phenylbutazone) are restricted to therapeutic usage as prescribed or administered by a licensed veterinarian, and test-sample levels detected must be in compliance with plasma or urine levels associated with limited dosing*. Additionally, the detection of more than one Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug in either a blood or urine sample is a violation of California rules. Maintaining a current listing of
specific prohibited substances is impossible due to the continual introduction of new pharmaceuticals, discontinuation of old ones, off labeled prescription of human products, and utilization of foreign products. Additionally, some exemptions exist.
2. 3.
11. 12. 13.
Livestock Gate (Gate 1) after 10 PM on Tuesday for the duration of the fair without Fair Managementâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s approval.
All Local & State Rules must be followed by all exhibitors. Any infraction of these rules will result in the loss of all premiums and possible removal from the fairgrounds. No pets, other than dogs performing at the fair or service dogs will be allowed on the grounds. No soliciting, other than by authorized concessionaires and commercial vendors will be permitted on the grounds and only within the confines of their designated space. Extension cords used to distribute power to any electrical apparatus such as fans, etc. shall be rated 15 amps minimum and contain a ground wire. Cords not meeting these requirements shall be confiscated for the duration of the fair.
EXHIBITORS, ENTRIES, JUDGING & PREMIUMS 14. Exhibitors are allowed to exhibit in the Junior Department through December 31st of the year that they turn 19 years of age. 15. All independent junior livestock exhibitors entering market animals must provide Fair Management with a picture of the project animal with identification number/notching, appropriate proof of ownership/bill of sale, permanent tag, tattoo and/or hog ear notch information 120 days prior to fair for beef and dairy; 60 days prior to fair for swine, sheep and goats; and 30 days prior to fair for rabbits and poultry. 16. Independent exhibitors must comply with all State and Local Rules including the following: must be at least 9 years old and not older than 19 on January 1st or one year out of high school; must maintain a fair provided Independent Record Book that can be obtained at the fair office or on the website; and must turn in the completed Independent Record Book to the fair office the week after fair. Auction checks will not be released if books are not turned in. 17. Entry forms will not be accepted without proper signatures, verification and payment if required. 18. The owner or authorized agent(s) must present exhibits in person. Exhibits will not be accepted by mail. Items entered in previous Siskiyou Golden Fairs may not be entered. 19. Fair Management reserves the right to limit the number of entries made by an exhibitor. 20. Showmanship is mandatory for junior exhibitors entering market classes. The Livestock Superintendent will add exhibitors to showmanship upon request if not entered but a $10.00 late fee is required. 21. No entry will be accepted where an exhibitor prescribes conditions under which he/she will enter. 22. Fair Management reserves the right to return entries, transfer entries or combine classes or lots and/or cancel classes or lots in which, in its judgment, the entries are insufficient to secure adequate competition or in case of an emergency. 23. The State Fire Marshal shall check each booth and barn area for fire hazards. All material and decorations must be of a nonflammable material or treated and maintained with a flame retarding product. 24. Exhibits, including livestock, will be released from 8 PM to 9 PM on the Sunday of fair. Still exhibits will be released again from 8 AM to 6 PM on the Monday following the fair. After that exhibits will be released during business hours. 25. All exhibits and equipment must be claimed and removed within 5 days of the close of the fair. Anything not claimed after 5 days becomes property of the 10th DAA and may be disposed of after that time.
ADMISSION, CAMPING & PARKING Parent passes are available only to 4-H, FFA, Grange leaders and parents of junior livestock exhibitors, who have paid entry fees. Parent passes will be sold out of the livestock office Tuesday and Wednesday of fair week only. Parent passes/wristbands will not be given out without an official weigh slip and/or checked registration papers. All persons wishing to stay on the fairgrounds/RV Park/Dry Camp Lot must register with the fair office. Trailers will be assigned to a specific location and must stay in that space. Spaces will be assigned based on total length (including all hitches, spare tires, etc.) taken up. A fee will be charged for each space in the RV Park and Dry Camping Lot for the duration of the fair and must be paid prior to the fair. There are no electrical or water hookups in the dry camping lot. Fair staff will be available to assist with the placing of trailers on the Sunday prior to the fair. For an additional fee trailers may be parked on Saturday from 10 AM to 1 PM. All units must be in place by Tuesday and stay on the grounds until Sunday. RV Park adult supervisors must be a minimum age of 25. Name of supervisor must be listed on the entry form(s). Junior exhibitors who, in the opinion of the adults in charge, fail to conform to accepted standards of conduct will be removed immediately (with livestock) from the fairgrounds and all premiums forfeited. A midnight curfew will be enforced for all campers. Any disturbances or violations should be reported immediately to the Livestock Superintendent. Disturbances will not be tolerated and violators will be removed from the grounds and their premiums forfeited. Areas are to be kept clean and fire-hazard free. There will be no open flames. There will be absolutely no camping in the livestock barns. Only motor vehicles with the appropriate pass will be allowed in the RV Park lot (Gate 9 with access from Sharps Road). Those found in the RV Park without a pass will be towed at the ownerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s expense. There will be no vehicles allowed through the
26. Occasionally discrepancies arise between the color of the ribbon on the exhibit and the judge’s placement sheet. If this occurs the official judging sheets will take precedence. 27. The 10th District Agricultural Association has budgeted to pay premiums for the fair. In the event the total premiums won by the exhibitors exceed the budgeted amount, premiums may be pro-rated to the exhibitors at the discretion of the Board of Directors and Fair Management. 28. All still exhibit premium payments, excluding sweepstakes, under $100.00 will be paid out in cash at the fair office during posted hours. A form of identification or the issued claim ticket and a signature will be required for pickup of premiums. Premiums not picked up within 10 working days of the closing of the annual fair will be considered a donation to the association. Premiums will be paid out in accordance to State Rule IV. Awards and Scoring – 4. Cash awards will be paid only as recorded on the signed judging sheet or judging affidavit and only to the exhibitor. 29. In the case of Senior Livestock & Horse Show lots, full premiums will only be paid out in lots with three or more exhibitors. Lots may be combined at the discretion of Fair Management. Lots with 1 exhibitor will be paid 3rd place premiums only. Lots with 2 exhibitors will be paid 3rd and 4th place money only. Lots with 3 or more exhibitors will receive the standard 1st-4th place premiums. 30. Premium checks will not be mailed (with the exception of the Senior Horse Show). Checks not picked up within 60 days of the closing of the fair will be null and void and not reissued.
40. 41.
42. 43.
44. 45. 46.
LIVESTOCK & HORSE DEPARTMENTS 31. Each junior livestock exhibitor with an animal eligible to go through the auction must fill out the Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) portion of their entry form. Incomplete entry forms will not be processed. 32. Livestock will be accepted on the fairgrounds from 8 AM to 10 PM on Tuesday. Arrivals prior to Tuesday must make arrangements with Fair Management. A charge of $2.00 per head will be assessed on all early arrivals and those who have not vacated the grounds within 24 hours after the close of the fair. 33. All animals must be loaded/unloaded on the grass surrounding the livestock barns. No animals will be permitted to be loaded/unloaded on the pavement. Once an animal has been loaded/unloaded, the vehicle must be removed from the livestock area. An automatic red tag will be issued for loading/unloading animals on the pavement. 34. All animals must be stalled according to the space allocated by Fair Management. Pens/stalls are not to be transferred without approval from the Livestock Superintendent. 35. All junior livestock exhibitors, including horse exhibitors, must have a stall card on their pens/stalls identifying themselves, their animals and their club/chapter/independent. Pens/stalls used but not identified will be red tagged by Fair Management. 36. No “For Sale” signs are to be put on pens/stalls until after the auction on Sunday. 37. The fair will not allow straw bedding, with the exception of pen cattle, breeding sheep and senior cattle classes. This rule applies to both junior and senior exhibitors. The fair will furnish first bedding to junior exhibitors only. 38. All junior livestock exhibitors must attend a mandatory meeting on Wednesday at 7:45 AM in the auction arena. 39. Weighing of animals for classification will begin at 8 AM on Wednesday. See weigh schedule for specific times. If there is a protest of weight, the exhibitor must indicate it immediately. The animal will be taken off the scale and held in the adjacent area while the scale is rebalanced. The animal and the exhibitor may not leave the weigh area. The animal will be immediately
49. 50.
54. 55.
reweighed. This will then be the official weight and the one assigned to the animal. There are to be no private scales on the grounds. Any market animal failing to meet minimum or exceeding maximum weight limits is to be removed from the grounds on the day of weighing or as directed by Fair Management. If the exhibitor is using the sifted animal in showmanship, it is then to be removed upon completion of that lot. All pens/stalls (of Junior and Senior exhibitors) must be cleaned by 8 AM each day. All livestock are to be washed inside wash racks only. Anyone found not complying and creating a water and mud nuisance will be issued a Red Tag. There will be no grooming or clipping of animals on the mall lawn or in the judging arenas at any time. No cross species nursing allowed. No nurse-animals allowed on the grounds. Exhibitors found guilty of any form of mistreatment or cruelty to livestock such as salting, force feeding, muzzling or tying animals while in pens to restrict them from feed or water, etc. will forfeit all premiums and privileges. All livestock, except horses, is to be confined to the south side of the Small Animal Barn and west of the center mall asphalt. Horses will not be permitted in any area other than the Equestrian Complex and the Grandstand Arena, if being shown there. Juniors, who for extraordinary reasons cannot show their own animals, must make arrangements for their care and showing and receive approval from Fair Management. Only juniors eligible to show in the Junior Department may show and care for the animal for the absent exhibitor. Substitutions can only be made within the same class as the original entry. No one, with the exception of the judge, exhibitors and fair staff, will be allowed in the show ring during judging. Violation of this rule may cause disqualification of the exhibitor and forfeiture of any premiums. The judge of any market animal may call for a reweigh at his/her discretion. The official weigh master weight will be used for breaking lots and for the auction. All market livestock receiving “not market ready”, “not market acceptable” or “Grade 2” in a market lot are not eligible for auction. The Livestock Superintendent may remove said animals from the fairgrounds at any time during the fair should the exhibitor fail to care for the animals. Junior Exhibitors receiving Grand or Reserve Champion honors must move their market animal to the Avenue of Champions. The animal must remain in the avenue on public display until it is sold in the auction. After this time, it may be returned to its respective barn to be loaded with the other animals. All Red Tag rules apply to the Avenue of Champions. There will be no gate holds. No food or alcohol will be allowed in any livestock barns at any time. Non-alcoholic drinks with lids are acceptable. This does not apply to the Sedge Nelson Judging Arena. All livestock, including rabbits and poultry, will be released at 8 PM Sunday evening. Buyers with live pick up may make arrangements with the Livestock Superintendent to pick up animals prior to 8 PM. Pen decorations may not be removed until 6 PM on Sunday.
HORSES: 58. State Rules shall supersede any Horse Association Rules. Rules and definitions for conducting each lot as contained in the rule book for the USA Equestrian will apply, unless otherwise specified. 59. Entrants may not cross enter in halter lots.
60. Stalls will be available starting the Tuesday of fair week. A fee per stall per day must be paid with entry fees. 61. Horses may be led to the arena gate, but riders must enter on their own. Violation of this rule will result in disqualification of the rider.
81. All crates must be removed from the showroom as soon as the birds are transferred to the show coops. 82. All birds will be shown in suitable coops. The right is reserved to double-coop females of the same variety, owned by one exhibitor. 83. Turkeys will be penned in the sheep barn. 84. Eggs laid will become property of the fair. 85. Judging of eggs will be based on size, interior quality, condition of shell, uniformity of size and shape, shell texture, uniformity of color and shape. 86. The judge reserves the right to break the eggs if it is deemed necessary in order to properly judge the exhibit.
BEEF & DAIRY CATTLE: 62. All cattle are to be halter broke-to-lead. Runaway cattle are subject to removal from the grounds. 63. Cattle will be required to have a double tie at night. One tie will be around the neck. 64. All bulls over the age of 12 months must have a nose lead or the animal will be removed from the grounds. 65. Bred beef market heifers under 24 months of age must calve by April 30th. Heifers 24 to 30 months must be due to calve by December 31st. 66. Bred beef market and dairy heifers must have a mandatory second opinion on all pregnancy tests if the first veterinarian determines any abnormalities or the heifer to not be pregnant. A second opinion is mandatory prior to the animal being removed from the fairgrounds. Pregnancy testing will be done on Tuesday. See the Exhibit Information Schedule for specific times. 67. All market bred heifers are required to have four working quarters. 68. If the fair’s veterinarian determines any heifer to have an unacceptable narrow pelvic canal, the animal will be sifted and sent home. 69. Senior and junior yearling dairy cattle in milk must be shown with two year olds in both the individual and group lots. Please note “in milk” on your entry form.
RABBITS & CAVY: 87. The age in months or date of birth, breed and color must be stated on the entry form for each animal entered. 88. All animals must be identified by legible permanent ear markings conforming to the entry form on arrival at the show. Any duplication of ear markings by one exhibitor in the same lot must be eliminated and the change recorded on the judging sheet before judging. 89. Animals to be shown in the order posted in the Small Animal Barn. 90. A judge may disqualify a rabbit from competition because of temporary or curable defects.
SHEEP & GOATS: 70. All breeds for market goats will be judged together. 71. All market goats must be castrated, disbudded and completely healed by the official weigh date. 72. Dwarf goats are considered small animals. 73. Horn re-growth must not exceed one inch in length and be blunt ended. 74. Market goats must be one year old or less and show kid teeth. 75. Market goats must be slick shorn to 3/8”, but not below the knees and hocks. 76. All goats and sheep will be vet checked. Market animals will be checked at the scales, all other animals will be checked at their pens. Exhibitors need not be present at their pens. Should there be any problems; the Livestock Superintendent will notify the exhibitor. Any animals failing to pass the check will be sent home immediately. See the Exhibit Information Schedule for dates and time. POULTRY: 77. Rules, definitions and judging procedures as prescribed in the latest edition of the Official Show Rules and Standards of Perfection of the American Poultry Association, Inc. shall apply to all district and county fair poultry shows, except in such instances where they are in conflict with the rule and regulations prescribed by the Department of Food & Agriculture. 78. Poultry will not be permitted on the fairgrounds until they have been inspected by the Poultry Inspector. See the Exhibit Information Schedule for inspection times. 79. Leg bands are required on all entries. All birds must be numbered with legible numbered bands prior to cooping at the fair. The number of this band must be the same as shown on the entry form. Duplicate numbers must not be used on birds of the same variety. 80. Substitutions can only be made within the same class as the original entry.
Contest Starts: August 12th at 4 PM Exhibits Judged: August 12th at 4 PM Type of Judging: American Exhibits Released: Immediately following contest Restrictions: Siskiyou County residents only Weeds will be judged on length only.
WALK ON CONTESTS These are fun community based competitions. Exhibits will be judged by guest judges, not professional judges. Pre-Entry is encouraged, but not required. Entering into these contests does not entitle the exhibitor free fair admission. There are no entry fees and will be no cash awards to winners, ribbons only.
JUNIOR FAIR BOARD KAROKE CONTEST FRIDAY, AUGUST 11TH AT 2:00 PM Entries Close: Entry Fees: Limit: Contest Location: Contest Starts: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
August 13th at 1 PM No entry fee One entry per exhibitor SCCU Mall Stage August 13th at 1 PM August 13th at 1 PM American Must be under 18 months old at the time of the derby. Must be crawlers not walkers. Complete and return an application found on our website, in the fair office prior to the day of the event or at the stage the day of the event. Entries Close: Entry Fees: Limit: Contest Location: Contest Starts: Exhibits Judged: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
August 11th at 2 PM No entry fee One entry per exhibitor SCCU Mall Stage August 11th at 2 PM American Must be under the age of 18. Must select from the music onsite.
Entries Close: August 12th at 1 PM Entry Fees: No entry fee Limit: One entry per exhibitor Contest Location: Small Livestock Show Ring Exhibits Received: August 12th between 12:30 - 1 PM Contest Starts: August 12th at 1 PM Exhibits Judged: August 12th at 1 PM Type of Judging: American Exhibits Released: Immediately following contest Restrictions: Up to 8 years old Stick horses will be provided or you may bring your own. Award will be given out for the best costume.
Entries Close: August 13th at 2 PM Entry Fees: No entry fee Limit: One entry per exhibitor Contest Location: Trivelpiece Building Exhibits Received: August 13th between 1:30 – 2 PM Contest Starts: August 13th at 2 PM Exhibits Judged: August 13th at 2 PM Type of Judging: American Exhibits Released: Immediately following contest Restrictions: Siskiyou County residents only Salsa will be judged on taste and appearance. Chips may be store bought.
I MADE A MEMORY AT THE 2017 FAIR SUNDAY, AUGUST 13TH AT 4:00 PM August 13th at 4 PM No entry fee One entry per exhibitor Fine Arts Building August 13th between 3:30 – 4 PM August 13th at 4 PM August 13th at 4 PM American Photos are to become property of the 10th DAA/Siskiyou Golden Fairgrounds Restrictions: Siskiyou County residents only Photos must have been taken during the 2017 Siskiyou Golden Fair. They may be of any size but should not be matted or framed.
Entries Close: August 12th at 2 PM Entry Fees: No entry fee Limit: One entry per exhibitor Contest Location: Trivelpiece Building Exhibits Received: August 12th between 1:30 – 2 PM Contest Starts: August 12th at 2 PM Exhibits Judged: August 12th at 2 PM Type of Judging: American Exhibits Released: Immediately following contest Restrictions: Siskiyou County residents only Pies will be judged on taste and appearance.
Entries Close: Entry Fees: Limit: Contest Location: Exhibits Received: Contest Starts: Exhibits Judged: Type of Judging: Exhibits Released:
TALLEST WEED SATURDAY, AUGUST 12TH AT 4:00 PM Entries Close: Entry Fees: Limit: Contest Location: Exhibits Received:
August 12th at 4 PM No entry fee One entry per exhibitor Floral Building August 12th between 3:30 – 4 PM
DEPARTMENT 1 FEATURE BOOTHS/OTHER Birdhouse Score Card Originality Practicality Appearance Suitability Judge’s Choice Total
Limited to local organizations; not open to individuals. In the case of Junior Feature Booths, booths must be designed, constructed and installed by the organization members – adults should supervise only. Feature Booth dimensions shall be 10’x10’ floor space with a back wall of 8’ and side walls of 4’ and the entire allotted space should be utilized. Space is limited and will be assigned on a first come first serve basis by Fair Staff with Junior booths receiving preference. All materials and decorations must be a nonflammable material or treated and maintained with a flame retarding product. All lighting must have an on/off switch accessible to the Fair Staff. Exhibits must be maintained for the duration of the fair.
Premiums Offered Per Lot 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place $10 $5 $3 Should there be a tie in a placing; the premiums offered will be split between the organizations.
Feature Booth Score Card Title 10% Subject 20% Attracts Attention 20% Holds Interest 15% Appearance 20% Workmanship 15% Total 100%
Dept/Class 1-102 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
Scarecrow Ages 9-19 Ages 20 & older Family or Group Entry
PALLET DESIGNS Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Friday, July 21st at 5 PM Entry Fees: No entry fee Limit: One entry per exhibitor/group Type of Judging: American Restrictions: Siskiyou County residents only See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
SENIOR/OPEN FEATURE BOOTHS Friday, July 14th at 5 PM $30.00 One entry per organization American Booths must be constructed beginning on August 1st and completed by August 8th during business hours. Siskiyou County residents only See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
Entries are examples of how wood pallets can be repurposed into useful furniture, art or miscellaneous items. Items are limited to 4’x8’ with no height limitation. Pallet Design Score Card Originality Practicality Appearance Suitability Judge’s Choice Total
Premiums Offered Per Lot 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place 4th Place $275 $250 $225 $200 Should there be a tie in a placing; the premiums offered will be split between the organizations. Dept/Class 1-100 Lot 1
25% 25% 25% 15% 10% 100%
25% 25% 25% 15% 10% 100%
Premiums Offered Per Lot 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place $10 $5 $3 Should there be a tie in a placing; the premiums offered will be split between the exhibitors.
Community & Organizations Community & Organization Booth
Dept/Class 1-101 Government Agencies No entry fee & no premiums. Limited to available space. Lot 1 City, County, State or Federal Governmental Agencies
Dept/Class 1-103 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9
SCARECROW CONTEST Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Friday, July 21st at 5 PM Entry Fees: No entry fee Limit: One entry per exhibitor/group Type of Judging: American Restrictions: Siskiyou County residents only See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Pallet Designs Ages 9-19, art Ages 9-19, furniture Ages 9-19, miscellaneous Ages 20 & older, art Ages 20 & older, furniture Ages 20 & older, miscellaneous Family or Group Entry, art Family or Group Entry, furniture Family or Group Entry, miscellaneous
Entries can be made of any material, but must not exceed 4’ in any direction and all material/decorations must be of a nonflammable material or treated and maintained with a flame retarding product. For display purposes, scarecrows must be entered on a stable stand.
