1:00 PM Saturday • March 19 • 2011 C e n t e n n i a l L i ve s t o c k A u c t i o n For t Collins • Colorado
The Ideal Crossbreeding Program
Lot 30
Lot 34
Lot 48
Lot 56
Reference Sires
HSF Better Than Ever
In Dew Time
ASR/GLS Pacesetter
Kappes Unique
ASR Top Shelf T7109
SVF/NJC Mo Better M217
Remington Red Label
Six Mile Sakic
Connealy Thunder
ASR Bando T763
ASR FF Kaboom S6173
S A V Final Answer 0035
Simmental Sires 2011 Spring EPDs ASR Top Shelf T7109 Rem Red Label X Pref Stock
ASA# CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW Stay CW YG Marb BF REA Api Ti 2383965 6.4 -0.5 40.8 59.2 2.8 -4.6 15.8 18.6 -3.9 0.0 0.2 0.0 -0.1 109.4 67.7 A son of ASR Dream Catcher. We like what Top Shelf did when he was bred to Angus and Red Angus.
2285555 14.6 -0.8 30.9 52.8 14.5 -2.3 13.2 17.3 -7.4 0.1 0.4 0.1 -0.1 127.8 69.5
ASR/GLS Pacesetter
2445038 15.1 -2.3 34.1 69.8 4.5 8.2 25.3 21.2 1.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.6 127.0 68.0
2399920 10.8 -0.7 29.8 64.8 1.3 3.6 18.5 25.5 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.04 -0.01 131.6 65.4
2241050 15 -1.2 29.8 63.6 5.6 11.5 26.4 24.8 -1 -0.05 -0.05 0.04 0.46 123.5 61.8
2269144 13.8 -1.3 28.4 48.4 6.9 2.5 16.6 23.6 -10.8 -0.19 0.17 0 0.42 129.5 65.3
2252968 0.8 2.6 36.2 58.6 5.5 1.3 19.4 24.9 0.9 -0.03 0.07 0.02 0.29 104.5 59.3
2180592 7.5 1.7 37 89.9 2.3 -4.8 13.7 24.9 19.7 0.14 0.25 0.04 0.14 130.1 67.5
Red Angus 2011 Spring EPDs
Six Mile Sakic
1160318 3 1.1 44 68 20 42 1 7 7 9 -0.41 -0.11 -0.02
Dream On X Lucky Dice
Hooks Pacesetter x HC Hummer Mo Better X Destiny
Hooks Shearforce X Red Quorum Power Stroke X Direct Force Dream On X Arapahoe
Mr Momentum X Power Drive
Six Mile Aviator X Six Mile Sierra
Angus 2011 Spring EPDs
The best bull we use on heifers. In Dew Time makes great daughters! Our top selling bull in 2009 to Benda Simmental, South Dakota. You will see many more sons in 2012 sale. Calving ease, homozygous black, heavy muscled...we are excited to own Better Than Ever! Calving ease, and making cattle that you like whether they are bulls or heifers … a great sire. Now deceased, a great calving ease, muscle and carcass sire. He was truly a great one!! The red “Power Sire” for making great Simmental and SimAngus bulls and females.
Mr. Super Baldy! The poster boy for the kind of Simmental we are trying to raise … sons with Nuts Butts and Guts!
The Canadian Red Angus sire becoming known for siring muscle, correctness, and excellelnt feet. A good cross on Simmental.
Connealy Thunder
15148659 7
S A V Final Answer 0035
13592905 12 -1.0 61 106
ASR Bando T763
15794249 7
ASR FF Kaboom S6173
15940113 I+8 I+1.1 I+47 I+88
Baldridge Kaboom X Bando 598 Traveler 8180 X Bando 598
Bando 9074 X Future Direction Baldridge Kaboom X Future Direction
-0.4 44
29 0.25 0.45 -0.022 33.50 27.36 46.19
A good bull for calving ease and growth. Excellent bull for maternal softness and beatiful udders. Has PAPed well at elevation.
19 0.39 0.27 0.035 49.44 24.12 47.32
The number one popularity, calving ease bull for GENEX. A bull who does everything well.
22 0.65 0.31 0.025 19.69 32.61 53.94
A big, deep bodied son of Bando 9074 we use a hersdsire. He will leave outstanding daughters.
I+10 I+13 I+0.54 I+0.47 I+0.015 28.33 31.79 58.74
A powerful son of Baldridge Kaboom who calves very easily and grows well above average
Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Guts!!!
Progressive CattlemenWelcome to our 19th Annual Super Baldy Bull Sale! Several years ago a cowboy (who I greatly respect), Gary Jacobsen of Cheyenne,
Wyoming said to me, “the Simmental X Angus crossbred cow is just better in every way than the Black Baldy. She’s a Super Baldy.” And that phrase has stuck with me and is the reason for calling our sale the Super Baldy Sale. It’s Simple— Because you want more pounds, more muscle, more productive crossbred cows and you want it in an acceptable calving ease package. And we can provide it! Now more than ever, Simmental and Angus, have the genetics to do that in combination. With the use of the advanced genetic evaluation, and the use of the A.I. industries best sires, we can provide bulls in quantity. We are proud of our offering!. 1-Use Simmental to add muscle and yield, while still maintaining maternal traits. Use on English based cows, Angus and Black baldy cows. 2-Use SimAngus/Super Baldy to add just a little Continental muscle to a crossbreeding program. Or use it to maintain a portion of hybrid vigor to an existing crossbreeding program of SimAngus cows. And we’ve developed some of these SimAngus bulls with enough calving ease to use on heifers. 3-Use Black or Red Angus bulls for calving ease on heifers and to cross on Simmental cross cows. Meat Animal Research Center (MARC) research indicates crossbreeding will reduce production costs by 10-12%, increase cow longevity by 38% and wean 18% more calf per cow exposed. The industry indicates a desire for a 50% English and 50% Continental cross feeder calf. They do everything from extra growth to weaning, outstanding feedlot performance, the ability to yield and marble, and make the most efficient crossbred cow. And that is why we offer both Simmental and Angus, Red and Black, plus composites of 50% of each breed we call Super Baldys. PAP – Simmental work well at altitude. We will guarantee them to PAP score for you. If you want to take them to your elevation and acclimate, test them, we will guarantee them to score. The Thunders appear to work well at altitude. Two cooperators (Meiklejohn and Azcarraga) are from Collbran. We have worked with other high altitude ranches, and we will work with you. Call us to discuss. We are selling at Centennial Livestock Auction in Fort Collins!! Centennial Livestock Auction is a great facility, and Wayne Kruse and his crew provides excellent service. We will be selling via the www.cattleUSA.com this year. Please register ahead of time to assure proper bidding on sale day. The sale starts at 1:00 P.M., so come early so you can view the bulls and join us for a 11:30 AM complimentary lunch. Thank you to Northern Feed and Bean, Bob Pemberton, Dave Mast of Purina Mills and Accuration for helping sponsor our complimentary lunch … come enjoy and thank them. Also let me help you with your selection and mating decisions. I know these cow families extremely well and would like to spend time helping you make your decisions to match your environment and cowherd. So come early, eat lunch and talk bulls! We look forward to seeing you at the sale, Saturday, March 19th, 2011. Please call if you have any questions regarding the sale offering or leave a bid on a bull. Remember, this is not just another sale . . . this is a crossbreeding program.
Altenburg Super Sharon and Willie Altenburg
Baldy Ranch, LLC
Sale Day Cell Phones 570 East County Road 64 970/481-2570 Willie Alternburg Fort Collins, CO 80524 720/982-8541 Bruce German 970/568-7792 • Fax 568-7882 970/270-7581 Ryan Altenburg Email: willie@rmi.net • www.altenburgsuperbaldy.com Simmental Staff on hand on sale day will be Regional Rep, Lacey Robinson 406 599 2394 Storm Sale Date – Monday, March 21st, 2011, Centennial Auction, Fort Collins,CO
Selling 80 Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Guts!!! We are pleased to offer the Altenburg
Super Baldy Ranch Annual Bull Sale
“LIVE” over the Internet through www.CattleUSA.com
Please pre-register at www.CattleUSA.com and get approved ... prior to sale day! Bidding is live. No extra commission is required. Payment is made directly to Centennial Livestock Auction. Please call Centennial Livestock Auction (970) 482 6207, prior to sale day, if you need assistance getting pre-registered.
Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Guts!!!
Sale Terms & Conditions 1... Cattle will be sold by Public Auction to
the highest bidder. Payment terms are cash or check on sale day.
2... Cattle will be sold under the
Bull Performance Data BW
WW YW ADG 3... At the buyers option and risk, we will WDA feed the bulls until April 15th at no expense Ratio Terms and Conditions of the American Simmental Association and copies will be available sale day.
Actual birth weight of the animal with in 24 hours of birth, unadjusted for age of dam. 205 adjusted weaning weight of the animal, adjusted for the age of dam. 365 day adjusted yearling weight of the animal. Average Daily Gain for 100 day feed test. Weight per Day of Age equals weight divided by the days of age A measure of a bulls relative performance to contemporaries. 100 is
to the buyer. Or take your bull home the day average. of the sale and deduct $50 from the selling Marbling EPD or actual ultrasound scan data. price. MB
4... Bulls were developed on Purina
Accuration, hay with 3.25 ADG goal on 100+ day test.
