AMAA Voice January/February 2011

Page 1

January/February 2011

March 5 - On the ranch Atkinson, Nebraska

Selling 115 Green Valley Bulls Yearlings and 2-Year Olds

Easy-Calving, Ranch-Raised Sires Backed by Generations of Documented Performance

Generations of Homozygous Solid-Black and Polled Maine-Anjou and Angus

GVC Special Delivery 42S Selling more than 20 sons of this proven calving-ease and performance leader!

GVC Fortune & Glory Thanks to Weise, Dunklau, Paulson, and Wohlers for their $21,000 selection in 2009. Selling an exceptional son from a dam by GVC Statesman!

GVC Maverick Top-seller of our 2009 sire and one of the most popular, young sires in the breed. His first crop is outstanding! Several sons sell!

See Us in The Denver Yards!

DENNIS GARWOOD FAMILY 46974 866 Road • Atkinson, NE 68713 (402) 925-2970 - (402) 340-4788 Marketing Agent: Craig Reiter (419) 862-0117

GVC Politician 09W Thanks to Adam Fisher, Valentine, NE, for his selection of this top-seller from our 2010 sale.


GVC Special Order 04W Thanks to Dana Dennert, SD, for his confidence in this curve-bender from the top of our 2010 sale.

Registered and Commercial Females Sired by Green Valley Bulls - Groups of 5 or more. Contact us for details.

Gregg Stewart, Washington, Kan. 785.325.2089 Kent Stewart, 979.777.7919 Brig Stewart, 785.747.8028 Ron Jones, Benkelman, Neb. 308.423.2894 308.423.2808

The 64 lb. birthweight JSAR Titan 201 sold in last year’s sale to Oak Ridge Farms, Ind., Brandon Bird, Texas, Rich Mort, Ind., Strolberg Farms, Neb., & Scott Whaley, Ind. Many more outstanding low birth weight sons out of JSAR Rodman sell this year!

1 p.m. MST ○ At the ranch ○ Benkelman, Neb.

Top Cut Angus Sale

This outstanding Hot Rod X OCC Doctor with a 66 lb., Rodman heifer calf at side sold to Horsley Brothers, Ill. Many more like her sell this year!

Build your MaineTainer foundation herd at Jones Stewart Angus Ranch

Heat Wave X MCF Miss Business 102 (Strictly Business X Went Supermom) Owned with Rocking L Ranch, Kan.

MCF Hoo Too X MCF Miss Cannon 478 (full sister to MCF Endangered Species) Th & PHA Free Owned with Brandon Bird, Texas

MCF In Control X MCF Miss Plus Purebred, Polled Maine-Anjou Owned with Voboril Land & Cattle, Kan.

MCF Ring of Fire X MCF Miss Flush Y25 Owned with Heartland Farms, Kan.

January/February 2011


The American Maine-Anjou Association publishes the Maine-Anjou Voice. Copyright ©2007 by American Maine-Anjou Association. All rights reserved. None of the contents of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher.


JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011 • VOLUME 21 / NUMBER 3 The official publication of the American Maine-Anjou Association.

Cover Wishing everyone much success and reward in your Maine-Anjou endeavors in 2011. Cover design by Lindsey Broek January/February 2011

Features 2010 American Royal Livestock Show and World Class Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Complete coverage inside. 2010 National Maine-Anjou Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Held in conjunction with the North American International Livestock Exposition, Louisville, Ky. AMAA Board if Directors Minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 AMAA Board of Directors board minutes from the annual board meetings held at the 2010 National Maine-Anjou Show, Louisville, Ky. Catching Your Customer's Eye: Effective Marketing Tips From Producers Like You by Lura Roti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 An in-depth feature on different marking tools used by breeders Blind Badger Ranch, Fort Morgan, Colo. & Carlson Maine-Anjou, Plattsburg, Mo.

Departments Headquarters by John Boddicker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Commercial Connection by Dave Steen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Announcements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Junior Update by Rachael Carlson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 New Junior Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 New Adult Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Junior Show Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Open Show Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Extra Voice by Lindsey Broek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 Index/Dateline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Staff Lindsey Broek Kasey Herman

Produced by MAINE-ANJOU VOICE PLATTE CITY, MO • (816) 858-9954

*U.S. rates are $20 per year *U.S. first class rates are $45 per year *Canadian rates are $25 U.S. Funds; International money orders, Visa and Mastercard encouraged. $32 U.S. Funds when paying with a Canadian personal check. *Foreign rates are $35 per year plus postage.

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Changes to advertising copy, if made after deadline, will be made only if time permits and will incur the appropriate charges for time and materials involved in the change.

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The Maine-Anjou Voice reserves the right to refuse any advertising copy at its sole discretion. The Voice assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of the advertising content as submitted or approved, including pedigrees, statements regarding performance or photos from outside parties. Advertisers shall indemnify and hold harmless the Voice for any claims concerning advertising content as submitted or approved. Content received after deadline will be sent to the advertiser for review as time allows. The Voice is not responsible for errors in advertisements where content is received past deadline.

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Many of our advertisers are choosing to supply digital photos rather than glossy prints for use in their Maine-Anjou Voice advertising. The Voice magazine will not be responsible for quality of photo reproduction or printing as a result of any digital photos supplied. The Voice magazine will not be held liable for any financial compensation or discounted advertising as a result of poor reproduction quality of digital photos. All digital photos supplied for use in the Voice magazine will be used at the advertiser’s risk.

Maine-Anjou Voice, P.O. Box 1100, 204 Marshall Rd., Platte City, MO 64079 (816) 858-9954; Fax (816) 858-9953;;


January/February 2011

Selling Approximately 90 Head ... 60 Head of Females - 30 Head of Maine-Anjou & MaineTainer Show Heifers & Donor Prospects; 15 Head of Shorthorn, Chi, Simmental, Angus & AOB Show Heifers; 10 Head of Hereford Show Heifers. Including the top cut from the Nelson Land & Cattle Companies Fall borns. Texas Scramble Certificates Accepted. Females were born from May 2010 to November 2010. 20 Head of Bulls . . . Maine-Anjou, MaineTainer, Composite, and Angus Bulls. Selling a stout set of breeding age bulls. They will include show steer producers, strong maternal sires and purebred bulls. Selling top quality Show Heifers for afforadable prices!

Saturday, March 26, 2011 1:00 p.m. at the Ranch, Madill, Oklahoma


Jirl, Brenda & Bailey Buck • Madill, OK • 580-795-7271 • 580-795-4865 mobile • Matt Scasta, Show & Sale Cattle Sale Location: 18 miles E. of I-35 on Hwy. 70. All Buck cattle are fed MFM Feeds. Talk to us about the advantages of MFM.



Grand Champion Maine-Anjou Female 2010 NAILE & $57,000 high seller of the High Standards sale Maternal Brothers Sell • Sired by Hard Drive, Trendsetter and Discovery

ulls &


Jones Show Cattle First Annual

Bull and Bred Female Sale Saturday, February 12, 2011 Jones Show Cattle Sale Facility Harrod, OH

Featuring approximately 20 Ready-to-Work Simmental and Maine-influenced bulls, Plus 40-50 Bred Heifers

Bulls sired by: SLC Sooner 101M • BKRI Trendsetter GWS Trademark • TJSC Hot Commodity SVF Steel Force Sale Managed by

Dwyer Cattle Services


PO Box 127 • Harrod, OH 45850

419-648-9196 (home) • 419-648-9967 (office) 419-230-8675 (cell) •

Bob: 309-337-1404 Nick: 309-337-6404


January/February 2011

Reserve Champion Sim-Solution Female 2010 NAILE • Selling 2 Full Brothers and 1 Maternal Brother

Reserve Supreme Champion Female 2009 Ohio State Fair and many time Ohio Best Grand or Reserve • Selling 1 Full Brother

Reserve Grand Champion MaineTainer 2009 NAILE, 2010 NWSS and Reserve Supreme Female 2010 Ohio State Fair • Maternal Brothers Sell!

Many-time Champion Female • One Full Brother Sells!

Selling 1 Full Brother and 2 Maternal Brothers

January/February 2011


Headquarters American Maine-Anjou Association • •

A New Year of Optimism... by John Boddicker, executive vice president Each new year brings with it new hopes and aspirations for success, health and happiness. Whether we are talking about changes in programs at a business or changes in the way we conduct our individual lives, it doesn’t always come easy. We all chuckle at the vast amount of people that make new year’s resolutions fully realizing that only a small percentage are fulfilled. The following list are some thoughts that I hope to work on in 2011 in order to make life a little easier for everyone. • Work harder at fully realizing the work load and stress the office staff goes through during our busiest times of the year. We will seek ways to streamline the system so that both members and staff have a better working relationship. • Continue our best to work with all members to provide avenues for sensible solutions to any Maine-Anjou issue that may arise. • Do a better job stressing to the American Maine-Anjou Association (AMAA) membership that a deadline is set for a good reason! Meeting that deadline assists everyone involved to get the job done correctly and in an efficient manner.

• Do a better job of creating a “partnership environment” between the AMAA and the entire membership. • Be less tolerant of those that use the system only to abuse it! • Continually seek ways to bring the phenotype positives of the Maine-Anjou breed closer to the genotype type information provided by the AMAA. • Always keep everything on a positive upbeat tempo, knowing that the glass is half full, not half empty. • Keep communication avenues open with extension personnel and university staff regarding potentional research projects, as well as current Maine-Anjou data. • Keep the lines of communication open with all AMAA staff members so that we are all on the same page in dealing with the many items that cross our desk each day. • Do a better job communicating to the AMAA membership that we actually don’t try to make mistakes at the office, but they do in fact happen. We will do our best to rectify a situation gone wrong and move with our best foot forward.

Board Notes At the recently held AMAA board of director meetings in Louisville, Ky., two specific rules for registration were changed. One dealing with the registration of cloned animals and the other dealing with the registration of steers. Please refer to the board minutes found on later pages in this issue of the Voice. Thank You On behalf of the AMAA, a big thank you goes out to the Rick Humphrey family for organizing the Maine-Anjou “barn social” held during the Louisville event. This very generous act is done solely to help create good relations between all Maine-Anjou breeders and their customers, mission accomplished! Thank you goes out to the Ohio Maine-Anjou Association that helped sponsor the food and drink at the committee and board meetings. It was much appreciated by all in attendance.

Happy New Year! 6

January/February 2011

Selling More than 100 Maine-Anjou & MaineTainer Cattle - Bulls & Show Heifers - Bred Females & Frozen Embryos Reliable Quality in Volume From Some of the Best Programs In the Breed Affordable Prices and Delivery Available Throughout the USA

To request your FREE copy of the sale reference catalog log on to or contact the marketing agent at: P.O. Box 85 • Elmore, Ohio USA 43416 • 419/862-0117 - office • 419/350-9159 - sale days

Commercial Connection American Maine-Anjou Association • •

Maine-Anjou Advantage... Maternal Strength! by Dave Steen, commercial developmental director

Happy holidays to everyone! I wish each and every one of you much happiness, health and prosperity in 2011! The beef industry has definitely changed over the past few years. We are now in a cycle of high feed costs and many producers are selecting cattle that have greater maternal strength, are moderate framed, deeper bodied with more muscle and will still maintain a growth pattern that calls for top performance and increased profits. The type of cow to meet the needs of today’s cattlemen, whether you are a seedstock or a commercial producer, is as far reaching as it has ever been in the last forty years. The search for the optimum beef cow is ongoing, an excerpt of information pertaining to this subject is printed with permission from Extension Beef Specialist, Scott P. Greiner, PHd at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va. Greiners article, “The Optimum Cow”, touches upon several significant points of interest that relate very closely and mirror the positive traits the Maine-Anjou breed can present in optimizing the level of maternal strength.

The Optimum Cow The Optimum Cow - defining, identifying and propagating her has proven to be a challenge over time. Perhaps part of our challenge has been that she can be a moving target, as the pressure points affecting revenue and input costs change as a result of many factors influencing


our industry. As an example, escalating costs change as a result of many factors influencing our industry. Escalating cost of inputs (feed, fuel, fertilizer) have brought our search for the optimum cow to the forefront and focused much attention on issues such as mature size and maintenance costs. So how do we define the optimum cow? Many measures have been utilized and debated. Measures of cow efficiency are commonly expressed as pounds of calf weaned per cow exposed, or pounds of calf (carcass weight) per unit of energy consumed by the cow and progeny. Common attributes of optimum cows identified through various measures include the following: ● Reach puberty early, calve at two years of age and annually there after with minimal calving difficulty. ● Wean a calf annually which fits demands of marketplace and meets consumer expectations. ● Highly adapted to environmental and managerial resources. ● Optimizes revenue versus costs over a long, productive life. Reproductive efficiency is the single most economically important trait for cow-calf producers. Unfortunately, limited tools are at our disposal to enhance production through genetic selection due to the low heritability of reproductive traits and associated complexities

involved in calculating EPDs. Capturing heterosis through the use of well-planned, structured crossbreeding programs provides the best genetic tool for enhancing reproduction. Maternal heterosis realized through the crossbred cow results in improvements in cow fertility, calf livability, calf weaning weight and cow longevity. Collectively, these improvements result in a significant advantage in pounds of calf weaned per cow exposed. Genetics contribute significantly to several traits which impact reproductive performance. Mature size and milk production both influence reproductive efficiency and are manifested through interactions with nutrition and the environment. Mature size and milk impact nutritional requirements, therefore must be kept in balance with available feed resources to allow for optimum reproductive performance. Mature size has a strong positive genetic correlation with birth weight (.64), weaning weight (.80) and yearling weight (.76) (Bullock et. al., 1993). These relationships would suggest that selection for growth will result in a corresponding increase in mature cow size. Therefore, selection for extremes in growth traits can be detrimental. At the same time, small mature size, that may be advantageous in terms of cost of production, is associated with reduced growth. Therefore, optimization of growth and mature size within the boundaries

