“Only the Tops� Sale September 26, 2019 No matter how you measure it, these 29 Angus females are the highest projected profitability females ever offered.
Top 10 by Index
“Only the Tops” Sale Thursday, September 26, 2019
“Only the Tops” Female Sale Lots Ranked in the Angus Breed Lot
$P $B
Reg No.
% Rank
Ankony Miss Belle 9090
Ankony Miss Belle 9100
Ankony Miss Blackbird 8278
Ankony Miss Lucy 9028
Ankony Miss Belle 9010
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8288
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8147
Ankony Miss Effie 7163
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8191
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8210
Animal Name
Reg No.
% Rank
Ankony Miss Lucy 9028
Ankony Miss Belle 9090
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8285
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8213
Ankony Miss Belle 9100
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8147
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8210
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8193
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8202
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8288
Lot 1
Reg No.
% Rank
Ankony Miss Belle 9090
Animal Name
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8147
Ankony Miss Lucy 9028
Ankony Miss Belle 9100
Ankony Miss 6P Lucy 81252
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8191
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8193
Ankony Miss Eileen 7180
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8210
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8213
Animal Name
Ankony “Only the Tops” Sale Averages Trait EPD
CED 7.7
BW 1.5
WW 73
YW 133
DMI 0.90
YH 0.3
SC 0.90
Trait EPD
MW 57
$EN -19
CW 66
MARB 1.10
RE 0.90
FAT 0.000
DOC 26
HP 10.9
CEM 10
$P $24,088
$M 66
$B 201
$R 327
$C 327
Ankony Quality and Integrity since 1935
Friends & Angus breeders, We are excited to invite you to join us in Clarkesville, Ga, on Thursday, September 26, 2019 for our second annual “Only the Tops” Ankony Farms Angus sale. In our humble opinion, this is the most unique set of Angus females ever offered in the breed. If they were at any other sale, we would be figuring out how we could buy them—all of them! Unlike any other females ever offered, these 29 females lead the breed on the key indexes that predict profitability—$Combined and $Profit. It is abundantly apparent to us that Angus breeders must focus on propagating the very best animals. Like begets like, and you cannot produce animals that will be future leaders without starting with animals that are at the top. If in doubt, just study lot 1 in this offering. These elite females will produce the herd sires and the donors of the future. These females will drive enormous value to commercial cow/ calf ranchers, feeders, and packers in integrated supply chain models. These animals will become the cornerstone of the Angus breed. The marketplace signals are very clear—the demand for high quality beef is stronger than ever and growing rapidly. With our new alliance with FPL Food® and Châtel Farms®, we will see clear value signals to seedstock producers and cow/calf producers that can hit the target. There is no question that these Ankony genetics will hit that high-quality Angus beef market. $Profit will be used to select the genetics that fill the FPL Food supply chain. Steers sired by higher $Profit bulls will bring back premiums to cow/calf producers. They, in turn, will pay more for bulls. This is will drive the entire Angus seedstock market in the southeastern region. We welcome you to join us at Ankony Farms for good hospitality, good friends, and good cattle. We hope to see you in September. Sincerely,
Virgil Lovell Virgil Lovell Owner, Ankony Farms
Lee Leachman
Lee Leachman Director of Communications
2019 Ankony “Only the Tops” Sale
As a group, the 29 females in this sale are the highest projected profitability females ever offered—no matter how you measure it. Compared across the Angus breed, they rank in the top 0.8% on $Profit, top 2% on $Beef, and the top 1% on $Combined.
More Profit, Less Risk The $Profit
Conception to Consumer Pre-Sale Seminar 10:00 a.m., September 26
index, Ankony Farms genetics, and the FPL Food supply chain is destined to drive the entire Angus
François Léger FPL Food/Châtel Farms®
seedstock market in the southeastern United States.
Prior to the Ankony sale, an educational seminar will be held at 10 a.m. on Sept. 26. This will be an opportunity for commercial ranchers and seedstock breeders to hear from François Léger directly about the FPL/Châtel programs (See page 4). Leachman said the seminar will discuss important drivers for commercial producers. “We are going to help them better understand $Profit and better understand how selecting for this index will improve their profitability and build better beef cows, but we are also going to talk about the opportunity for them to be part of this high-quality value chain and earn premiums based on that participation.” Lovell said that the seminar will be a good opportunity for cattlemen who haven’t necessarily followed the fast pace of reproduction and genomics, but want to have quality animals and sell into a food chain for higher returns.
Lee Leachman Ankony Farms
AnkonyFarms.com | 706.754.6000
Ankony Quality and Integrity since 1935
“Only the Tops” Sale September 26, 2019 Schedule September 26
Sale Location
10:00 a.m. The Future of Angus Genetics Seminar 12:00 p.m. Lunch 2:00 p.m. Ankony “Only the Tops” Sale
Ankony Virgil Lovell, Owner, 706-754-6000 Lee Leachman, Director of Communications, 970-219-8519 Noy Nations, Office Staff, 706-754-6000 Andrea Bradley, Livestock Superintendent, 607-379-1553 Joe Boddicker, 703-401-5077 Auctioneer Trent Stewart, 541-325-3662
Sale Day Staff Alan Sears, 970-396-7521 Richard Carmichael, 615-584-0997 Jordon Hunter, 417-224-6296 David Gazda, Angus Journal, 706-227-9098
Terms & Conditions Terms are cash. The cattle sell under the standard terms and conditions recommended by the American Angus Association.
Marketing & Catalog Design Tonya Pérez, AgTown Technologies, 970-396-2222
Directions, Accommodations & Air Travel Please refer to the inside back cover.
Can’t Attend? Bid Online LiveAuctions.TV Register prior to sale day.
Sale Managed by
Cotton & Associates Ryan Cotton, 706-206-8361 Larry Cotton, 517-294-0777 Mike Gothard, 540-894-1005
Special Assistants William H. Buckner Jr., 828-284-2614
Photography Adam Swigart, 309-826-3809
Ankony Headquarters 125 Ankony Farm Drive Mt. Airy, Ga. 30563 AnkonyFarms.com
Herd Health All cattle will be accompanied by proper health certificates for immediate interstate shipment. Females are calfhood vaccinated. Herd health information is available upon request. Supplement Sheet A supplementary sheet will be available with complete and up-to-date information sale day and will also be posted online at AnkonyFarms.com. Insurance American Livestock Insurance (901-276-2855) will be available sale day. Trucking Henry Stockdale, 931-626-6080 Tommy Carper, 540-303-3613 Chris Jones, 706-768-2167
Videos available online at AnkonyFarms.com EPDs as of July 19, 2019
2019 Ankony “Only the Tops” Sale
New Opportunity Offers Southeastern Ranchers
More Profit, Less Risk
A unique partnership gives Southeastern cattlemen a pasture-to-plate opportunity The winds of opportunity are blowing through the Southeast, and at the heart of the whirlwind is a new partnership providing a win-win situation for beef producers. Meat packer and feeder François Léger is building a conception-to-consumption supply chain of high-quality, Angus beef. On the genetic side, he is teaming up with long-time cattlemen Virgil Lovell and Lee Leachman of Ankony Farms in Clarkesville, Ga. To supply the product, the team is seeking cattlemen within a 600-mile radius of Augusta, Ga., to set up multiplier herds that could deliver several thousand calves per week into the FPL Food’s/Châtel Farms’® system. A French Farmer Brings a Rare Perspective to the U.S. Meat Industry FPL Food’s and Châtel Farms’ owner François Léger grew up in France on a beef, pork and poultry farm, where he learned the intricacies of how each species was raised. One of the youngest of a family of 10 kids, Léger knew he couldn’t stay on the farm, so he took a position in a beef plant. From carrying meat on his shoulder to boning, he worked his way through the ranks at the plant before working with two different French retailers to gain additional training. He then began an 18-year career with Keystone Foods, which took him to Australia and South America before bringing him to the United States. In 2004, Léger acquired the processing facility in Augusta, Ga., from Keystone Foods, and founded FPL Food. FPL grew to become the largest family-owned processor of fresh beef products and ground beef selections in the region. Léger is now designing plans to streamline and modernize the plant to accommodate the new product line. In 2011, Léger started Châtel Farms at Reidsville, Ga., to maintain supply for FPL Food. He expanded the farm with three stateof-the-art, environmentally-conscious barns to feed out cattle for the plant with forage and silage grown onsite. Léger’s involvement on the processing side of the beef industry lends him a more direct line of communication with consumers than most ranchers, and he is intensely listening. “What the beef industry is lacking today is transparency at both the producer side and the retailer end,” Léger said. “We can’t 4
Quality and Integrity since 1935
produce what we want to produce and force it through the chain to the consumer. We have to produce what the consumer wants.” Léger said consumers increasingly want to know what they are eating. “One hundred years ago, most of the population was from a farm and agriculture,” he added. “Sixty years ago, we started talking about people having less connection to the farm, but people still had grandparents or cousins that farmed. Today, people have no connection to the farm. They have food on their plates without knowing how it was produced.” “The customer wants high-quality beef and they don’t want to be disappointed,” he said. “To get high-quality beef, you need consistent, high marbling, tender, flavorful meat.” To satisfy this customer demand, Léger developed True to Nature™, a brand that will soon be available in retail outlets. Châtel Farms® Angus Beef, is the high-quality signature line of FPL’s Never Ever Angus brand, True to Nature™, an all-natural, no-hormone, no antibiotic beef product that is born, raised and processed in the Southeast. Léger’s aim is to improve efficiencies and expand production, to eventually make the quality product available to consumers across the Southeastern states. Joining Cattlemen with the Meat Company “It’s obvious that I cannot make this product alone,” Léger said. “We need the help of ranchers to develop a supply chain in the Southeast.” To supply the brand with superior, traceable genetics, Léger is announcing a new partnership with Ankony Farms. Léger chose
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“We need the help of ranchers to develop a supply chain in the Southeast.” From left, François Léger of FPL Food & Châtel Farms, Augusta, Ga., is announcing a new partnership with Virgil Lovell of Ankony Angus, Clarkesville, Ga., to build a conception-to-consumption supply chain of high-quality, Angus beef in the Southeast.