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
Friday, July 14th at 5 PM $15.00 One entry per organization American Booths must be constructed
beginning on July 31st and completed by August 7th during business hours. Siskiyou, Shasta, Trinity and Modoc County residents only See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
different types of vegetables or fruit; a minimum of 2 different types of fresh or dry herbs – no silk or plastic items. Basket/container not to exceed 24”x24”x24” Lot 1 Fair Theme
Premiums Offered Per Lot 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place 4th Place $150 $125 $100 $75 Should there be a tie in a placing; the premiums offered will be split between the organizations. Dept/Class 1-200 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
Junior Feature Booths FFA 4H Club Other, specify
DEPARTMENT 2 AGRICULTURE-HORTICULTURE The quality desired in these exhibits is the quality that brings the best financial return in the commercial market. Exhibits must be at least equal in maturity as the stage of ripeness required by Section 42513 of the California Agricultural Code in order to be considered for awards. Mature = having reached that state of ripeness that will insure the completion of the ripening process to a degree which will insure palatability after the removal of the product from the tree, plant or vine. Overripe = having an advanced state of maturity, which causes the production to be undesirable for human consumption in a fresh state. Variety of products must be provided on the entry form. Entries must be presented on a paper plate with the correct amount of specimens or the entry will be disqualified. Short stems should be left on green beans and cherry tomatoes. Leave 1-1.5” stem on beets. Bulk = 1 pint in an open jar. Sheaves = mature and cured, not less than 4” in diameter at the bottom tie.
SENIOR/OPEN AG-HORT (20 years old & older as of January 1st) st
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Friday, July 21 at 5 PM Entry Fees: No Entry Fee Limit: Two entries per exhibitor per lot Type of Judging: American Restrictions: Siskiyou County residents only See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times. Premiums Offered Per Lot 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place $3 $2 $1 Best of Shows may be awarded in each class (not lot) and will receive a Rosette per the judge’s discretion. 1st Place $15
Sweepstakes for Senior/Open Ag-Hort 2nd Place 3rd Place $10 $5
Dept/Class 2-100 Harvest Baskets Fill a basket or container with the following items: A minimum of 3
Dept/Class 2-101 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4
Hay – 3 Twine, 150 lb commercial bale Alfalfa Alfalfa and grass Grain hay Meadow hay
Dept/Class 2-102 Lot 1
Compost 3-5 lbs of compost in a bucket or similar container
Dept/Class 2-103 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
Grain All grains, bulk All grains, sheaves Field corn, bulk
Dept/Class 2-104 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
Dry Beans – bulk Kidney bean, red Pinto bean Other, specify
Dept/Class 2-105 Lot 1 Lot 2
Forage Plants – sheaves Alfalfa, all varieties Other, specify
Dept/Class 2-106 Lot 1 Lot 2
Field & Garden Seed – bulk Corn Other, specify
Dept/Class 2-107 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11
Fresh Herbs – one bunch, tied, able to hang Basil Chives Dill Oregano Parsley Peppermint Rosemary Sage Tarragon Thyme Other, specify
Dept/Class 2-108 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11
Dried Herbs Basil Chives Dill Oregano Parsley Peppermint Rosemary Sage Tarragon Thyme Other, specify
Dept/Class 2-109 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7
Fruit & Pod Vegetables Beans, green (12 pods) Beans, other specify (12 pods) Eggplant (3) Peas, market (12 pods) Peppers, bell (5) Peppers, Chile (5) Peppers, sweet banana (5)
Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12 Lot 13 Lot 14 Lot 15
Peppers, other specify (5) Tomatoes, cherry (12) Tomatoes, early varieties (5) Tomatoes, heirloom (5) Tomatoes, other late markets (5) Tomatoes, yellow (5) Tomatoes, others specify (5) Others, specify (5)
Dept/Class 2-110 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10
Leafy & Stem Vegetables Broccoli (3 heads) Rhubarb, strawberry (10 stalks) Cabbage, green (1 head) Cabbage, red (1 head) Swiss Chard, large ribbed (1 bunch) Swiss Chard, rhubarb type (1 bunch) Corn (5 ears not shucked) Lettuce, leaf (2 heads) Rhubarb, large variety (5 stalks) Other, specify
Dept/Class 2-111 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12 Lot 13 Lot 14 Lot 15 Lot 16 Lot 17 Lot 18
Root, Bulb & Tuber Vegetables Beets, garden (5) Beets, garden topped (5) Carrots (5) Carrots, topped (5) Garlic, elephant (5) Garlic (5) Onions, green (5 unpeeled) Onions, red (5 unpeeled) Onions, white (5 unpeeled) Onions, yellow (5 unpeeled) Potatoes (5) Potatoes, red skin (5) Potatoes, round white (5) Radishes, globe (2 bunches) Radishes, icicle (2 bunches) Shallots (5 unpeeled) Turnips, topped (5) Other, specify
Dept/Class 2-112 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12 Lot 13 Lot 14 Lot 15 Lot 16 Lot 17 Lot 18
Vine Crops Cucumbers, Armenian (3) Cucumbers, dill pickling (5) Cucumbers, lemon (3) Cucumbers, slicing (3) Gourds, ornamental (5) Melons, netted specify (1) Pumpkin, large field (1) Pumpkin, small pie (1) Squash, banana (1) Squash, butternut (1) Squash, green Hubbard (1) Squash, other specify Squash, table queen acorn (1) Squash, yellow crookneck (3) Squash, zucchini (3) Sunflower, field variety (1) Watermelon (1) Other, specify
Dept/Class 2-113 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5
All other fruit (3) Apples Grapes (3 bunches) Peaches, Plums, Apricots, Nectarines Pears All Varieties, specify
Dept/Class 2-114 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4
Berries – Standard Berry Basket (at least 15) Blackberries Raspberries Strawberries Other, specify
Dept/Class 2-115 Lot 1
Nuts – Standard Berry Basket (at least 15) All Varieties, specify
Dept/Class 2-116 Lot 1
Honey All Varieties, specify
Dept/Class 2-117 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10
Novelty Gardening Largest cabbage Largest carrot Largest onion Largest potato Largest other, specify Tallest cornstalk Tallest sunflower Unusual carrot Unusual potato Unusual other, specify
Dept/Class 2-118 Miscellaneous Coops must be portable with a base size up to 6’x8’ with the house up to 6’ tall. Lot 1 Portable Chicken Coop
JUNIOR AG-HORT (9 to 19 years old as of January 1st) Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Friday, July 21st at 5 PM Entry Fees: No Entry Fee Limit: Two entries per exhibitor per lot Type of Judging: American Restrictions: Siskiyou County residents only See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times. Premiums Offered Per Lot 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place $3 $2 $1 Best of Shows may be awarded in each class (not lot) and will receive a Rosette per the judge’s discretion. Dept/Class 2-200 Harvest Baskets Fill a basket or container with the following items: a minimum of 3 different types of vegetables or fruit; a minimum of 2 different types of fresh or dry herbs – no silk or plastic items. Basket/container not to exceed 24”x24”x24” Lot 1 Beginner: Ages 9-10 Lot 2 Intermediate: Ages 11-14 Lot 3 Advanced: Ages 15-19
Dept/Class 2-201 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
Decorated Vegetables – All Varieties Beginner: Ages 9-10 Intermediate: Ages 11-14 Advanced: Ages 15-19
Dept/Class 2-202 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5
Beginner Fruit & Pod Vegetables (Ages 9-10) Beans (10 pods) Bell Peppers (5) Tomatoes, miniature (10) Tomatoes (5) Other, specify
Dept/Class 2-203 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Dept/Class 2-204 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5
Beginner Root, Bulb & Tuber Vegetables (Ages 9-10) Beets (1 bunch) Carrots (1 bunch) Onions (5 unpeeled) Potatoes (5) Other, specify
Dept/Class 2-205 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
Beginner Vine Crops (Ages 9-10) Cucumbers, pickling (3) Cucumbers, slicing (3) Squash, baking (1) Squash, other table (3) Squash, zucchini (3) Other, specify
Dept/Class 2-206 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10
Beginner Novelty Gardening (Ages 9-10) Largest cabbage Largest carrot Largest onion Largest potato Largest, other specify Tallest cornstalk Tallest sunflower Unusual carrot Unusual potato Unusual other, specify
Dept/Class 2-207
Intermediate Fruit & Pod Vegetables (Ages 11-14) Beans (10 pods) Bell Peppers (5) Tomatoes, miniature (10) Tomatoes (5) Other, specify
Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Dept/Class 2-208 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Dept/Class 2-209 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5
Dept/Class 2-212 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Dept/Class 2-213 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Dept/Class 2-214 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5
Intermediate Leafy & Stem Vegetables (Ages 11-14) Cabbage (1 head) Corn (5 ears not shucked) Other, specify Intermediate Root, Bulb & Tuber Vegetables (Ages 11-14) Beets (1 bunch) Carrots (1 bunch) Onions (5 unpeeled) Potatoes (5) Other, specify
Dept/Class 2-210 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
Intermediate Vine Crops (Ages 11-14) Cucumbers, pickling (3) Cucumbers, slicing (3) Squash, baking (1) Squash, other table (3) Squash, zucchini (3) Other, specify
Dept/Class 2-211
Intermediate Novelty Gardening (Ages 11-14) Largest cabbage
Lot 1
Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10
Beginner Leafy & Stem Vegetables (Ages 9-10) Cabbage (1 head) Corn (5 ears not shucked) Other, specify
Largest carrot Largest onion Largest potato Largest other, specify Tallest cornstalk Tallest sunflower Unusual carrot Unusual potato Unusual other, specify Advanced Fruit & Pod Vegetables (Ages 15-19) Beans (10 pods) Bell Peppers (5) Tomatoes, miniature (10) Tomatoes (5) Other, specify Advanced Leafy & Stem Vegetables (Ages 15-19) Cabbage (1 head) Corn (5 ears not shucked) Other, specify Advanced Root, Bulb & Tuber Vegetables (Ages 15-19) Beets (1 bunch) Carrots (1 bunch) Onions (5 unpeeled) Potatoes (5) Other, specify
Dept/Class 2-215 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
Advanced Vine Crops (Ages 15-19) Cucumbers, pickling (3) Cucumbers, slicing (3) Squash, baking (1) Squash, other table (3) Squash, zucchini (3) Other, specify
Dept/Class 2-216 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10
Advanced Novelty Gardening (Ages 15-19) Largest cabbage Largest carrot Largest onion Largest potato Largest, other specify Tallest cornstalk Tallest sunflower Unusual carrot Unusual potato Unusual other, specify
PRIMARY AG-HORT (8 years old & under as of January 1st) Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Friday, July 21st at 5 PM Entry Fees: No Entry Fee Limit: Two entries per exhibitor per lot Restrictions: Siskiyou County residents only See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times. Ribbons only, no judging and no premiums. Dept/Class 2-300 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
Vegetables Large vegetables (pumpkin, squash, etc.) Small vegetables (potato, carrot, etc.) Other, specify
Dept/Class 2-301 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
Decorated Vegetables Large vegetables (pumpkin, squash, etc.) Small vegetables (potato, carrot, etc.) Other, specify
Dept/Class 2-302 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9
Novelty Gardening Largest cabbage Largest carrot Largest potato Largest other, specify Tallest cornstalk Tallest sunflower Unusual carrot Unusual potato Unusual other, specify
Ball® “Fresh Preserving Award” for Adult Level Presented by: Ball® & Kerr® Fresh Preserving Products Jarden Home Brands, marketers of Ball® and Kerr® Fresh Preserving Products, is proud to recognize today’s fresh preserving (canning) enthusiasts. Awards for 1st and 2nd place will be presented to individuals whose home canned entry is selected the best in the category. A panel of judges will select the top two entries in Fruits, Vegetables, Pickles, and Soft Spreads. Entries must be preserved in Ball® Jars and sealed with Ball® Lids and Bands specially designed for home canning, or preserved in Kerr® Jars sealed with Kerr® Lids and Bands specially designed for home canning. In addition, entries in the soft spread category must be prepared using Ball® Pectin: Classic, Low or No-Sugar, or Liquid. Proof of pectin purchase in the form of a receipt or product UPC must be submitted with entry. Entries from each category honored with the First Place award will receive: Two (2) five dollar coupons ($5) for Ball® or Kerr® Fresh Preserving Products and one (1) Free (up to $6 value) Coupon for Ball® Pectin. Entries from each category honored with the Second Place award will receive: One (1) five dollar coupons ($5) for Ball® or Kerr® Fresh Preserving Products and one (1) Free (up to $6 value) Coupon for Ball® Pectin.
DEPARTMENT 3 PRESERVED FOODS All entries must be home prepared and canned or packaged by the exhibitor within one year of the opening date of the fair. Items shown at previous fairs are not eligible. No paraffin seals. All canning must be in sealed jars and have canning rings. All vegetables, meats, poultry and fish must be canned under pressure. Low acidic fruits should be canned to specifications as directed in the University Agricultural Extension Service leaflet “Home Canning of Fruits.” Tomatoes and fruits (not including their juices) must be processed in a boiling water bath. Exhibitors should loosen rings (not lids) on jars that might be opened. Jars will be disqualified if they cannot be opened with reasonable effort. All products being considered for cash awards, which have not otherwise been eliminated from consideration, will be opened. All containers are to be glass, quart, pint, ½ pint or jelly jars (4 oz) unless otherwise stated. Freeze-dried or “food saver” packaging should equal 1 cup. All exhibits must be accurately labeled with only the following information: (1) contents; (2) date of processing; (3) process used. Exhibits without this information may be disqualified.
SENIOR/OPEN PRESERVED FOODS (20 years old & older as of January 1st) Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Friday, July 21st at 5 PM Entry Fees: No Entry Fee Limit: Two entries per exhibitor per lot Type of Judging: American Restrictions: Siskiyou County residents only See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Dept/Class 3-100 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7
Canned Fruits Apple Applesauce Apricot Berries Peaches Pears Other, specify
Dept/Class 3-101 Lot 1 Lot 2
Canned Fruit Syrup Apple Other, specify
Dept/Class 3-102 Lot 1
Canned Meats All varieties, specify
Dept/Class 3-103 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10
Canned Vegetables Beans, String Beets Carrots Corn Peppers Salsa Squash Tomatoes Tomatoes, stewed Other, specify
Dept/Class 3-104 Dried or Dehydrated Foods Freeze-dried or “food saver” packaging may be used. Lot 1 Apples Lot 2 Beef jerky Lot 3 Pears Lot 4 Stone fruits Lot 5 Tomatoes Lot 6 Other fruit, specify Lot 7 Other jerky, specify Lot 8 Other, specify
Premiums Offered Per Lot 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place $3 $2 $1 Best of Shows may be awarded in each class (not lot) and will receive a Rosette per the judge’s discretion. Sweepstakes for Senior/Open Preserved Foods 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place $15 $10 $5
Dept/Class 3-105 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5
Pickles, Relishes & Sauces Barbecue sauce Beets Bread and butter pickles Chili sauce Chutney
Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12 Lot 13 Lot 14 Lot 15 Lot 16 Lot 17 Lot 18 Lot 19 Lot 20 Lot 21
Cucumber pickles Cucumber relish Dill beans Dill pickles Enchilada sauce Green tomatoes Plum sauce Sour sauce Spaghetti sauce Sweet cucumber pickles Vegetables Zucchini pickles Other relishes, specify Other pickles, specify Other sauces, specify Other, specify
Dept/Class 3-106 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12 Lot 13 Lot 14
Jams Apricot Apricot pineapple Blackberry, sieved Blackberry, other Cherry Peach Plum Raspberry, sieved Raspberry, other Rhubarb Rhubarb strawberry Strawberry Other mixed, specify Other, specify
Dept/Class 3-107 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9
Jellies Apple Blackberry Grape Jalapeno Peach Plum Raspberry Strawberry Other, specify
Dept/Class 3-108 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5
Marmalades & Butter Apple butter Peach butter Pear butter Orange marmalade Other, specify
Dept/Class 3-109 Lot 1
Preserves All varieties, specify
Dept/Class 3-110 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
Infused Vinegars & Oils Fruit vinegars Herb vinegars Infused oils
Dept/Class 3-111 Lot 1
Fruit Leather All varieties, specify
Dept/Class 3-112 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4
Low Sugar/No Sugar Jams Jellies Pie filling Other, specify
JUNIOR PRESERVED FOODS (9 to 19 years old as of January 1st) Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Friday, July 21st at 5 PM Entry Fees: No Entry Fee Limit: Two entries per exhibitor per lot Type of Judging: American Restrictions: Siskiyou County residents only See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times. Premiums Offered Per Lot 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place $3 $2 $1 Best of Shows may be awarded in each class (not lot) and will receive a Rosette per the judge’s discretion. Ball® “Bring Fresh Preserving Award for Youth Level Presented by: Ball® & Kerr® Fresh Preserving Products Jarden Home Brands, marketers of Ball® and Kerr® Fresh Preserving Products, is proud to recognize today’s fresh preserving (canning) enthusiasts. An award for 1st place will be presented to individual whose home canned entry is selected the best in the category. A panel of judges will select the best entry in Fruits, Vegetables, Pickles, and Soft Spreads. Entries must be preserved in Ball® Jars and sealed with Ball® Lids and Bands specially designed for home canning, or preserved in Kerr® Jars sealed with Kerr® Lids and Bands specially designed for home canning. In addition, entries in the soft spread category must be prepared using Ball® Pectin: Classic, Low or No-Sugar, or Liquid. Proof of pectin purchase in the form of a receipt or product UPC must be submitted with entry. Entries from each category honored with a First Place award will receive: One (1) five dollar coupon ($5) for Ball® or Kerr® Fresh Preserving Products and one (1) Free (up to $6 value) Coupon for Ball® Pectin. Entries from each category honored with the Second Place award will receive: One (1) five dollar coupons ($5) for Ball® or Kerr® Fresh Preserving Products and one (1) Free (up to $6 value) Coupon for Ball® Pectin. Dept/Class 3-200 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5
Beginner Canned Fruits & Juices (Ages 9-10) Apple Apricot Berry Peach Other, specify
Dept/Class 3-201 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4
Beginner Jams & Jellies (Ages 9-10) Apricot Blackberry Strawberry Other, specify
Dept/Class 3-202 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
Beginner Pickles & Relishes (Ages 9-10) Pickles, bread and butter Pickles, dill Pickles, sweet Relish, dill Relish, sweet Other, specify
Dept/Class 3-203
Intermediate Canned Fruits & Juices (Ages 11-14) Apple Apricot Berry Peach Other, specify
Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5
Dept/Class 3-204 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4
Intermediate Jams & Jellies (Ages 11-14) Apricot Blackberry Strawberry Other, specify
Dept/Class 3-205 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
Intermediate Pickles & Relishes (Ages 11-14) Pickles, bread and butter Pickles, dill Pickles, sweet Relish, dill Relish, sweet Other, specify
Dept/Class 3-206
Advanced Canned Fruits & Juices (Ages 15-19) Apple Apricot Berry Peach Other, specify
Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Dept/Class 3-207 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4
Advanced Jams & Jellies (Ages 15-19) Apricot Blackberry Strawberry Other, specify
Dept/Class 3-208 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
Advanced Pickles & Relishes (Ages 15-19) Pickles, bread and butter Pickles, dill Pickles, sweet Relish, dill Relish, sweet Other, specify
SENIOR/OPEN BAKED FOODS (20 years old & older as of January 1st) Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Friday, July 21st at 5 PM Entry Fees: No Entry Fee Limit: Two entries per exhibitor per lot Type of Judging: American Restrictions: Siskiyou County residents only See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times. Premiums Offered Per Lot 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place $3 $2 $1 Best of Shows may be awarded in each class (not lot) and will receive a Rosette per the judge’s discretion. Sweepstakes for Senior/Open Baked Foods 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place $15 $10 $5 Dept/Class 4-100 Tricks with a Mix Start with a pre-packaged mix and add your own flair. Please include a copy of the recipe. Lot 1 Breads Lot 2 Cakes Lot 3 Cookies Lot 4 Other, specify Dept/Class 4-101 Light & Tasty Entries in this class are low/no fat, low cal or sugar free. Lot 1 Breads Lot 2 Cakes Lot 3 Cookies Lot 4 Other, specify
PRIMARY PRESERVED FOODS (8 years old & under as of January 1st) Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Friday, July 21st at 5 PM Entry Fees: No Entry Fee Limit: Two entries per exhibitor per lot Restrictions: Siskiyou County residents only See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times. Ribbons only, no judging and no premiums. Dept/Class 3-300 Lot 1 Lot 2
Preserved Foods Jams & jellies Others, specify
DEPARTMENT 4 BAKED FOODS The exhibitor must home-prepare all entries in these classes/lots. Foods must be presented on a paper plate inside a zip lock bag (with the exception of cakes). No entries will be accepted that require refrigeration. Quantities for judging are as follows (unless otherwise stated): breads ½ loaf plus 1 slice; mini loaf whole loaf plus 1 slice; muffins/cupcakes/biscuits/rolls/cookies/candy ½ dozen; cakes ½ cake plus 1 slice; pies whole pie. Confections and candy should contain 6 pieces.