January/February 2011

Commercial Connection established by production system and feed resources is key. As noted previously, there are a few tools available to directly select for reproduction although efforts are ongoing to make these tools available. Simultaneously optimizing growth, maternal ability and end product merit are also paramount. These traits are directly related to revenue generated through progeny in the commercial sector. Genetic selection tools in the form of EPDs are widely available for these economically important traits and known to be effective. Selection strategies should be focused on defining optimum EPD values that are compatible with management and nutritional resources. Similarly, milk production must be matched to feed resources to avoid complications with reduced body condition and lower conception rates if nutritional resources are not met. In summary, the optimum cow in your program may vary from other producers. She may be the female that is designed to fulfill the needs of your program. This includes your expectations in the level of performance that is desired, be adaptable to all environments, be able to stay in moderate condition on available feedstuffs and be able to conceive, deliver and raise a calf each year. Greiner’s article, “Beef Cow Size, Efficiency and Profit” it states that energy consumption during the cow calf portion of the production cycle represents 73% of the energy utilized from conception to harvest (Ferrell and Jenkins, 1982) and 70-75% of the total energy consumed by the cow herd is used for maintenance (Ferrell and Jenkins, 1985)

January/February 2011

Beef Cow Size, Efficiency & Profit Research has demonstrated that high-maintenance (energy requirement per unit of body weight) cows are characterized by high milk production potential, high organ weight and high lean body mass (low fat mass). Conversely, low maintenance cows have low milk production potential, low organ weight and low lean body mass/high fat mass. Cow intake, energy and protein requirements are influenced by mature cow size. As mature cow size increases from 1000 to 1400 lbs., intake, energy and protein requirements increase 23%, 19% and 13% respectively for cows 90 days post-calving. Bigger cows simply require more feed inputs, in part due to larger body mass to maintain. Similarly, cows with higher milk production have additional costs associated with protein and energy requirements. The energy status of the cow impacts reproductive performance (Short & Adams, 1988), and energy status is a function of nutrient intake and availability relative to requirements. Hence, severe restrictions in nutrient intake relative to requirements impact body condition and re-breeding success. Profitable and sustainable beef enterprises of the future are likely to successfully optimize the potential association between higher levels of production and increased costs. This may be accomplished through adhering to the low cost producer philosophy while concurrently taking steps to add value to the calf crop. Cow size and efficiency are critical components in this endeavor. Changes in cow size and

efficiency will be dependent on accurate record keeping, enabling producers to make informed decisions for their enterprise. Thank you to Dr. Greiner for allowing the reprint of excerpts from this article. Where does the Maine-Anjou female compliment today’s beef programs? She can be designed to work virtually anywhere! The Maine-Anjou female has long been known for her docility, maternal qualities, outstanding milking ability, longevity and productivity. Studies documented through the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center, Clay Center, Neb., show that the advantage of a crossbred cow is a 38% increase in the life time production of that cow. The Maine-Anjou influenced female is not only extremely efficient and functional, she gives you the flexibility that a cow herd needs. The MaineAnjou female keeps mature size in check by giving producers the ability to design the percent of Maine-Anjou that will cross well and compliment the genetics in their existing cowherd. She offers exceptional fertility, fleshing ability and brings disposition to the table. She provides the proper level of milk production for most environments and has proven herself as one of the most functional and complete females in the industry. The cattle business is a slow and complex enterprise that takes years of planning with great focus and direction for success. Please let us not lose sight of the need to continue to place great selection pressure for the maternal traits that the Maine-Anjou breed is revered for. The combination of fertility, docility and optimum levels of milk and production will


Commercial Connection help substantiate the “maternal strength� of the Maine-Anjou female. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of help in any way. If you need assistance in locating bulls, females or specific genetics, please call me at (515) 201-3281. Continue to breed with Commitment, Direction and Performance in mind! Maines on the move, Dave Steen

For all your Maine-Anjou commercial needs and questions, contact

Dave (515) 201-3281

y p p a h a e n o y r e v e g n i ! r a e Wish Y w e N s u o r e p s o r and p From the staff of the American Maine-Anjou Association & Maine-Anjou Voice!


January/February 2011

“After the smoke clears, Turn to Nagel Cattle Co., for Real World Bulls! January/February 2011


NEW Sale Date Monday, March 7, 2011 7-N Arena, Springfield, S.D. Selling 80 head of Maine-Anjou & MaineTainer bulls. 70 stout, big footed yearling bulls 10 MaineTainer fall bulls PHA Tested Cow Herd, Ultrasound Data, EPDs, Detailed Performance Records & Calf Buy-back Program

Watch for Pictures & Sale Catalog on the web site mid February!

31164 E.R.S. Rd. â—? Springfield, S.D. 57062 Blane 605.464.1187 (cell) or 605.369.2628 (home) Landon 605.464.1197 â—? 12

January/February 2011

Truline Maines... Performance Starts Here! TLM Synergy 825U

BW 1.1

WW 50.1

YW 98.8

Sire: SLC Sooner 101M Dam: TLM Amy 451P AMAA# 388733 Purebred ● Polled ● Homozygous Black Calved: March 1, 2008 BW: 92 lbs. Adj. WW: 778 lbs. Adj. YW: 1,469 lbs. Scrotal: 44 c.m. Frame: 6.1 REA: 17.8 in. Fat: 0.29 in. % IMF: 3.51 PHA/TH FREE TLM Stout, first son of Synergy! M 17.1

MG 42.1

Ask about our spring herd sire prospects!

Foundational Genetics ● Proven Reliability ● Proven Performance ● Proven Calving Ease ● Proven Fleshing Ease & Disposition

TLM Powerhouse 860U

BW 4.0

WW 58.5

YW 103.4

Sire: GVC Statesman Dam: TLM Dutchess AMAA# 388779 Purebred ● Polled ● Solid Black Calved: March 1, 2008 BW: 96 lbs. Adj. WW: 837 lbs. Adj. YW: 1,466 lbs. Scrotal: 42 c.m. Frame: 6.5 REA: 16.3 in. Fat: 0.40 in. % IMF: 4.12 PHA/TH FREE M 17.0

MG 46.2

Committed to breeding better purebred Maine-Anjou cattle!

Everett - Mike - Steve Forkner 9282 E. Indian Line Rd. • Richards, MO 64778 (417) 484-3306 or (877) 489-0570 ●

January/February 2011



Get All Your BreedinG needs in one tAnk!


3/4 Maine thf/phaf Sired by ali


3/4 Maine thf/phaf Sired by Slc Sooner

tiny tiM

pb Maine thf/phaf Sired by ali

fortune & glory

pb Maine thf/phaf Sired by Slc Sooner

• • • • • • •


gVc special deliVery

Sired by Sooner

Sired by gVc nobleMan

pb Maine thf/phaf

Mercedez benz

3/4 Maine thf/phaf Sired by ali


pb Maine thf/phaf Sired by ali


1/2 Maine thc/phaf Sired by ali

pb Maine thf/phaf

gef dirty harry

3/4 Maine thf/phaf Sired by ali

ali 2

pb Maine thf/phaf

Sired by nbh polled energizer

pbf classic

pb Maine thf/phaf Sired by hard driVe


43rd Annual Bull Sale

Mercedes Benz X Slow Burn

NEW Venture On-line Sale Saturday, Feb. 26, 2011 Closing time 6 p.m. with extended bidding.

Closing Bell X New Design 036

Offering 65 yearling & 10 eighteen month old bulls. 60 Maine-Anjou and MaineTainers sired by Special Delivery, Mercedes Benz, Closing Bell, Ali & Ten Carat. 10 Angus sired by Lookout and Net Worth 5 Simmental influence sired by Salution Check out our pen bulls in the “Yards� at Denver, watch for updates on our Web site or feel free to call for info regarding the bulls and the online bidding.

Mercedes Benz X Chernobyl

Fantastic gains on offspring 4.5 - 5.9 lbs Small birth weight 93 lbs Recorded results from test stations an over 24 ranches All semen exportable anywhere in the world!

Yearlings 2 year olds Yearlings 16

All animals tested free of all known genetics defects!

Son of Super Dude who is used around the world Superior maternal sire Long lived blood lines with many offspring 12-14 years of age and still producing each year Respectable gains 4.0 - 5.2 lbs

John Hanbidge Site 816 Comp 163 RR#8 Saskatoon Sk. S7K 1M2 (306) 374-0763 January/February 2011


Finance charges are now being applied to all accounts that are over 60 days past due. The following charges will apply: $5 charge per month on an outstanding balance of $250 and under; $10 charge per month on an outstanding balance of $251 to $500; $20 charge per month on an outstanding balance of $501 to $1000 and $25 charge per month on an outstanding balance of $1001 and above.


You should have received your inventory and registration application in early November. We apologize for the delay in getting those out (programming/ printing problems). As listed in the letter you received with the inventories, please note the enrollment for females for 2011 were due in our office by Dec. 1, 2010. Invoicing of $5 per head of 2011 enrolled females will begin in January 2011 (along with billing 2011 dues, if not already submitted). If you have decided the MAPP program is not the best-suited program for your herd, please let us know by Dec. 1, 2010 to avoid being invoiced for 2011 MAPP.


Please read through the information given under the “Welcome Note” found on our homepage at


It is now time to register show animals for winter shows. Please keep in mind during the winter show season, you will need to allow at least two to three weeks for turn-around on registrations and transfers sent in to our office. If a paper is needed within that time, a rush fee ($25 per eight head) will be required before the work will be completed.


Once an animal is registered, it is backed up that same night to our Web site at It can be viewed the following day by clicking on “Breed Information” then “Search the Maine-Anjou Breed.”


You can now go to our Web site,, and click on “Online Billing” to submit payment by credit card (MasterCard, Visa and American Express and Discover accepted).

2011 DUE

Thank you to those who have recently submitted your 2011 dues. Please keep up to date with your AMAA dues!


Please note if a buyer submits a registration and/or transfer from an owner that is not currently a dues-paid member, that buyer will be charged for the seller’s membership fee or annual dues (adult dues are $100). The exception to this rule is if all animals owned by that individual (non - or inactive member) are being transferred or cancelled at the same time as what the buyer has submitted, the membership fee would be waived. In that regard, work is held until complete payment is received.


Please note when faxing in rush work, it must reach our office by 2 p.m. in order to be processed in that day's work. If a faxed rush is received after 2 p.m. it will be processed the next business day.

January/February 2011

AmericAn mAine-Anjou AssociAtion P.O. Box 1100 - 204 Marshall Rd. Platte City, MO 64079-1100 AMAA (816) 431-9950 Fax (816) 431-9951 Voice (816) 858-9954 - Fax (816) 858-9953


John Boddicker, executive vice president Dave Steen, commercial developmental director Dawn Jochim, registrar Lindsey Broek, Voice editor/director of communications Kasey Herman, director of youth activities Rhonda Boddicker, administrative assistant Marta O'Brien, adminstrative assistant Tammy Seevers, office assistant

executive committee:

Bill Thorne, president Marty Van Vliet, 1st vice president Jirl Buck, 2nd vice president Rick Carlson, secretary/treasurer Fred Nessler, at-large

region i

Rick Carlson - (816) 560-3533 3702 S.W. 224th - Plattsburg, MO 64477 John Dickerson - (765) 962-6365 990 Baker Rd. - Martinsville, IN 46151 Troy Jones - (419) 648-5870 P.O. Box 127 - Harrod, OH 45850 Fred Nessler - (217) 698-0202

536 N. Bruns Lane, Ste. 1 - Springfield, IL 62702

region ii

Scott Bilslend - (308) 384-6257

608 Ravenwood Dr. - Grand Island, NE 68801

Brad Nelson - (712) 263-3453 901 Hwy. 39 - Denison, IA 51442 Cory Thomsen - (605) 730-2397 40460 254th St. - Mitchell, SD 57301 Marty Van Vliet - (641) 628-9639 372 190th Ave. - Otley, IA 50214

region iii

Mark Beauprez - (303) 822-9260 11780 Mimosa Rd. - Byers, CO 80103 Jirl Buck - (580) 795-7271 R.R. 1 Box 344A - Madill, OK 73446 Josh Enlow - (918) 321-5196

19732 B S. 145th W. Ave. - Sapulpa, OK 74066

Bill Thorne - (806) 244-5234 P.O. Box 1057 - Dalhart, TX 79022


Jerry Adamson - (402) 823-4350 HC 74 Box 10 - Cody, NE 69211 Mike Holden - (712) 652-3200 559 240th St. - Scranton, IA 51462 Barry Nowatzke - (219) 872-6218 9335 W. 200 N - Michigan City, IN 46360



Please note, we do have a listing of sires available on our Web site. You will find bulls listed alphabetically by nickname. This is found as “Frequently Used Sires” on the Web site,


If you are selling an animal, we ask that you register and transfer the animal in a TIMELY MANNER to avoid extra charges and to assure buyers they are purchasing from a reputable business person. Rushes will be done in the order they are received; the rush fee is currently $25 (covers eight head). If rush work is faxed, it is the breeder’s responsibility to give us a follow up phone call to make sure the work is legible and to cover all fees. It is not our office staff’s responsibility to call breeders who fax in registration work. No work will be released until payment is complete. We will do our best to complete rush work received in our office by 2 p.m. (Monday-Friday), so it will go out the next business day. There is no same-day turn-around. For big weekend events, such as state expos, we reserve the right to require work to be in our office no later than 2 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to that weekend’s show. Please plan ahead. Thank you!


Please submit any TH/PHA status on your cattle if you have not already done so. Please include registration numbers. Status can be viewed on our Web site by clicking on "Search the MA Breed" keying in a registration number and looking at the GAB status. You can obtain the appropriate forms for sample submission on our Web site as well, by clicking on "Genetic Abnormality Information" found on the left side of the homepage. Please note we are now accepting results from AgriGenomics, Igenity Labs or Pfizer Animal Health.


Please be patient and keep in mind that it takes approximately two to three weeks to process samples and then get the results back to you. It is up to you to forward a photocopy of results to our office. Make sure the registration numbers are listed on the photocopy so we can match the sample with the correct animal. AgriGenomics can be reached at (217) 762-9808 between 1 – 4 p.m. CST; Igenity Labs at (877) 443-6489 or Pfizer Animal Genetics at (877) 233-3362. When mailing samples, enclose a sample submission form with the samples. Refer to the instructions for sample submission for further submission information. Enclose a request for release if you want the results to be sent to the AMAA. These forms can be found on the Web site;, under the "Genetic Abnormality Information." Please keep in mind that we currently require all donor


dams and AI sires to have BOTH TH and PHA on file at the AMAA. Owners of such individuals will continue to receive notices until the AMAA has documentation with the status. If the donor dam or AI sire is no longer alive, please submit a disposal code with such information. Granted, the option is available on deceased AI sires to send a sample of thawed semen. Make sure the sample is packaged properly to reduce the chance of crushing the straw through the mail and the lab not having a viable sample to test.