to partner with Ankony because of the ranch’s reputation for carcass traits and outstanding marbling and its location in the Southeast. He searched the country for the best partner for his branded beef line and found a common root—many of the best Angus herds traced back to Georgia’s own Ankony genetics. Another allure to the Ankony herd was their use of an index called $Profit. The $Profit index was developed by Lee Leachman, who took his economics degree and third-generation cattle background to develop a birth-to-harvest index that evaluates more than 20 financially important traits and boils it down to a value that indicates the difference in profitability that will be generated between bulls in your herd. The 15-year-old index has evaluated more than 1.1 million head in the Leachman database. “$Profit finds the animal that simultaneously improves the quality of your cowherd while increasing the quality of your feedlot and slaughter cattle in a balance closer to what most ranchers want,” Leachman said. The index helps identify cattle with traits that are usually antagonistic, such as maternal ability and carcass merit. “Combining animals that excel at those antagonistic factors is really important when you are trying to build a supply chain from the commercial herd to the consumer,” he said. The index is simple for cattlemen to use. With an assumption that a bull will have 100 calves, a rancher can determine the difference between Bull A with a $Profit value of 25,000 and Bull B with a 20,000 value to be a $5,000 difference, or $50/calf on those 100 calves, Leachman said. The results are already apparent in the Ankony herd. Ankony’s use of the $Profit matings propelled the herd to produce a significant percentage of the top 50 non-parent females in the United States in the EPD re-calibration performed by the American Angus Association in June. This included the #1 and #3 non-parent females on the $Combined Angus index that is slated for release in 2020. With the new partnership in mind, Lovell said Ankony is now striving to produce a volume of bull pregnancies from these top-performing females that will be mated to the highest carcass trait Angus bulls. These bulls will then be leased or sold to multiplier herds with the intention of putting a buy back contract in place with Châtel Farms for the calves produced by these bulls. After agreeing to breed a certain number of cows, the multiplier herd will sell back the resulting calves to the program for a premium. Premiums from the buyback are expected to all but pay for the cost of the bulls for the rancher. Ranchers will also have the option to retain ownership of the calves. To get started, Châtel Farms will evaluate a commercial
cow herd’s genetic merit using historical data and DNA. Once the contract is set up, Châtel Farms will have Ankony bulls available for immediate turnout. Given the intended size of the supply chain, Châtel and Ankony are encouraging other Angus breeders to produce high $Profit bulls. Ankony Farms will offer eligible genetics at its upcoming sale on Sept. 26. A “who’s who” of elite cow families will be offered at the sale, and will represent cattle in the top one-tenth to one percent of the Angus breed for $Profit. Prior to the Ankony sale, an educational seminar will be held at 10 a.m. on Sept. 26. This will be an opportunity for commercial ranchers and seedstock breeders to hear from François Léger directly about the FPL/Châtel programs. Leachman said the seminar will discuss important drivers for commercial producers. “We are going to help them better understand $Profit and better understand how selecting for this index will improve their profitability and build better beef cows, but we are also going to talk about the opportunity for them to be part of this high-quality value chain and earn premiums based on that participation.” Lovell said that the seminar will be a good opportunity for cattlemen who haven’t necessarily followed the fast pace of reproduction and genomics, but want to have quality animals and sell into a food chain for higher returns. The Win-Win Benefits for Southeastern Cattlemen The program offers Southeastern ranchers a unique opportunity to build equity in the future of their business, while minimizing some of the risks they have normally faced. This program brings fed cattle back to the Southeast, Leger said. “There’s no reason why we cannot feed these cattle in the Southeast. The goal is to produce the best beef and to avoid sending the cattle to the Midwest, avoiding shrink and freight, which is a more sustainable approach. Our supply chain will satisfy consumer preferences for more locally raised beef.” Lovell added, “This opportunity is perfect for ranchers in the Southeast who want to produce a quality product and make more with their cattle by taking them to a higher level of production and efficiency. The program will give breeders a peace of mind that someone wants to buy their cattle or joint venture with them.” If you would like more information about this exclusive partnership opportunity, make plans to attend the educational seminar and Angus female sale held at Ankony Farms in Clarkesville, Ga., on Sept. 26. More information about the event will be posted at ankonyfarms.com. For more information about the $Profit index, visit leachman.com or call Lee Leachman at (970) 219-8519. —ANKONY
2019 Ankony “Only the Tops” Sale
A New Paradigm for Enhancing Angus Value Understanding Ankony $Profit, $Ranch and $Feedlot
We believe $PROFIT is the most proven and consistent tool available to predict profitability from conception to consumption.
…$Profit selects for good growth, moderate frame, lower feed intake, less energy requirement, good ribeye, average fat, and very high marbling. 6
How $Ranch and $Profit compare to $M, $B, and $C Today, ranchers have too much data to study. Considering that 26 traits are predicted with Angus EPDs, buying the best animal has become very confusing. We have actual weights, adjusted weights, ratios, and then a host of EPDs and indexes, plus genomic rankings. The challenge is figuring out how each of those traits is going to impact your bottom line. The goal of every breeding program should be to identify and propagate the animals that make the most profit—unfortunately, we often end up guessing which animal that will be. Back in 2005, Leachman Cattle started working with the BIO group out of Canada. Utilizing a simulation model, partially developed by Dr. Steve Miller (the current Director of Genetic Research at AGI), BIO calculated financial models that predicted the relative profitability of animals from birth to market. Since 2005, Leachman’s have calculated and selected for profit using BIO’s simulation model to predict $Ranch® and $Profit®. Through test herds, cooperator herds, and feedlot performance data—the $Profit system has been proven to work extremely well. How $Profit works $Profit assumes that the average commercial bull will have 100 progeny over its lifetime. Let’s compare a bull with a $15,000 $Profit score to a bull with a $8,000 $Profit score (the average 2018-born Angus bull). The predicted difference between the bulls is $7,000 or about $70 per calf over the 100 calves. While females will not have the same number of progeny—their prediction is calculated the same way. The model assumes that you keep 30% of your heifers and that you retain ownership on the remainder and sell the finished animals on a carcass grid. We calculate two other indexes—$Ranch and $Feedlot. $Ranch looks at the relative profit if you sell the calves at weaning—this is the maternal side of the equation. $Feedlot is much like $Beef and just looks at the terminal traits after wean-
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ing. $Profit looks at the complete cycle, from birth to harvest, and assumes you retain ownership all the way to harvest. What traits are included in $Profit $Profit includes nearly every trait that impacts profitability. The effect of most traits on profit is fairly simple to understand. Here is the list of what is included: Revenue Traits » Calving ease = more calves » Weaning & yearling EPDs = more weight » Fertility (days to conception) = more weight & more calves » Carcass weight = worth more up to 1050 lbs. » Marbling = valued based on the grid premiums » Ribeye area = value as impacts yield grade » % Retail Product = more yield Cost Traits » Cow feed intake = more intake costs more » Feedlot feed efficiency = cost of gain Some traits are not so easily characterized as more-is-better for $Profit. Milk, for example, is a good thing until you get too much. In the $Profit model, each pound of milk EPD over +25 has a more negative effect on fertility than it has a positive effect on weaning weight. There are a few traits not yet included in $Profit: animal health, structure, and disposition. These traits are important but difficult to express in dollars.
Trait EPD %
$M 82 10%
$B 233 1%
$R $60.72 14%
When viewing Ankony “Only the Tops” Sale lot listings, look for proprietary Leachman Cattle Company index values, $R and $P.
$P 30,751 1%
$C 384 1%
Ankony Quality and Integrity since 1935
How $Ranch and $Profit compare to $M, $B, and $C One of the best ways to assess the usefulness of an index is to study where it will take you in the future. To see this, you simply need to look at the animals that rank at the top of the breed on that index. Both $M and $Ranch attempt to predict the profitability of a commercial cow/calf operation. If we study the top 20 proven sires on $M, we see that they have the following average EPDs: » +108 YW ranks in the top 30% » +.76 DMI ranks in the lowest 80% » +30 Milk ranks in the top 20% From this, we see that the $M index will point us towards more growth, more milk, and cattle that eat a lot of feed (with Dry Matter Intake more than 90% of the breed). In contrast, our $Ranch index selects for moderate sized cows with high weaning growth, smaller mature size, good fleshing ability, breed average milk, and lower feed intake. We think that most commercial ranchers would find the highest $Ranch cows to be more profitable than the highest $M cows. Today, many Angus breeders select almost exclusively for the Angus $Beef ($B) index. However, $B is a terminal index and only selects for post weaning traits that affect feedlot and packer profitability. In contrast, $Profit looks at all of the maternal traits plus the terminal traits. If we study the top 20 proven sires on $B, we see that they have the following average EPDs: » » » »
+2.5 BW ranks heavier than 75% +80 WW ranks in the top 2% +147 YW ranks in the top 1% +1.0 DMI ranks in the worst 90%
» » » » » » »
+1.0 YH ranks in the tallest 10% +97 MW ranks in the heaviest 2% -37 $EN ranks in the lowest 95% +75 CW ranks in the top 1% +1.10 Marb ranks in the top 4% +.95 RE ranks in the top 10% -.018 Fat ranks in the leanest 15%
From this, it is easy to see that selection for $B favors: » » » » » » » »
High growth Tall frame Large mature sized cows High energy ($EN) requirements Heavy carcass weight High marbling Large ribeye area Leaner animals with less back fat
This type of large, lean animal does not make a highly fertile or easy keeping female. In contrast, $Profit selects for good growth, moderate frame, lower feed intake, less energy requirement, good ribeye, average fat, and very high marbling. We believe that carcass weights are high enough and that the best value for Angus cattle is to focus on making a good cow that produces efficient converting steers that grade prime. The new Angus $Combined (see sidebar), is the best of the Association’s indexes. It takes into account a much wider range of traits than any other current AAA index. However, selection for $Combined alone will continue the dramatic upward genetic trends in cow size, feed intake, and energy requirements. For these reasons, we still prefer $Profit and believe it is the best index available for predicting real world profitability.