Dept/Class 4-102 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10
Breads Banana Beer Cheese Corn French Pumpkin White Whole wheat Zucchini Other, specify
Dept/Class 4-103 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5
Biscuits & Rolls Baking powder, plain white Cinnamon rolls Muffins, dark flour Muffins, light flour Other, specify
Dept/Class 4-104 Lot 1
Layer Cakes All varieties, specify
Dept/Class 4-105 Decorated Cakes A mix, Styrofoam or cardboard may be used provided the shape is one that could reasonably be achieved through baking. Lot 1 Fair Theme Lot 2 All occasions, specify Dept/Class 4-106 Lot 1 Lot 2
Cakes & Cupcakes Carrot Chocolate
Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5
Coffee, breakfast type Cupcakes Other, specify
Dept/Class 4-107 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12 Lot 13 Lot 14 Lot 15 Lot 16
Cookies & Brownies Butter Butterscotch brownies Chocolate Chocolate brownies, unfrosted Chocolate chip Filled Ginger Lemon bars Oatmeal Peanut butter Snicker doodles Sugar Unbaked Zucchini Other cookies, specify Other brownies, specify
Dept/Class 4-108 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
Pies Apple, two crust Other, two crust Other, specify
Dept/Class 4-109 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5
Confections Chocolate fudge, plain Chocolate fudge, with nuts English toffee Peanut brittle Other, specify
a copy of the recipe. Lot 1 Beginner: Ages 9-10 Lot 2 Intermediate: Ages 11-14 Lot 3 Advanced: Ages 15-19 Dept/Class 4-201 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Dept/Class 4-202 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Dept/Class 4-203 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9
Dept/Class 4-110 Natural Baking Entries in this class are to be made with natural sweeteners or ingredients (honey, raw sugar, whole wheat flour, etc.). Please include a copy of the recipe. Lot 1 Breads Lot 2 Cakes Lot 3 Cookies Lot 4 Other, specify Dept/Class 4-111 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4
Dept/Class 4-204 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5
For Men Only Breads Cakes Cookies Other, specify
Dept/Class 4-205 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4
JUNIOR BAKED FOODS (9 to 19 years old as of January 1st)
Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Friday, July 21st at 5 PM Entry Fees: No Entry Fee Limit: Two entries per exhibitor per lot Type of Judging: American Restrictions: Siskiyou County residents only See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Dept/Class 4-206
Premiums Offered Per Lot 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place $3 $2 $1 Best of Shows may be awarded in each class (not lot) and will receive a Rosette per the judge’s discretion.
Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5
Dept/Class 4-200 Tricks with a Mix Start with a pre-packaged mix and add your own flair. Please include
Beginner Baked Goods (Ages 9-10) Bar cookies Bread and rolls Cakes Cookies in a jar, include ½ dozen cookies made from the recipe Drop, rolled and shaped cookies Muffins and cupcakes Pastry (6” pie or 4” tart) Quick bread Other, specify Beginner Miscellaneous Baked Goods (Ages 9-10) Candy Decorated cake, real or Styrofoam/cardboard Decorated cupcakes (6) Marshmallow sculpture Other, specify Intermediate Baked Goods (Ages 11-14) Bar cookies Bread and rolls Cakes Cookies in a jar, include ½ dozen cookies made from the recipe Drop, rolled and shaped cookies Muffins and cupcakes Pastry (6” pie or 4” tart) Quick bread Other, specify Intermediate Miscellaneous Baked Goods (Ages 11-14) Candy Decorated cake, real or Styrofoam/cardboard Decorated cupcakes (6) Marshmallow sculpture Other, specify Advanced Baked Goods (Ages 15-19) Bar cookies Bread and rolls Cakes Cookies in a jar, include ½ dozen cookies made from the recipe Drop, rolled and shaped cookies Muffins and cupcakes Pastry (6” pie or 4” tart) Quick bread Other, specify Advanced Miscellaneous Baked Goods (Ages 15-19) Candy Decorated cake, real or Styrofoam/cardboard Decorated cupcakes (6) Marshmallow sculpture Other, specify
PRIMARY BAKED FOODS (8 years old & under as of January 1st)
SENIOR/OPEN THEME BASKETS (20 years old & older as of January 1st)
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Friday, July 21st at 5 PM Entry Fees: No Entry Fee Limit: Two entries per exhibitor per lot Restrictions: Siskiyou County residents only See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times. Ribbons only, no judging and no premiums.
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Friday, July 21st at 5 PM Entry Fees: No Entry Fee Limit: Two entries per exhibitor per lot Type of Judging: Danish Restrictions: Siskiyou County residents only See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Dept/Class 4-300 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
Baked Foods Bar cookies Bread Cookies Decorated cupcake (1) Muffins and cupcakes Other, specify
Premiums Offered Per Lot 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place $10 $5 $3 Best of Shows may be awarded in each class (not lot) and will receive a Rosette per the judge’s discretion.
Dept/Class 4-301 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
Marshmallow Sculptures Animal Human Other, specify
Dept/Class 5-101 Theme Baskets Baskets are to be labeled and not be over 24”x24x24”. Baskets are to include at least 2 baked foods and 2 home preserved foods and all the proper service items (bowls, plates, forks, etc.). All items must be IN the basket or it will be disqualified. Lot 1 The Bounty of Siskiyou County
JUNIOR TABLE SETTINGS (9 to 19 years old as of January 1st)
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Friday, July 21st at 5 PM Entry Fees: No Entry Fee Limit: Two entries per exhibitor per lot Type of Judging: Danish Restrictions: Siskiyou County residents only See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
All tables must be set by the exhibitor only. Exhibitors will provide their own card tables to set. Tables are to be set for two people; dishes for the main course only, glassware and silverware for all courses except dessert. A menu with the theme should be displayed on the table. It may be typed or neatly printed on a 5”X7” card. If fresh flowers are used on the table during judging, they must be maintained by the exhibitor during the fair. No paper products may be used.
Premiums Offered Per Lot 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place $10 $5 $3 Best of Shows may be awarded in each class (not lot) and will receive a Rosette per the judge’s discretion. Dept/Class 5-200 Lot 1 Lot 2
Table Settings Score Card Correctness 30% Originality 30% Overall Picture 30% Judges Choice 10% Total 100%
JUNIOR THEME BASKETS (9 to 19 years old as of January 1st) Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Friday, July 21st at 5 PM Entry Fees: No Entry Fee Limit: Two entries per exhibitor per lot Type of Judging: Danish Restrictions: Siskiyou County residents only See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
SENIOR/OPEN TABLE SETTINGS (20 years old & older as of January 1st) Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Friday, July 21st at 5 PM Entry Fees: No Entry Fee Limit: Two entries per exhibitor per lot Type of Judging: Danish Restrictions: Siskiyou County residents only See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Premiums Offered Per Lot 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place $10 $5 $3 Best of Shows may be awarded in each class (not lot) and will receive a Rosette per the judge’s discretion.
Premiums Offered Per Lot 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place $10 $5 $3 Best of Shows may be awarded in each class (not lot) and will receive a Rosette per the judge’s discretion. Dept/Class 5-100 Lot 1 Lot 2
Table Settings A Little Bit Country Pioneer Days to Modern Ways
Dept/Class 5-201 Theme Baskets Baskets are to be labeled and not be over 24”x24x24”. Baskets are to include at least 2 baked foods and 2 home preserved foods and all the proper service items (bowls, plates, forks, etc.). All items must be IN the basket or it will be disqualified. Lot 1 The Bounty of Siskiyou County
Table Settings A Little Bit Rock & Roll Pioneer Days to Modern Ways
Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7
DEPARTMENT 6 CLOTHING & TEXTILES All entries in this class must have been home produced by the exhibitor within one year of the opening date of the fair. Items that have been previously shown at the Siskiyou Golden Fair are not eligible. Exhibits must be cleaned and pressed. Woven articles are to be hand loomed. All quilts must have a 4” sleeve (opening) attached to the back for display purposes. Quilts larger than queen size may not be hung. If a quilt is hung, it will not be available for pick up until the Monday following the fair.
Dept/Class 6-105 Counted Cross Stitch Pictures should be framed and ready to hang. 17 stitches per inch and under Lot 1 Picture, up to 5”x7” Lot 2 Picture, over 5”x7” Lot 3 Pillow Lot 4 Group of items Lot 5 Other, specify 18 stitches per inch and over Lot 6 Picture, up to 5”x7” Lot 7 Picture, over 5”x7” Lot 8 Pillow Lot 9 Group of items Lot 10 Other, specify
SENIOR/OPEN CLOTHING & TEXTILES (20 years old & older as of January 1st) Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Friday, July 21st at 5 PM Entry Fees: No Entry Fee Limit: Two entries per exhibitor per lot Type of Judging: American Restrictions: Siskiyou County residents only See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Dept/Class 6-106 Lot 1
Sweepstakes for Senior/Open Clothing & Textiles 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place $15 $10 $5 Afghans Crochet, baby Crochet, multicolor Crochet, original creation Crochet, solid color Crochet, with embroidery Knitted, baby Knitted, multicolor Knitted, solid color Other, baby Other, specify
Dept/Class 6-101 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
Bedspreads Crochet or knitted Crochet or knitted, crib Other, specify
Dept/Class 6-102 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
Tablecloth Crochet Embroidered Other, specify
Dept/Class 6-103 Needlepoint Pictures should be framed and ready to hang. Lot 1 Picture, up to 8”x10” Lot 2 Picture, over 8”x10” Lot 3 Pillow Lot 4 Other, specify Dept/Class 6-104 Lot 1 Lot 2
Hand Sewn Clothing All items, specify
Dept/Class 6-107 Hand Spun Yarn Exhibitor must submit a 3”x3” square knitted or crocheted from the yarn. Square need not be knitted or crocheted by the exhibitor. Lot 1 Angora, double ply 50% minimum Lot 2 Angora, single ply 50% minimum Lot 3 Double ply, dyed Lot 4 Double ply, natural Lot 5 Novelty plied Lot 6 Single ply, dyed Lot 7 Single ply, natural Lot 8 Other, specify
Premiums Offered Per Lot 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place $3 $2 $1 Best of Shows may be awarded in each class (not lot) and will receive a Rosette per the judge’s discretion.
Dept/Class 6-100 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10
Hand embroidery Pillow cases Ribbon embroidery Table Runner Other, specify
Embroidery Dish towels Embroidered clothing
Dept/Class 6-108 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
Hand Spun Yarn Articles Hat Sweater Socks, pair Shawl/scarf Tapestry/wall hanging Other, specify
Dept/Class 6-109 Lot 1 Lot 2
Hand Weaving All items by hand, specify All items by loom, specify
Dept/Class 6-110 Lot 1
Machine Knit All items, specify
Dept/Class 6-111 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10
Hand Knitting Booties and cap Hat or cap Infant set, 3 pieces Scarf Stole or shawl Sweater, child Sweater, infant Sweater, man Sweater, woman Other, specify
Dept/Class 6-112 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
Crocheted Centerpiece, over 14” Doily, over 14” Doily, under 14”
Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12 Lot 13 Lot 14 Lot 15 Lot 16 Lot 17
Hat or cap Infant set, 3 pieces Pot holders, pair Slippers Stuffed animal Stuffed doll/clown Sweater Sweater, child Sweater, infant Table mats, set of 4 Towels, pair Vest Vest, child Other, specify
Dept/Class 6-113 Lot 1
Mixed Media All items, specify
Dept/Class 6-114 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12
Children’s Wear, Sewn Bib Dress Infant Jacket Jumper Nightgown Outfit, 2 or more pieces Pajamas Pants Shirt Skirt Other, specify
Dept/Class 6-115 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9
Adult Wear, Sewn Dress, casual Dress, formal Jacket Outfit, 2 or more pieces Pants or slacks Shirt Shorts Skirt Other, specify
Dept/Class 6-116 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12 Lot 13 Lot 14 Lot 15 Lot 16 Lot 17 Lot 18 Lot 19
Miscellaneous, Sewn Apron Basket Christmas decoration Costume Doll clothes Doll, all parts handmade Doll, over 11” dressed Doll, up to 11”dressed Jewel or soft box Kitchen towel Pillow Pot holders, pair Purse Recycled articles Stuffed animal Stuffed doll, over 20” Stuffed doll, up to 20” Other holiday decoration, specify Other, specify
Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4
Crocheted Quilts Sewn Other, specify
Dept/Class 6-118 Duct Tape Clothing All exhibits in this class must be made from duct tape. Any color may be used. Lot 1 Hat Lot 2 Purse Lot 3 Wallet Lot 4 Other, specify Dept/Class 6-119 Quilts The Siskiyou Country Quilters Guild has sponsored the following cash prizes: 1st Place $20; 2nd Place $15.00; 3rd Place $10.00 Limit: One entry per exhibitor per lot this class only Lot 1 My first quilt Lot 2 Group quilt: pieced and/or finished by more than one person Lot 3 Hand quilted by exhibitor: machine pieced and hand quilted by exhibitor Lot 4 Hand pieced and hand quilted by exhibitor Lot 5 Machine quilted by the exhibitor Lot 6 Long arm machine quilted: machine or hand pieced by the exhibitor, long arm machine quilted by someone else Lot 7 Machine quilted, not on long arm: machine or hand pieced by the exhibitor, machine quilted by someone else Lot 8 Hand appliqué and hand quilted by the exhibitor Lot 9 Hand appliqué and machine quilted by the exhibitor or someone else Lot 10 Machine appliqué and hand quilted by the exhibitor Lot 11 Machine appliqué and machine quilted by the exhibitor and machine quilted by the exhibitor or someone else Lot 12 Miniature, perimeter measurement 60” or less Lot 13 Childs Lot 14 Vintage quilt: vintage pieces, blocks or tops finished within the last year by the exhibitor Lot 15 Other, specify Dept/Class 6-120 Quilted Items The Siskiyou Country Quilters Guild has sponsored the following cash prizes: 1st Place $20; 2nd Place $15.00; 3rd Place $10.00 Lot 1 Jacket or coat Lot 2 Pillow Lot 3 Wall hanging Lot 4 Other, specify Dept/Class 6-121 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
Appliqué Pillow Wall hanging Other, specify
Dept/Class 6-122 “Quilts from the Heart” All items will be donated to the Siskiyou Domestic Violence and Crisis Center in Yreka. Lot 1 Quilts from the Heart
JUNIOR CLOTHING & TEXTILES (9 to 19 years old as of January 1st)
Dept/Class 6-117 Give Away a Smile All items will be donated to the Siskiyou Domestic Violence and Crisis Center in Yreka.
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees:
Friday, July 21st at 5 PM No Entry Fee
Lot 5 Lot 6
Limit: Two entries per exhibitor per lot Type of Judging: American Restrictions: Siskiyou County residents only See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Dept/Class 6-208 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8
Premiums Offered Per Lot 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place $3 $2 $1 Best of Shows may be awarded in each class (not lot) and will receive a Rosette per the judgeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s discretion. Dept/Class 6-200 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
Silly Stuffed Socks Beginner: Ages 9-10 Intermediate: Ages 11-14 Advanced: Ages 15-19
Dept/Class 6-201 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
Beginner Sewn Items (Ages 9-10) Coordinated outfit, more than 2 pieces Kitchen accessories Pillow or cushion Two piece outfit Wearable or single clothing item Other, specify
Dept/Class 6-202
Beginner Handmade & Machine Sewn Items (Ages 9-10) Christmas decorations Costume Purses Recycled items Stuffed animal Tote bag Wall hanging Other, specify
Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8
Intermediate Handmade & Machine Sewn Items (Ages 11-14) Christmas decorations Costume Purses Stuffed animal Tote bag Recycled items Wall hanging Other, specify
Dept/Class 6-209
Intermediate Wearable Needlework (Ages 11-14) Knitting, crochet or embroidery. Lot 1 Single item Lot 2 Two piece outfit Dept/Class 6-210 Intermediate Needlework (Ages 11-14) Knitting, crochet or embroidery. Lot 1 Dish towel(s) Lot 2 Pillow Lot 3 Pot holder(s) Lot 4 Table mat(s) Lot 5 Other, specify Dept/Class 6-211
Intermediate Give Away a Smile (Ages 11-14) All items will be donated to the Siskiyou Domestic Violence and Crisis Center in Yreka. Lot 1 Sewn Lot 2 Other, specify Dept/Class 6-212
Intermediate Duct Tape Clothing (Ages 11-14) All exhibits in this class must be made from duct tape. Any color duct tape may be used. Lot 1 Hat Lot 2 Purse Lot 3 Wallet Lot 4 Other, specify
Dept/Class 6-203 Beginner Wearable Needlework (Ages 9-10) Knitting, crochet or embroidery. Lot 1 Single item Lot 2 Two piece outfit Dept/Class 6-204 Beginner Needlework (Ages 9-10) Knitting, crochet or embroidery. Lot 1 Dish towel(s) Lot 2 Pillow Lot 3 Pot holder(s) Lot 4 Table mat(s) Lot 5 Other, specify Dept/Class 6-205 Beginner Give Away a Smile (Ages 9-10) All items will be donated to the Siskiyou Domestic Violence and Crisis Center in Yreka. Lot 1 Sewn Lot 2 Other, specify
Dept/Class 6-213 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
Advanced Sewn Items (Ages 15-19) Coordinated outfit, more than 2 pieces Kitchen accessories Pillow or cushion Two piece outfit Wearable or single clothing item Other, specify
Dept/Class 6-214
Advanced Handmade & Machine Sewn Items (Ages 15-19) Christmas decorations Costume Purses Recycled items Stuffed animal Tote bag Wall hanging Other, specify
Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8
Dept/Class 6-206 Beginner Duct Tape Clothing (Ages 9-10) All exhibits in this class must be made from duct tape. Any color duct tape may be used. Lot 1 Hat Lot 2 Purse Lot 3 Wallet Lot 4 Other, specify Dept/Class 6-207 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4
Wearable or single clothing item Other, specify
Intermediate Sewn Items (Ages 11-14) Coordinated outfit, more than 2 pieces Kitchen accessories Pillow or cushion Two piece outfit
Dept/Class 6-215
Advanced Wearable Needlework (Ages 15-19) Knitting, crochet or embroidery. Lot 1 Single item
Lot 2
Two piece outfit
Dept/Class 6-216 Advanced Needlework (Ages 15-19) Knitting, crochet or embroidery. Lot 1 Dish towel(s) Lot 2 Pillow Lot 3 Pot holder(s) Lot 4 Table mat(s) Lot 5 Other, specify
Exhibits must have been grown in Siskiyou County with the exception or arrangements. Items exhibited at other fairs are not eligible. Vases are available on a first come, first serve basis. If supplying your own containers, please mark them and vases not picked up within one week of the closing of fair will become property of the fair. The Siskiyou Golden Fair will not be responsible for loss or breakage. A photocopied sheet of recommended tips for preparing floral exhibits is available at the fair office.
Dept/Class 6-217 Advanced Give Away a Smile (Ages 15-19) All items will be donated to the Siskiyou Domestic Violence and Crisis Center in Yreka. Lot 1 Sewn Lot 2 Other, specify Dept/Class 6-218 Advanced Duct Tape Clothing (Ages 15-19) All exhibits in this class must be made from duct tape. Any color duct tape may be used. Lot 1 Hat Lot 2 Purse Lot 3 Wallet Lot 4 Other, specify Dept/Class 6-219 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4
Beginner Quilts (Ages 9-10) Quilt made by one person Quilt made by more than one person Quilted item Other, specify
Dept/Class 6-220 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4
Intermediate Quilts (Ages 11-14) Quilt made by one person Quilt made by more than one person Quilted item Other, specify
Dept/Class 6-221 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4
Advanced Quilts (Ages 15-19) Quilt made by one person Quilt made by more than one person Quilted item Other, specify
SENIOR/OPEN FLORICULTURE (20 years old & older as of January 1st) Friday, July 21st at 5 PM No Entry Fee Two entries per exhibitor per lot American Siskiyou County residents only; Commercial growers not eligible See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
Premiums Offered Per Lot 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place $3 $2 $1 Best of Shows may be awarded in each class (not lot) and will receive a Rosette per the judgeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s discretion. Sweepstakes for Senior/Open Floriculture (overall) 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place $15 $10 $5 Sweepstakes for Senior/Open Floriculture (cut specimens) 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place $15 $10 $5 Specimen Cut Classes One flower on a single stem, unless otherwise stated. Cut flowers must have their own foliage or foliage grown on stem with flower.