Beginning Jan. 1, 2010 performance only registrations submitted via hard copy will be processed as free for the first eight head and charged $7.50 for each animal amount. Online entries will continue to be done free.


Starting Jan. 1, 2011 we will also be able to accept payment by Discover card in addition to Visa, Mastercard and American Express. Also please note that due to compliance regulations we are no longer able to store your credit card information so if you are an account that pays by credit card, it will be up to you to provide that information each time work is submitted.


National Western Stock Show Denver, Colo. Jan. 14 - Pen Shows, Pepsi Arena Jan. 15 - Bright Lights Bull and Heifer Sale, Livestock Center and Auction Arena in the Yards Jan. 16 - Junior Maine-Anjou and MaineTainer Shows, Open Maine-Anjou and MaineTainer Shows (starting with bulls) Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo Fort Worth, Texas Jan. 28 - Check in cattle Jan. 30 - Open Fullblood Female and Bull shows, Open Maine-Anjou Bulls, Open MaineTainer Females, Open Maine-Anjou Females. Hotel Headquarters Fort Worth Radisson Hotel Fossil Creek 2540 Meacham Blvd., Fort Worth, TX 76106 (817) 625-9911 Ask for AMAA block. Rates are $99

January/February 2011


AJMAA EAstErn rEgionAl Junior show Oct. 1-3, 2010 • Harrisburg, Pa. Judge: J.P. Hausner, Thomasville, Pennyslavania

Grand Champion Female John Boyd, Gerradstown, W.Va.

Grand Champion MaineTainer Female Sara Hollar, Oakland, Md.

Thank you to all who participated in the Eastern Regional this year. The show had a great turnout of junior exhibitors. Several exhibitors participated in the Cattleman’s Challenge and had a lot of fun with it. Thank you to MeeCee Baker, Jessica Manross, Bob Mikesell and Jim Sharp for all of your hard work in making this regional a success! Your help is greatly appreciated by the AJMAA!

No Picture Available

Reserve Grand Champion Female Kurt Fleener, Robesonia, Pa.

Reserve Champion MaineTainer Female Kurt Fleener, Robesonia, Pa.

Champion Maine-Anjou Bull Ella Klink, Hartstown, Pa.

Showmanship Winners Junior- Terrill Treaster Intermediate- Kenneth Poole (not pictured) Senior- Kurt Fleener

Cattleman’s Challenge Winners Junior- Libby Baker-Mikesell Intermediate- Dylan Giebner Senior- Carrie Elmore

2010 January/February 2011


2010 North American International Livestock Exposition Cattle Judging Results (names are in no particular order in any pictures)


Top 10 Individuals: 1- Kelli Retallick, Wis., 2- Brady Jensen, Kan., 3- Taylor Haliburton, Texas, 4- Mackenzie Carnahan, Colo., 5Adam Helregel, Ill., 6- Levi Shelby, Okla., 7- Catharine Koroulis, Colo., 8- Leah Hawkins, Minn., 9- Alix Pearson, N.D., 10- Logan Bracy, Mich.

Top Cattle Team: Colorado- Mackenzie Carnahan, Morgan Hatfield, Cole Carnahan & Catherine Koroulis.

Junior College Top 10 Individuals: 1- Morgan Meisenheimer, Butler C.C., 2- Austin Thompson, Hutchinson C.C., 3- Chandler Akins, Butler C.C., 4Redlands C.C., 5- Blake Nickle, Fort Scott C.C., 6- Jacob Holmes, NEO, 7- Stewart Harbin, Eastern Okla. State, 8- Luke Strecker, Hutchinson C.C., 9- Chastin Leggett, Fort Scott C.C., 10- Graham Blagg, Redlands C.C.

Top Cattle Team: Butler Community College- Ethan James, Whitney Darr, Barrett Carlisle, Chandler Akins & Morgan Meisenheimer.

Senior College

Top 10 Individuals: 1- Kaylee Kerbs, OSU, 2- Caleb Crosswhite, Texas Tech, 3- Chase Reed, OSU, 4- Garrett Knebel, OSU, 5- Clint Mefford, OSU, 6- Cassie Silveria, KSU, 7- Kirby Carpenter, Texas Tech, 8- Jara Settles, KSU, 9- Andrew Kryzer, Minnesota, 10- Webb Fields, Texas A&M.


Top Cattle Team: Oklahoma State University- Kaylee Kerbs, Chase Reed, Garrett Knebel, Clint Mefford & Darrin Annuschat.

January/February 2011

Junior Update American Junior Maine-Anjou Association • •

2010-2011 Jr. Board Members

Executive Committee: Ryan Jones, President – Region III 3432 Springdale Rd. Ardmore, OK 73401 (580) 222-1008 • Corey Green, Vice President – At-Large P.O. Box 590 Des Ark, AR 72040 (479) 214-1938 • Anna Loftin, Secretary/Treasurer – Region 1 169 Loftin Rd. Elm Grove, LA 71051 (318) 676-9129 •

Region I

Rachael Carlson 3702 S.W. 224th Plattsburg, MO 64477 (816) 785-7413 •

Region II

Bailey Core 859 92nd Ave. Pleasantville, IA 50225 (641) 780-7765 • Bailey Buck R.R. 1 Box 344A Madill, OK 73446 (580) 677-2648 •

Region III

Lisa Reid 14510 Brighton Rd. Brighton, CO 80601 (303) 917-0828 •


Mackenzi Dorsey 35297 C.R. 41 Eaton, CO 80615 (904) 733-1791 •

Advisors Candace Muir 19113 Graham Rd. Waynesfield, OH 45896 (419) 604-9832 • Rashele Blakley P.O. Box 465 Oologah, OK 74053 (918) 693-5769 •

2010-2011 AMAA Royalty Queen

What Fall Brings... by Rachael Carlson, Region I Director

When the fall season comes to mind, some people think of the trees turning color, heading back to school, Friday night football games and the start of the holiday season. For people in the cattle industry, this time of year means making those priceless cross country journeys to find the next “great one” and my personal favorite, the trips to the fall shows. My favorite shows are definitely the fall and winter shows. There is nothing I love more than seeing my friends in Kansas City after the dreadful start of the school year, showing on the green wood chips in Louisville, walking through the great representation of the Maine-Anjou breed in the yards and on the hill in Denver and soaking up the warm spring like weather in Fort Worth. For many, these shows are an opportunity to bring out the babies and break the anticipation of the start of their show career before the beef expos and jackpots are in full swing. For others, it’s another opportunity to show their big heifers one last time and to show off the hard work they’ve done all year. Personally, I prefer to show big heifers compared to calves. I love dragging the big heifers around because their temperaments are much like puppy dogs at this stage of the game. Whether we like to admit it or not, we’ve probably developed a bond with

them from our countless hours in the barn rinsing, brushing and blowing on them. It’s hard to think about putting a heifer up after you’ve spent almost an entire year working on her. I like the fall and winter shows, because it’s a great opportunity to make breeding decisions for the next year. It’s chance to see how the cattle that I’ve seen during the summer have matured and a chance to get a “sneak peek” at what next year will bring. These shows are a great representation of the MaineAnjou breed and it is only one side of the cattle industry. They are a great place to see long time friends and make new ones. These shows make a good learning opportunity, it’s a chance to observe what other breeds are doing to be more innovative and to see how the MaineAnjou breed can learn from their successes. So juniors of all ages, even if you don’t exhibit cattle, I encourage you to attend these shows, especially if you have never been. They are a great place to spend time with friends and meet new friends, learn more about the Maine-Anjou breed and the cattle industry and most importantly, expand your horizons.

Carrie Elmore South Carolina

Junior Princesses Shelby Seymour, Texas Chloe Van Vliet, Iowa

January/February 2011


New Junior Members California

Wyatt Cockrell Escalon, CA (209) 380-8043 Justin Daniels Cottonwood, CA (530) 347-5040


Kayla Deskus Putnam, CT (860) 928-4426


Kagen Long St. Cloud, FL (407) 791-7240


Casey Grubbs Connersville, IN (765) 265-1207 Bailey Harvey Brookville, IN (765) 265-4018 Rylan Jester Mooreland, IN (765) 766-5322 Reese Newsom Noblesville, IN (317) 677-5799 Justin Phelps Bremen, IN Braden J. Reece Brazil, IN (812) 443-2287 Kayla Sankey Waynetown, IN (765) 720-5947


Aschlen Harborth Ponchatoula, LA


Shay Bonham Merrill, MI (989) 842-3827 Jordin Carrick Blanchard, MI (989) 561-2896 Samantha Colombo Casco, MI (586) 727-8582 Taylor Kelly Kingston, MI (989) 636-7235 Cole Menck Lawton, MI (269) 624-3111


Emree M. Sifford Terry, MS (601) 624-6073


Braxton J. Beach Syracuse, NE (402) 269-3635 Jeht Stateler Hoskins, NE (402) 565-4308 Jacob Tasler Atkinson, NE (402) 925-2041

new hampshire

Erik Fredrickson Wolfboro, NH (603) 569-3137



Kyle Conrad Dover, OH (330) 343-2329

Dylan Browning Breckenridge, TX (254) 559-5686

Jared Godown New Paris, OH (937) 996-1315

Weston Conine Comanche, TX (325) 356-1202

Lane Manning Union City, OH (937) 968-3167

Parker Davis Stephenville, TX (254) 965-3277

Brittany Stebbins Farmersville, OH (937) 696-1500

John Derry Medina, TX (830) 589-2225

Christopher Tooms New Concord, OH (740) 255-0003

Michaela Hornback Humble, TX (281) 319-4043


Kreek James Eldorado, TX (325) 853-2198

Scott Coats Montpelier, OH (419) 485-8673

Tylen Layton Copan, OK (918) 440-0681 Donovan Webb Burns Flat, OK (580) 331-8195 Mack Wood Drumright, OK (918) 352-3522


Michelle Browell Hopewell, PA (814) 652-2150 Ella Klink Hartstown, PA (814) 382-4030

Lauren Brooks Centerville, TX (903) 536-1998

Samantha McClain Dilley, TX (210) 326-8022 Miley Miller Hillsboro, TX (254) 582-7282 Kase Renfro Stephenville, TX (254) 968-6090 Ryan Smart Mansfield, TX (817) 739-4165

Dillon Sheiss Larwill, IN (260) 799-4045


January/February 2011

New Adult Members CALIFORNIA

Herd Prefix: TMW Mark Wright 4400 Fairview Rd. Hollister, CA 95023 (831) 902-9233

ILLINOIS Herd Prefix: KELM Mark H. Keller 12923 N.C.R. 400 E. Mattoon, IL 61938 (310) 927-5711

INDIANA Herd Prefix: EMGR Greg Emmons 1 Lavender Lane Bedford, IN 47421 (812) 279-2308

Herd Prefix: DWF Drew & Stacy Fischer 6190 W. 500 N. Royal Center, IN 46978 (574) 702-1310 IOWA Herd Prefix: JEPS Fred E. Jepsen 307 Cedar Ave. Charter Oak, IA 51439 (712) 678-3375

KANSAS Herd Prefix: LM Mike Lindsell 9691 Sherman Rd. Leonardville, KS 66449 (785) 293-5282

MISSOURI Herd Prefix: HLEA Hannah Lea 842 Hwy. 0 Cuba, MO 65453 (573) 885-2588

OHIO Herd Prefix:PRB Pine Ridge Farm Todd & Kris Bair 6956 Palmer Rd. West Salem, OH 44287 (330) 465-8673

OKLAHOMA Herd Prefix: MYB 2M Ranch Bill Myers P.O. Box 194 McCurtain, OK 74944 (918) 441-8235

Herd Prefix: KSP Kevin Perrier Bartlesville, OK 74006 (918) 333-2563

Herd Prefix: MEI Kevin & Julie Meier 909 Upper Mason Creek Rd. Bandera, TX 78003 (830) 460-8558

Herd Prefix: JJJW Jimmy Wooden 405 W. Beech Pond Creek, OK 73766 (580) 984-2065

OREGON Herd Prefix: CKRL Walt & Brenda Cockrell 1420 Goodrich Hwy. Oakland, OR 97462 (541) 459-5624

SOUTH DAKOTA Herd Prefix: MMMF Muntefering Farms Mike Muntefering 40769 272nd St. Dimock, SD 57331 (605) 770-7066

Herd Prefix: JDRD Double J Cattle Co. J. Dennis Reed, DVM 1440 E. St. Hwy. 6 Dublin, TX 76446 (254) 445-4147 UTAH Herd Prefix: DKT D. Keith Taylor P.O. Box 685 Ferron, UT 84523 (435) 384-2134

WASHINGTON Herd Prefix: WTF Jerry & Kristin Poyser 14519 99th Ave. N.E. Arlington, WA 98223 (360) 651-8844

TEXAS Herd Prefix: DHL Warren Dahl 150 C.R. 3330 Clifton, TX 76634 (254) 675-8284

March/April Herd Sire Issue & AI Book Deadline Feb. 1, 2011 Call today to place your ad! 816.858.9954 or January/February 2011


2010 American Royal Maine-Anjou Show Open Show Judge Chad Breeding, Miami, Texas Judge Chad Breeding of Miami, Texas sorted through 70 head of some of the best MaineAnjou and MaineTainer genetics the breed has to offer. Quality was second to none! In the Maine-Anjou show, Kaitlin Bell, Nowata, Okla., was named grand champion female with DJC Walkie Talkie 912, a March 19, 2009 daughter of Hall’s Legacy Plus. Walkie Talkie rose to the top out of a competitive spring yearling division. Hannah Moore, Alton, Ill., was named reserve grand champion with BNWZ Beauty 1W, a Jan. 2, 2009 daughter of GVC Statesman 4R ET. Congratulations to Kaitlin and Hannah on a job well done! Although small in numbers, the MaineTainer show was packed with quality from top to bottom. Mason Walker, Prairie Grove, Ark., was crowned grand champion with Anita Loan, a May, 10, 2009 daughter of Hollywood. Anita Loan came out of a tough summer yearling division. Ms. Sweet Whiskey, an April, 10, 2009 daughter of Monopoly was named reserve grand champion for Nick Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa. A job well done to Mason and Nick on their champion and reserve heifers! RRRC Hennessy, a May 19, 2009 son of K&A Troubadour, was named grand champion Maine-Anjou bull for Graves Cattle Co., Chillicothe, Mo. and Carlson Maine-Anjou, Plattsburg, Mo. BPF Premium Blend 77W was given the reserve grand champion Maine-Anjou bull honors for Par Five Cattle Co., Lake City, S.D. Congratulations to all of the exhibitors in the bull show!