2019 Ankony “Only the Tops” Sale
The American Angus Association plans to officially release the $Combined index in June 2020, but the data is available now on a trial basis. Combined Value ($C), expressed in dollars per head, is an index which includes all traits that make up both Maternal Weaned Calf Value ($M) and Beef Value ($B) with the objective that commercial producers will replace 20% of their breeding females per year with replacement heifers retained within their own herd. The remaining cull heifer and steer progeny are then assumed to be sent to the feedlot where the producers retain ownership of those cattle and eventually sell them on a quality-based carcass merit grid. Expected progeny differences (EPDs) directly influencing a combined index: calving ease direct (CED) and maternal (CEM), weaning weight (WW), yearling weight (YW), maternal milk (Milk), heifer pregnancy (HP), docility (DOC), mature cow weight (MW), foot angle (Angle), claw set (Claw), dry matter intake (DMI), marbling (Marb), carcass weight (CW), ribeye area (RE) and fat thickness (Fat).
A New Paradigm for Enhancing Angus Value H P C A Sure Fire P245 Dam of lots 1-3
H P C A Sure Fire P245 » H P C A Sure Fire P245 has emerged as one of the most important cows in the Angus breed. In our 2018 sale, we sold a ½ interest in her and her offspring for $625,000 to our friend, Frank Vandersloot at Riverbend Ranch. » P245’s multi-trait goodness remains unparalleled. When we search for the breed’s highest profitability animals, she ranks first among females with 25 or more progeny. Her daughters and sons also rank in the top of the breed however compared. She has three daughters among the top 20 on $Combined at Angus including the #1 female and the #3 female. It is only a matter of time before she produces a breed-leading son. When visitors stop to see the cow, they are impressed. She is a modest-sized cow with tons of thickness, great feet, and a maternal look that speaks to fertility and longevity. » Now is your chance to access this superstar female through the offering of three of her daughters. Sired by Enhance, Peyton, and Velocity—you have a cross section of leading sires. Each of these females stands out in her own right. Just as we predicted that P245 would produce breed leaders—we are equally certain that these daughters will do the same. In genetics, time marches on and your best bet is always to go with the young animals with the highest proofs. These three P245 daughters check all of the boxes.
AnkonyFarms.com | 706.754.6000
Ankony Quality and Integrity since 1935
Ankony Miss Belle 9090
Ankony Miss Belle 9090
Reg. # 19408533
Sex Cow
DOB 3/12/19
Trait EPD %
CED 17 1%
BW -1.9 4%
WW 64 20%
YW 127 5%
DMI 0.49
YH 0.8 20%
SC 0.94 40%
Trait EPD %
MILK 31 10%
MW 35 50%
$EN -10
CW 68 2%
MARB 1.2 3%
RE 1.15 2%
FAT -0.011 25%
SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Enhance SydGen Rita 2618 G A R Sure Fire H P C A Sure Fire P245 H P C A Sunrise 2172
$P Tattoo 9090
DOC 30 3%
HP 15.7 5%
CEM 11 20%
$M 82 10%
$B 233 1%
$R $60.72 14%
$30,751 0.01%
$C 384
» #1 on $Profit and $Combined to sell today! » If you want to be the best, this is the one heifer to own. » She puts it all together—pedigree, numbers, and type! » Selling half interest with the option to double the purchase price and own full interest. » See H P C A Sure Fire P245 profile on page 8.
SydGen Googol SydGen Forever Lady 1255 SydGen Liberty GA 8627 Fox Run Rita 9308 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Sunrise Hpca 5050 4202 Sire of Ankony Miss Belle 9090—SydGen Enhance
2019 Ankony “Only the Tops” Sale
Ankony Quality and Integrity since 1935
Ankony Miss Belle 9100
» #2 on $Profit with plenty of middle and softness. » One of the biggest birth to yearling spreads anywhere. » Uniquely combines growth, marbling & carcass weight. » Selling half interest with the option to double the purchase price and own full interest. » See H P C A Sure Fire P245 profile on page 8. Quaker Hill Manning 4EX9 E W A Peyton 642 E W A 444 of 968 Progress G A R Sure Fire H P C A Sure Fire P245 H P C A Sunrise 2172
EXAR Denver 2002B Quaker Hill Blackcap 0A32 G A R Progress Edgewood Lady 968 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Sunrise Hpca 5050 4202
Ankony Miss Belle 9100
Reg. # 19408534 CED 17 1%
BW -1.9 4%
WW 68 10%
YW 129 4%
DMI 0.89
YH 0.6 40%
SC 0.66
Trait EPD %
MILK 35 3%
MW 74 10%
$EN -31
CW 71 2%
MARB 1.37 1%
RE 0.91 10%
FAT -0.02
AnkonyFarms.com | 706.754.6000
DOB 4/1/19
Trait EPD %
Sire of Ankony Miss Belle 9100—E W A Peyton 642
Sex Cow
Tattoo 9100
DOC 25 15% $M 76 15%
HP 17.1 2%
CEM 17 1%
$B 220 1%
$R $56.70 20%
$28,546 0.01%
$C 361 1%
Ankony Quality and Integrity since 1935
Ankony Miss Belle 9010
Ankony Miss Belle 9010
Reg. # 19382492
Sex Cow
DOB 1/7/19
Trait EPD %
CED 16 1%
BW -0.9 10%
WW 48
YW 100 40%
DMI 0.48
YH 0.3
SC -0.01
Trait EPD %
MILK 39 1%
MW 49 35%
$EN -21
CW 42 45%
MARB 1.49 1%
RE 0.85 15%
FAT -0.015
$P Tattoo 9010
DOC 23 20%
HP 12.4 30%
CEM 12 15%
$M 53
$B 189 1%
$R $49.13 34%
$27,009 0.1%
$C 298 2%
» The highest marbling daughter of P245 on offer. » An easy heifer to mate to a high growth outcross sire. » She will be ready to aspirate soon after the sale. » Selling half interest with the option to double the purchase price and own full interest. » See H P C A Sure Fire P245 profile on page 8. G A R Momentum Bridges Velocity Bridges Daybreak 2100 G A R Sure Fire H P C A Sure Fire P245 H P C A Sunrise 2172
2019 Ankony “Only the Tops” Sale
G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 MCC Daybreak Bridges 5050 New Design 9108 Connealy In Sure 8524 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 G A R Sunrise Hpca 5050 4202
Ankony Miss Lucy 9028
» #1 $Beef and CW in the offering. » A very heavily muscled female with elite $Combined. » 7003 and 1037 are two of the breed’s best cows. SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Enhance SydGen Rita 2618 Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 Montana Lucy 7003 Basin Lucy 1037
SydGen Googol SydGen Forever Lady 1255 SydGen Liberty GA 8627 Fox Run Rita 9308 MCC Daybreak QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 Gardens Wave Basin Lucy 262S
Ankony Miss Lucy 9028
Reg. # 19374773
Sex Cow
Trait EPD %
CED 13 5%
BW 0.7 35%
WW 82 1%
YW 166 1%
DMI 1.91
YH 1 10%
SC 1.72 5%
Trait EPD %
MILK 41 1%
MW 85 4%
$EN -39
CW 95 1%
MARB 1.04 10%
RE 0.93 10%
FAT -0.016
Montana Lucy 7003 Dam of lots 4 and 5
One of the things that makes working with Ankony so fun, is when Virgil Lovell and Lee Leachman independently come up with the same ideas. That happened when they chanced upon the opportunity to buy Basin Lucy 1037. It turns out that both of them have long believed that she was one of the best cows in the breed. Our respect for this cow has grown even more as we witnessed Montana Lucy 7003 and her first offspring. Without question, 7003 raised one of the best natural calves on the farm this spring—she sells as lot 4. Rampage has over 860 reported daughters in production—for our money, 7003 is one of the very best! Ankony purchased 7003 for $30,000 in the 2018 Bases Loaded Sale.
AnkonyFarms.com | 706.754.6000
DOB 2/1/19
Tattoo 9028
DOC 25 15% $M 57
HP 9.4
CEM 16 1%
$B 235 1%
$R $30.23
$27,256 0.1%
$C 362 1%
Ankony Quality and Integrity since 1935
Ankony Miss Lucy 9057
Ankony Miss Lucy 9057
Reg. # 19384820
Sex Cow
DOB 2/22/19
Trait EPD %
CED 16 1%
BW -0.8 15%
WW 75 3%
YW 134 3%
DMI 1.08
YH 0.7 25%
SC 1.18 25%
Trait EPD %
MW 75 10%
$EN -23
CW 69 2%
MARB 1.14 4%
RE 0.91 10%
FAT -0.036 10%
G A R Sunrise Thomas Edison 6764 Thomas Primrose 41037 Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 Montana Lucy 7003 Basin Lucy 1037
$P Tattoo 9057
DOC 14
HP 12.1 35%
CEM 15 2%
$M 59
$B 208 1%
$R $27.48
MCC Daybreak G A R Objective R227 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Thomas Primrose 21128 MCC Daybreak QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 Gardens Wave Basin Lucy 262S
$23,068 0.7%
» Genomically ranks top 1% for WW, YW, CW, & RE. » Sired by the attractive, now deceased, ABS sire, Edison. » Who says that carcass cattle have to lack depth of rib? » See Montana Lucy 7003 profile on page 12.
329 1%
Baisn Lucy 1037 - Maternal Granddam of lots 4 and 5
2019 Ankony “Only the Tops” Sale
Ankony Miss 6P Lucy 81253
Ankony Miss 6P Lucy 81253
6 Trait EPD % Trait EPD %
Reg. # 19459722 CED 12 10% MILK 36 2%
BW 0 25% MW 30
WW 62 25% $EN -10
Sex Cow YW 111 20% CW 49 25%
DMI 0.65
MARB 1.17 4%
DOB 12/24/18 YH 0.6 40% RE 0.9 10%
SC 0.42
FAT -0.005 30%
DOC 18 40% $M 56
$P Tattoo 81253
HP 6.8
$B 178 3%
CEM 10 30% $R $46.32 40%
$23,465 0.6%
» One of the sweetest to sell—she’ll make a brood cow. » Drive is one of the breed’s most underrated sires. » The dam, 6131, sold in the ‘18 Ankony sale for $180,000. »» Co-owned with 6 Pastures Angus, Winchester, Va.