5...Bulls will be semen tested and are
REA Fat Stay
Ribe Eye Area EPD or actual ultrasound scan data Rib Fat EPD or actual ultrasound scan data Stayability describes the difference in Percent probability of daughters staying productive past the age of 6.
guaranteed breeders. Scrotal circumference Hip Ht Hip Height taken at semen testing, approximately one year of age. Frame and semen test results will be available on scores will be calculated and available sale day. sale day. Some bulls (due to their age) may Sc Cir Scrotal circumference in centimeters taken at semen testing, approximately require additional time and be retested in one year of age. Available sale day. 30 days. Those bulls will be designated on sale day. We will keep those bulls and retest them and guarantee as breeders. Bull EPDs – Expected Progeny Differences
6... All Bulls were tested negative for
PI-BVD. All bulls are free of known genetic defects, AM and NH free.
7... Hip height and scrotal measurements
will be available on sale day. Several “herdsire prospects” will be tested for color and homozygous polled status. If interested before sale day, please call the week prior to the sale or go to our website.
8... Papers on registered bulls and heifers will be transferred within 45 days of the sale 9... Announcements made on sale day will
take precedence over printed material in the sale catalog.
Calving Ease is expressed for heifers in percent increase or decrease of unassisted births. Positive calving ease scores indicate less calving difficulty on heifers. Birth Weight is the birth weight of an animals progeny expressed in pounds. Weaning Weight of an animals progeny expressed in pounds. Yearling Weight of an animals progeny expressed in pounds. Maternal Calving Ease is expressed for the daughters of a bull based on the heifers ability to calve easier or harder than average. Positive numbers indicate easier calving. Maternal Milk is a measure of the amount of extra weaning weight attributed to the milking ability of a bulls daughter. Milk EPDs are expressed in pounds of calf.
MWW Maternal Weaning Weight is a measure of the ability of a sire to transmit
10... Some of these bulls may develop into a herdsire of which we may want to collect API
milk and growth through his daughters. MWW is expressed in pounds of calf.
All Purpose Index for use on entire cowherd, daughters retained, steers on semen in the future. Therefore we would feed and sold grade yield. like to retain a “1/3 semen interest” in each TI Terminal Index for use on mature cows with all offspring put on feed and bull in the sale. This could mean collecting sold grade & yield. semen in your “off season,”at our expense. This will not interfere with ownership of the Calving Ease Ratings which are an estimate of a bull’s predicted calving ease. bull or salvage value. On the “right” bull, it Ratings are based on birth weight, birth weight ratios, and Calving Ease & Birth Weight EPDS could be valuable for both parties. ** A bull who should be used on cows with minimal assists expected 11... Neither Altenburgs or Centennial * * * A bull who can be used on heifers with minimal assists expected Livestock Auction are responsible for Sale * * * * A bull who is an excellent candidate to be used on heifers with minimal Day accidents. assists expected due to the combination of bulls birth weight, ratio and EPDs 2
Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Guts!!!
Simmental Better Than Ever Several Sons Sell
35 Black & Red Simmental Bulls
• The Maternal Continental Breed of Choice • Moderate Framed & Thick & Solid Colored
35 Super Baldy Bulls – Use to Maintain Hybrid Vigor
Simmental Mo Better Several Sons Sell
• SimAngus Composites - Black & Red • Ideal to Compliment a Crossbreeding Program
10 Angus and Red Angus
• Ideal to Compliment a Crossbreeding Program • Low Birth Weight EPDs Ideal for Heifers
Simmental Remington Red Label Several Sons Sell
25 Super Baldy Open Heifers • Simmental/Angus Heifers • Open and Ready to Breed
Angus Connealy Thunder Several Sons Sell
Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Guts!!!
Simmental Bulls – Yellow Tags
Lot 4 ASR Substance X009 In Dew Time x Hummer Herd Sire Prospect
ASR Black Iron X013 In Dew Time x Hummer Lot 6 Herd Sire Prospect
Simmental Bulls
Lot Bull No. No.
Reg. Number
Birth Date
P BW Color H
Bull WW YW ADG WDA Calving Sire Dam No. WW Ratio YW Ratio ADG Ratio WDA Ratio Ease
Simmental - 2 Year Old bulls 1 W904 2496864 1/30/09 75 2B P Shearforce T7136 572 93 NA NA ***
Dam’s Sire: On Target
Mat. Grand Sire: Desperado
2 W914 2496937 1/30/09 63 2B P Kappes Unique T7111 519 84 1037 90 ***
Dam’s Sire: In Dew Time
Mat. Grand Sire: ASR Little Bear
3 W920 2496866 1/31/09 76 2B P Shearforce T747 622 101 1004 96 ***
Dam’s Sire: ASR Little Bear
Mat. Grand Sire: On Target
Simmental - Yearling bulls 4 X009 2554393 1/30/10 72 2B P In Dew Time U838 722 104 1280 106 3.60 111 3.26 101 *** Mat. Grand Sire: Lucky Strike Dam’s Sire: Hummer 5 X010 2554394 1/30/10 77 2B P
Dam’s Sire: Hummer
6 X013 2554420 2/1/10 83 2B P
2B P
2B P
2B P
In Dew Time
Dam’s Sire: Hummer
14 X040 2554487 2/10/10 82 Br P
758 NC 1243 NC 3.12 97 3.19 98
Mat. Grand Sire: On Target U840
662 96 1159 96 3.20 99 2.94 91
Mat. Grand Sire: Blue Chip Mat. Grand Sire: Full Figures U8110
706 102 1224 101 3.34 103 3.12 96
Mat. Grand Sire: Desperado Mat. Grand Sire: On Target
In Dew Time U8104 594 86 1173 97 3.73 115 2.93 90 **
Dam’s Sire: Hummer
13 X038 2554485 2/10/10 84
In Dew Time U8114 692 100 1179 97 3.14 97 3.00 93 **
Dam’s Sire: Hummer
12 X027 2554477 2/5/10 80 2B P
In Dew Time
Dam’s Sire: Hummer
11 X026 2554476 2/5/10 82 2B P
772 113 1340 111 3.61 111 3.43 106 **
Mat. Grand Sire: ASR Showcase
In Dew Time U8106 717 104 1279 106 3.62 112 3.25 100 **
Dam’s Sire: Hummer
10 X025 2554475 2/5/10 78
In Dew Time
Dam’s Sire: Hummer
9 X021 2554472 2/4/10 86 2Bwf P
In Dew Time
Dam’s Sire: Hummer
8 X020 2554471 2/3/10 82
2B P
Mat. Grand Sire: ASR Little Bear
In Dew Time U885
Dam’s Sire: Hummer
7 X016 2554448 2/2/10 84
In Dew Time U857 722 104 1198 99 3.07 95 3.06 95 ***
Dam’s Sire: Trademark
Mat. Grand Sire: On Target U898
731 106 1253 104 3.31 102 3.19 99
Mat. Grand Sire: ASR Showcase S668
722 114 1226 103 3.00 93 3.29 102 **
Mat. Grand Sire: Little Bear
Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Guts!!!
Simmental Bulls– Yellow Tags
Lot 7
Lot 14
ASR Big Picture X016 In Dew Time x Hummer Herd Sire Prospect
ASR Round Up X040 Remington x Trademark Herd Sire Prospect Lot 12 Ultrasound Data
Spring 2011 EPDs Adj IMF Adj BF Adj REA MB BF REA Bull Lot CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW API TI IMF Ratio BF Ratio REA Ratio EPD EPD EPD No. No. $Price
____________ -2.9 14.8 22.9 4.4 6.9 14.3 128.0 61.0 W904 1 12.3 This Shearforce goes back to our K53 cow by Desperado, which is our now deceased supreme ET donor female. ____________ -4.1 13.0 26.5 7.0 2.6 9.1 122.0 59.0 W914 2 12.3 Everyone likes two year olds and their ability to cover extra heifers and cows. These bulls will work on heifers … they are calving ease. ____________ -1.7 23.3 40.3 4.5 8.6 20.3 141.0 69.0 W920 3 13.7 Shearforce is a popular sire known for calving ease and his ability to make great females and add carcass merit. 129.0 72.0 2.83 114 0.16 84 16.2 106 0.35 0.03 0.32 X009 4 ____________ 12.4 -0.9 35.7 66.8 10.0 0.8 18.6 It is hard to believe a first calf heifer can raise a calf like this. X009 is an absolute “horse”. And he has done all we have asked … with a great disposition. Out of the L132 cow family, one of our best. 32.8 56.9 9.8 0.5 16.9 122.0 67.0 2.31 93 0.14 74 14.7 97 0.23 0.02 0.10 X010 5 ____________ 13.3 -0.9 Another IDT x Hummer. Heifer bull prospect. 46.0 80.6 10.1 -5.4 17.6 123.0 71.0 2.41 97 0.22 116 15.1 99 0.2 0.04 0.13 X013 6 ____________ 12.9 0.9 Really a classy individual. Up headed and “tracks” well. And gained well too!! 121.0 66.0 2.48 100 0.21 100 15.0 98 0.24 0.03 0.06 X016 7 ____________ 12.1 1.1 35.1 62.8 9.4 0.5 18.0 One of the most complete bulls in the sale. Also out of a first calf heifer, where the In Dew Time cross has worked so well with Hummer. 12.4 -0.3 26.3 49.6 10.2 2.8 15.9 118.0 64.0 2.67 108 0.20 105 15.4 101 0.29 0.04 0.20 X020 8 ____________ A more moderate framed cow behind this bull. 13.2 0.7 36.6 64.8 10.1 -0.2 18.1 121.0 68.0 2.37 95 0.19 100 14.3 94 0.27 0.04 -0.02 X021 9 ____________ An In Dew Time with a white face. Did well on his gain in all facets. 12.9 0.3 36.3 64.1 9.4 -1.8 16.4 120.0 67.0 2.33 94 0.13 68 14.5 95 0.21 0.02 0.10 X025 10 ____________ We hoped to have these 3/4 brother all penned together on sale day. 11.8 1.2 29.2 50.6 9.5 0.5 15.1 118.0 62.0 2.49 100 0.14 74 14.0 92 0.25 0.02 0.00 X026 11 ____________ We like how the In Dew Times matched up to our Hummer first calf heifers. 12.4 -0.8 17.7 38.9 9.6 4.7 132.0 64.0 3.40 137 0.13 68 12.8 84 0.46 0.02 -0.17 X027 12 ____________ A really complete bull with lots of body depth. We like our In Dew Time females. We think this bull will make females too. 13.3 0.5 38.4 66.0 10.1 -1.9 17.3 129.0 71.0 2.94 118 0.22 116 14.4 94 0.35 0.05 0.07 X038 13 ____________ A bigger weaning calf who went on to gain well. 4.4 -0.1 38.2 59.6 3.4 1.8 20.9 112.0 66.0 2.79 112 0.24 120 15.8 104 0.17 0.05 0.33 X040 14 ____________ A massive ribbed bull with extreme length, out of a good, young Trademark X Little Bear daughter. Great disposition and huge testicle development.
Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Guts!!!
Simmental Bulls – Yellow Tags
Lot 24 ASR Significance X0109 Better Than Ever x ASR Little Bear Herd Sire Prospect
Lot 16 ASR Pacesetter X048 ASR/GLS Pacesetter x Kappes Unique Herd Sire Prospect
Simmental Bulls Lot Bull No. No.
Reg. Number
ASR Uniquely Red X072 ASR/GLS Pacesetter x Hummer Lot 18 Herd Sire Prospect Birth Date
P BW Color H
15 X046 2554489 2/11/10 68 Tw HoB HoP
553 NC 1101 NC 3.50 108 2.88 89
Mat. Grand Sire: Black Mick
ASR Pacesetter S628 665 NC 1190 100 3.35 104 3.13 97 **
Dam’s Sire: Kappes Unique
17 X059 2554499 2/13/10 89 2B P
Kappes Unique L117
Dam’s Sire: Bold Stock
16 X048 2554490 2/11/10 81 2B P
Bull WW YW ADG WDA Calving Sire Dam No. WW Ratio YW Ratio ADG Ratio WDA Ratio Ease
Mo Better
Dam’s Sire: Kappes Unique
Mat. Grand Sire: Little Bear S641
719 113 1331 112 3.64 112 3.53 109 **
Mat. Grand Sire: Daytona
18 X072 2554508 2/15/10 93 Rnd HoP ASR Pacesetter S6125 744 117 1165 98 2.50 77 3.17 98 **
Dam’s Sire: Dakota
19 X075 2554510 2/15/10 74 2Bblz P
Dam’s Sire: Little Bear
20 X077 2554512 2/15/10 78 2Bblz P
Rnd P 2B P
Dam’s Sire: In Dew Time
29 X0121 2554414 2/24/10 97 2Bblz P
Dam’s Sire: Grand Slam
28 X0119 2554412 2/23/10 76 Br P
Mat. Grand Sire: 600U K087
Mo Better
Dam’s Sire: Little Bear
652 103 1210 102 3.31 102 3.27 101 **
Mat. Grand Sire: Incumbent P429
615 97 1301 110 4.07 126 3.44 106
Mat. Grand Sire: Tom Cat S683
662 104 1258 106 3.54 109 3.33 103
Mat. Grand Sire: Big Sky 628 99 1190 100 3.34 103 3.20 99
Mat. Grand Sire: Desperado T783
742 117 1261 106 3.09 95 3.34 103 **
Mat. Grand Sire: Little Bear
Kappes Unique J936
Dam’s Sire: Lucky Strike
27 X0118 2554411 2/22/10 89 Rnd P
Dam’s Sire: Hummer
26 X0114 2554407 2/22/10 97 2B P
652 103 1371 116 4.27 132 3.63 112
Mat. Grand Sire: Big Sky
Better Than Ever P420
Dam’s Sire: Little Bear
25 X0111 2554405 2/21/10 94 2B P
Dam’s Sire: Remington Red Label
24 X0109 2554403 2/21/10 80
Dam’s Sire: Grand Slam
23 X0107 2554401 2/20/10 87
Mo Better
Dam’s Sire: Polled Zenith
22 X099 2554531 2/19/10 89 Rnd P
Better Than Ever M231 665 105 1072 90 2.41 74 2.96 91 **
Dam’s Sire: Showcase
21 X088 2554523 2/16/10 92 2Bblz P
Mo Better
Mat. Grand Sire: Showcase
653 103 1138 96 2.88 89 3.11 96 **
Mat. Grand Sire: Preferred Stock P476 623 98 1171 99 3.26 101 3.20 99 ** Mat. Grand Sire: Incumbent T792
595 94 1159 98 3.36 104 3.00 93 **
Mat. Grand Sire: Grand Slam P441
742 117 1336 113 3.53 109 3.64 113 **
Mat. Grand Sire: Polled Zenith
Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Guts!!!
Simmental Bulls– Yellow Tags
ASR Old School X0111 Kilowatt x Hummer Herd Sire Prospect
Lot 25
Lot 29
ASR Black Unique X0114 Kappes Unique x Lucky Strike Herd Sire Prospect
Lot 26 Ultrasound Data
Spring 2011 EPDs Adj IMF Adj BF Adj REA MB BF REA Bull Lot CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW API TI IMF Ratio BF Ratio REA Ratio EPD EPD EPD No. No. $Price
9.6 1.3 34.9 61.4 6.9 5.7 23.2 114.0 65.0 2.11 77 0.20 100 13.9 95 0.17 0.00 0.26 X046 15 ____________ Twin and slow starting, but has developed into a nice bull. L117 came from rains in Kansas and is one of our really good cows. 29.0 57.2 4.0 6.5 21.0 126.0 67.0 2.87 116 0.19 95 16.3 107 0.2 0.03 0.54 X048 16 ____________ 12.5 -2.5 The first of many ASR Pacesetters to come. Out of the 2009 top seller to Jim Benda, SD. Cow died, grafted late to another cow. 43.2 87.9 2.1 -3.7 17.9 118.0 67.0 2.34 94 0.27 135 15.2 100 0.14 0.05 0.16 X059 17 ____________ 7.2 1.4 A solid black Mo Better who is extremely long and a top gainer. Likes to be scratched. 38.7 65.9 3.2 -1.0 18.4 110.0 64.0 2.49 100 0.14 70 15.0 98 0.08 0.03 0.35 X072 18 ____________ 9.5 0.9 A most unique red pedigree, with no Dream On. Homo polled. One of the top calves at weaning with a 117 ratio. 126.0 69.0 2.16 87 0.15 75 14.8 97 0.17 0.02 -0.02 X075 19 ____________ 8.5 -2.0 36.8 84.4 1.5 0.0 18.4 A blaze face with a 132 ratio on gain test. He is backed by a good Little Bear daughter going back to F605, who is the dam of ASR Dream Catcher. 21.9 36.2 1.8 -1.9 9.1 124.0 60.0 2.73 110 0.13 65 14.5 95 0.24 0.02 -0.06 X077 20 ____________ 10.2 -1.5 A blaze face Better Than Ever … a bit unique. It comes from the blaze Showcase daughter. 36.8 75.0 0.3 -9.7 8.7 98.0 64.0 2.10 85 0.23 115 15.8 104 0.11 0.06 0.11 X088 21 ____________ 6.9 0.9 A brockle faced, really soft sided, performance calf. Almost 3/4 bother to X0121. 2.4 0.7 34.8 66.9 3.5 1.3 18.7 107.0 61.0 2.35 95 0.15 75 14.7 97 0.1 0.01 0.11 X099 22 ____________ Red, non diluter, who had a 4 pound plus ADG. 6.0
1.4 37.0 64.2 3.3 3.4
21.9 95.0 60.0 2.02 81
0.18 90 15.0 99 0.04 0.04 -0.02 X0107 23 ____________
This good gaining Gunner is out of the full sister to the $8000 Remington sister we sold to our good friend Larry Rodgers, Georgia. 9.9 -2.4 27.8 58.6 0.4 4.5 18.4 116.0 62.0 2.05 83 0.17 85 16.5 108 0.05 0.02 0.26 X0109 24 ____________ We call him “stubby”…born on a cold night, he is short of ear and tail, but out of a cow we flush for Australia. He is a great performance and maternal sire. 8.7 2.7 44.9 70.5 5.8 0.3 22.8 116.0 67.0 2.59 104 0.23 115 15.6 102 0.18 0.03 0.23 X0111 25 ____________ Extremely thick out of a hard-working three year old Hummer daughter. Truly a herd sire prospect. Nice scan data. 10.2 1.4 32.7 54.9 5.0 -2.7 13.7 101.0 62.0 2.30 93 0.17 85 17.2 113 0.21 0.02 0.43 X0114 26 ____________ A bull most like his now decease sire, Kappes Unique. This bull is free moving, extremely thick. Big ribeye bull. 2.0 1.6 33.2 52.7 3.1 -1.9 14.7 92.0 58.0 2.02 81 0.18 90 15.3 100 0.1 0.04 -0.10 X0118 27 ____________ A solid red, non diluter who gained well on test. 4.8 -0.6 25.4 46.4 6.5 2.6 15.3 116.0 62.0 3.11 125 0.15 75 12.7 83 0.3 0.02 -0.15 X0119 28 ____________ Another Remington, known for excellent growth rate in his offspring. Note his marbling scan data!! :-) 8.3 1.4 46.0 93.9 0.7 -3.1 19.9 125.0 71.0 2.58 104 0.27 135 17.7 116 0.2 0.07 0.39 X0121 29 ____________ A brockle faced bull out of the cow who raised the top selling bull in 2010 who went to Jim Ligon, TN. A mate and 3/4 brother to X088.
Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Guts!!!
Simmental Bulls – Yellow Tags
Lot 32 ASR Better Ever X0140 Better Than Ever x ASR Little Bear Herd Sire Prospect
Lot 30 ASR Mo Better X0123 Mo Better x In Dew Time Herd Sire Prospect Lot 31
Simmental Bulls
Lot Bull No. No.
Reg. Number
Birth Date
P BW Color H
30 X0123 2554416 2/24/10 92 2Bblz P
Bull WW YW ADG WDA Calving Sire Dam No. WW Ratio YW Ratio ADG Ratio WDA Ratio Ease Mo Better
Dam’s Sire: In Dew Time
31 X0124 2554417 2/24/10 98 Rnd P/s Remington
Dam’s Sire: On Target
32 X0140 2554430 3/5/10 94
2B HoP
34 X0151 2554441 3/8/10 92 HoB HoP 35 X0156 2554444 3/11/10 94 2B P 36 X0162 2554450 3/13/10 83
2B P
2B P
38 X0167 2554454 3/15/10 78 2B P
41 3X
2550155 3/7/10
Dream On
Dam’s Sire: Gold Mine 2566799 3/8/10 95
2B P
43 11X 44 15X
2B P
Dream On
Dam’s Sire: Power Drive 2550146 2/19/10 89
2B P
651 103 1222 103 3.39 105 3.34 103
662 104 1209 102 3.24 100 3.30 102 ***
Mat. Grand Sire: Bold Cat Mat. Grand Sire: Preferred Stock Mat. Grand Sire: Showcase R5301
In Dew Time
Dam’s Sire: Power Drive
726 95 1178
3.25 100
Mat. Grand Sire: Bold Stock 710 NC 1131 NC 2.20 68 3.14 97
Mat. Grand Sire: Power Drive 872 114 1430 112 3.32 103 3.99 123
Mat. Grand Sire: Glacier Logan U11
712 93 1178 92 2.36 73 3.03 93
Mat. Grand Sire: GW Mick U15
708 93 1229 96 2.83 88 3.14 97
Mat. Grand Sire: GW Mick Average Average ADG 3.23 WDA 3.24
Mat. Grand Sire: Preferred Stock
Hooks Pacesetter R521
Dam’s Sire: Lucky Jess 2550161 2/26/10 95
Mat. Grand Sire: Bold Cat
Grand Master T26
Dam’s Sire: Built Right
42 521X 2550147 3/7/10 102 Br HoP
766 NC 1416 NC 3.85 119 3.87 119
Better Than Ever T7134 635 100 1220 103 3.48 108 3.23 100 **
Dam’s Sire: Hummer
Better Than Ever P4104 623 98 1107 97 2.87 89 3.05 94 ***
Dam’s Sire: Little Bear
39 X0172 2554458 3/16/10 93 2B P/s
631 99 1192 101 3.34 103 3.19 99
Mat. Grand Sire: Nophalt
Better Than Ever L130
Dam’s Sire: Black Destiny
Mat. Grand Sire: Little Bear
Better Than Ever P4105
Dam’s Sire: Little Bear
37 X0163 2554451 3/13/10 71
669 105 1209 102 3.21 99 3.25 100
Mat. Grand Sire: Bold Stock
Better Than Ever M250 649 102 1174 99 3.11 96 3.22 99 **
Dam’s Sire: Showcase
Mat. Grand Sire: Power Outcross
Better Than Ever P421
Dam’s Sire: Desperado
R570 650 102 1135 96 2.88 89 3.08 95 **
Better Than Ever S654
Dam’s Sire: Trademark
Mat. Grand Sire: Big Sky
Better Than Ever S6150
Dam’s Sire: Little Bear
33 X0146 2554436 3/6/10 84 HoB P
T7146 751 118 1355 114 3.59 111 3.57 110 **
Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Guts!!!
Simmental Bulls– Yellow Tags
Lot 34
Lot 42
ASR Final Sort X0151 Better Than Ever x Desperado Herd Sire Prospect
MTTR Mr Pacesetter 521X Pacesetter x Lucky Jess Herd Sire Prospect Lot 38 Ultrasound Data
Spring 2011 EPDs Adj IMF Adj BF Adj REA MB BF REA Bull Lot CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW API TI IMF Ratio BF Ratio REA Ratio EPD EPD EPD No. No. $Price
8.9 2.0 45.9 89.9 5.2 -4.8 18.2 122.0 70.0 2.40 97 0.28 140 16.6 109 0.22 0.07 0.17 X0123 30 ____________ A growthy blaze faced Mo Better who is out of an ET In Dew Time female we just love. A ratio of 118 at weaning. 26.0 38.8 2.7 0.7 13.7 98.0 51.0 2.38 96 0.18 90 13.7 90 0.07 0.02 0.02 X0124 31 ____________ 2.2 3.7 One of the few solid red purebred bulls we have in the offering, R570 is a good, productive cow. 115.0 64.0 2.37 95 0.14 70 15.3 100 0.18 0.01 0.07 X0140 32 ____________ 9.4 1.1 34.0 64.0 1.6 5.0 22.0 This bull can gain, but muscle is what he is all about. He is as thick as any bull in the pen. 119.0 65.0 2.50 101 0.15 75 14.7 96 0.19 0.02 0.06 X0146 33 ____________ 9.4 -1.4 30.6 55.0 1.3 1.3 16.6 A very classy looking Better Than Ever due to his Trademark dam. A bull you will like to see. 110.0 63.0 2.24 90 0.22 100 18.7 123 0.08 0.02 0.15 X0151 34 ____________ 8.7 0.0 34.3 66.5 0.6 0.4 17.5 One of our top bulls. Extremely thick. Homo polled and black. We are sending embyos out of his dam to Australia. The biggest ribeye in the sale offering 31.5 57.5 0.5 3.1 18.9 121.0 62.0 2.68 108 0.17 85 15.7 103 0.18 0.03 0.13 X0156 35 ____________ 9.0 1.0 A very solid bull out of a big roomy cow who has paid her way every year. 121.0 68.0 2.24 90 0.17 85 15.5 102 0.17 0.03 0.06 X0162 36 ____________ 9.4 -1.5 36.2 69.6 0.8 1.0 19.1 Lot 36 and 38 are full brothers in blood, out of sister cows. Very much alike. 114.0 64.0 2.22 89 0.18 90 16.2 106 0.06 0.03 0.24 X0163 37 ____________ 8.4 -0.5 35.0 67.6 0.0 4.4 21.9 I was looking for the twin the day he was born. This cow does it every year, has little calves that grow!! 28.0 51.9 0.8 1.4 15.4 123.0 66.0 2.83 114 0.19 95 14.0 92 0.27 0.03 -0.10 X0167 38 ____________ 9.4 -2.4 A Better Than Ever going back to ASR Dream Catcher, meaning calving ease and high maternal. 30.2 61.9 3.3 4.1 19.2 118.0 61.0 2.17 87 0.21 105 16.3 107 0.1 0.04 0.24 X0172 39 ____________ 10.8 0.7 A really growthy Better Than Ever out of a good Hummer going back to our K53 donor cow. 11.9 -1.5 19.8 30.0
9.1 -0.5
9.4 110.0 60.0 NA
34X 40 ____________
A Dream On from Mick Meiklejohn who brought his full brother in previous bull sales. 115.0 59.0 2.43 108 0.18 100 13 100 0.01 0.04 0.19 3X 41 ____________ 10.6 -0.6 27.8 53.3 2.4 9.4 23.3 A solid bull going back to a Built right first calf heifer that are know to make good cows. 110.0 71.0 2.49 110 0.22 92 17 107 0.23 0.03 0.39 521X 42 ____________ 9.7 0.8 41.9 80.8 1.5 4.4 25.4 This bull is and absolute STUD! Mick brought him in as an 800 pound weaner and he never looked back. He has done it all … look him up sale day! 9.5 0.7 24.0 42.8 9.0 -0.4 11.6 106.0 58.0 2.40 107 0.23 96
16 99 0.20 0.02 0.20 11X 43 ____________
A Dream on out of Mick’s ET program and the Power Drive females. 9.5 0.2 24.6 48.0 9.5 1.2 13.5 116.0 63.0 3.05 104 0.15 63
14 87 0.32 0.01 -0.16 15X 44 ____________
Another In Dew Time, this time from Mick. A 1200 pound plus yearling weight from a first calf heifer.
Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Guts!!!
Super Baldy Bulls – White Tags
Lot 47
Lot 48
Lot 49
Super Baldy Bulls
Lot Bull No. No. 45 X002
Reg. Number
Birth Date
P BW Color H
2554389 1/26/10 73
Bull WW YW ADG WDA Calving Sire Dam No. WW Ratio YW Ratio ADG Ratio WDA Ratio Ease
2B P
46 X030 2554479 2/7/10 58 Tw 2B P
2B P
48 X036 2554483 2/10/10 87
2B P
2B P
50 X049 2554491 2/11/10 82 Tw Rnd HoP
Dam’s Sire: Little Bear
52 X063 2554501 2/13/10 83 Rnd HoP
Dam’s Sire: Heavenly
53 X064 2554502 2/14/10 96 R P/s
Dam’s Sire: Body Builder 2554506 2/14/10 98
Rnd P
Dam’s Sire: ASR Draft Pick
55 X074 2554509 2/15/10 81 Rnd HoP
Dam’s Sire: JR 105
56 X076 2554511 2/15/10 97 Rnd P
Dam’s Sire: Power Outcross
57 X080 2554515 2/16/10 102 10
Dam’s Sire: Make My Day
51 X057 2554497 2/13/10 72 2B P
Dam’s Sire: SS Goldmine
Dam’s Sire: Polled Zenith
49 X047 2527272 2/11/10 94
Final Answer
Dam’s Sire: ASR Dakota
Dam’s Sire: 600U
47 X034 2554481 2/8/10 84
54 X069
Final Answer
Dam’s Sire: ASR Dakota
Lot 51
Dam’s Sire: Zima
722 104 1234 101 3.36 98
3.21 97
Mat. Grand Sire: ASR Little Bear G720
557 NC 1103 NC 3.28 96 3.01 91
Mat. Grand Sire: High Interest U8150
704 102 1248 102 3.56 104 3.25 98
Mat. Grand Sire: ASR Little Bear M246
679 107 1393 115 4.28 125 3.76 113
Mat. Grand Sire: 600U P404
750 NC 1326 NC 3.58 105 3.65 110
Mat. Grand Sire: WHF Red Sky L107
547 NC 1173 NC 3.77 110 3.16 96
Mat. Grand Sire: No Equal S6154 568 90 1293 107 4.36 128 3.41 103 *** Mat. Grand Sire: Showcase 002-N
551 87 1065 88 3.10 91 2.93 88
Mat. Grand Sire: Algebra I 675 M268 709 121 1129 102 3.70 108 3.42 103 ** Mat. Grand Sire: Tom Cat M285
665 105 1189
99 3.15 92
3.32 100
Mat. Grand Sire: High Interest M217
584 92 1172 97 3.54 104 3.20 97
Mat. Grand Sire: Make My Day L142
697 110 1205 100 3.07 90 3.34 101 **
Mat. Grand Sire: Big Sky K060
630 99 1211 100 3.50 1022 3.28 99
Mat. Grand Sire: Cactus Red
Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Guts!!!
Super Baldy Bulls – White Tags
Lot 53
Lot 56
Ultrasound Data
Lot 54
Lot 57
Spring 2011 EPDs Adj IMF Adj BF Adj REA MB BF REA Bull Lot CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW API TI IMF Ratio BF Ratio REA Ratio EPD EPD EPD No. No. $Price
0.0 -3.1 41.4 79.1 0.0 1.6
22.3 132.0 81.0 2.83 103 0.28 147 14.14 0.46 0.46 0.10 0.07 X002 45 ____________
A Final Answer, Genex most popular heifer sire. Use this bull on heifers. A real eye appealing sire. 0.0 -1.7 18.7 53.6 0.0 1.8 11.2 101.0 59.0 2.25 82 0.20 100 14.03 96 0.43 0.04 0.01 X030 46 ____________ A twin out of 14 year old cow. This cow has never missed, Thunder is a good combination. 0.0 -3.6 38.5 75.4 0.0 1.8 21.0 127.0 76.0 2.14 78 0.23 121 15.45 106 0.29 0.08 0.19 X034 47 ____________ X034 is a mate to X002, both Final Answer sired, and half sister cows. Great marbling and ribeye. 0.0 -2.1 37.4 87.2 0.0 -8.0 10.7 125.0 78.0 2.93 107 0.27 135 15.48 106 0.48 0.07 0.13 X036 48 ____________ Our absolutely top growth, top gaining black SimAngus bull. He is full of growth and rib, out of a beautiful 9 year old cow. 0.0 -0.8 30.0 70.5 0.0 -4.5 10.5 113.0 68.0 2.38 NC 0.18 NC 16.20 NC 0.45 0.05 0.13 X047 49 ____________ Ideal black baldy “poster child” with excellent gain and out of a nice Gold Mine daughter from Bruce German. 0.0 0.5 23.0 37.1 0.0 -1.8 9.7 93.0 54.0 3.15 115 0.25 100 14.90 102 0.32 0.07 -0.23 X049 50 ____________ One of the higher ratioing IMF bulls in the sale. Remington and Make My Day, a nice combination. 28.4 82.0 0.0 5.3 19.5 129.0 75.0 2.61 95 0.16 80 14.73 101 0.36 0.03 0.06 X057 51 ____________ 0.0 -4.4 Calving ease with top gains too. These Thunder Simmies make amazing crosses. 117.0 61.0 4.09 149 0.27 135 13.33 92 0.57 0.07 -0.33 X063 52 ____________ 0.0 -3.0 12.6 25.9 0.0 4.8 11.1 A moderate framed, heavy muscled package. Check out his IMF!!! 39.3 64.1 0.0 0.9 20.5 93.0 60.0 2.96 108 0.11 55 14.84 102 0.16 0.01 -0.12 X064 53 ____________ 0.0 1.4 Our top indexing calf at weaning. Nice scan data. 0.0
0.4 34.8 56.4 0.0 2.7
20.1 85.0 56.0 2.43 88
0.11 55 15.04 103 0.16 0.02 -0.46 X069 54 ____________
Another nicely made Sakic and a productive 9 year old cow. Big ribeye. 109.0 63.0 2.52 92 0.20 100 13.46 92 0.28 0.04 -0.32 X074 55 ____________ 0.0 -2.1 25.7 52.8 0.0 -0.4 12.5 A Remington with a nice gain. 0.0 1.7 38.4 61.5 0.0 3.0 22.2 84.0 55.0 2.05 75 0.13 65 15.76 108 0.00 0.01 -0.03 X076 56 ____________ Another dark cherry red Sakic. These Sakics do grow! Big ribeye. 0.0 1.7 37.5 66.9 0.0 4.3 23.0 121.0 71.0 2.26 82 0.12 60 13.38 92 -0.01 0.01 -0.40 X080 57 ____________ You’ll like how this calf is made, really thick and correct.
Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Guts!!!
Super Baldy Bulls – White Tags
Lot 62
Lot 67
Super Baldy Bulls
Lot Bull No. No.
Reg. Number
Birth Date
P BW Color H
58 X081 2554516 2/16/10 92 Rnd HoP
Dam’s Sire: In Dew Time
61 X084 2554519 2/16/10 93 2Bblz P
Dam’s Sire: In Dew Time
60 X083 2554518 2/16/10 69 Tw 2B P
Dam’s Sire: Beckton Lancer
59 X082 2554517 2/16/10 74 Tw 2B P
Bull WW YW ADG WDA Calving Sire Dam No. WW Ratio YW Ratio ADG Ratio WDA Ratio Ease
Dam’s Sire: Little Bear
62 X086 2554521 2/16/10 93 HoBstr HoP Mo Better 63 X098
Dam’s Sire: Newsline 2556883 2/19/10 81
Rnd HoP
64 X0101 2554396 2/19/10 82 2B P
Dam’s Sire: Showcase
67 X0115 2554408 2/22/10 98 Br HoP
Dam’s Sire: Blue Chip
66 X0103 2554398 2/19/10 74 2B P
Dam’s Sire: Lucky Jess
65 X0102 2554397 2/19/10 83 2B P
Dam’s Sire: Make My Day
Dam’s Sire: Red Logan
68 X0155 2554443 2/25/10 NA 2B HoP Mo Better
Dam’s Sire: Direction Time
69 X0127 2554418 2/26/10 97 2B HoP
70 X0131 2554422 3/3/10 83 2B P 12
Top Shelf
Dam’s Sire: Kaboom
574 90 1159 96 3.53 103 3.17 96
Mat. Grand Sire: King Rob T7147
533 Twin 991 NC 2.70 81 2.75 83
Mat. Grand Sire: Lucky Jess T7147
555 Twin 1081 NC 3.18 93 2.98 90
Mat. Grand Sire: Lucky Jess S6155
625 99 1130 94 3.06 89 3.08 93
Mat. Grand Sire: Showcase S604
710 112 1272 105 3.39 99 3.48 105 **
Mat. Grand Sire: Bar EXT 205 102-N
624 NC 1139
NC 3.11 91
3.17 96
Mat. Grand Sire: No Equal M269 573 90 1094 91 3.14 92 3.03 91 *** Mat. Grand Sire: Red Sky J976
576 93 1147 95 3.44 101 3.11 94
Mat. Grand Sire: Polled Fleck R553 621 98 1167 97 3.30 97 3.21 97 *** Mat. Grand Sire: Body Builder M216
671 106 1272 105 3.62 106 3.52 106 **
Mat. Grand Sire: Holden Hi Ho 574 R5179 677 107 1201 100 3.16 92 3.42 103 ** Mat. Grand Sire: Brown Vacation T774
675 106 1330 110 3.95 116 3.56 108 **
Mat. Grand Sire: Future Direction
Kaboom S6173 R5100 591 93 1213 101 3.75 110 3.33 101 **
Dam’s Sire: Little Bear
Mat. Grand Sire: Lucky Strike
Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Guts!!!