PRIMARY CLOTHING & TEXTILES (8 years old & under as of January 1st) Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Friday, July 21st at 5 PM Entry Fees: No Entry Fee Limit: Two entries per exhibitor per lot Restrictions: Siskiyou County residents only See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times. Ribbons only, no judging and no premiums. Dept/Class 6-300 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
Sewn Items Non wearable item Wearable item Other, specify
Dept/Class 6-301 Lot 1
Silly Stuffed Sock Silly Stuffed Sock
Dept/Class 6-302 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4
Duct Tape Clothing Hat Purse Wallet Other, specify
Dept/Class 7-100 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4
Annual, 3 Stem Annual Vinca Asters Carnations Other, specify
Dept/Class 7-101 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5
Cosmos Lavender Pink White Variegated Other, specify
Dept/Class 7-102 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
Dahlias, Dinner Plate Type Lavender or purple Orange or yellow Red or pink White Variegated Other, specify
Dept/Class 7-103 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
Dahlias, Decorative Lavender or purple Orange or yellow Red or pink White Variegated Other, specify
Dept/Class 7-104 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7
Dahlias, All Other Types, Specify Lavender or purple Orange or yellow Red or pink White Variegated All colors, 3 stem Other, specify
Dept/Class 7-105 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12 Lot 13
Gladioli Cream Green Lavender to wine Orange Pink Red Salmon White White with markings Yellow Dark variegated Light variegated Other, specify
Dept/Class 7-106 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5
Daisy Gloriosa, single Gloriosa, double Shasta, single Shasta, double Other, specify
Dept/Class 7-107 Lot 1 Lot 2
Pansies, 5 Stems Plain, all colors Ruffled, all colors
Dept/Class 7-108 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4
Marigolds, 1 Stem Double dwarf, all colors Double giant hybrid, all colors Double, nearest to white Other, specify
Dept/Class 7-109 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12
Petunias, 1 Stem Bicolor Cascade giant, all colors Double ruffled, all colors Single, pink Single, purple Single, blue Single, red Single, rose Single, wine Single, white Single, variegated Other, specify
Dept/Class 7-110 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
Perennials Achillea Blacked-eyed Susan Blanket flower
Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12
Coreopsis Echinacea Hardy Hibiscus Monarda Penstemon Phlox Sedum Veronica Other, specify
Dept/Class 7-111 Hybrid Tea Roses, 1 Stem ½” – ¾” open disbud early. Lot 1 Blends Lot 2 Pink Lot 3 Red Lot 4 Yellow Lot 5 Other, specify
Dept/Class 7-112 Lot 1 Lot 2
Grandiflora Roses, 1 Stem Single blossom, all colors Multiple blossom, all colors
Dept/Class 7-113 Lot 1 Lot 2
Floribunda Roses, 1 Cluster Pink or red Other, specify
Dept/Class 7-114 Lot 1
Miniature Roses, 1 Stem All varieties, specify
Dept/Class 7-115 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5
All Other Roses, 1 Stem, Specify Blends Pink Red White Other, specify
Dept/Class 7-116 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7
Decorative Sunflowers Brown Burgundy Double light Double dark Orange Yellow Other, specify
Dept/Class 7-117 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5
Snapdragons Pink Red White Yellow Other, specify
Dept/Class 7-118 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9
Zinnia, Large Dahlia Type Lavender or purple Orange Pink Red Rose Salmon Yellow White Other, specify
Dept/Class 7-119 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
Zinnia, Hybrid Cactus Lavender or purple Orange or yellow Pink, red or salmon
Lot 4 Lot 5 Dept/Class 7-120 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9
Striped or mottled, any large type Other, specify Other Cut Specimen Asters Bachelor buttons Calendula Hollyhock Love in a mist Sweet peas Sweet Williams Verbena Other, specify
Blooming Classes Exhibit to consist of three specimens of one variety and color of flower showing bud to maturity. Flower’s own foliage should be attached if possible. The three stages of bloom are to be displayed in one container supplied by the exhibitor. Maximum container size is 5”w x 6”l x 8”h. Flower frogs, to hold arrangements together, may be used if necessary. Exhibits will be judged on form, color, substance, condition, placement, bloom stage and container. Dept/Class 7-121 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9
Bloom Cycle Cosmo Dahlia Daisy Lilly Petunia Hybrid tea rose Sunflower Zinnia Other, specify
Cosmo Bouquets Pink Yellow or orange Mixed colors Other, specify
Dept/Class 7-123 Lot 1
Dahlia Bouquets All colors, specify
Dept/Class 7-124 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
Summer Bulb Bouquets, 3 Stems Gladioli Lilies Other, specify
Dept/Class 7-125 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7
Other Annual Bouquets, 3 Stems Amaranthus Aster California Poppy Dahlia Marigold Sunflower Other, specify
Dept/Class 7-127 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8
Perennial Bouquets, Stems Bee Balm Black-eyed Susan Blanket flower Echinacea Daisy Sedum Veronica Other, specify
Dept/Class 7-128 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
Rose Bouquets Floribunda Hybrid tea Other, specify
Dept/Class 7-129 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4
Zinnia Bouquets, Large Type Mixed colors, small type Other, specify, small type Mixed colors, large type Other, specify, large type
Potted Plants Classes Pot of appropriate container is to be used. Exhibitors shall be responsible for placement and removal of large potted plants. Dept/Class 7-131 Begonia Maximum 16” container. Lot 1 Tuberous Camellia type Lot 2 Other, specify
One entry per exhibitor per lot (classes 122-130 only)
Dept/Class 7-122 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4
Petunia Bouquets Fringed Ruffled Singles, dark Singles, light Other, specify
Dept/Class 7-130 Small Flower Bouquets, 5 Stems Maximum container height: 6” Lot 1 Dwarf Marigolds Lot 2 Single Nasturtiums Lot 3 Other, specify
Bouquet Classes Exhibit may be mixed colors, one variety if not otherwise specified. Each entry must contain 5 stems unless otherwise specified. Limit the use of buds and leaves when acceptable. Buds showing the color will be counted and judged as flowers. The choice of container will be judged as part of the display. The container should be taller than it is wide. Limit:
Dept/Class 7-126 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5
Dept/Class 7-132 Cacti & Succulent Maximum 16” container. Lot 1 Cactus, Christmas type Lot 2 Cactus, other Lot 3 Hens & Chickens, 2 or more varieties Lot 4 Succulent, collection Lot 5 Succulent, single Lot 6 Other, specify Dept/Class 7-133 Geraniums Maximum 16” container. Lot 1 Pink Lot 2 Red or white Lot 3 Other, specify Dept/Class 7-134 Hanging Baskets Maximum 16” container. Lot 1 Geranium Lot 2 Other, specify Dept/Class 7-135 Lot 1 Lot 2
Miscellaneous Potted Plants African violets Coleus
Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9
Flowering Jade Mixed plants, planter not larger than 12”x24” Odd or unusual foliage Philodendron Unusual container Other, specify
Dept/Class 7-141 Lot 1 Lot 2
Beginner Dry Arrangements Fair Theme Exhibitor’s Choice, specify theme – entries in this class may contain silk and dry flowers
Dept/Class 7-142 Lot 1 Lot 2
Intermediate Dry Arrangements Fair Theme Exhibitor’s Choice, specify theme – entries in this class may contain silk and dry flowers
Dept/Class 7-143 Lot 1 Lot 2
Advanced Dry Arrangements Fair Theme Exhibitor’s Choice, specify theme – entries in this class may contain silk and flowers
Dept/Class 7-144 Lot 1 Lot 2
Beginner Fresh Arrangements Fair Theme Exhibitor’s Choice, specify theme
Dept/Class 7-145 Lot 1 Lot 2
Intermediate Fresh Arrangements Fair Theme Exhibitor’s Choice, specify theme
Dept/Class 7-146 Lot 1 Lot 2
Advanced Fresh Arrangements Fair Theme Exhibitor’s Choice, specify theme
Dept/Class 7-147 Lot 1
Hanging Arrangements All containers, specify
Miscellaneous Dept/Class 7-136 1 branch or stem Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5
Flowering Shrubs & Sub Shrubs Butterfly bush Lavender Rose of Sharon Salvia Other, specify
Dept/Class 7-137 Single Blossom Magic, 1 Single Flower 1 single flower with own foliage and container Lot 1 Coneflowers Lot 2 Dahlia Lot 3 Hardy Hibiscus Lot 4 Lily Lot 5 Rose Lot 6 Other, specify Dept/Class 7-138 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
Lavender, 3 Flowering Stems Purple White or pink Other, specify
Dept/Class 7-148 Window Boxes Should contain fresh ground coverings and flowers. Boxes not to exceed 8”x10”x 36” Lot 1 Fair Theme
Dept/Class 7-139 Ornamental Grasses & Ferns Grasses: 3 seed heads and 3 blades. Ferns: 3 fronds. Lot 1 Ferns Lot 2 Green grasses Lot 3 Silver grasses Lot 4 Variegated grasses Lot 5 Other, specify
JUNIOR FLORICULTURE (9 to 19 years old as of January 1st) Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Friday, July 21st at 5 PM Entry Fees: No Entry Fee Limit: Two entries per exhibitor per lot Type of Judging: American Restrictions: Siskiyou County residents only See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Dept/Class 7-140 Conifer Trees & Shrubs 1 branch up to 2’ long with 1-5 cones/fruits. Lot 1 Cedar Lot 2 Pine Lot 3 Other, specify
Premiums Offered Per Lot 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place $3 $2 $1 Best of Shows may be awarded in each class (not lot) and will receive a Rosette per the judge’s discretion.
Arrangements Arrangements must be contained within a 12” square area. Only artificial bird nests may be used. Plastic or silk flowers may not be used unless otherwise stated. Definitions Beginner: Anyone who has not won a blue ribbon at any Siskiyou Golden Fair. Intermediate: Exhibitors who have won one, but not more than 5 blue ribbons at the Siskiyou Golden Fair. Advanced: Exhibitors who have won 6 or more blue ribbons at the Siskiyou Golden Fair. Arrangement Score Card Color Combinations Relation to Receptacle Proportion & Balance Design & Originality Suitability Condition Total
Dept/Class 7-200 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12
20% 20% 15% 15% 15% 15% 100%
Beginner Specimen Cut, Perennial (Ages 9-10) Black-eyed Susan Butterfly bush Daisy Lavender Lily Phlox Pinks Rose, dark shades Rose, light shades Russian sage Yarrow Other, specify
Dept/Class 7-201 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9
Beginner Specimen Cut, Annual (Ages 9-10) Bachelor buttons Marigold Petunias, dark shades Petunias, light shades Snapdragon Sunflower Verbena Zinnia Other, specify
Dept/Class 7-202
Beginner Miscellaneous Floriculture (Ages 9-10) Hanging basket Hens and chickens Succulent Decorated terra cotta pot, 6”-8” Window boxes, not to exceed 8” x 10”x36” Funny face, use a Styrofoam cup to grow some grass and decorate the cup to look like a face Other, specify
Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Dept/Class 7-203 Lot 1 Lot 2
Beginner Dry Arrangements (Ages 9-10) Fair Theme Exhibitor’s Choice, specify theme – entries in this class may contain silk and dry flowers
Dept/Class 7-204 Lot 1 Lot 2
Beginner Fresh Arrangements (Ages 9-10) Fair Theme Exhibitor’s Choice, specify theme
Dept/Class 7-205
Intermediate Specimen Cut, Perennial (Ages 11-14) Black-eyed Susan Butterfly bush Daisy Lavender Lily Phlox Pinks Rose, dark shades Rose, light shades Russian sage Yarrow Other, specify
Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12 Dept/Class 7-206 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Dept/Class 7-207 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
Lot 7 Dept/Class 7-208 Lot 1 Lot 2
Dept/Class 7-209 Lot 1 Lot 2 Dept/Class 7-210 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Dept/Class 7-211 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Dept/Class 7-212 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
Intermediate Specimen Cut, Annual (Ages 11-14) Bachelor buttons Marigold Petunias, dark shades Petunias, light shades Snapdragon Sunflower Verbena Zinnia Other, specify
Lot 7
Intermediate Miscellaneous Floriculture (Ages 11-14) Hanging basket Hens and chickens Succulent Decorated terra cotta pot, 6”-8” Window boxes, not to exceed 8”x10”x36” Funny face, use a Styrofoam cup to grow some grass and decorate the cup to look like a face
Other, specify Intermediate Dry Arrangements (Ages 11-14) Fair Theme Exhibitor’s Choice, specify theme – entries in this class may contain silk and dry flowers Intermediate Fresh Arrangements (Ages 11-14) Fair Theme Exhibitor’s Choice, specify theme Advanced Specimen Cut, Perennial (Ages 15-19) Black-eyed Susan Butterfly bush Daisy Lavender Lily Phlox Pinks Rose Russian sage Yarrow Other, specify Advanced Specimen Cut, Annual (Ages 15-19) Bachelor buttons Marigold Petunias, dark shades Petunias, light shades Snapdragon Sunflower Verbena Zinnia Other, specify Advanced Miscellaneous Floriculture (Ages 15-19) Hanging basket Hens and chickens Succulent Decorated terra cotta pot, 6”-8” Window boxes, not to exceed 8”x10”x36” Funny face, use a Styrofoam cup to grow some grass and decorate the cup to look like a face Other, specify
Dept/Class 7-213 Lot 1 Lot 2
Advanced Dry Arrangements (Ages 15-19) Fair Theme Exhibitor’s Choice, specify theme – entries in this class may contain silk and dry flowers
Dept/Class 7-214 Lot 1 Lot 2
Advanced Fresh Arrangements (Ages 15-19) Fair Theme Exhibitors Choice, specify theme
PRIMARY FLORICULTURE (8 years old & under as of January 1st) Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Friday, July 21st at 5 PM Entry Fees: No Entry Fee Limit: Two entries per exhibitor per lot Restrictions: Siskiyou County residents only See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Ribbons only, no judging and no premiums. Dept/Class 7-300 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5
Senior Fine Arts Definitions Beginner: Open to exhibitors who are just starting out in any art medium (pencil, ink, watercolor, etc.), and have engaged in art work as a pastime or hobby. Exhibitors cannot remain in this class after winning a blue ribbon at the Siskiyou Golden Fair. Intermediate: Open to advancing artists who have been drawing or painting for two or more years and whose sales, if any, do not exceed the cost of the materials for the article sold and who are not otherwise remunerated on account of engaging in this work except for cash prizes or premiums. Advanced: Open to artists whose ability and skills are beyond the intermediate level, or those who choose to market their artwork on a regular basis in a businesslike manner, and whose sales have exceeded the cost of materials used.
Miscellaneous Floriculture Potted plant Specimen cut flower, 1 stem, 1 flower Decorated terra cotta pot, 6”-8” Funny face, use a Styrofoam cup to grow some grass and decorate the cup to look like a face Other, specify
Dept/Class 7-301 Lot 1 Lot 2
Dry Arrangements Summer Time Fun Other, specify
Dept/Class 7-302 Lot 1 Lot 2
Fresh Arrangements Story Book Garden Other, specify
DEPARTMENT 8 FINE ARTS & CRAFTS All entries must be clearly marked on the back of the mount with the name of the exhibitor, class and lot number. All senior paintings and drawings must be mounted or framed and ready to hang with screw eyes and wire. Saw tooth hangers are not acceptable. Artwork not framed properly or considered unsafe for gallery display will not be accepted. All entries must have been produced and completed by the exhibitor within one year of the opening of the fair. Original designs will take precedence over tracings or copies. Paint by number crafts are not eligible in Senior classes. Fair management reserves the right to refuse any entry not suitable because of size or content. All entries will be placed and displayed under the supervision of the department supervisor. Every possible care will be taken with all exhibits; however, fair management does not assume responsibility for lost or damage exhibits. All sewing crafts must be entered in the Clothing & Textiles department. No craft kits are permitted in Senior Fine Arts & Crafts.
SENIOR/OPEN FINE ARTS & CRAFTS (20 years old & older as of January 1st) Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Friday, July 21st t 5 PM Entry Fees: No Entry Fee Limit: Two entries per exhibitor per lot Type of Judging: American Restrictions: Siskiyou County residents only See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times. Premiums Offered Per Lot 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place $3 $2 $1 Best of Shows may be awarded in each class (not lot) and will receive a Rosette per the judge’s discretion. 1st Place $15
Sweepstakes for Senior/Open Fine Arts 2nd Place 3rd Place $10 $5
1st Place $15
Sweepstakes for Senior/Open Crafts 2nd Place 3rd Place $10 $5
Dept/Class 8-100 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
Beginner Oil & Acrylic Animal or marine life Human portrait or figure Landscape or seascape Mt. Shasta Still life Other, specify
Dept/Class 8-101 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
Beginner Water color or Casein Animal or marine life Human portrait or figure Landscape or seascape Mt. Shasta Still life Other, specify
Dept/Class 8-102 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
Beginner Drawing, Black & White Animal or marine life Human portrait or figure Landscape or seascape Mt. Shasta Still life Other, specify
Dept/Class 8-103 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
Beginner Drawing, Color Animal or marine life Human portrait or figure Landscape or seascape Mt. Shasta Still life Other, specify
Dept/Class 8-104 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
Beginner Drawing, Mixed Media Animal or marine life Human portrait or figure Landscape or seascape Mt. Shasta Still life Other, specify
Dept/Class 8-105 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
Intermediate Oil & Acrylic Animal or marine life Human portrait or figure Landscape or seascape Mt. Shasta Still life Other, specify
Dept/Class 8-106 Lot 1 Lot 2
Intermediate Water Color or Casein Animal or marine life Human portrait or figure
Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
Landscape or seascape Mt. Shasta Still life Other, specify
Dept/Class 8-107 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
Intermediate Drawing, Black & White Animal or marine life Human portrait or figure Landscape or seascape Mt. Shasta Still life Other, specify
Dept/Class 8-108 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
Intermediate Drawing, Color Animal or marine life Human portrait or figure Landscape or seascape Mt. Shasta Still life Other, specify
Dept/Class 8-109 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
Intermediate Drawing, Mixed Media Animal or marine life Human portrait or figure Landscape or seascape Mt. Shasta Still life Other, specify
Dept/Class 8-110 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
Advanced Oil & Acrylic Animal or marine life Human portrait or figure Landscape or seascape Mt. Shasta Still life Other, specify
Dept/Class 8-111 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
Advanced Water Color or Casein Animal or marine life Human portrait or figure Landscape or seascape Mt. Shasta Still life Other, specify
Dept/Class 8-112 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
Advanced Drawing, Black & White Animal or marine life Human portrait or figure Landscape or seascape Mt. Shasta Still life Other, specify
Dept/Class 8-113 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
Advanced Drawing, Color Animal or marine life Human portrait or figure Landscape or seascape Mt. Shasta Still life Other, specify
Dept/Class 8-114 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5
Advanced Drawing, Mixed Media Animal or marine life Human portrait or figure Landscape or seascape Mt. Shasta Still life
Lot 6
Other, specify Senior Crafts
Dept/Class 8-115 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8
Woodworking Canes or walking sticks Clocks Furniture Table lamps Toys Wall plaques Wood Burning Designs Other, specify
Dept/Class 8-116 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
Glass Craft Glass, etched Glass, stained Other, specify
Dept/Class 8-117 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5
Holiday Decorations Christmas ornaments, set of 2 or more Christmas wreath Easter Thanksgiving Other, specify
Dept/Class 8-118 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
Native American Crafts Bead work Hair pieces Other, specify
Dept/Class 8-119 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4
Leather Work Braided Tooled Un-tooled, sewn Other, specify
Dept/Class 8-120 Lot 1
Tole/Decorative Painting All Tole/decorative painting, specify
Dept/Class 8-121 Lot 1 Lot 2
Models Large, bridges, buildings, etc. Small, cars, ships, etc.
Dept/Class 8-122 Creative Writing Entries in this class should be unmated, in a frame. Two copies of each entry must be brought in; one copy to be judged and one copy for display. All entries must be written in English and fit on one page. Lot 1 16 line poem Lot 2 Broadside poem Lot 3 Other, specify Dept/Class 8-123 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4
Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11
Miscellaneous Crafts Beadwork Birdhouses Ceramics Collections, not to exceed 30â&#x20AC;?wx20â&#x20AC;? hx20d. Entry form must specify what the collection consists of. Decorated Shopping Bag Handmade jewelry, earrings Handmade jewelry, necklaces/bracelets Handmade stationary Metal craft Pottery Recycle items
Lot 12 Lot 13
Lot 14 Lot 15
Sculpture Series, set of 3 fine art or craft entries of common medium (ex. 3 stained glass items or paintings that go together) Stamp art Other, specify
Lot 1 Lot 2
Dept/Class 8-203 Beginner Creative Writing (Ages 9-10) Entries in this class should be unmated, in a frame. Two copies of each entry must be brought in, one copy to be judged and one copy for display. All entries must be written in English and fit on one page. Lot 1 16 line poem Lot 2 Broadside poem Lot 3 Other, specify
Dept/Class 8-124 Scrapbooking Limit: One layout per exhibitor per lot Pages in this class should be covered with a page protector for display. Lot 1 Baby/Children Lot 2 Birthday Lot 3 Family Heritage Lot 4 Holiday Lot 5 Wedding Lot 6 Other, specify Dept/Class 8-125 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
Dept/Class 8-204 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
Special Facilities (ribbons only) Ceramics Jewelry or beadwork Other, specify
Lot 4 Dept/Class 8-205 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
JUNIOR FINE ARTS & CRAFTS (9 to 19 years old as of January 1st) Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Friday, July 21st at 5 PM Entry Fees: No Entry Fee Limit: One entry per exhibitor per lot Type of Judging: American Restrictions: Siskiyou County residents only See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Premiums Offered Per Lot 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place $3 $2 $1 Best of Shows may be awarded in each class (not lot) and will receive a Rosette per the judgeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s discretion. Dept/Class 8-200 Scrapbooking Limit: One layout per exhibitor per lot Type of Judging: Danish (this class only) Pages in this class should be covered with a page protector for display. Lot 1 Beginner: Ages 9-10 Lot 2 Intermediate: Ages 11-14 Lot 3 Advanced: Ages 15-19 Beginner Fine Arts (Ages 9-10) Drawing, black and white Drawing, color Mixed media Oil or acrylic painting Painting on rock Painting on wood Water color or tempera painting Other, specify
Dept/Class 8-202
Beginner Models (Ages 9-10)
Beginner Card Making (Ages 9-10) Christmas Other holiday, specify Design a card for a Hero, design a thank you card and write a note inside for a serviceman. The fair will mail cards in this lot to members of the Armed Services after the fair. Other, specify Beginner Woodworking (Ages 9-10) Animals or figurines Birdhouse Cutting board Chests Furniture Other, specify
Dept/Class 8-206 Beginner Vocational Education (Ages 9-10) Vocational Education projects receiving a blue ribbon and deemed consumer ready will be eligible for a silent auction administered by the 10th DAA Junior Livestock Auction Committee. Eligible entries must be declared by Friday, August 14th at noon at the Livestock Office. One (1) project per exhibitor in this category will be eligible for the silent auction in addition to a livestock entry in the live JLAC Auction. A 3% sale commission will be assessed for all silent auction entries. This class only judged Danish style. Lot 1 Computer aided drafting Lot 2 Industrial arts Lot 3 Mechanical drawings Lot 4 Small engines
Entries in these classes need not be framed. If the exhibitor chooses to frame their artwork, the frame must be ready to hang with screw eyes and wire. Saw tooth hangers are not acceptable. Duct tape will not be allowed on the exhibits. All entries must be clearly marked on the back of the mount or artwork with the following: name of exhibitor, class and lot numbers.