287 4%
G A R Momentum G A R Drive Maplecrest Blackcap 3007 V A R Discovery 2240 Ankony Miss Lucy 6131 Riverbend Lucy U1187
Ankony 6131 - Dam of lot 6
AnkonyFarms.com | 706.754.6000
G A R Progress G A R Big Eye 1770 Connealy In Sure 8524 Maplecrest Blackcap K9283 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Deer Valley Rita 0308 S S Objective T510 0T26 Basin Lucy 3829
Ankony Miss 6P Lucy 81252
Ankony Miss 6P Lucy 81252
Reg. # 19403460
Trait EPD %
CED 7 45%
BW 2.6
Trait EPD %
MILK 35 3%
MW 52 30%
Sex Cow
WW 88 1%
YW 160 1%
DMI 1.4
$EN -20
CW 87 1%
MARB 0.65 40%
DOB 12/16/18 YH 1 10%
SC 2.25 1%
RE 1.03 4%
FAT -0.014 20%
$P Tattoo 81252
DOC 30 3%
HP 11.9 40%
CEM 9 45%
$M 89 2%
$B 206 1%
$R $35.28
$24,792 0.3%
» The #3 Yearling & Carcass Weight in the offering. » #1 $M in the sale. Top 75 $C in the breed. » On $Profit, ranks higher than 99.6% of all Angus! »» Co-owned with 6 Pastures Angus, Winchester, Va.
356 1%
SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Enhance SydGen Rita 2618 V A R Discovery 2240 Ankony Miss Lucy 6090 Riverbend Lucy U1187
SydGen Googol SydGen Forever Lady 1255 SydGen Liberty GA 8627 Fox Run Rita 9308 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Deer Valley Rita 0308 S S Objective T510 0T26 Basin Lucy 3829
Riverbend Lucy U1187
Maternal Granddam of lots 6 and 7 Riverbend Lucy U1187 earned a reputation at Ankony for producing powerful offspring that always came to the top of the stack on visual appraisal and performance. U1187 sold in our 2018 sale for $200,000 to 6 Pastures. 6 Pastures also acquired her daughter by Discovery, 6131, for $180,000. It is of little surprise that our picks of the 6 Pastures winter 2018 calves are all out of U1187 and her daughters. Lucy U1187 has produced over $1.6 million in progeny sales and has WR 20@101! She is one of the most prolific donors to ever work in the Ankony Farms program.
2019 Ankony “Only the Tops” Sale
Ankony Miss 6P Lucy 81249
$P $22,209 1.1%
$C 315 1%
Ankony Miss 6P Lucy 81249
Reg. # 19415905
Trait EPD %
CED 8 35%
BW 1.7
Trait EPD %
MILK 29 20%
MW 114 1%
Sex Cow
WW 89 1%
YW 157 1%
DMI 2.19
$EN -46
CW 77 1%
MARB 1.26 2%
DOB 12/11/18 YH 0.9 10%
SC 0.3
DOC 31 2%
RE 0.86 15%
FAT -0.002 40%
$M 65 45%
» The #2 WW EPD female in the offering. Tattoo 81249
HP 16.5 3%
CEM 10 30%
$B 193 1%
$R $16.02
» Top 1% for WW, YW, and Carcass Weight. » High growth & marbling—ideal for the FPL program. » Co-owned with 6 Pastures Angus, Winchester, Va. G A R Prophet G A R Prophet K263 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 1131 S S Objective T510 0T26 Riverbend Lucy U1187 Basin Lucy 3829
Basin Lucy 178E
Maternal Great Granddam of lots 8 and 9 All great cow families start somewhere – Lucy 178E is the foundation of the Lucy tribe. She has 64 daughters in production and the herds where they have roamed read like a who’s who of the Angus breed: Ankony, Basin Angus, BoBo Angus, Cox Ranches, Clifton Farm, Dear Valley Farms, Express Ranches, Herbster Angus, SandPoint Cattle Company, Southern Cattle Company, Sydenstricker Genetics, Three Trees, Towbridge Angus, and Vintage Angus.
AnkonyFarms.com | 706.754.6000
C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock Objective 7042 S S Traveler 6807 T510 S S Miss Rita R011 7R8 C A Future Direction 5321 Basin Lucy 178E
Ankony Quality and Integrity since 1935
Ankony Miss Lucy 8293
Ankony Miss Lucy 8293
Reg. # 19312466
Sex Cow
DOB 12/11/18
Trait EPD %
CED 9 25%
BW 1.2 50%
WW 69 10%
YW 117 15%
DMI 0.38 50%
YH 0.6 40%
SC 1.43 15%
Trait EPD %
MILK 26 35%
MW 43 40%
$EN -11
CW 50 25%
MARB 0.72 30%
RE 0.85 15%
FAT -0.013 25%
$P Tattoo 8293
DOC 30 3%
HP 12.7 30%
CEM 10 30%
$M 78 15%
$B 163 10%
$R $49.72 33%
$21,879 1.2%
$C 289 3%
» A very attractive & complete daughter of Enhance. » Ranks higher than 98.7% of Angus on $Profit. » Two must-own cow lines are P245 and Lucy! » See Basin Lucy 178E profile on page 16. SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Enhance SydGen Rita 2618 Connealy Impression FWY Lucy V101 Basin Lucy 3829
2019 Ankony “Only the Tops” Sale
SydGen Googol SydGen Forever Lady 1255 SydGen Liberty GA 8627 Fox Run Rita 9308 Connealy Reflection Pearl Pammy of Conanga 194 C A Future Direction 5321 Basin Lucy 178E
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8147
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8147 Reg. # 19188963
Sex Cow
DOB 7/28/18
Trait EPD %
BW 4.1
WW 82 1%
YW 151 1%
DMI 1.67
YH 0.5 50%
SC 1.99 2%
Trait EPD %
MILK 25 45%
MW 44 40%
$EN -11
CW 73 1%
MARB 1.43 1%
RE 0.85 15%
FAT -0.019 15%
$P Tattoo 8147
DOC 29 4%
HP 11.3 45%
CEM 11 20%
$M 89 2%
$B 217 1%
$R $17.97
$C 370 1%
» Top 1% for WW, YW, CW, Marb, and $Beef! » Tied for #1 $M on offer. Top 50 $C in the breed. » Breed leaders like 2536 have lasting impact! SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Enhance SydGen Rita 2618 V A R Discovery 2240 Ankony Miss Blackcap AH D10 Rita 1324 of 5M46 Progress
G A R Precision 2536 GAR Precision 2536 was selected by Richard McClung and Nick Wehrmann from the 2000 Gardiner sale. She is the foundation cow behind the Blackcap family. 2536 is the undisputed, all-time revenue producing female in the Angus breed.
AnkonyFarms.com | 706.754.6000
SydGen Googol SydGen Forever Lady 1255 SydGen Liberty GA 8627 Fox Run Rita 9308 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Deer Valley Rita 0308 G A R Progress Rita 5M46 of 2536 PRED
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8283
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8283
Reg. # 19314170
Sex Cow
DOB 12/10/18
Trait EPD %
CED 9 25%
BW 1.1 45%
WW 68 10%
YW 128 4%
DMI 0.65
YH 0.4
SC 0.33
Trait EPD %
MILK 30 15%
MW 48 35%
$EN -15
CW 62 5%
MARB 0.85 20%
RE 0.64 35%
FAT -0.04 4%
$P Tattoo 8283
DOC 33 1% $M 66 45%
HP 10.2
CEM 10 30%
$B 192 1%
$R $37.84
$23,369 0.6%
$C 315 1%
» Top 1% $B, $C, and $Profit! » She has the look of her dam, 6088, and her MGD, X237. » We are building females that work in the pasture too! SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Enhance SydGen Rita 2618 V A R Discovery 2240 Ankony Miss Blackcap 6088 Riverbend Blackcap X237
SydGen Googol SydGen Forever Lady 1255 SydGen Liberty GA 8627 Fox Run Rita 9308 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Deer Valley Rita 0308 O C C Emblazon 854E Riverbend Blackcap U493
Ankony Miss Blackcap 6088 Dam of lots 11 and 12
Blackcap 6088 sold to 6 Pastures Angus privately in 2018 for $105,000. Her daughters did not fall far from the tree with muscle shape, capacity, and clean-cut lines. This pedigree combination of Discover x Emblazon x EXT x 2811 yields an ideal cow type. Blackcap X237 is a powerful and proven, third-generation donor with over $300,000 in progeny sales. This daughter of Emblazon stems from a direct daughter of the $2 million producer, Rita 2811, sired by the legendary female sire, EXT. By stacking Emblazon and EXT—X237 offers an impeccable maternal pedigree while still ranking in the breed’s top 30% on $Beef! Blackcap X237 joined the Ankony Farms donor program as the co-top-selling donor of the 2015 Riverbend Genetic Edge Female Sale to anchor the Rita 2811.
2019 Ankony “Only the Tops” Sale
Ankony Quality and Integrity since 1935
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8277
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8277 Reg. # 19314168
Sex Cow
DOB 12/6/18
Trait EPD %
CED 7 45%
BW 2
WW 68 10%
YW 125 10%
DMI 0.55
YH 0.4
SC 1.1 30%
Trait EPD %
MILK 28 25%
MW 59 20%
$EN -20
CW 63 5%
MARB 0.78 25%
RE 0.62 40%
FAT -0.002 40%
SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Enhance SydGen Rita 2618 V A R Discovery 2240 Ankony Miss Blackcap 6088 Riverbend Blackcap X237
$P Tattoo 8277
DOC 36 1%
HP 4.5
CEM 9 45%
$M 51
$B 185 2%
$R $40.49
SydGen Googol SydGen Forever Lady 1255 SydGen Liberty GA 8627 Fox Run Rita 9308 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Deer Valley Rita 0308 O C C Emblazon 854E Riverbend Blackcap U493
$20,575 2.1%
» Enhance x Discovery x Emblazon x EXT x 2811—wow! » Top 1% Docility. Top 2% $B & $Profit. Top 3% $C. » Is there a deeper, softer, broodier female in the sale?