Super Baldy Bulls– White Tags H = Horned P = Polled HoP = Homozygous Polled P/S = Polled/Scurred ET = Embryo Transfer AR = Red Angus AN = Angus 2B = Double Black Br = Black with red gene HoB = Homozygous Black blz = Blazed Faced R = Red Rnd = Red Non Diluter
Lot 70
Take your bull home on Sale Day and deduct $50 from the Selling Price!! Ultrasound Data
Spring 2011 EPDs Adj IMF Adj BF Adj REA MB BF REA Bull Lot CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW API TI IMF Ratio BF Ratio REA Ratio EPD EPD EPD No. No. $Price
0.0 -0.6 24.6 50.3 0.0 0.2 12.5 81.0 54.0 3.20 116 0.20 100 14.68 101 0.40 0.04 -0.01 X081 58 ____________ A moderate framed, heavy muscled bull with a nice udderred dam to back him up. Nice scan data. 0.0 -2.2 25.8 63.8 0.0 -0.7 12.2 111.0 63.0 3.56 130 0.09 100 12.78 88 0.54 0.05 -0.01 X082 59 ____________ Twin that was the graft. These two bulls will make heifer bulls based on their genetics. Big marbling scan. 0.0 -2.2 25.8 63.8 0.0 -0.7 12.2 106.0 61.0 2.99 109 0.21 100 12.88 88 0.54 0.05 -0.01 X083 60 ____________ The other twin. This one grew better, but I would guess they are identical. Both will work on heifers 0.0 -2.4 21.5 53.6 0.0 -0.7 10.1 102.0 65.0 2.28 83 0.17 85 14.18 97 0.33 0.03 -0.03 X084 61 ____________ A Thunder blaze face out a very nice Little Bear daughter. 0.0 0.5 34.4 77.0 0.0 0.1 17.3 121.0 71.0 2.42 88 0.17 85 15.08 104 0.34 0.04 -0.02 X086 62 ____________ A blaze faced Mo Better Homo polled and black by pedigree 0
-1.8 29.8 55.5
17.7 120 70
NA X098 63 ____________
Another Remington X Make My Day with good IMF scan data. 0 -3.4 16.2 49.3 0 -0.3 7.8 117 63 2.18 79 0.16 80 14.83 102 0.38 0.02 0.15 X0101 64 ____________ A Thunder we recommend for use on heifers. 0 -3.9 18.3 56.6 0 4.5 13.6 119 65 2.62 95 0.20 100 13.83 95 0.35 0.04 0.01 X0102 65 ____________ Very nice gain in this Thunder out of a 12 year old cow, who is still producing. 0 -3 24.4 61 0 2.3 14.5 117 66 2.03 74 0.15 100 14.53 100 0.32 0.05 0.17 X0103 66 ____________ A Thunder for use on heifers from a sweet udderred ASR Showcase daughter. 0 1.4 36.9 74.9 0 9.4 27.9 102 65 2.59 94 0.28 140 17.27 119 0.41 0.06 0.19 X0115 67 ____________ A top indexing growth bull across the board, by H3, our outstanding Hummer son. A huge ribeye bull!! 0 -2.1 21.4 56.1 0 2.9 13.6 121 69 3.67 134 0.22 110 15.82 109 0.61 0.06 0.06 X0155 68 ____________ Born at the neighbors so no birth weight obtained. Top weaning Mo Better calf. Homo polled by pedigree. Check out scan data!! 0 0.7 46.3 88.6 0 -8.6 14.5 107 72 2.16 79 0.21 105 15.74 108 0.30 0.05 -0.02 X0127 69 ____________ A really massive Top Shelf backed by a deep ribbed Kaboom daughter 0 -2.2 23.8 65.3 0 -1.4 10.5 116 68 2.97 108 0.24 120 13.12 90 0.48 0.07 -0.19 X0131 70 ____________ Sensible BW and above gain all the way across the board. You will love his big, broody dam
Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Guts!!!
Super Baldy Bulls – White Tags
Take your bull home on Sale Day and deduct $50 from the Selling Price!!
All 2010-born bulls and heifers were tested
If you like our bulls,
negative for PI-BVD.
tell a friend. If you don’t, tell us. We are
All bulls are AM and NH
the only one who can
Genetic Defect Free
make it right! :-)
We are a proud member of
Super Baldy Bulls
Lot Bull No. No.
Reg. Number
Birth Date
P BW Color H
71 X0133 2554423 3/3/10 84 2B P
Bull WW YW ADG WDA Calving Sire Dam No. WW Ratio YW Ratio ADG Ratio WDA Ratio Ease Kaboom S6173 S6130 588 93 1275 106 4.14 121 3.44 104 **
Dam’s Sire: Dakota
72 X0135 2554425 3/3/10 96 2B P
Dam’s Sire: Full Figures
Mat. Grand Sire: Body Builder
Bando T763 K050 627 99 1119 93 2.97 87 3.12 94 ** Mat. Grand Sire: Preferred Stock
73 X0142 2554432 3/4/10 71 Br HoP Better Than Ever 825-N 608 96 1127 93 3.13 92 3.15 95 ***
Dam’s Sire: Algebra I 675
74 X0147 2527273 3/6/10
Dam’s Sire: Connealy Dateline
Mat. Grand Sire: DDF Powerline 303N
Dam’s Sire: Sub Zero 76 X0154
2554442 3/9/10
77 X0157 2554445 3/11/10 81 2B HoP
Top Shelf
Dam’s Sire: Future Direction
78 X0159 2554447 3/12/10 83 Br HoP Top Shelf
Dam’s Sire: Major League
79 X0166 2554453 3/14/10 97
2B HoP
Dam’s Sire: New Day
80 X0170 2554456 3/16/10 97 Rnd HoP
Winchester Top Shelf
Dam’s Sire: Cherokee Canyon
81 X0180 2554464 3/25/10 90 Br HoP Top Shelf 14
Dam’s Sire: Brown Vacation
3.35 101
638 101 1160 96 3.15 92 3.24 98 **
Mat. Grand Sire: Black Pride
Kaboom S6173 R531
Dam’s Sire: Showcase
NC 3.36 98
Mat. Grand Sire: 2TM Top Gun
75 X0148 2554437 3/7/10 86 2B P/s Bando T763 L181
640 102 1198
672 106 1275
Mat. Grand Sire: Body Builder T7115 590 93 1178 98 3.55 104 3.29 99
Mat. Grand Sire: Make My Day R5166 679 107 1183 98 3.04 89 3.34 101 ** Mat. Grand Sire: No Equal 306
616 97 1111 92 2.99 87 3.14 95
Mat. Grand Sire: OCC Anchor L125
689 109 1352 112 4.96 145 3.78 114 **
Mat. Grand Sire: Heaven or Bust S667
664 105 1189 99 3.17 93 3.38 102 **
Mat. Grand Sire: Heavenly
Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Guts!!!