Dept/Class 8-201 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8
Large, missions, bridges, etc. Small, cars, rockets, etc.
Dept/Class 8-207 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12 Lot 13 Lot 14 Lot 15 Lot 16
Beginner Miscellaneous Crafts (Ages 9-10) Beadwork Ceramics Decorated Shopping Bag Graphic design Jewelry Leather crafts Legos Native American crafts Nature craft Paper Mache Plaster crafts Popsicle/toothpick craft Pottery Recycled items Wood craft Other, specify
Dept/Class 8-208 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5
Intermediate Fine Arts (Ages 11-14) Drawing, black and white Drawing, color Mixed media Oil or acrylic painting Painting on rock
Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Dept/Class 8-209 Lot 1 Lot 2
Painting on wood Water color or tempera painting Other, specify
Lot 16
Intermediate Models (Ages 11-14) Large, missions, bridges, etc. Small, cars, rockets, etc.
Dept/Class 8-210 Intermediate Creative Writing (Ages 11-14) Entries in this class should be unmated, in a frame. Two copies of each entry must be brought in, one copy to be judged and one copy for display. All entries must be written in English and fit on one page. Lot 1 16 line poem Lot 2 Broadside poem Lot 3 Other, specify Dept/Class 8-211 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
Lot 4 Dept/Class 8-212 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
Advanced Fine Arts (Ages 15-19) Drawing, black and white Drawing, color Mixed media Oil or acrylic painting Painting on rock Painting on wood Water color or tempera painting Other, specify
Dept/Class 8-216 Lot 1 Lot 2
Advanced Models (Ages 15-19) Large, missions, bridges, etc. Small, cars, rockets, etc.
Dept/Class 8-218 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
Intermediate Woodworking (Ages 11-14) Animals or figurines Birdhouse Cutting board Chests Furniture Other, specify
Lot 4 Dept/Class 8-219 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
Intermediate Vocational Education (Ages 11-14) Vocational Education projects receiving a blue ribbon and deemed consumer ready will be eligible for a silent auction administered by the 10th DAA Junior Livestock Auction Committee. Eligible entries must be declared by Friday, August 14th at noon at the Livestock Office. One (1) project per exhibitor in this category will be eligible for the silent auction in addition to a livestock entry in the live JLAC Auction. A 3% sale commission will be assessed for all silent auction entries. This class only judged Danish style. Lot 1 Computer aided drafting Lot 2 Industrial arts Lot 3 Mechanical drawings Lot 4 Small engines
Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12 Lot 13 Lot 14 Lot 15
Dept/Class 8-215 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8
Dept/Class 8-217 Advanced Creative Writing (Ages 15-19) Entries in this class should be unmated, in a frame. Two copies of each entry must be brought in, one copy to be judged and one copy for display. All entries must be written in English and fit on one page. Lot 1 16 line poem Lot 2 Broadside poem Lot 3 Other, specify
Intermediate Card Making (Ages 11-14) Christmas Other holiday, specify Design a card for a Hero, design a thank you card and write a note inside for a serviceman. The fair will mail cards in this lot to members of the Armed Services after the fair. Other, specify
Dept/Class 8-213
Dept/Class 8-214
Other, specify
Advanced Card Making (Ages 15-19) Christmas Other holiday, specify Design a card for a Hero, design a thank you card and write a note inside for a serviceman. The fair will mail cards in this lot to members of the Armed Services after the fair. Other, specify Advanced Woodworking (Ages 15-19) Animals or figurines Birdhouse Cutting board Chests Furniture Other, specify
Dept/Class 8-220 Advanced Vocational Education (Ages 15-19) Vocational Education projects receiving a blue ribbon and deemed consumer ready will be eligible for a silent auction administered by the 10th DAA Junior Livestock Auction Committee. Eligible entries must be declared by Friday, August 14th at noon at the Livestock Office. One (1) project per exhibitor in this category will be eligible for the silent auction in addition to a livestock entry in the live JLAC Auction. A 3% sale commission will be assessed for all silent auction entries. This class only judged Danish style. Lot 1 Computer aided drafting Lot 2 Industrial arts Lot 3 Mechanical drawings Lot 4 Small engines
Intermediate Miscellaneous Crafts (Ages 11-14) Beadwork Ceramics Decorated Shopping Bag Graphic design Jewelry Leather crafts Legoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Native American crafts Nature craft Paper Mache Plaster crafts Popsicle/toothpick craft Pottery Recycled items Wood craft
Dept/Class 8-221 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10
Advanced Miscellaneous Crafts (Ages 15-19) Beadwork Ceramics Decorated Shopping Bag Graphic design Jewelry Leather crafts Legoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Native American crafts Nature craft Paper Mache
Lot 11 Lot 12 Lot 13 Lot 14 Lot 15 Lot 16
Plaster crafts Popsicle/toothpick craft Pottery Recycled items Wood craft Other, specify
Type of Judging: Restrictions:
American Maximum of 20 entries per exhibitor due to limited space; Siskiyou County residents only See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
All prints must be 8”x10”. Mats, mounting board and illustration board are acceptable and may be of any color, but may not exceed 11”x14”. Do not use foam-core board, picture frames, glass or hanging devices.
PRIMARY FINE ARTS & CRAFTS (8 years old & under as of January 1st) Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Friday, July 21st at 5 PM Entry Fees: No entry fee Limit: One entry per exhibitor per lot Restrictions: Siskiyou County residents only See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times. Ribbons only, no judging and no premiums.
Definitions Beginner: Open to exhibitors who are just starting out in the photography medium, and take picture as a pastime or hobby. Exhibitors cannot remain in this class after winning a blue ribbon at the Siskiyou Golden Fair. Intermediate: Open to advancing photographers who have been taking pictures for some time. The intermediate classes offer exhibitors opportunities to compete on a higher level. Advanced: Open to photographers whose sales, if any, do not exceed the cost of the materials for the article sold and who are not otherwise remunerated on account of engaging in this work except for cash prizes or premium awards. Professional: Open to photographers who teach, sell regularly, have gallery shows or possess skills at the highest level of the medium.
Entries in these classes need not be framed. If the exhibitor chooses to frame their artwork, the frame must be ready to hang with screw eyes and wire. Saw tooth hangers are not acceptable. All entries must be clearly marked on the back of the mount or artwork with the following: name of exhibitor, class and lot numbers. Dept/Class 8-300 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7
Fine Arts Crayon coloring pages Drawing, black and white Drawing, crayon Mixed media Painting, oil or acrylic Painting, water color or tempura Other, specify
Dept/Class 8-301 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8
Miscellaneous Crafts Decorated Shopping Bag Lego’s Models Paper Mache Pasta items Recycled items Scrapbooking/paper craft Other, specify
Premiums Offered Per Lot 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place $3 $2 $1 Best of Shows may be awarded in each class (not lot) and will receive a Rosette per the judge’s discretion. Sweepstakes for Senior/Open Photography 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place $15 $10 $5
DEPARTMENT 9 PHOTOGRAPHY Entries in this department must be the exhibitor’s own work. Entries must have been taken and produced by the exhibitor within one year of the opening day of the fair. Mats or photos with writing on the front (including date stamping) will not be accepted. No hand coloring or tinting will be allowed. Photos may be commercially finished from exhibitor’s negative or disk. No photos may be enhanced or manipulated unless otherwise stated. Only one photo per same negative or digital shot may only be entered in Photography classes. All entries must be clearly marked on the back of the mount with the name of the exhibitor, class and lot numbers.
SENIOR/OPEN PHOTOGRAPHY (20 years old & older as of January 1st) Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit:
Friday, July 21st at 5 PM No Entry Fee One entry per exhibitor per lot
Dept/Class 9-100 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12 Lot 13
Beginner Photography, Black & White Action Altered/Dark Room Magic Animal Candid shots (not posed) Floral Insects Mt. Shasta Portrait Ranch Life Scenic Views Seascapes and marine Sunsets and sunrises Other, specify
Dept/Class 9-101 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12
Beginner Photography, Color Action Animal Candid shots (not posed) Floral Insects Mt. Shasta Portrait Ranch Life Scenic Views Seascapes and marine Sunsets and sunrises Other, specify
Dept/Class 9-102 Beginner Photography, Snap Shots Items in this class must be 4”x6” photos. No matting.
Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4
Animal Kids Scenic Views Other, specify
Dept/Class 9-109 Intermediate Photography, Series Use a minimum of three (3) photographs – black and white or color – to tell a story. Exhibit should be mounted on poster or foam core board (not wood) and is limited to 10”x20”. Photos do not need to be matted. Labeling of the photos is optional. Exhibit will be judged on photo quality and overall story telling. It counts as one photo toward overall photo entries. Lot 1 Any photo series, specify
Dept/Class 9-103 Beginner Photography, Series Use a minimum of three (3) photographs – black and white or color – to tell a story. Exhibit should be mounted on poster or foam core board (not wood) and is limited to 10”x20”. Photos do not need to be matted. Labeling of the photos is optional. Exhibit will be judged on photo quality and overall story telling. It counts as one photo toward overall photo entries. Lot 1 Any photo series, specify
Dept/Class 9-110 Intermediate Photography, Color Explosion Entries in this class must contain at least 90% of the specified color (based on the judge’s opinion). Photos may not be enhanced or manipulated. Lot 1 Blue Lot 2 Green Lot 3 Orange Lot 4 Red Lot 5 Other, specify
Dept/Class 9-104 Beginner Photography, Color Explosion Entries in this class must contain at least 90% of the specified color (based on the judge’s opinion). Photos may not be enhanced or manipulated. Lot 1 Blue Lot 2 Green Lot 3 Orange Lot 4 Red Lot 5 Other, specify
Dept/Class 9-111 Intermediate Interpretive Photography Entries in this class may be black and white or color. Lot 1 Favorite Travel Experience Lot 2 Seasonal Showers & Inclement Weather Lot 3 Expressions Lot 4 Family & Friends in their Best Light Lot 5 Fair Theme
Dept/Class 9-105 Beginner Interpretive Photography Entries in this class may be black and white or color. Lot 1 Favorite Travel Experience Lot 2 Seasonal Showers & Inclement Weather Lot 3 Expressions Lot 4 Family & Friends in their Best Light Lot 5 Fair Theme Dept/Class 9-106 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12 Lot 13
Intermediate Photography, Black & White Action Altered/Dark Room Magic Animal Candid shots (not posed) Floral Insects Mt. Shasta Portrait Ranch Life Scenic Views Seascapes and marine Sunsets and sunrises Other, specify
Dept/Class 9-107 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12
Intermediate Photography, Color Action Animal Candid shots (not posed) Floral Insects Mt. Shasta Portrait Ranch Life Scenic Views Seascapes and marine Sunsets and sunrises Other, specify
Dept/Class 9-112 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12 Lot 13
Advanced Photography, Black & White Action Altered/Dark Room Magic Animal Candid shots (not posed) Floral Insects Mt. Shasta Portrait Ranch Life Scenic Views Seascapes and marine Sunsets and sunrises Other, specify
Dept/Class 9-113 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12
Advanced Photography, Color Action Animal Candid shots (not posed) Floral Insects Mt. Shasta Portrait Ranch Life Scenic Views Seascapes and marine Sunsets and sunrises Other, specify
Dept/Class 9-114 Advanced Photography, Snap Shots Items in this class must be 4”x6” photos. No matting. Lot 1 Animal Lot 2 Kids Lot 3 Scenic Views Lot 4 Other, specify
Dept/Class 9-108 Intermediate Photography, Snap Shots Items in this class must be 4”x6” photos. No matting. Lot 1 Animal Lot 2 Kids Lot 3 Scenic Views Lot 4 Other, specify
Dept/Class 9-115 Advanced Photography, Series Use a minimum of three (3) photographs – black and white or color – to tell a story. Exhibit should be mounted on poster or foam core
board (not wood) and is limited to 10”x20”. Photos do not need to be matted. Labeling of the photos is optional. Exhibit will be judged on photo quality and overall story telling. It counts as one photo toward overall photo entries. Lot 1 Any photo series, specify
Dept/Class 9-122 Professional Photography, Color Explosion Entries in this class must contain at least 90% of the specified color (based on the judge’s opinion). Photos may not be enhanced or manipulated. Lot 1 Blue Lot 2 Green Lot 3 Orange Lot 4 Red Lot 5 Other, specify
Dept/Class 9-116 Advanced Photography, Color Explosion Entries in this class must contain at least 90% of the specified color (based on the judge’s opinion). Photos may not be enhanced or manipulated. Lot 1 Blue Lot 2 Green Lot 3 Orange Lot 4 Red Lot 5 Other, specify
Dept/Class 9-123 Professional Interpretive Photography Entries in this class may be black and white or color. Lot 1 Favorite Travel Experience Lot 2 Seasonal Showers & Inclement Weather Lot 3 Expressions Lot 4 Family & Friends in their Best Light Lot 5 Fair Theme
Dept/Class 9-117 Advanced Interpretive Photography Entries in this class may be black and white or color. Lot 1 Favorite Travel Experience Lot 2 Seasonal Showers & Inclement Weather Lot 3 Expressions Lot 4 Family & Friends in their Best Light Lot 5 Fair Theme Dept/Class 9-118 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12
Professional Photography, Black & White Action Animal Candid shots (not posed) Floral Insects Mt. Shasta Portrait Ranch Life Scenic Views Seascapes and marine Sunsets and sunrises Other, specify
Dept/Class 9-119 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12
Professional Photography, Color Action Animal Candid shots (not posed) Floral Insects Mt. Shasta Portrait Ranch Life Scenic Views Seascapes and marine Sunsets and sunrises Other, specify
JUNIOR PHOTOGRAPHY (9 to 19 years old as of January 1st) Friday, July 21st at 5 PM No Entry Fee Two entries per exhibitor per lot American Maximum of 20 entries per exhibitor due to limited space; Siskiyou County residents only See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
All prints (for classes 200-202) must be 5”x7” or 8”x10”. Mats, mounting board and illustration board are acceptable and may be of any color. Do not use foam-core board, picture frames, glass or hanging devices. Pictures may be in color or black and white. Premiums Offered Per Lot 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place $3 $2 $1 Best of Shows may be awarded in each class (not lot) and will receive a Rosette per the judge’s discretion.
Dept/Class 9-120 Professional Photography, Snap Shots Items in this class must be 4”x6” photos. No matting. Lot 1 Animal Lot 2 Kids Lot 3 Scenic Views Lot 4 Other, specify Dept/Class 9-121 Professional Photography, Series Use a minimum of three (3) photographs – black and white or color – to tell a story. Exhibit should be mounted on poster or foam core board (not wood) and is limited to 10”x20”. Photos do not need to be matted. Labeling of the photos is optional. Exhibit will be judged on photo quality and overall story telling. It counts as one photo toward overall photo entries. Lot 1 Any photo series, specify
Dept/Class 9-200 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8
Beginner Photography (Ages 9-10) Action Animal Fair Theme Insects People Ranch Life Scenic Views Other, specify
Dept/Class 9-201 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8
Intermediate Photography (Ages 11-14) Action Animal Fair Theme Insects People Ranch Life Scenic Views Other, specify
Dept/Class 9-202 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4
Advanced Photography (Ages 15-19) Action Animal Fair Theme Insects
Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8
People Ranch Life Scenic Views Other, specify
Admission Discounts Leader & Parent Passes $18.00 Discount Admission Packs 5 for $25.00
Dept/Class 9-203
Beginner Photography, Snap Shots (Ages 9-10) Items in this class must be 4”x6” photos. No matting. Lot 1 Animal Lot 2 People Lot 3 Scenic Views Lot 4 Selfie Lot 5 Other, specify
Carnival PreSale Coupons One Day Unlimited Rides - $25.00 All Fair Unlimited Rides - $70.00
Dept/Class 9-204
Intermediate Photography, Snap Shots (Ages 11-14) Items in this class must be 4”x6” photos. No matting. Lot 1 Animal Lot 2 People Lot 3 Scenic Views Lot 4 Selfie Lot 5 Other, specify
Junior Fair Board PREFAIR & QUALITY ASSURANCE June 24, 2017 Siskiyou Golden Fairgrounds Call 842-2767 for more information.
Dept/Class 9-205
Advanced Photography, Snap Shots (Ages 15-19) Items in this class must be 4”x6” photos. No matting. Lot 1 Animal Lot 2 People Lot 3 Scenic Views Lot 4 Selfie Lot 5 Other, specify
Dept/Class 9-206 Junior Photography, Series Use a minimum of three (3) photographs – black and white or color – to tell a story. Exhibit should be mounted on poster or foam core board (not wood) and is limited to 10”x20”. Photos do not need to be matted. Labeling of the photos is optional. Exhibit will be judged on photo quality and overall story telling. It counts as one photo toward overall photo entries. Lot 1 Any photo series, specify
• You should not feed, train and/or care for the animal because you are teaching your child responsibility. • You shall forgive your child for making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes. •You shall not get mad if your child forgets items in the show box because you have forgotten things yourself. • You shall assist show management because this is a difficult job and they are doing it for your child. • You shall make sure your child is on time for all show activities, hence not making others wait for you. • You shall make sure your child’s entry forms and registration papers are in order and filed with the fair office by the designated date and time. • You shall teach your child that winning a blue ribbon is a desirable goal, but making friends and learning from them along the way is a more worthy goal. • You shall not complain about the judge because it is his or her opinion that is being sought. • You shall remember that livestock projects are teaching projects, not necessarily money-making projects. • You shall remember that the livestock project is a family project that shall be enjoyed and supported by the entire family.
PRIMARY PHOTOGRAPHY (8 years old & under as of January 1st) Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Friday, July 21st at 5 PM Entry Fees: No Entry Fee Limit: One entry per exhibitor per lot Restrictions: Siskiyou County residents only See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times. Ribbons only, no judging and no premiums. Dept/Class 9-300 Snap Shot, black & white or color Entries in this class must be 4”x6” photos. No matting. Lot 1 Action Lot 2 Animal Lot 3 Insects Lot 4 People Lot 5 Ranch Life Lot 6 Scenic Views Lot 7 Saddle Up Some Memories! Lot 8 Other, specify
JUNIOR LIVESTOCK EXHIBITOR SHOW RING ETIQUETTE The following are appropriate etiquette rules regarding your conduct and behavior in the show ring. If for any reason you violate these rules, it may result in your ineligibility to show your animal and to sell your animal in the Junior Livestock Auction. • You will show respect for the judge, fair management, your animal and your fellow exhibitors at all times. Disrespectful behaviors will not be tolerated. • No baseball caps or headwear other than that which is standard to your uniform. • No open toed shoes of any kind; this is for your protection. • No cell phones, MP3 players, or other electronic devices allowed in the show ring. These items will be confiscated and not returned until check out on Sunday. • No sunglasses in the show ring; tinted prescription glasses are okay. • Be on time for all your lots; there will be no gate holds.
Fair CEO
Violation: Report to: Final Decision:
RV Park Disturbance Livestock Superintendent Fair CEO
Violation: Report to: Final Decision:
Code of Conduct Livestock Superintendent/Fair CEO Conduct Committee
Violation: Report to:
State or Local Rules File a formal protest with the Livestock Superintendent. See local rules for protest procedure. Fair CEO and/or Board of Directors, and/or Division of Fairs & Expositions
Final Decision:
Violation: Report to: Final Decision:
Auction Rules Livestock Superintendent Auction Executive Committee
• All alleged violations will be reported in writing to the Livestock or Fair Office. No oral complaints will be investigated, unless reported by fair security staff to Fair Management. • Witnesses to the alleged violations will be contacted and interviewed. For Code of Conduct violations witnesses may be asked to appear before the Conduct Committee in front of the accused. Conduct Committee consists of the Fair CEO, Livestock Superintendent and one member of the fair board. It is in the sole discretion of the Conduct committee whether to hold a hearing. • All decisions made by the Fair CEO regarding the RV Park may be forwarded to the Siskiyou Golden Fair Board of Directors at their next meeting. To be placed on the agenda, contact the fair office immediately to meet state open meeting notification requirements. • All decisions made by the Conduct Committee will be final. Concerns regarding the committee’s decisions may be forwarded to the Siskiyou Golden Fair Board of Directors at their next meeting. To be placed on the agenda, contact the fair office immediately to meet state open meeting notification requirements. • All decisions by the Junior Livestock Auction Committee are final. Concerns regarding the committee’s decisions may be forwarded to the full 10th District Junior Livestock Auction Committee for their next regular meeting. The auction committee is a separate private non-profit organization that conducts the auction at the fair. • All judge’s decisions are final and cannot be protested.