The 2010 World Class Maine-Anjou sale proved to be another great exhibition of MaineAnjou genetics. Elite Maine-Anjou and MaineTainer genetics were auctioned off to a packed house on Oct. 29, 2010 in Wagstaff arena. The pre-sale activities were a highlight for many, giving Maine-Anjou enthusiasts from across the country the opportunity to catch up with old friends and make some new. Thank you to all those who consigned and purchased in this year’s World Class Maine-Anjou sale! We look forward to seeing you all again next year!

Sale Results 18 lots of elite Maine-Anjou genetics grossed $36,025 and averaged $2,000.

High Selling Lots $2,500 - Lot 5 - Right to flush JSC Lucky Lady 42W. Consigned by Cameron Alexander.


January/February 2011

2010 American Royal Maine-Anjou Show 6th Annual World Class Maine-Anjou Sale Oct. 28 & 29, 2010 ● Kansas City, Mo.

Grand Champion Female DJC Walkie Talkie 912 March 19, 2009

Sire: Hall’s Legacy Plus ●Dam: EC Pocahontas 387R Exhibited by: Kaitlin Bell, Nowata, Okla.

Reserve Grand Champion Female BNWZ Beauty 1W Feb. 22, 2009

Sire: GVC Statesman 4R ET ● Dam: Boss Beauty 84M Exhibited by: Hannah Moore, Alton, Ill.

Grand Champion MaineTainer Female Anita Loan May 10, 2009

Reserve Grand Champion Female MS Sweet Whiskey April 10, 2009

Exhibited by: Mason Walker, Praire Grove, Ark.

Exhibited by: Nick Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa

Sire: Hollywood ● Dam: Whiskey Girl

Sire: Heat Wave ● Dam: Fatty Patty

Grand Champion Bull RRRC Hennessy May 9, 2009

Reserve Grand Champion Female BPF Wanamaker 77W March 10, 2009

Exhibited by: Graves Cattle Co., Chillicothe, Mo. & Carlson Maine-Anjou, Plattsburg, Mo.

Exhibited by: Par 5 Cattle Co., Lake City, S.D

Sire: K&A Troubadour 8T ● Dam: K&A Tiffany 729T Sire: DCC Smokin Joe 157P ● Dam: DCC Mercedes 701P

2010 American Royal Maine-Anjou Show Maine-Anjou Female Division Champions

Champion Junior Heifer Calf ● Div. 1 BSC Miss Temptation 34X April 20, 2010

Sire: HAA Cross Roads 511S ● Dam: K&A Tempest 76J Exhibited by: Katie Braun, Northwood, Iowa

Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf ● Div. 1 CRLL Jessica 11X May 5, 2010

Sire: K&A Top Shelf 13T ● Dam: K&A Tempest 762T Exhibited by: Jordan Crall, Albia, Iowa

Champion Junior Heifer Calf ● Div. 2 MINN Eleanor 1X March 12, 2010 Sire: Predator 19U ● Dam: JSC Katie 5S Exhibited by: Jon Heaton, Toulon, Ill.

Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf ● Div. 2 BPF Jewel 26X Jan. 26, 2010 Sire: SLC Sooner 101M ● Dam: DCC Jewel 230L

Exhibited by: Bushy Park Cattle Co., Highland, Md.

No Photo Available

Senior Calf Champion BK3R Who’s Playing 9010 Sept. 25, 2009

Sire: HAA Wisdom 505S ● Dam: DCC Playmate 267K Exhibited by: Trey Moore, Madill, Okla.

Reserve Senior Calf Champion DRCC Miss Willie Nov. 30, 2009

Sire: DRCC Ultra Sonic ● Dam: DRCC Miss Tillie Exhibited by: Trent Kempker, Jefferson City, Mo.


January/February 2011

2010 American Royal Maine-Anjou Show Maine-Anjou Female Division Champions

No Photo Available Summer Champion BK Whiz Kid 923 May 9, 2009

Sire: TNAT Parker ● Dam: BK Strategy 617 Exhibited by: Rebecca Moore, Madill, Okla.

Reserve Summer Champion CRLL Miss Spice Girl May 5, 2009

Sire: K&A Spice 74S ● Dam: Sheena Exhibited by: Jordan Crall, Albia, Iowa

January/February 2011


2010 American Royal Maine-Anjou Show MaineTainer Female Division Champions

Champion Junior Heifer Calf ● Div. 1 HAFC Miss Kelsey 57X April 4, 2010

Sire: Unregistered ● Dam: HAFC Miss Tia

Exhibited by: Cody Duhaime (McCullough), Allerton, Iowa

No Photo Available

Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf ● Div. 1 BPF Mariah 54X March 25, 2010

Sire: BPF Mercedes Benz 131U ● Dam: Unregistered Exhibited by: Bushy Park Cattle Co., Highland, Md.

Senior Calf Champion DJC Wave At Lulu 9037 Sept. 9, 2010

Sire: Heat Wave ● Dam: Miss Bourbon Exhibited by: Ty Bell, Nowata, Okla.

Reserve Champion Summer Yearling TBSC Star Stopper 1W May 5, 2009

Sire: TBSC Show Stopper ● Dam: Unregistered Exhibited by: Chloe Van Vliet, Otley, Iowa

No Photo Available

Reserve Champion Junior Yearling KB Sammie March 1, 2009

Sire: Unregistered ● Dam: Miss Burch 445

Exhibited by: Paul D. Millier, III., Torrington, Wyo.


January/February 2011

2010 American Royal Maine-Anjou Show Maine-Anjou Bull Division Champions

Champion Junior Bull Calf ● Div. 1 GEE Magnum April 6, 2010

Sire: HAA Wisdom ● Dam: DCC Playmate 140R

Exhibited by: Blaize A. Madrid-Evans, Kansas City, Mo.

Champion Junior Bull Calf ● Div. 2 WAC 2 Face 14X Jan. 26, 2010

Sire: DCC Way Cool 199S ● Dam: Miss Hot Genes 20 WEA Exhibited by: Kellie Alexander, Linneus, Mo.

No Photo Available

Winter Bull Calf Champion ALI 43 WEA Nov. 20, 2009

Sire: DCC Way Cool 199S ● Dam: Miss Hot Genes Exhibited by: Dale & Kay Wealand, Elmdale, Kan.

Reserve Spring Yearling Bull WAC Burn Notice 59W March 4, 2009

Sire: HAA Bold Move 284T ● Dam: WAC Mystic 160S Exhibited by: Kellie Alexander, Linneus, Mo.

Champion Senior Bull K&A Unitus April 7, 2008

Sire: K&A Travel Agent 39R ● Dam: Miss K&A 440P Exhibited by: K&A Farm, Blakesburg, Iowa & Braun Show Cattle, Northwood, Iowa

Premier Breeder Bushy Park Cattle Co., Highland, Md. January/February 2011

Premier Exhibitor Kaitlin Bell, Nowata, Okla. 31

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January/February 2011

2010 National Maine-Anjou Show and Convention Held in conjunction with the North American International Livestock Exposition Nov. 14-17, Louisville, Ky.

The 2010 National Maine-Anjou Show was a smashing success! Sorting this year’s set was Wes Hudson, Harrison, Ark. Hudson evaluated 25 head of outstanding MaineTainer females, 27 head of Maine-Anjou females and eight bulls. Rising to the top of the 2010 National MaineTainer show was Mason Walker with Anita Loan, a May 10, 2009 daughter of Hollywood. Reserve champion honors went to Janel Gilbert with Miss Cedes, a Jan. 16, 2010 daughter of Northern Improvement 4480 GF. Congratulations to both Mason and Janel on a job well done! Although small in numbers the Maine-Anjou female show proved to be salty with competition! TJSC Lucky Lady 2X, an SLC Sooner 101M daughter, reigned supreme for Jones Show Cattle, Harrod, Ohio. Claiming the reserve honors was MISS Dottie, an April 16, 2010 daughter of TJSC Hot Commodity, shown by Becca Chamberlin, Winchester, Ind. Congratulations to Jones’ and Becca! The 2010 National Maine-Anjou bull show was packed full of power! Grand champion Maine-Anjou bull honors went to MCCF ABU, an April 5, 2010 son of CMAC Hard Core, exhibited by Candace Muir, Waynesfield, Ohio. Reserve champion honors went to CRLL Tracker X105, an April 6, 2010 son of K&A Top Shelf, shown by Crall Show Cattle, Albia, Iowa and Bremer Show Cattle, Blakesburg, Iowa. Congratulations to Candace, Crall Show Cattle and Bremer Show Cattle!

Grand Champion Maine-Anjou Female TJSC Lucky Lady 2X Jan. 27, 2010 Sire: SLC Sooner 101M ● Dam: FSJC Campbell Lucky Lady Exhibited by Jones Show Cattle, Harrod, Ohio

Reserve Grand Champion Maine-Anjou Female MISS Dottie April 16, 2010 Sire: TJSC Hot Commodity ● Dam: BPF Miley 80T Exhibited by Becca Chamberlin, Winchester, Ind.

Grand Champion MaineTainer Female Anita Loan May 10, 2009 Sire: Hollywood ● Dam: Whiskey Girl Exhibited by Mason Walker, Praire Grove, Ark.

Reserve Grand Champion MaineTainer Female MISS Cedes Jan. 16, 2010 Sire: Northern Improvement 4480 GF ● Dam: Miss Bourbon Exhibited by Janel Gilbert, Greenville, Ohio

January/February 2011


2010 National Maine-Anjou Show Maine-Anjou Bull Champions

Grand Champion Maine-Anjou Bull MCCF ABU April 5, 2010 Sire: CMAC Hard Core ● Dam: MCCF Shay Exhibited by Candace Muir, Waynesfield, Ohio

Reserve Grand Champion Maine-Anjou Bull CRLL Tracker X105 April 6, 2010 Sire: K&A Top Shelf ● Dam: K&A Casey L119 Exhibited by Crall Show Cattle, Albia, Iowa & Bremer Show Cattle, Blakesburg, Iowa

2010 Bull Division Winners

Junior Bull Calf Champion ● Div. II CICM 77 North Feb. 10, 2010 Sire: SLC Sooner 101M ● Dam: GPKG Sharps Miss Erika Exhibited by Dustin Cunningham, Coolville, Ohio


Early Summer Yearling Bull ELE Windsor June 5, 2009 Sire: ELE Tyson ● Dam: ELE Talledega Exhibited by Encore Livestock Enterprise, Saint Anne, Ill.

No Photo Available

No Photo Available

Spring Yearling Bull BPF Wanamaker 77W March 3, 2010 Sire: DCC Smoking Joe 157P ● Dam: DCC Mercedes 701P Exhibited by Par 5 Cattle Co., Lake City, S.D.

Reserve Spring Yearling Bull DCF Wango Tango April 24, 2010 Sire: CMAC Hard Core ● Dam: DCC Playmate 131R Exhibited by Courtney Dickerson, Martinsville, Ind. January/February 2011

2010 National Maine-Anjou Show Maine-Anjou Female Division Champions

Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion ● Div. I CRLL Jessica 11X May 10, 2010 Sire: K&A Top Shelf 13T ● Dam: K&A Casey L119 Exhibited by Jordan Crall, Albia, Iowa

Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf ● Div. II BBBN Beauty 481X Feb. 16, 2010 Sire: GVC Statesman 4R ET ● Dam: Boss Beauty 84M Exhibited by Payton Farmer, Brownstown, Ind.

No Photo Available Winter Heifer Calf Champion BK3R Who’s Playing 9010 Sept. 25, 2009 Sire: HAA Wisdom 505S ● Dam: DCC Playmate 267K Exhibited by Trey Moore, Madill, Okla. Reserve Winter Heifer Calf Champion BK3R Why Not Play 9009 Sept. 25, 2009 Sire: HAA Wisdom 505S ● Dam: DCC Playmate 267K Exhibited by Avry Wood, Stratford, Okla.

Champion Summer Heifer BK Wiggles 926 May 8, 2009 Sire: DMCC Limited Edition 4F ● Dam: BK Lucky Lady 3323 Exhibited by Emry Wood, Stratford, Okla. January/February 2011

Reserve Champion Summer Heifer BK Whiz Kid 923 May 9, 2009 Sire: TNAT Parker ● Dam: BK Strategy 617 Exhibited by Becca Moore, Madill, Okla. 35

2010 National Maine-Anjou Show Maine-Anjou Female Division Champions

Champion Junior Yearling DJC Walkie Talkie 912 March 19, 2009 Sire: Hall’s Legacy Plus 738G ● Dam: EC Pocahontas 387R Exhibited by Kaitlin Bell, Nowata, Okla.

Reserve Champion Junior Yearling BNWZ Beauty 1W Feb. 22, 2009 Sire: GVC Statesman 4R ET ● Dam: Boss Beauty 84M Exhibited by Hannah Moore, Alton, Ill.

2010 National MaineTainer Show MaineTainer Female Division Champions

Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf ● Div. I JSC Sweetie March 3, 2010 Sire: TJSC Hot Commodity ● Dam: Unregistered Exhibited by Jones Show Cattle, Harrod, Ohio


Champion Senior Heifer Calf DJC Wave at Lulu 9037 Sept. 9, 2009 Sire: Heat Wave ● Dam: Miss Bourbon Exhibited by Ty Bell, Nowata, Okla.

January/February 2011

2010 National Maine-Anjou Show MaineTainer Female Division Champions

Reserve Senior Heifer Calf ACH Trixies Glitter Sept. 1, 2009 Sire: Who Made Who 411F ● Dam: ACH Cherry’s Trixie Exhibited by Ashley Cherry, Martinsville, Ind.

Reserve Champion Summer Yearling SRC Miss Dirty Deeds 64W May 8, 2009 Sire: GEF Dirty Hairy ● Dam: CA x MA x AN 69 Exhibited by Leslie Rogers, Patoka, Ind.

Champion Junior Yearling TGK Miss Haley April 24, 2010 Sire: SLC Sooner 101M ● Dam: Unregistered Exhibited by Alec Myers, Taylorsville, Ill.