Super Baldy Bulls – White Tags
Lot 80
Willie received the 2010 Colorado State University Department of Animal Sciences Industry Partnership Award
Ultrasound Data
Spring 2011 EPDs Adj IMF Adj BF Adj REA MB BF REA Bull Lot CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW API TI IMF Ratio BF Ratio REA Ratio EPD EPD EPD No. No. $Price
0 -0.4 24.1 73 0 2.3 14.4 103 62 2.79 102 0.21 105 14.32 98 0.39 0.05 0.00 X0133 71 ____________ A Kaboom weight a 4+ gain on test. 21.8 44.1 0 4.2 15.1 105 60 2.18 79 0.29 145 14.92 102 0.42 0.09 -0.16 X0135 72 ____________ 0 -1.1 Bando makes nice deep bodied females. K050 is a productive 11 year old cow. 11.9 37.9 0 9.8 15.8 115 59 2.51 91 0.22 110 14.03 96 0.30 0.06 -0.30 X0142 73 ____________ 0 -4.6 A Better Than Ever calving ease, heifer bull 0
-0.5 27.4 51.5
4.8 97
NA X0147 74 ____________
An ASR Showcase son form Bruce’s good 303N Dateline daughter who had a 1200 yearling weight. Homozygous black. 0 -1.8 20.7 47 0 3.5 13.9 121 68 3.64 132 0.27 135 14.48 99 0.68 0.09 -0.12 X0148 75 ____________ A Bando out of a cow we purchased from Richard Rains, Kansas. 3.64 IMF !! 0
-1.1 35 78.2
12 114
2.75 100
0.25 125 14.02 96
0.41 0.07 -0.10 X0154 76
A Kaboom bull with a nearly 1300 pound yearling weight and 106 ratio. 0 -2.8 22.6 46.1 0 6.3 17.6 125 70 3.47 126 0.30 150 13.75 94 0.63 0.08 -0.22 X0157 77 ____________ A nice Top Shelf from a clean pedigree Future Direction daughter. Probalby where the high IMF came from … +3.47. 0 -2.4 37.9 62.4 0 2
21 126 75 3.07 112 0.14 70 16.06 110 0.40 0.03 -0.02 X0159 78 ____________
R5166 always has a good one. Malm Ranches, Wyoming, purchased a top seller last year. Nice scan data. 0
0.2 20.5 41
18 95 54 NA
NA X0166 79 ____________
One of the Winchesters, a new herdsire and our good 306 New Day daughter. Younger, but a good bull. 0 -0.3 44.7 75.9 0 -2.2 20.1 112 72 2.28 83 0.20 100 17.23 118 0.28 0.04 0.11 X0170 80 ____________ Our top gaining red SimAngus going back to ASR Dream Catcher … a chance to use her genetics in a red package. Big ribeye. 0 -2 33.2 53 0 -1.5 15.1 116 69 2.83 103 0.16 80 12.37 82 0.35 0.03 -0.47 X0180 81 ____________ A black Top Shelf out of a Red Angus cow
Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Guts!!!
Super Baldy Bulls – White Tags
If you like our bulls, tell a friend. If you don’t, tell us. We are the only one who can make it right! :-)
We’re looking forward to seeing you on sale day!
Super Baldy Bulls Lot Bull No. No.
Reg. Number
Birth Date
P BW Color H
82 X0181 2554466 3/28/10 83 2B P 83 X0185 2554468 4/20/10 86 Br HoP 2567481 3/10/10
2556882 2/6/10
Gold Mine
Dam’s Sire: ASR Black Scamp
90 33X 2550151 3/5/10 89 2B P 91 554X
2550148 3/1/10
Dam’s Sire: MP Direction Time
In Focus
Dam’s Sire: Nichols Legacy
6131 643 99 1128 NA 3.15 92 3.19 96 807 NC 1203 NC 3.00 88 3.29 99 **
Mat. Grand Sire: Angus U837
837 NC 1198
Mat. Grand Sire: Angus 845 110 1377 108 3.25 95 3.91 118 **
Mat. Grand Sire: Blue Print
Hooks Pacesetter R554
92 P21X 2550149 3/4/10 83 2B P
114 3.67
Mat. Grand Sire: Brusett Mayor 59
Objective T510 N301
Dam’s Sire: Bold Stock
1335 110 3.88
Mat. Grand Sire: KG Power Design
NLC Superior P455
Dam’s Sire: Brando H02 89 X837
7151 737 113
ASR Hummer U891
Dam’s Sire: Boyd New Day 8005
88 X455 2556881 2/2/10 89 2B P
7143 579 89 1126 93 3.55 104 3.16 95
Mat. Grand Sire: Ironwood New Level
ASR Hummer U833
87 X335 2567479 3/29/10 74 2B P
1123 642 99 1185 98 3.51 103 3.33 100
Mat. Grand Sire: Emulation N Bar 5522
ASR Hummer U891
Dam’s Sire: CSU Ram Time 0115
604 95 1230 102 3.77 110 3.54 107 **
Mat. Grand Sire: Brown Vacation
ASR Hummer U833
Dam’s Sire: Boyd New Day 8005 86 X323
Dam’s Sire: Gardens Prime Time
85 X309 2567480 3/6/10 70 2B P
Top Shelf
Mat. Grand Sire: Desperado
Dam’s Sire: Beckton Lancer
84 X307 2567478 3/5/10 82 2B P
Kaboom S6173 S6117 726 114 1272 105 3.30 97 3.56 108 **
Dam’s Sire: On Target
Bull WW YW ADG WDA Calving Sire Dam No. WW Ratio YW Ratio ADG Ratio WDA Ratio Ease
720 94 1245
Mat. Grand Sire: Body Builder P21
774 101 1325 103 3.40 100 3.73 113 **
Mat. Grand Sire: K53
Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Guts!!!
Average Average ADG 3.42 WDA 3.31
Super Baldy Bulls – White Tags
2011 National Western Stock Show Pen of Three Reserve Grand Champion Percentage Simmental Heifers
Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Guts! Ultrasound Data
Spring 2011 EPDs Adj IMF Adj BF Adj REA MB BF REA Bull Lot CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW API TI IMF Ratio BF Ratio REA Ratio EPD EPD EPD No. No. $Price
0 -2.1 27 56.3 0 -3.1 10.4 117 68 2.95 107 0.18 90 14.92 102 0.45 0.05 -0.16 X0181 82 ____________ A top weaning Kaboom son with a respectable growth, gain and ultrasound scan. 29.1 52.9 0 -2.8 11.8 115 67 2.97 108 0.20 100 14.69 98 0.34 0.03 -0.10 X0185 83 ____________ 0 -2.2 Our youngest calf of the offering, but a really good one. 12.5 116 65 3.12 123 0.24 104 12.15 84 0.50 0.08 -0.48 X307 84__________ ** 0 -3.1 18 50.3 0 3.5 These next four bulls came from us from Colorado State University from their calving ease Angus herd and Simmental bulls they purchased from us *** 0 -3.4 17.6 54 0
9.3 18.1 114 62 2.93 116 0.22 96 14.27 99 0.35 0.09 0.03 X309 85__________
Nice gain here, with calving ease as well. **
0 -2.5 34.6 79.4
0.7 18 122
75 2.23
65 16.54 114 0.16 0.06 0.27 X323 86__________
A top gaining, top yearling bull from the CSU group. Boyd New Day always makes great females. *** 0 -2.3 25 65.3 0 8.2 20.7 105 61 3.48 138 0.23 96 16.54 114 0.69 0.02 -0.15 X335 87__________ Low birth weight and potential calving ease SimAngus bull for use on heifers. Excellent marbling and ribeye prospect. 7.5 0.8 30.1 56.9 1.6 8.3 23.4 95 57 2.74 109 0.15 65 14.14 100 0.02 0.00 0.47 X455 88 ____________ A big stout Superior son from cooperator Andy Azcaragga, Colbran, raised in the high country. 9.4
0 26.7 43.8
19.3 98
X837 89 ____________
Another high country bull from Andy Azcarraga with a big 800 pound weaning weight!. 0 -2.3 41.6 82.7 0 6.2 27 139 85 2.47 98 0.30 130 15.25 103 0.45 0.11 0.10 33X 90 ____________ Huge gains in this Objective son from Mick Meiklejohn of Collbran 0
-3.7 18.9 45.5
20.5 118
2.18 87.00 0.35 146 16.19 103 0.19 0.08 0.28 554X 91
Hooks Pacesetter sons are easy to like ‌. easy calving, good growth and wonderful females. 0 -4.1 29.6 65.4 0 5.3 20.1 131 75 2.29 91.00 0.27 113 16.63 106 0.44 0.05 -0.05 P21X 92 ____________ Mytty In Focus, one of the most used bulls in the U.S., produced this high gainer. From Mick M.
Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Guts!!!
Angus / Red Angus Bulls – Red Tags
Allied Genetic Resources . . . Investing in your Success Our philosophy has always been to produce the most profitable cattle we can for you, our customer. We also understand that capturing the value of the genetics you are using is not always an easy task. That is why we are excited to announce that the Altenburg Super Baldy Ranch, LLC has invested in Allied Genetic Resources. Allied Genetic Resources is owned by over 25 of the most progressive seedstock operations in the country (together they would sell far more seedstock than anybody), but what makes this company unique is that it was created solely to help you be more profitable and to help us provide you with better customer service. Allied Genetic Resources (Allied) was created to help you market your cattle more effectively, and to help you reach your own individual goals for your operation. We are excited about the opportunity to leverage the strength, size and scope of this group to provide improved outlets for your cattle. You will be hearing much more about Allied moving forward as it will be an integral part of our customer service and marketing assistance program. The Altenburg Super Baldy Ranch, LLC is committed to your success and believes that Allied will help us in that regard. We are excited about the future of this industry and that our investment in this company will enable us to help you increase your profitability and enjoyment. The mission statement of Allied is simple, help you capture and leverage the value of Altenburg Super Baldy Ranch, LLC . To learn more about what Allied can do for you as an Altenburg Super Baldy Ranch, LLC customer, please feel free to contact us, Marty Ropp or Troy Marshall with Allied, or visit the Allied website.
Marty Ropp
www.alliedgeneticresources.com 406-581-7835
Troy Marshall
Angus / Red Angus Bulls
Lot Bull No. No.