JUNIOR LIVESTOCK EXHIBITOR CODE OF CONDUCT Exhibiting livestock at the Siskiyou Golden Fair is a privilege and must be respected as such. To that end, all junior exhibitors who wish to sell and/or show at the Siskiyou Golden Fair must adhere to the Code of Conduct to be eligible to participate at the fair. This Code of Conduct covers conduct of the exhibitor from the Monday before the opening day of fair through Sunday, the last day of the fair. Violations of the Code of Conduct will not be tolerated. An investigation of alleged violations will be conducted and a decision rendered by the appropriate involved parties according to the Code of Conduct protocol. Violations may result in loss of right to sell animal(s) at the auction. • You will refrain from any use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco or obscene language during the Siskiyou Golden Fair. You will also refrain from being in the company of minors who are using alcohol, drugs, tobacco or obscene language. • You will treat your animals in a safe and kind manner. Animals will have the necessary feed and water the entire time they are at the fairgrounds. • You will keep the animal pens clean and free of hazards at all times. • You will treat adults, especially those in authority, with respect. • You will follow all Local and State rules that apply to your particular project(s). • If you are staying in the fair RV Park, or visiting friends in the fair RV Park, you will abide by all curfews and other RV Park rules. • You will not allow an adult to perform your duties including fitting an animal for show, cleaning pens, feeding or watering. You may exchange duties with fellow club members or fellow junior exhibitors.
RED TAG POLICY This policy is to ensure that livestock exhibited at the Siskiyou Golden Fair are cared for and treated in a humane and ethical manner and that livestock pens/stalls are suitable for public display. Livestock exhibitors (junior and senior) are solely responsible for the care of their animals while on exhibit at the Siskiyou Golden Fair. If the Livestock Superintendent becomes aware of any livestock exhibit that is not being cared for in an acceptable state of pen cleanliness as determined by the Livestock Superintendent or is not being maintained, the following will occur: • The Livestock Superintendent will determine the name and affiliation of the responsible exhibitor. • A Red Tag with the following information will be affixed to the exhibitor’s pen/stall: exhibitors name, observed problem, date and time of citation, Livestock Superintendent’s signature. The Livestock Superintendent will make reasonable efforts to contact the exhibitor’s
Final Decision:
RV Park Curfew Livestock Superintendent
• •
Overall Showmanship: The 1st and 2nd place winners of each showmanship lot are eligible to compete for Overall Showman. Large Animal Round Robin: 1st place Senior and 1st place Junior Advanced showmen from each species represent said specie in the Kelsie Glendenning Memorial Showmanship Contest. In the event a Senior or Junior Advanced showman wins 1st place in more than one specie, the showman will automatically represent the first specie won. If any 1st place showman declines the opportunity to represent the first specie won in Round Robin, they are disqualified from the contest and will not be eligible to represent any other specie. If any eligible 1st place showman chooses not to represent said specie, the position is offered to the next highest placing showman in the lot.
advisor, parent or designee and advise them of the situation resulting in the Red Tag citation. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to respond to the Red Tag by contacting the Livestock Superintendent within 12 hours of the citation being issued. The exhibitor will formulate and initiate a plan of correction approved by the Livestock Superintendent. Any exhibitor failing to make contact within 12 hours will be issued another citation. Any exhibitor receiving two Red Tag citations during the fair will be declared ineligible for further competition, including participation in the Junior Livestock Auction. All fair premiums and awards earned will be forfeited, and the exhibitor will be required to remove their animal(s) from the fairgrounds. Any exhibitor that is required to remove their animal(s) from the fairgrounds must do so within 12 hours from the time of notification and coordinate with the Livestock Superintendent. Adults are not to groom, or in any way, care for animals of junior exhibitors. Violation of this rule will result in a red tag.
SMALL ANIMAL SHOWMANSHIP Primary: 5-8 years old as of January 1st. Entrants in the class will compete for ribbons only. Primary exhibitors may move up to compete for overall showman. Primary showmen are not eligible for Small Animal Round Robin. Primary entrants are not eligible to enter pee wee lots. Beginner: 9-10 years old as of January 1st. Entrants in this class compete for ribbons only. Beginner exhibitors may move up to compete for overall showman. Beginner showmen are not eligible for Small Animal Round Robin. Junior Advanced: 11-13 years old as of January 1st. Primary or beginner showmen who have qualified may show in this lot. Senior Advanced: 14-19 years old as of January 1st. Small Animal Round Robin: The 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners from the Junior and Senior Showmanship will be eligible to compete in the Small Animal Round Robin; primary and beginner showmen are not eligible. Score Card on the following page.
CINCH SHOWMANSHIP • Showmanship is mandatory for junior exhibitors entering market classes. The Livestock Superintendent will add exhibitors to showmanship upon request if no entered but a $10.00 late fee is required. • Only animals entered by a junior exhibitor in the junior department are eligible. Exhibitors must show their own animal. • Entries in showmanship must be made in accordance with all other livestock entry closing deadlines. • Exhibitor must be on hand and ready to exhibit at the time called for judging. • All FFA, 4-H and Grange member’s exhibitor livestock must wear the official uniform of their organization while showing their animals. • 4-H and Independent exhibitors may wear new blue or black jeans, and a collared shirt (short or long sleeved). • Hats or headgear of any kind (unless part of the official uniform) shall not be worn with official show uniforms. • If showmanship lots are split due to lot size, the judge will determine who returns to compete for their overall age class winner. • The 1st and 2nd place winners from each age class will be called back to compete for overall showmanship for their species.
Showmanship Score Card Appearance of Animal Condition Grooming Cleanliness Appearance of Exhibitor Showing in the Ring Moving or Leading Posing Showing Animal to Best Advantage Poise, Alertness and Attitude Total
10% 20% 10% 10% 15% 15% 10% 10% 100%
Belcampo Butchery will be hosting the 2017 Siskiyou Golden Fair Junior Livestock Auction Carcass Contest. The swine, sheep and goat carcasses viewing will be held on Wednesday, August 16th at 5:00 PM. Steers viewing will be on Friday, August 18th at 5:00 PM. The Carcass Contest viewings will take place at the Belcampo Butchery. ALL SPECIES carcass contest will be held on Wednesday, August 30th at 7:00 PM in Winema Hall at the Fairgrounds. Siskiyou County Cattlewomen & Cattlemen will be awarding the beef awards and the Junior Livestock Auction Committee will be awarding the sheep, swine and goat awards.
Primary (goats only): 5-8 years old as of January 1st. Entrants in the class will compete for ribbons only. Primary exhibitors may move up to compete for overall showman. Primary showmen are not eligible for Large Animal Round Robin. Primary entrants are not eligible to enter pee wee lots. Beginner: 9-12 years old as of January 1st. Entrants in this class compete for ribbons only. Beginner exhibitors may move up to compete for overall showman. Beginner showmen are not eligible for Large Animal Round Robin. Junior Advanced: 13-15 years old as of January 1st. Senior Advanced: 16-19 years old as of January 1st.
July 22nd-August 13th $14.00 per lot, $5.00 drug fee per horse, $20.00 stall fee per night Type of Judging: American Restrictions: Open to California, Oregon, Nevada and Arizona residents Be sure to review all State & Local Rules. See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times. Rail classes will follow Halter classes. Post Entry Deadline (paper): Post Entry Fees:
DEPARTMENT 10 HORSE SHOW BIRTHDATES: 4 years and older 2 and 3 year olds Yearlings Foals
During or before 2013 During 2014-2015 During 2016 During 2017
1st Place $40
ORDER OF CLASSES: Stock Horse, Reining, Halter, Showmanship, English, Western, Trail, Driving.
SENIOR/OPEN LIGHT HORSE/HALTER (20 years old & older as of January 1st) Friday, July 21st at 5 PM $7.00 per lot, $5.00 drug fee per horse, $20.00 stall fee per night Post Entry Deadline (paper): July 22nd-August 13th Post Entry Fees: $14.00 per lot, $5.00 drug fee per horse, $20.00 stall fee per night Type of Judging: American Restrictions: Open to California, Oregon, Nevada and Arizona residents Be sure to review all State & Local Rules. See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times. Halter classes will follow Stock Horse and Reining classes. Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees:
1st Place $40
Premiums Offered per Lot 2nd Place 3rd Place $30 $20
4th Place $10
Dept/Class 10-100 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11
Quarter Horse/Paints/Appys Stallions, 3 years and older Stallions, yearlings and 2 year olds Stallions, foals (ribbons only) Geldings, 3 years and older Geldings, yearlings and 2 year olds Mares, 3 years and older Mares, yearlings and 2 year olds Mares, foals (ribbons only) Get of sire Produce of dam Mare & foal (ribbons only)
Dept/Class 10-101 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11
All Other Breeds Stallions, 3 years and older Stallions, yearlings and 2 year olds Stallions, foals (ribbons only) Geldings, 3 years and older Geldings, yearlings and 2 year olds Mares, 3 years and older Mares, yearlings and 2 year olds Mares, foals (ribbons only) Get of sire Produce of dam Mare & foal (ribbons only)
4th Place $10
Dept/Class 10-102 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12 Lot 13 Lot 14 Lot 15 Lot 16 Lot 17 Lot 18 Lot 19 Lot 20 Lot 21 Lot 22 Lot 23 Lot 24 Lot 25 Lot 26 Lot 27
Performance Showmanship Hunter Hack (fences 2’) English Pleasure Walk/Trot English Pleasure Senior Horse, Stock Type English Pleasure Horse, Saddle Seat Type English Pleasure Junior Horse, Stock Type English Pleasure, Open English Equitation Walk/Trot English Equitation Open Reining, Senior Horse Reining, Junior Horse Reining, Open Western Pleasure Walk/Trot Western Pleasure Senior Horse, Stock Type Western Pleasure, Saddle Seat Type Western Pleasure Junior Horse, Stock Type Western Pleasure, Open Western Horsemanship Walk/Trot Western Horsemanship Open Ranch Pleasure Trail, Walk/Trot, Open Trail, Senior Horse Trail, Junior Horse Trail, Open Trail Challenge Warm Up (ribbons only)-Sat Trail Challenge Open (buckle only)-Sat Trail In Hand (ribbons only)
Dept/Class 10-103 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4
Pleasure Driving Working – 11 hands and under Working – over 11 hands Driving – obstacle Timed obstacle
For Stock Horse Class & Lot only Entry Fees: $32.00 per lot, $5.00 drug fee per horse, $20.00 stall fee per night Post Entry Fees: $38.00 per lot, $5.00 drug fee per horse, $20.00 stall fee per night NRCHA rules will apply with exception of the equipment/bit rule. NRHA equipment rules will apply, which allow for the use of a broken mouth piece. Class will begin at 8 AM on Sunday. Dept/Class 10-104 Lot 1
SENIOR/OPEN PERFORMANCE (20 years old & older as of January 1st) Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees:
Premiums Offered per Lot 2nd Place 3rd Place $30 $20
Friday, July 21st at 5 PM $7.00 per lot, $5.00 drug fee per horse, $20.00 stall fee per night
Siskiyou County Stock Horse Siskiyou County Stock Horse – both horse and rider must have been a resident of Siskiyou County for at least 6 months prior to the fair. Competition will be a Box to Box setup.
Summer Yearling Senior Yearling Prospect Steer
JUNIOR HORSE SHOW (9 to 19 years old as of January 1st) Friday, July 21st at 5 PM $2.00 per lot, $5.00 drug fee per horse, $20.00 stall fee per night Post Entry Deadline (paper): July 22nd -August 13th Post Entry Fees: $4.00 per lot, $5.00 drug fee per horse, $20.00 stall fee per night Type of Judging: American Restrictions: Open to all See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times. Ribbons only, no premiums. Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees:
LOCAL BEEF SCORE CARD Market Ready: Market steers projected to have sufficient fat deposition to meet the marbling specifications for USDA Prime, Choice or Select+ quality grades. Market steers deemed Market Ready will be placed and may be sifted on conformation by the official judge. Not Market Ready: Market steers lacking evidence of sufficient fat deposition to produce a desirable consumer product. Steers projected to grade USDA Select- or lower regardless of conformation.
Dept/Class 10-200 Performance Show will begin at 8 AM Saturday, August 12th. Lot 1 Showmanship, Age 9-12 Lot 2 Showmanship, Age 13-17 Lot 3 Lead line, Age 6 & Under Lot 4 Lead line trail, Age 6 & Under Lot 5 English pleasure walk trot, Age 9-12 Lot 6 English pleasure walk trot, Age 13-17 Lot 7 English pleasure, Age 9-12 Lot 8 English pleasure, Age 13-17 Lot 9 English equitation, Age 9-12 Lot 10 English equitation, Age 13-17 Lot 11 Western pleasure walk trot, Age 9-12 Lot 12 Western pleasure walk trot, Age 13-17 Lot 13 Western pleasure, Age 9-12 Lot 14 Western pleasure, Age 13-17 Lot 15 Western horsemanship, Age 9-12 Lot 16 Western horsemanship, Age 13-17 Lot 17 Trail horses obstacle course, Age 10-12 Lot 18 Trail horses obstacle course, Age 13-17 Lot 19 Bareback horsemanship, Age 9-12 Lot 20 Bareback horsemanship, Age 13-17
SENIOR/OPEN BEEF (20 years old & older as of January 1st) Friday, July 21st at 5 PM $6.00 per lot Two entries per exhibitor per lot American Open to California, Oregon, Nevada and Arizona residents Be sure to review all State & Local Rules. See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
Premiums Offered per Lot 2nd Place 3rd Place 4th Place $50 $40 $30 Rosettes will be given to the Overall Supreme Bull & Overall Supreme Female.
1st Place $60
Dept/Class 11-100 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12
Dept/Class 10-201 Gymkhana Lot 1 Barrel race, Age 9-12 Lot 2 Barrel race, Age 13-17 Lot 3 California speed barrels, Age 9-12 Lot 4 California speed barrels, Age 13-17 Lot 5 Skill barrels, Age 9-12 Lot 6 Skill barrels, Age 13-17 Lot 7 Pole bending – table II, Age 9-12 Lot 8 Pole bending – table II, Age 13-17 Lot 9 Bi-rangle stake race, Age 9-12 Lot 10 Bi-rangle stake race, Age 13-17 Lot 11 Single stake race, Age 9-12 Lot 12 Single stake race, Age 13-17
Lot 13
Registered – All Breeds Judged Together Junior calf, female Senior calf, female Spring yearling, female Summer yearling, female Senior yearling, female Junior calf, bull Senior calf, bull Spring yearling, bull Summer yearling Senior yearling, bull Pair of females Get of sire – four animals, both sexes to be represented Three bulls
Premiums Offered per Lot Class 11-101 and 11-102 only 1st Place 2nd Place $150 $100
SISKIYOU SIDEKICKS HORSE SHOW (9 years old and under) Please contact Robin Wood at 530-340-1457 for more information.
Dept/Class 11-101 Commercial Beef Birthdates must be provided on entry forms. A permanent ear tag or tattoo number is required. Animals entered in the following lots may not be entered in any other beef class lots. All cattle in this class will be stalled in the senior beef barn and must be halter broke to be shown. Lot 1 Senior or junior calf, female Lot 2 Senior or junior yearling, female Lot 3 Prospect steer
DEPARTMENT 11 BEEF BIRTHDATES: Junior Calf Senior Calf Spring Yearling
Apr 1 – Aug 31, 2016 Mar 1 – Dec 31, 2015 Nov 1, 2016 – Apr 6, 2017
Dept/Class 11-102 Super Cow, Pen Show Sponsored by the Siskiyou County Cattlemen’s Association. Entry Fees: $15.00 per entry per lot
Jan 1 – Apr 6, 2017 Sept 1 – Dec 31, 2016 Jan 1 – Mar 31, 2016
Limit: Lot 1
Two entries per exhibitor per lot Cow & calf, registered and commercial judged together
Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
$5.00 per entry per lot Two entries per exhibitor per lot American Open to Siskiyou, Shasta, Modoc, Lassen and Trinity counties Be sure to review all State & Local Rules. See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
JUNIOR MARKET BEEF (9-19 years old as of January 1st) Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Friday, July 1st at 5 PM Entry Fees: $10.00 per entry per lot Limit: Two entries per exhibitor per lot Type of Judging: Danish Restrictions: Open to 10th District residents Be sure to review all State & Local Rules. See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Dept/Class 11-204 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9
Dept/Class 11-200 Registered Bred Beef Replacement Heifers A copy of the registration papers or proof of pending registration must be turned in with the entry form. Showmanship is mandatory for all junior exhibitors entering a market class. Must sign up for showmanship separately. Lot 1 Fall calving heifers, due Sep 1 – Dec 31, 2016 Minimum Weight: 1000 lbs Lot 2 Spring calving heifers, due Jan 1 – Apr 30, 2017 Minimum Weight: 900 lbs
Lot 10
Dept/Class 11-201
Commercial Bred Beef Replacement Heifers Showmanship is mandatory for all junior exhibitors entering a market class. Must sign up for showmanship separately. Lot 1 Fall calving heifers, due Sep 1 – Dec 31, 2016 Minimum Weight: 1000 lbs Lot 2 Spring calving heifers, due Jan 1 – Apr 30, 2017 Minimum Weight: 900 lbs
Dept/Class 11-205 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4
Dept/Class 11-202 Market Steers Showmanship is mandatory for all junior exhibitors entering a market class. Must sign up for showmanship separately. Lot 1 Market steers – 1050 – 1500 lbs (cannot show or sell if over 1500 lbs)
Dept/Class 11-203 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5
Friday, July 21st at 5 PM No entry fee One entry per exhibitor per lot American Open to Siskiyou, Shasta, Modoc, Lassen & Trinity counties
Premiums Offered per Lot 2nd Place 3rd Place $7 $6
Unregistered/Grade – All Breeds Judged Together Junior calf, female Senior calf, female Spring or Summer yearling, female Senior yearling, female
Dec 1, 2016 – Apr 6, 2017 Sep 1 – Nov 30, 2016 Jun 1 – Aug 30, 2016 Mar 1, 2015 – May 31, 2016 Dec 1, 2015 – Feb 28, 2016 Sep 1, 2015 – Nov 30, 2015 Sep 1, 2014 – Aug 31, 2015 Born before Sep 1, 2014
SENIOR/OPEN DAIRY CATTLE (20 years old & older as of January 1st) Friday, July 21st at 5 PM $6.00 per lot Two entries per exhibitor per lot American Open to California, Oregon, Nevada and Arizona residents Be sure to review all State & Local Rules. See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
4th Place $5
Beef Showmanship Pee Wee, Age 5-8 (ribbons only) Senior advanced, Age 16-19 Beginner, Age 9-10 Beginner, Age 11-12 Junior advanced, Age 13-15
1st Place $60
JUNIOR BEEF BREEDING (9-19 years old as of January 1st) Online & Paper Entry Deadline:
Registered – All Breeds Judged Together Junior calf, female Senior calf, female Spring or Summer yearling, female Senior yearling, female Junior calf, bull Senior calf, bull Spring or Summer yearling, bull Senior yearling, bull Cow & calf – calf must be born between Jan 1 – Jul 1, 2016 Pair of females
BIRTHDATES: Winter Calf Fall Calf Summer Calf Spring Yearling Winter Yearling Fall Yearling 2 Year Old 3 Years & Older
JUNIOR BEEF CINCH SHOWMANSHIP (5-19 years old as of January 1st)
1st Place $8
4th Place $10
Group of 3 Market Steers No entry fee. Enter at the ring. Ribbons only.
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
Premiums Offered per Lot 2nd Place 3rd Place $30 $20
1st Place $40
Dept/Class 12-100 Lot 1 Lot 2
Friday, July 21st at 5 PM
Premiums Offered per Lot 2nd Place 3rd Place $50 $40 All Dairy Breeds Winter calf, female Fall calf, female
4th Place $30
Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12 Lot 13
Summer calf, female Spring yearling, female Winter yearling, female Fall yearling, female 2 year old, female - dry or milking 3 years old or older, female – dry or milking Winter calf, bull Fall calf, bull Pair of females Produce of Dam – 2 females, same dam Dairy herd – 4 females in milk
Dept/Class 12-202 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8
Registered/Grade – All Breeds Judged Together Winter calf Fall calf Summer calf Spring yearling Winter yearling Fall yearling 2 year old, female – dry or milking 3 years or older, female – dry or milking
JUNIOR MARKET DAIRY CATTLE (9-19 years old as of January 1st) Friday, July 21st at 5 PM $10.00 per entry per lot Two entries per exhibitor per lot Danish Open to 10th District residents only Be sure to review all State & Local Rules. See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
Admission Discounts Leader & Parent Passes $18.00 Discount Admission Packs 5 for $25.00 Carnival PreSale Coupons One Day Unlimited Rides - $25.00 All Fair Unlimited Rides - $70.00
Dept/Class 12-200 Market Bred Dairy Heifers Showmanship is mandatory for all junior exhibitors entering a market class. Must sign up for showmanship separately. Lot 1 Bred Dairy Heifer, born February 2014 or later Group of 3 Market Dairy Heifers No entry fee. Enter at the ring. Ribbons only.