$C 291 3%
Riverbend Blackcap X237 - Maternal Granddam of lots 11 and 12
AnkonyFarms.com | 706.754.6000
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8275
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8275 Reg. # 19310137
Sex Cow
DOB 12/5/18
Trait EPD %
CED 8 35%
BW 1.1 45%
WW 86 1%
YW 153 1%
DMI 1.47
YH 1.2 2%
SC 1.06 30%
Trait EPD %
MILK 29 20%
MW 109 1%
$EN -44
CW 70 2%
MARB 1.17 4%
RE 0.98 5%
FAT -0.03 10%
$P Tattoo 8275
DOC 17 45%
HP 10.8 50%
$M 48
$B 202 1%
$R $5.40
$23,843 0.5%
$C 310 1%
» Top 1% WW, YW, $B, $C, and $Profit! » A female that offers lots of mating options. » Black Magic improves growth, structure, and type! Silveiras Conversion 8064 Byergo Black Magic 3348 Byergo Elia Cupcake 5900 S S Objective T510 0T26 Riverbend Blackcap W944 Rita 2811 of 2536 BVND 878
BT Crossover 758N EXG Saras Dream S609 R3 Byergo Picasso Byergo Miss Cupcake 3600 S S Traveler 6807 T510 S S Miss Rita R011 7R8 Bon View New Design 878 G A R Precision 2536
Riverbend Blackcap W944 Dam of lot 13
Riverbend Blackcap W944 is another powerhouse, direct daughter, of the 2811 female. Once again, the prepotency of 2811 shines through as W944 has produced over $750,000 worth of sales including the $90,000 Vintage Legacy 4409. lot 13 is W944’s highest ranking offspring ever on $Profit!
2019 Ankony “Only the Tops” Sale
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8213
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8213 Reg. # 19240617
Sex Cow
DOB 9/26/18
Trait EPD %
BW 3.6
WW 84 1%
YW 151 1%
DMI 0.94
YH 1.2 2%
SC 0.29
Trait EPD %
MW 107 1%
$EN -39
CW 83 1%
MARB 0.87 20%
RE 0.94 10%
FAT -0.024 15%
$P Tattoo 8213
DOC 22 25%
HP 11.1 50%
$M 50
$B 221 1%
$R $2.96
$19,967 2.6%
$C 337 1%
» Top 1% for $B and $Combined. Top 2.6% $Profit. » Black Magic daughters will impact generations to come. » One of the thickest, deepest, soundest heifers to sell! Silveiras Conversion 8064 Byergo Black Magic 3348 Byergo Elia Cupcake 5900 Connealy Consensus 7229 Riverbend Blackcap Z1110 Rita 2811 of 2536 BVND 878
Riverbend Blackcap Z1110 Dam of lots 14 and 15
Sired by the breed’s current #4 Pathfinder sire in the breed, Connealy Consensus 7229, Z1110 was selected as the top lead off donor in the 2017 Riverbend Ranch Female Sale. Z1110 delivers high marbling and ranks in the breed’s top 10% on $Maternal.
AnkonyFarms.com | 706.754.6000
BT Crossover 758N EXG Saras Dream S609 R3 Byergo Picasso Byergo Miss Cupcake 3600 Connealy Consensus Blue Lilly of Conanga 16 Bon View New Design 878 G A R Precision 2536
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8202
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8202 Reg. # 19240615
Sex Cow
DOB 9/25/18
Trait EPD %
CED 8 35%
BW 2.4
WW 95 1%
YW 170 1%
DMI 1.53
YH 1.5 1%
SC 0.82 45%
Trait EPD %
MILK 29 20%
MW 130 1%
$EN -54
CW 84 1%
MARB 0.89 15%
RE 1.03 4%
FAT -0.009 25%
$P Tattoo 8202
DOC 26 10%
HP 9.9
CEM 9 45%
$M 49
$B 213 1%
$R $5.49
$21,946 1.2%
$C 325 1%
» The #1 YW female to sell today. Pounds pay! » Top 1% for $B and $Combined. Top 1.2% $Profit. » 8202 is a favorite in the show barn! Silveiras Conversion 8064 Byergo Black Magic 3348 Byergo Elia Cupcake 5900 Connealy Consensus 7229 Riverbend Blackcap Z1110 Rita 2811 of 2536 BVND 878
BT Crossover 758N EXG Saras Dream S609 R3 Byergo Picasso Byergo Miss Cupcake 3600 Connealy Consensus Blue Lilly of Conanga 16 Bon View New Design 878 G A R Precision 2536
Rita 2811 of 2536 BVND 878 Maternal Granddam of lots 14 and 15
Rita 2811 was a cornerstone donor at Riverbend and produced over $2MM in sales. One look at her photo, and you can easily see how dominant she was phenotypically! If alive, she would be 17 and 2811 still ranks in the breed’s top 35% for $M and the top 2% for $Beef. She combines two of the breed’s most proven individuals ever–Bon View New Design 878 and G A R Precision 2536.
2019 Ankony “Only the Tops” Sale
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8285
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8285 Reg. # 19310138
Sex Cow
DOB 12/10/18
Trait EPD %
BW 4.1
WW 84 1%
YW 154 1%
DMI 1.26
YH 1.1 4%
SC -0.23
Trait EPD %
MILK 25 45%
MW 113 1%
$EN -44
CW 89 1%
MARB 0.71 35%
RE 1.16 2%
FAT -0.014 20%
$P Tattoo 8285
DOC 19 35%
HP 9.5
$M 35
$B 223 1%
$R $0.32
$17,612 5.9%
» A top 1% $B with an Emblazon x EXT dam! » Complimentary matings lead to genetic improvement. » 8285 has worlds of potential to be your best donor! Silveiras Conversion 8064 Byergo Black Magic 3348 Byergo Elia Cupcake 5900
$C 324
O C C Emblazon 854E Riverbend Blackcap X237 Riverbend Blackcap U493
Riverbend Blackcap X237 Dam of lot 16
In a time when the breed is searching for animals that combine functionality with high productivity—X237 is a solution. In her pedigree, she stacks what are arguably three of the breed’s all-time great female producing bulls: OCC Emblazon 854E, N Bar Emulation EXT, and Bon View New Design 878!
AnkonyFarms.com | 706.754.6000
BT Crossover 758N EXG Saras Dream S609 R3 Byergo Picasso Byergo Miss Cupcake 3600 D H D Traveler 6807 Dixie Erica of C H 1019 N Bar Emulation EXT Rita 2811 of 2536 BVND 878
Ankony Miss Blackbird 8278
G A R Progress 543 - Dam of lot 17
Ankony Miss Blackbird 8278 Reg. # 19314070
Sex Cow
DOB 12/6/18
Trait EPD %
CED 7 45%
BW 0.8 40%
WW 82 1%
YW 144 1%
DMI 1.62
YH 0.6 40%
SC -0.55
Trait EPD %
MILK 27 30%
MW 64 15%
$EN -21
CW 65 4%
MARB 1.43 1%
RE 1.11 2%
FAT -0.029 10%
DOC 28 10% $M 70 30%
Tattoo 8278 HP 10.1
$B 197 1%
$R $22.14
$27,570 0.1%
$C 326 1%
» Top 1% WW, YW, Marb, $B, and $Combined. » On $Profit, she ranks above 99.8% of all Angus! » Don’t be fooled—only high Marb EPDs make Prime beef. G A R Prophet G A R Prophet K263 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 1131 G A R Progress G A R Progress 543 G A R New Day C51
C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock Objective 7042 G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 B/R New Day 454 G A R Objective 277L
G A R Progress & G A R Prophet Progress and Prophet have emerged as two of the breed’s strongest carcass bulls ever. Progress ranks well into the breed’s top 1% on marbling with an astounding +1.86 Marb EPD with over 180 carcass progeny. Prophet follows close behind with a +1.44 Marb EPD and over 218 carcass progeny. While many young bulls have proofs built with little or no actual carcass data, it is much safer to invest in grand progeny of these highly proven, elite sires.
G A R Prophet, grand sire to lots 17 and 18
2019 Ankony “Only the Tops” Sale
Ankony Quality and Integrity since 1935
Ankony Miss Rita 8269
Ankony Miss Rita 8269 Reg. # 19312370
Sex Cow
Trait EPD %
CED 7 45%
BW 0.8 40%
WW 66 15%
YW 126 5%
DMI 1.27
YH 0.8 20%
SC -0.33
DOC 27 10%
Trait EPD %
MILK 40 1%
MW 19
$EN -7
CW 57 10%
MARB 0.92 15%
RE 0.8 20%
FAT -0.02 15%
$M 77 15%
DOB 11/28/18
Tattoo 8269 HP 8.7
$B 167 10%
$R $36.60
$24,225 0.4%
$C 294 2%
» Better than 98% on $C and 99.5% on $Profit. » Prophet x Progress x Highmark x 5F56—exceptional! » You can’t breed top animals out of average females! G A R Prophet G A R Prophet K263 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 1131 G A R Progress Rita 3S6 of 9Q15 Progress Rita 9Q15 of Rita 5F56 GHM
AnkonyFarms.com | 706.754.6000
C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock Objective 7042 G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 Gardens Highmark Rita 5F56 of 1I98 FD
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8288
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8288 Reg. # 19312443
Sex Cow
DOB 12/11/18
Trait EPD %
BW 4
WW 74 4%
YW 132 3%
DMI 0.91
YH 0.9 10%
SC 1.81 4%
Trait EPD %
MILK 32 10%
MW 63 20%
$EN -24
CW 71 2%
MARB 1.09 10%
RE 1.11 2%
FAT -0.038 5%
$P Tattoo 8288
DOC 19 35%
HP 6.2
$M 48
$B 210 1%
$R $20.83
$26,358 0.2%
$C 320 1%
» Top 1% on $B, $Combined, and $Profit. Rare indeed! » Over +1 for Marb and RE—the best combination. » Traces back to the elite 2118, Precision 706, and 2114. SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Enhance SydGen Rita 2618 G A R Anticipation Ankony Miss Fusion A016 G A R Fusion A337
SydGen Googol SydGen Forever Lady 1255 SydGen Liberty GA 8627 Fox Run Rita 9308 MCC Daybreak G A R 5050 New Design 0530 G A R Fusion G A R 5050 New Design A126
Ankony Miss Fusion A016 Dam of lot 19
Ankony Miss Fusion A016, like every other elite female in the Ankony herd, traces back to an elite foundation female – G A R EXT 2114! But she is more than just a namesake, she excels at the most elite levels of the breed with a top 1% ranking for WW, YW, RE, and $Beef. She also is a member of the rarest of clubs – those animals with over +1 for both Marbling and Ribeye area. Most of today’s high growth Angus lack adequate ribeye area to match their carcass weight potential. That’s why we love the animals that uniquely combine both marbling and ribeye.