Reserve Champion Junior Yearling KB Sammie 936 March 1, 2009 Sire: Unregistered ● Dam: Miss Burch 445 Exhibited by P.D. Miller, Torrington, Wyo.

Premier Breeder Buck Cattle Co., Madill, Okla.

Premier Exhibitor Jones Show Cattle, Harrod, Ohio

January/February 2011


2010 Junior Maine-Anjou Show and Convention Held in conjunction with the North American International Livestock Exposition Nov. 14-17, Louisville, Ky.

The 2010 Junior Maine-Anjou Show was a great one! Judge Brigham Stewart, Washington, Kan., evaluated an outstanding set of 31 Maine-Anjou heifers! Grand champion junior Maine-Anjou honors were awarded to Taylor Tolle of Taylorsville, Ky., with BBR Waverly 996W, a Feb. 8, 2009 daughter of BFW Mitten Man Q35P. Reserve champion honors went to Kaitlin Bell, Nowata, Okla., with DJC Walkie Talkie 912, a March 19, 2009 daughter of Hall’s Legacy Plus. Congratulations and a job well done to both Taylor and Kaitlin on their heifers! Two MaineTainers reigned supreme in the 2010 AOB show at the North American. No stranger to the winner’s circle this year Anita Loan, a May 10, 2009 daughter of Hollywood, shown by Mason Walker, Prairie Grove, Ark., received the grand champion honors. Reserve champion honors were given to P.D. Miller, Torrington, Wyo., with KB Sammie, a March 1, 2009 MaineTainer heifer. Congratulations to Mason and P.D. on their continued success! Great job to all the juniors who exhibited in this year’s junior show!

Grand Champion Maine-Anjou Female

BBR Waverly 996W Feb. 8, 2009 Sire: BFW Mitten Man Q35P ● Dam: MCF Miss Jolt 216JP Exhibited by Taylor Tolle, Taylorsville, Ky.

DJC Walkie Talkie 912 March 19, 2009 Sire: Hall’s Legacy Plus 738G ● Dam: EC Pocahontas 387R Exhibited by Kaitlin Bell, Nowata, Okla.

Grand Champion AOB Female (MaineTainer)

Reserve Grand Champion AOB Female (MaineTainer)

Anita Loan May 10, 2009 Sire: Hollywood ● Dam: Whiskey Girl Exhibited by Mason Walker, Praire Grove, Ark.


Reserve Grand Champion Maine-Anjou Female

KB Sammie 936 March 1, 2009 Sire: Unregistered ● Dam: Miss Burch 445 Exhibited by P.D. Miller, Torrington, Wyo.

January/February 2011

AMAA Board of Directors Meeting Monday, Nov. 21, 2010â—?Louisville, Ky.

2010-2011 AMAA Board of Directors

Front row, from left, Fred Nessler, Springfield, Ill.; Marty Van Vliet, Otley, Iowa; Rick Carlson, Plattsburg, Mo.; Mark Beauprez, Byers, Colo. Back Row, from left, Jirl Buck, Madill, Okla.; Bill Thorne, Dalhart, Texas; Barry Nowatzke, Michigan City, Ind.; Cory Thomsen, Mitchell, S.D.; Mike Holden, Scranton, Iowa Not pictured, Jerry Adamson, Cody, Neb.; John Dickerson, Martinsville, Ind.; Josh Enlow, Sapulpa, Okla.; Brad Nelson, Denison, Iowa

Region 1 Rick Carlson - (816) 560-3533 3702 S.W. 224th - Plattsburg, MO 64477 John Dickerson - (765) 962-6365 990 Baker Rd. - Martinsville, IN 46151 Troy Jones - (419) 648-5870 P.O. Box 127 - Harrod, OH 45850 Fred Nessler - (217) 698-0202 536 N. Bruns Lane, Ste. 1 Springfield, IL 62702

At-Large Jerry Adamson - (402)823-4350 HC 74 Box 10 - Cody, NE 69211

January/February 2011

Region 1I Scott Bilslend - (308) 384-6257 608 Ravenwood Dr. - Grand Island, NE 68801 Brad Nelson - (712) 263-3453 901 Hwy. 39 - Denison, IA 51442 Cory Thomsen - (605) 730-2397 40460 254th St. - Mitchell, SD 57301 Marty Van Vliet - (641) 628-9639 372 190th Ave. - Otley, IA 5021

At-Large Barry Nowatzke - (219) 872-6218 9335 W. 200 N - Michigan City, IN 46360

Region III Mark Beauprez - (303) 822-9260 11780 Mimosa Rd. - Byers, CO 80103 Jirl Buck - (580) 795-7271 R.R. 1 Box 344A - Madill, OK 73446 Josh Enlow - (918) 321-5196 19732 B S. 145th W. Ave. - Sapulpa, OK 74066 Bill Thorne - (806) 244-5234 P.O. Box 1057 - Dalhart, TX 79022

At-Large Mike Holden - (712) 652-3200 559 240th St. - Scranton, IA 51462


AMAA Board of Director’s Meeting Sunday, Nov. 14, 2010 ● Louisville, Ky. Meeting was called to order by vice president Bill Thorne at 8:30 a.m. Board members present were: Bill Thorne, Marty Van Vliet, Mark Beauprez, Troy Jones, Jirl Buck, Cory Thomsen, John Dickerson, Barry Nowatzke, Rick Carlson, Mike Holden. Board members absent: Jerry Adamson, Scott Bilslend, Josh Enlow, Brad Nelson, Fred Nessler. First order of business was the election of officers. Motion was made and seconded to nominate the following slate of officers: ● President - Bill Thorne ● 1st Vice President - Marty Van Vliet ● 2nd Vice President - Jirl Buck ● Sec./Treas. - Rick Carlson ● At Large - Fred Nessler Motion passed. Motion was made and seconded to accept minutes from the June 2010 American Maine-Anjou Association (AMAA) board meeting. Motion passed. Committee Reports Breed Improvement Motion was made and seconded to delete from the AMAA rules for the registration of cloned animals the regulation that states; cell-cloned animals must have permission of the breeder of the source animal before eligibility to register is allowed. Motion passed. Motion was made and seconded to add to the AMAA rules for registration of “cloned” animals a regulation that states; the registered owner/transferee of


the source animal will have the right to register the clone. Unless the owner transferee acquired the source animal under a bill of sale, terms of sale or similar written instrument which reserved to the transferor the exclusive right to register the clone. The AMAA has been provided a copy of such instrument or term of sale upon transfer to the transferee/ owner. With such a transfer, in whom the transferor of the source animal reserves the exclusive right to clone, the AMAA shall so designate the registration certificate as a clone exclusive reserved animal. Motion passed. Discussion was held regarding the fees charged for registering bulls of another breed in the AMAA registry. No motion was brought before the board to change existing fee schedule. Discussion was held regarding the current membership fee schedule. No motion was brought before the board to change existing fee schedule. Discussion was held regarding the current membership fee schedule. No motion was brought before the board to change the existing fee schedule. Discussion was held regarding the voluntary participation of members in paperless registration transactions where the AMAA would not send certificates back to the registering herd (would not apply to transfers). The AMAA staff is to research feasibility of this issue and report back to the AMAA board at the scheduled June 2011 meeting. The thought

being that paperless registration could be done at a reduced rate. Discussion was held regarding contract options with one genetic company to process AMAA parentage needs along with any genetic abnormality testing that is required. The AMAA staff is to research this issue and report back to the AMAA board at the June 2011 schedule meeting. Building & Grounds Report was given on budgeted expenses that were completed in 2010. No motions were brought before the board. Finance Discussion was held regarding the current profit and loss statement. While the bottom line is favorable, an issue of concern was that of accounts receivable. John Boddicker is to pursue those accounts and make a list available to the AMAA board at the June meeting of delinquent accounts. Two lists are requested by the board, one for the Voice delinquent accounts and one from the general account. Motion was made and seconded to accept the profit and loss statement as presented. Motion passed. Discussion was held with regard to the proposed 2011 budget. Motion was made and seconded to accept as presented. Motion passed. Magazine Discussion was held regarding the current 2010 profit and loss Voice statement. It was noted

January/February 2011

AMAA Board of Directors Meeting Monday, Nov. 15, 2010●Louisville, Ky. that the magazine is showing a $26,000 turn around from 2009 and now operating in the black. No motions were brought before the board. Promotion/Marketing Discussion was held regarding the joint committee meeting with the long range committee regarding the commercial development program and how it relates to our current strategic action plan. During discussion in committee three points of emphasis came to the forefront: ● Breeders are strongly encouraged to include EPDs along with any performance information in regard to their promotion campaigns and specifically sale information. ● As a board we believe for breed longevity and growth this is an avenue (commercial development program) we must continue to pursue. ● Keeping the Maine -Anjou name in front of the public needs constant attention by both membership and association. No motions brought before the board. Sale Discussion was held regarding the World Class sale in Kansas City, Mo. and Maine Focus sale in Louisville, Ky. No motions brought before the board. Show Discussion was held regarding open show exhibitor apparel. The AMAA staff will research cost of

January/February 2011

different types of vests with the intent of re-establishing the vest rule in open shows starting with the 2011 American Royal. Discussion was held regarding bull classes at open shows when 10 or less bulls are entered. No motion was brought before the board to change current class break down. Motion was made and seconded to accept the following judges for the 2011/2012 show season. ● Kansas City - Blake Nelson, Okla. ● Louisville - Charles Boyd, Ky. ● Denver - Jake Franke, Texas ● Fort Worth - Doug Worthington, Calif. ● Denver National Pen of Three Show - Mark Core, Iowa; Dan Shike, Ill.; Brad McCurry, Kan. ● Denver National Junior Show - Mark McCully, Ohio ● Alternates: Denver National Pen Show Alternates - Tyler Winegardner, Ohio; Paul Clapp, Iowa; Mark Hoge, Ill.; Jim Horsley, Ill. Open Show Alternates - Scott Greiner, Va.; Jack Ward, Mo.; Ryan Rathman, Texas; Mark Hoge, Ill.; Jim Horsley, Ill. Youth Discussion was held regarding the upcoming 2011 National Junior show to be held in Kansas City, Mo., at the American Royal complex in conjunction with Hereford, Chianina and Charolais associations. Judges for the Maine-Anjou junior national heifer show will be selected by the junior board using the same

type of system as that of the adult board for selection of open show judges. Grant and sponsorship money are being pursued for the 2011 event. No motions were brought before the board. Old Business An update was provided on the newly formed hall of fame and junior foundation committees. Target date is to have first nominees to the hall of fame announced at the 2012 national convention to be held in Fort Worth, Texas. Foundation committee is in the process of setting guidelines for the expansion of that fund. ● Hall of Fame Committee: Daniel Meyer, Brent Langman and Marty Van Vliet ● Foundation Committee: Dale Phelps and Mark Core New Business The next AMAA board of directors meeting is slated for June 2011 during the national junior show. The next national show and convention will be in January 2012 in Fort Worth, Texas. Motion was made and seconded to go into closed session. Closed session began at 11:20 a.m. Motion was made and seconded to come out of closed session at 11:28 a.m. Motion was made and seconded to research an e-mail vehicle to promote Maine-Anjou genetics and report to the board at the June meeting. Motion passed.


AMAA Annual Membership Meeting Monday, Nov. 15, 2010●Louisville, Ky. AMAA Annual Membership Meeting

Motion was made and seconded to drop the Maine-Anjou sire only stipulation regarding the registration of Maine-Anjou steers. Registrable Maine-Anjou steers can come from either side of the pedigree and must be at least 25% Maine-Anjou to be eligible to register. Motion passed. Motion made and seconded to adjourn at 11:55 a.m.

● Josh Enlow, Sapulpa, Okla., Region III. Motion was made and seconded from the floor to accept minutes from the previous AMAA annual membership meeting as presented. Motion passed. Motion was made and seconded from the floor to accept the financial statement as presented. Motion passed.

AMAA Annual Membership Meeting Meeting was called to order by vice president Bill Thorne, Dalhart, Texas at 2 p.m.. New AMAA board members that were elected by this fall's membership vote were recognized: ● Rick Carlson, Plattsburg, Mo., Region I. ● Brad Nelson, Denison, Iowa; Cory Thomsen, Mitchell, S.D., Region II. ● Barry Nowatzke, Michigan City, Ind., At-Large. Members that were re-elected from this falls process are: ● Troy Jones, Harrod, Ohio, Region I.

Annual Association Report AMAA Executive Vice President John Boddicker gave the association report, highlighting program activities that took place in 2010. For full review of the AMAA committee discussions and board action please refer to AMAA board of director minutes in this issue. Four retiring AMAA board members were recognized for their time, effort and guidance during their individual tenures. A huge thank you goes out to all four individuals from the entire AMAA membership. Retiring directors; Larry Nielsen, Mike Hartman, Phil Core and Larry Breon.


Special association awards were presented to Griswold Cattle Co., Stillwater, Okla, National Breeder of the Year. Larry Breon, Batavia, Ill., Maine Man of the Year. With no old business or new business brought before the meeting, motion was made and seconded to adjourn.

January/February 2011

AMAA Board of Directors Meeting Monday, Nov. 21, 2010●Louisville, Ky. We have an unusually large turnover on the board this year. It is amazing how time passes, but there is over 35 years of total experience leaving the board this year. Each in their own way has added to the betterment of the breed during their individual tenures. As you can imagine when you bring different personalities together, when tough issues are on the agenda, things can get very interesting. These gentlemen have always spoken their peace and regardless of the voting outcome have moved forward.

organization that attempts to do as much as it possibly can for the entire membership, the decisions made on the finance committee are obviously very critical to the long term success of the breed organization. Larry, thank you for your time and effort, the entire organization thanks you.

Retiring Board Member Phil Core, Pleasantville, Iowa

Retiring Board Member Mike Hartman, Tecumseh, Neb.

Retiring Board Member Larry Nielsen, Neosho, Mo. The two committees that Larry Nielsen has devoted the most time would be the magazine committee and finance committee. We have seen many changes in the Voice during Larry’s tenure, with change of personal, printers, style and most notably how we presently set up the magazine. The Voice has had a history of being in the red, but with noted changes we will be in the black in 2010 and it looks like the blueprint is set to stay there for awhile. With a small

January/February 2011

Mike Hartman has always been involved in two of the committees that seem to have the most burning issues meeting after meeting. Like I mentioned with Larry Nielsen, the finance committee carries a lot of responsibility, but Mike’s involvement in the breed improvement committee is probably where Mike has left his biggest mark. With changing times, a change in the way we do business is inevitable if we are to keep pace. Those are hard issues, that as one might expect, Mike has never been shy in giving his opinion. You could always count on Mike’s rosy personality and the occasional utterance of a four letter word or two at attended meetings. His business approach will be missed. Thanks, Mike.