JUNIOR DAIRY CINCH SHOWMANSHIP (5-19 years old as of January 1st) Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
1st Place $8 Dept/Class 12-201 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5
Friday, July 21st at 5 PM No entry fee One entry per exhibitor per lot American Open to Siskiyou, Shasta, Modoc, Lassen & Trinity counties
Premiums Offered per Lot 2nd Place 3rd Place $7 $6
JUNIOR MARKET SWINE (9-19 years old as of January 1st) Friday, July 21st at 5 PM $10.00 per entry per lot One entry per exhibitor per lot Danish Open to 10th District residents only Be sure to review all State & Local Rules. See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
4th Place $5
Dairy Cattle Showmanship Pee Wee, Age 5-8 (ribbons only) Senior advanced, Age 16-19 Beginner, Age 9-10 Beginner, Age 11-12 Junior advanced, Age 13-15
Dept/Class 13-200 Market Swine Showmanship is mandatory for all junior exhibitors entering a market class. Must sign up for showmanship separately. Lot 1 Market Swine, 215-280 lbs Lot 2 Back up Market Swine (no fee)
JUNIOR DAIRY CATTLE BREEDING (9-19 years old as of January 1st) Friday, July 21st at 5 PM $5.00 per entry per lot Two entries per exhibitor per lot American Open to Siskiyou, Shasta, Modoc, Lassen & Trinity counties Be sure to review all State & Local Rules. See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
1st Place $40
Premiums Offered per Lot 2nd Place 3rd Place $30 $20
Group of 3 Market Swine No entry fee. Enter at the ring. Ribbons only. Dept/Class 13-201 Lot 1
4th Place $10
Siskiyou County Born Swine Siskiyou County Born Swine The top two placing Siskiyou County born hogs from each class of the regular show will be invited to show in this class. Exhibitors must be pre-entered in this class and there will be no refunds if not in the top two placings.
Dept/Class 13-202 Lot 1
Heritage Swine Program The Heritage Swine Program This class will promote the showing of heritage hog breeds and encourage exhibitors to raise high quality animals whose genetics have been preserved.
JUNIOR SWINE CINCH SHOWMANSHIP (5-19 years old as of January 1st) Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
Friday, July 21st at 5 PM No entry fee One entry per exhibitor per lot American Open to 10th District residents only
Premiums Offered per Lot 2nd Place 3rd Place $7 $6
1st Place $8 Dept/Class 13-203 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5
4th Place $5
Swine Showmanship Pee Wee, Age 5-8 (ribbons only) Senior advanced, Age 16-19 Beginner, Age 9-10 Beginner, Age 11-12 Junior advanced, Age 13-15
Dept/Class 14-100 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10
Meat Breeds – All Breeds Judged Together Yearling ram Ram lamb Pair of ram lambs Yearling ewe Pair of yearling ewes Ewe lamb Pair of ewe lambs Young flock – one ram lamb, two ewe lambs Get of sire Flock – one yearling or ram lamb, two yearling ewes, two ewe lambs
Dept/Class 14-101 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10
All Wool Breeds & Natural Colored Sheep Yearling ram Ram lamb Pair of ram lambs Yearling ewe Pair of yearling ewes Ewe lamb Pair of ewe lambs Young flock – one ram lamb, two ewe lambs Get of sire Flock – one yearling or ram lamb, two yearling ewes, two ewe lambs
JUNIOR MARKET SHEEP (9-19 years old as of January 1st) Friday, July 21st at 5 PM $10.00 per entry per lot Two entries per exhibitor per lot Danish Open to 10th District residents only Be sure to review all State & Local Rules. See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
Junior Fair Board PREFAIR & QUALITY ASSURANCE June 24, 2017 Siskiyou Golden Fairgrounds Call 842-2767 for more information.
Dept/Class 14-200 Market Sheep Showmanship is mandatory for all junior exhibitors entering a market class. Must sign up for showmanship separately. Lot 1 Wether or ewe lamb, 110-160 lbs
Group of 3 Market Sheep No entry fee. Enter at the ring. Ribbons only.
JUNIOR SHEEP CINCH SHOWMANSHIP (5-19 years old as of January 1st)
Sep 2016 – May 2017 Sep 2015 – Aug 2016
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
SENIOR/OPEN SHEEP (20 years old & older as of January 1st) Friday, July 21st at 5 PM $6.00 per lot Two entries per exhibitor per lot American Open to California, Oregon, Nevada and Arizona residents Be sure to review all State & Local Rules. See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
1st Place $8 Dept/Class 14-201 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5
Premiums Offered per Lot 2nd Place 3rd Place 4th Place $40 $30 $10 Rosettes will be given to the Overall Supreme Ram & Overall Supreme Female
1st Place $50
Friday, July 21st at 5 PM No entry fee One entry per exhibitor per lot American Open to Siskiyou, Shasta, Modoc, Lassen & Trinity counties
Premiums Offered per Lot 2nd Place 3rd Place $7 $6 Sheep Showmanship Pee Wee, Age 5-8 (ribbons only) Senior advanced, Age 16-19 Beginner, Age 9-10 Beginner, Age 11-12 Junior advanced, Age 13-15
4th Place $5
JUNIOR BREEDING SHEEP (9-19 years old as of January 1st)
1st Place $40
Friday, July 21st at 5 PM $5.00 per entry per lot Two entries per exhibitor per lot American Open to Siskiyou, Shasta, Modoc, Lassen and Trinity counties Be sure to review all State & Local Rules. See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
BIRTHDATES: Junior Doe Kid Intermediate Kid Senior Doe Kid Junior Yearling Senior Yearling 2 Year Olds 3 Year Olds 4 Year Olds 5 Year Olds 6 Years & Older
Premiums Offered per Lot Class 14-202 & 14-203 only 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place 4th Place $40 $30 $20 $10 Dept/Class 14-202 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10
Dept/Class 14-203 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10
Dept/Class 14-204 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4
Premiums Offered per Lot 2nd Place 3rd Place $40 $30
Registered – All Meat Breeds Yearling ram Ram lamb Pair of ram lambs Yearling ewe Pair of yearling ewes Ewe lamb Pair of ewe lambs Young flock – one ram lamb, two ewe lambs Get of sire Flock – one yearling or ram lamb, two yearling ewes, two ewe lambs
Dept/Class 15-100 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Dept/Class 15-101
Registered – All Wool & Color Breeds Yearling ram Ram lamb Pair of ram lambs Yearling ewe Pair of yearling ewes Ewe lamb Pair of ewe lambs Young flock – one ram lamb, two ewe lambs Get of sire Flock – one yearling or ram lamb, two yearling ewes, two ewe lambs
Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8
4th Place $10
May 2017 – Jul 2017 Mar 2017 – Apr 2017 Jan 2017 – Feb 2017 May 2016 – Dec 2016 Jan 2016 – Apr 2016 Born in 2015 Born in 2014 Born in 2013 Born in 2012 Born in 2011 or before Registered, Junior Dairy Doe Show (all does dry) – All Breeds Judged Together Junior doe kid Intermediate doe kid Senior doe kid Dry yearling Junior produce of dam Junior get of sire Junior herd Registered, Senior Dairy Doe Show (all does in milk) – All Breeds Judged Together Under 3 years old 3 years old 4 years old 5 years old & older Dam & daughter Senior produce of dam Senior get of sire Senior herd
SENIOR/OPEN BOER GOATS (20 years old & older as of January 1st) Friday, July 21st at 5 PM $6.00 per lot Two entries per exhibitor per lot American Open to California, Oregon, Nevada and Arizona residents Be sure to review all State & Local Rules. See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
Unregistered/Grade – Farm Flock All Breeds Ewe lamb Yearling ewe Pair of ewe lambs Pair of yearling ewes
1st Place $40
Dept/Class 15-102 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12
SENIOR/OPEN DAIRY GOATS (20 years old & older as of January 1st) Friday, July 21st at 5 PM $6.00 per lot Two entries per exhibitor per lot American Open to California, Oregon, Nevada and Arizona residents Be sure to review all State & Local Rules. See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
Premiums Offered per Lot 2nd Place 3rd Place $40 $30
4th Place $10
Registered, Boer Goats Doe kids born May 8 – Aug 7, 2017 Doe kids born Feb 8 to May 7, 2017 Doe kids born Nov 8, 2016 to Feb 7, 2017 Doe kids born Aug 8, 2016 to Nov 7, 2016 Yearling does born Apr 8 to Aug 7, 2016 Yearling does born Dec 8, 2015 to Apr 7, 2016 Yearling does born Aug 8 to Dec 7, 2015 2 year old does born Aug 8, 2014 to Aug 7, 2015 Aged does born before Aug 7, 2013 Buck kids born Feb 8 to Aug 7, 2017 Buck kids born Aug 8, 2016 to Feb 7, 2017 Yearling bucks born Apr 8 to Aug 7, 2016
Dept/Class 15-103 Lot 1
Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
Prospect Goat Wether or doe
Dept/Class 15-203 Registered/Unregistered Dwarf Goats Lot 1 Does, all ages Lot 2 Wethers, all ages
JUNIOR MARKET GOATS (9-19 years old as of January 1st) Friday, July 21st at 5 PM $10.00 per entry per lot Two entries per exhibitor per lot Danish Open to 10th District residents only Be sure to review all State & Local Rules. See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
JR DAIRY GOAT CINCH SHOWMANSHIP (5-19 years old as of January 1st) Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
Dept/Class 15-200 Market Goats Showmanship is mandatory for all junior exhibitors entering a market class. Must sign up for showmanship separately. Lot 1 Wether or doe, 55-110 lbs
Friday, July 21st at 5 PM No entry fee One entry per exhibitor per lot American Open to Siskiyou, Shasta, Modoc, Lassen and Trinity counties
Premiums Offered per Lot 2nd Place 3rd Place $7 $6
4th Place $5
BIRTHDATES: One year or older Under one year
Dept/Class 15-201 Meat Goat Showmanship Lot 1 Pee Wee, Age 5-8 – Primary entrants are not eligible to enter this lot (ribbons only) Lot 2 Senior advanced, Age 16-19 Lot 3 Beginner, Age 9-10 Lot 4 Beginner, Age 11-12 Lot 5 Junior advanced, Age 13-15
Friday, July 21st at 5 PM $5.00 per lot None American Poultry will not be allowed on the grounds prior to the mandatory inspection. Open to California, Oregon, Nevada and Arizona residents Be sure to review all State & Local Rules. See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
Friday, July 21st at 5 PM $5.00 per entry per lot Two entries per exhibitor per lot American Open to Siskiyou, Shasta, Modoc, Lassen and Trinity counties Be sure to review all State & Local Rules. See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
Premiums Offered per Lot 2nd Place 3rd Place $20 $16
2016 or before 2015
SENIOR/OPEN POULTRY (20 years old & older as of January 1st)
JUNIOR BREEDING GOATS (9-19 years old as of January 1st) (5-19 years old for Pygmy & Nigerian Only)
1st Place $25
4th Place $5
Dept/Class 15-204 Dairy Goat Showmanship Lot 1 Pee Wee, Age 5-8 – Primary entrants are not eligible to enter this lot (ribbons only) Lot 2 Senior advanced, Age 16-19 Lot 3 Beginner, Age 9-10 Lot 4 Beginner, Age 11-12 Lot 5 Junior advanced, Age 13-15
JR MEAT GOAT CINCH SHOWMANSHIP (5-19 years old as of January 1st)
1st Place $8
Friday, July 21st at 5 PM No entry fee One entry per exhibitor per lot American Open to Siskiyou, Shasta, Modoc, Lassen and Trinity counties
Premiums Offered per Lot 2nd Place 3rd Place $7 $6
1st Place $8
Group of 3 Market Goats No entry fee. Enter at the ring. Ribbons only.
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
Dry yearlings Milkers, 1 & 2 years old Milkers, 3 years & older
1st Place $10 Dept/Class 16-100 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4
4th Place $12
Dept/Class 15-202 Registered/Unregistered Dairy Goats Lot 1 Junior doe kid Lot 2 Intermediate doe kid Lot 3 Senior doe kid
Premiums Offered per Lot 2nd Place $5
3rd Place $3
Utility Chickens Cock, one year or older Hen, one year or older Cockerel, less than one year old Pullet, less than one year old
Dept/Class 16-101 Large Poultry (state breed on entry form) American, Asiatic, Continental, English, Mediterranean
Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4
Cock, one year or older Hen, one year or older Cockerel, less than one year old Pullet, less than one year old
Poultry will not be allowed on the grounds prior to the mandatory inspection. Open to Siskiyou, Shasta, Modoc, Lassen and Trinity counties Be sure to review all State & Local Rules. See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Dept/Class 16-102 Bantams (state breed on entry form) Modern Game, Old English Game, Single Comb-Clean Legged, Rose Comb-Clean Legged, All Other Clean Legged, Feathered Legged Lot 1 Cock, one year or older Lot 2 Hen, one year or older Lot 3 Cockerel, less than one year old Lot 4 Pullet, less than one year old
1st Place $10 Dept/Class 16-201 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4
Dept/Class 16-103 Ducks (state breed on entry form) Heavy Weight, Medium Weight, Light Weight Lot 1 Old drake, one year or older Lot 2 Old duck, one year or older Lot 3 Young drake, less than one year Lot 4 Young duck, less than one year
Friday, July 21st at 5 PM $4.00 per lot None American Open to California, Oregon, Nevada and Arizona residents Be sure to review all State & Local Rules. See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
Dept/Class 16-104 Lot 1 Lot 2
Premiums Offered per Lot 2nd Place $5
Utility Chickens (state breed on entry form) Cock, one year or older Hen, one year or older Cockerel, less than one year Pullet, less than one year
Dept/Class 16-203 Bantams (state breed on entry form) Modern Game, Old English Game, Single Comb-Clean Legged, Rose Comb-Clean Legged, All Other Clean Legged, Feather Legged Lot 1 Cock, one year or older Lot 2 Hen, one year or older Lot 3 Cockerel, less than one year Lot 4 Pullet, less than one year
3rd Place $3
Dept/Class 16-204 Ducks (state breed on entry form) Heavy Weight, Medium Weight, Light Weight Lot 1 Old drake, one year or older Lot 2 Old duck, one year or older Lot 3 Young drake, less than one year Lot 4 Young duck, less than one year
Eggs (6) White Brown
JUNIOR MARKET POULTRY (9-19 years old as of January 1st)
JUNIOR POULTRY EGGS (5-19 years old as of January 1st)
Friday, July 21st at 5 PM $10.00 per entry per lot Two entries per exhibitor per lot Danish Poultry will not be allowed on the grounds prior to the mandatory inspection. Open to 10th District residents only Be sure to review all State & Local Rules. See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
Friday, July 21st at 5 PM $2.00 per entry per lot None American Open to Siskiyou, Shasta, Modoc, Lassen and Trinity counties Be sure to review all State & Local Rules. See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
1st Place $10
Dept/Class 16-200 Meat Pen Showmanship is mandatory for all junior exhibitors entering a market class. Must sign up for showmanship separately. Lot 1 Meat pen â&#x20AC;&#x201C; two birds not over 8 weeks old and not to exceed 6 lbs
Dept/Class 16-205 Lot 1 Lot 2
Premiums Offered per Lot 2nd Place $5 Eggs (6) White Brown
Dept/Class 16-206 Educational Poster Contest Ribbons only. No premiums. Lot 1 Primary, age 5-8 Lot 2 Beginner, age 9-10 Lot 3 Intermediate, age 11-13 Lot 4 Advanced, age 14-19 Lot 5 Club or organization
JUNIOR POULTRY PENS (5-19 years old as of January 1st) Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging:
3rd Place $3
Dept/Class 16-202 Large Poultry (state breed on entry form) American, Asiatic, Continental, English, Mediterranean Lot 1 Cock, one year or older Lot 2 Hen, one year or older Lot 3 Cockerel, less than one year Lot 4 Pullet, less than one year
SENIOR/OPEN POULTRY EGGS (20 years old & older as of January 1st)
1st Place $10
Premiums Offered per Lot 2nd Place $5
Friday, July 21st at 5 PM $2.00 per entry per lot None American
3rd Place $3
JUNIOR POULTRY CINCH SHOWMANSHIP (5-19 years old as of January 1st) Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
1st Place $8
Dept/Class 17-201 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5
Friday, July 21 at 5 PM No entry fee One entry per exhibitor per lot American Poultry will not be allowed on the grounds prior to the mandatory inspection. Open to Siskiyou, Shasta, Modoc, Lassen and Trinity counties
Premiums Offered per Lot 2nd Place 3rd Place $7 $6
4th Place $5
Under 6 months of age Over 6 months of age
SENIOR/OPEN RABBITS (20 years old & older as of January 1st) Friday, July 21st at 5 PM $5.00 per entry per lot None American Open to California, Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona residents Be sure to review all State & Local Rules. See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
Premiums Offered per Lot 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place $10 $5 $3 Best of Breed and Best of Opposite Breed may be awarded in each class (not lot) and will receive a Rosette per the judge’s discretion.
JUNIOR MARKET TURKEYS (9-19 years old as of January 1st) Friday, July 21st at 5 PM $10.00 per entry per lot Two entries per exhibitor per lot Danish Poultry will not be allowed on the grounds prior to the mandatory inspection. Open to 10th District residents only Be sure to review all State & Local Rules. See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
Dept/Class 17-200 Meat Pen Showmanship is mandatory for all junior exhibitors entering a market class. Must sign up for showmanship separately. Lot 1 Meat pen – one bird not over 20 weeks old; Hens 20 to 35 lbs and Toms 30 to 45 lbs.
JUNIOR TURKEY CINCH SHOWMANSHIP (5-19 years old as of January 1st) Friday, July 21st at 5 PM No entry fee One entry per exhibitor per lot American Poultry will not be allowed on the grounds prior to the mandatory inspection. Open to Siskiyou, Shasta, Modoc, Lassen and Trinity counties
Premiums Offered per Lot 2nd Place 3rd Place
Turkey Showmanship Pee Wee, Age 5-8 (ribbons only) Senior advanced, Age 16-19 Beginner, Age 9-10 Beginner, Age 11-12 Junior advanced, Age 13-15
BIRTHDATES: Junior Senior
1st Place
Dept/Class 16-207 Poultry Showmanship Lot 1 Pee Wee, Age 5-8 – Primary entrants are not eligible to enter this lot (ribbons only) Lot 2 Senior advanced, Age 14-19 Lot 3 Beginner, Age 9-10 Lot 4 Junior advanced, Age 11-13
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
4th Place
Dept/Class 18-100 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12
Four Class Rabbits American fuzzy lop Angora Dutch Dwarf hotot Florida white Himalayan Holland lop Jesey wolley Lion head Mini lop Mini rex Other, specify
Dept/Class 18-101 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7
Six Class Rabbis Californian Champagne D Argent French lop New Zealand Satin Standard rex Other, specify
Dept/Class 18-102 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4
Netherland Dwarf Junior buck Senior buck Junior doe Senior doe
Lot 3 Lot 4
JUNIOR MARKET RABBITS (9-19 years old as of January 1st) Friday, July 21st at 5 PM $10.00 per entry per lot Two entries per exhibitor per lot Danish Open to 10th District residents only Be sure to review all State & Local Rules. See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
Dept/Class 18-205 Educational Poster Contest Ribbons only. No premiums. Lot 1 Primary, age 5-8 Lot 2 Beginner, age 9-10 Lot 3 Intermediate, age 11-13 Lot 4 Advanced, age 14-19 Lot 5 Club or organization
JUNIOR RABBIT CINCH SHOWMANSHIP (5-19 years old as of January 1st)
Dept/Class 18-200 Meat Pen Showmanship is mandatory for all junior exhibitors entering a market class. Must sign up for showmanship separately. Lot 1 Meat pen – three purebred meat type rabbits, 3 ½ - 5 lbs each
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
JUNIOR RABBIT PENS (5-19 years old as of January 1st) Friday, July 21st at 5 PM $2.00 per entry per lot None American Open to Siskiyou, Shasta, Modoc, Lassen and Trinity counties Be sure to review all State & Local Rules. See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
Lot 1
Four Class Rabbits American fuzzy lop Angora Dutch Dwarf hotot Florida white Himalayan Holland lop Jesey wolley Lion head Mini lop Mini rex Other, specify
Dept/Class 18-203 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7
Six Class Rabbits Californian Champagne D Argent French lop New Zealand Satin Standard rex Other, specify
Dept/Class 18-204 Lot 1 Lot 2
Netherland Dwarf Junior buck Senior buck
4th Place $5
Dept/Class 18-206 Rabbit Showmanship Lot 1 Pee Wee, Age 5-8 – Primary entrants are not eligible to enter this lot (ribbons only) Lot 2 Senior advanced, Age 14-19 Lot 3 Beginner, Age 9-10 Lot 4 Junior advanced, Age 11-13
Single Live Fryer (must be an ARBA recognized variety, type and weight) Single Live Fryer, 3 ½ - 5 lbs not over 70 days old
Dept/Class 18-202 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12
Friday, July 21st at 5 PM No entry fee One entry per exhibitor per lot American Open to Siskiyou, Shasta, Modoc, Lassen and Trinity counties
Premiums Offered per Lot 2nd Place 3rd Place $7 $6
1st Place $8
Premiums Offered per Lot 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place $10 $5 $3 Best of Breed and Best of Opposite Breed may be awarded in each class (not lot) and will receive a Rosette per the judge’s discretion. Dept/Class 18-201
Junior doe Senior doe
JUNIOR CAVY PENS 59-19 years old as of January 1st) Friday, July 21st at 5 PM $2.00 per entry per lot None American Open to Siskiyou, Shasta, Modoc, Lassen and Trinity counties Be sure to review all State & Local Rules. See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
Ribbons only, no premiums. Dept/Class 19-201 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
Cavy Abyssinian American Satin Silkie Teddy Other, specify
Dept/Class 19-202 Educational Poster Contest Ribbons only. No premiums. Lot 1 Primary, age 5-8 Lot 2 Beginner, age 9-10 Lot 3 Intermediate, age 11-13 Lot 4 Advanced, age 14-19
Lot 5
• • •
Club or organization
JUNIOR CAVY CINCH SHOWMANSHIP (5-19 years old as of January 1st) Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
1st Place $8
Friday, July 21st at 5 PM No entry fee One entry per exhibitor per lot American Open to Siskiyou, Shasta, Modoc, Lassen and Trinity counties
Premiums Offered per Lot 2nd Place 3rd Place $7 $6
4th Place $5
Dept/Class 19-203 Cavy Showmanship Lot 1 Pee Wee, Age 5-8 – Primary entrants are not eligible to enter this lot (ribbons only) Lot 2 Senior advanced, Age 14-19 Lot 3 Beginner, Age 9-10 Lot 4 Junior advanced, Age 11-13
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Friday, July 21st at 5 PM TO ENTER PEE WEE SHOWMANSHIP LOOK UNDER THE DEPARTMENT/SPECIES THAT THE ENTRANT WILL BE SHOWING. THE TOP 2 WINNERS OF THE PEE WEE LOT WILL MOVE TO THE CHAMPIONSHIP. Entry Fees: No entry fee Post Entry Fees: $10.00 late fee if after deadline Limit: One entry per exhibitor per lot Type of Judging: American Restrictions: Open to 10th DAA residents. Be sure to review all State & Local Rules. See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
SMALL ANIMAL FASHION SHOW This is a fun show open to all junior small animal exhibitors at the Siskiyou Golden Fair. Small animals will be dressed in creative and safe fashions. Clothes/costumes may not contain glue or pins that could harm the animal. You may not shave, dye or glues the animal’s nature fur or feathers. No piercings. Exhibitor costumes are strongly encouraged, but not required. Clothes/costumes do not have to be handmade by the exhibitor; store bought costumes are okay. 1st – 3rd ribbons will be handed out in each lot. The winner of each lot will participate for Best of Show. Best of Show, Most Creative and Best Team (animal and exhibitor) awards will be handed out.