2019 Ankony “Only the Tops” Sale
Ankony Quality and Integrity since 1935
Ankony Miss Kelton 8281
Ankony Miss Kelton 8281 Reg. # 19312457
Sex Cow
DOB 12/9/18
Trait EPD %
CED 7 45%
BW 0.1 25%
WW 70 10%
YW 129 4%
DMI 0.43
YH 0.7 25%
SC 1.68 10%
Trait EPD %
MILK 27 30%
MW 40 45%
$EN -10
CW 60 10%
MARB 0.97 15%
RE 0.66 35%
FAT -0.018
DOC 28 10% $M 69 35%
$P Tattoo 8281
HP 10.3
$B 194 1%
$R $67.26 8%
$24,032 0.5%
$C 321 1%
» Top 1% on $B, $Combined, & $Profit. Only at Ankony! » Highest $Ranch female in the sale at top 7.7%. » One of the best heifers phenotypically to sell. SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Enhance SydGen Rita 2618 Mytty In Focus Legend’s Miss Kelton 437 A A R Lady Kelton 5551
AnkonyFarms.com | 706.754.6000
SydGen Googol SydGen Forever Lady 1255 SydGen Liberty GA 8627 Fox Run Rita 9308 S A F Focus of E R Mytty Countess 906 S A V Adaptor 2213 H S A F Lady Kelton 504B
Ankony Quality and Integrity since 1935
Ankony Miss Effie 7163
Ankony Miss Effie 7163 Reg. # 18942408
Sex Cow
DOB 10/14/17
Trait EPD %
CED 10 20%
BW 0.4 30%
WW 51
YW 89
DMI -0.05 20%
YH 0.5 50%
SC 1.62 10%
Trait EPD %
MILK 26 35%
MW -2
$EN 10 15%
CW 32
MARB 1.6 1%
RE 0.6 45%
FAT -0.011
$P Tattoo 7163
DOC 33 1%
HP 13.8 20%
CEM 9 45%
$M 83 5%
$B 177 3%
$R $65.00 10%
$25,568 0.2%
$C 313 1%
» #1 Marb & 3rd best $Ranch, plus lowest feed intake! » We love our Exceed daughters—they’re easy to mate. » Due 2/22/20 to Ankonian Cornerstone 7146. SydGen Googol SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Forever Lady 1255 Gardens Pay Back Green Garden Effie QB80 Green Garden Effie KB87
2019 Ankony “Only the Tops” Sale
D A A R Infinity 313 SydGen Forever Lady 4087 SydGen 928 Destination 5420 SydGen Forever Lady 8114 Gardens Tsunami I36 Green Garden Effie GB82 Gardens Surge Green Garden Effie GB82
Ankony Quality and Integrity since 1935
Ankony Miss Protet 7170
Ankony Miss Protet 7170 Reg. # 18942402
Sex Cow
DOB 10/16/17
Trait EPD %
CED 13 5%
BW -1.2 10%
WW 46
YW 89
DMI 0.32 45
YH 0.4
SC 0.79 50%
Trait EPD %
MILK 33 5%
MW 12
$EN 0 45%
CW 44 40%
MARB 1.31 2%
RE 0.83 15%
FAT -0.033
DOC 29 4% $M 69 35%
$P Tattoo 7170
HP 12.2 35%
CEM 14 3%
$B 183 2%
$R $65.78 9%
$24,387 0.4%
$C 306 1%
» Top 1% $Combined and $Profit plus top 9% $Ranch! » Gardens Cache is the breed’s #4 proven sire on $Profit. » Due 10/14/19 to Thomas Edison. SydGen Googol SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Forever Lady 1255 Gardens Cache Green Garden Protet R48 Green Garden Protet G44
AnkonyFarms.com | 706.754.6000
D A A R Infinity 313 SydGen Forever Lady 4087 SydGen 928 Destination 5420 SydGen Forever Lady 8114 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Green Garden Rita K078 Gardens Prime Star Green Gardens Protet B44 S1
Ankony Miss Rita 8010
Ankony Miss Rita 8010 Reg. # 19028983
Sex Cow
DOB 12/25/17
Trait EPD %
BW 3.4
WW 67 15%
YW 115 15%
DMI 0.84
YH 0.7 25%
SC 1.19 25%
Trait EPD %
MW 28
$EN 1 40%
CW 55 15%
MARB 1.44 1%
RE 0.81 15%
FAT -0.013
Tattoo 8010
HP 8.1
CEM 11 20%
$M 62
$B 193 1%
$R $24.54
$20,377 2.2%
$C 312 1%
» Perhaps Ankony’s most outstanding bred heifer. » Unique RDC. Top 1% Marb, $B & $C & top 2.2% $Profit. » Due 12/8/19 to GAR Quantum. Basin Franchise P142 Spur Franchise 7070 H&H L&C Lady Behave 5040 Rito Revenue 5M2 of 2536 Pre Rita 12J2 of 9Q15 Rito 5M2 Rita 9Q15 of Rita 5F56 GHM
C A Future Direction 5321 Basin Chloe 812L Spur Success 2801 Spur Lady Behave 3061 G A R Predestined G A R Precision 2536 Gardens Highmark Rita 5F56 of 1I98 FD
Rita 12J2 of 9Q15 Rito 5M2 Dam of lot 23
Rita 12J2 was one of the most powerful cows ever at Ankony. She is a proven carcass female sired by the ABS Marb leader, Rito Revenue 5M2, and produced by the $2 million producer in the Riverbend Ranch program, Rito 9Q15. Rita 12J2 was featured in the 2015 Ankony Farms Sale selling half interest to Dr. Larry Magnum. The dam of Rita 12J2 is the daughter of the nearly $4 million producer in the Griffin Land and Cattle program, Rita 5F56. The dam is also a full sister to the longtime breed RE and $B leader, Rito 9Q13, the $500,000 progeny-producing Rito 9Q24 in the Deer Valley Farm embryo program and the balanced-trait sire, Rito 9Q20.
2019 Ankony “Only the Tops” Sale
Ankony Quality and Integrity since 1935
Ankony Miss Eileen 7180
Ankony Miss Eileen 7180 Reg. # 18942467
Sex Cow
DOB 10/18/17
Trait EPD %
BW 2.6
WW 71 10%
YW 132 3%
DMI 1.45
YH 0.7 25%
SC 0.47
Trait EPD %
MILK 35 3%
MW 44 40%
$EN -16
CW 75 1%
MARB 1.24 3%
RE 1.03 4%
FAT -0.05
$P Tattoo 7180
DOC 29 4%
HP 12.6 30%
CEM 13 10%
$M 80 10%
$B 207 1%
$R $35.61
$21,890 1.2%
$C 348 1%
» Top 1% CW with Marb & RE both over +1. » Elite tenderness score of top 1%. » Due 12/18/19 to GAR Sure Fire. G A R Prophet Woodside Rito 4P26 of 0242 Rita 0242 of Rita 7O68 5M2 Gardens Cache Green Garden Eileen R83 Green Garden Eileen L82
AnkonyFarms.com | 706.754.6000
C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 G A R Objective 1885 Rito Revenue 5M2 of 2536 Pre Rita 7O68 of Rita 5FH8 Obj A A R Ten X 7008 S A Green Garden Rita K078 Gardens Touchstone IB6 Green Garden Eileen H88
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8210
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8210 Reg. # 19238091
Sex Cow
DOB 9/26/18
Trait EPD %
CED 6 50%
BW 2.3
WW 75 3%
YW 141 1%
DMI 0.75
YH 0.7 25%
SC 0.69
Trait EPD %
MW 68 15%
$EN -21
CW 67 3%
MARB 1.26 2%
RE 0.68 30%
FAT -0.012
$P Tattoo 8210
DOC 30 3% $M 66 45%
HP 11.8 40%
$B 217 1%
$R $37.77
$25,124 0.3%
$C 347 1%
» One of 5 full sibs—all rank top 1% $B, $C, & $Profit. » Best phonotype & $B of the five flush sibs. » The newest powerhouse from the immortal 2536 tribe! SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Enhance SydGen Rita 2618 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Riverbend Blackcap C732 G A R New Design 1200
SydGen Googol SydGen Forever Lady 1255 SydGen Liberty GA 8627 Fox Run Rita 9308 Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 B/R New Design 036 G A R Precision 2536
Riverbend Blackcap C732 Dam of lots 25-29
C732 was selected as a donor by Ankony in the 2015 Riverbend Ranch Female Sale. She blends Ten X with the genomic excellence donor and $2.5 MM producer, New Design 1200. 1200 is a direct daughter of the breed’s all-time income producer, 2536, with over $8.5 MM in progeny sales. Maternal siblings to C732 are in the Express, Pollard, Rutherford, Vintage, Riverbend, and Hillhouse herds. C732 ranks in the top 1% of the breed for WW, YW, RADG, $Feedlot, and $Beef.