During Phil’s tours of duty, he has been the secretary/treasurer of the AMAA board and very active on the sale committee. I think it is fair to say that Phil always, and I mean always, has some interesting views to throw into the debate of an issue. Those will be missed, or will they? Seriously, those types of questions made everyone think of all options before a decision was made to move forward. The Denver sale has been a super promotional device for the entire organization and Phil’s dedication to that event will be missed. On behalf of the AMAA we would like to say a sincere thank you to these individuals!


AMAA Board of Directors Meeting Monday, Nov. 21, 2010●Louisville, Ky.

Maine Man of the Year Larry Breon, Batavia, Ill. Larry Breon is finishing up 12 years on the board, nine of which he has acted as president of the board. Professionally and personally, I have come to know him and respect his ability to listen and give you a very objective response, regardless of the issue. First and foremost, Larry is a business man that always had the best long term interests of the breed in mind. He was never shy to disagree with an idea or thought I may have and he was a frequent caller in the office just to keep up to speed on what we were doing or any travel plans we may have. If one stops to think of all the changes that have taken place over Larry’s tenure, it would prove to be a long list. One of the more notable would be the acquisition of our present office space and the method by which we helped finance the project. If you remember the general account actually borrowed money from the junior account and that payment schedule has been on a seven percent earnings rate ever since. Given the ups and downs of the market place, I would say that


any of us would be happy with a steady seven percent return on our money. This is the first meeting in all of the years that Larry has not been able to attend, and is for a very good reason. Larry is recovering from a recent operation and we wish him the very best. Along with being a retiring board member, I am delighted to say that Larry will be your 2010 Maine Man of the Year, a sincere token of the membership’s gratitude for being a steady leader of this organization. His presence will be missed, but I know he is ready to leave the ranks of being a board member.

John has been faithful in reporting ultrasound data and weight requirements. Also in the 2009 Herd Reference issue, Griswold Cattle Co., was listed as having the top registrations of Maine-Anjou cattle with 295 head and third with transfers of 123 head. In the recently published 2010 Herd Reference issue, Griswold Cattle Co., was again recognized as the leader of breed registrations with 384 head and second with transfers of 145 head. When it seems at times by some to not pass on the pedigree to customers, especially when dealing with the commercial bull buying sector, John has taken the stance that a transferred piece of paper is his stamp of authenticity to the pedigree and a set of numbers. We truly appreciate this line of thinking and would hope that it would serve as a model to all of our Maine-Anjou breeders that sell bulls into the commercial sector.

National Breeder of the Year Griswold Cattle Co., Stillwater, Okla. Our National Breeder of the Year Award goes to an operation that sometimes seems to fly under the radar screen, but in reality markets more Maine-Anjou genetics into the total market than any present Maine-Anjou operation. Griswold Cattle Co., markets elite show heifers, holds an annual bull sale, markets bred females and has a good size offering of Maine-Anjou feeder cattle that we know for a couple years running topped the market on Superior.

January/February 2011

by Lura Roti When your business is in the “middle of nowhere,” like Blind Badger Ranch, Brian Fox says marketing becomes even more crucial to the operation’s success. “Everyone knows we are out here by ourselves. Because of the drive, we have to work hard to convey the message to our customers that our cattle are worth the drive,” says Fox, ranch manager of the Ft. Morgan, Colo., Maine-Anjou seedstock operation.

Brian Fox manages Blind Badger Ranch, Ft. Morgan, Colo., pictured with wife, Paula. Knowing where to spend your marketing dollars and selecting tools that will produce the results you are looking for can be a challenge - whether your

January/February 2011

operation is remote or not. When Fox develops a yearly marketing strategy that will pull its weight, build the Blind Badger Ranch brand and attract customers to their annual sale, he doesn’t count on just one tool to get the job done, his strategy is quite diverse. He runs print ads in the MaineAnjou Voice, Show Circuit and other livestock magazines, maintains an up to date Web site and as the date of his annual sale approaches, he mails out a sale catalog. Maximizing his web exposure, Fox posts the catalog on his Web site along with live video of the cattle he will be marketing. He sends out e-blasts to past customers as a reminder of the upcoming sale date. It is important to Fox his marketing strategy reach as many potential customers as possible, whether they are tech savvy or not. “Although there aren’t too many people today who do not have access to the internet, we all need to remember that there is still a generation that does not feel comfortable with the computer,” says Fox. Just this year Fox hired The Showtext to send out text message sale reminders to MaineAnjou enthusiasts. Texting is an

emerging marketing tool that Jon Gevelinger, founder of The Showtext, says reaches across the generations and bridges the technology gap. “Within our industry there is always some who embrace technology, and those who don’t. That’s why texting works so well. Customers don’t have to know how to text, all they need to do is open their phone and the information is right there,” says Gevelinger, 24, who got the idea for The Showtext after stepping out of the National Western Junior show ring two years ago.

Jon Gevelinger, the founder of The Showtext, saw a need for quick, convenient, communication among livestock producers and breed organizations through cell phone text messaging.


The Oklahoma State University senior says within minutes he received 15 text messages from friends asking who won the steer show. “It became apparent to me that there was a need for result broadcasting,” says Gevelinger, a Mineral Point, Wis., native who grew up showing Maine-Anjou club calves for his uncle, Bob May. The Showtext sends out texts of show results, sale results, entry deadlines and ads to subscribers throughout the livestock industry. Fox depends on assistance from business owners, like Gevelinger, and the designers of his Web site to take care of the day to day technical operations, design his ads and sale catalogs, so he can focus on his priority - managing Blind Badger Ranch. “Each year the number of people who attend our sale increases. This shows that the marketing strategy is working,” says Fox. Just in case Fox’s marketing efforts don’t entice potential customers to show up in person on sale day, Blind Badger Ranch streams their sale live online through Superior Livestock Production so customers can bid no matter where they are located. Viewing cattle from a computer monitor - whether during an online auction or on a breeder’s Web site is a growing trend says Kyla Copeland, co-owner and business manager of Maximum Exposure, Inc. “Instead of having to travel to


sales, customers can just jump on the web and view the cattle that are for sale,” says Copeland. Kyla, her business partner, Mark Sneed and their video production manager, Jeana Hurlbut, drove several thousand miles this season capturing live video for breeders Web sites. We are constantly booked,” says Copeland. “We can also provide breeders with a DVD that they can send out to potential customers. This provides them with more than a photo in a sale catalog, customers are now able to pop in a DVD to see the animals.”

wife, Rosemary and daughter, Rachael, converted their purebred Shorthorn operation to registered Maine-Anjou seven years ago. No stranger to marketing, along with operating a registered livestock operation, Carlson spent several years of his career as vice president of an international business for Farmland Foods, the senior vice president of PM Beef and today he markets food ingredients and is a marketing consultant for many branded beef and pork programs through the Summit Foods Group.

Getting Your Brand Out There If you want to increase your brand recognition, but don’t know where to start, Rick Carlson encourages Maine-Anjou breeders to begin by embracing the inexpensive and effective options the Internet provides. “The Internet is the biggest, single thing a breeder can do to start marketing their product. It is an amazing tool that allows you to touch a lot of people, very, very quickly,” says Carlson, owner of Carlson Maine-Anjou, Plattsburg, Mo. During a recent online auction sale, Carlson’s cattle received more than 25,000 views from potential customers. “We didn’t sell to everyone of those people, but they know about our business. The sale created awareness,” says Carlson, who along with his

Rick Carlson, along with with wife, Rosemary and daughter, Rachel, own and operate Carlson Maine-Anjou, Plattsburg, Mo. Throughout his career Carlson says the number one marketing tip he’s gleaned is to first focus on product development. “You have to build a product that performs and creates value for your customer. Then you can create a marketing program and sales pitch after that,” Carlson says, adding that his family didn’t start

January/February 2011

marketing their registered MaineAnjou cattle until they began producing results that customers could get excited about. Once the product is ready, he says to “create a tale with every sale. Have good sound data and platform to go with your cattle,” says Carlson. Along with maintaining a Web site, sending e-mail blasts to customers and print advertising, Carlson says that nothing beats one on one interaction with potential customers. “Anytime you can get out and touch people and have a dialog you are creating a positive impression. Whether that is exhibiting at shows or becoming involved in your state and national breed organizations,” says Carlson, who makes a point to make follow up phone calls to all his customers throughout the year to better understand their current and future needs. During shows he finds ways to create brand recognition while connecting with potential customers. This year during the American Royal, he set up a TV beside his stalls which streamed video from their recent sale. A new idea he picked up while exhibiting at the North American International Livestock Exposition (N.A.I.L.E.) from another exhibitor, was distributing packets which contained DVDs featuring live video of his cattle and information about his operation.

January/February 2011

Social Media and the Role it Plays in your Marketing Plan Facebook is a free promotional tool Carlson began using this year. “We felt it was yet another venue we could use to touch more people and create dialog with potential customers,” he says of the service his daughter set up and manages for the operation. Copeland says Facebook has been an effective marketing tool for her husband, Matt. He used it this fall when advertising his club calf sale. “He posted photos and video links on Facebook and received several calls from buyers who learned of the sale on Facebook,” says Copeland.

Evaluate your Plan Each Year To ensure his marketing dollars are spent most effectively, Carlson evaluates results each year. For example, to promote a recent online auction, Carlson advertised in several print publications and sent out e-mail blasts. Now that the sale is over, utilizing tools provided by his Web site designers, Carlson can see what cities and states the auction viewers and buyers were from. He also asks everyone who made a purchase how they found out about Carlson Maine-Anjou. Using this information, Carlson is able to determine, based on interest, what regions of the country he needs to focus more marketing dollars, and if there was a lack of

interest from a specific region, he can cut back on his marketing effors in that region. “I do what I refer to as a “postmortem” Carlson says. “When I try new things for the first time, I am using the shot gun theory because I don’t have much information to go off of. Moving forward, I look for ways to collect information that I can analyze so the next time I can focus my marketing and marketing dollars. References: ● The Showtext: ● Maximum Exposure, Inc.: ● Carlson Maine-Anjou: ● Blind Badger Ranch:


Junior Shows Tulsa State Fair

Oct. 10, 2010 – Tulsa, Oklahoma Judge: Greg Walthall, Missouri

Grand Champion Female Reserve Champion Overall Heifer Exhibited by Kaitlin Bell, Nowata, Okla.

Grand Champion Bred and Owned MaineTainer Female

Grand Champion Market Steer Reserve Overall Steer

Exhibited by Garrett Weir, Bristow, Okla.

Exhibited by Tyler Batt, Cordell, Okla.

No photo available

Reserve Grand Champion Bred & Owned MaineTainer Female Exhibited by Rhett Whittington, Arapho, Okla.

Reserve Grand Champion Market Steer Exhibited by Bailey Buck, Madill, Okla.

Reserve Grand Champion Female Exhibited by Lauren Slover, Tishimingo, Okla.

Grand Champion MaineTainer Female Exhibited by Caden Chandler, Lindsay, Okla.

Grand Champion Prospect Steer Champion Overall Prospect Steer Exhibited by Bailey Buck, Madill, Okla.

Grand Champion Bred & Owned Female Exhibited by Reighly Blakley, Oolagah, Okla.

Reserve Grand Champion MaineTainer Female Exhibited by Macee Coggins, Nowata, Okla.

Reserve Grand Champion Prospect Steer Exhibited by Garrett Hudgins, Mannford, Okla.

Reserve Grand Champion Bred & Owned Female Exhibited by Haley Douglas, Atoka, Okla.


January/February 2011

Heart of it All

Junior Shows

Nov. 27-28, 2010 – Lima, Ohio Judges: Todd Herman, Okla. (heifers, Ring A: steers, Ring B) Ryan Rathman, Texas (heifers, Ring B: steers, Ring A)

Grand Champion Steer - Ring A Exhibited by Austin Trbovich, Waynesburg, Ohio

Grand Champion MaineTainer Female Ring B Exhibited by Candace Muir, Waynesfield, Ohio

No photo available

Reserve Grand Champion MaineTainer Female - Ring B

Grand Champion Female Champion Overall - Ring A

Exhibited by Emily Allen

Exhibited by Sam Grauer, Shiloh, Ohio

Reserve Grand Champion Steer - Ring A Exhibited by Danielle Heintz, Lakeview Ohio

Grand Champion Steer Fifth Overall - Ring B

Reserve Grand Champion Female Fifth Overall - Ring A

Exhibited by Austin Trbovich, Waynesburg, Ohio

Exhibited by Becca Chamberlin, Winchester, Ohio

Grand Champion Female Third Overall - Ring B Exhibited by Sam Grauer, Shiloh, Ohio

Reserve Grand Champion Steer Ring B

Grand Champion MaineTainer Female Reserve Overall - Ring A

Exhibited by Elizabeth Pugh, Louisville, Ohio

Exhibited by Jordan Gilbert, Greenville, Ohio

Reserve Grand Champion Female Fifth Overall - Ring B Exhibited by Becca Chamberlin, Winchester, Ohio

Reserve Grand Champion MaineTainer Female - Ring A Exhibited by Candace Muir, Waynesfield, Ohio

January/February 2011

2011 National Junior Show June 26 - July 1, 2011 Kansas City, Mo. 49

Open Shows Tulsa State Fair

Oct. 4, 2010 – Tulsa, Okla. Judge: Brandon Callis, Texas

No photo available Grand Champion Female

Reserve Grand Champion Bull

Reserve Grand Champion Female

Exhibitied by Diamonds in the Rough, Oolagah, Okla.

Exhibited by Kyle Ramsey, Checotah, Okla.

Reserve Grand Champion Female

Grand Champion MaineTainer Bull

Grand Champion MaineTainer Female

Exhibited by Diamonds in the Rough, Oologah, Okla.

Exhibited by A.W. Thorne Land & Cattle, Adair, Okla.

Exhibited by Drew Stolipher, Charles Town, W.V.