Reg. Number
Birth Date
P BW Breed H
Bull WW YW ADG WDA Calving Sire Dam No. WW Ratio YW Ratio ADG Ratio WDA Ratio Ease
Black Angus
93 X719 16603227 1/24/10 75
Objective T510 739
708 NC 1286 NC 3.41 103 3.20 103 ***
Dam’s Sire: Traveling Man 94 X043 16770125 2/11/10 72 Tw AN HoP Thunder
Mat. Grand Sire: AA Thunderbolt 4735P 645 100 1169 100 3.82 116 3.26 105 ***
Dam’s Sire: New Day 95 X041 16609510 2/10/10 84 AN HoP Bal. Kaboom
Mat. Grand Sire: Scotch Cap 1483 T711 635 NC 1148 NC 3.74 113 3.19 103
Dam’s Sire: QLC Foundation
Red Angus 96 X023 1384900 2/4/10 76 AR HoP B Vacation
Dam’s Sire: Major League 97 X0105 1384893 2/20/10 88 AR HoP Sakic
Mat. Grand Sire: No Equal T799 680 98 1036 NC 2.58 78 2.96 96
Dam’s Sire: Beckton Lancer
Mat. Grand Sire: Vermilion Yellowstone 645 NC 1053 NC 2.98 90 2.88 93 ****
Mat. Grand Sire: No Equal
Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Guts!!!
Average Average ADG 3.31 WDA 3.10
Angus / Red Angus Bulls– Red Tags
Take your bull home on Sale Day and deduct $50 from the Selling Price!! Lot 94
Lot 95
Lot 97 Ultrasound Data
Spring 2011 EPDs Adj IMF Adj BF Adj REA MB BF REA Bull Lot CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW API TI IMF Ratio BF Ratio REA Ratio EPD EPD EPD No. No. $Price
9.0 0.7 50.0 93.0 6.0 24.0 3.81 100 0.24 100 13.40 100 NA NA NA X719 93 ____________ A bigger framed, growthy Objective son from Andy Azcarragga. 6.0 1.5 42.0 85.0 6.0 25.0 2.49 106 0.21 105 15.30 101 NA NA NA X043 94 ____________ One of the top gainers, even as a twin. Out of a top cow. 0.0 3.6 58.0 111.0 5.0 9.0 3.75 100 0.43 100 14.60 100 NA NA NA X041 95 ____________ A big, stout Kaboom son, from Bruce German 6 -1.4 31.0 57.0 5.0 17.0 2.97 NA 0.25 NA 16.0 NA -0.03 -0.03 0.25 X023 96 ____________ A “Bet the Ranch” Red Angus calving ease prospect 7.0 1.0 39.0 64.0 7.0 14.0
2.96 95 0.22 84 13.2 91 -0.14 -0.02 0.10 X0105 97 ____________
A good stout Sakic out of a moderate framed, nice udderred Beckton Lancer..
Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Guts!!!
Super Baldy Heifers Join us for Complimentary Lunch & Refreshments Provided by Altenburg Super Baldy Ranch • Sharon & Willie Altenburg Northern Feed & Bean, Bob Pemberton • 970/302-0067 Purina Mills, Dave Mast • 719/676-2241 These are our valued feed suppliers!
Lot Heifer Reg. No. No. Number
Birth Date
P BW Color H
Heifer WW Sire Dam No. Dam Sire WW Ratio
Altenburg Super Baldy Heifers These heifers are all SimAngus and papers will be transferred except Lot 105 - X0132 is commercial 100 X037 2554484 2/10/10 86 R P Sakic P461 Black Sky 561 96 101 X051 2554492 2/11/10 82 R P Sakic J963 Polled Zenith 615 105 102 X0173 2554459 3/19/10 83 Rnd P Top Shelf T755 Beckton Lancer 553 95 103 X062 2554500 2/13/10 86 2B P Thunder J983 600U 580 99 104 X0108 2554402 2/21/10 74 2B P Thunder T7171 ASR Little Bear 527 90 105 X0132 Commercial 3/3/11 82 2B P Bando T7 252 Com. SimAngus 532 NC 106 X0136 2554426 3/3/10 78 2Bwf P Kaboom S6 T7100 Hummer 566 97 107 X0149 2554438 3/8/10 78 2Bwf P Bando T7 M283 ASR Showcase 600 103 108 X0160 Pending 3/13/10 68 2B P Top Shelf T740 CSU Ramtime 596 NC 109 X0179 2554463 3/25/10 71 Tw Br P Bando T7 K071 Nophalt 500 NC Mick Meiklejohn Heifers, Collbran, CO 970/250-4694 All of these heifer are registered percentage Simmental Angus heifers and papers will be transferred. 110 P11X 2550153 2/20/10 60 2B P Mytty In Focus 11P Mr MT 616 98 111 577X 2550157 4/7/10 82 2B P ASR H3 U8140 R577 Direction Time 699 111 112 52X 2550158 3/9/10 79 2B P Objective T510 R522 GFI Magnum 615 98 113 46X 2550160 3/25/10 78 2B P ASR H3 U8140 BDK Dream On 621 98 114 X21T 2550159 4/17/10 80 2B P ASR H3 U8140 21T Mytty In Focus 594 94 115 X3S 2550150 4/18/10 78 2B P ASR H3 U8140 3S Goldmine 591 94
Lot Heifer Reg. No. No. Number
Birth Date
P BW Color H
Heifer Sire Dam No. Dam Sire
Colorado State University Heifers, Fort Collins, CO, Dr. Jason Ahola 970/593-2387 These SimAngus heifers are sold as commercial heifers and are out of the ASR Hummer U833 (ASA # 2445117) Hummer x ASR Little Bearson purchased from us by CSU in our 2009 sale 116 X306 Commercial 03/04/10 70 2B P Hummer U833 6176 KG Ram Spirit 569 842 117 X311 Commercial 03/06/10 55 2B P Hummer U833 7174 Gardens Transition 480 S1 567 841 118 X322 Commercial 03/10/10 81 2B P Hummer U833 9140 GAR Traveler 1489 546 782 119 X332 Commercial 03/21/10 84 2B P Hummer U833 5170 KG Ram Spirit 651 966 120 X339 Commercial 04/07/10 76 2B P Hummer U833 1127 California Traveler 550 886
Tom and Mary Herring Heifers, Wellington, CO 970/568-3311 These are March 2010 born commercial SimAngus heifers out of an outstanding set of commercial black Angus cows and two Simmental bulls purchased from us, an In Dew Time son and an ASR Little Bear son. 121 1 $__________ 122 2 $__________ 123 3 $__________ 124 4 $__________ 125 5 $__________ 126 6 $__________ 127 7 $__________ 128 8 $__________ 129 9 $__________ 20
Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Guts!!!
Super Baldy Heifers
Heifer Lot No. No. Price
-0.6 29.6 50.4 0 0.6 15.4 95 57 X037 100 0 __________ 0 -1.6 34.5 58.4 0 1.6 18.9 102 62 X051 101 __________ 0 -2.1 29.3 49.2 0 -3.4 11.3 116 67 X0173 102 __________ 0 -3.2 16.1 52.1 0 6.8 14.9 111 60 X062 103 __________ 0 -3.5 19.4 57.1 0 1.6 11.3 123 68 X0108 104 __________ Not Available X0132 105 __________ -2.3 24.5 65.2 0 0.1 12.4 118 68 X0136 106 __________ -2.8 28.4 57.6 0 2.9 17.1 120 70 X0149 107 __________ -1.8 24.6 62.1 0 6.4 18.7 113 66 X0160 108 __________ Not Available X0179 109 __________ 0 0 0 7.7 0 7.6
-5.4 -0.2 -1.2 -0.1 -0.8 0
26.6 35.1 37.7 27.4 24 26.3
56.3 58.8 76.1 48.6 44.3 44.8
0 0 0 5.5 0 3.5
5.5 3.9 7 4.3 5.1 3.8
18.8 21.4 25.9 18 17.1 16.9
134 114 131 106 109 98
76 69 80 62 62 57
P11X 577X 52X 46X X21T X3S
110 111 112 113 114 115
__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________
Heifer 9/28/WW 2/5 WW ADG Ratio WDA Ratio No. Price
2.10 95 2.49 94 2.11 96 2.50 94 1.81 82 2.36 89 2.42 110 3.01 113 2.59 117 2.91 110
X306 116 __________ X311 117 __________ X322 118 __________ X332 119 __________ X339 120 __________
All heifers will be sold in sorted groups of 3 to 5 with buyer’s choice.
Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Guts!!!
Altenburg Super
Baldy Ranch
Willie & Sharon Altenburg
US Postage
570 East County Road 64 Fort Collins, CO 80524 970.568.7792 • Email: willie@rmi.net
Permit No. 580 Manhattan, KS
First Class Willie Altenburg and Bruce German We’re looking forward to seeing you at the Sale!
Time Dated Material
Please bring this catalog to the sale!
80-Plus Bulls
with Nuts, Butts & Guts Selling
Plus 30 Open Heifers 1:00 PM Saturday • March 19 • 2011 C e n t e n n i a l L i ve s t o c k A u c t i o n For t Collins • Colorado
In Dew Time - 11 sons sell
Mo Better - 7 sons sell
Better Than Ever - 11 sons sell
Remington - 11 sons sell
Thunder - 10 sons sell