Friday, July 21st at 5 PM No entry fee One entry per exhibitor per lot American Open to Siskiyou, Shasta, Modoc, Lassen and Trinity counties Be sure to review all State & Local Rules. See the Exhibitor Information Schedule for more dates & times.
Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Entry Fees: Limit: Type of Judging: Restrictions:
Dept/Class 18-204 Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3
THANK YOU CARDS The 10th DAA Friends of the Fair sell auction “Thank You” cards during the fair. Exhibitors can make a donation to the 10th DAA Friends of the Fair in the name of their seller. This is a fundraiser for the 10th DAA Friends of the Fair with all the money going back into the livestock department. Thank you cards may be purchased at the Information Booth, located just north of the gazebo, during fair time.
Small Animal Fashion Show Poultry Rabbit Cavy
Junior Fair Board PREFAIR & QUALITY ASSURANCE June 24, 2017 Siskiyou Golden Fairgrounds Call 842-2767 for more information.
Animals may be shown by exhibitor in breeding lots. Non-castrated males over six months old will not be allowed. Pee wee exhibitors and parents are subject to all the livestock rules. Due to increased entries and safety issues, Pee Wee Rounds will be held before each specie showmanship class. The top two winners in each specie will participate in the overall Pee Wee Championship on Saturday. Animals must be brought in on the regular exhibitor schedule and times. Exhibitor may be stalled with siblings or club in which they are affiliated if agreeable by all parties. Animals will not leave the fair until scheduled on Sunday after 8:00 PM. Animals do not have to be owned by the exhibitor. They may use an animal that is already on the grounds and owned by another exhibitor. Livestock Superintendent will provide further instructions to those that participate in the Pee Wee Championship Show.
Pee Wee Championship is sponsored by the Siskiyou Golden Fairgrounds Junior Fair Board. Limited to youth ages 5 to 8 years of age prior to the opening day of fair and who are not entered into another showmanship class (See State Rule VII Junior Department #12). Post Entries will be accepted with a $10.00 late fee up to Tuesday at 10:00 PM at the Livestock Office.
JUNIOR LIVESTOCK AUCTION Sponsored by the 10th District Junior Livestock Auction Committee, Inc.
Sunday, August 13, 2017 at 10 AM The Buyers Breakfast will be held in the Beer Garden starting at 8:30 AM sponsored by Raley’s & the Siskiyou County Farm Bureau. 11. SELLER INFORMATION Any junior exhibitor not conducting themselves to acceptable standards of behavior will not be allowed to sell at the livestock auction. 1. The auction will be restricted to members of the 10th District Agricultural Association excluding District 10A. 2. All State and Local Rules apply to qualify for the auction. 3. Animals to be sold must be shown and sold by the member as an entry in the 10th District Agricultural Association/Siskiyou Golden Fair and meet the weight requirements prescribed in the market animal lots listed in the Exhibitor Handbook. Animals must be sold in the auction by the junior exhibitor/owner. If an exhibitor is unable to sell their animal, they must receive approval for a substitute seller from the JLAC Board of Directors or by the Auction Executive Committee. 4. The Junior Livestock Auction Executive Committee will consist of three auction committee directors, the auction committee president and the fair livestock superintendent. Members’ names will be posted on the official weigh-in day of the fair. They will have the power to make decisions and adjustments on problems that may arise in connection with the auction. 5. The sale will be limited to market animals only. No breeding and feeder animals will be included except for bred dairy heifers and beef replacement heifers. All bred dairy heifers and beef replacement heifers must place in Group 1. Rabbits and poultry must place in Group 1 or 2. All beef and sheep must place market ready. All swine must place market acceptable. Bred dairy heifers must be within 60 days of calving to sell. Animals not fit for slaughter will not be sold at the auction as determined by the Junior Livestock Auction Executive Committee. 6. Each 4-H club, FFA chapter and Independent exhibitors must have a representative with adult supervision attend at least five (5) meetings throughout the year. Any clubs, chapters or independent exhibitors not represented at at least five (5) meetings will have their commission increased to 12% from their action checks. 7. All sale animals will be officially weighted at the fairgrounds on the Wednesday of fair week. 8. No beef over two and one-half years of age; no dairy heifers over 30 months; no yearling sheep, goats or hogs may be sold through the Junior Livestock Auction. 9. All 4-H clubs, FFA chapters and Independent Exhibitors who qualify to sell at the 10th District Junior Livestock Auction must participate in the auction program in one of a variety of duties identified on the designated sign-up sheet. Signups will take place at the July JLAC meeting. Failure to participate in the auction program will result in a $25.00 fine and possible holding of auction checks until the fine has been paid. 10. To sell in the auction each and every exhibitor or their parent/leader must contact an auction representative in the Livestock Office on Thursday of fair week between 3 PM – 5 PM for every market animal to be sold in the auction. Individuals with market beef have 30 minutes after the
12. 13.
market beef lot on Friday to make contact. Failure to comply with the time schedule will result in a $20 fine (deducted from auction check) and the Executive Committee of the Junior Livestock Auction Committee may resolve conflicts with the higher placing entry having priority and then the heaviest weight within the same group placing. When two or more species are eligible the larger will sell. A draft auction sales list shall be posted on the Livestock Office late Saturday evening, if available. The sales list for the auction will be made as follows: The judge will determine the Grand Champion and Reserve Champion Market animals from among the eligible animals in each of the beef, sheep, swine, rabbits, poultry, bred dairy heifer and beef replacement heifer classes. They will be sold first, followed by that specie by random drawing. Species will be sold in the order listed at the end of the auction information/rules. All Grand Champion and Reserve Champion market animals eligible for the auction are required to sell. The Parade of Champions will begin at 10 AM in the auction arena. All Grand and Reserve Champion animals are required to participate. Decoration of sale animals is allowed only if animals are cleaned of all decorations immediately after the sale. Absolutely NO glitter or oily substance of any kind is allowed. Animals not clean and dry of all decorations will not be loaded. There will be no reselling of animals during the auction, unless it is at the buyers request for a cause approved by the Junior Livestock Auction Executive Committee. All beef, sheep, goats and swine will be slaughtered at the plant designated by the Junior Livestock Auction Committee. No animals will be held at the fairgrounds for personal slaughter or shipped to another plant. Certain deductions will be made from the income of sale animals in order to defray expenses of the sale. For all species 6% is deducted and goes to the Junior Livestock Auction Committee to cover expenses. Sellers’ checks will be made available in the fair office 10 days after the auction. To receive auction checks, sellers must turn in sealed, stamped and addressed thank you notes in envelopes to the fair office. Buyer and support information will be mailed out to each seller within 10 days of the auction. Seller’s checks not negotiated by December 15th will be null and void. After December 15th, sellers will need to come before the Junior Livestock Auction Committee with their original auction check and get approval for a new check to be reissued. The owners of all animals that go through the sale ring and are sold must clear through the finance office and pay the auction fees required regardless of who buys the animals. Carcass replacement will take place as follows. Beef – any carcass that quality grades below USDA Select Minus is subject to replacement by the seller. Any carcass that is Lotified as a “dark cutter” is subject to replacement by the seller. Swine – Any carcass that grades below USDA No. 3 is subject to replacement by the seller. Sheep – Any carcass that grades below USDA Choice is subject to replacement by the seller. Goats – Any carcass that grades below USDA Choice is subject to replacement by the seller. All species – any carcass that is condemned for whatever reason is subject to replacement by the seller. The Junior Livestock Auction Committee will arrange for the replacement carcass, sell the meat from the below-grade carcass, and apply the proceeds towards the price of the replacement carcass. The difference between the cost of
the replacement carcass and the sale of the below grade carcass meat will be deducted from the seller’s auction check. Vocational Education projects receiving a blue ribbon and deemed consumer ready will be eligible for a silent auction administered by the 10th DAA Junior Livestock Auction Committee. Eligible entries must be declared by Friday of the fair at noon at the Livestock Office. One (1) project per exhibitor in this category will be eligible for the silent auction in addition to a livestock entry in the live JLAC Auction. A 3% sale commission will be assessed for all silent auction entries.
29. Belcampo will once again provide free buyers lunch. Each buyer will receive two (2) lunch tickets upon picking up their buyer number at the Livestock Office Sunday at the auction.
AUCTION ORDER OF SALE Market Steers Market Sheep Market Goats Market Turkeys Pen of 3 Rabbits Meat Pen of Chickens Registered Bred Beef Replacement Heifers Commercial Bred Beef Replacement Heifers Bred Dairy Heifers Market Hogs
BUYER INFORMATION 22. To be eligible to participate in the Junior Livestock Auction as a buyer, there must be no outstanding auction debt from any previous years. 23. The auction will be conducted in a businesslike manner. The auctioneer will determine the sales price and only bona fide bids will be accepted. 24. The auction will be on a cash basis. Any person bidding on an animal, in receiving the bid, will be responsible for the payment of the animal, even it he/she is acting as an agent for another person. 25. Purchasers will make checks payable to the 10th District Junior Livestock Auction Committee. 26. Auction buyers are encouraged to pay for purchases on the day of the auction. After 60 days following the auction, 27. 2% compound interest will be charged on the outstanding bill. If the bill is not paid by December 31st of the auction year, the debt will continue with interest and the buyer will be prohibited from participating at the auction indefinitely unless otherwise noted by the 10th District Junior Livestock Auction Committee. 28. Raley’s and the Siskiyou County Farm Bureau will once again be providing a buyer’s breakfast prior to the auction. Each previous year’s buyer will receive two breakfast tickets. Exhibitors and family members can purchase tickets at the fair office for $3.00 from July 1st to opening day of the fair. Tickets may be purchased at the livestock office for $3.00 during the fair.
THANK YOU!! To all the Buyers, Partners and Exhibitors that make the Siskiyou Golden Fair and Junior Livestock Auction a success!! SEE YOU NEXT YEAR!! AUGUST 8-12, 2018
DAILY SCHEDULE Times are subject to change. Check with the Livestock Office for official schedule during the week of fair. Friday, July 14th 5:00 PM Entry Deadline (Feature Booths – Online & Paper) Be sure to receive an email confirmation that your online entry and been submitted! Friday, July 21st 5:00 PM Online & Paper Entry Deadline: Ag-Hort, Birdhouses, Clothing & Textiles, Fine Arts, Floriculture, Foods (Preserved & Baked), Hobby & Crafts, Pallet Design, Photography, ALL Livestock (Small & Large Animals), Horse Show (post entry fees apply after today) Be sure to receive an email confirmation that your online entry has been submitted!
Fair Office
Fair Office
Monday, July 31st 8:00 AM Feature Booths may be started
Trivelpiece Building
Saturday, August 5th 8:00 AM Clothing & Textiles Received (to 6:00 PM) Fine Arts Received (to 6:00 PM) Hobby & Crafts Received (to 6:00 PM) Photography Received (to 6:00 PM) Quilts & Quilted Items Received (to 6:00 PM) 5:00 PM Window Display MUST be complete
Trivelpiece Building Winema Hall Winema Hall Winema Hall Trivelpiece Building Floral Building
Sunday, August 6th 9:00 AM Clothing & Textile Judging FEATURE BOOTHS WILL NOT BE ACCESSIBLE FROM 8:00 AM TO 2:00 PM Fine Arts Judging Hobby & Crafts Judging Photography Judging Quilts & Quilted Items Judging Monday, August 7th 5:00 PM Feature Booths MUST be complete
No public viewing No public viewing No public viewing No public viewing No public viewing Trivelpiece Building
Tuesday, August 8th 8:00 AM Ag-Hort Received (to 6:00 PM) Beef – Breeding, Market & Pen Cattle Received (to 10:00 PM) Beef – Registered & Commercial Bred Heifers Received (to 5:30 PM) Scarecrows Received (to 6:00 PM) Cavy Received (to 10:00 PM) Dairy Cattle – Bred Heifers Received (to 5:30 PM) Dairy Cattle – Breeding Received (to 10:00 PM) Floriculture Received (to 6:00 PM) Foods – Baked Received (to 6:00 PM) Foods – Preserved Received (to 6:00 PM) Goats – Boer, Breeding & Market Received (to 10:00 PM) Pallet Designs Received (to 6:00 PM) Parent & Leader Passes available for sale Rabbits Received (to 10:00 PM) Sheep – Breeding & Market Received (to 10:00 PM) Swine – Market Received (to 10:00 PM) 4:00 PM Pre Weigh In (unofficial) – Beef, Goats, Sheep & Swine (to 5:30 PM) 5:30 PM Official Weigh In – Bred Beef Heifers (to 6:30 PM) Preg & Health Check – Bred Beef & Dairy Heifers (to 6:30 PM) 7:00 PM Floriculture Judging Foods – Preserved Judging Foods – Baked Judging (if time permits) Wednesday, August 9th 7:45 AM MANDATORY Livestock Exhibitor Meeting 8:00 AM Ag-Hort/Feature Booth/Scarecrows/Pallet Design Judging Foods – Baked Judging (if additional time needed) Official Weigh In – Swine (to 10:00 AM) Official Weigh In – Sheep (& Health Check) & Goats (to 10:00 AM)
Floral Building
Trivelpiece Building Small Animal Barn
Floral Building Trivelpiece Building Trivelpiece Building Trivelpiece Building Livestock Office Small Animal Barn
No public viewing No public viewing
Sedg Nelson Arena No public viewing No public viewing
9:00 AM
10:30 AM 11:00 AM 3:00 PM
4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM
Parent & Leader Passes available for sale Poultry Inspection, Including Turkeys Poultry – Market & Pens Received (to 11:00 AM) Turkeys Received (to 11:00 AM) Official Weigh In – Steers (to 12:00 PM) Official Weigh In – Poultry, Turkeys & Rabbits (to 12:00 PM) FAIR OFFICIALLY OPENS Parent & Leader Passes no longer on sale Poultry Market Judged Poultry Pens Judged Turkey Market Judged Turkey Showmanship following Market Poultry Showmanship Goat (Market/Boer) Showmanship (class order - pee wee, senior, junior, beginner, primary) Swine Showmanship (class order - pee wee, senior, junior, beginner, primary) Sheep Showmanship (class order - pee wee, senior, junior, beginner, primary)
Thursday, August 10th 10:00 AM Market Goats followed by Boer Goats Market Swine 1:00 PM Market Sheep followed by Breeding 1:30 PM Siskiyou Born Swine Show 5:00 PM Beef Showmanship (class order – pee wee, senior, junior, beginner, primary) Friday, August 11th 9:00 AM Dairy Goat Showmanship (class order – pee wee, senior, junior, beginner, primary) 10:00 AM Market Beef, Bred Beef Heifers followed by Steers 12:00 PM Rabbit Showmanship (class order – pee wee, senior, junior, beginner, primary), followed by Market Pens, Junior & Senior Pens and Cavy Showmanship (class order – pee wee, senior, junior, beginner, primary) & Pens 2:00 PM Breeding Beef, Junior followed by Senior Small Animal Fashion Show Walk On Contest - Junior Fair Board Karoke Contest 4:00 PM Dairy Showmanship (class order – pee wee, senior, junior, beginner, primary), followed by Bred Dairy Heifers, Junior & Senior Breeding 5:00 PM Super Cow Judging
Livestock Office Small Animal Barn
Livestock Office Small Animal Barn Small Animal Barn Sheep/Goat Barn Small Show Ring Small Animal Barn Small Show Ring Large Show Ring Small Show Ring Small Show Ring Large Show Ring Small Show Ring Large Show Ring Large Show Ring Small Show Ring Large Show Ring Small Animal Barn
Large Show Ring Small Animal Barn SCCU Mall Stage Large Show Ring
Saturday, August 12th 8:00 AM Junior Horse Show begins Equestrian Complex 11:00 AM Livestock Awards Ceremony Large Show Ring 12:00 PM Round Robin – Small Animal Large Show Ring 1:00 PM Walk On Contest – Stick Horse Rodeo & Costume Contest Small Show Ring 2:00 PM Round Robin – Large Animal Large Show Ring Walk On Contest – Homemade Apple Pie Trivelpiece Building 3:00 PM Senior Horse Show Trail Challenge Equestrian Complex 4:00 PM Walk On Contest – Tallest Weed Floral Building 4:30 PM PeeWee Championship (top 2 winners from each pee wee specie round) Large Show Ring Awards Ceremony is to be held immediately following PeeWee Showmanship. The Auction Ring will be set up immediately following the Awards Ceremony. Check the list posted at the Livestock Office for assigned duties. Sunday, August 13th 8:00 AM Senior/Open Horse Show begins 8:30 AM JLAC Buyers Breakfast 10:00 AM Junior Livestock Auction 1:00 PM Walk On Contest – Lane Street Children’s Center Diaper Derby 2:00 PM Walk On Contest – Homemade Salsa & Chips 4:00 PM Walk On Contest – 2017 Fair Photos 8:00 PM FAIR OFFICIALLY CLOSES Exhibits, including Livestock, may be released (still exhibits to 9:00 PM) Pen decorations may be removed from individual stalls/pens Monday, August 14th 8:00 AM Exhibits MUST be picked up (to 6:00 PM) Feature Booths must be removed and area cleaned Livestock Exhibitors MUST remove all decorations and return areas free of debris
Equestrian Complex Beer Garden Auction Ring SCCU Mall Stage Trivelpiece Building Winema Hall Specific Department
Specific Department Howard Trivelpiece Building
Enriching the people of Siskiyou County by providing support to the Siskiyou Golden Fairgrounds through volunteerism, fundraising, sponsorship, outreach and education
Board of Directors Janae Scruggs, President Steve Bakes, Vice President Jan Wells, Secretary Scott Ingle, Treasurer
Amy Ralls Glen Overman Grace Bennett Kristal Black
Be a part of your fairâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Become a Volunteer
For more information call the fair office-842-2767 Support the Foundation Commemorative Information booth Bricks, JLA Buyer Thank You Cards, Donations, Planned Estate Giving Yes, I would love to join the Friends of the Fair!!! Name ___________________________ Phone ___________________ Mailing Address _____________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code ________________________________________ E-mail Address _____________________________________________ Please Return To: 10th D.A.A. Friends of the Fair 1712 Fairlane Road, Yreka CA 96097
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76 Siskiyou Golden Fair â&#x20AC;¢ August 7-11, 2013
H 115