Reserve Grand Champion MaineTainer Bull

Reserve Grand Champion MaineTainer Female

Exhibited by 3-A Land & Cattle, Bowie, Texas

Exhibited by Elmore Cattle Co., Enoree, S.C.

Exhibited by Kyle & Gayle Marshall, Churubusco, Pa.

No photo available Grand Champion MaineTainer Female Exhibited by A.W. Thorne Land & Cattle, Adair, Okla.

No photo available Reserve Grand Champion MaineTainer Female Exhibited by Diamonds in the Rough, Oologah, Okla.

Keystone International

Sept. 30, 2010 – Harrisburg, Pa. Judge: Fred Weaver, Pennsylvania

Grand Champion Bull

Grand Champion Bull

Exhibited by Diamonds in the Rough, Oolagah, Okla.

Exhibited by Courtney Dickerson, Martinsville, Ind.

Grand Champion Female Exhibited by Campbell Show Calves, Sycamore, Pa.


January/February 2011

Open Shows WESTERN REGIONAL JUNIOR MAINE-ANJOU SHOW Feb. 18-20, 2011 Paso Robles, Calif. Reserve Grand Champion Bull Exhibited by Kyle & Gayle Marshall, Churubusco, Pa.

Held in conjunction with Cal-Poly’s Western Bonanza

Maine-Anjou & MaineTainer Heifer Shows

Grand Champion MaineTainer Bull Exhibited by Wyatt Fix, Hustontown, Pa.

Participate in the Cattleman’s Challenge to test your knowledge on the cattle industry! Added events and prizes for the AJMAA members! For more information contact: Kasey Herman, AMAA Director of Youth Activities P.O. Box 1100 Platte City, MO 64079

Reserve Grand Champion MaineTainer Bull

Wendy Hall Entry deadline: Postmarked by Feb. 1, 2011

For entry forms visit

Exhibited by Kyle & Gayle Marshall, Churubusco, Pa.

Correction The results from the 2010 Missouri State Fair Maine-Anjou bull show were incorrect. The photo of the reserve grand champion bull was left out of the show coverage in the October issue of the Voice. Please note Larry James Family, Paris, Mo., exhibited the reserve grand champion Maine-Anjou bull.

January/February 2011


Extra Voice Maine-Anjou Voice • •

One Year... by Lindsey Broek, editor/director of communications

2011, where did 2010 go? Again I find myself sitting at my desk, shaking my head in disbelief that another year is behind us. When I think about 2011 a lot of things come to mind. What are some things we here at the Voice can do to improve and increase reader participation, advertising and subscription? How can we as an association work together to improve communication to give you the best customer experience possible? How can we as a breed make our mark on an ever changing industry? I recently read a press release from Certified Angus Beef (CAB). Although I have no "beef" with the Angus breed or CAB, I beg to differ with the contents of the release. As a graduate of South Dakota State University, it has been instilled in me the advantages of hybrid vigor and crossbreeding. I also learned every breed can provide an advantage in different situations. Not everyone has the same set of cows or the same environmental conditions. After reading the article I would ask the question "Why limit yourself to only one breed when there are many? Like the old saying, two heads are better than one. At one particular point in the release, this statement was made “Evidence suggests the Angus breed has been developed since the 1980s to a point where crossbreeding may not provide a feedlot or carcass advantage."

Recently, Oklahoma Panhandle State University released the results from a 112 day feed test with Maine-Anjou bulls. Of the bulls tested they had an overall average daily gain (ADG) of 4.0 lbs. Eighteen percent of those bulls had an ADG of 5.0 lbs. and two bulls gained over 6.0 lbs., per day! Results from a similar test held at the Iowa Tri-County Steer Carcass Futurity (TCSCF) with a group of higher percentage Angus who were put on a 163.9 day feeding trial where they gained 3.28 lbs. per day. They called this a “classic example of how bringing in another breed to achieve feedlot performance” was not necessary. As you can see, our results were actually stronger than those of Angus on a similar test! Obviously there are many variables to be considered but to imply there is little advantage to crossbreeding, when the appropriate cross of a second breed like Maine-Anjou is selected, is short sighted. The article just serves as reminder that we, as Maine-Anjou breeders, must step up and step out to tell our own story. Let our Voice be heard that Maine-Anjou cattle have a strong place in the beef industry and will create extra value for breeders. The proof is on the paper and we need to collect meaningful data to prove this point whenever possible. If we continue to breed with conviction and work to increase breed awareness every day we will

continue to make our mark in the commercial industry. If you would like to read the press release you can find it at: www.angus. org/pub/newsroom/releases/11510_ CABAngusAdvantage.aspx. I would also like to remind everyone to watch their mailbox for the 2011 Bright Lights MaineAnjou sale catalog! It will not disappoint. We have compiled an extraordinary group of cattle for you to evaluate and I know you will find the right fit for your individual program needs. Please feel free to call John, Dustin or Dave with any questions you may have concerning the sale. I look forward to seeing everyone in the “Yards” in Denver! Please feel free to contact myself or Kasey with any questions you may have regarding potential advertising for the 2011 calendar year. We are happy to help anyway that we can. I wish everyone a prosperous New Year and look forward to seeing everyone in the year to come! Travel safe, and will see you in Denver!!!

March/April Deadline Feb. 1 52

January/February 2011

Card Ads Colorado


Blind Badger ranch Jim Hett (303) 435-1271 Brian Fox (970) 483-5126 Ft. Morgan, Colo.

Maine-Anjou Breeding Stock and Club Calves


TLM Bouncer 152L A Building Block to the Future!

Proven calving ease Homozygous Solid Black TH & PHA FREE

Foundational • Commercial • Show Quality Cattle Everett - Mike - Steve Forkner Rt. 1 Box 19 • Richards, MO 64778 • (877) 489-0570 •

Maine-anjou Bulls & Heifers Spring and Fall Club Calves

Mark, Lisa, Nick & Megan Beauprez (303) 378-0718 P.O. Box 1475 Fort Benton, MT 59442 Mike O’Hara — (406) 734-5434 Heath O’Hara — (406) 734-5443 Hardy O’Hara — (406) 734-5252


since 1971


Denison Acres


Home of KBSC Watergate 1W

Contact: SEK or Genex for semen.

800.443.6389 or 222.333.1783

Black Polled Purebred & Percentage Maine-Anjou

Gene & Danette Loder 13408 90th St. S.W. • Scranton, ND 58653 (701) 275-6227 — home • (701) 206-0721 — cell


Breeders of Quality Registered Maine-Anjou & MaineTainers

Denny and Donna Denison P.O. Box 86 Keatchie, LA 71046 (318) 697-4617 (318) 747-1400

Max and Debra Redgate John and Chancey Hanson Waynoka, Oklahoma

(580) 824-1041 • (580) 334-3439 31/2 miles East of Waynoka on Hwy. 281

North Dakota

The RIGHT BEGINNING for a GOOD ENDING Ken, Audrey and Kendall Bremer 23384 Ridge Rd., Blakesburg, IA 52536 (641) 938-2163 •

24332 Philson Farm Rd. Bartlesville, OK 74006 (918) 914-3085 ●


Land & Cattle



Clover Hill Cattle High and Low% Maine-Anjou Cattle Specializing in calving ease bulls.

Bob Fields, D.V.M. • Maine-Anjou • Show Cattle • Bulls • Seedstock 36578 Morgan Hill Rd. • Wister, OK 74966 (918) 655-7750 • (918) 655-3105

South Dakota

Miles & Kim DeJong 31842 DeJong Rd. Kennebec, SD 57544 (605) 869-2329 (605) 222-1292 - Miles cell Visitors welcome! Please no Sunday business

Jeff, Becky, Jessie, Cale and Jenna Ziegler Phone: (330) 364-4777/(330) 204-2668 Dover, Ohio

March/April Voice Deadline Feb. 1 January/February 2011


Card Ads Alta., Canada

Since 1970

Fred & Joan DeRouchey

1001 Hurst Ave. • Mitchell, SD 57301 Phone: (605) 990-6488 Fax: (605) 990-6489 Mobile: (605) 530-6488 or (605) 530-6489

Call us - you will be glad you did!


NuHaveN Cattle CompaNy

John H. Schuessler & Sons Box 115, Castell, TX 76831 (325) 247-4048 (325) 247-3446 Maine-Anjou Cattle • Club Calves

Quality Purebred and MaineTainer cattle with out cross genetics.

Gary & Kristine Smith (403) 227-2523 (403) 350-9802 - cell

Kelly & Scott Fraser (403) 598-4323

Box 198 - Pine Lake, Alberta - T0M 1S0

Wilson Stock Farm

Bill & Judi - (403) 934-5737

Sid Greer Daingerfield, Texas (903) 645-3232 - phone (903) 645-7752 - fax (903) 452-9738 - cell Do you want to put some vigor back in your herd? FULLBLOOD RED & WHITE GENETICS THE BASIS OF THE MAINE-ANJOU BREED

"Performance Cattle With Style!" (830) 741-3184 - home (210) 364-1937 - cell

Do you have a service or want to promote your operation? Call or e-mail Lindsey (816) 858-9954 or 54

Fax | 405.387.2965 1748 South Portland Newcastle, OK 73065 “Your sale is my main concern”

steve DoRRan Auctioneer

81453 Kramer Lane hyannis, ne 69350 Cell: (760) 972-7736 home: (970) 472-0514


WLW SERIOUS BUSINESS 58P Breeding quality Maine-Anjou since 1972

‘The Maine Bull Sale’ annually in March


(740) 796-5242 • (740) 683-3235 •

2005 World Champion Livestock Auctioneer Specializing in purebred and general livestock auctions

Auctioneers Auctioneer

Ken and Nan Persyn P.O. Box 654 Castroville, TX 78009 Just west of San Antonio

Res. | 405.387.3236

Ron KReis

SW Cattle Shawn - (403) 934-3061 Strathmore, Alberta, Can.

Al Conover

ts and super

Cell | 405.823.2972


Gary & Sandy Graham 306.823.3432

Texas County Line RanChes


P.O. Box 9 Baxter, IA 50028 (641) 227-3537 Office (641) 227-3686 Home (641) 227-3792 Fax (515) 491-8078 Cell

Bill SheRiDan auctioneer (517) 676-9800 P.O. Box 53 Mason, MI 48854

Worthy of Your Confidence

JIM BESSLER Office: 815.895.7868 Cell: 815.762.2641 Fax: 815.899.9121 'PYQPJOUF %SJWF t 4ZDBNPSF *- t

January/February 2011

Card Ads Services AUCTIONEER

KEVIN WENDT The Wendt Group 23855 S.R. 161 Irwin, Ohio 43017 Cell: (419) 566-1599

n Today’s Semen o ires! Hottest S call for a free directory or view online at

Advancing Genetic opportunities Genetic Preservation and Cloning services 2938 380th St. Sioux Center, Iowa 51250 1-877-4-BOVANCE (1-877-426-8262) 13015 South 63 Hwy. Clark, MO 65243 (866) 356-4565

Jame Secondino 20860 Clinton Rd. Paris, IL 61944 (765) 832-COWS A re presen ta tive of


PROFESSIONAL SALES MANAGEMENT 1019 Waterwood Pkwy., Ste. D Edmond, OK 73034

Doug Paul - (405) 840-9012 - (405) 820-3982 Dustin Layton - (405) 464-2455

2011 National junior Maine-Anjou Show June 26 - July 1, 2011 Kansas City, MO Look on for updates! For questions contact Kasey at (816) 858-9954 or

January/February 2011


Iowa Beef expo sale & Show at the Iowa State Fairgrounds Annual Banquet, Meeting and Fundraiser Auction Wednesday, Feb. 16th 5:30 p.m. Social Hour 6:00 p.m. Banquet Walnut Center on the Iowa State Fairgrounds

Offering High Quality Maine-Anjou Bulls & Females


Thursday, Feb. 17 9 a.m. Maine-Anjou Show

Sale Thursday, Feb. 17

2:30 p.m. Maine-Anjou Sale - North Annex

-Anjou e n i a M Offering ales of this em ant w Bulls & F t ’ n o You w ! r e b i l a c ent! v e s i h t to miss


January/February 2011

Maine-Anjou Bull & Female Sale

Saturday, Jan. 15, 2011 • 3 p.m. Denver,Colo.

Practical, Profitable, Predictable.... it’s Maine-Anjou!

Sale Consultant: Dustin Layton 405.464.2455 Commercial Development Director Dave Steen 515.201.3281

P.O. Box 1100 ● 204 Marshall Rd. Platte City, MO 64079 816.858.9954 ●

The proof is in the Paycheck! January/February 2011


Mile High Female raffle Thank you to Nowatzke Cattle and Blind Badger Ranch for donating this heifer!

BBBN PEBBLES 191X Birthdate: May 6, 2010 Sire: HAA Wisdom 505S Dam: BOE Pebbles 911R

The drawing for the heifer will be before the “Bright Lights� sale in the yards in Denver, Jan. 15, 2011 at 3 p.m. All proceeds go towards the 2011 National Junior Show being held in Kansas City, Mo., June 26 - July 1.

1 ticket - $250 or 3 tickets - $500 Ask a Junior Board Member how to purchase a ticket!

P.O. Box 1100 Platte City, MO 64079 (816) 431-9950 58

January/February 2011

We would like to thank all who supported the American Junior Maine-Anjou Association (AJMAA) in the 2011 calendar sale. We appreciate your help! Willow Springs, Prairie Grove, Ark. Bremer Show Cattle, Blakesburg, Iowa Buck Cattle Co., Madill, Okla. DeJong Ranch, Kennebec, S.D. Trans Ova Genetics, Sioux Center, Iowa Humphrey Show Calves, Dixon, Ill. Tim Burke, Genoa, Neb. Moore Land & Cattle, Alton, Ill. Oklahoma Steel & Wire, Madill, Okla. Blind Badger Ranch, Fort Morgan, Colo. Griswold Cattle Co., Stillwater, Okla.

P.O. Box 1100 Platte City, MO 64079 816-431-9950

January/February 2011

Quality beef starts with quality forage.

Cattlemen have numerous roles to play and soil fertility manager is just one of them. • Fertilizer additives add flexibility to your application schedule, which not only saves you precious time and money, but gives you peace of mind that your nutrients will be available when and where you need them. • AVAIL® Phosphorus Fertilizer Enhancer helps protect phosphorus, keeping it available to plants throughout the growing season. • NutriSphere-N® Nitrogen Fertilizer Manager reduces nitrogen leaching and volatilization for a better return on your nitrogen fertilizer investment. • AVAIL and NutriSphere-N are proven to boost forage yields, crude protein and TDN.* To learn how to get the most out of your fertilizer investment talk to your fertilizer supplier, visit or call 888-446-GROW. *Data on file.