2019 Ankony “Only the Tops” Sale
Ankony Quality and Integrity since 1935
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8146
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8146 Reg. # 19188964
Sex Cow
DOB 7/28/18
Trait EPD %
CED 6 50%
BW 2.1
WW 78 2%
YW 141 1%
DMI 0.92
YH 0.9 10%
SC 1.46 15%
Trait EPD %
MILK 31 10%
MW 39 45%
$EN -12
CW 63 5%
MARB 1.09 10%
RE 0.61 40%
FAT -0.007 45%
SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Enhance SydGen Rita 2618 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Riverbend Blackcap C732 G A R New Design 1200
$P Tattoo 8146
DOC 36 1%
HP 7.6
$M 76 15%
$B 191 1%
$R $46.17 40%
SydGen Googol SydGen Forever Lady 1255 SydGen Liberty GA 8627 Fox Run Rita 9308 Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 B/R New Design 036 G A R Precision 2536
$24,725 0.3%
» One of 5 full sibs—all rank top 1% $B, $C, & $Profit. » Highest WW EPD of the five flush sibs. » Enhance x Ten X x New Deisgn 036 x 2536: proven elite. »» See Riverbend Blackcap C732 profile on page 33.
324 1%
G A R New Design 1200 - Maternal granddam of lots 25-29
AnkonyFarms.com | 706.754.6000
Ankony Quality and Integrity since 1935
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8191
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8191 Reg. # 19214797
Sex Cow
DOB 9/19/18
Trait EPD %
BW 3.6
WW 73 4%
YW 127 5%
DMI 0.2 40%
YH 0.6 40%
SC 0.73 50%
Trait EPD %
MILK 27 30%
MW 25
$EN -3 50%
CW 66 3%
MARB 1 10%
RE 0.79 20%
FAT -0.025 15%
$P Tattoo 8191
DOC 28 10%
HP 11.3 45%
CEM 9 45%
$M 81 10%
$B 210 1%
$R $43.87 45%
» One of 5 full sibs—all rank top 1% $B, $C, & $Profit. » Highest $M, $Combined and $Profit of the flush sibs.
» Don’t build a house of cards—stack high accuracy genetics.
» See Riverbend Blackcap C732 profile on page 33.
353 1%
SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Enhance SydGen Rita 2618 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Riverbend Blackcap C732 G A R New Design 1200
2019 Ankony “Only the Tops” Sale
SydGen Googol SydGen Forever Lady 1255 SydGen Liberty GA 8627 Fox Run Rita 9308 Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 B/R New Design 036 G A R Precision 2536
Ankony Quality and Integrity since 1935
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8188
28 Trait EPD % Trait EPD %
MILK 29 20%
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8188 Reg. # 19214795 BW 1.4
MW 39 45%
WW 67 15% $EN -11
Sex Cow YW 126 5% CW 67 3%
DMI 0.77
MARB 1.01 10%
DOB 9/17/18 YH 0.7 25% RE 0.73 25%
SC 0.99 35% FAT -0.004 35%
DOC 28 10% $M 68 40%
$P Tattoo 8188
HP 10
$B 199 1%
CEM 12 15% $R $39.13
$23,244 0.7%
$C 326 1%
» One of 5 full sibs—all rank top 1% $B, $C, & $Profit. » Lowest BW of the five flush sibs. » DNA enhanced EPDs show the prepotency of this mating. » See Riverbend Blackcap C732 profile on page 33. SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Enhance SydGen Rita 2618 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Riverbend Blackcap C732 G A R New Design 1200
AnkonyFarms.com | 706.754.6000
SydGen Googol SydGen Forever Lady 1255 SydGen Liberty GA 8627 Fox Run Rita 9308 Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 B/R New Design 036 G A R Precision 2536
Ankony Quality and Integrity since 1935
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8193
29 Trait EPD % Trait EPD %
Ankony Miss Blackcap 8193 Reg. # 19214800 BW 2.8
MW 42 40%
WW 74 4% $EN -6
Sex Cow YW 131 3% CW 68 2%
DMI 0.31 45% MARB 0.94 15%
DOB 9/21/18 YH 0.8 20% RE 0.72 25%
SC 0.81 45% FAT -0.023 15%
DOC 27 10% $M 74 20%
$P Tattoo 8193
HP 12.8 30% $B 213 1%
CEM 10 30% $R $38.88
$23,064 0.7%
$C 350 1%
» One of 5 full sibs—all rank top 1% $B, $C, & $Profit. » Lowest feed intake and highest CW of the five flush sibs. » Elite quality is found even in the sale’s last lot! » See Riverbend Blackcap C732 profile on page 33. SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Enhance SydGen Rita 2618 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Riverbend Blackcap C732 G A R New Design 1200
2019 Ankony “Only the Tops” Sale
SydGen Googol SydGen Forever Lady 1255 SydGen Liberty GA 8627 Fox Run Rita 9308 Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 B/R New Design 036 G A R Precision 2536
Ankony Quality and Integrity since 1935
Turn out an Ankony Bull to Access this Unique Profit Opportunity I’ve been in the cattle industry for over 30 years. I started negotiating packer grids on behalf of breed associations in the mid 90s. More recently, I helped develop the Reputation Feeder Cattle program that has now become the Angus Link program. All of that time, I dreamed of a program that would fairly reward ranchers based on the quality of genetics that they produced. I believe that the FPL Food Natural Angus program is the best chance ever for ranchers! —Lee Leachman Why is the FPL Program different? » It’s regional—consumers want their beef to be produced more locally. » It’s family owned—just like your operation, FPL is family owned. » It’s based on quality, not volume. » It’s designed by ranchers, for ranchers! Come learn about the plans that FPL Food, Châtel Farms’ and Ankony Angus are developing. This could be the single most important step you take towards ensuring the future profitability of your beef cattle operation.
d ly-owne ugh e private mber on ast. Thro is the nu e Southe , we ions in th FPL Food , rm ct ia fa le rg a se d beef ing es an sta, Geo er nd liti gu liv ci ou fa Au de gr o d in ss tw hether ucts an artered ees acro omers. W oviding Headqu beef prod ice cust 0 employ ted to pr r of fresh foodserv ers. e than 90 is dedica d or om an od processo m st il Fo of ta cu its e re e, FPL mitment each of to servic worldwid the com brands needs of exporting several tisfy the tically or provide ms to sa ts domes meat ite uc ity od al pr qu beef stom l and cu traditiona
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AnkonyFarms.com | 706.754.6000
Ankony Quality and Integrity since 1935
Private Treaty Bull Sale
Ankonian Enchanter 8139
Ankonian Enchanter 8139 Reg. # 19188962
Sex Bull
DOB 7/26/18
Trait EPD %
CED 9 30%
BW 1.9
WW 83 1%
YW 148 1%
DMI 1.22
YH 0.6 40%
SC 1.63 10%
Trait EPD %
MILK 32 10%
MW 49 35%
$EN -17
CW 73 1%
MARB 0.95 10%
RE 0.97 5%
FAT -0.019 15%
DOC 31 2% $M 86 3%
$P Tattoo 8139
HP 9
CEM 9 45%
$B 202 1%
$R $36.78
$26,491 0.1%
$C 348 1%
» A powerhouse bull worthy of an elite registered herd. » Full sib to lot 10. Elite pedigree, data, & phenotype. » Offering 100% possession for $12,500. Semen negotiable. SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Enhance SydGen Rita 2618 V A R Discovery 2240 Ankony Miss Blackcap AH D10 Rita 1324 of 5M46 Progress
2019 Ankony “Only the Tops” Sale
SydGen Googol SydGen Forever Lady 1255 SydGen Liberty GA 8627 Fox Run Rita 9308 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Deer Valley Rita 0308 G A R Progress Rita 5M46 of 2536 PRED
Ankony Quality and Integrity since 1935
Private Treaty Bull Sale Continued
Ankonian Euphrates 8162
Ankonian Euphrates 8162 Reg. # 19188966
Sex Bull
DOB 8/5/18
Trait EPD %
BW 1.7
WW 71 10%
YW 129 5%
DMI 0.63
YH 1.1 4%
SC 0.9 40%
Trait EPD %
MILK 31 10%
MW 28
$EN -6
CW 73 1%
MARB 1.22 3%
RE 0.81 15%
FAT -0.017
$P Tattoo 8162
DOC 31 2%
HP 13.5 20%
CEM 10 35%
$M 88 2%
$B 221 1%
$R $55.23 22%
$26,604 0.1%
$C 375 1%
»» The highest $B & $C of the bull offering. »» Full sib to lots 25-29. Elite, dependable genetics. »» Offering 100% possession for $9,000. Semen negotiable. SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Enhance SydGen Rita 2618 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Riverbend Blackcap C732 G A R New Design 1200
AnkonyFarms.com | 706.754.6000
SydGen Googol SydGen Forever Lady 1255 SydGen Liberty GA 8627 Fox Run Rita 9308 Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 B/R New Design 036 G A R Precision 2536
Ankonian Ernest 8149 Reg. # 19199002
Sex Bull
DOB 7/29/18
Trait EPD %
CED 11 15%
BW 0.3 30%
WW 53
YW 89
DMI -0.41 10%
YH 0.5 50%
SC 1.28 20%
Trait EPD %
MILK 28 25%
MW -2
$EN 9 20%
CW 35
MARB 1.44 1%
RE 0.67 30%
FAT -0.011 25%
$P $27,268
SydGen Googol SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Forever Lady 1255 Gardens Pay Back Green Garden Effie QB80 Green Garden Effie KB87
Tattoo 8149
DOC 24 20%
HP 11.3 50%
CEM 9 45%
$M 78 15%
$B 181 2%
$R $70.47 5%
D A A R Infinity 313 SydGen Forever Lady 4087 SydGen 928 Destination 5420 SydGen Forever Lady 8114 Gardens Tsunami I36 Green Garden Effie GB82 Gardens Surge Green Garden Effie GB82
»» Here is the high $Profit & $Ranch bull of the offering. »» Full sib to lot 21. Build great cows & great feeders. »» Offering 100% possession for $9,000. Semen negotiable.
Ankonian Right Magic 8171
Ankonian Magic Pride 8215
»» Top 1% WW, YW, and RE. Added performance!
Bred to be a phenotypic standout!
»» Dam was selected as the top Black Magic from Byergo.
Dam is one of the best type cows in the breed!
»» Offering 100% possession for $7,500. Semen negotiable.
Offering 100% possession for $7,500. Semen negotiable.
Ankonian Right Magic 8171 Reg. # 19230662
Sex Bull
DOB 9/2/18
Trait EPD %
BW 2.7
WW 82 1%
YW 151 1%
DMI 1.13
YH 1 10%
SC 1.26 20%
Trait EPD %
MW 109 1%
$EN -41
CW 80 1%
MARB 0.68 30%
RE 1.29 1%
FAT -0.025 15%
$P $20,973 1.8%
$C 312 1%
Ankonian Ernest 8149
Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 FF Rito Righteous 6R41 FF Rita 3R30 of 9Q23 5M2 Byergo Black Magic 3348 Byergo Elia 6347 Byergo Miss Elia 2683
Tattoo 8171
Ankonian Magic Pride 8215 Reg. # 19240628
Sex Bull
DOB 9/27/18
DOC 19 40%
HP 10.3
CEM 13 10%
Trait EPD %
CED -3
BW 4.3
WW 91 1%
YW 171 1%
DMI 2.18
YH 1.3 1%
SC 1.73 5%
$M 44
$B 207 1%
$R $9.95
Trait EPD %
MW 126 1%
$EN -49
CW 85 1%
MARB 0.76 25%
RE 1.07 3%
FAT -0.02 15%
MCC Daybreak QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355 Rito Revenue 5M2 of 2536 Pre Rita 9Q23 of Rita 5F56 GHM Silveiras Conversion 8064 Byergo Elia Cupcake 5900 Poss Total Impact 745 Byergo Miss Elia 8734
$P $16,887 7.4%
Silveiras Conversion 8064 Byergo Black Magic 3348 Byergo Elia Cupcake 5900 Connealy Thunder Sitz Henrietta Pride 285U Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M
Tattoo 8215
DOC 19 40%
HP 8.3
CEM 11 25%
$M 44
$B 194 1%
$R ($12.20)
BT Crossover 758N EXG Saras Dream S609 R3 Byergo Picasso Byergo Miss Cupcake 3600 Baldridge Kaboom K243 KCF Parka of Conanga 241 Sitz Value 7097 Sitz Henrietta Pride 1370
2% 2019 Ankony “Only the Tops” Sale
Ankony Quality and Integrity since 1935
Reference Sires Ankonian Cornerstone 7146
G A R Drive
• Cornerstone is an elite, Ankony herd sire.
• Drive is now a pasture sire at Ankony.
• He jumped through all of the hoops including low DMI.
• He comes closer to checking every box as a sire!
Ankonian Cornerstone 7146
Reg. # 18944524
Sex Bull
DOB 10/3/17
Trait EPD %
CED 9 30%
BW 1.5
WW 64 20%
YW 118 15%
DMI 0.38 50%
YH 0.8 20%
SC 0.46
Trait EPD %
MILK 38 2%
MW 55 25%
$EN -23
CW 54 15%
MARB 1.29 2%
RE 0.9 10%
FAT -0.057
$P $23,923 0.5%
Connealy In Sure 8524 G A R Fail Safe G A R Progress 830 Rito 9Q13 of Rita 5F56 GHM Ankony Miss Blackcap 4027 Monarch Blackcap X254
Tattoo 7146
G A R Drive
Reg. # 18301470
Sex Bull
DOB 1/4/15
DOC 21 30%
HP 6.7
CEM 9 45%
Trait EPD %
CED 12 10%
BW -0.3 30%
WW 50
YW 93
DMI 0.12 40%
YH 0.5 50%
SC 0.46
$M 55
$B 194 1%
$R 58.38 17%
Trait EPD %
MILK 36 3%
MW 41 40%
$EN -15
CW 36
MARB 1.63 1%
RE 0.99 3%
FAT -0.023
Mytty In Focus Entreena Of Conanga 657 G A R Progress G A R 1I1 Rito 3346 Gardens Highmark Rita 5F56 of 1I98 FD EXAR 263C Cox Blackcap 7852
$P $26,967 0.1%
G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 Connealy In Sure 8524 Maplecrest Blackcap 3007 Maplecrest Blackcap K9283
AnkonyFarms.com | 706.754.6000
Tattoo J5012
DOC 28 10%
HP 6.9
$M 41
$B 194 1%
$R 62.17 12%
G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N GAR Objective 3387 Mytty In Focus Entreena of Conaga 657 TC Total 410 Maplecrest Blackcap 489
G A R Sure Fire
Reg. # 17328461
Sex Bull
Trait EPD %
CED 14 4%
BW -0.3 20%
WW 56 45%
YW 106 30%
DMI 0.4
Trait EPD %
MILK 31 15%
MW 14
$EN 0 45%
CW 47 30%
MARB 1.38 1%
DOB 2/5/12
SC DOC HP CEM Quality and Integrity since 1935 2.42 29 10.7 8
RE 0.7 20%
FAT +0.036
4% $M 76 10%
50% $B 185 2%
S A F Focus of E R Mytty Countess 906 Connealy Onward Entity of Conanga 5657 B/R New Design 036 G A R Precision 706 G A R Grid Maker G A R Sleep Easy 2207
G A R New Design 5050 Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 Chair Rock Grid Maker 2107
G A R Sure Fire
YH 0.4
Mytty In Focus Connealy In Sure 8524 Entreena of Conanga 657
Tattoo K62
$R 72.08 5%
$P $22,071 1.1%
$C 316
• Sure Fire is now a proven high $Profit & high $Ranch bull. • His duaghters, like P245, will be breed changers.
G A R Quantum
• Quantum has one of the breed’s very best proofs.
• Edison is an elite growth and carcass bull.
• At +1.2 for both Marb and RE—he sets a new standard.
• We loved him so much, we tried to buy him as a yearling.
GAR Quantum
Reg. # 18636059
Sex Bull
DOB 8/18/16
Trait EPD %
CED 11 15%
BW 1.8
WW 71 10%
YW 124 10%
DMI 0.83
YH 0.8 20%
SC 1.86 3%
Trait EPD %
MILK 41 1%
MW 67 15%
$EN -31
CW 70 2%
MARB 1.21 3%
RE 1.23 1%
FAT -0.001 35%
G A R Progress G A R Momentum G A R Big Eye 1770 Connealy In Sure 8524 GAR In Sure 1524 GAR Complete 3011
Thomas Edison 6764
DOC 28 10% $M 60 50%
G A R Predestined G A R Objective 2345 ALC Big Eye D09N G A R Objective 3387 Mytty In Focus Entreena of Conanga 657 Summitcrest Complete 1P55 GAR Objective 277L
Tattoo 5526
Thomas Edison 6764
Reg. # 18704096
Sex Bull
DOB 8/9/16
HP 9.1
Trait EPD %
CED 10 10%
BW 1.6 40%
WW 81 2%
YW 137% 3%
DMI 0.9
YH 0.8 20%
SC 0.02
$B 204 1%
$R 41.07
Trait EPD %
MW 60 20%
$EN -14
CW 72 1%
MARB 1.19 3%
RE 1.11 2%
FAT -0.48 2%
$P $27,135 0.1%
MCC Daybreak G A R Sunrise G A R Objective R227 A A R Tex X 7008 S A Thomas Primrose 41037 Thomas Promrose 21128
DOC 18 40% $M 69 25%
Boyd New Day 8005 MCC Miss Focus 134 S S Objective T510 0T26 GAR 1407 New Design 2983 Mytty In Focus A A R Lady Kelton 5551 Connealy Confidence 0100 Thomas Primrose 0730
Tattoo 6764 HP 11.3 40%
$B 215 1%
$R 30.21
$P $24,467 0.4%
2019 Ankony “Only the Tops” Sale
Ankony Quality and Integrity since 1935
AnkonyFarms.com | 706.754.6000
Ankony Quality and Integrity since 1935
“Only the Tops” Sale September 26, 2019 Hotel Accommodations Hampton Inn, Sale Headquarters 161 Market Corner Dr., Cornelia GA Hwy. 365 at US Hwy. 441 Business Exit A block of rooms has been reserved at a reduced rate. Please make reservations before September 19, 2019. Ask for the Ankony rate. Directions from Atlanta Take I-85 north, keep left and follow signs to Greenville, SC. Merge left onto I-985 toward Gainesville. I-985 will turn into GA 365 and merge with US 23/441. At the intersection of US 23/441 and GA Hwy 17, turn left onto Hwy 17 (this will be at a stoplight). The farm entrance is approximately 2.5 miles west on the right side of the road. Directions from Greenville, South Carolina Take I-85 south toward Atlanta. Take exit 173 toward Toccoa/ Lavonia, turn left onto GA Hwy 17. Continue to follow Hwy 17 toward Clarkesville/Helen. Hwy 17 will intersect US 23/441, which will be a stoplight, continue going west on Hwy 17. The farm entrance is approximately 2.5 miles west on the right side of the road.
N. to Franklin, N.C. Ankony Clarkesville
Hwy 17 Junction Ankony Exit
Hwy 17
Cornelia/ Demorest Exit
23 441
23 441
Hampton Inn 23
Hwy 441 Commerce
Air Travel & Transportation Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport in Atlanta, GA, and Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport, in Greenville, SC, are both about 90 minutes from Clarkesville and are served by all major airlines. Private aircraft can land at the Habersham County Airport (Dean Swanson Field) in Cornelia (706-778-9978), Toccoa - Stephens County Airport (LeTourneau - Gilmer Field) in Toccoa (706-866-5632), or the Lee Gilmer Memorial Airport in Gainesville, GA (770-532-4136). Jet A fuel is available at all three airports.
2019 Ankony “Only the Tops” Sale
Ankony Headquarters 125 Ankony Farm Drive Mt. Airy, Ga. 30563 AnkonyFarms.com
Ankony Quality and Integrity since 1935
“Only the Tops” Sale September 26, 2019, 2 p.m.
No matter how you measure it, these
Designed by AgTown
29 Angus females are the highest projected
profitability females ever offered.
Please join us for a special pre-sale event to hear how Ankony and AnkonyFarms.com | 706.754.6000 FPL Food/Châtel Farms are reshaping opportunities for cattlemen in the Southeast.