AVAIL and NutriSphere-N are registered trademarks of SFP. NutriSphere-N is not approved for use in California. ©2010 SFP. All rights reserved. 1012 41565


Jerry - June - Jay - Judd

The Gibson Family

e w


We have teamed up with the Mai Family of ZNT Cattle to continue our tradition in the Maine Anjou breed. We have an incredible set of Fullblood and Percentage Maine Anjou cattle that combines foundation genetics with the latest from the top breeders in the country. We are also utilizing the best Angus genetics to combine with our Fullblood program to create True F-1 females.


to those who joined us for our Plan to attend our next Open House Open House this fall. on September 24, 2011. Details will be available on our website.

Jerry: 214-801-3000 Zane: 817-233-9357 60

January/February 2011

January/February 2011



2011 Maine-Anjou Voice Schedule

March/April - Sire Summary

Feb. 2, 2011

2011 Maine-Anjou AI Sire Book

Feb. 2, 2011

May/June/July - Herd Reference

April 1, 2011

August/September - Youth

July 1, 2011

October - Commercial Issue

Sept. 1, 2011

November/December - Performance

Oct. 1, 2011

January/February 2012 - Year in Review

Dec. 1, 2011

P.O. Box 1100 204 Marshall Road Platte City, MO 64079 Phone: (816) 858-9954 Fax: (816) 858-9953

Hotel Headquarters: Hyatt Regency Crown Center (816) 421-1234 Block: Charolais, Maine, Chi Room rate: $99 National Junior Maine-Anjou show is held in conjunction with Charolais and Chianina in Kansas City, Mo.!

June 26


- July 1

Start making your plans now to attend this great event!

, 2011

For any questions, contact Kasey Herman, Director of Youth Activities, at (816) 431-9950

January/February 2011

Clean Jeans 94S K&A Kasanova x K&A Claire Purebred

America's Maine A.I. Brand

GEF Open Bar Ice Chest x Black Impact 3/4 Maine I-80 Cowan’s Ali 4M x DCC Hard Drive Purebred DCC Hard Drive 138R CMAC Hard Core x MVH Miss Pinnacle 4J Purebred Mercedes Benz Cowan’s Ali 4M x Dr. Who 3/4 Maine GVC Maverick SLC Sooner 101M x GVC Samantha 591R Purebred NBJ Gigolo Joe BPJV Hotline x NBJ Lap Dancer Purebred GVC Special Delivery GVC Noble Man 11N x GVC Sarah Jane 402P Purebred K&A Nautica 47N EBB Strictly Business x K&A Sally F601 Purebred Majors Money Man 673J Majors Waldo x Majors Cher 673F Purebred CAG Shiver 301R Chill Factor x CAG Miss 301L MaineTainer GVC Fortune and Glory SLC Sooner 101M x Black Smoker Purebred

TLM Bouncer 152L DMCC Body Builder x EFF Dutchess 901J Purebred BFW Mitten Man Q35P FJH Special Edition 505M x LMJ Connie 590 Purebred Boomer DMCC Limited Edition x Pannell Miss 015 Purebred

Predator Lamborghini (Double bred Midas) x Jewel (Backdraft,/Angus) 3/4 Maine

(866) 356-4565 call for a free directory or view online at

When advancing your herd, why limit yourself to only one queen?

Bovance, the industry’s premier source of cloning technology, can help you advance genetic potential by multiplying the very best in your herd. Bringing together the most advanced technology leadership and reproduction experience, Bovance can help you create more royalty in your breeding program.

Go to or call 1- 877- 4 -BOVANCE to learn more about how cloning can help you

advance genetic opportunities.

Bovance is a joint venture between Trans Ova Genetics and ViaGen.

This bull is a can’t miss. His impressive stats in Denver: Weight 1,065 lbs. Rib Eye Area 14.16 sq. inch Fat Thickness .21 inch WDA 3.4 lbs. Scrotal Cir. 36 cm.


This exciting young sire is TH & PHA Free! DOB: 03/05/2009






E T A G R E T WA 3/4








30.5 YWT 60.5 MILK 26.0 M&G 41.1

Act BW


Adj WW


KBSC Watergate 1W created a huge stir of interest at the 2010

National Western Stock Show. This young sire was the lead member in the Champion Pen of 3 Maine-Anjou bulls that were also voted the “The Crowd Favorite”. This solid black, smooth polled 3/4 son of the legendary Cowan’s Ali 4M, presents him with a combination of calving ease, great maternal strength, eye appeal and style plus performance in a balanced EPD profile. His soundness and ease of travel compliments his overall completeness that will positively impact the future genetics of the Maine-Anjou breed.

To add that “Genetic Balance” to your breeding program this coming season, consider using KBSC Watergate 1W, “The Cattlemen’s Ideal Herd Sire”! For Semen $25 per unit • Contact: Genex at 888.333.1783, SEK Genetics 800-443-6389 or Denison Acres

DENISON ACRES Denny and Donna Denison P.O. Box 86 • Keatchie, LA 71046 (318) 697-4617 • (318) 747-1400


We use and recommend...

2010 Brigh Light Consignments PRV Come On Man 0054X Dcc The Man RSCC Paris 22P PB - Scurred - Black BW WW YW M MG 1.0 40.1 76.8 21.8 41.8 PRV X-Tra Security 0018X HAA Security LR Miss Rock Solid 742P PB - Scurred - Black BW WW YW M MG 2.5 53.4 102.5 22.6 49.2 PRV X-Man 0023X DCC The Man LR Miss Rock Solid 742P PB - Scurred - Black BW WW YW M MG 0.9 48.2 94.5 23.0 47.0 PRV Manix 0024X DCC The Man LR Miss Rock Solid 742P PB - Scurred - Black BW WW YW M MG 0.9 48.2 94.5 23.0 47.0 Neal Pearson - 605.470.0448 43523 11th St. - Lake City, S.D.

Chuck Ringkob - 605.530.3707

30902 Niles School Rd. - Springfield, S.D. 66

Offering a MaineTainer Discovery son in the Bright Lights sale. Make sure to check him out in our pen in Denver! Look for quality consignments of this caliber at the Sioux Empire Farm Show and Watertown Winter Farm Show!

January/February 2011









Consistency, reliability, and repeatability — that’s breeding confidence. You can trust


Trans Ova Genetics to combine the art of reproductive

technologies with the industry’s most dedicated and experienced team of professionals to help achieve


your unique breeding program goals. Call us today to multiply the success of your elite cattle genetics.


multiply success


HEADQUARTERS Sioux Center, Iowa 800.999.3586

Chillicothe, Missouri 800.372.3586

Centerville, Texas 866.924.4586

Index/Dateline Index of Advertisers 4J Family Partnership............60 Blind Badger Ranch .........55,72 Beauprez Land & Cattle .......55 Bonham, Steve ......................56 Bovance .............................57,64 Buck Cattle Co. ........................3 Bushy Park Farm...................BC Cattle Max...............................57 Clover Hill Farm ....................55 Cattle Visions ....................57,63 Conover, Al .............................56 Continental Livestock Services...................................57 County Line Ranches............56 DeJong Ranch....................15,55 Denison Acres...................55,65 DeRouchey, Fred...................56 DJ's Cattle Co. .......................55 Dorran, Steve .........................56 DP Sales Services..................57 EDJE Technologies ................32 Fields, Bob .............................61 Graham, Gary .........................56 Great American Insurance Group ......................................56 Green Valley Cattle Co. ......IFC Greer Farm, The ....................56 Iowa Beef Expo. .....................55 Jones Show Cattle ................4,5 K&A Farm ...............................55

KNP Land & Cattle Co. .........56 Kreis, Ron ...............................56 Lathrop Livestock Transportation.......................57 Loder Cattle Co. ...................55 Maine Express .......................70 Magpie Maines ......................16 Mid-Continent Farms .............1 Nagel Cattle Co ................11,12 NCC..........................................24 Nowatzke Cattle ..................IBC NuHaven Cattle Co. ..............56 O’Hara Land & Cattle............55 Ohio Beef Expo. ......................7 Ohlrich, Wayne.......................71 Okie Blue Sky Farms........... .55 Par 5 Cattle Co .......................66 PrimeTime Agri Marketing Network...................................57 Questioning Hills Livestock 67 Redgate Cattle Co. ................55 Secondino, Jami.....................57 SEK ..........................................14 Sheridan, Bill .........................56 Showtimes ..............................25 SFP ...........................................59 Trans Ova Genetics ...............68 Truline Maines ..................13,55 Wendt, Kevin .........................57 Wilson Stock Farm ................56

Dateline January

1 14 15 16 16 16 16 16 29

HAPPY NEW YEAR Denver National Pen-of-Three bull and female show, Denver, Colo. 2nd Annual Bright Lights Maine-Anjou bull and female sale, Denver, Colo. Denver National Open Maine-Anjou bull show, Denver, Colo. Denver National Junior MaineTainer female show, Denver, Colo. Denver National Open MaineTainer female show, Denver, Colo. Denver National Junior Maine-Anjou show, Denver, Colo. Denver National Open Maine-Anjou show, Denver, Colo. Fort Worth Fullblood female and bull show, MaineTainer female show and Maine-Anjou bull and female show, Ft. Worth, Texas

February 1 Deadline: March/April Voice 5 Ohlrichs/Felt annual bull sale, West Point, Neb. 15 Bushy Park Farm Tradition of Excellence online bull sale. 18-19 Western Regional Junior Maine-Anjou show, held in conjunction with Cal Poly's Western Bonanza, Paso Robles, Calif. 17 Iowa Beef Expo Maine-Anjou show and sale, Des Moines, Iowa 19 Nebraska Cattleman's Classic Maine-Anjou show and sale, Kearney, Neb. 26 DeJong Ranch 43rd annual bull sale, Kennebec, S.D.

March 5

Green Valley Cattle "Big Picture" Sire Sale at the all new Green Valley sale center, Atkinson, Neb. 7 Nagel Cattle Co. Performance Plus Production Sale, Springfield, S.D. 18-19 Ohio Beef Expo Maine-Anjou Sale, Columbus, Ohio 26 Buck Cattle Co.'s Spring Edition XV Sale, Madill, Okla.

Let Your Voice Be Heard! Call Lindsey or Kasey to place your ads today! 816.858.9954

January/February 2011


The cutting edge method of buying & selling Maine-Anjou cattle!

Offering embryo’s by HAA Wisdom!

Offering embryo’s by SLC Merger! Grand Champion Female 2006 American Royal

Next Sale: Feb. 1, 2011

Offering embryos out of Campbell’s Lucky Lady 71N In the past year Lucky Lady daughter’s have been named grand 2010 N.A.I.L.E. Maine female, reserve grand 2009 N.A.I.L.E. MaineTainer & 2010 reserve Grand Maine at NWSS as well at supreme and reserve supreme females at the 2010 Ohio State Fair!

Selling frozen genetics and live cattle via the internet. Opportunities for online production sales. 70

Check out or for more information! Check Contact Tyler Humphrey 419.230.3450 or

for more information! Contact Tyler Humphrey 419.230.3450 January/February 2011

Saturday, February 5, 2011 at 1:00 p.m. West Point Livestock, West Point, Nebraska

Selling Approximately 55 Calving Ease & Performance Bulls Maine-Anjou, ChiMaine, ChiAngus and Simmental Influence Bulls Also selling 15 Simmental Influenced Bred Heifers.

Sale Day Phone 402.372.2493

Pictures and videos go to For a free catalog,contact ...


James, 402.369.0513 Merlin & Delores, h: 402.287.2488 or cell: 402.369.1059

January/February 2011

Wayne & Barb Ohlrichs cell: 402.649.5804 • cell: 402.649.6911 home: 402.371.0695


Grand Champion Junior Maine-Anjou Heifer 2010 N.A.I.L.E.... Congrats Tolle Family!!

Thank You! Huwa Cattle Co. Cameron Alexander Kevin Bremer Bushy Park Farms Shea Geffert Barry Nowatzke Kevin Whitley Brett & Kimberly Constable Neal Pearson Jirl Buck Jordan Lobato

Tim Ridnour Lyle Obrecht Katie Courkamp Brian Hesler Zach Viegel Stephanie Drummond Tom Thurston Burke Show Cattle Levi Zwirn Larry Kersten Lind Show Cattle

A sincere thank you to all the buyers and bidders for making Back to the Basics V a huge success! Nick Benedetto Alan Graybil Dane Jeffers Matt Jameson Tim Weber Vickland Show Cattle Wagner Show Cattle

Blind Badger Ranch

3584 Rd. 22 â—? Fort Morgan, CO 80701 Brian Fox - (970) 483-5126 Jim Hett - ( 303) 435-1271

FeBrUAry 15 | 6:00 PM CST | ONLiNe AT CWCATTLeSALeS.COM Bid ON-LiNe • Bid ON The PhONe • Bid iN PerSON

23X PB Maine Sooner X 4J

New Format: 2011 Bull Sale format has changed to a on online auction. All bulls will be available in person at the Farm in Mitchell, South Dakota for your inspection. You may bid online, in person or over the phone.

Be Sure to Look Us Up At The National Western Stock Show Several of the bulls selling will be on display in The Yard’s.

The OFFeriNG • yearling Maine-Anjou Bulls, Purebred, 3/4 Blood & 1/2 Blood • yearling registered Angus Bulls Sired By The Breeds Leading Sires • yearling Purebred Simmental & SimSolution Bulls 76X PB Simmental Dream On X Sadie

• Most Bulls Will Sell dNA Tested For Tenderness, Feed efficiency & homozygous Black • All Bulls Are Black & Predominately Polled For more information or to request a sale brochure:

Bushy Park Farm - Steve robinson, Owner 40281 260th Street, Mitchell, SD 57301• Fax: 605-996-0721 Cory Thomsen, General Manager, 605-730-2397 Toll Free At: 888-502-7322 •

163X 3/4 Maine

Check our web site for information on our second annual Girls of Summer Show Heifer Sale in Marrietta, OK on March 26, 2011. Where we’ll be showcasing our best summer and fall born show heifer prospects.

Ali X Laurette 58R


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